
An important element of proper growth and development is feeding newborns in the first days: suitable postures, diet and tips for young mothers. Hiccups and regurgitation after feeding. Feeding an infant with formula, cow and goat milk

Every mom asks the question: “ "? Although children's pediatricians tirelessly insist that there is nothing more useful for a newborn baby than mother's milk, some mothers are sure that infant formula can easily replace it.

Is this really so? The benefits of breast milk have been studied well enough, and the answer to this question lies on the surface. Why do manufacturers still produce such a large number of infant formula? Since each baby and for each month the toddler needs individual nutrition. The kind that only breastfeeding can give.

Ideally, how long to breastfeed your baby

A month, three months, a year, or up to 3 years? The World Health Organization (WHO), in its recommendations, write that it is better to consider a minimum period of 2 years. It is more expedient to finish this process in 3 years. We'll look at the pros of each year, hoping to convince you to feed your little one until he gives up on his own.

Why breastfeeding is better than formula

Even breast milk what is ideal for one child may not be suitable for another.

A typical example. 2 girls live in the house on one site. One milky strong constitution Tamara, and fragile airy Vera. Toma gave birth to a little boy - a sturdy one weighing almost 5 kilos, and Vera a little girl 2800, and it constantly seems to her that she has very little milk and it is not as fat as needed. Out of the kindness of her soul, Tom undertook to "feed" the neighbor's baby. Guess how it ended? The hospital. The girl developed terrible diarrhea. The doctor very clearly explained to the young girl that Tamara's milk was too fat. After all, what is necessary for the development of a strong man, whose weight has already exceeded 7 kg in the second month of life, and the need for food from a neighbor's crumbs, weighing 3400 kg. need naturally, in nutrition of different composition.

What your body produces for your baby is perfect !!! There is no need to doubt it. Your body is endowed with "intelligence", it is for 9 months, as if an academician wisely supervised the construction, bit by bit creating a new living organism, who knows better what else your treasure needs? What kind of balanced composition of the mixture can we talk about? The composition of the mother's milk changes several times even during one single day, adjusting to the growing needs of the child. It is fatter at night than during the day. Winter is fatter and more nutritious than summer, who is leading this wise process? Your body.

Photo of a nursing mother and baby

What are the benefits of long-term breastfeeding

The benefits of breastfeeding are clear. In confirmation of this, babies grow excellently, and develop as much as 6 months, consuming only one mother's milk. An adult, during this period, eats a large amount of a wide variety of foods, while lacking vitamins and microelements. The undeniable benefits of breastfeeding are confirmed by the unique composition of milk and how it affects the newborn. In addition to the usefulness, here are the advantages of long-term GW:

  • Always sterile, at the right temperature, ready to use.
  • You get it for free. You are exempt from buying bottles, sterilizers, bottle brushes, special water for preparing mixtures, buying bottle nipples. What prevents you from breastfeeding without spending at least 6 months.
  • No other immunomodulator can compare with its beneficial effects on the body.
  • Creates an invisible but strong bond of tenderness and care between a mother and her child.

Hence, we can conclude that the answer to the question: "How long to feed the baby with breast milk" can only be the answer: "As long as possible, if the baby himself does not refuse hepatitis B."

How long to feed a baby with breast milk, why is it worth feeding up to 1 year

  • Almost 100% digestibility. This is a very important component of GW. The product can be three times useful, but not absorbed by our body, like most pharmacy multivitamins. Mother's milk is absorbed twice as fast as any adapted formula.

If the product is well absorbed, then even a baby's stool once every 8 to 10 days can be considered the norm according to WHO. Everything is so well absorbed thanks to special enzymes (lipase, lactose) that help break down the main ingredients of milk.

Such rare stools are the norm only if your baby is exclusively breastfeeding, and pees at least 12 times a day, gains weight according to the norms for his age. From my own experience, I want to say that children on GV up to a year in weight always overtake their peers who eat mixtures.

  • The types of proteins that the mother supplies to her child (serum albumin and globulins) are very necessary for newborns. Our milk is the leader in the content of all kinds of antibodies.

with baby on the beach after breastfeeding

How long to breastfeed a baby, is it worth feeding after 2 years

  • Promotes the development of strong immunity. There is a study that 80% of children who, even after a year, were breastfed for the next year, did not suffer from anything. Although 2 years is exactly the age when children actively "learn" viruses. In Germany, a study was conducted that children attending a nursery and being on GV almost did not get sick, while the rest of the toddlers often missed visits due to illness. In fact, mother's milk is a living substance. Studies have confirmed that proteins in fresh breast milk push cancer cells to self-destruct. Live blood cells are also found in milk (neutrophils, monocytes, lymphocytes), these cells can literally kill pathogenic bacteria in the baby's body
  • The benefits of breast milk for intelligence are clear. In the early days, months, babies' brains grow most intensively, even during sleep. Colostrum and milk itself contain fats, as well as other trace elements in such a combination that they contribute to the development, the formation of new interhemispheric connections, and the development of nerve cells. It is known that fats are the main source of building material for the brain and nervous system... Studies have shown that the smarter are those children who are a little overweight, but were, of course, completely on breastfeeding.
  • Children with 100% hepatitis B (without complementary foods) are less susceptible to allergic reactions to foods. It has been noticed that even a red apple eaten by a baby, causing a rash in a child, does not occur if he receives the same red apple, only in a portion of mother's milk.

