
Caring for a newborn in the first month of life. Proper care of a newborn in the first month of life Basic rules for caring for a newborn baby

Nine months of exciting anticipation are left behind, and now the happy mother is holding her tiny son in her arms. Now the main task of young parents is to provide their newborn baby with the maximum comfortable conditions and proper care for its growth and full development.

But sometimes, due to their inexperience, many mothers make some mistakes when taking care of a newborn boy, because this issue has its own characteristics. Therefore, in order for your baby to grow up healthy and active, you should know some of the nuances of proper baby care, for example, how to bathe him, how to treat the umbilical wound and how to care for his genitals.

What items are needed to care for a newborn boy?

A few weeks before the expected birth, expectant parents should draw up baby care essentials list and purchase them in advance so that the necessary equipment is always at hand.

What you may need:

  • small baby bath for water procedures;
  • special table for changing a newborn;
  • thermometers of several types, which measure not only the baby’s body temperature, but also;
  • clothes and diapers;
  • several packs of diapers;
  • separate towels for bathing and washing the child;
  • hygiene products (sterile cotton wool, cotton swabs and cotton swabs);
  • disinfectants (hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green and potassium permanganate);
  • cleansing wet wipes, only without fragrances and alcohol content;
  • liquid soap intended for newborn babies;
  • medications (ointments for wound healing and fever);
  • talc or powder for treating diaper rash;
  • special manicure scissors;
  • baby moisturizer or massage oil;
  • several feeding bottles;

Kids' things

Do not forget that all children's things (diapers, towels and clothes) before use and iron with a hot iron to get rid of possible bacteria and germs.

It wouldn’t hurt to take care of a separate cabinet or chest of drawers for storing children’s things.. This way, all items will be at hand and parents won’t have to rummage through the entire closet to find baby towel or a vest.

It is not advisable to use powders and rinse aids to wash a newborn baby’s clothes. These detergents contain fragrances and chemicals that can cause an allergic reaction in infants. Regular baby soap is best suited for this purpose.

General rules for daily care in the first month

A defenseless and fragile baby especially needs care and attention from his parents. Moms and dads must approach the issues of caring for a newborn boy with all responsibility, because the health and well-being of the baby depends on them.


Baby nutrition– this is the key to its full development and growth.

Naturally, it is best to feed a baby breast milk, because with this product the baby’s body receives not only all the vitamins it needs, but also protection from viruses and bacteria. But it is not always possible to breastfeed, and in this case you should choose the right nutritional formula.

If the baby is on artificial feeding, then he is fed every three to four hours. Babies fed on mother's breast milk should be fed at the baby's first request.


An important condition when caring for a newborn is daily hygiene procedures. Every time you change the baby's diaper, you should wash and treat the folds in the groin with powder, especially if diaper rash and redness appear on the skin.

A room in which the baby stays all the time is necessary ventilate regularly while avoiding drafts.

Diapers, towels, clothes and linen from a newborn's crib must be washed, ironed and, if necessary, boiled every day.

All pieces of furniture and things that accumulate dust (carpets, books, Stuffed Toys) It is advisable to remove the baby from the room so that the baby does not develop allergies.

The immune system of newborn babies is still very weak and cannot resist pathogenic bacteria, so contact of the baby with strangers should be avoided. Strangers should especially not be allowed to kiss the child.

What hygiene procedures should be carried out every day?

The body of a newborn boy requires careful daily care, because the skin of infants is very delicate and sensitive, and therefore prone to diaper rash and irritation.

Rules of facial hygiene

Every baby's morning should begin from cleansing his face.

This is done using a cotton pad moistened with warm boiled water, which is used to wipe the baby’s face with delicate movements.

Eye hygiene rules

The mother will also need cotton swabs to care for the baby’s eyes.

Once or twice a day they are cleaned with swabs moistened with warm water, and a separate hygiene item is used for each eye. If your baby's eyes are festering, you can brew a decoction of chamomile or make a weak solution of potassium permanganate to wash them.

Ear hygiene rules

The newborn's ears are cleaned several times a week with cotton swabs.

This is done very carefully, without going deep into the auricle, so as not to damage the eardrum.

Nasal hygiene rules

In careful if he caught a cold and suffers from a runny nose . If we talk about the daily cleaning procedure, it comes down to: the sinuses are cleaned with a cotton swab, which it is advisable to moisten with baby oil.

How to care for the umbilical wound

The umbilical wound usually heals within two weeks after the baby is born.

But all this time the wound needs treat with hydrogen peroxide daily and then cover with brilliant green. It is necessary to ensure that the diaper does not cover the wound, as it can become inflamed and fester.

