Christmas crafts

An entertainment program for border guards. Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the day of the border guard. Day of border troops festive event scenario

Holiday script
Date of holding May 28, 2017
Time 12.00
Venue Walk of Fame
From 11.00 border songs are played.
Fanfare sounds at 12.00.

Leading. Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to welcome you at the holiday - the meeting "My border youth", dedicated to the 99th anniversary of the formation of the Border Troops.
The song "Motherland - Russia" is played by Lyudmila Shvets

A word of greeting is provided
The head of the Vyaznikovsky district V.V. Lopukhov
The floor is given to the Head of Administration I.V. Zinin
(awards are underway)
The word for greeting is given to the military commissar Sergey Vasilyevich Susorov

1 Leading. For the border troops, these decades, which have absorbed the centuries-old traditions of selfless service to the defense of the borders of the Russian state, constitute a heroic era in the annals.
Having taken the baton from the Separate Corps of Border Guards in difficult historical conditions, at critical, turning points in the fate of the Fatherland, they reliably defended its interests in different years on the outer borders, they faithfully served their people.
Formed in 1918. To this day, the border troops are guarding the borders of our vast Motherland. Any war begins with crossing the state border, and the Great Patriotic War became for border guards, as well as for all our people, the greatest test. The sudden blow of the fascist hordes in June 1941 showed courage and heroism. The first to take over the 62 border detachments and separate border commandant's offices located on the western border.
The Hitlerite command in their plans allotted only 30 minutes to destroy the border outposts. But their defenders resisted for days, weeks and even months.
The older generation of border warriors are examples of heroism, courage, loyalty to duty and honor. The legendary names of Andrey Korobitsyn, Alexey Lopatin, Nikita Karatsupa, Mikhail Shmagrin, Ivan Strelnikov, Vitaly Bubenin have forever become for our people a symbol of patriotism, self-sacrifice, valor, and professional skill.

Military waltz performed by cadets of military-industrial complex "Otvaga"
2 Presenter Border guards in Afghanistan and Tajikistan have shown examples of courage and courage, conscientious military service, the main features of Russian border guards. In August 1994, Lieutenant Vyacheslav Tokarev, who was posthumously appropriated the knowledge of the Hero of Russia, was killed while covering the left flank of the position of Suigny 11 Pogz. One of the outposts in Transbaikalia was named after him.
Everyone remembers the spiritual, moral and patriotic feat of the border guard Yevgeny Radionov. tortured to death in Chechen captivity in the town of Bamut and executed on May 23, 1996, posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

I ask you to honor a minute of silence to those who gave their lives defending the sacred borders of our Motherland, who have not survived to this day.

The metronome sounds. A minute of silence. It is proposed to lay a wreath and flowers at eternal flame and a memorial sign to soldiers-internationalists

Wreaths and flowers are being laid

Performance of the song "" Alexander Medinsky

Time flies fast and. more than one generation of border guards served honestly, guarding the border, fulfilling their military duty in border detachments on the distant borders of our vast country. In the sponsored Kalevala frontier detachment ... now Service in the city of Kostomuksha. Republic of Karelia
The years flew by
The head was covered with gray hair.
But they will remain in memory forever
My friends who served with me.

Veterans of the border troops came to our meeting today. The floor is given to Sergey Vladimirovich Mozokhin

1. Host. 20 years of close friendship connects our region with the Kalevala border guard detachment - now there is a service in the city of Kostomuksha, where our fellow countrymen serve. And despite the fact that the region is far from the state border, we are very closely connected with it. It is probably no coincidence that back in the 19th century, our city was an outpost of the Moscow principality, and there are a lot of border guards living in our area, and this is clearly visible on May 28, Border Guard Day.
There is also a personal outpost, which was built in 1985 by our guys - Vyaznikovites: Baranov, Kolesov; on which in different years many people from Vyaznikov served, not knowing that in 1998 this outpost will be named "Vyaznikovskaya" and that it will become a part of our city.

The floor is given to Oleg Vasilyevich Gavrilov, who served for a long time in the sponsored Kalevala border detachment, a senior teacher of the Kaliningrad Border Institute, now a reserve lieutenant colonel.
And at night I dream of a distant outpost,
Where service is, service is not idle fun.
And even if it was sometimes hard to death,
But the heart warmed the friends of the soul warmly.