How long to feed a baby with breast milk, why it is worth feeding up to 3 years

Naturally, after 2 years, the child already eats on an equal basis with adults at the same table, but at the same time he still needs GW. Why? Usually after 2 years, HB is night feedings. The breast milk you make is unique. At each stage of the development of the toddler, it contains precisely those biological active substances (hormones, growth factors, etc.) that the baby is not able to assimilate in the required concentration from any other baby food, and which at the moment ensure its full development.

Do not forget about the capriciousness of children at this age, poor appetite. There are children who do not tolerate cow's milk, and do not eat kefirs and yoghurts. All children love sausage and cakes, but not every toddler likes vegetables. Mother's milk compensates for nutritional deficiencies by replenishing those elements that the baby does not receive from food.

There are moms who ask themselves: “ How long to feed a baby with breast milk, because teeth can deteriorate.The myth of pure water. If you are worried about this question, contact your dentists, with the question, how many children on GV do they fill their teeth?

How long to feed a baby with breast milk, does it drain the female body

For moms, the benefits of feeding a baby are also tangible. In women, the risk of developing and developing swollen mammary glands is reduced. When feeding, a woman's body produces more of the hormone oxytocin. He is responsible for the blood supply and contraction of the uterus to prenatal size.

It is probably worth mentioning that if a nursing mother does not eat for two, then there is a high probability of significantly losing weight! It has been verified that the body spends an additional 300-500 calories per day to produce breast milk. For a month, it's very good, and without going to the gym.

Finally, I would like to emphasize that by feeding a child, we can even "treat" him, giving through milk everything that, for some reason, the baby did not receive when we were carrying him. Let's take an example:

The mother gives birth to a child with retinal underdevelopment or other vision problems. A council of 5 doctors draws the darkest predictions. For a year, the mother feeds her child with breast milk, noticing that the baby's eyesight is getting better, without any drugs. Having passed the examination a year with the baby, he is convinced that his eyesight has really improved several times, despite all the diagnoses. Doctors are perplexed, were they really wrong with the diagnosis? No, we were not mistaken. The answer is that the benefits of breast milk also lie in the fact that it contains a substance called taurine, which is necessary for the normal maturation and structure of the human retina, as well as for correct development and the functioning of the child's brain.

Good ones! I found a great video for you on how long to breastfeed your baby.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Last updated article: 28.03.2019

Loving parents are always concerned about the health of their baby, and in infancy, nutrition is undoubtedly the most important. Pediatricians recommend that all women breastfeed their babies. Studies show that children who were breastfed are less likely to suffer from allergies, obesity and diabetes, they have higher immunity and less frequent speech impairments. The composition of human milk is unique, even the best mixtures have not become its full counterpart. Nature has made sure that it is ideal for a newborn. Lactation problems that mothers have are often associated with a lack of knowledge of how to breastfeed properly.

First attachment to the chest

A few days after giving birth, the mother has no milk, only a small amount of colostrum is produced. Do not worry that there is too little of it and the child will be hungry. For a newborn, only 20-30 ml is enough. Colostrum by the concentration of proteins, vitamins and minerals is much superior to milk. But the content of fats and carbohydrates in it is reduced. This promotes the colonization of the baby's intestines with beneficial microflora and cleans it of meconium, reduces the likelihood of jaundice in newborns.

The immune system in a newborn is in its infancy. The immunoglobulins contained in colostrum will be the first protectors of the baby from infections.

Now in maternity hospitals, early attachment of the newborn to the breast is practiced. In addition to preventing possible troubles with lactation, early attachment causes contraction of the mother's uterus and accelerates the separation of the placenta.

Contraindications to early breastfeeding

Early attachment is not possible if:

  • The woman underwent a caesarean section with general anesthesia;
  • There was a lot of blood loss;
  • The mother is diagnosed with a sexually transmitted or serious infectious disease;
  • The pregnant woman was treated with antibiotics before giving birth;
  • The condition of the newborn is serious, the test result by the rapid assessment method is below 7 points.

In order to be able to fully breastfeed when the problems disappear, it is necessary to regularly express milk with a breast pump or by hand.

It is recommended to perform the first expression no later than 6 hours after delivery, then perform the procedure every 3 hours with a night break of 5-6 hours. This will help keep lactation at an acceptable level and avoid mastitis.

Causes of insufficient lactation

Insufficient lactation occurs in a woman in the postpartum period if:

  • she suffered toxicosis in the third trimester of pregnancy,
  • there was an obstetric operation,
  • she had a hormonal failure
  • age over 35.

