
How to break the connection with a married man? Relations with a married man. Psychologist's advice. Rid yourself of contacts with him.

Over time, a woman who is in a relationship with married man, comes to the conclusion that they should leave, only how to do it right? First of all, you need to realize - only she can put an end to the relationship, and only her future happiness depends on herself. But already with a free man.

Who needs such a relationship?

First of all, to the man himself. There are many reasons for this - from a banal increase in self-esteem to really deep feelings. When the passion in the relationship is muffled, the woman realizes that the injured party in the relationship with loving man  she herself is: and she has no rights to him, and all that she has from him is just an illusion of full value living together  two people. It is then that the understanding comes that breaking up with a married man will be the best solution.

Why is it so hard to part with a married man

Psychologists have an unequivocal answer to this question - it is all a matter of mental dependence. The married man you love is a skilled manipulator who plays the strings of a weak soul. He gives the woman love (we fly from her wings), sex (a woman has no other partner), eliminates loneliness (after all, not everyone can easily find a man for marriage). Naturally, it’s hard for a woman to get away from all this “wealth”, especially if the man himself does not want to leave.

Learn to say no! weaknesses

The most important thing is to save yourself from dependence on the man himself. Psychologists advise starting with the simplest: in the event of any situations that the man was solving, do not contact him for help. Believe me, you yourself will be surprised how everything turns out to be simple, and that a lover is not necessary for this.

Life must be in full swing

All the advice of a psychologist on how to part with a married man comes down to the fact that a woman needs to fill her life with interesting events, then thoughts in her head will stop spinning only around a man. And the soul will open wide to meet new acquaintances.

Look for flaws in it

Since it is hard to part with your beloved man, stop loving him. Look for flaws in it, cultivate a negative attitude towards them in yourself.

Rid yourself of contact with him

A man, all the more loving, will let go just like that, they will try to return everything back, they will confess their love, swear by all saints that "everything will be fine with us." Rid yourself of such outpourings, otherwise the hour is uneven, succumb to persuasion and thereby steal the opportunity to meet a new man. Therefore, change the phone number. Get out of work if you work together. Decided to leave - do not think how beautiful it is to do it. Throw everything and run, run from it with all your might for your happiness!

"A man is a polygamous creature." This phrase has to be heard quite often, and most often from men. They sincerely believe that the need for numerous (including simultaneous) relationships with women is inherent in nature. Moreover, of course, women are completely devoid of this “burden” and can only explain their adventures with their own licentiousness. We will not consider the justice of this judgment now, we will pay attention only to its inevitable consequence - married men very often start relationships on the side. You can understand them, but why does a woman need such a connection and is it needed at all? What is more in it, harm or benefit? And how to part with a married man, especially if you feel sincere feelings for him?

Is everyone the same?

When a woman falls in love, she loses her hearing, vision, and mind. Of course, this is a figurative expression, but this does not mean that it is meaningless. Just a woman in love with all her might defends her chosen one, justifies her relationship with him, does not listen to anyone's advice, and sometimes even quarrels with truly close people. During this period, it seems to her that “her case is special”, that “other people just don’t know what they are talking about and don’t understand anything in what is happening,” perhaps “they are jealous and do not want her happiness,” etc. . P.

Sometimes a woman begins to realize that relations with this person really hurt her, that they must be stopped, but simply cannot find the strength to put the final point in herself. At the same time, the hope is warming in her that she still “can, somehow form”, that it is “not the same as that of others”. Meanwhile, such situations are usually very sad of the same type. To understand this, it is enough to listen to what in such cases men say to their mistresses:

  • “Yes, I'm married, so what? How does this actually interfere with us? Do you really care?"
  • “I don’t like my wife for a long time, I just can’t leave because of the children. In fact, you are the only woman I love. ”
  • “Only you understand me. What a pity I met you so late! Everything could have turned out quite differently. ”
  • “If not for you, I would probably be crazy. I’m so sick of everything, all around one sense of duty. It’s good that now I have love. ”
  • “My wife and I are given no longer sleeping together. Outwardly, we just keep up appearances as if we have a family. In fact, we are strangers. ”
  • “I would have divorced a long time ago, just material interests connect us with my wife. If I file for a divorce now, I’ll be left with nothing. ”
  • “I was just about to divorce her, but found out that she was seriously ill. I can’t throw her at such a moment. Let’s wait a bit, she’ll recover, and I’ll tell her everything. ”
  • “Let's not think about anything other than our love. Indeed, only this is important - the rest is trifles. ”
  • “Have you got someone? No? Then what is it? It’s probably better to meet a married man than to be completely alone. Then someone will appear, then we’ll disperse. ”
  • “You didn’t seem to know that I was married. Have I ever lied to you? "It didn’t bother you before, but now what has changed?"
  • “Well, what doesn’t suit you? I spend more time with you than with my wife! Do you need a stamp in your passport or something? And for what? Will something change from this? Or will I love you more? ”

