
Facial Thermage: description of the procedure, advantages and features. All about the Thermage cosmetic procedure Thermage at home

Every year the number of candles on your personalized cake increases by one. And every year it becomes harder and harder to look in the mirror. At twenty years old we notice non-existent wrinkles, and at forty we try not to look at our face for a long time and increasingly think about visiting a plastic surgeon. But here good advice– don’t rush to go under the scalpel, it’s better to turn your attention to such a technique of hardware cosmetology as Thermage.

Principle of operation and excursion into history

The ancestor of this method of rejuvenation is considered to be a procedure called diathermy, which translated from Greek means “heat through.” This technique has been used in medical practice since 1905 to increase the activity of the vegetative nervous system using high frequency current (up to 3 amperes and 1.65 MHz). Due to this thermal effect, the following processes occur in the treatment zone:

  1. Increased blood circulation.
  2. Improved lymphatic drainage.
  3. Activation of basal metabolism.
  4. Increased leukocyte activity.
  5. The striated and smooth muscles relax.

Such positive effects could not be missed by specialists in the field of cosmetology, but until 2004 no one used diathermy. Why? Yes, due to too great a depth of energy penetration into the organs and tissues of the body. To this technique had a positive effect on the condition of the skin, it is necessary that the current penetrates no deeper than the dermis or subcutaneous fat layer. Only a few years ago, maniples (electrodes) were designed that passed current only to a certain depth and ensured maximum energy absorption by the desired layers of the dermis.

Thermage has become one of the most popular procedures using the capabilities of radio frequencies. Many cosmetologists tell their clients that this method allows you to become significantly younger in just one procedure. Is it so? Let's figure it out.

Let's start with a definition: Thermage is one of the methods of rejuvenation skin, which uses monopolar radio frequency energy.

Most devices for this procedure have the following characteristics:

  1. Pulse frequency – 6 MHz.
  2. The maximum possible power is 250 W.
  3. The maximum current is 1.67 A.

Under the influence of a current with the above parameters, the temperature in the deep skin layers increases to 60°C, as a result of which the collagen framework becomes denser. Since collagen fibers are highly conductive, the current reaches the level of the hypodermis, strengthening and tightening the skin from the inside.

If we consider these processes in more detail, it becomes clear that collagen thickens due to its denaturation and loss of water during the heating process. Thus, a kind of dense frame is formed in the skin, which tightens it and reduces the severity of wrinkles. But this immediate lifting effect is not the only positive change that will happen to you. The current not only denatures collagen, but also stimulates the formation of new fibrils, creating a delayed rejuvenation effect.

Are there any disadvantages to Thermage treatment?

Due to the fact that the skin heats up quite strongly, Thermage of the face and body should be carried out only in a beauty salon under the supervision of medical personnel. Equipment for this technique should be equipped with special coolers that will prevent burns to the epidermis and deeper layers of the skin.

It was this inconvenience that led to the invention of a new generation of thermolifting devices - with less power and frequency. Their use has a less aggressive effect on collagen, but due to an increase in the frequency of sessions, the effect remains unchanged - tightened and refreshed skin without wrinkles.

Advantages of the technology:

  1. Noticeable lifting.
  2. The skin becomes even and smooth.
  3. Speed ​​– one procedure is sufficient if it is performed under medical supervision.
  4. Long-term effect – 2-3 years.

Carrying out thermolifting using the Thermage device

Before you decide to undergo manipulation, you need to visit a dermatologist and undergo a minimum medical examination. Only after receiving permission from a specialist (in writing) can you go to a beauty salon.

Thermage of the face and eyelids

The procedure is carried out in a separate room, where there is a comfortable chair for the patient and the device itself. The cosmetologist disinfects the skin and divides it into square sectors using special copy paper (the paint is easily washed off).

The first stage is general facial rejuvenation. The cosmetologist moves the handpiece along the massage lines, without lingering anywhere for long. Sometimes one pass is enough, but most often they do this manipulation twice.

Second stage - processing problem areas: facial contour, area around the mouth and eyes.

The third stage is skin lifting along tension vectors, which provides the main rejuvenating effect.

During the session the client does not experience discomfort: where the handpiece touches, it becomes either noticeably warm or cool.

