
What should be a child at 1 year. Shy and whiny kid. Psychomotor development of the baby

From a tiny lump, he turned into an independent person. But he still has a lot to learn. Often parents ask themselves what a child can do at 1 year old and how their baby is developing. By the age of one year, most children should have mastered a set of skills, which you will learn about in our article.

Physical development of a child at 1 year

The pace of the baby's physical development after 12 months begins to slow down. The growth and weight of the baby will no longer increase as quickly as it did in the first months of life. These indicators need to be recorded every 1-3 months to make sure that the child's development does not deviate from the norm.

Table of weight and height of a child from 1 year to 2 years by months

Month Girl Boy
Growth Weight Growth Weight
12 (1 year)73,8 9,5 75,5 10,3
13 (1 year 1 month)75,0 9,8 76,8 10,6
14 (1 year 2 months)76,1 10,1 78,0 10,9
15 (1 year 3 months)77,2 10,3 79,0 11,1
16 (1 year 4 months)78,3 10,6 80,0 11,3
17 (1 year 5 months)79,3 10,8 81,0 11,5
18 (1 year 6 months)80,3 11,0 82,0 11,7
19 (1 year 7 months)81,3 11,2 83,0 11,9
20 (1 year 8 months)82,2 11,4 83,9 12,1
21 (1 year 9 months)83,1 11,6 84,7 12,2
22 (1 year 10 months)84,0 11,7 85,6 12,4
23 (1 year 11 months)84,9 11,9 86,4 12,6
24 (2 years)85,8 12,1 87,3 12,7

The parameters of height and weight may not fit into the norm, it can be either a lag in growth or an advance of the parameters averaged by pediatricians. Each child grows and matures on its own schedule. It is possible to speak of a violation of the pace of development only when the child has an abnormally low or high height / weight in comparison with his peers.

The main points on increasing the height and weight of the baby by one year, how many times a one-year-old child eats and what skills he begins to master at this age are also discussed in this video:

Proportionality body

The appearance of the baby changes more than the size of the body every year. The largest parts of the body in a one-year-old baby are the head and tummy, which is protruding forward. The face has a rounded, soft outline. The arms and legs of the child relative to the body are short, soft, without a hint of muscularity.

Increased head volume

The head circumference at this age reaches 46.6 cm and by one and a half years it increases to 47.9-48 cm.During the second year of life, the volume of the head may increase by 2.5 cm. By the age of two years, the baby's head size will be almost 90% of standard head size for an adult.

Number of teeth

This indicator is more dependent on heredity. The abundance of calcium in the body is also of great importance. On average, the figure can vary from 4-6 to 10 erupted teeth. It is important that dairy products are present in the infant's diet ( breast milk, baby curd, kefir), as well as vitamin D.

On a note! The pediatrician can assess the physical development of a child at one year on the basis of proportionality, which is taken into account along with the weight and length of the body. In a well-built baby, the chest circumference is larger than the head circumference by the number of centimeters equal to the child's age.

Differences in the development of boys and girls per year

According to the standard WHO data, the parameters of height and weight differ in children of different sexes. You can compare indicators from one year to two years by month using the table above. Height and weight per year according to the average WHO data for one year old babies such:

  • Boys. Weight - from 10.0 kg to 10.9 kg. Height - from 75.3 to 78 cm.
  • Girls. Weight - from 9.0 kg to 10.6 kg. Height - from 74.0 to 77.4 cm.

As for skills, boys and girls develop them in about the same way, although, according to experts, girls may start speaking earlier. Also, some research suggests that boys are more active and mobile in games, but this difference is not very significant.

First achievements - what skills the child learns by the year

Knowing what skills the baby should master by 12 months, parents will be able to better understand their child and come to his aid in case of difficulties. It is worth remembering: the more difficult the skill, the longer it will take to master it. For example, a baby can take the first steps both at 11 and at 15 months. If you notice the prerequisites for a child to master new skills, then real success is not far off.