Start of the action "Border Ribbon" under the motto "History of the Border - History of the Country!" (Presentation of Border Ribbons)

Leading. The military-industrial complex "Otvaga" was formed 20 years ago, over the years more than 650 cadets have been trained, more than 400 have served and serve on the border. Over the years, many good traditions have developed: seeing off to the army, trips to the units where the cadets serve, sending them to serve on a contract basis in our squadron and it is very pleasant to hear good feedback about our guys - border guards. (read out).

The word is given to the graduate border guard -

For all border guards and guests of the holiday, the staff of the Center for Continuing Education gives a festive concert.
A concert is taking place (oh river-river, When we were at war, songs sung by Alexander Medinsky, Smuglyanka, Young soldier.

Who served at the border
Will not forget the cry of a bird
The silence that stands at dawn.
The color of green caps
Will not fade, guys
Will not fade on our earth.
The song "Kalevala March" is played

Those present are photographed for memory
The script was composed by N. Kovaleva. teacher-organizer




Prepared and conducted

Physical education instructor

Samarina O.S.

orenburg, 2016

Holiday progress

Under the solemn march, children with flags enter the hall.

They rebuild into three columns and perform the exercise with flags.


We are glad to welcome you to our hall, dear guys and dear parents!

Today we have gathered to congratulate our boys, dads, grandfathers, brothers on the men's holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Every family has defenders - those who have defended or will only defend the Motherland.

Dear dads, tell me what a defender should be, what qualities

should he possess? (Strong, brave, brave, dexterous, smart, etc.)

We wish you all health and success in all your endeavors.

Children are in a line reading poetry.

1 wonderful feast in February
My country meets.
She is her protectors
2 On land, in the sky, on the seas
And even under water
Soldiers protect our world
For us, my friend, with you.

3. We love our Army - it is a great force,

She is always fearless, invincible in battles.

4. Congratulations to those who serve,

Those who still serve

Believe us, we really need

Live under your protection!

5. When I grow up big,
Wherever I serve, everywhere
Protect your Fatherland
And I will be safe.

Children sit on high chairs.


A little time will pass, and our boys will be in the place of those who are protecting us now. And in order to be ready to defend the Motherland, my loved ones, I invite you to"School of the Young Fighter". Participants will have to show ingenuity, sense of humor, quickness, dexterity, agility and courage.

Let's test your wits first.

Game "Yes - no".

Is our army strong? (Yes)

Does she protect us? (Yes)

Are the boys going to join the army? (Yes)

Will they take the girls with them? (No)

Is Ilya Muromets a hero? (Yes)

Did he go to the front young? (No)

Did he defeat the Nightingale? (Yes)

Shot from a machine gun? (No)

Does Buratino have a long nose? (Yes)

Was he a sailor on the ship? (No)

Was he swimming in the mud in the pond? (Yes)

Will the enemies sink Pinocchio? (No)

Is the pilot on the border? (No)

He flies higher - birds? (No)

Are we celebrating a holiday today? (Yes)

Congratulations to moms and girls? (No)

Is the world the most important thing in the world? (Yes)

Even children know this? (Yes)


Well done! Well, nowthe first task "Cavalry".

The team players must urgently deliver an important message to the headquarters, each one delivers one letter of the encrypted word, and our dads must form a word from the letters, whoever completes the task faster and won. A child with a ball clamped at his feet jumps to the chair, takes a letter and gives it to an adult.

Saddle your teams soon!

Deliver your important message faster!


Now let's do an object lesson: Which of you is the most accurate shooter?

The task "Sharpshooter".

Team members are divided into pairs - a child and an adult (dad).

At the signal, the child sits on the cart, dad takes him to the chip, leaves the child near the chip, and he runs to the basket. The child takes the pouch (grenade) and throws it into the basket, which the father is holding in his hands, then the father returns to the child, takes the cart and runs back, holding hands.

The first team to complete the task and hit the target more accurately wins.

Task "Difficult flight".

-It is difficult for a pilot to deliver military cargo in flight.

You need to know the instructions clearly and keep the right course

With a bag on your head, hands to the side, reach the basket, put the bag in it and return. If you lose your cargo during the flight, you cannot lift it. The team that delivered the most cargo wins.


For the next task you need to solve the riddle

He guards the border, he can and knows everything.

In all matters, the soldier is an excellent student and is called ... ...

Children: Border guard.

Task "Young border guard".

Team members must crawl through the tunnel, stand in the hoop, take binoculars to see the bird (animal), remember, run to dad and name it in a whisper. Dads write down those whom the children named. The following players must not repeat the birds and animals already named.

And this requires silence and attention of all team members.


Well done! Let's move on to the next task.