To perform Thermage on the eyelids, the cosmetologist uses two attachments - for each eyelid separately. Before the treatment, anesthetic drops will be dropped into your eyes and special protective screens will be inserted under the upper eyelid - thick and black lenses. The procedure is carried out similarly to thermolifting of the face.

The duration of one session is from 20 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the condition of your skin and the surface area that needs treatment.

The result of thermolifting is noticeable after the first session, and after completing the entire course (if you choose the gentle option), you will see the following consequences of the Thermage procedure:

  1. The contour of the face became clear and smooth.
  2. Nasolabial folds and deep wrinkles have decreased.
  3. The skin on the neck and chin stopped sagging.
  4. The double chin has disappeared.
  5. The crow's feet ran away.
  6. The bags under the eyes disappeared, and the eyelids became smooth.

Body Thermage

The algorithm for carrying out the procedure on various parts of the body is not at all different from thermolifting of the face. Thanks to the more massive nozzle, Thermage of the body is carried out very quickly and without the slightest discomfort.

You will see the following positive changes:

  1. The skin will become tightened - a corset effect.
  2. The contours of the body will become clearer.
  3. Reduce the appearance of cellulite.
  4. The relief of the skin will be evened out.

The great advantage of Thermage is the absence of lifestyle changes and the need for special care before and after exposure.

Indications and contraindications

Thermolifting is performed for the following signs of skin tissue aging:

  1. Drooping of the upper and lower eyelids.
  2. "Crow's feet."
  3. Bags under the eyes.
  4. Gravitational ptosis of soft tissues.
  5. Double chin.
  6. An auxiliary procedure after facial plastic surgery.
  7. Correction of the skin condition of the abdomen and thighs.
  8. Reducing the appearance of cellulite.
  9. Local reduction of fat deposits.


  1. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  2. Presence of wounds or other skin pathologies in the treatment area.
  3. Pacemaker.
  4. High body temperature, ARVI, flu.
  5. Connective tissue diseases.
  6. Diabetes.
  7. Oncopathology.
  8. Mental disorder.

Thermolifting may be accompanied by some complications that are associated with the individual condition of the skin or unidentified contraindications:

  1. Swelling of the skin.
  2. Hyperemia.
  3. Superficial burn.
  4. The appearance of blisters or scars.
  5. Feeling itchy and irritated.

To achieve a visible and long-term (more than 2 years) effect, you must complete a course of 6-8 procedures. Then you can carry out maintenance Thermage - 1-2 sessions every 6 months. Repeated course – after 2-2.5 years.


How is Thermage different from RF lifting?

Thermage and RF lifting are related procedures, but they have some differences:

1. Thermage uses monopolar radiofrequency energy of high frequency and power. If carried out, then the current strength and frequency are several times less.
2. Heating of the skin with Thermage can reach 60 degrees, and with RF lifting the temperature of the handpiece and skin is not higher than 40°C.
3. With Thermage, collagen is completely denatured, and with RF lifting, only its tertiary structures are denatured.

Thermage or Fraxel?

These procedures are not interchangeable, they complement each other. Thermage is skin lifting, and it is stimulation of cell regeneration of all skin layers through intradermal microdestructions, which are performed using a laser.

What alternative procedures are used today?

Also, this procedure often helps to tighten the skin on the cheeks, smooth out nasolabial folds and tighten eyebrows. Carrying out a procedure such as facial thermage at home is very difficult, since it requires special equipment and a lot of knowledge.

Thermage at home or in the salon has little effect on the rest of the body, and therefore most experts do not recommend this procedure, despite many positive reviews.

The basis of Thermage procedures is the use of radiofrequency radiation, and the lifting effect is achievable only through the compaction of collagen fibers. It is exposed to radiofrequency radiation that penetrates deep into the skin. These rays are able to penetrate the skin to a depth of 5 mm and heat it to a maximum of 60 degrees. As a result, collagen fibers heat up and become more elastic, while the body additionally produces its own collagen. As a result, after the procedure is completed, the face may look significantly fresher and younger, wrinkles and folds practically disappear.