Body hygiene rules

The body of a newborn boy is cleaned every day with a sterile piece of gauze or a cotton pad, previously soaked in boiled warm water. Particular attention during this procedure pay attention to the inguinal cavities and folds of the skin. After cleansing, the body is lubricated with moisturizing cream or massage oil, rubbing it into the skin with gentle movements.

Cleanliness is important not only for the baby, but also for his parents. Therefore, before each procedure, they should wash their hands using antibacterial soap.

Rules for caring for the genitals of a newborn boy

There are several features for caring for the intimate area of ​​newborn boys.

In the first few days of life, the baby may there is enlargement and swelling of the scrotum. This is a natural process that occurs because maternal hormones have not yet been eliminated from the child’s body.

Therefore, parents should not be alarmed if they notice swelling of the scrotum in their baby; everything will return to normal within five to seven days.

Hygiene of the baby’s genital organs should be carried out at each diaper change, removing residual feces and urine paper napkin and then washing the perineum and genitals with warm boiled water. During this procedure The baby’s testicles “hid” in the groin area, but there is no reason for mom to worry, this happens due to temperature changes.

For washing intimate area child It is not advisable to use soap or gel . The skin in this part of the body is covered with a protective film, and soap washes it off, so diaper rash and inflammation may appear in the groin.


Particular attention should be paid to the penis of a newborn baby.

Before washing, clean the penis from residual urine and secretions using a cotton swab or a piece of soft cloth. In this case, you should very carefully push back the foreskin. If the parents notice that the penis blushed, and touching him makes the baby cry, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

After water procedures, the intimate area should be blotted with a towel and Allow the skin to air dry completely. Only after this can you put diapers or rompers on your baby.

Diapers for a newborn boy should be chosen so that the skin in them can breathe. But it is also advisable to regularly examine the baby’s perineum for diaper rash, because with constant overheating of the testicles and penis, the baby may suffer from infertility in the future.

As for moisturizing cream, lotion or baby oil, Komarovsky does not recommend their use in the boy’s intimate area, since, according to him, these products only harm delicate skin.

Video about caring for a newborn in the first month

Caring for a child in the first months of life is a very responsible process. Do not forget that a newborn is absolutely helpless and completely dependent on his mother. His only way of communicating with the world is crying, by which the mother needs to determine what her baby wants, whether he is hungry or hot, or maybe he just wants to be held? Of course, at first it will be difficult for the mother to understand why the crying occurs, but if you follow the basic rules of caring for a newborn, the baby will worry less often.

Caring for a baby during the first three months of life

As the due date approaches, parents begin to worry about what to do after childbirth, because those mothers who give birth for the first time often do not know how to handle babies at all. Fortunately, today there is a huge information base that is widely accessible (Internet, books, chats, forums). The only thing parents should do is research in advance and prepare. But the information may not be enough; you should purchase a lot in advance for child care.

What to prepare in advance for caring for your baby

In this section we will tell you what you may need to care for your baby after arriving from the maternity hospital. There is a minimum list of what should be purchased in advance:

  • Crib;
  • Chest of drawers for children's things;
  • Baby changing table;
  • Bath;
  • Bottles;
  • Pacifiers (if you are going to accustom your child to a pacifier);
  • Clothing, diapers, bed linen;
  • Children's first aid kit (brilliant, hydrogen peroxide, antipyretic, anti-colic, diaper rash ointment or powder, pipettes, electronic thermometer);
  • Hygiene products (diapers, baby wipes, cotton pads, cotton swabs with limiter, cotton wool, vegetable oil).

You should take care of this list in advance, because it can be much longer or, on the contrary, shorter, but everything you purchase needs to be prepared. So, for example, you should assemble the crib and decide where it is best to put it. The same goes for a chest of drawers or changing table. Clothes, diapers, and bedding must be washed with baby detergent and ironed on both sides, and put everything in a chest of drawers.

Daily newborn care

In most cases, when a mother returns from the maternity hospital with a child in her arms, she already has an idea of ​​how to treat the child and what kind of care he needs. Staying with your baby in the postpartum department gives you a chance to learn everything, and the medical staff should provide all the necessary information. However, conditions at home are completely different and there is no way to call someone for help at the slightest difficulty. A mother should learn to take responsibility for her child and learn all the rules of caring for her baby.

Daily hygiene procedures

Caring for a child involves certain hygiene procedures that should be carried out once a day or more often. Some should only be carried out for up to a month, while others should be carried out longer.