Table of development of basic skills in a child at 1 year old
Hearing Recognizes the sounds of objects ( washer, clock, phone) and simple melodies; tries to imitate the sounds (the car is driving - "zhzhzh") and the voices of animals (the cow hums - "muuu").
Speech Pronounces about 10 words (including babbling); simulates sounds from the environment.
Motor skills Takes independent steps without support; squats and bends.
A game He looks at his reflection in the mirror with interest; draws short strokes and points on paper; at the request of an adult, he can show parts of his body.
Emotions Treats others differently; reacts to the word “no”; begins to empathize.
Social development The child understands and fulfills simple requests (give / take); points a finger at an object of interest; holds a cup of water and drinks from it; inserts feet into shoes.

Child's speech at 1 year

From a year old, a kid begins to understand literally everything that an adult tells him. The child's responsiveness is conducive to communication with him. With a one-year-old baby, you can gradually learn to name objects, colors, body parts, without replacing their correct name with “children's” language. By setting an example of correct speech from a young age, you can help your child learn to pronounce words with a minimum of difficulty.

The main points of the development of speech at a given age:

  • He points with his finger objects or pictures in the book that his parents call him (“where is the ball?”, “Show the dog!”).
  • Pronounces a few simple words (by 15-18 months);
  • Follows simple instructions and requests (“let's go have breakfast”, “bring a doll”);
  • Tries to repeat the words he heard;
  • Expresses denial by twisting his head (“no”).

It may take a while before you learn to understand your child, including his gestures. Remember, you should never laugh at your baby's speech errors, even if they seem funny to you. The pronunciation will gradually improve, you just need to be patient and attentive to your child.

Not without difficulties: crisis of 1 year of life

At twelve months, the child begins to show a "crisis of negativism", which manifests itself in full by the age of two. Its existence can be guessed by some signs:

  • the baby demonstrates disobedience, stubbornness, becomes uncontrollable;
  • the child's behavior is contradictory, it is impossible to predict;
  • striving for independence and independence is clearly expressed.

The fact is that during the second year of life, the child is in a constant desire to take independent steps, but at the same time keep his mother close to him. He can move away from the parent and test his abilities and skills “in action”. But the thought that he is a separate independent person scares the kid. He needs care and warmth to a large extent, especially when the child is tired, offended, or does not feel well.

How to deal with infant emotional instability?

Provide your child with physical contact as often as possible. Your goal is to strengthen his sense of security and well-being. Sit nearby, hug, be attentive to the baby's mood. React when he is happy and when he is upset. Support and the necessary discipline will help your child get past a difficult period.

Important! Explaining the rules of behavior or punishing a baby a year is completely useless. The child simply will not understand you, and regular such actions will lead to anger and aggression on his part. The best way help a one-year-old baby to restore self-confidence - to provide him with the necessary support and attention.

We also recommend watching a video with the experience of a young mother, who talks about the achievements of her one-year-old baby:

5 useful activities for a one-year-old baby

The main purpose of playing with a child at the age of one year is communication and pleasure. The kid needs to express his emotions, develop dexterity and hand motor skills. It is better to put educational aids aside for the time being, do not overload the intellect with them. The child will be able to master knowledge with the help of a strong base in the form of skills, which must first be created.

Water games

Kids love to splash in the water, that's a fact. To combine business with pleasure, arrange water games a couple of times a week. Pouring water from a glass into a glass, floating ducklings, a water construction set with suction cups and squeaking toys / sprinklers - all this will give a mother and child a lot of pleasure and contribute to the development of the baby's skills.

Simple applications

Applications help develop imagination, fine motor skills and perseverance. Cut simple colored paper geometric figures - circles, squares, triangles. Show your kid how a rectangle and two circles will make a car. Slightly smearing with glue stick, invite the baby to stick the nose or ears of the bear. Such simple activities with a parent will bring a lot of positive emotions to the baby.

Bulk Material Sensing

A one-year-old child is just beginning to get acquainted with various materials, developing his perception of sensations. A good way to develop sensory perception is playing with rump. Start small: pour into jars from under baby food cereals or small pasta, let the child shake them. It will be more interesting if you add food coloring to each jar. You can also play with semolina - distribute the cereals on a tray and draw with your baby with your fingers on it.