Radiofrequency skin tightening uses low power but high frequency radio waves. A big advantage is the fact that Thermage does not require surgical interventions. There are no incisions or stitches, no severe pain, and no use of analgesics. Complications such as infection, the formation of hematomas and seromas, scars, and numbness of skin areas also do not occur after Thermage procedures. If we compare Thermage with chemical peeling or laser resurfacing, it works equally well on both dark and light skin. At the same time, the best effect of Thermage was noted in people with thin skin. The use of thermage procedures on skin that is completely devoid of tone is ineffective. The higher the intensity of the radio radiation used, the better its effect is expressed, but at the same time the discomfort in the process increases.

According to scientists who conducted research in 2007, even in cases where no external effect was observed, collagen levels increased in any case. It is believed that even if skin tightening is unsuccessful from the first session, the Thermage procedure in any case slows down skin aging. The effect obtained after the Thermage procedure lasts for 2 years, and the changes occurring in the deep layers of the skin last even longer. The result can be negatively affected by external factors such as ultraviolet solar radiation.

Newer and efficient devices appear annually, and therefore it is very likely that in the near future such a device will appear, with the help of which everyone will be able to do Thermage at home, without resorting to the help of specialists. The procedure, depending on the area of ​​impact, lasts approximately 1–2 hours.

The thermage procedure does not cause pain, but there may still be unpleasant moments. You may not like the sudden alternation of hot and cold. If there is severe discomfort, you must immediately inform the doctor so that he can reduce the power of the device, and sometimes before starting the procedure it is suggested to apply an anesthetic cream.

It is first necessary to remove makeup from the face, and then a rubber mat is placed on the stomach, which plays the role of a grounding conductor. A specialist needs to treat each area several times, so it is difficult to carry out the Thermage procedure at home, and impossible on your own. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to remove all metal from the body, as these objects attract radio waves. Before starting the procedure, the area must be treated with an alcohol-containing solution to disinfect and degrease. Using a special copy base, a special grid of squares is applied to the skin. Then the impact area is covered with contact gel.

As a rule, in a salon, a specialist treats one side first, then the other, so that after half the work is completed, the client can look in the mirror and see the effectiveness of the procedure and the difference made. After completing the work, the specialist removes markings and remaining gel from the skin, applying a cooling serum instead. The Thermage procedure was first used at the beginning of the 21st century in the USA, and since then many improvements have been developed. At first, the procedure was painful, but over the past years we managed to reduce this to almost zero. After completing the procedure, you can now immediately go to work or any other business. Some patients note slight redness in the affected areas, but this disappears completely within a few hours. There may also be discomfort along with slight swelling, but these symptoms also disappear within 2-3 days on their own. It is believed that the stronger the effect of the procedure, the greater the effect observed as a result. Interruption of medications during the operation is also not required.

Thermage is officially approved for use in more than 80 countries, and in each of them the device has undergone all necessary tests. Considering each patient individually, the cosmetologist is able to select the necessary and safe level of heating using a special nozzle. Some of the latest developments have more than 19 programs, and ultra-sensitive sensor elements are located on the surface, with which you can monitor the depth of penetration and temperature, intensity, and coverage area. This allows you to set the optimal mode for each skin type. The device should use only a disposable nozzle, the sealed bag of which is opened in front of the patient.

First of all, during the consultation session, it is necessary to find out what the patient’s overall health condition is in order to ensure that there are no contraindications. The specialist also assesses the level of skin changes in the area where the treatment is planned.

As a rule, Thermage is performed in one session, and the patient does not spend a lot of time and money on courses of procedures. The duration of the session depends on the area of ​​the skin. Despite the fact that radio frequency radiation is popular in medicine and cosmetology and has been used for more than 30 years, skin thermage equipment is not intended for installation at home. A medical license is required to purchase and use it.

Thermage procedures are completely contraindicated for people who have electrical implants, a pacemaker or a defibrillator. Thermage should also not be performed on people with skin diseases or severe allergic reactions; the procedure is not recommended for pregnant women. Another contraindication is a fresh scar or similar skin lesions in the area of ​​intended exposure. It is inadmissible to use Thermage in case of illness diabetes mellitus and at systemic diseases connective tissue. An untreated general infectious disease is also a contraindication.

To ensure that Thermage does not become a big disappointment, it should be done only in well-tested clinics with competent specialists, without being deceived by the ease of performing such a procedure at home.