Every morning you need to wash your baby. Clean his nose, and also keep his ears clean and his nails long. You need to wash your baby boiled water room temperature, to do this, moisten a cotton pad in water and wipe the baby’s face. Special attention should be paid to the eyes. A separate disk is used for each eye. It is necessary to clean in the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. The nose is cleaned using cotton swabs soaked in saline solution. These flagella can be made independently or purchased at a pharmacy. Each nostril must have its own flagellum. But you should not get carried away with this procedure so as not to damage the mucous membrane. If there are dried crusts, then to soften them you can drip saline solution, and then clean these crusts using flagella. There is no need to clean your baby’s ears every day; it is enough to do it once every 4 days. Use sticks with stops for this.

Pay special attention to your baby's nails, because they grow very quickly. Trim them with special tweezers or scissors with rounded ends. It's scary to do this at first, but over time you will become very good at it. To avoid harming the baby, carry out this procedure when the baby is sleeping. Then you should treat the scissors with hydrogen peroxide. And don't forget about your toenails.

Navel care

Since babies are discharged from the maternity hospital 3-6 days after birth, the umbilical process of many of them has not yet fallen off. The umbilical wound must be monitored very carefully so as not to cause infection or inflammation. Clothes should not be too tight to the navel or rub; it is better to tuck them in so that there is constant access of air to the wound. The navel should be treated daily to avoid germs. To do this, place the baby on his back, drop a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into the wound and wait until it stops foaming, then drop a couple of drops of brilliant green. After it has dried, you can dress your baby. This procedure should be carried out once a day, preferably after bathing, until the umbilical wound is completely healed (about 2 weeks).

Baby skin care

You should take care of your newborn's skin very carefully, because otherwise diaper rash, irritation and inflammation may occur. To avoid this, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • Observe air temperature and humidity conditions. The air in the baby's room should be no higher than 22 0 C, humidity - 50-70%. Ventilate the room as often as possible.
  • For your baby, purchase clothes only from natural materials, without the use of caustic dyes.
  • Change diapers often, or use them as little as possible if possible.
  • Bath your child every day.
  • To wash children's clothes, use a special hypoallergenic powder.
  • Do not use baby detergents very often, it is better only when necessary (pay attention to the composition, it should be as clear as possible and not contain toxic substances).
  • Avoid contact of the child with people who have skin diseases.

If diaper rash occurs, you can use powder or a special healing cream. Every morning and evening, lubricate all folds (behind the ears, on the neck, armpits, elbows, groin area, under the knees) with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil.


Walking should become a daily habit for you and your child. Finding on fresh air increases immunity and strengthens the body. During the first months of his life, a child often sleeps, and sleeping in the fresh air is especially beneficial. Moreover, frequent walks saturate the body with vitamin D, which prevents the development of rickets.

You can start walking with your baby immediately after arriving home, but the first walks should not be long. You can start with 10 minutes, increasing this time by 5 minutes every day. Walk with your baby every day, preferably twice (morning and evening). If it is a hot period, avoid the time of day when the sun is most active. Do not dress your baby too warmly, he can quickly overheat. To check if the baby is hot, touch his neck and back; if they are wet, then the baby is hot, and if they are cool, then the baby should be wrapped up.

There is no need to walk for many hours in a row, 1.5 hours 2 times a day will be enough, provided that there is no rain, strong wind or too low temperature.


Bathing is not only a hygienic procedure, it helps the newborn to relax, prepare for sleep, helps strengthen muscles and relieves tone. In most cases, children love to swim, since water is a natural environment for them, in which they spent all the time before birth. For bathing, you can use a small bathtub or bathe your baby in a large one, but then you should take care of its cleanliness. Before bathing, take a few minutes of air baths and have a relaxing massage.

Until the umbilical wound has healed, the newborn should be bathed only in boiled water with a temperature of 37 0 C. If the baby is capricious, then try changing the water temperature up or down, but not higher than 38 0 C, as this will cause a strong strain on the heart. If bathing continues with crying, then it is better to postpone it for a few days, and then try again. During water procedures, do not close the door to the bathroom so that there are no large temperature changes and the child feels comfortable after the bath. To further harden the baby, you can gradually lower the water temperature by 1 degree every week, bringing it to 34 0 C.


Proper care cannot exist without proper feeding. The most better nutrition for a child of the first year of life is breast milk. The baby is put to the breast almost immediately after birth and is no longer separated, so the mother has the opportunity to establish lactation. Here are the basic recommendations for breastfeeding:

  • Feeding on demand is most effective, as it allows you to increase the amount of milk and give the baby comfort and confidence that the mother is nearby;
  • Don't neglect night feedings;
  • Monitor your child's weight and number of urinations. These indicators will help determine whether there is enough milk.
  • After 3 months, you can switch to feeding at clear intervals, as this will give the mother freedom. But most often this regime is established by itself.
  • Avoid stress! They can lead to a decrease in the quality of milk or to the cessation of lactation.
  • If the amount of milk is insufficient, an adapted mixture should be selected. To do this, you need to consult a doctor.