The war ended long ago
But she left a trace -
It happens, among the beds
The shells were buried.
And a sapper will come with the equipment,
To neutralize the field.
There will be no explosions from now on
Trouble and tears and pain!

(N. Ivanova)

Mission "Minefield" Dads are involved.

In one minute, daddies - sappers must clear the field

(use a scoop and a brush to collect "bombs").


Well done, how well and quickly the dads coped with the task.

And now, the same task will be completed by their children, let's see if they can cope with it?

And now a surprise from our girls. Oh, they are beautiful, smart and talented!

Girls performditties.


Sing along, my friend, sing along to you and I.

We are with fun ditty inseparable friends.


I love daddy like sweet candy.

I can't replace it with anything, not even chocolate.


If dad gets sad, I look sad.

Well, if he smiles, his heart will beat joyfully.


And my dad is kind, loves all my friends.

He will cook semolina porridge for us, he won't make us wash the dishes.


There is no better person in the whole world than a dad.

He will be able to hammer a carnation and rinse the laundry.


And my dad is smarter than everyone, and my dad is stronger than everyone.

Knows how many five plus five, the bar can be lifted.


And my dad is the coolest - business is booming.

And so he gives me and my mother gifts.

Girls (all together)

Lovely daddies, our darlings!

We sincerely congratulate you and wish you all the best!

1 child reads a verse

One, two, three, four, five -
We will congratulate grandfather
Defender's Day has arrived!
Wishes are just a flurry:
ONCE - do not know the diseases of the eyelids,
To flaunt health.
TWO - work without anxiety,
And for THREE - salaries on time.
FOR FOUR - bright days,
Kind, loyal friends;
Never lose them ...
Respect to prosper!
And FIVE - big love,
Happy Defender's Day, hero !!!


Serving is not easy. They serve not only on land and in the sky, but also on water

Task "Unload the ship".

On a signal, the players of the teams must pass along the chain the balls (shells) that lie in the hoop back, put them in a bag there. The team that finishes the relay faster wins.


Soldiers are cheerful people who love to sing and dance songs.

General dance by show (To the song "Africa").


Our native army guards the peace of the country,

So that you grow up, not knowing troubles, that there is no war!

Now it's time for us all to shoutArmies - Hurray!

Congratulations to everyone today, and presenting gifts to you!

Our holiday has come to an end, thank you all, see you soon!

Duration 35 min

In our country, Border Guard Day is a holiday celebrated by thousands of people. An important point in holding festive events is the education of love for the country and patriotism in the young generation. In order to make it easier for them to understand the importance and necessity of the border service, we suggest game form to acquaint children with some features of the service.

"Border guards"

Two "offenders" are selected from among the players. The others stand in a circle and hold hands tightly. These are "border guards". The task of the offenders is to get inside the circle, that is, to "cross the border." They can do this with a running start, simply breaking the "lock" out of their hands, jumping over them, or crawling under their arms from below. Border guards must prevent this by carefully observing the offenders and keeping their line tight. After being given the go-ahead, the participants begin to dance in a circle, and the offenders begin to make attempts to get inside the circle. Sooner or later, one of them manages to do this. Now the "intruder" must help his friend, trying to distract the attention of the "border guards". When both "intruders" are inside the circle, they will need to get out back. "Border guards" should not lose their vigilance, steadfastly "guarding the border". But, ultimately, the "violators" will break free. After that, the “violators” have the right to choose any two participants from the circle to replace them, and they themselves become “border guards” in their place. The game continues.

"We are few, but we are in vests!"

You will need Whatman paper to play. Their number will coincide with the number of teams. Draw a vest on each Whatman paper. All shirts must be the same, drawn on the entire sheet. Do not paint the stripes of the vests, the participants will do it. Plays several teams of up to six people.
Players are given green gouache and brushes, participants must paint their vests at speed. Blots on them are permissible, it is considered that the vest is "tested in battle". Along with the speed, the evenness of the line coloring is assessed.

"We eat porridge"

To play, you need a large pot of porridge and several small bowls with spoons. In the center of the playing field, a "field kitchen" is arranged: a saucepan is placed, players are arranged around it. Each is given a bowl with a spoon, porridge is applied. The goal of each participant is to eat their portion faster than others. If children are playing, then you must first explain to them that they chew the porridge thoroughly. The player who will be the last to finish the porridge can be presented with a consolation prize and a supplement to gain strength to complete combat missions.