And another thousand and one version of male responses. And when a man feels that a woman is literally crazy about him, that she is in his power and simply cannot leave him, he is quite capable of changing the rhetoric. Then, in response to reproaches or discontent, to timid questions and transparent hints, he can answer with a phrase like: “Personally, everything suits me. If you are not there, you can leave, no one forces you. ” And then the woman imagines that tomorrow she will wake up with the thought that “he is not already in her personal life”, that “he might not be thinking about her somewhere,” and, finally, that “she will never see him again does not hug. " And such despair engulfs her that she again resigns herself to her position and falls silent.

Stop or not?

Meanwhile, ending such a relationship is simply necessary. Firstly, because they are extremely dishonorable and dishonest in relation to both women, but first of all to their mistress. In this triangle, she is the most deprived and vulnerable side. Someone may object, they say, she herself is to blame. But now we are considering not moral standards, but a situation from which no one is safe and in which a woman who succumbed to her feelings finds herself in.

These destructive relationships affect you, and much more deeply than you think. Outwardly, you may not notice the changes, perhaps even people close to you will not be able to accurately determine them, but this does not mean that they are not. Your experiences will undermine you from within, devastate, exhaust you. Over time, all this will affect the quality of your personality, it can interfere with building a relationship with a new man safely.

Of course, much easier said than done. If a woman loves her chosen one, then leaving him is very difficult. To look at the situation adequately, imagine that your relationship is a bad habit. After all, people, for example, alcohol abusers, also love to drink. But they find strength within themselves, stop drinking to live. Or die. The analogy, of course, is rather crude, but the essence is about the same. It is necessary to abandon the one who torments you, destroys, does harm, to live on and breathe freely.

How to do it

Indeed, how to solve this problem, translate the plan into reality? After all, even understanding the whole necessity of ending such a relationship is not a decision. No. But this is at least half the battle!

It just won't be. Parting with "bad habits" is always difficult. Therefore, you need to be patient and not give up. The practical plan is something like this:

  • Tell your man that you are leaving him. If he asks why, say directly that such a format of relations does not suit you. And do not enter into discussions, say that this is not blackmail, that you are not provoking him to divorce, just stop your relationship.
  • If in your house there are things that belong to this man and which he would like to pick up, make a reservation with him at a specific time when he can come for them. Do not give him a reason to remind himself every two days with the phrase “you have my book left there, I want to take it”, and after a week he will “remember” that you still have his “favorite towel”. In other words, do not fall for this manipulation.
  • If things remain in the house that remind of him, but he does not pretend to them, it is better to simply throw them away. It’s good, by the way, to do repairs, buy new furniture or just rearrange. Firstly, it will distract you, and secondly, it will once again erase a reminder of his presence.
  • Delete all his contacts, do not call, do not write messages, if necessary, add his number to the “black list” so that he could not call you either. The same goes for social networks.
  • Do not look for meetings with him on purpose, do not ask common acquaintances about him. It is difficult but necessary. Even if it doesn’t work right away, don’t give up, continue to achieve the result. When your friends and acquaintances start talking about him, interrupt with the words "I'm not interested, let's not touch on this topic."