Caring for a newborn will be a joy for you if you are confident in your actions. The main thing is to do everything with love, talk to your baby, comment on your every action so that he doesn’t get scared. Mom's voice will have a calming effect on him, and then daily hygiene procedures will bring you only happiness! If you have any questions, we invite you to discuss them on our website.

Finally, what you have been waiting for for 9 months has happened - a baby has been born into your family. He is so tiny and fragile that it is scary to pick him up. It's scary to swaddle, let alone bathe. It seems to weigh almost nothing. Proper care for a newborn baby will help your baby adapt to a new life faster, become strong and strong.

The first day when the baby is taken from the hospital is always a test for young parents. The little man is especially vulnerable at this time; he needs help and love. During this period, mom and dad are required to provide special care and attention to the helpless child. Organizing proper care for the baby and observing it is the main task of adults.

The importance of proper care in the first days is due to weak immunity baby. From a nearly sterile environment, the baby enters a world filled with germs and infections. The baby is just developing the process of thermoregulation. The slightest breeze or overheating can cause the child to become ill.

The baby has an open umbilical wound, which requires careful treatment. The navel is one of the main risk factors in the first days of life: spontaneous movements of the baby’s arms can scratch them and cause an infection. In the first days, until the baby’s daily routine is established, the mother needs to spend as much time as possible with her child.

Premature babies born with low birth weight have a very weak immune system. Adults should carefully monitor all changes in the behavior of infants, and in case of illness, immediately call a doctor and not self-medicate.

Caring for a newborn child should be based on the desire to help the baby adapt to the outside world, create comfortable living conditions, and help him get used to his new life. Start creating coziness by adjusting the lighting in the children's room. Bright lights, loud sounds - all this frightens the baby and is a stress factor.

Another significant stress factor is the loss of a sense of security and the lack of clear boundaries. During uterine development, the baby always felt a dense, friendly environment around him. Swaddling helps to cope with the feeling of such fear. It is important for the baby to feel touch with his whole body. Of course, mommy can try to carry the baby in her arms around the clock.

So, your baby is home. You dimmed the light in his room and the baby fell asleep. While your child is sleeping, do not talk in a whisper, speak in a normal voice. The main thing is to avoid shouting and scandals so that the baby does not get scared. While your baby is sleeping, prepare for him to wake up.

Basic principles

When organizing care for newborn children, it is necessary to follow certain principles that will make the life of the baby and adults easier:

  • Cleanliness of the baby's body and surrounding things.
  • Daily hygiene procedures.
  • Daily wet cleaning of the children's room or the room in which the baby is located.
  • During walks, be sure to ventilate the children's room.
  • Daily change of bed linen and baby clothes: vests, caps. Wash all children's clothes with special baby powder or baby soap. Rinse thoroughly and iron with a hot iron on both sides.
  • There should be no things in the baby's room that accumulate dust, such as carpets or soft toys. If there are animals in the house, then for the first months it is necessary to isolate the baby from their close presence so as not to cause an allergic reaction.

The first days after discharge from the maternity hospital, you should not have guests in your home. The baby is too weak and can easily catch an infection from those who like to hold him in their arms.

Care accessories

Even before leaving the maternity hospital, you need to prepare for the meeting of a new family member. Buy:

  • A crib. The cribs are very convenient, the side of which can be lowered, then it can also be used as a changing table.
  • Changing table or agree in advance where you will change the baby.
  • Children's first aid kit. What should be included in the first aid kit, check with your doctor. The main requirement is compliance with the expiration date. Place the first aid kit in a visible place so that you don’t have to look for it for a long time.
  • Hygienic care products: cotton pads, wet wipes, ear sticks and so on.
  • Pacifiers and several bottles. Even if the child is on breastfeeding, drinking baby water should always be at hand.
  • Disposable, reusable and waterproof diapers.
  • Disposable and reusable nappies. Diapers can be used in conjunction with swaddling a baby.
  • Children's bathtub and liner - bathtub.
  • Rattles.
  • Scissors with rounded tips.
  • Children's cosmetics. Be sure to consult your pediatrician about children's cosmetics. Overuse of creams and oils can cause allergies.

The list will expand as the baby grows. A pediatrician can tell you exactly how to care for a newborn baby and what additional supplies you will need.

In modern pediatrics, many works are devoted to the process of caring for infants, where, from a scientific point of view, the importance and significance of proper care for infants from the first days of their life is proven.