Learning to sculpt

A great way to develop your baby's fine motor skills is to let him play with a piece of regular dough. Show your baby how to crumple the dough in a lump. By making small movements with the hands and fingers, the child develops dexterity, stimulates the development of brain activity.

Interesting! Suitable for classes and salty dough... It is very simple to make it: you need to mix 200 g of flour, 200 g of salt, 125 ml of water and 2 tbsp. vegetable oil... The first "handicrafts" of the baby or a handprint on the dough can be dried in the air and saved as a keepsake.

A very good video - finger gymnastics for kids. Good for your baby's development:

We read fairy tales

At one year old, the kid will not be able to keep his attention on the book and listen to it, but he will certainly pay attention to the vivid illustrations. Meet simple fairy tales - "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Chicken Ryaba". The child will gradually memorize the characters, and after a year and a half he may try to reproduce a fragment from his favorite story. Kind tales from childhood they teach the correct behavior and communication skills.

The baby has grown to about 75-76 cm.In 12 months of life, he has stretched 1.5-2 cm.

Some kids look frankly long and thin, others squat and plump.

Baby weight at 1 year

By the first year of its birth, the baby weighs about 10-10.5 kg. There are crumbs who do not have time to gain exactly as much, but there are frank butuziki, they even 12 kg go for the future. Everything is individual. On average, babies gain 300-350 grams per 12 month.

Vaccinations at 1 year

What does a child need at 1 year old

  • Understanding adults

At this age, the baby desperately needs your support. After all, such a large and interesting world opens up before him! Become your child's closest friend, a wise and understanding guide to new knowledge: encourage the research aspirations of the baby, listen to him and answer. For example, if during a walk the kid pointed to the transport and said "broome", praise him, tell him that he is right - these are, indeed, cars. Tell them that they come in different colors, sizes, that people use cars to go about their business. The main thing is not to be silent. Your participation is important for the child, it is important to know that you always hear and understand him.

  • Creative pursuits

The year is the age when the kid willingly tries new activities for himself: drawing, modeling, playing musical instruments (drum, flute, xylophone, tambourine). Of course, a fidget will not be able to give himself up to a new hobby entirely - after 10 minutes something else will surely attract his attention. However, in these 10 minutes the baby will receive vivid impressions and emotions in full. Important! At first, the parent must necessarily work with the baby, instilling an interest in creativity by his example. If you give your child plasticine just in order to carve out time for household chores, there will be little use: not understanding the purpose of an unknown object, the child will not play with it for long in his own way and the next time he may no longer be interested in him.

By the way, it is from the year that children are invited to classes in various development centers. Their programs take into account the age characteristics of young visitors and are built on frequent changes in activities. For an hour of lesson, kids have time to watch a short puppet show, and do crafts, and dance, and complete several simple developmental tasks (for example, separate the balls from the cubes, look at Doman's cards). And in such classes, children gradually learn to communicate and interact with each other, that is, they socialize.

You can easily realize your own and your child's creative impulses by buying in Mom's Store (plasticine, finger paints, etc.).

This is interesting in the behavior of a child at 1 year old

  • Sense of humor

One year old toddler demonstrates a sense of humor. That is, not just smiling in response to your smile or laughing because you are laughing. No, he laughs because it is funny to him. The child can already distinguish some non-standard situations from the usual, and therefore laughs loudly if a parent appears in front of him in a funny outfit or cheerfully depicts, say, a domestic cat.

A friend's one-year-old son just loves to play ball with his mother. But it's not easy to play: you throw the ball to me, and I to you. The boy is especially pleased when the ball flies past his mother, and she tries to grab it on the fly. At this moment, the friend makes a funny face and says "oh", which causes the baby's sincere laughter.

  • Peekaboo

Few of the one-year-old kids will refuse to play hide and seek with their parents. Not such, of course, where it is necessary to hide "with a hitch." In the year of hide-and-seek is easier - as a rule, this is the favorite "cuckoo" by children. A kid can “hide” behind a tree or under a table and, looking out from there, either say “cuckoo" himself, or wait for a joyful “cuckoo" from adults. Some toddlers do not hide at all, but simply close their eyes with their palms, but the joyful "peek-a-boo" when moving the palms away from the face remains unchanged!