And most importantly: if he comes to you with a joyful exclamation, “I filed for divorce!”, Don’t think about embracing him. It is a trap. As soon as you let it in, everything will go as before. Just calmly say: “This is your business. But if you really want to get a divorce, let it be your decision. When you become free and solve all the problems associated with divorce, you begin to live alone, then the suspension is still again. And if after that you say that you love me, that you need me, then we will try all over again. But before that, please don’t come and don’t tug me. I don’t need to give me details of your divorce proceedings - it doesn’t concern me and it’s not interesting for me. ”

What not to do

When a person thinks about how to solve a particular problem, he asks the question “what to do?”, But for some reason he does not always ask: “Why not?”. Meanwhile, the question is far from idle. It is erroneous actions that often do not allow to achieve the desired result, and sometimes even exacerbate the situation. As for relations with a married man, it is important not to step on the following "rake":

  • Do not insist on a divorce, do not blackmail a man, do not withdraw him from the family. And it’s not even that you are destroying someone else’s family and bring grief to another woman and their children (although this is also the case). The fact is that this will be an eternal occasion for reproaches against you. At every quarrel (and this is inevitable), you will listen to insults and accusations of insidiousness, as if it was not he who made the final decision, but you tied him and took him away by force. Plus, a guilty feeling that sooner or later will overtake you.
  • Do not try to bind a man with a child. If you have a baby, this is, of course, happiness. But it intends to “have” a child, using it as a tool - this is a huge mistake. In the end, you will bitterly regret many times later if you go this route.
  • Do not take action to create a “divorce-friendly” environment. In other words, do not try to inform your wife, “open her eyes” to her husband’s infidelity. Often women, unable to cope with the temptation and tired of waiting, try to speed up the situation. After all, a man tells them that he does not love his wife, does not live with her and, in general, "will soon divorce." Remember: what he tells you and what he really is are completely different things. At best, your man may be offended, to put it mildly.
  • In no case do not allow yourself to think that this deceiver is the one you deserve. Each woman is beautiful in her own way, each has a zest and charm. You deserve to be central to a man’s life. The main and only. Therefore, do not put up with this situation and do not believe in the sincerity of his intentions and his feelings. If a man truly loves a woman, he will not make her suffer and will not use her to her advantage.

To put an end to your story and do it spectacularly, it is better to avoid quarrels and a long showdown. On the contrary, try to tell this man sincerely and even joyfully that you do not regret anything, that you spent many wonderful moments with him and even were in love. It was a real adventure in your life! And you will leave only wonderful memories in his memory, but you have to go on, because you have one wonderful, wonderful life. And you, by the way, are very interesting woman, and it's silly to “drive yourself into a corner” and waste time. After all, there are still many adventures and exciting meetings. In a word: “Bye, kiss on the nose, thank you and good luck!”

And although then you will worry, perhaps suffer and cry - he will not see this anymore. You will cope with your problems. But out of this confusing situation you emerged victorious. And nobody will take this away from you.


First, learn to call a spade a spade. You keep dating a married man even though you know this is wrong. Can you really say publicly that you are proud of this relationship? Put yourself in the place of another woman: how would you feel when you knew that your beloved is not faithful to you? You may have been told this phrase a thousand times, but let's face it right now: the problem is that you don’t care at all about how your actions affect the life of another family.


And this ideal is damn far from a real man, as his wife sees daily. You do not wash his dirty clothes, do not account for the socks scattered around the apartment and the raised lid of the toilet, do not hear his snoring all night long and do not argue who drank the wine and did not throw the bottle away. When you meet a married man, you see in front of you the perfect guybut you don’t know the reality at all.


How to part with a married man? Is it necessary to do this at all? If you are still in doubt and do not dare to put an end to the disastrous relationship - it's time to retire and take up paper and pencil. Beaten (because spectacular!) Psychological trick: divide a piece of paper into two columns. The first is “positive emotions”, the second is “negative”. Write down every single reason why you want to stay in a relationship with this man, and why you want to break up with him. We give a hint. The first paragraph in the column with the minuses: "He is married." Remember all the all the unpleasant events that took place between you: the time when he let you down, canceling the meeting at the last minute; soulless birthday presents or, at all, their absence. If sex with him is good, remind yourself how you felt when he had to urgently leave, immediately after physical discharge, to take his wife to the doctor. And uncomfortable rear seats in the winter instead of a warm bed? Yes, and do not forget about guilty feelings in front of another woman and her family.


A common version of all lovers: "His marriage was doomed from the very beginning." Stop. Do not be fooled if the marriage were, indeed, doomed, it would end a very long time ago. The reality is this: by supporting both family ties and extramarital affairs, a man simply wants to get the best of “both worlds”. Do not buy off with the phrase: “We are soul mates” or “All good men are either married or gay.” Contrary to popular belief, the world is full of affordable and worthy bachelors. You need to respect yourself and be in a relationship in which you truly appreciate. Do not be fooled by the passion dropped in a minute: "I really want to get a divorce." I would like to - divorced yesterday.