How to latch a baby to the breast

Important practical advice from breastfeeding consultants - how to properly breastfeed your baby:

  • The infant must independently grasp the areola along with the nipple. When he is hungry, he himself looks for the breast with his open mouth, makes sucking movements with his lips, twists his head. Mom can help him by pinching the areola between two fingers so that the baby grabs more than just the tip of the nipple. At the same time, the lips are slightly turned outward. Deep grip on the nipple prevents cracking.
  • Mom should get comfortable so as not to get tired, because feeding usually takes a long time. In the process of sucking, there should be no unpleasant painful sensations.
  • The baby should be placed with its belly towards the mother, its mouth should be against the chest, the neck should not be turned, and the head should be rigidly fixed. The baby should be able to adjust the position of the nipple in the mouth and turn away when he is full... He should not make an effort to reach the nipple, this can provoke insufficient grip. It is necessary to ensure that the baby's nose is not closed.
  • If the baby is crying and does not take the breast in any way, you can gently touch his cheeks or lips, squeeze a few drops of milk into his mouth.
  • If there is a superficial seizure, then the mother can move away by easily pressing on the baby's chin.
  • You have to control the depth of capture all the time. The baby can correctly grasp the breast, but in the process of sucking, gradually move down to the tip of the nipple, it is not difficult for mom to understand this from the painful sensations. Remove the breast from the baby and reapply.

Feeding positions

  • The mother is sitting, holding the baby in her arms, her head resting on the bend of the elbow - this is the most common position. While the weight of the crumbs is small, it is convenient to hold it on one handand the other can be helped to properly grip the nipple.
  • If the newborn is having problems, additional head control can be gained by holding small handopposite the breast offered to the baby. In this case, the slightly thrown back head is held with the palm of the hand, which allows the child to more conveniently take the areola. The disadvantage is that the mother's hand gets tired quickly, so it is recommended to put a pillow under it.
  • It is also a good posture for controlling attachment and high-quality emptying of the mammary gland, when the baby is placed on the arm and under the arm on the side of the mother. Since there is no pressure on the stomach, then this is a suitable position after a cesarean section.
  • The most comfortable for the mother is lateral position... The child is laid side by side, raising his head with the help of a hand or a blanket folded several times.
  • Feeding is possible when the woman, lying on her back, places the baby on her stomach.

Breastfeeding rules

It is necessary to feed a newborn on demand, this is one of the conditions for successful lactation. Milk production is directly proportional to how much the baby sucks.

Mother's milk is easy to digest, so frequent feeding does not harm the baby's digestive system. After about six weeks, the child will have established a fairly stable schedule.

If the child is restless, then mothers perceive feeding on demand as a situation where the baby literally lives in the mother's arms. Not all women are satisfied with this. Many doctors recommend a free schedule, where meals are not tied to a specific time, but a two-hour break is still observed. If the child is asleep, then he is not woken up. If he is calmly awake without demanding food, then it is not offered.

The duration of one feeding depends on the personal qualities of the baby. Some babies eat more actively and get satiated quickly, others suckle slowly and fall asleep, but when they try to remove the nipple, they wake up and continue to eat. It is considered normal when sucking continues for about half an hour.

It is possible to determine that a child is eating up by the following signs: he himself calmly lets go of the breast, is in a good mood, sleeps normally, and gains weight in accordance with age.

It is recommended to give one breast per feeding, alternately replacing them. Let the child empty its contents to the end. This will allow to establish sufficient lactation, and the baby will receive both the initial liquid portions, the so-called front milk, and a thicker portion - the back milk, which contains a significant amount of nutrients. If there is not enough milk, it is allowed to use both breasts in one feeding, but avoid overfeeding.

Most effective method prevention of insufficient lactation - regular latching of the baby to the breast, because it is the irritation of the woman's nipple that starts the process of milk production.

If a woman has problems that she cannot solve on her own, then you can find out how to breastfeed correctly, from a pediatrician, an experienced midwife or a breastfeeding consultant.

Timing and frequency of feedings

It is necessary breastfeeding newborn up to six months of age, it is advisable to continue it up to a year. Further preservation breastfeeding completely depends on the wishes and capabilities of the mother.

In the first week, the child requires food up to 10-12 times a day, then the number of feedings decreases. The process can be uneven. During periods of active growth, which is 7-10 days, 4-6 weeks, 6 months, the baby's appetite increases. The increase in milk production by 2-3 days may be lagging behind and during this time food may be required more often. But the general trend towards increasing intervals and decreasing the number of feedings continues. By the age of one, the baby is usually given breast 2 times a day.

When feeding on demand, the question of night feedings is often raised. For mommy, this can be quite exhausting.

Pediatricians advise that the first six months be sure to respond to requests, as night feeding increases the total milk production and gives the baby additional nutrients.

Later, when the baby's diet becomes more varied due to the introduced complementary foods, you can not get up at night. Creation of a humid and cool microclimate in the sleeping room will help in this. You can also practice late night bathing before the final daily feed.