The Thermage procedure does not cause any harm, but there is a certain percentage of people for whom the use of the newest equipment does not bring any visible results. In any case, it is necessary to consult a specialist before the procedure, as side effects may appear unexpectedly.

Thermage is a cosmetic hardware procedure. Its purpose is skin rejuvenation. Thermage is based on the principle of influencing the human body with radio waves that heat the tissue.

The essence of thermal methods

Facial skin retains elasticity, freshness, healthy looking due to collagen fibers located in the dermis. Over time, its fibers lengthen and stretch, and the body produces less hyaluronic acid, which is necessary for skin elasticity.

Physiotherapeutic methods, which include thermage, force the body to independently fight targeted interference by producing new collagen, hyaluronic acid. To do this, you do not need to replace aging skin or remove fatty tissue.

After Thermage:

  • Visible signs of aging disappear.
  • The skin condition improves and becomes healthier.

The essence of the method is similar to the body’s fight against bacteria that are killed high temperature body (for example, with the flu). As the name of the method implies (in Greek, “thermos” means “hot”), it is based on the targeted heating of subcutaneous cells in certain areas. When key points of the subcutaneous layer are heated, old collagen fibers die off; during the rehabilitation process, the body produces new collagen, which rejuvenates the skin.

Devices for modern thermage

Initially, the method, called RF lifting, was used only for facial skin. Using radio frequency electromagnetic vibrations, RF lifting devices raised the temperature of cells (at a depth of 7 mm), forcing the body to produce new components.

The disadvantage of the procedure, known since 2000 (approved by US health care in 2002), was the patient's pain. To reduce them, light anesthesia was used.

Modern dermatocosmetology devices used for the thermage procedure have been improved - each heating pulse is divided into five subpulses, accompanied by surface cooling.

Differences between Thermage and RF lifting

Bipolar thermolifting technologies allow selective treatment of the skin of the face and body. Separate handpieces (up to three) are designed for processing specific areas. Each handpiece focuses radio waves, directing them to points selected by the operator, where they heat the tissue to the desired temperature. The equipment set includes attachments for electrodes that allow you to vary the pulse area and its direction.

Improved technologies combine:

  • Bipolar RF energy.
  • Vacuum effect.
  • Light therapy (in the red, infrared spectrum).
  • Cryotherapy.

Carrying out a thermage procedure

Before the procedure, the patient’s skin is diagnosed and contraindications are clarified. The specialist’s skill is most clearly demonstrated when determining the areas of influence (minimum) to achieve an effective result, and marking thermage.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • After treatment with alcohol lotion, markings are applied using a special tracing paper, a conductor gel.
  • According to the markings, the cosmetologist treats the skin with a thermage device.
  • Directing the nozzle with the electrode along the marking points, the cosmetologist acts with impulses on the areas selected for treatment, lingering on them for a certain time. During the procedure, impulses penetrate the skin, changing direction millions of times per second. The natural resistance of tissues raises the temperature in the deep layers of the skin.

For the patient, the procedure is painless; only short-term sensations of heat and cold occur.

Separate disposable nozzles are used for each zone. For procedures in the eye area, anesthetic drops are used, and protective screens (thick lenses that protect the eyeball from electromagnetic influences) are inserted under the upper eyelid. Separate Thermage attachments are used for the eyes (for the upper eyelid, periorbital zone).

Another difference between Thermage and RF lifting is the ability to treat the skin of the body. This procedure is called Thermage Body, it can be performed (at the client’s request) on any part of the body. The most commonly practiced procedure is for “problem areas”:

  • In the abdominal area.
  • Inner surface of hands.
  • On the hips.
  • On the buttocks.

Bipolar RF energy combined with vacuum exposure and cryotherapy is effective for loss of body skin elasticity, cellulite, and excess skin.

The process takes up to two hours (depending on the area being treated). Preliminary results (visual skin refreshment) appear immediately. The entire rejuvenation process (rebirth of mother cells, re-production of collagen, complete restoration of the skin) takes up to six months.

On video: how thermage is performed

Indications and contraindications

A clear indication for the use of Thermage are visual signs of skin aging – sagging of the upper eyelid, the appearance of “ crow's feet", fine wrinkles, bags under the eyes.