Call your close friends, arrange to meet and open your heart to them. We mean only trusted people whom you can trust. Tell them that you decided to part with a married man. Enlist their support. This will help you in a moment of weakness: when you know that you have to answer for your words, you will feel stronger and more determined.


And now the very same question: "How to part with a married man?" from the technical side. Depending on the level of your relationship and personal comfort / discomfort, you can do this in person or by phone. If you are very afraid of a conversation, write him an email. The main rule: do not make a discussion topic out of your break. “Don't you think our relationship is not working?” or "Maybe it would be better to end these secret dates?" This will give him the opportunity to once again tell you how “everything will change for the better,” and that “it is temporary” and that he “was just about to confess to his wife.” Just tell him this is the end. And the point. Be stronger. You have a problem in your life, and you need to solve it.


If you have already tried to break with these or similar relationships in the past, you probably noticed that there is a certain pattern of behavior. How to part with a married man? The wrong answer is this: he stays on the sidelines for three days and rings for the fourth, your heart melts, because this time was very difficult, and everything is back to square one. Enough! Start a new project at work, which you will leave with your head, or take a vacation. Stop this vicious circle once and for all.


A man will certainly want to return you, do not let him convince you to back down. Try to exclude any possibility of even a passing contact with already former lover. Repeat: ex! Delete his letters, photos and e-mail, delete his phone number and messages, block him in all social networks. Throw away the gifts ... Those expensive earrings too! Erase it from life completely if you want change. You cannot remain friends, no matter how tough and cruel it sounds, but it the best way  part with a married man. Paste this “patch” and leave the wound to heal. Learn to trust yourself and your decision.


It can be either dramatic changes or a few minor ones. Change your hairstyle, find yourself a new hobby, sign up for yoga or belly dancing, do at home spring cleaning  etc. Pamper yourself with a new dress every two weeks and a chocolate bar every Thursday. Have a crazy costume party at home. Trying to rebuild your life for the better can help you find peace.


Meet new people. Try a date blindly or flirt openly on a dating site. Remember that you have the same right as any other woman to ensure that the man next to you respects you, and does not hide from all your friends. You should always feel special in a love relationship, be yourself, experience pleasure, and not play the role of a “second violin”. So take control of your life right now.

Women who are finally thinking about how to part with a married man, come to this thought when they become extremely honest with themselves and begin to call a spade a spade. If earlier they, despite the fact that they know well that they are doing wrong, continue to meet with him and can even claim to be proud of such a relationship, then when they finally manage to put themselves in the place of his wife and understand how she feels, knowing about their husband’s infidelity, they involuntarily think about how their behavior affects the life of a completely foreign family.

There is no need to deceive yourself in the fact that your man is probably far from ideal, especially if you think about how his wife sees him every day. His mistress does not have to wash his dirty clothes, scolding him for not lowering the toilet lid and scattering socks everywhere, to hear his snoring all night and to remove the bottles from which he drank wine. When meeting a married man, you don’t even think about the fact that he has a huge number of shortcomings, so he seems perfect to you. This relationship is completely disastrous for you: in most cases, such men never abandon their wives, and the place near you, which a more worthy representative could take, looks busy, although in fact it is completely free.

What to do if you still doubt the need for a break

Before thinking about how to part with a married man, many have to make a difficult decision whether to do this. The easiest way to do this is to retire, take a pencil and, as psychologists advise in many cases, split a sheet of paper in half. State in one column your positive emotions from meetings with this man, and in another list list negative ones. Try not to forget a single reason why you want to stay with him, and why you think you need to leave.

To be objective, the column with the minuses starts with the fact that he is married. Do not forget anything: how he canceled your meeting at the very last moment, how he forgot about your birthday, and then brought a faceless and soulless gift or something else. If you are comfortable with him in bed, do not forget how immediately after physical discharge he took his wife to the doctor. Remember everything: for example, how uncomfortable and cold it was in the winter in the back seat of the car and how you dreamed of a warm bed, and most importantly, do not forget that you are constantly tormented by guilt before his wife.