"An important secret mission"

For the game, you need to prepare in advance several "secret tasks" - write on a sheet of some order. For example, do push-ups several times, crawl on their bellies, and so on. For secrecy, all sheets must be sealed in an envelope. The recommended number of participants is from eight people. Each of them is given an envelope. The remaining players choose from their number a catching one who must catch the player with the envelope. All participants run across the playing field. The player with the envelope, if he sees that he is being overtaken, must pass the envelope to another participant, and so on. When the catch-up man still succeeds in catching up with someone, he should be given an envelope. Then he opens the envelope, reads out the secret message and executes it. The following message is issued to continue the game.
Captive partisan

There are two versions of this game.

First option. To participate in the game, children need to split into two teams. Each of them appoints one "prisoner" who will be "interrogated" by the players of the opposing team. Each team stands in a circle with a "prisoner" in the center. Players must "get him talking". You can ask any tricky, funny questions. And the partisan must steadfastly endure all the hardships of the test and stand with a calm, serious expression on his face. If the players are able to "talk" the prisoner, then he is out of the game, and his place is taken by the next member of the opposite team. The team with the less chatty "partisans" wins.
Second option. The "prisoner" is determined by lot, and the rest of the players stand in a circle. Further, the scenario develops similarly to the first option. If the "prisoner" manages to "talk", then the next "partisan" is appointed with the help of a counting-out. If the "prisoner" turned out to be a "tough nut to crack" and the participants got tired of "torturing" him, then this "partisan" is the winner of the game.

"Fight in the fortress"

The game takes place on the street, no more than six people take part in it. They should split into two teams. Draw two squares on the site. The size of the square should be such that the team can fit and move freely in each of them. These will be “fortresses”. Along their perimeter, you need to place empty plastic bottles, which will be "fortress walls". One of the teams is given a small ball and the fight begins. Players must hit someone from the opposing team. If this happens, then the player who was hit by the ball must remove one bottle from the "wall". And so after each hit. The team with the least destroyed wall wins.

"The battle on the Kalinov bridge"

To play, you need to draw two bridges on the playground. Each bridge must be wide enough for the competitor to stand on it with two feet. From each team (there should be two) one person goes to its bridge, they are given a ball, and the fight begins. It is necessary to hit the opponent with the ball, then he is out of the game. The opponent is allowed to dodge to get the ball past. But if any of the players steps over the bridge line, he will have to leave the game. The winner is the team that has fewer players “knocked out” by the ball and that has made fewer spades over the line.


Participants from their number must choose a driver (commander). The team sits down in various positions near the commander, and he sits down in front of everyone. His task is to remember who, where, how he sits. The rest of the players must also remember their location. When the commander decides that he remembered everything well, he needs to clap his hands and turn away from the players. At this time, the participants rise from their seats and begin to walk, run. After a while, the commander claps his hands again and slowly turns to the team. During this time, players must take their seats and sit down in the same position. The commander carefully examines all participants. And if he notices that someone crouched in the wrong place or in a slightly different position, then he must say: "Aha, that's who went AWOL!" This participant stands next to the driver, he must complete the commander's penalty task. It can be anything, as long as it is fun and harmless. If the commander did not notice any changes, then he joins the team. And the commander becomes the one who explained the change in his location.

"Everything about myself, not a word about the team"

This game is similar to the Captive Guerrilla game. But it differs in that the prisoner in this game is allowed to answer questions, but in a distorted way. The guerrilla must answer in such a way as not to repeat a single word from the question he heard. He needs to be very careful. Let's say a prisoner is asked: "What did you eat for dinner today?" If the prisoner answers: "I ate soup," then he stands in a circle to the rest of the participants, as he repeated the word "ate". He is replaced by the player who asked the question last. In case the “prisoner” turned out to be quick-witted and did not make mistakes, he is awarded a small prize. The next "prisoner" is determined by lot.

"Intelligence service"

For the game, we advise you to prepare in advance an equal number of leaves of two colors. Their total value will determine the number of players. Participants choose from among their number two scouts who take one leaf of different colors and leave, for example, to another room. The rest of the players sort out the remaining pieces of paper, hide them in their pockets. The scouts are given a signal, they return to the players and begin to assemble their team. They need the color of the leaf, faster than the rival, to find and assemble their squad together.


On the field of the court, you need to draw two identical squares, but not very large, so that the players of one team can fit into one square. Draw one circle in the center of the squares. Two teams are required to play the game. Each of them must choose from among their number one participant, who will be the "banner". The banner must be in a circle, and the other team members must protect the banner from being "captured" by the enemy. The aim of the attacking team is to shower the player in the circle, i.e. capture the "banner". But the players who defend the "banner" can themselves fire off the attackers, then the latter are out of the game. After a certain period of time, if it was not possible to capture the "banner", the teams change places. The team that managed to capture the banner wins.