Daily procedures

  1. Caring for the umbilical wound.

The navel heals on average in 2 weeks. All morning hygiene procedures must begin with treating the umbilical wound. Do not use cotton pads or cotton swabs under any circumstances, so that fibers do not get into the wound. The procedure itself goes as follows:

  • Lay a disposable diaper on the changing table and place another cotton or flannel diaper on top, depending on the weather.
  • Undress the baby and lay him on the surface with his back.
  • Using a round-tipped pipette, drop 2 drops of hydrogen peroxide onto your belly button. Wait for the peroxide to dry.
  • Rinse the pipette. Place 2 drops of brilliant green on the wound. Wait for the green stuff to dry.

Until the navel has healed, it is not recommended to bathe the child. You can perform daily wiping with warm water. The room should be warm, without drafts. If the navel does not heal, pus appears from under the crust, and you notice redness around the umbilical wound, call a doctor. Do not try to clean the belly button yourself to avoid causing additional infection.

When caring for the umbilical wound, it is necessary to ensure free access of air to the navel. You can use diapers that have a special recess for the navel. Use loose swaddling during the day.

Start your morning routine with washing your face. The water should be boiled and at room temperature. Wash your baby with a cotton pad: wet the pad and squeeze it out a little. Water should not pour over the child's face.

  1. We wipe our eyes.

A baby's mucous membranes can easily fester, so wiping the eyes must be done daily. A cotton pad soaked in boiled water is carefully drawn from the outer to the inner corner of the eye. A separate disc is used for each eye. After wiping, the eyes are dried in the same way.

  1. Nose care.

There are two opinions on how to care for a newborn baby’s nose. Some experts insist on daily cleansing. Others believe that it is necessary to clean your nose only in case of illness, for example, with a runny nose, so as not to injure the mucous membranes of the nose. If the baby breathes freely, then you shouldn’t poke into the nose again.

For a cold:

  • Make several flagella from cotton wool. Do not use cotton swabs. If the baby twitches, and spontaneous movements are common in newborns, the nasal mucous membranes can be damaged.
  • Prepare hydrogen peroxide or saline solution.
  • Soak the flagellum in the prepared liquid. Screw the flagellum into the spout and quickly remove it. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times, changing the flagella each time.
  • If crusts have accumulated in the nose, lubricate them with sterile oil. Then quickly and carefully remove it with a flagellum.

  1. We clean our ears.

Regarding the rules for cleaning ears, experts also share opinions. Some suggest brushing daily. Others believe that it is enough to clean the ears once every 3-5 days.

  • Wipe with cotton pads external sides ears. Be careful not to let water get inside. To do this, be sure to squeeze the disc.
  • Make a flagellum from cotton wool and lightly moisten it with hydrogen peroxide. Without inserting the flagellum deep, clean the ears. Instead of flagella, you can use cotton swabs with limiters that will not allow you to go deep.

We wash the child correctly.

  1. To understand how to properly care for and wash a newborn baby, you need to consider physiological characteristics boys and girls. When washing the boy, there is no need to move the foreskin; this can lead to adhesions. The baby must be washed daily, and every time after physiological functions.

Since in girls the labia still poorly cover the entrance to the vagina, you should wash in the direction of the anus so that E. coli does not get on the genitals.

  • Place the child on one arm.
  • Wash your baby under warm running water with baby soap.
  • Wipe dry with a towel.
  • Treat with talcum powder.

In the summer, babies should be washed more often, as children sweat and sweat accumulates in the folds.

We use special baby oils and creams for skin care. Be sure to consult your pediatrician. In case of rashes, stop using children's cosmetics and check your child for an allergic reaction.


You can bathe your baby only after the umbilical wound has completely healed. To prevent your baby from being afraid of water, wrap your baby in a thin diaper for the first procedures.

Before bathing, you can play with your baby or do some light exercises. gymnastic exercises. After bathing, a light relaxing massage is beneficial. If the child is afraid of water, the procedure should be stopped immediately. Repeat only after a few days.

Compliance with the rules of procedures for caring for infants allows you to develop immunity in the baby and protect the baby from diseases.

Karina is a regular expert on the PupsFull portal. She writes articles about games, pregnancy, parenting and learning, child care and the health of mother and child.

Articles written

The discharge from the maternity hospital is left behind. The first days of motherhood, the most anxious and, of course, the most responsible, await you. Every young mother worries about whether she can cope with her responsibilities. How to feed a baby? How to bathe him? How to choose clothes for a newborn and is it necessary to swaddle a baby in the first months of his life? And in general, what should care for a newborn be like? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

Caring for a newborn's belly button

In the mother's womb, the baby is attached to the placenta by the umbilical cord. After the baby is born, the umbilical cord is cut and an umbilical wound appears in its place. If you don't take care of the wound, it can become inflamed. Before the remainder of the umbilical cord falls off, it must be treated with an antiseptic solution. This could be hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate. Treatment must be carried out daily.