No need to justify yourself

Almost every lover, who has not yet thought about how to part with a married man, says in his defense that the marriage of her chosen one was doomed from the very beginning. In fact, men, while supporting both family and extramarital affairs, seek to get the best from each of their women. Do not justify yourself by the fact that with him you felt a spiritual relationship or that among good men no unmarried unless they are gay. Learn to treat yourself with respect and build relationships only with those men who truly value you. Remember that there are a lot of worthy and affordable bachelors.

Often, women are stopped by phrases that men, as if by chance, drop in the moment of passion. Do not entertain yourself with false hopes: if he says that he really wants to get a divorce, do not believe him, because if he really wanted to, he would have done so.

If you really need to discuss the situation with someone, make an appointment with your close friend and open up to her. Keep in mind that talking about extramarital affairs is only possible for reliable and verified people. Tell your friend that you met a married man, and now you want to part with him: most likely, she will support you, and you will behave more decisively in moments of weakness from this support.

How to do it in practice

When you have decided everything firmly, but don’t know how to part with a married man in practice, do as you feel more comfortable. You can communicate with a man in person, by phone, and if you are afraid of this conversation, you can even write to him by e-mail. Keep in mind that your break itself should not turn into a topic for discussion. Do not give the man the opportunity to once again deceive you by saying that “soon everything will change”, “it remains to suffer quite a bit” or that “he just wanted to tell everything to his wife today”. Confidently tell him that the relationship has ended and do not back down from it if you really want to solve this problem.

If in the past you have already made attempts to break your connection, you probably know that men in such situations act according to generally accepted patterns. It is wrong to assume that for three days he does not appear in your life, but calls on the fourth, knowing full well that it was very difficult for you at that time. You cannot help but forgive him and everything will start all over again. Break this vicious circle: go on vacation or start a new project at work, but do not let it bring you back and convince you to change your mind.

In this article, I will turn the relationship with a married man inside out - the advice of a psychologist will help you put together in your head a complete picture of what is really happening between him and you. And after you get step by step instructions  to how to part with a married man, if you, of course, want this.

I have already seen the picture more than once: a girl starts a relationship with an older man, falls madly in love with him in no time, and then, having learned the terrible truth, seeks support from her friends, but time passes, and she continues to play the role of a lover in a relationship. And the longer she does this, the more difficult it will be for her to get out of this role.

Therefore, I hope that you have opened this article for a reason, and after reading it, you will take real action to exit the role of a lover. There are many options for the distribution of roles in the triangle wife-husband-lover, in this article we will consider one of the most popular options. You can immediately go from the content to the step-by-step actions of getting out of a relationship with a married man. But in order to do it guaranteed and never again step on this rake - find out first why you were in this relationship. To solve a problem, you need to know its roots. So, a relationship with a married man psychologist advice.

Why does a man make a lover

The time of primitive people has long sunk into oblivion. Hunting, gathering and life in the caves were left behind. Now we move through the air, communicate through thousands of kilometers and conceive children in test tubes. As monogamous creatures, we created the institution of the family to ensure the safety of our children. But primitive instincts remained at the helm. They still rule us, preventing evolution from gaining the upper hand.

One of the basic primitive instincts is the instinct of competition. It is expressed in a thirst for superiority over others and is more prevalent in men. This desire is to be the first, to assert oneself, to become a winner. How do men assert themselves to each other? Differently. For the instinct of competition it does not matter what exactly you are the first to do. The main thing is to prevail over others, and this will be enough to satisfy your basic needs.
The more expensive your car, the higher the position, the more yachts you have, the better you are. Everyone has different values, and therefore this list is endless. But the similarity of all points in one thing - they make you a winner in a tacit competition among men. One of the main items on this list for a man is his woman. Much can be said about the man by the woman next to him. A woman is the main indicator of a man’s status. The more she is charismatic, beautiful, well-groomed, confident, interesting - the better the man who stands next to her looks in the eyes of society. And if he has two or more of these women, he automatically gets into the big leagues.

Unfortunately, in Western countries such male behavior in society is not condemned and is considered permissible. Thus, one of the reasons that a man has a lover is the desire to assert himself in the market of love relationships. The presence of two women in a man suggests that he is a good lover, it is interesting with him and he is most likely self-sufficient and wealthy. He feels power in his hands. There are many more reasons, besides the desire to assert oneself, for which a man can have a mistress. They can be combined in one sentence: reluctance to solve problems that have arisen within the marriage, and instead seek a solution on the side.