“Stricter with him, stricter! - well-wishers from the shop turn on, seeing how your child does not obey, is capricious. - "Do not lisp, a child from the cradle needs to be taught to discipline." The best thing to do in a situation like this is to ignore the “advisors”. Most likely, your child is now going through a rather difficult stage, called in psychology.

By disobedience and whims, the baby does not try to harm or discredit you as a teacher in the eyes of others. With such emotions, the baby defends himself as a person, the right to his opinion and expression of his will. It is important for mom to understand this and not to enter into an argument with the child "who will win", but with all her behavior to assure the baby that he is loved, appreciated and understood.

The tantrum should be stopped gently, in a calm voice, with hugs, but not by strict commands “shut up now, people are watching!”. People will look and forget, and the child's trust in you as unconditional loving person can be lost forever.

What to ask a pediatrician at 1 year

After the baby is one year old, the planned monthly visits to the doctor end. After arriving for the last scheduled examination, tell us about the child's achievements over the past month, his development. Check with your doctor for the date of subsequent vaccinations. If the baby is now taking medication, find out how and when the treatment should be completed, whether any additional examinations will be needed after that.

After visiting a pediatrician, make an appointment with an ENT, orthopedist, neurologist, dentist - you must visit these doctors at 12 months.

What can a child at 1 year old do?

So 1 year has passed. The kid is celebrating his first birthday. A tiny, little understanding and conscious lump has turned into a rather independent, self-confident little man who knows what he wants. Now words play a significant role in communication. The child already speaks 5-10 light words.

Basically, the baby's speech is associated with emotions, resembles interjections, and is agrammatic. He talks more to himself, but more and more often he expects understanding and appropriate actions from adults, especially those close to him. With gestures he shows and explains what he needs. With pleasure he responds to all your requests with adequate actions.

The kid understands "it is allowed" and "it is impossible", distinguishes when he is praised, and when he is scolded. Can “foresee” what is behind everyday concepts and actions (“dine”, “walk”, “sleep”, “swim”) and reacts to them according to his expectations: rejoices or protests.

Little stubborn

Increasingly, he is showing independence, trying to insist on his own. And, not coping with emotions, he can fall to the floor, start twisting with his legs and screaming piercingly. Forgive the baby for these tantrums and help with them to cope - without negative consequences for his own health, he himself cannot do this.

Tell the child that you understand his feelings and desires, calm him down, rock him. And when the baby starts smiling again, return to the "difficult" situation and calmly explain what and why you wanted from him. So you will help your beloved child survive the crisis of the first year.

Give your child the opportunity to be independent and choose more often. Of course, when you are in a hurry to get to the clinic or to class, you can dress your baby yourself. But when you are just going for a walk, give your beloved child the opportunity to pull on a boot, a hat.

Let the kid choose the tights or sweater that he likes. On a walk, ask where the baby wants to go - to the playground or to the park? And during your afternoon snack, offer a choice of several yoghurts or rolls. Such simple actions will make the baby understand that you reckon with him, take into account his opinion and interests.

You should not force the child to eat, which he does not want at the moment. For example, draw if the little one prefers to roll the ball. A month or two will pass, the child will establish himself in his self-awareness, and he will be happy to play the games you offer, and engage in it without whims. But negative emotions and the memory of "violence" will remain for life, and there will be no benefit from practicing under a stick ...

At 1 year old, most babies walk quite confidently on their own. Toys or objects that can be rolled in front of them, starting with their own stroller, begin to enjoy special love among yearlings. If your baby has not gone yet, do not worry too much, it is better to pay more attention to gymnastics and massage. And very soon the little man will delight you with the first steps.

Mom's test

Another step forward in psycho-emotional development - the child begins to understand how to behave with different people, and takes this into account in his games and actions. He behaves differently with his mom, dad, grandmother and nanny. Moreover, the "further" and stranger person, the better and more educated the child is with him.

