
Aspirator for newborns - how to choose a mechanical, electronic or syringe by description and cost. Electric nasal aspirators - a review of the best models and reviews of mothers How to use a nasal aspirator

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Every pediatrician, as well as many parents, can attest that a newborn aspirator is an indispensable item in childcare. The device serves to remove excess secretions from the nasal cavity in order to facilitate breathing. IN early age children cannot blow their nose on their own, which causes both the child and his parents a lot of inconveniences: the baby becomes capricious, the sleep and nutrition regime is disturbed, and breathing is difficult.

It is worth noting that the symptoms of a common cold can occur in children, not only due to illness. Excessive secretion of mucus is observed with allergic reactions, as well as due to the inhalation of dust particles by the child. Therefore, a nasal aspirator for newborns should be in every home where there is a baby, even if parents protect his health from being infected with all kinds of pathologies.

Why does a newborn need an aspirator?

The presence of a large amount of secretion in the nasal cavity requires its immediate removal. It is almost impossible to do this without an aspirator for a newborn, because the child is not yet able to blow his nose on his own, and the manifestations of seemingly ordinary rhinitis pose a serious threat to children's health:

  • The secreted mucus makes breathing difficult, as a result of which sleep and nutrition are disturbed.
  • In children of the first year of life, there is a risk of rapid development of otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia. This is due to the horizontal placement of the auditory tubes and the shorter and narrower airways compared to those of an adult. Sometimes pathology can develop within a day, so parents need to eliminate a runny nose from the moment it appears.
  • Blockage of the nasal passages can provoke respiratory failure, which poses a danger to the health of the baby, and often leading to irreversible consequences.

Therefore, an aspirator for cleaning the nose of a newborn and a baby is a necessary attribute, the presence of which is mandatory in every home where a child appears. A useful device can be purchased at any pharmacy, choosing the most suitable option.

Types of children's aspirators

Before shopping, parents should figure out what the appliances are. It is difficult to say which aspirator for newborns is the best, since each person chooses the most suitable and convenient device that does not cause difficulties in use.

There are several types of devices available today.

Mechanical aspirator - the simplest device for cleaning nasal secretions from newborns and infants. Many parents believe that this type of apparatus is extremely unhygienic, because the mother or father has to suck mucus through the mouth, through a tube. However, you should not be afraid - there is a special filter in the device. It prevents secretions from entering the mouth of the parents.

The device is a silicone soft tube, one of the tips of which is inserted into the child's nostrils. Due to the elastic and delicate structure, the risk of injury to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. After application, all mucus remains in the reservoir intended for it. Such a device is easy to use, and its cost is acceptable to every family.

Pear aspirator for newborns ... The most popular and cheapest type of apparatus.

It is a pear-shaped balloon with a tip made of various materials: rubber, silicone, glass, plastic. The device is easy to use, easy to clean and sterilize.

Vacuum aspirator for newborns and babies. A more complex apparatus in the form of a silicone tube with two removable tips, one of which is inserted into the child's nostrils, and the other is connected to an electronic device.

Its principle of operation is to create negative pressure, which contributes to the rapid cleaning of the nasal passages from excess secretion. This type of device is very effective, easy to use and also safe for the baby. The device is durable and easy to clean and sterilize.

Electronic aspirator to cleanse the mucus from the nose of newborns and infants. The most efficient and at the same time expensive device. Removes excess secretions and dried crusts from the nasal cavity, with minimal risk of injury. The device consists of a soft silicone tip and a transparent container for collecting mucus. They are connected to a small electrical appliance.

Thanks to the compartment for receiving secretions, the mother can see the amount of collected mucus, its texture, color, blood impurities, which is of great diagnostic value. The Electric Newborn Aspirator is battery operated and takes up little space, allowing parents to take it with them to the clinic, for a walk or on a trip.

Knowing all the varieties of aspirators, moms and dads still often face difficulties during the purchase. They are often interested in what kind of aspirator to choose for a newborn baby so that it is the safest. Recently, electronic and vacuum devices have been popular, but even such devices have flaws.