Small crusts appear at the bottom of the umbilical wound. They must be carefully removed using a cotton swab, which must first be moistened with an antiseptic solution.

By the way, instead of brilliant green, it is recommended to use calendula infusion. It has the same effect, but does not stain the baby's skin. Thanks to this, mom will be able to notice redness and rashes. Treatment of the wound should be done after bathing.

As a rule, the wound heals completely 10 days after the birth of the baby. If you notice signs of inflammation or the wound begins to bleed, you should immediately call a pediatrician.

Bathing a newborn: preparation

A newborn baby should be bathed daily, unless, of course, there are any contraindications. It is advisable to practice hygiene procedures before evening feeding.

Buy a special thermometer for water. Its temperature should not exceed 37 degrees. Until the umbilical wound heals, the baby can be bathed in boiled water.

The most convenient way to bathe a newborn is in a special bath. This makes the process much easier for parents. However, if there is no bath, the child can be bathed in a large bath, where the baby can actively move his arms and legs, which helps strengthen the musculoskeletal system. Before bathing, the bath must be thoroughly washed using regular baking soda. It is strictly forbidden to use products containing chlorine for cleaning bathtubs: aggressive detergent components, dissolved in water, will fall on the delicate skin baby, which can cause serious irritation.

For a newly born child, bathing is quite a serious burden. Therefore, before starting the procedure, you should do easy for baby massage.

Hygienic products for newborns

The stores offer a huge range of products for newborns. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, parents should pay attention to the following factors:

  • composition of the product. Read the label of your shampoo or foam. The ingredients should not contain dyes or flavors. You should avoid purchasing products with a pronounced smell and “acidic” color;
  • pH value. A newborn’s skin pH is not 5.5, like an adult’s, but 6.8. This must be taken into account when choosing a bathing product;
  • additives. If your child has allergies, it is important to choose products that contain herbal supplements, such as calendula or chamomile extracts.

Sequence of actions when bathing

When bathing, parents should act based on the following algorithm:

  1. clean the tub or tub baking soda, rinse it thoroughly with boiled water;
  2. fill the bathtub with warm water, check its temperature with a thermometer;
  3. Undress your baby and place him so that his head is on your hand. By the way, if your baby does not like to bathe and is nervous during this procedure, leave the diaper on him. This technique has a calming effect on newborns;
  4. wipe the baby’s skin with a soft cloth made of natural fabric, paying special attention to the folds;
  5. rinse the newborn from the ladle;
  6. Take the child out of the bath and wrap him in a soft towel.

You cannot dry your baby: his skin is too delicate, and any careless movement can lead to damage. The water should be blotted with gentle movements.

Washing a newborn

You need to wash your baby daily. It's very easy to do this:

  • take clean boiled water. Use a cotton swab dipped in water to gently wipe the baby’s face;
  • The eyes are wiped separately; you need to use different swabs for the left and right eyes. If the child’s eyes are inflamed, they should be washed with a weak tea solution;
  • palms are wiped in the same way as the face;
  • There is no need to clean your baby's nose every day. This should only be done if crusts have appeared in the nose. Take a special cotton swab, soak it in baby oil and carefully treat your nose;
  • The ears are wiped twice a week with a cotton swab with a limiter. You should not clean the ear canal: you may injure your child. You only need to clean the ear.

Newborn eye care

The baby's eyes should be treated with a cotton pad. Before carrying out the procedure, it must be moistened in boiled water. If the intensity of contamination increases, then a solution of furatsilin should be used. Rinse from the outer to the inner corner of the eye. Each eye is treated with a new disc.

You should monitor your baby's eye health from the very beginning. early age. Try to ensure that your baby has as little contact with bright light as possible. It is better not to let him look at the sun, and when taking photographs, avoid using flashes. A sharp change in light can also negatively affect eye health. It is recommended to use a floor lamp with a green lampshade or a table lamp as a night light.

Nail care

Due to the fact that children's nails grow faster than those of adults, they should be cared for 1-2 times a week. You should trim your nails with special scissors, the ends of which are rounded. Fingernails should be given a rounded shape, and toenails should be cut straight.

Washing the baby

You need to wash your baby quite often. This is done every time you change a diaper or diaper. Regular washing will help avoid skin irritation and the development of inflammatory processes.

You need to wash the child with running warm water, while your hand should move from front to back. You can wash your newborn while he is lying on the changing table. To do this, you will need a container of warm water and a cotton swab.

The most convenient way to wash a child’s bottom is to lift his legs.

If you need to wash your child on the street or in public place, use special baby wipes.

Do not put on a diaper immediately after washing: let the baby's skin breathe, and this will also help avoid fungal infections.