The fact that only breast milk is able to give your baby everything necessary for its normal growth and development is a proven fact that does not cause doubts. And yet, the question of up to what age to breastfeed a child (boy or girl, it doesn't matter) remains open and torments all young mothers and fathers. On the one hand, breastfeeding is convenient and useful, but on the other hand, it creates certain difficulties, since a nursing mother must constantly limit herself in nutrition and be close to her baby in order to feed him on time.

But keeping a diet is a very difficult task for some mothers, which also creates some discomfort. Therefore, making the right choice for a woman who does not have her own GW experience can be quite difficult.

First of all, it is worth noting that normally until the age of 6 months (when some experts in the field of rational nutrition of children of the first year of life recommend starting to gradually introduce complementary foods), breast milk should be the only food for the baby. Only in this way will he receive all the necessary substances in order for the immature internal organs physiologically developed in accordance with age.

In addition, breast milk is the source of the formation of immunity in the baby, and no other product can compensate for this loss if breastfeeding has to be abandoned. The composition of milk can change over time, depending on the needs of the infant's body. That is why the World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding as the most physiological way to allow a child to develop harmoniously.

Thus, feeding a newborn with breast milk is certainly beneficial, but the question remains, until what age is your baby considered a baby and needs breast milk?

Up to what age is a child considered a baby?

So, if a woman's lactation is not disturbed and there are no objective indications for artificial feeding, then you need to feed the baby with breast milk from birth. Now, with regard to such a thing as "baby".

From the point of view of medical science, the periods of a child's life preschool age are divided into the following periods:

  • from birth to one month - the neonatal period;
  • from 1 to 12 months - infancy;
  • from 1 to 3 years old - preschool age.

It follows that the infant period is a period from 1 month to 1 year, but does this mean that 12 months is the age when you should stop feeding a newborn with breast milk? Not at all! This is the period in which the child is considered an infant and breast milk is a necessary product for him. A food that not only provides more than half of all the nutrients your child needs to be healthy, but also participates in the process of digestion and absorption of food. Breast milk contains all the necessary enzymes so that the first foods you introduce into your baby's diet are not only well digested in his stomach, but also absorbed by the body, which is no less important.

According to the recommendations of the same WHO experts, all children should receive breastfeeding and age-appropriate complementary foods for up to a year are mandatory, and then breastfeeding can be extended to 2 years or more.

What is the optimal age for completing lactation?

Before answering the question of how much to breastfeed, it is worth realizing that in the first year of a baby's life, the sucking reflex is one of his main reflexes, which absolutely requires satisfaction. Otherwise, the child may lag behind not only in physical, but also in mental and emotional development.

The experience of women in Russia shows that breastfeeding is usually stopped during the following periods:

  • when the child reaches the age of 6 months (more often for objective reasons and medical indications);
  • at the age of one year due to the fact that a lot of food has been introduced into the baby's diet, and therefore mother's milk ceases to be the only source of energy and nutrients for the baby;
  • at the age of about 2 years, since children at this age begin to attend children's preschool institutions, and their mothers are finally leaving maternity leave.

Which of these options is correct, and for how many months to breastfeed? Every nursing mother should give herself the answer to this question. But before a decision is made, it is necessary to consider:

  • breast milk is rich in all the necessary trace elements and substances for your baby to actively develop;
  • it contains a huge amount of necessary immunoglobulins, which is very important for the formation of immunity, because the very process of formation of the immune system in a baby ends only by 6 years;
  • satisfaction of the sucking reflex is an important aspect of the formation of not only physical health, but also the emotional sphere of the child, as well as his psyche, and the lack of such satisfaction can even become the cause of severe neurological disorders or psychoemotional pathological conditions;
  • breast sucking contributes to a faster, and most importantly, more correct and physiological formation of the speech apparatus in children;
  • the long process of breastfeeding contributes to the full formation of the gastrointestinal tract. When the baby is introduced to complementary foods the same foods that the mother herself eats, the process of their digestion in the baby's body will be much easier and faster if, after complementary feeding, the baby is “fed” with breast milk. After all, the gastrointestinal system of a newborn is formed up to 3-4 years old, and mom's milk facilitates its formation.
  • long-term breastfeeding helps the development of not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also the maxillofacial muscles, correct bite, and most importantly, the formation of the structures of the infant's brain.

This does not mean at all that children fed with the help of mixed or artificial feeding will certainly grow up with underdeveloped organs of certain systems. It only means that in breastfed babies all physiological processes are much faster and "better". Prejudices that a baby who suckles for a long time will surely grow up, if not a "mama's boy", then certainly a person with sexual deviations - nothing more than grandmother's fairy tales; and all leading experts today recommend that breastfeeding be prolonged as long as possible.

Again, only the nursing mother herself can make a decision, but it still makes sense to listen to the recommendations of specialists, and not other mothers.

The unequivocal answer to the question of how much to breastfeed - the longer the better! And these are not "grandmother's tales", but WHO recommendations on breastfeeding. Definitely "yes" up to 12 months. This will be useful not only for the baby, but also for the mother - as the risk of cancer is reduced, incl. and breast cancer.