Advantages and disadvantages of aspirators for children

Like any other device that helps you care for your baby, nasal mucus removers can be both beneficial and harmful. When thinking about which aspirator is best for a baby and a newborn, parents must necessarily take into account the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Aspirator type Benefits disadvantages
  • Acceptable price.
  • Ease of use.
  • Disposable tips (if available) are easy to remove and sterilize
  • The device is often disposable, which forces parents to purchase several of these devices.
  • Possible injury to the mucous membrane if used incorrectly
Syringe (pear)
  • Affordable price.
  • Ease of use.
  • No difficulties with washing and sterilization
  • There is no special stop on the tip, which increases the risk of injury to the nasal mucosa.
  • Opacity of the pear-shaped balloon: the mother does not see how much secret has left, and what color and consistency it is
  • Safety in use.
  • Fast cleaning of the nasal passages from mucus
  • High price.
  • The noise from the appliance can scare the child
  • The ability to clean the nasal cavity from mucus and dried crusts.
  • Thanks to the transparent capacity, it is possible to evaluate the deleted secret.
  • Possibility of washing the nasal cavity.
  • Ease of use
  • High cost compared to other devices.
  • Fragility - the batteries can run out at any moment, the device itself often breaks down

Having learned about all the positive and negative aspects of the devices, parents may wonder whether an aspirator is needed to care for newborns and babies, because there is no ideal device without flaws.

But the presence of any type of device is mandatory in every home where there are children, since if a cold is ignored, a child may experience serious complications, often leading to severe pathologies of the respiratory and other systems.

How to use a newborn aspirator

Young parents often have questions about how to properly use a nasal aspirator for newborns. Often it is errors in application that lead to injury, as well as ineffectiveness of the device.

Therefore, when using an aspirator for newborns and babies, the following rules should be considered:

  • No matter how simple the device is, you must carefully read the instructions before use.
  • If the cause of rhinitis is an allergic reaction, it must first of all be treated with medication: a device for cleaning the nasal cavity from mucus will not give a positive effect.
  • Another important aspect is how often you can use the aspirator, because in infants, the mucous membrane is delicate, with a large number of blood vessels. The use of such devices is permissible if necessary, when excess mucus interferes with breathing. With frequent use, there is a risk of drying out the mucous membrane with injury.
  • To soften dried crusts, moisten the nasal cavity with saline. Next, mucus is suctioned taking into account the rules for using the device specified in the instructions.
  • The nasal passages are cleaned one at a time. It is very important that during the manipulation the child does not cry or turn his head, which often leads to a violation of the integrity of the inner surface of the nasal cavity.
  • After use, the device must be rinsed and sterilized.

Knowing how to properly cleanse a baby's nose with an aspirator, parents help the child, alleviating the general condition. If you have any questions or difficulties in use, you should seek the advice of your doctor. He will explain and show you how to suck the nasal contents and determine how often the device is used.


It is important not only to know how to clean the nose of a newborn using an aspirator, but also to take into account possible difficulties and complications. Most often, due to the negligence of the parents, the child's mucous membrane is injured.

This is accompanied by nosebleeds or the presence of impurities in the secreted mucus. If such symptoms are found, you should stop using the device and urgently consult a doctor for help.

The best aspirators for newborns

When buying a nasal aspirator, moms and dads are interested in which one is best for newborns. In the ranking of aspirators for newborns, the following devices are the most popular:

  • Otrivin Baby nasal aspirator for newborns and babies. It is a tube with a tip, a mouthpiece and a filter for collecting mucus. This is an ordinary mechanical apparatus. The advantage is the minimal risk of injury. The Otrivin Baby aspirator for newborns is popular for its safety and ease of use. The manufacturer also produces nasal drops and sprays. However, it is dangerous to buy them on your own for a baby - a pediatrician consultation is necessary. You can read the instructions or ask your doctor about how to use the Otrivin aspirator for newborns.
  • Aspirator for newborns "Pigeon" ... Consists of a silicone tube with a tip, a mouthpiece with a filter and a container for collecting mucus. The advantages are ease of use, minimal risk of injury and the ability to evaluate the evacuated nasal contents.
  • Electric aspirator "B. Well " for newborns and babies. Quite easy to use, helps to remove accumulated secretions and dry crusts. It is also used for washing the nasal cavity.

When choosing such a device for a child, one must take into account not only the cost, but also the complexity of the application. Safety also plays an important role - pear-shaped balloons often injure the delicate mucous membrane.

Having learned how to use a newborn aspirator and which one to choose, parents can help the baby in case of rhinitis. Do not forget that in the first year of life, a child cannot blow his nose on his own. Therefore, in order to avoid complications, it is necessary to take seriously the care of children, trying to preserve their health.

Doctor Komarovsky talks about how to clean a baby's nose

In the first-aid kit of young parents, there are always adaptations that make their life much easier. Such accessories include an aspirator for newborns. This attribute will not be superfluous.

Any child in the first months of life has certain breathing difficulties. Mucus accumulates in the nasal passages. As a result of this, the baby experiences discomfort.