The rules of the game in which you lost in advance

In the triangle, the wife-husband-lover is a real game of survival. In the most advantageous position is a man. He draws energy from two women, and thus his chances of achieving material success are doubled, and women's social prestige and success are growing before our eyes. He knows that he will stroke his shirts at home and prepare dinner, and outside the house, a beauty is waiting for him, always ready to satisfy his sexual needs.

Both women are in some kind of competition, a struggle for him, which especially increases his self-confidence and gives him a sense of his own superiority. Second place in this game is the wife. First, a man never leaves where he feels good. And please note, many wives are calm about the fact that their husbands have lovers. They know that the husband will not go anywhere, and in which case he will be reproached with something. Many wives admit that their sex life with her husband flared up again after the husband started a mistress. In addition, the wife always remains dominant, the main woman in the life of a man. He lives with her, does not hide her from anyone, spends most of the time with her. In the end, he is married to her.
  And only the lover forever loses in this battle. A lover could potentially be a girl whose needs were never satisfied in childhood. This is a girl living as a victim. So, the lover is in a win-win position. At first (for some it is several months, but for someone it is all ten years) the girl is thoughtlessly waiting for something that will never happen. She believes and hopes that a man will abandon his family for her. Often, she builds these illusions on her own, despite the fact that the man has never even told her that he wants to leave his wife.

She weaves her canvas of illusions from some fragments of phrases, omissions. Reads thoughts that are not there. It takes several years, and she’s already put up with the fact that she spends all the holidays alone, and the man pays off either with flowers, or even just sms. But in her soul the hope still glows that someday they will be together. After some time, she turns into a disenfranchised slave to his interests. Where they will meet, when it will be possible to phone each other, when they will meet again - all this is decided by him.

Over time, the lover will understand that she was playing a game in which she had a failure in advance. But the main thing - if only it were not too late. If a man talks to you only in hints and does not promise anything, then you are in a game in which you lost in advance. If a man promised, fed breakfast, but did not leave your wife for you in the first year of your relationship, then be sure that he will never leave her.

Why he will never leave the family - 3 reasons

There are a great many answers to this question. Consider three main reasons forcing a man to stay in the family:

Reason # 1: Habit

He used to live the way he lives. I got used to my wife, to their existing relationship. They have common children, mutual friends and acquaintances, their beloved dog. Their responsibilities and areas of responsibility are distributed, and at least they are already comfortable living this way. Just to take and abandon an already arranged life is a dubious undertaking.

Reason # 2: Fear of the Unknown

He does not leave his usual life for fear of the unknown. His life is already arranged, and if he wants to change everything, there is a risk of being left with nothing. How will children, friends, parents react to his decision? What if everyone turns away from him? Moreover, he does not fully know if you would have succeeded with him or not. After all, he never lived with you, he did not share life. You may be a great lover to him, but who said you would be a good wife? And where did you get that he will be to you good husband? After all, at least you already know that he is prone to betrayal and knows how to lie.

Reason # 3: You yourself let this happen

Why would a man need to change something if you are already with him? If you initially put him the ultimatum "choose - me or your wife," then, of course, he would have to choose. But you yourself agreed to fulfill the role of a lover, thereby admitting your defeat and reconciling with it. Of course, you can object: “But there are times when husbands leave their families and go to their mistresses!” Yes, it happens. But extremely rare.

Do not entertain yourself with the illusion that it is your case that is exceptional. Tell me, if a hundred people jump from the roof of a skyscraper, and one of them survives by chance, will you think that jumping is safe?

How to part with a married man - step by step instructions

So, your beloved man is married - what to do? Now that you know so much about a relationship with a married man, I suggest you strike up with them. And if you are not ready yet, I will share with you a secret: you will never be ready for this. You will endure to the last, until your cup of patience is full and bursts. But it is likely that at that moment you will be already 40 or 45, and you will not be able to remember anything except your thoughtless expectation. So make up your mind right now. Otherwise, you will close the article and live in these torments for many more years. So, how to part with a married man psychologist advice:

Step # 1: prioritize

Set priorities in your life. Do you want to have a family? Children? Build relationships that turn into strong and long-term? So do not waste your life on a person who already has it all arranged, and tell him about it. Do it gently, thinly and gently. Hint that you have different goals. You want family comfort and warmth. If you confidently convey this thought to your lover and stand your ground, he will hear and understand you. Show him your resolve in this direction.