And with his mother, the baby can afford to be capricious, stomp his feet, spit soup. He seems to be checking whether his mother is ready to love him with everyone. If so, the mother reproaches him for his “wrong” actions, but loves and accepts him himself, in spite of everything, the child will soon calm down and enter the “framework”. If not, you run the risk of receiving such "checks" until the end of your days ...

In the diet by 1 year, almost all permitted products are usually introduced. However, continue to follow your diet: the time for sweets and chocolate, smoked meats, hot, spices and herbs, tomatoes, "adult" cottage cheese, sausages and sausages has not come yet.

But the baby is already very dexterous in wielding a spoon and is quite ready to master the pricking of pieces onto a baby fork. And bottles with nipples can be replaced with a sippy cup or a cup - at least at home.

Games for yearlings


Babies at 1 year old love to push different things. They like to watch the movement and be aware that it is they who make the object move. Pushing games helps children feel their power and power over things. This is a great way to develop motor coordination and self-confidence.

Choose a few lightweight objects that can be pushed, such as a stuffed toy, car, etc. Saying "One, two, three, push!", Push one of the toys forward. Keep counting and encourage the baby to push. If you notice that the child repeats "t'i" ("three") all day, then he liked the game.

More care and affection

This game will help your baby grow up caring and affectionate:

Sit on the floor with your child with a couple of loved ones next to it. soft toys... Take one of them in your arms and rock it, saying sweet words... For example: “It's so much fun to play with you,” or “I love your brown fur so much,” or “I really enjoy hugging you.” After that, caress the baby in the same way.

Give the toy to the child and ask him to wiggle and caress it. Continue the game until the baby shows interest. You will soon notice that the baby is already playing on his own.

Let's go

Practice singing your favorite songs in a thin voice. Hugging the child to you, sing to him some song, first in a normal voice, and then in falsetto. You will notice that in the second case, the baby's attention will be steady. Since falsetto words are especially focused on the child's attention, they are a good way to help him understand the importance of speech.

One, two, three, boom!

Have the child sit on your lap facing you. Say, "One, two, three, boom!" and very gently press the baby's forehead to you. With the same words, gently press the baby's nose. Continue in the same spirit, each time on the word "boom" pressing different parts of the crumbs to you: elbows, knees, cheeks, ears, chin.

"We are sorry"

Take the child in your arms and, rocking, sing lullabies or other soothing songs like "Bayu-Bayushki-Bayu". The rocking motion calms your baby and builds trust between you. After singing the last line of the song, firmly press your little son or daughter to you.

Get in the hole

For this game, you will need a jar with a wide mouth (a regular tall saucepan will do for you). Then you will give the baby objects where the neck will be narrower and narrower until it reaches the usual plastic bottle or even a medicine bottle. Tie to a strong rope 15-20 cm long (the length can also be increased gradually) any object that fits into the neck, and show the baby how to lower and remove this object.

The eye, dexterity, hand motor skills develop. You can buy a similar game in a store - for example, "Rybalka", where fish are hooked with a magnet. But if you do it yourself, the game will differ in a variety of conditions and objects, and, therefore, it will not get bored longer ...

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It happened: the baby is one year old! At this age, children become incredibly curious and active. The choice of games and activities is becoming more and more extensive. What is the best way to develop and educate a child during this period? What to focus on? What activities with a child and toys to choose?

Many moms, inspired by the advice of teachers on early developmentrush to buy toys and teaching aids as soon as the child is one year old. But in most cases, the baby completely ignores puzzles, "lacing" and other "development". And the child reacts negatively to the imposition of such toys. He cries, throws them on the floor, tries to escape. This is not a reason to despair and put an end to the development of the baby!

There is no need to force him to play something that is not yet interesting to him. Such useful toys will certainly interest him sooner or later. At the very beginning, it is better to focus on the development and consolidation of the child's already existing skills, namely, walking, first words, fine motor skills, sensing. Games for children 1 year old are very diverse and will help parents not only consolidate, but also greatly improve the skills of the baby by adding new skills and knowledge.

No need to wait instant result... The child needs a little time to master a new game or learn to play with new toy... Parents need to be patient and deal with the baby every day.