Why is breastfeeding attractive for children after 2 years of age?

First of all, the importance of such feeding lies in the formation of the baby's immunity as a defense against many diseases. The longer a woman continues to breastfeed her baby, the more antibodies or immunoglobulins are concentrated in breast milk, which means that the baby receives more maternal antibodies. This will help him cope with many viral infections and other disease-causing agents that, one way or another, surround us everywhere.

After a year, mother's milk changes its composition, it becomes more saturated with vitamins (especially A, C, etc.), which, undoubtedly, only has a beneficial effect on the development of the baby. And after two years, 500 ml of breast milk contains more than half of the daily intake of calcium.

Moreover, at the age of two or more years, the baby actively learns the world, which makes the risk of infection with the above pathogens much higher. In addition, many babies at this age will go to kindergarten, which can rightfully be called a real "hotbed" for many infections and viruses of various etiologies. Mom's milk will help you go through the adaptation process much easier, and not only from a physiological point of view.

The psychological aspect of adaptation to the team and socialization of the baby is, first of all, a stressful situation, which will be overcome not so much by the mother's milk as by the process of breastfeeding itself. At this moment, the child feels as protected as possible, which means that it will be much easier for such a child to get used to the new environment, change his lifestyle and adapt to the team of other kids.

Do not forget that there are often situations when a child himself refuses to breast at the age of more than 2 years, for which there are objective reasons. So we come to the next question that worries many young mothers: how to wean the baby from the habit of breastfeeding?

With the fact that it is recommended by experts to feed a child with mother's milk for up to 2 years or more, we figured it out. But is it worth practicing a similar way of eating when the child has reached the age of three? Some pediatricians think not and argue for the following:

  • a woman can go to work, and lactation will become the factor that causes inconvenience;
  • the child does not fall asleep well and is naughty until he gets what he wants. And this is not hunger, but the formation of character;
  • at the age of 3, babies begin to realize their gender, and therefore it is recommended to stop breastfeeding before this period;
  • adaptation to the team in kindergarten, since the child will be emotionally too dependent on his mother, etc.

Agree with this opinion or not - the right of your choice, but these conclusions are based on the experience and knowledge of child psychology and physiology, and therefore it is still worth listening to it.

Let's sum up

So, let's recall the main theses:

  • breast milk is clearly indicated for children under 6 months of age;
  • highly desirable and necessary for the normal formation healthy baby considered breastfeeding of children under 1 year of age;
  • after 12 months, when the infant period ends, breastfeeding is not necessary and is not the only source of nutrition for the child, but it is highly desirable from the point of view of the formation of immunity;
  • when the age of 3 years of the baby is approaching, the process of weaning from the breast can be forcibly started, if the child himself has not abandoned this method of feeding.

How long it takes to breastfeed the baby is decided primarily by the woman. Of course, this choice should be deliberate and based on the advice of medical organizations, but the best choice of refusal from hepatitis B will be a period when refusal will not harm either the physical or emotional state of the nursing mother and baby.

Whenever you stop breastfeeding your baby, remember that the process of weaning should be gradual, otherwise it is fraught with stress for the baby and health risks for the mother.

Breastfeeding is a whole science that young mothers have to master in a matter of days. The quality of the assimilated material determines what the baby will eat in the coming year. Correctly adjusted breastfeeding (HB) will allow the child to receive valuable and incredibly healthy breast milk, relieve mom from stagnation, lactostasis and mastitis, and make the process of motherhood pleasant and calm. If you do not understand the principles of GV from the very beginning, this can result in neurosis, poor sleep, problems with the mammary gland, and as a result - artificial feeding... Which, by the way, raises a lot of questions, because not every mixture is suitable for a child, select desired product need in an experimental way, which leads to additional health problems and financial costs. That is why you need to tune in to breastfeeding from the very beginning of motherhood, talk with doctors, experienced friends, and invite a HV consultant. All of them will help to establish this natural process, and then feeding will bring pleasure to you and your baby.

In the process of establishing GW, the question of feeding time is very acute. Regarding this, there are two opinions - to feed the baby on demand or by the hour. A couple of decades ago, our mothers fed us in maternity hospitals strictly at certain hours, at other times the child was not even with the mother. Today, the World Health Organization recommends feeding the child on demand - that is, when he wants it. Each of the feeding methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it depends only on you what you choose for your baby.

Feeding on demand

This is the most correct, healthy and natural way to feed. Even animals feed their young when the little ones want it. This is especially important in the first days after childbirth - when only colostrum is released from the breast. Do not worry - colostrum is enough for the child, it performs an important function - it populates the intestines of the crumbs with useful bacteria, and starts digestion. Already 3-5 days after giving birth, full breast milk comes. In the first month, it is very important to feed the baby on demand, that is, when the baby cries. After all, it is during this period that the body is rebuilt, it determines how much milk a child needs. Here are some tips and tricks for on-demand feeding.