All these games, held on the Day of the Border Guard, will leave the best impressions in the minds of teenagers for a long time, and maybe they will make someone think about their future and associate it with military service.

The room intended for the evening must be decorated in a lyrical style. The stage is decorated with tulips and lilacs, in the foyer there is an exhibition of drawings on border theme .

It would be nice to hold a photo exhibition “Pages - Borders” before the holiday, which will certainly become a decoration of the festive event.

Before the start of the celebration, music sounds - compositions on a border theme.

The presenters appear on the stage. They perform a song to the music from the composition "Good evening" .

- Hello dear friends!

- Hello dear guests!

-Today we gathered in this wonderful hall to congratulate our dear ones on their professional holiday border guards !

- And also lovely border girls!

(The motive of the border waltz sounds).

- Today I pronounce these words with special pride:

(Is reading congratulatory poem to the border guards).

- On this day, it is especially pleasant to see smiling, dear faces, which on ordinary weekdays we often see serious and stern.

- And I do not quite agree with you. It seems to me that even on weekdays, our dear border guards illuminate the world with their smiles, making it kinder and more joyful.

- Well, to raise the mood even more, we give the floor to the commander of our military unit. (Head of HF speaking).

- We are all one big border family.

- We don't look at ranks or titles.

- Military destiny tied us.

- And our borderline vocation.

The presenters leave the stage to the sound of the first musical chords.

The compositions "Border Spring", "Border Officers" are played.

Also, in the concert, you can use any songs of border themes performed by participants in amateur art activities.

Not a single holiday can pass without congratulations, and therefore between the performances of the artists, the presenters must give the floor to the guests of the celebration.

- Our dear men, thank you so much for so many beautiful and kind wordsthat you have spoken to us today. Now we know for sure that you remember us not only on holiday March 8 .

And although today's holiday concerns everyone who is somehow connected with the border, we still believe that first of all it is yours, our strong, courageous, gentle, reliable, real men - our dear border guards !

- There are many legends about male friendship, but the border guard has a special one. This is probably why they say: "The border brotherhood is strong."

(Several songs about friendship and friends are played).

- Today we celebrate our professional holiday, but what a holiday it is without jokes, humor and laughter.

To the sounds of a balalaika or button accordion, amateur ditties appear on the stage, dancing in elegant costumes. For this room, you can prepare special decorations of a rustic flavor: sunflowers, a bench, wattle. It is advisable to dilute the costumes with elements of the border form: trousers, a cap, a jacket.

This is followed by the musical part of the evening, guests have the opportunity to relax a little, dance to lyrical compositions. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the age of the guests at the evening. The music does not have to be only modern, you can also use retro compositions.

Dances should alternate with competitions, you can play a lottery, the sale of which is arranged a few days before the celebration.

The winners will be pleasantly surprised by inexpensive souvenirs.

At the end of the evening, the hosts appear on the stage again.

- Dear border guards! This wonderful evening has come to an end. We were very happy to spend it with you!

Goodbye! Until next time!

The holiday for the border troops must be held in a fun atmosphere, but regular discipline must be present. The scenario of the holiday dedicated to the Day of the Border Guard will make it possible to convey to the military personnel, ordinary people, the importance of this service.

Scenario of the holiday "Day of the border guard"

From 10.30 to 11.00 a brass band plays at the "Link of Generations" monument.
All guests, schoolchildren of the city, cadets and residents of the city are lined up on the square.

Fanfare sounds.
The presenters come out, their words sound against the background of music.

Host 1: Hello dear friends! Today is the Day of the Border Guard - the day of courageous people who, according to their official duty, are destined to be the first to take upon themselves the great responsibility of protecting and defending the Fatherland at its extreme borders.

Host 2: There are a lot of former guards of the borders of the Motherland in Uray. Of the two hundred young people annually drafted into the army and navy, about sixty, or almost a third, go to serve on the border, it can be assumed that almost every third adult who has served as a citizen is our border guard.

Host 1: Knowing also that for all the years of the existence of the Urai military registration and enlistment office, 3,065 people were called up from the city, we can determine the approximate number of Urai border guards (something about a thousand) and do not forget to add to it those who came to our city after the army.

Musical beat.