This should be done as positively as possible, without getting tired, showing how to properly build a tower from cubes or collect a pyramid. The results are bound to appear, perhaps much faster than mom and dad think. You can't put pressure on the child! Not interesting - that's okay.

Speech development

The development of speech is the most important area of \u200b\u200btraining with a baby. How to develop speech in a one-year-old child? Of course, talk to him. Constantly. Do not be lazy to tell your child how the day went or describe what you are doing (cooking, cleaning the apartment). Describe the world around him when you walk outside. Name the objects, their color, size (the terms "large" and "small" are enough).

Fairy tales, children's songs, nursery rhymes and poems are great for the development of speech. Many beautiful children's books with poetry are now on sale. Rhythmic phrases are easier to hear and remember by a child. It is very good to buy many different books with bright pictures, including special copies for bathing, to have a fun and educational time in the bathroom.

When the baby turns one and a half years old, you can pay attention to the method of working with cards with bright pictures and words. Montessori, Doman, Lupan, well-known and respected early development teachers have such classes.

The meaning of the lesson is to show the crumbs a card and talk about its content, naming an object or animal, describing a color, etc. Such activities with a child can be carried out several times a day, using no more than three to four cards. It is necessary to ensure that the baby is not tired.

Cards can be purchased in ready-made sets or made by hand

Development of fine motor skills and sensing

The development of motor skills and sensing is of enormous importance! Such exercises are the best way to develop brain activity, correct perception of the environment, psycho-emotional formation of the personality.

In this area, you can come up with a great variety of fun games. Children love to play with cereals. For one-year-old babies who are still pulling everything into their mouths, it is better to choose semolina. It is relatively safe, it is impossible for it to choke, to block the ear or nose.

"Find a toy":

  • You will need a large bucket, bowl or plastic container (at least 10 liters).
  • Several packs of the cheapest semolina.
  • Several small toys such as ping-pong balls.

Pour the cereal into a large container and bury the toys in it. Further, the child is invited to find in the decoy what is buried there. The game is very fun. Children will be happy to rummage through the groats, pour them in their pens, look for toys.

Very good for motor skills to practice finger games - the usual "Ladushki" or "Magpie-Thief". Not only is it fun, but it also develops coordination and rhythm perfectly.

Children love playing with water. You can play in the bath, pouring water from bowls of different sizes, catch small rubber or plastic toys in a large basin or bucket.

An excellent purchase will be various rubber toys for the bath, special children's nozzles for the faucet or shower, which make bathing interesting and fun

Development of creativity

What to do with a child a year to develop a creative vision of the world? Finger painting and plasticine sculpting are perfect. It is better to postpone the modeling until the baby stops pulling everything into his mouth. But drawing with finger paints can be practiced immediately after 1 year or even earlier.

Perfectly develops motor skills and thinking playing with cubes, a pyramid and sorter toys. These are educational toys that you can safely purchase by the year or earlier. If you actively play these games with your child, teach how to build a turret and assemble a pyramid, then in a month he will easily do it himself.

They perfectly develop motor skills and coordination of attempts to eat independently. Don't be afraid to give your child a spoon. Yes, at first most of the porridge will be on the clothes and on the floor, but it will take several weeks, and you can happily watch the crumb eating on its own.

It is best to choose special paints, bright and safe, and whatman paper itself big size... Today, such products can be purchased at any stationery store or children's supermarket.

Physical development

With children, you need to play not only games that develop the brain, you need to devote no less time to physical education. How to take care of physical development crumbs?

The first and foremost rule is to walk more! In this case, you need to allow the child to stomp his feet down the street. It often happens that in a year, babies still cannot walk on their own. No problem! In a year and a month, most of these children already take their first independent steps. It is necessary to encourage the crumb in every possible way, praise and admire his efforts.

At home, you also need to organize activities such as gymnastics and exercises. At the same time, it is important not only to teach the child the exercises, but also to show by example, doing with him every day. For parents, this practice will only benefit.