Step # 2: Ignore

After talking about priorities, stop answering his calls and messages, and if you meet, keep calm and, if possible, pass by. Delete his messages without reading, and he will stop writing. Do all this without betraying emotions. No need to change the number or add it to the black list. All these actions will indicate that he means something to you. And this, in turn, will spur him on further attempts to contact you.

If you answer him angrily, “Do not call me! Leave me alone! I don’t love you anymore! ”, Such a reaction will be perceived by the man as a game and a signal to continue the relationship. Be outwardly calm and ignore any attempts to continue communication. Do not provoke memories in yourself. Do not go to his page, do not revise photos and videos, do not reread messages. The fewer things that remind you of him, the sooner you will survive and forget.

Step # 3: Exit the Victim Role

If you are in a relationship with a married man, then most likely you are in the role of a victim. The victim is different in that she cannot do what she wants, she suffers for a long time, instead of bending the circumstances for herself. She is inclined to wear pink glasses and believe that everything by itself will someday be resolved.

The victim allows circumstances to manage her, and she herself can not change anything, because “the family will not approve, the age is not the same, I can’t find a better job, they will laugh at me, he will leave me.” Especially for those who are in the role of the victim, I shot - this video is 1 hour long, consisting of practical tasks and exercises, by completing which you will stop allowing people and circumstances to control you, learn to defend yourself, talk out loud about what you not happy, and become an independent person. You will be able to take control of the situation with your man and resolve this conflict in your favor.

The cost of the video course until the end of the month is 900 rubles. instead of 1800 rubles. By purchasing a video course, you get a bonus: I will personally accompany you, answer your questions while you take the course. This condition is time limited.

To purchase a course, write to me in any social. network or to "I want a course." You can also ask any questions in the social network or in the form. You can read or leave feedback about me and my work.

Take this step seriously, it depends on whether you step on this rake again or finally begin to build a mature, healthy and harmonious relationship in which the partner will listen to your desires and satisfy them.

On one side of the scales lies fear - on the other always lies freedom!

Step # 4: Spill Out the Negative

Do not accumulate emotions in yourself. If they do not come out now, then it will seem to you that the experience of the gap has already ended, and then, six months later, emotions will flow over, as if you broke up yesterday. Go in for sports and free creativity. Start running or sign up for dancing. Draw, sculpt, create! Free your emotions through physical activity or transfer them to the canvas. If you want to cry, cry. Along with emotions, thoughts, feelings, desires associated with ex man.

Step # 5: Release the Grievances

To fully get out of this painful, toxic relationship, I highly recommend you another of my articles on. It will help you not only get out of the relationship completely, but also teach you in the future to create only healthy partnerships in which all your needs will be satisfied. And then be sure to forgive your ex and release him all insults. If you already know how to do it - great! And if not, do it. She is guaranteed to take you out of stress and leave you only fond memories of a relationship with a married man.


So, we figured out what the relationship with a married man really is - the advice of a psychologist, I hope you helped in this. Believe me, the world has a young, promising, intelligent, beautiful and, most importantly, free manWith whom you can create a family and build harmonious mature relationships. He will love you, and you will love him. But honestly admit to yourself, while you are in a relationship with a married man, you close your path to your personal female happiness.
And do not forget to download my book "How to love yourself." You can purchase it at this link at a symbolic cost of 149 rubles. In it, I share the most effective methods that will not only help you increase your self-esteem and love yourself, but will also make your whole life happy! And of course, embedding the techniques proposed in this book will help you resolve the situation with a married man in your favor. After all, a woman who loves herself is always in the first place. At herself and, accordingly, at her beloved man.

Slowly go through the video course with which you will leave the role of the victim, learn to defend yourself, increase self-esteem, become an independent person and make a firm and correct decision regarding your current relationship. Detailed description  and method of acquisition.

I am a psychologist, and relationships are one of the key areas of my work. If you need individual help to understand this confusing situation or yourself, you can contact me for psychological