Think of your newborn child and the first nights in the hospital - in his nose there is always something grunting, seething, sniffling.

The task of the aspirator is to eliminate mucus and clear the nasal passages. In addition, such a care item is simply necessary for a small child with a cold, since:

  • He still does not know how to blow his nose;
  • It is not so easy to find safe drops for a baby: read more in the article Drops from a cold for a newborn \u003e\u003e\u003e.

We will figure out which aspirator is best for newborns, and how to use the accessory.

Runny nose in babies - danger and treatment

The nasal passages perform the most important function of protecting the body from viruses, and are the first to meet “dangerous guests”. The more important it is to maintain the state of the mucous membrane in a working, active state.

If the air in the apartment is too dry, crusts may appear in the nose. It is a mistake to think that the baby is not able to clear his nose on his own.

Sneezing is a reflex skill that a child has from the first days of life. You need to crawl into the child's nose only as a last resort. Dry crusts are perfectly detached when sneezing.

The air in the apartment should be regulated. The optimum humidity should be 50-70%, and the temperature in the apartment is 21-23 degrees.

Of course, Komarovsky talks about lower temperatures, but I don't think you will do it - it's too cold. And to put on socks and wrap up in a blanket in the summer in an apartment is a dubious pleasure.

Rhinitis, or inflammation of the nasal passages, accompanied by a runny nose, is common in children. Especially in the autumn-winter period.

Fluid accumulated in the nasal passages makes breathing difficult. As a result, the child feels extreme discomfort. He cannot eat and sleep normally.

A runny nose is very dangerous for a baby, because newborns, as a rule, cannot breathe through their mouths. A runny nose can cause disturbances in the respiratory mechanism and other completely unpredictable deviations.

Mucus can enter the ear tube and then into the middle ear. As a result, the newborn may develop otitis media.

To get rid of such a disease, serious therapy with antibiotics is required. If you have a runny nose, you should show the baby to the doctor. Only a pediatrician is able to prescribe adequate treatment.

An aspirator can be used to remove secretions and mucus. What it is?

Accessory Description

What is a nasal aspirator for newborns? This accessory is similar in principle to a pump. The simplest aspirator is a rubber bulb with a tip.

When used, a vacuum is generated inside the accessory. Thanks to this, you can gently suck mucus and secretions from the nose of the crumbs.

When using an aspirator for newborns, all rules should be followed. Only in this case, the cleansing of the nasal passages will be painless and effective.

Syringe device

This type of device is considered the most inexpensive and primitive. The cost of the device is about 50 rubles. This accessory consists of a silicone tip and a small pear made of rubber.

It is very easy to use such a product:

  1. It is necessary to squeeze the rubber bulb.
  2. Insert the silicone tip carefully into the baby's nasal passage.
  3. Slowly and gently release the pear. As a result, mucus and secretions are absorbed along with the air.
  4. After the procedure, the syringe should be washed well and then boiled.

The main disadvantage of this type of aspirator is the absence of a limiter on the tip. It is necessary to insert the device into the nostrils carefully and not completely, so as not to damage the mucous tissue.

Another disadvantage of such an aspirator for newborns is the opaque material from which it is made. It is not always clear how much mucus was sucked out, and whether it was sucked at all.

Mechanical aspirator for newborns

At the moment, there are many types of aspirators. However, their mechanism of action is the same.

A mechanical aspirator for newborns, reviews of which are mostly positive, is made in the form of a tube with a special reservoir for mucus.

Such a product is equipped with a replaceable filter that protects against liquid from a child's nose into an adult's mouth.

The risk of injury to the newborn's mucosa when using such a device is small, since its tips are made of soft silicone and are easy to change.

The cost of such an item for caring for a child is no more than 200 rubles. Disposable tips are available for certain types of instrument.

The most popular device is the Otrivin aspirator for newborns.

It's easy to use:

  1. It is necessary to insert the tip into the baby's nostril.
  2. An adult must draw air. As a result, the mucus should be easily sucked out and fall into the reservoir intended for it.
  3. After use, disposable aspirators are discarded, and reusable ones are sterilized.

Electronic aspirator

Electronic aspirators are the most expensive and most effective.

The product is equipped with a soft silicone tip with a stop. Thanks to this baby care item, you can gently remove crusts and mucus. This process is automatic.

It is easy to use the device:

  1. Insert the aspirator tip into the newborn's nasal passage.
  2. Press the button and the device will suck out the mucus by itself.

The electric aspirator for newborns is just perfect. The accessory has a transparent container that collects mucus. This allows you to see how much fluid has been removed from the baby's nose.