Changing diapers

Most modern young mothers use disposable diapers. In this case, a strict rule should be observed - the child should not be in the same diaper for more than 4 hours. During donning, it is necessary to check that umbilical remnant was opened. Otherwise, the umbilical wound will take longer to heal. The baby's skin needs to breathe. Therefore, it is worth leaving the child without a diaper for several hours.

Parents also need to control the formation of diaper rash on the skin located under the diaper. To do this, the baby must always be dressed for the weather. Overheating must not be allowed. A special cream will help simplify the task.

If diaper rash does occur, you should consult a doctor. He will tell you about the means that can be used to heal them. Most often, a cream is used for these purposes, which contains dexpanthenol, which promotes rapid healing of the skin.

Diaper rash must be dealt with, as it causes pain in the baby.

How to feed a newborn?

Under no circumstances should you force your baby to eat more than he himself considers necessary. Newborns instinctively sense the moment of satiety. Overeating can lead to gastrointestinal disorders.

Many mothers are tormented by the question: should they feed their child on a schedule or let him choose his own meal times? The answer to this question depends only on individual characteristics baby. Some children easily get used to the schedule and willingly wake up every 3-4 hours, while others do not agree to the schedule and eat only when they want.

It is most convenient to feed your baby while lying down. The baby should lie parallel to the mother, with his mouth opposite the nipple. The child should not be allowed to bury himself in the chest: soft fabrics may interfere with his breathing. Therefore, the breast must be held so that it does not cover the baby’s nose.

Hygiene – essential element care infant, the key to the successful development and good health of the newborn. It includes both morning procedures and procedures that are carried out throughout the day.

After the baby wakes up, the first thing you need to do is wash the eyes, clean the ears and nose, and wash. At the same time, pay attention to your hygiene. Before starting the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap. Choose only high-quality and safe products. Let's take a closer look at how to properly carry out morning procedures for a newborn baby.

Morning baby care

Eye care carried out using a cotton swab, which is moistened in warm boiled water. Wipe the eye with a swab from the outer corner to the inner. Get a new tampon for each eye! When a child’s eyes are very watery, you can prepare a special infusion of chamomile or calendula. Dilute 1-1.5 tablespoons of the herb with 200 ml of boiling water and leave for an hour. Then wipe each eye with the infusion. For children older than 3-4 months, the infusion can be instilled into the eyes, this will prevent the appearance of.

Nose care It is important to do this every day so that the snot does not clog the mucous membranes and interfere with normal breathing. A newborn is characterized by a physiological runny nose, which goes away on its own by 2.5-3 months. At this age, the baby does not yet know how to blow his nose, so the baby’s nasal passages need to be cleaned. The nose can be cleaned with soft cotton swabs dipped in vegetable oil. Instead of cotton swabs, flagella from cotton swabs are also used, as they are softer and safer.

Liquid mucus is removed using light rotational movements with a stick or flagellum, dry mucus is removed using sea water. Sea water does not cause allergies and is safe for a newborn. It eliminates allergies, colds and other types of runny nose. How else to treat a runny nose, and how to properly clean a newborn’s nose, read.

Ear care must be done very carefully and at least once a week. You only need to clean the outer ear, as the delicate ear canals of a newborn are easily damaged. To clean, take soft cotton swabs and soak them in water, then gently wipe your ears.

Facial care carried out after you have cleaned your nose, eyes and ears. Wipe your baby's face with wet wipes or wash with running water. In addition, you can use a special chamomile decoction. To do this, pour two tablespoons of dry chamomile into a liter of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Moisten a cotton pad with the infusion and wipe your face. After washing, it is important to wipe the skin dry using disposable wipes.

Umbilical wound care needed in the first days of a newborn’s life, since the wound heals 10 days after birth. Sometimes she bleeds at this time, which is normal for babies. For processing, take hydrogen peroxide 3% and brilliant green. Soak a cotton swab or swab in peroxide and wipe the navel area. Remove dry crusts when they soften. Then clean the wound again with peroxide, dry it and treat it with brilliant green.

Intimate hygiene is also very important for the newborn. Washing the genitals and buttocks is done with warm water without soap, and wiping is best done with dry wipes, as towels dry out and irritate skin. In addition, disposable wipes are more hygienic. After drying, the skin and skin folds are treated with special products, which can be used as baby diaper creams or powders containing talc.

Caring for your baby during the day

In addition to morning hygiene, it is important to perform other procedures throughout the day. So, after each bowel movement, you need to organize washing for the baby. When the skin is dry, apply baby cream with talc or powder to the skin folds. For dry skin, baby moisturizing oil or milk is better, and for oily skin, powder. After feeding, carefully wipe the corners of the baby's mouth; leftover milk or food can lead to allergies, thrush and other problems.