It is necessary to give the baby a breast for any anxiety - this will not only saturate the baby, but also increase milk production, because the more the baby is applied to the breast, the more the breast will fill next time. Feeding on demand is the main way to increase milk supply.

For a child, the breast is not only nutrition, but calming, unity with the mother, protection. Feeding on demand allows you to get all of these wonderful feelings any time the baby wants it, when he has a tummy ache, he is cold or just bored.

Feeding on demand will protect the mother from mastitis, because milk simply does not have time to stagnate in short periods of time.
It has been proven that a baby who breastfeeds at any time suffers less from colic and gas, since he does not experience a strong feeling of hunger and does not overeat after long "hungry" intervals.

If you are feeding your baby at any time he needs it, it is best to practice sleeping together.

Try to breastfeed your baby one breast from start to finish at a time. The fact is that the front milk is more liquid, it is easier to suck it out, for the baby it is a drink. But the back milk, which is more difficult to suck out, is fatter, it is considered nutrition.

An on-demand baby does not develop bad habits such as sucking fingers, fists, etc. If you always breastfeed, he does not get used to the pacifier, the sucking reflex is completely satisfied.

Frequent feeding saves a child during a period of illness. Firstly, this is fluid replenishment, which is so necessary at a temperature or poisoning. Secondly, the baby calms down, tolerates discomfort with teething and colic more easily. Thirdly, breast milk contains immunoglobulins, which form the immune system of the baby and protect it from viruses.

Psychologists say that demand-fed babies grow up to be calmer and more confident. After all, they know from early childhood that mom is always there and will come to the rescue if necessary, protect and soothe. And this is very important for the development of the future personality.

Feeding by the hour

This method involves a strict feeding regime - after a certain period of time. Remember the Soviet times - at night the children were not fed from the hospital, the last feeding was at 12:00, and the first in the morning at 6:00. That is, newborn babies had a huge period of time without food - 6 hours. What are the features and benefits of hourly feeding, let's try to figure it out.

Feeding by the hour can be carried out only in the second or third month of a child's life, when lactation is improving. If you feed your baby on a schedule from birth, maintaining long intervals without sucking, the amount of milk can be drastically reduced as unnecessary. If you don’t want to feed your baby right now, it’s better to express milk to avoid losing it.

Feeding by the clock allows the mother to sleep at night. This is a very dubious plus, because the stimulation of lactation is especially intense in the morning from 3 to 8 in the morning. If at this time the breast is not sucked, the hormone oxytocin is not produced, milk will be less and less each time.

Babies of the first months of life need to be fed every 2-2.5 hours, no more. The stomach of a child of this age is very small, the baby must eat often. With age, this interval can be increased to 3-4 hours.

Feeding by the clock makes the mom's life more understandable and simple, since the mom can plan her day, leave things for a certain time and even leave the house if someone looks after the baby.

Some mums choose between feeding by the hour and feeding on demand. If you listen to the body of your baby, you will notice that the child asks for food at approximately regular intervals, you will be able to focus on this time and life will obey a certain mode.

But remember that in some cases, hourly feeding is strictly contraindicated. Firstly, these are the first 2-3 weeks of the baby's life. Secondly, a woman develops a lactation crisis every 2-3 months, when there is not enough milk, because the baby is growing rapidly. At these moments, you need to breastfeed your baby as often as possible in order to "increase" the amount of milk produced. Thirdly, you need to abandon the regimen if you see that the child is really hungry. If the baby is crying, you took him in your arms, shook him, and the baby looks for the breast with his mouth and does not stop crying - most likely, he is hungry. This means that in the past feeding the baby did not eat or burp, in general, you need to throw away all the rules and feed the baby again.

Do I need to wake up the baby for feeding?

Many mothers are wondering whether it is worth feeding a baby if he sleeps for a long time, does not wake up and does not ask for a breast? A healthy body of a newborn baby cannot sleep for more than five hours in a row without food, doctors say. Therefore, a child who sleeps longer than the specified time without waking up is very rare. This does not apply to artificial people - a hearty formula allows you to go without food for much longer than breast milk.

To answer a troubling question, you need to know how much your child sleeps. If the baby sleeps for more than five hours, it is imperative to wake him up - gently stir him up with strokes and touches. If the baby is small or premature, it is worth waking him up, no more than three hours later. Such children need enhanced nutrition in order to quickly get stronger and gain weight, a long sleep may be due to weakness, it is impossible not to feed such children. It is also necessary to wake up the baby for feeding if the prolonged sleep was caused by taking certain medications.

Feeding is quite straightforward and intuitive. A loving and caring mother, after a few days of a baby's life, can understand that the child is crying precisely from hunger. Love your baby, feed him when he wants it, do not wait artificial intervals. And then the child will grow and develop well.

Video: how often you need to breastfeed your baby

Proper feeding of a newborn in the first days of life is as important an element of growth and development as mother's care, caring for a baby. Breastfeeding is ideal. If, for various reasons, it is not possible to breastfeed, high-quality milk formulas for newborns will help out.