The device allows, if necessary, to rinse the newborn's nose with boiled water or sea water. The power of the electronic aspirator is low. Therefore, the risk of mucosal injury is minimal.

This device is battery operated and small in size. This allows you to take it with you for a walk. Some models of electronic aspirators are capable of playing melodies.

This distracts the infant from the procedure. The disadvantage of the device is its high cost. Such a product can be purchased at a price of 1,500 rubles and more. In addition, the electronic newborn aspirator is short-lived.

Vacuum aspirator for newborn

Not so long ago, a new type of aspirator appeared on sale - vacuum. The principle of operation of the accessory is the same as that described above.

The only difference is that a home vacuum cleaner is used to suck up mucus. The product is connected to it through a mouthpiece. The device has removable tips. All tips must be sterilized after use.

Most parents refuse such aspirators due to the fact that they need to be connected to a vacuum cleaner. Many are alarmed by this fact. However, there is no need to worry.

The product has a special flask - a collector. When using an aspirator, a vacuum is established in it. Thanks to this, an instant and effective cleansing of the nasal passages of a newborn baby occurs.

The vacuum aspirator has many advantages. Among them, it is worth highlighting durability, efficiency and safety during operation. As for the shortcomings, there is only one - the high cost of the product: about 1300 rubles.

How to use the device

This will make the mucus thinner and soften the crusts. When irrigating the nasal passages, the newborn should be held upright. This will prevent liquid from entering the infant's airways.

So how to use the newborn aspirator? The process of sucking mucus from the baby's nasal passages should be performed according to the following scheme:

  1. The child should be picked up. The baby should be calm during the procedure.
  2. The baby's head should be turned to the side. In each nostril, you need to drip from 3 to 5 drops of saline solution or chamomile decoction. It is forbidden to use sprays for newborns and children under one year old.
  3. One nostril should be pinched with a finger, and the second should be inserted into the tip of the aspirator and the liquid should be aspirated.
  4. The same must be done with the baby's second nasal passage.

You can also seek help from experienced health workers.

Safety engineering

An aspirator for a newborn is a necessary item for care. However, use such a device with extreme caution. After all, some models can injure the tissues in the nasal passages of the child. Read the instructions carefully before use.

Frequent use of such a product can lead to malfunction of the mucous membrane and its drying.

As a result, there is a weakening of the protective properties of tissues in the nasal passages. Before buying an aspirator for a newborn, you should consult a pediatrician.

If a child has an allergic rhinitis, then antiallergic medicines should be used to eliminate it.

Keep the tip of the accessory straight during the suction process. It is impossible for it to stick to the walls of the nasal passage. Otherwise, you can severely damage the mucous membrane and cause bleeding.

An aspirator for newborns is a necessary device that allows you to quickly relieve a child from a runny nose with rhinitis.

Among the many diseases of babies, the most troublesome and troublesome is the runny nose. In the fight against a stuffy nose, an aspirator for newborns is a necessary hygiene tool. It will facilitate nasal breathing, make the mucous membrane more accessible for the action of drugs and help you fall asleep more calmly.

Newborn children are more difficult to tolerate a runny nose than adults, but they cannot help themselves.

A runny nose, or rhinitis, significantly impairs the life of any person. For a newborn, this condition can be quite dangerous. Firstly, the baby does not know how to breathe through the mouth and, moreover, does not know how to free the nose from mucus on its own. This is fraught with oxygen starvation and the inability to fully suck. Secondly, the nasal passages are closely connected with the opening in the middle ear, so a prolonged and profuse runny nose can quickly lead to otitis media. In addition, in pediatrics, there are often cases of sinusitis in babies. The cause of a runny nose can be hypothermia, infections, poor microclimate in the house, allergic susceptibility, physiology.

The main function of a nasal aspirator for a newborn is to cleanse the nasal passages of mucus and crusts. If done correctly, the baby will be able to breathe much easier for a while. Purified nasal mucosa becomes more susceptible to drugs, so the effect of children's vasoconstrictor drops will be much longer.

How to prepare a spout before aspiration

An aspirator for newborns is able to cleanse the nose only of thinned mucus. If the baby's snot is thick, thick crusts are formed, they must be softened before using the "nozzle suction". To do this, pediatricians recommend using special solutions for irrigation (sea salt solution, which can be bought at a pharmacy, Salin, Otrivin ampoules, etc.) or ordinary saline solution. These products moisturize the mucous membrane, heal it and help to soften dry crusts. You can use only drops, sprays for children under one year old are contraindicated, as they can irritate the delicate nasal mucosa. It is better to consult a pediatrician about how to properly treat rhinitis.