From a medical point of view, Thermage is indicated for:

  • Gravitational ptosis of tissues.
  • Fading skin.
  • Changing the contours of the face and body.
  • Excess skin on the eyelids.
  • Skin stretching after childbirth.
  • Sagging skin after losing weight.
  • Cellulite.

The following are recognized as contraindications to the procedure:

  • Implanted electrical devices (pacemakers, cardioverters).
  • Diabetes.
  • Connective tissue diseases (scleroderma, lupus erythematosus, relapsing polychondritis, Sjogren's syndrome).
  • Pregnancy.
  • Skin lesions in the treatment areas (including mechanical ones - scratches, abrasions).

There is no age limit for Thermage. Natural skin restoration is most in demand after the age of 35. Sometimes the procedure is also necessary for young women whose skin ages faster. There is also no upper age limit; good results have been noted even after 60 years, although the effect appears later, not to the full extent.


The immediate restoration of skin elasticity and firmness, the disappearance of fine wrinkles, can be seen immediately after the procedure.

The result of body Thermage can be a tight fit of the skin to the muscles, creating a “corset effect”.

Pictured: before and after the Thermage procedure

Rehabilitation period and possible complications

After Thermage:

  • Do not heat the skin.
  • During the day, you must avoid solariums, hot saunas, the beach, and direct sunlight.
  • Physical overload is contraindicated.

The rehabilitation period lasts up to six months, at the end of which the skin is renewed at the cellular level, rejuvenated, and becomes denser. Specific methods of caring for skin treated with Thermage are not required.

The rejuvenation effect is fully maintained for 2-3 years. You can repeat the procedure later.

No complications after Thermage on the skin infectious diseases not noted.

Cost of a wellness procedure

Prices for thermage procedures in various clinics and beauty salons reach 180,000 rubles for one area (complex procedures include deep nasolabial folds, “sorrow” folds, neck, chin). The price of simple operations (thermage of the forehead, temporal region) does not fall below 35,000 rubles.

Such prices consist of the high cost of the device, disposable consumables (conductor gel, cryogenic liquid, pulse attachments).

Almost every year, from 5 to 10 innovative procedures appear in the arsenal of cosmetologists that can significantly improve the condition of the skin without plastic surgery. One of these new products is considered to be facial thermage, which promises a lasting lifting effect after just one procedure! So what is this thermage and is it really as great as they say? Let's figure it out.

Excursion into history

The ancestor of this method of improving the structure of the skin is considered to be the diathermy procedure (from the ancient Greek “through heat”), which has been actively used by doctors since the beginning of the 20th century. Only this procedure was not aimed at rejuvenation, but at increasing the activity of the autonomic nervous system using high-frequency current. The side effect of using current for medicinal purposes turned out to be quite tempting: metabolic processes accelerated, lymphatic drainage improved, blood circulation increased, muscles relaxed, the skin became much smoother, cleaner and younger.

But until 2004, no one decided to use diathermy for cosmetic purposes because the current penetration depth was too great. The fact is that too strong, uncontrolled exposure to high-frequency impulses does not always bring positive results: collagen may simply stop being produced, causing even greater sagging, oval sagging and accelerated tissue aging. As a matter of fact, in the wrong hands, Thermage can also lead to such a side effect, and it will be very difficult to turn back “time” and restore collagen production. That is why you need to choose only proven medical and beauty salons with specialists who have certificates in Thermage training.

What is Thermage?

Thermage is a non-invasive, non-surgical and gentle method for correcting age-related skin defects. With its help you can significantly tighten soft fabrics face, eliminate eyelid ptosis, smooth out fine and deep wrinkles, nasolabial folds, get rid of pigmentation, scars, scars and post-acne, strengthen the contours of the face, neck and chin, get rid of sagging and sagging skin. In general, without surgical lifting and Botox injections, you can smooth out the signs of aging (both early and severe), and the results from the procedure are quite long-lasting - up to 3-4 years. By the way, the lifting effect has a cumulative and growing effect, which will intensify every day after the procedure.

The Thermage effect is based on the action of radiofrequency irradiation of tissues, due to which the skin temperature rises to 60–70 degrees, the tissues warm up, blood flow increases, metabolism accelerates, and collagen “wakes up”, begins to lose water, thicken and work from the inside, tightening the skin and smoothing it out. wrinkles. But, unlike centuries-old diathermy, with thermage the current penetrates to a shallow depth, without bypassing the subcutaneous fat layer. During the procedure, you will only feel a slight vibration, possibly tingling, alternating hot and cold touches. Thermage lasts from 20 to 60 minutes depending on the area of ​​the treated area.