Experts believe that in childhood physical and mental development are inseparable from one another

You can include the following exercises:

  • Rolling the ball from mom to child and back.
  • Running ("catching up" with parents).
  • Tossing the ball.
  • Walking on an incline.
  • Climbing stepladders, steps or ladders with the support of mom or dad.
  • Climbing on a chair, chair, sofa. Climbing from there.
  • Rolling on a large inflatable ball with the help of adults.
  • Walking in place.
  • Raising your arms up and to the sides.
  • From one and a half years old, you can start jumping on the spot.
  • Towards the age of two, it is good to practice exercises such as "windmill" with your hands and raising your legs, bent at the knee, at right angles to your torso (marching).

Of course, do not despair if the baby does not immediately begin to repeat the movements. Or he will not like some of them. A month or two will pass, the child will get used to it, and gymnastics will become his favorite pastime.

You can't be lazy to teach your baby something new. The development of a child per year is very important! Every month it is necessary to introduce new activities, give the baby useful knowledge, teach the necessary skills. This work will quickly bear fruit, and the baby will give more and more reasons to be proud.

So a year has flown by
How did a stork come to you.
Happy birthday baby!
Track ahead
Life, adventure,
Bright entertainment.
We wish the sea
The main thing is health.
Also only joy
And more sweets.
Listen to mom and dad
Eat well.
Jump, run, smile
And indulge a little!

Today is your baby's year
We sincerely congratulate you.
Let your child grow
Sadness, bitterness without knowing.

Let him always smile
After all, happiness is created by laughter.
Let it never get sick
May he achieve the best in life!

A year ago, a treasure appeared in your house, a noisy, small, but so dear and very beloved lump. I want to wish that only love will always surround your baby. And so that small achievements in life, like the first steps, bring only cheerful laughter and a storm of joy. Also, of course, health, for rapid growth and endless energy, for everyday knowledge, such a large and interesting world.

A beautiful day has come
First birth.
A year passed quickly -
It’s like a moment.

As your little one has grown,
He walks on the floor himself.
Laughter, fun and courage
Let them not leave.

May it grow healthy
Kind, energetic.
Happiness may be in his fate
It will be limitless!

The first year is the most important:
You can crawl nicely
You try to stomp for a long time
Talking is funny.

May parents cherish
They love and regret very much.
You please them every hour
Happy first year to all of you!

I congratulate today
It's a little sun!
A year ago at dad and mom
A light came on in the window.

Let the miracle surround
Your little life
Let no one offend.
Sleep, play, have fun!

First tracks in life
Let them be full of victories!
Your tiny legs
Let them leave a mark everywhere!

A year has passed since the miracle happened -
You have great joy.
A child was born in your friendly family,
He came down from heaven like an angel of light to you!

And suddenly it became more comfortable in the house, brighter,
Everyone's heart became more pleasant, warmer,
Quietly in the crib, after all, happiness lay!
And at the same time, time was running fast ...

During the year of your new life, you did a lot:
Learned to sit and walk, sang ...
We wish you the same to grow, develop
And of course, meet with us more often!

The year has passed unnoticed -
Your first birthday!
Everyone is in a hurry to congratulate you
Time to spend with you.

Wish you more happiness
Listen to elders, do not get sick,
Laugh out loud
It is joyful to look at the world.

May your angel protect you
Protects with his wing.
Let the world be filled with a miracle
Light, magic, good.

Happy birthday, congratulations
Happy first year, baby!
We wish you a little bit of happiness.
Be healthy, sturdy!

Mom and Dad - a lot of patience,
Raise the angel.
And the baby is lucky ...
And rather to know the world.

Our sun, our bunny,
Our flower is golden!
You grow up sooner, child
Be a happy star!

How much joy and laughter,
How many colors are ahead!
To the world of happiness and success
Take your first steps.

Happy first birthday!
Let the angel keep you.
The moments will fly by quickly
Grow in peace and love!

First tooth, first step, first year.
Oh, how time goes by quickly.
We know we can't keep up with him.
Let childhood be bright, we want
Make you laugh and play
And wish for all your days
Magic, as if in a joyful fairy tale,
Charm from parental affection,
Don't be capricious and crybaby
... to appreciate and love mom and dad.
Develop, grow and mature,
Smile, laugh and sing.