When working with an aspirator, all manipulations must be carried out extremely carefully and only at a time when the baby is calm

  1. The child must be picked up in an upright position or reclined.
  2. Tilt your head slightly to the side and drip a few drops into one nostril.
  3. You should wait a few minutes and use the aspirator according to the instructions.
  4. Repeat the procedure with the other nostril.

You need to clean the nose when the baby is calm, otherwise the desired effect may not be achieved.

The "pear" familiar to all of us from childhood is a rather simple type of aspirator, currently there are many more convenient models

The simplest nasal aspirator is a small syringe. Its main advantage is its low price. You can use it only if there is no possibility of acquiring a more modern one. Firstly, syringes rarely have tips with stops, so it is very easy to injure the mucosa with the tip when inserted deeper. Secondly, it is difficult to determine whether it was possible to free the nose from mucus, because the walls of the syringe are opaque. The syringe-nozzle pump works on the principle of a pear. First you need to squeeze it, then bring it to the nose, insert the tip into the nostril and gently unclench it. Any liquid present must get inside the syringe. This nasal aspirator must be thoroughly disinfected after each procedure.

The most common and convenient are mechanical aspirators for newborns. They can be purchased separately or complete with removable attachments and filters. In pharmacies, you can find already formed kits for the care of the nasal cavity (for example, "Otrivin baby"), which already include a means for softening crusts and an aspirator with nozzles. Mechanical nozzle pumps consist of a body, a removable nozzle and a mouthpiece. All parts are usually transparent to control the process and the amount of incoming mucus. The removable nozzle, which directly carries out the suction process, has a filter to prevent transmission of infection from mother to child and vice versa.

This device is very easy to use. It is necessary to insert the tip of the nozzle into the baby's nose, and it is easy for the mother to inhale air through the mouthpiece. Very simple and convenient. Usually one tip is suitable for one procedure. There are a lot of manufacturers of such nasal hygiene products, therefore, before using any of them, you must carefully study the instructions for use.

The electronic nasal aspirator for newborns has a silicone tip with a limiter and a special container for storing nasal discharge. The device operates on batteries, its power is low, so the likelihood of injury to the mucous membrane is excluded. Mom needs to carefully insert the tip of the aspirator into the nostril and press the button. Some devices "know how" to play the recorded melodies to distract the baby from the procedure.

Vacuum aspirators for children occupy an average price position. These devices are powered by a vacuum cleaner. They have a removable tip and a mouthpiece attached to the vacuum cleaner tube. This neonatal nasal aspirator controls the suction power and prevents injury to the nose. The cleansing procedure takes a few seconds, the nose is effectively cleared of mucus without effort and crumbs resistance. The device is universal, as it can be used for both newborns and adults. Usually such devices do not have replaceable attachments. You should always read the instructions for use due to the design features of these vacuum devices. If you collect the basic performance indicators of all the above nasal aspirators, you can create a table of their effectiveness.

Aspirator type / comparison criteriavacuumelectronicwith a mouthpiecemanual
Procedure speed5 4 2 1
Efficiency5 4 1 1
Hygiene5 5 3 3
Safety5 5 5 3
Removable partsnotbatteriesnozzles, filtersnot
durability5 5 3 5
Total points25 23 14 13

If your child has a runny nose, first of all, be sure to find out its cause: if it arose as a manifestation of an allergy, antihistamines will be required

  1. An aspirator for newborns should only be used in cases where the snot itself does not flow out of the nose. Perhaps the child just needs to be held upright for a few minutes to cleanse the nose.
  1. Excessive enthusiasm for aspirators for newborns can lead to disruption of the nasal mucosa, its drying and loss of protective properties.
  1. If a runny nose is of an allergic nature, it is better to "replace" the nasal sniffle with antihistamines prescribed by a pediatrician.
  1. If the runny nose is severe with thick mucus that is difficult to separate, the cleansing procedure should be carried out several times a day, especially before feeding, to make it easier for the baby to suck.
  1. After aspiration, vasoconstrictor drops should be used, but not more than 3-5 days in a row.

With the birth of a child, new concerns fall on the shoulders of young parents. They should pay special attention to what they have in the first aid kit. Among the devices familiar to everyone, it should also include a nasal aspirator. And you don't need to think that you can do without it. If the baby has difficulty breathing through the nose, it will be very difficult for parents to feed him in the first weeks of life. With severe nasal congestion, a child under 4 months will not be able to eat independently. Therefore, during this period, parents should be very attentive to their child and make sure that mucus and secretions do not accumulate in the nasal passages.