As a result of the procedure, you get all the delights of a full-fledged surgical lift, but without compromising the integrity of the skin, long-term rehabilitation, possible tissue infection, serious side effects and significant restrictions. All that a cosmetologist can forbid you after thermage is to refuse to visit the bathhouse, hammam, sauna, solarium for several weeks, limit physical training and take a hot bath. All!

To achieve the most lasting and visible result, Thermage is recommended to be completed in a course of 6–10 procedures. The number of sessions is determined only by the cosmetologist, depending on the severity of the problems. To maintain skin tone, it is recommended to undergo one procedure per month, and a full repeat course after 2-4 years.

Perhaps the only disadvantage of the procedure is its price, which varies from $2,000 to $3,000 per session. Moreover, it is not always necessary to do a course of Thermage - often just one procedure is enough, which will retain its effect for many years.

How to recognize deception?

Due to the fact that a cosmetologist can earn a lot of money with just one procedure, especially cunning salons have begun to offer clients “advanced” Thermage methods that actually have nothing to do with it. Real Thermage is performed only on a special ThermaCool device from Thermage. Others have not yet been invented. Therefore, without hesitation, when you come to the salon, ask for documents for the equipment on which the cosmetologist is going to perform the procedure on you.

If it’s not ThermaCool, then they just want to shake your money by providing a completely different procedure, the effect of which will not be as promised. Moreover, do not believe cosmetologists who say that they will perform Thermage at home. The device for the procedure costs incredible amounts of money - not every salon and medical clinic can afford it, let alone private cosmetologists.

Cosmetologists have long been looking for ways to slow down and reverse age-related changes. One of them has been successfully used since 2002 - the Thermage procedure. Used to rejuvenate various areas of the face and body, it has become more popular than surgical methods.

Read in this article

The essence of the procedure

Thermage is the application of radiofrequency radiation to the skin. It must have certain parameters in order to heat tissue at a depth of up to 5 mm. Due to the thermal effect, the production of collagen and elastin cells is enhanced in them. The fibers of these layers of skin contract, resulting in skin tightening. As a result, it is possible to get rid of wrinkles and increase the elasticity of the epidermis. Anti-aging processes continue for 5 months after the procedure. So the effect increases over time.

Skin on different areas body and face has its own characteristics. And age-related changes manifest themselves in patients to varying degrees. But with the help of a device that has up to 20 levels of influence, it is possible to cope with many of them. The skin will not look “tight” or damaged.

Application area

The procedure is used to correct different areas. Beauty salons, where there is appropriate equipment, provide services such as:

  • Facial Thermage. With its help, it is possible to get rid of small wrinkles, make deep ones less noticeable, and tighten the oval. Acne marks can also be affected.
  • Rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes. For this area, where there is little adipose tissue, not any treatment is suitable. But Thermage will help eliminate the network of wrinkles, remove sagging skin, and lift the eyebrow line. It will also get rid of crow's feet in the outer corners of the eyes.
  • Improvement of the abdominal area. Here it is possible to remove unsightly folds after pregnancy or sudden weight loss, and tissue ptosis.
  • Rejuvenation of hands and shoulders. Most patients do not pay enough attention to these areas, although they can also reveal age. Thermage will also cope with their restoration.
  • Correction of buttocks, hips, knees. The procedure will help remove excess volume, cellulite, and tighten the skin.
  • Rejuvenation of the décolleté and neck area. It is possible to get rid of tissue ptosis, smooth the skin, and even out the color.