Change the diaper after each bowel movement and every 3-4 hours, regardless of the degree of wetness. It is important to take air baths after a diaper, as it negatively affects the baby’s skin, can cause allergies and leads to diaper rash.

Regularly check the skin folds on the neck and the spaces between the fingers, as small threads and lint often accumulate in such places. Wipe with wet and dry wipes.

In addition, the baby needs to cut his nails regularly, since long edges of the nails can lead to wounds and scratches on the skin, because the baby cannot yet follow the movements. The child begins to understand and control the movements of the arms and legs only after three months. It is better to cut nails when the baby is sleeping. For this procedure, choose scissors with rounded edges and thin blades. If you are afraid of injuring your baby, purchase special pliers with a magnifying glass that will enlarge the area of ​​the nail.

Bathing is one of the main rituals when caring for a baby, which should be done every day! The first time, bathing is carried out for 10-15 minutes at a temperature not lower than 37 degrees above zero. Then you can gradually reduce the levels by one degree every four to five days. But for babies under four months, the temperature cannot be lowered below 32 degrees. After bathing, it is important to dry your child thoroughly with a towel so that no moisture remains on the skin. Otherwise, the child will become hypothermic and get sick.

Bathing and swimming are important for more than just hygiene. Exercises in water develop muscles, help the child’s legs, arms and fingers straighten faster, improve blood circulation and normalize blood pressure. Bathing strengthens the immune system, and procedures before bedtime relax and calm the baby. As a result, the child will sleep soundly and peacefully.

Hygiene products for infants

It is important to choose the right hygiene products for newborns, because many compounds can cause an allergic reaction. As a rule, an allergy in an infant manifests itself within two days. If during this time a negative reaction does not appear, you can safely use creams, lotions and other cosmetic items. If your baby has an allergy, stop using this product immediately and consult a doctor.

What products will you need to care for your baby:

  • Baby liquid soap;
  • Baby shampoo “no tears”;
  • Cotton pads and cotton swabs;
  • Powders in the form of liquid talc;
  • Wet and dry wipes;
  • Baby oils and lotions;
  • Baby creams with moisturizing properties;
  • Clean towels;
  • Diapers;
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3% and brilliant green;
  • Nail scissors and hair brush.

Take only special products for babies from the first days of life. Before purchasing, carefully study the expiration dates and composition, and check the packaging for integrity. Let's find out in more detail which products are suitable for children under one year old.

How to choose hygiene products for babies

Choose wet wipes impregnated with lavender, chamomile, calendula and other plant extracts, as they are less likely to cause allergies. Do not use products containing alcohol and chlorine, chemicals and various preservatives!

Choose cotton swabs for children under one year of age with special restraints. Standard adult products can penetrate too deeply and injure your baby. It is important to choose high-quality sticks with cotton wool tightly attached so that it does not accidentally remain in the nasal or ear canal. Choose napkins and cotton swabs in sealed plastic containers.

Oils and lotions for newborns are used during massage and bathing. Such oils moisturize the skin, relax and remove crusts on the head. Choose only natural remedies without dyes or other chemicals. Choose neutral, plant-based, fragrance-free liquid soap for newborns. It is desirable that the composition includes glycerin or lanolin. Such substances soften the skin. Liquid soap, oils and lotions, take them in sealed containers with a dispenser.

Also choose plant-based creams containing glycerin and without mineral oils. The cream may contain almond or olive oils. Please note that the shorter the shelf life of the product, the more natural the composition. Moisturizer is used after swimming and water procedures. Additionally, you can purchase a special cream for diaper rash.

In the second or third month of your baby's life, you will need shampoo. It effectively removes dirt and excess fat on the head. Baby shampoos will strengthen hair follicles and improve hair growth. Avoid products containing sulfates, diethanolamine, dioxane and formaldehyde. Choose “tearless” shampoos for children under one year of age, as they do not contain fragrances and do not cause allergies, and are characterized by mild and gentle cleaning properties.

Baby powders absorb moisture well, which prevents irritation, diaper rash and redness. Today, powdered powders, which our grandmothers and mothers are accustomed to, are rarely used. Such products, when interacting with moisture, form lumps, which causes discomfort to the child. Modern mothers choose liquid talc, which does not create lumps and forms a protective layer on the baby's skin.

Brushes are not used for combing, because a baby at this age still has very little hair. Brushes with fine, soft bristles made from natural high-quality materials effectively massage the scalp and stimulate hair growth. In addition, they remove crusts from the newborn's head. After six months, when your baby’s hair has already increased, buy a special baby comb with rounded teeth. Don't forget about nail clippers. They should have rounded edges and a thin blade.