The aspirator will also benefit parents if the child is in the room the air is too dry... In such conditions, a newborn will probably constantly form crusts in the nasal passages, due to which not only nasal breathing will cease to function normally, but also favorable conditions for the development of rhinitis will arise. It is quite difficult to treat it in the first months of a child's life due to the fact that not every drug can be used for treatment at this age.

What is an aspirator, types

Parents should immediately begin to worry if they detect even the slightest signs of beginning rhinitis in the first four months of a child's life. In this case, you will need urgent specialist assistance. Nasal congestion can cause many problems - a child may lose appetite, sleep worse, and while awake, the brain and internal organs will be in a state of severe hypoxia.

For the treatment of children at this age, in no case should vasoconstrictor nasal drops be used. Otherwise, it can lead to intoxication of the baby. More convenient and safer is the nasal aspirator for newborns, with which you can quickly solve the problem of treating the common cold without resorting to active pharmaceutical drugs.

This easy-to-use device easily sucks up accumulated secretions. It can also help to cope with crusts - at the beginning, they are moisturized by instilling drops in the nose, prepared on the basis of sea water or ordinary salt solution.

Children over the age of 4 months still have problems with the upper respiratory tract. Now they can breathe through the nose, but so far they cannot afford to blow their nose on their own. Because of this limited capacity, the secretion from the nasal mucosa will not flow to the handkerchief that caring parents substitute for the nose, but will be directed through the inner auditory tube directly into the middle ear cavity. Subsequently, this can provoke the development of acute otitis media, for the treatment of which potent antibiotics will have to be used.

Nasal aspirator for newborns Is primarily a technical device. In fact, it is a kind of pump, where negative pressure is created, whereby there is suction of secretion... However, there is no need to worry about the safety of the child with this device. The main thing is to exactly follow the rules of use to cleanse the nasal passages from mucus, which are given in the instructions for the aspirator.

Types of nasal aspirators for newborns

The Internet is a source of all kinds of information. In its vastness, you can also find materials that describe the features of modern aspirators. According to the manufacturers, today it is best fixture for newborn children.

Aspirators for newborns can be classified into several types:

  • Aspirators-syringes. In fact, they are small rubber pears.
  • Mechanical aspirators. For this device to be able to clear the baby's nasal passages from mucus, parents must work their lungs.
  • Electronic aspirators. These are modern devices in which the whole process is carried out thanks to a compressor controlled by an electronic microcircuit.
  • Vacuum aspirators. These models are superior in efficiency to all of the above, but they need to be connected to a vacuum cleaner to work.

Pros and cons of nasal aspirators

Even though it is useful for all young parents to have baby aspirators for newborns, they have certain positive and negative sides that it would not hurt to find out about before buying:

  • Syringe - this is the most budgetary variant of aspirators that you can buy at any pharmacy. They are very easy to prepare for the procedure for removing mucus from the nasal passages. However, using them is unsafe due to the risk of damaging the skin and mucous membranes. In addition, patients are not very fond of such pears.
  • Mechanical aspirator - easy to use device. All that needs to be done is to place one end of it in the nasal passage, and an adult must insert the other into his mouth. Caring for this device consists in sterilizing the aspirator tubes, however, this possibility is implemented only in some models.
  • Electronic aspirators for newborns. More functional models that are able not only to cleanse the nasopharynx of mucus accumulated inside, but also to rinse and moisturize the mucous membrane. Of the main disadvantages of these devices, it is worth noting the high cost and risk of breakage. But in general, they leave a pleasant impression on young patients because of the cheerful music that plays while using the device.
  • Vacuum aspirators... They can only be used in conjunction with a household vacuum cleaner. Unlike other models, they have a built-in independent power regulator, which completely eliminates the risk of injury. Although children are not very enthusiastic about the noise of a working vacuum cleaner, the impact of this disadvantage can be minimized by imagining hygiene in the form of play. In order for the device to perform its functions as long as possible, you just need to regularly care for the attachments.

In the assortment of individual manufacturers of nasal cavity care devices you can find full-fledged caring complexes.

These include a seawater bottle, a mechanical aspirator and vasoconstrictor drops offered in a pediatric dosage.

Among all the variety of such complexes, the most famous in our country is the Otrivin aspirator for newborns.

How to use a newborn aspirator?

Before proceeding with the intended use of the infant aspirator for newborns for the first time, you first need to read the instructions supplied with the device.

It contains important information on how to prepare the device for use, how to handle and sterilize removable parts and how to store them.