The procedure has gained popularity due to a number of advantages:

  • Possibility of influencing the deeper layers of the skin. Its intensity can be adjusted depending on the severity of the problem.
  • No complications on preparatory stage and the need for skin healing afterwards. Facial Thermage before and after does not require preliminary or restorative measures. You should only remove metal jewelry immediately before the procedure.
  • Painless procedure. Discomfort when exposed to the device is small, even if a large area is treated. The skin and adjacent tissues are not damaged. You can only feel the heating.
  • There are practically no side effects. And if there is redness of the skin, the changes are not so great that you need to hide from strangers.
  • The first signs of rejuvenation are noticeable immediately. But in the future the effect will become more obvious.
  • There is no need to find time for a course of procedures. Thermage is done once, and then you just have to wait for the result.
  • Effect duration. It will last for 2 years.
  • Thermage is combined with many other anti-aging treatments. This allows you to enhance the result of both manipulations.
  • Positive changes make the face look natural. This distinguishes Thermage from plastic surgery or other anti-aging techniques where there is a danger of overdoing lifting.


The Thermage rejuvenation procedure differs slightly depending on the areas on which it is performed. Usually, if the face or eyelids are corrected, the manipulation goes faster. The nozzles used during its implementation also differ. There are other nuances. Features of the process depending on which part of the body is being rejuvenated.

Face and eyelids

If it is the face or eyelids, the hair is hidden with a cap. The skin is cleansed of makeup and impurities. Using special paper and liquid product markings are applied to it.

After this stage is completed, the skin is divided into cells. The same is done in the eyelid area. Only the cells here will be even smaller than on the rest of the face.

A gel is applied to each marked area to facilitate the penetration of radio waves.

An electrode is attached to the abdomen.

The device is customizable, the features of its operation depend on the condition of the patient’s skin. The specialist treats each marked area with a handpiece with a different electrode. At first he does this relatively quickly, then lingering on particularly problematic areas.

Thermage of the eyelids is carried out with the preliminary use of anesthetic drops intended for the eyes. They are then protected with dark lenses that prevent radiation from penetrating where it shouldn’t.

If the latest generation device is used, there is no need for drops or eye patches. The attachments for eyelids are even smaller than those for the face.

Upon completion of the thermal effect, the skin is cleansed again and a soothing mask is applied to the surface.

To learn how facial thermage is performed, watch this video:

Body parts

If the abdomen, shoulders, arms, buttocks are corrected, a return contact in the form of a flat cotton pad is attached to the patient’s body. As with the face, the skin is cleansed and marked using a paper grid and lotion. A gel is applied to the body to facilitate the sliding of the attachment (it is larger than for the face, especially the eyelids). Next comes the hardware effect, corresponding to the skin type and the problem being solved. At the end, the surface is wiped with tonic and a moisturizing gel is applied.

The procedure will not take the patient more than 2 hours if a large area of ​​the body is being corrected. And eye Thermage lasts only 20 minutes.


The procedure may cause undesirable consequences in some diseases:

  • severe diabetes mellitus;
  • oncology;
  • serious heart problems, including those that require a pacemaker;
  • metal implants or gold threads in tissue;
  • infections;
  • skin damage in the affected area;
  • acne, other types of inflammatory manifestations;
  • connective tissue pathologies;
  • mental disorders.

Thermage lifting is not performed on pregnant or breastfeeding women. But if the patient did the procedure without knowing about her situation, it is not dangerous. After all, the influence of radiofrequency radiation does not extend beyond the subcutaneous fat.

The procedure is recommended to be done from the age of 35, if the patient has a “fine-wrinkled” type of aging. In this case, the effect will be more noticeable. But for those who experience age-related changes in the form of sagging tissues and the appearance of “jowls,” Thermage will also help. After all, the procedure will in any case stimulate the production of collagen, that is, it will delay aging and tighten the skin.

There is no recovery period after Thermage. The initial effect is a slight uniform swelling, which is rather a plus when performing the procedure on the face. It looks fresh and rested, so you can immediately go on a date or business meeting.

Just don't be zealous physical exercise and visiting the bathhouse, beach, solarium. Additional heating of tissues can disrupt the restoration processes in the skin, so it is not recommended. The same applies to other thermal procedures that provide a rush of blood to the surface tissues.


RF Thermage manipulation is not cheap, since not only the equipment is important for it. A specialist must be able to work with it, choose the right parameters, and assess the condition of the skin. If this is wrong, a lack of result or a complication cannot be ruled out.

Area of ​​influence Price (in rub.)
Face and neck area from 200,000 rub.
Eyelids from 100,000 rub.
Forehead from 90,000 rub.
Middle and lower facial areas from 160,000 rub.
Stomach from 200,000 rub.

from 200,000 rub.