Host 2: Dear soldiers, officers - valiant defenders of the borders of our Motherland! You are selflessly brave people with flexible thinking, noble feelings, strong will and honed military skill, you honestly and conscientiously fulfilled your duty.

Host 1: Your feat is an example for young defenders of the Fatherland. We sincerely congratulate you on the day of the border guard, with all our hearts we wish you and your families good, understanding, peace, spiritual fortitude, love for your Fatherland, health and prosperity.

Together: Happy Border Guard Day!

Musical beat.

Host 1: The glorious military and labor traditions of service at the forefront of the Motherland are passed down from generation to generation. They are based on filial love for the Fatherland. Success in preserving and upholding the political and economic interests of our country largely depends on the vigilance, determination and professionalism of border guards.

Host 2: The state border of Russia is sacred and inviolable. This is the border of the Motherland. And just as a caring owner guards his house, erected by his own hands, so the border guards guard their Fatherland, its borders.

Musical beat.

The march sounds

Host 1: Flag Russian Federation make!

Banner group comes out
The anthem of Rossi sounds

Host 2: The right to open a meeting is given to the military commissar of the city of Urai, Oleg Semyonovich Nikolaev.
(speech of the military commissar).

Host 1: Thank you, Oleg Semyonovich.

Host 2: Dear border guards. You have made a huge personal contribution to the protection of the state border, the revival of our Motherland! I wish you good health, happiness, kindness, peace to you and your families!

Lead 1: The word for congratulations is given to the major of the reserve chapter
Municipal Formation Urai city Alexander Ivanovich Petrov.
(Mayor's speech).

Host 2: Thank you, Alexander Ivanovich.

The song sounds without announcement:

Host 1: Peaceful everyday life A military duty requires from each soldier a deep understanding of the personal responsibility for defending the Motherland.

We call all of you soldiers, putting love, pride, and concern for them into this word!

Host 2: With a feeling of deep respect, I want to give the floor to a person who, like many others, had a hard lot - to defend their homeland, a person who honorably fulfilled his duty and was awarded orders and awards, the floor is given to a great participant patriotic war border troops _______________________________________
(veteran's performance)

Lead 1: The answer is given to the soldier - border guard _______________

Host 2: Dear friends! Today, on this holiday, children from kindergarten congratulate you

Lead 1: You, protecting the internal order,
You protect the peace of the great country!
We congratulate you on the holiday today
You are on a difficult watch!

Host 2: May it always serve you calmly!
We thank you for your loyalty to duty!
Carry your title with dignity -
And always be invincible in everything!
_______________________________ sings for you

Moderator 1: Service at the border and in the border areas has always been tense and difficult. After all, the main task of the border guards is to defend the fatherland at any cost, even at the cost of their own lives.

Host 2: What are the origins of the courage and heroism of the border guards?
This is patriotism of the highest standard, ardent love for the Motherland.
Our compatriots, the Urais, also paid their military duty to the Fatherland in full measure.

Host 1: Among them is a warrior who gave his life for the peace and quiet of the citizens of Russia. This is Anatoly Yakovlev, a young guy who could become a worker or a scientist, but it was so destined that he laid his head for the Fatherland, like many other soldiers - border guards.

Let's remember through the centuries, through the years
About those who will never come again.
Let's remember.
Lead 2. Let us recall those who remained in the lists on memorial plaques and in the memory of the living, recall those who were destined to lay down their heads for the sake of the Fatherland. Let's remember.

Host 1: I will ask you to honor their memory with a minute of silence.

(minute of silence)

Host 2: We are indebted to those who stood and are standing guard over the peace and tranquility of our Motherland. Their feat remains an example for all generations.

Without announcement, the song "Memory"

Host 1: Take out the flag of the Russian Federation!
The march sounds
The banner group leaves

Lead 2: The Border Troops are a special kind of troops, the first to defend the Motherland today. There are many military holidays in the calendar, but border guard day celebrated traditionally in our city.

Host 1: The soldiers-border guards honor this holiday and always find time to give up the watch of memory and kneel.

Moderator 2: The right to lay a garland of memory at the "Link of Generations" monument is granted ____________________________________________________

Moderator 1: The right to lay a basket of flowers at the monument to Anatoly Yakovlev is granted


Musical beat.

Host 2: Dear border guards! Let spring mood, optimism, faith in our strong and beautiful Russia enter your homes.

Host 1: May these days be filled with the joy of meeting friends and family. Remember that no difficulties will break the Russians. Remember, our future generation is looking at you.

Host 2: This concludes our solemn meeting.

Together: Happy Holidays, dear friends!

(musical beat)