Sometimes in the instructions you can find explanatory illustrations, which can help you understand how to use an aspirator to remove mucus and secretions from the nasal passages of a child.

  1. At the very beginning it is necessary pick up a childholding it vertically, carefully turn its head to one side and inject a couple of drops of sea water into the overlying nasal passage.
  2. Next, the tip of the device is inserted into this nasal passage and suck mucus... Do the same with the second half of the nose.
  3. After completing the procedure for removing mucus from the nasal passages of a sick child, the device should be disassembled, following the recommendations of the instructions, and rinsed. Sterilizing the handpiece carried out just before the subsequent use of the operator.

Aspirator Precautions

Using the device to remove mucus from the child's nasal passages in accordance with the instructions of the instructions ensures that during the procedure risk of mucosal damage nasal cavity or injury will be excluded.

During the procedure for removing mucus from a child's nasopharynx with an aspirator, parents should monitor the position of the tip. If, through negligence, the nasal mucosa is injured and even bleeding appears, then in this case the child's head is tilted forward, while the wing of the nose on the affected side must be pressed against the septum.

At the preliminary stage, when you will enter a solution of table salt or sea water into the nasal passages, monitor the amount of fluid injected... If some of it gets into the larynx and pharynx, it can cause a coughing or vomiting attack in the child. The possibility of spreading the infection along the respiratory tree cannot be ruled out.

If you notice signs of developing rhinitis in the first months of a child's life, this does not mean that you can start using the aspirator without first consulting a doctor. There is always the possibility that after using the device, the child's condition will change. A runny nose can indicate not only rhinitis, but also other diseases, among which there are quite serious ones.

How much do baby aspirators cost?

Today, pharmacies offer many models of aspirators for newborns. Their prices are not the same and depend on several parameters - functionality, design and other details. The most expensive are vacuum ones, as well as more functional models that can not only cleanse the nasal passages of mucus, but also rinse and moisturize them.

The budget version of aspirators can be purchased at the price of 150 rubles. The average price for them corresponds to the level of 300-400 rubles. If you want to buy a device that would not only have basic functions, but also include nice additions in the form of musical melodies and other "chips", then you will have to fork out for 700-900 rubles. Also, do not forget that recently many goods have risen in price due to exchange rate fluctuations. Therefore, do not be surprised if the price for an aspirator in a pharmacy is higher than that given in this material.


Newborn babies need special attention and care from their parents. While they are small, it is difficult for them to independently cope with health problems. A runny nose is the most common symptom that accompanies many illnesses. And you shouldn't underestimate him. A stuffy nose can seriously complicate a child's life. In addition to the fact that his health deteriorates, your baby may have problems with sleep, as well as a loss of appetite.

And parents should not miss this moment and take timely action. In such a case, they should have a special device at hand - an aspirator. This is a fairly easy-to-use device that allows you to quickly clear mucus from the nasal passages of a sick child.

However, a runny nose is not always a sign of incipient rhinitis. It is very difficult for parents to independently make an accurate diagnosis for their baby. Therefore, having noticed snot in a child, you should not immediately get an aspirator out of the first-aid kit. Treatment of any pathology found in a child should begin with a visit to a pediatrician. A correct diagnosis greatly increases the chances of quickly eliminating the disease and returning the child to a healthy appearance.

An aspirator is a necessary item in every family with a newborn baby.

The nasal aspirator is the simplest device for sucking mucus from a child's nasal passages. People call him "spleen sucker".

What is the danger of a cold in a newborn

In the nasal passages of the crumbs, mucus, dust accumulates, and crusts may even form. This is not always the result of a cold. It's just that in the rooms, especially in winter, the air is very dry, which does not very well affect the mucous membranes of the child's nose.

As a consequence of this, the infant may develop rhinitis, a simple runny nose.

  • The mucus prevents him from breathing, the child cannot suckle and sleep well. This is very dangerous for the baby. He cannot breathe through his mouth and his nose is clogged with mucus. Some parents try to put cold drops into the nose. But they will not improve the condition of the baby.
  • The baby is still helpless, he cannot blow his nose on his own. A runny nose can lead to respiratory distress and the most unpredictable consequences.
  • Abundant mucus, if not removed, can enter the baby's middle ear through the inner auditory tube. This can cause a serious illness - otitis media. And require a much more laborious treatment with antibiotics.

Therefore, in the first months of a baby's life, it is important to consult a pediatrician. He will prescribe treatment.

And in order to avoid the use of drugs for a cold, a small device - an aspirator will help. Using it, you can quickly and easily remove nasal discharge.

Types and characteristics of nasal aspirators

What types of aspirators are there?