It is important for a young mom to know how to organize the meals of a tiny person. Study the material: you will find answers to many questions related to the organization of meals for the smallest children. The most important thing is to provide maximum comfort for mom and baby.

How to feed newborns correctly

At the maternity hospital, the staff will talk about the benefits of early breastfeeding, provide conditions for close contact between mother and baby immediately after birth. Now the kids are in the same room with their mother, which allows them to feed the baby "on demand".

If there is a shortage of milk, do not despair, try to establish natural feeding. Drink plenty of fluids, try to calm down, and breastfeed your baby more often. Even the smallest amount of milk will be beneficial. Feed the newborn with formula, control behavior, weight, stool quality. If there is no milk, switch to artificial formula.


The benefits of early breastfeeding have been proven by neonatologists and pediatricians, confirmed by satisfied mothers and well-fed, peacefully snoring babies. Close emotional contact is one of the benefits of breastfeeding.

Breast milk benefits:

  • crumbs (the child receives completely digestible food, develops well, is less likely to get sick);
  • mothers (the uterus contracts more actively under the influence of the sucking movements of the baby, the body is more likely to recover after childbirth).

First stage

In the first hours after childbirth, the mammary glands produce a valuable product - colostrum. The volume of the useful substance is small, but the rich composition, high fat content satisfy the crumbs' need for food. An important detail - colostrum saturates a small organism with biologically active substances, strengthens the immune system.

Most maternity hospitals practice early breastfeeding. An exciting moment for mom and baby, who finds herself in an unfamiliar world. The warmth of the breast, the smell of milk soothes the newborn, allows you to feel protection. The more colostrum a child can get, the better for his immune system.


Many young mothers get lost, panic when they find themselves with a newborn at home. There is a caring dad nearby, a familiar environment, but there is still excitement. If a woman listened to the recommendations of the maternity hospital staff, there will be less difficulties with breastfeeding.

Features of feeding newborns with breast milk:

  • the diet in the first week takes into account the interests of the newborn more. The mother will have to adjust to the needs of the baby;
  • it is useful to observe when the baby is really hungry, to note the interval between feedings that the baby can withstand. The best option is 3 hours, but in the first week, babies often demand milk with loud crying after 1.5–2 hours;
  • pediatricians advise: feed the baby "on demand" when he greedily searches for the breast with his mouth. Gradually, the child will get stronger, will be able to drink more valuable liquid at a time, and will stay full longer. Active breastfeeding will increase lactation, the baby's nutritional needs and the mother's capabilities will gradually coincide;
  • in a couple of weeks, accustom the baby to the diet. If in the first days you fed your baby every one and a half to two hours during the day and after 3-4 hours at night, gradually switch to feeding seven times a day. The regimen improves the functioning of tiny intestines, gives rest to mom.

Suitable poses

Find a specific position that suits you as much as possible. Remember: each feeding in the first weeks of a newborn's life lasts a long time.

Keep in mind that you will hardly be able to sit for half an hour or more beautifully, bending over the baby (as nursing mothers pose for photos in magazines), especially after a difficult birth. If the mother is uncomfortable or difficult to hold the baby, she is unlikely to have pleasant thoughts, tender feelings.

Try several poses, choose the optimal one, taking into account the condition of the chest, weight, age of the baby. As the baby grows, an uncomfortable position may become suitable and vice versa.

Basic postures for feeding newborns:

  • supine position. The baby rests on mommy with arms, legs, head. The shoulders of the woman, the head is raised with a pillow. The pose is suitable for abundant discharge milk;
  • lying on its side. This convenient option is chosen by many moms, especially for evening and night feedings. Be sure to alternately lie on each side to empty both breasts;
  • the classic sitting position for feeding. Mom holds the baby in her arms. To reduce hand fatigue, to "reduce" the baby's weight, pillows under the back, on the knees and under the elbow will help;
  • overhanging pose. Recommended for poor milk flow. The newborn lies on its back, mom feeds him from above, bending over the baby. Not very back-friendly, but effective for emptying the chest;
  • posture after cesarean section, when nursing twins. The woman sits, the baby lies so that the legs are behind the mother's back, the head looks out from under the mother's hand. This pose relieves the manifestations of lactostasis - stagnation of breast milk, accompanied by pain, pronounced compaction of the lobules of the mammary gland.

Milk formula for babies

Artificial feeding is a forced measure, but in the absence of breast milk, you will have to adapt. Organize the nutrition of the newborn correctly, listen to the recommendations of pediatricians.