In the form of a syringe

This is the most primitive and cheapest type of aspirator ( about 50 rubles). It consists of a rubber bulb with a soft silicone tip.

It's easy to use:

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  1. Squeeze the pear.
  2. Carefully insert the tip into the nasal passage.
  3. Release the pear slowly.
  4. Mucus will be sucked in with the air.
  5. After cleaning, the syringe must be thoroughly rinsed and boiled.

The big disadvantage of this aspirator is the absence of a limiter on the tip. It is necessary to enter "by eye", so there is a danger of injury to the mucous membrane of the nose.

The second disadvantage is that the pear is opaque, so it is not visible whether the liquid contents have been sucked out of the nose.


  • The mechanical aspirator is a tube with a reservoir for mucus and has a replaceable filter to prevent mucus from entering the adult's mouth.
  • Its tips are soft, often replaceable, so the risk of mucosal injury is low.
  • The principle of operation is simple - an adult inserts the tip of the tube into the child's nose, sucks in air.
  • Excretions with air enter a transparent reservoir, where they remain.
  • After use, the device is either thrown away (if disposable) or sterilized.
  • Such aspirators cost within 200 rubles. Some models require disposable tips.

(Baby nasal aspirator Otrivin Baby)


This is one of the most expensive, but also the most effective types of aspirators. Its positive aspects:

  • Soft silicone tip with stop.
  • Automatic removal of mucus and crusts. Just insert the tip into the nasal passage, press the button, the device will do the rest by itself.
  • There is a transparent container for collecting mucus. You can clearly see how and how much of it left the baby's nose.
  • The ability to rinse the nose of the crumbs with water - simple boiled or sea water.
  • The power of the device is low, therefore, the risk of mucosal injury is low.
  • The small size of the device and the ability to work on batteries make it possible to take it with you on the road.
  • Many electronic aspirators can play several tunes, which serves as a distraction during the operation to clean the baby's nose.

The disadvantage of this device is its rather high cost (from one and a half thousand rubles) and fragility.

(Example of an aspirator)


This is a fairly new type of aspirator.

  • Its principle of operation is based on connecting the device to the tube of an ordinary household vacuum cleaner (!) Through a mouthpiece.
  • The tip of this type of aspirator is removable.
  • Both tips must be disinfected after use.
  • Many parents are alarmed by the fact that the mucus will be sucked out by the vacuum cleaner. After all, it has a sufficiently large suction power.
  • Don't worry. The device contains a flask - a collector, and as soon as a continuous suction vacuum is established in it, the spout is quickly, literally in a few seconds, cleared.

The advantages of this type of aspirators are safety, efficiency of use, durability. This type of aspirator is considered one of the best.

The disadvantages include the noisy operation of the vacuum cleaner, which can scare the baby, and the rather big price - about 1,300 rubles.

How to use the aspirator

  • Regardless of the type of aspirator, be sure to read the instructions.
  • Use the device only if absolutely necessary. Its frequent use leads to desiccation and malfunction of the nasal mucosa, a weakening of its protective properties.
  • For allergic rhinitis, it is better to use antiallergenic drugs.
  • Before carrying out suction, it is advisable to moisten the nasal passages with saline, a decoction of chamomile or sage. In this case, thick mucus liquefies, the crusts soften. When irrigating, keep the baby upright to prevent moisture from entering the respiratory tract.
  • Before purchasing an aspirator, consult your pediatric pediatrician.
  • When aspirating, keep the tip straight, not sucking it to the nasal walls. Otherwise, you can injure the mucous membrane, causing bleeding.
  • If you are not comfortable with a nasal aspirator or are simply afraid, ask an experienced nurse to advise you. Carry out the first procedure under her guidance.

Spout cleaning sequence

  1. Read the instructions for use of the device carefully.
  2. When carrying out the procedure, follow the rules for operating the aspirator.
  3. Prepare a saline or decoction of the herb you want.
  4. Hold your baby upright in your arms or recline.
  5. Make sure that the baby does not worry, otherwise you can accidentally damage the nasal mucosa.
  6. Turn the baby's head to one side and carefully add 3 to 5 drops with a pipette into one nasal passage.
  7. Sprays should not be used for newborns and infants under one year old.
  8. Pinch the other nostril with your finger.
  9. After instillation, insert the tip into the nasal passage and suck out the mucus.
  10. The child is kept upright during the entire procedure.
  11. Do the same with the other nasal passage.
  12. Rinse the device after use, disinfect.
  13. How often the aspiration is performed depends on the rate at which mucus builds up in the child's nose.