Features of feeding newborns with formula:

  • unlike breastfeeding, when the baby eats and falls asleep, the formula has a certain dosage. It is important to know how much breast milk substitute to give the "artificial" per day;
  • from the first days feed the baby 7 times, interval 3 hours. Later, you can switch to six meals a day with an interval of 3.5 hours;
  • select a high-quality mixture that ensures satiety, a maximum of useful substances. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to feed the crumbs on demand: the mixture should not be given "whenever you want", it is important to maintain a certain interval;
  • occasionally allowed to shift time next appointment a healthy mixture, but not much. Violation of the rules causes stomach / intestinal problems in the baby;
  • choose infant formula for newborns from reputable manufacturers, without palm oil, sugar, maltodextrin. As a last resort, the components that support the feeling of fullness should be minimal;
  • if there is not enough breast milk, you have to constantly feed the baby. Offer breast first, then spoon baby food. Avoid the bottle: it is easier to get milk from the nipple, after a while the baby will probably give up the breast;
  • be sure to give the newborn - "artificial" boiled water. The volume of fluid depends on age;
  • artificial feeding will help to produce healthy twins or triplets. Mom does not have enough milk for two / three children, she has to give a nutritional formula. As babies grow, breast milk is replaced with formula milk.

How much should a child eat

How much should a newborn eat per feeding? When breastfeeding, the baby himself senses when the ventricle is full. The baby stops sucking on the breast and falls asleep calmly.

To feed the "artificial" mother must pour a certain amount of the mixture into the bottle so that the newborn does not go hungry. Pediatricians have developed a formula for calculating volume baby food for every day.

The calculations are simple:

  • the newborn weighs less than 3200 grams. Multiply the number of days lived by 70. For example, on the third day the baby should receive 3 x 70 \u003d 210 g of milk formula;
  • the newborn weighs over 3200 grams. The calculation is similar, only multiply the number of days by 80. For example, on the third day a large child should receive a large portion - 3 x 80 \u003d 240 g of baby food.

Note! Calculations are suitable for the smallest. From the 10th day of life, the norms are different. You will find a detailed calculation of the amount of formula for feeding children - "artificial" in the article, which describes the selection rules, especially the use of popular infant formula from 0 to 6 months.

Power table by hour

It is easier for young mothers to navigate if they have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe diet of the baby. During the first month, the newborn will sleep most of the time (up to 18 hours a day), the rest of the day will be awake.

Remember: when the baby is awake, half the time he sucks on his mother's breast or receives infant formula instead of breast milk. Pay attention to the newborn feeding chart. It lists feeding hours for babies of normal weight.

  • if the newborn spits up after feeding, a simple technique will help: rub the fed baby with a column for 10-15 minutes;
  • the neck of a newborn is still very weak, how to act so as not to damage the bones, not to stretch the muscles? Put the head on your shoulder, hold the baby vertically, gently press it to you, supporting it behind the back and butt. This position will ensure the release of excess air, reduce the frequency and volume of regurgitation;
  • after eating, you can not shake the baby, it is undesirable to put it in the crib Active games, tickling, braking are prohibited. Change the clothes of the newborn also after 10-15 minutes, when the air leaves the ventricle;
  • if the newborn hiccups after feeding, it may be overeating or cold. Stroke your tummy, warm the baby, let the excess air out (hold it with a column). If the volume and pressure of breast milk is too large, feed the baby intermittently so that the previous portion has time to enter the tiny stomach.

How to maintain the emotional and physical health of a nursing mom

Helpful hints:

  • upon returning home after the hospital, a woman should also get at least a little sleep, devote time to other family members and herself, otherwise psychological problems, a crisis in relations with her husband cannot be avoided;
  • constant fatigue accumulates, mom gets irritated for any reason, gets nervous. The result is a decrease in milk production, an eternally hungry, crying baby, more nerves and new worries. The circle is closed. That is why it is important to take care not only of the baby, but also to maintain the health, psychological balance of a woman who has undergone natural childbirth or a cesarean section;
  • the realization that with the birth of a baby a successful business woman has turned into a "milk production machine" depresses many young mothers. The closest people should help here. Praise, pride in the person who gave a son (daughter) / grandson (granddaughter) must be expressed in warm words. A woman feels much more confident if she feels supported;
  • an important point is help in caring for the baby. It is good if the husband, grandmothers and a young mother share the chores around the house. A woman needs to rest, often feed her newborn, and recuperate. In the first two to three weeks, the lack of real help negatively affects the physical and psychological state of the nursing mother;
  • unfortunately, it often happens that the husband stays late at work (not to mention how difficult it is to "knock out" vacation after the birth of a baby), and grandmothers, due to various circumstances, cannot help with household chores. It is important to preserve breast milk, not to fall off your feet from fatigue;
  • what to do? You will have to ask for help from good friends, relatives, neighbors. Surely, someone will agree to help you: go for groceries, buy diapers, or wipe the dust at home. Attract people you trust, do not refuse help. Even half an hour of rest for a young mother will be useful;
  • cook simple meals, buy a multicooker that minimizes the labor costs of cooking. The device does not require constant monitoring, which is important in case of fatigue, frequent feedings, in a state where mommy thinks only about the baby and sleep.

Now you know how to start breastfeeding, how to give special formula. Pay maximum attention to the baby, remember your health and the existence of the rest of the family. Correct mode food will provide maximum comfort for the baby and adults.

More helpful breastfeeding tips in the following video: