
Birthday script. Alexei's fifth birthday. Scenario of a children's birthday (for a girl) Holding a birthday for a girl of 5 years

At the entrance to the hall, 8 painted baskets hang on the wall. Near the baskets are multi-colored leaves made of paper. Each incoming person writes a wish to any of the birthday people on a piece of paper and sticks it to the basket. For each wish, children receive a lottery ticket.
The lanterns sound.
Lead 1.
Birthday is great!
It's weird and funny!
Accept congratulations.
And receive gifts.
Where are our birthdays?
Let them sing to us and dance.
To invite them here
We need to start clapping!
Lead 2.
For all the perpetrators of such a celebration
At such moments,
To give, we are ready without end ... (applause.)
(Guest applause)
Nominal representations - (congratulations)
Today is your birthday
A day of joy, happiness, fun, excitement.
Dear birthday people, today you are the main characters of our holiday, our stars. You have become a year older, grown up, prettier. And for each of you, we have a personal greeting.
1. Tolya loves to build something,
And fool around a bit
Very little to say.
We sincerely wish him
It is best to count, write,
Read many books.
2. Terrible name, the possession of the king
Previously, Rus' was Igor's land.
Wise king, formidable ruler,
Valiant warrior and master!
You were awarded the name of the king from birth,
So be just as honest, wise and smart;
We, Igor, wish you happiness -
You will succeed, we certainly know!
3. Not a child - a feast for the eyes!
Accept Katyusha congratulations!
Like a princess, be beautiful
Both fun and happy.
4. Our Daria is very smart,
Endowed with kindness.
We believe that only "4" and "5"
There will be notebooks to fill in.
5. We have Irinka,
The girl is a picture.
Friends with dance, friends with song -
There is no girl more interesting!
6. Angelica and Veronica we wish true friends,
Lots of health and sunny days,
Good luck with your studies and all the best.
May your life be full of joy!
7. Pleasant in all respects, Liliana
We wish you not to know irritation and laziness,
And to be all the same - smiling, sweet,
With a soul filled with good power
Commemorative medals are awarded to birthdays
Lead 1.
Whoever you become in life
As long as you don't get tired
Open up and wonder
Subdue, do not subdue
Believe in miracles, believe in people
We will be helping you.
Walk you long ways,
Don't give up on anything
And everything you planned
Let it be done by five!
Lead 2.
Attention! Attention! Attention!
A fun party opens.
Hurry honest people
Our holiday is calling you.
Relay "Centipede"
Divide the children into teams (there can be from 2 to infinity in a team). Children stand one after another, the ball is clamped between the back of the previous and the stomach of the next child. Hands down. And now - let's go! You need to walk 5-7 meters to the chair in this way, take the “strawberry” (the first player takes the small red ball), go around the chair and return to the beginning of the distance. The caterpillar that does not crumble along the way has won!
Lead 1.
Questions for birthdays. (for the correct answer - candy)
1How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (Only one thing: after the first it will no longer be on an empty stomach)
2Why does the dog run? (On the ground)
3What is the tongue in the mouth for? (Behind the teeth)
How to pick a branch so as not to frighten away a bird? (Gotta wait for her to fly away)
6How to write "dry grass" in four letters? (Hay)
When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into a house? (When the door is open)
8. Under what tree does the hare sit during the rain? (under wet)
9. The more you take from it, the more it becomes (Yama)
10. There was a child - did not know diapers, became an old man - a hundred diapers on him (cabbage head)
11. What goes without moving from the place (Time).
12. What can you not enclose around the hut? (Water in a sieve)
13. Do you have, I have, the oak in the field has it, but the fish in the sea do not have it? (Shadow)
Creative congratulations. Clip for the song.

Lead 2.
Why and why
Are we very satisfied?
And today without end
laughing merrily
Competition "Barrel"
In a huge garbage bag cut off the bottom corners. These will be the holes for the legs. Have one team member climb into the bag, stick their feet through the holes, and hold the top edge of the bag with their hands and back. Should be a barrel. Now we collect watermelons for salting in a barrel. The main thing is that the one who is inside the package does not fall from laughter. The team with the most watermelons wins.
Lead 1.
We know you love games
Songs, riddles and dances.
But there is nothing more interesting
Than our fairy tales
Fairy tale "Kolobok".
7 participants are selected.
Grandfather: I want to eat something!
Grandmother: But there is no flour!
Gingerbread man: And here I am!
Hare: How round you are!
Wolf: Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll Eat You!
Bear: Get away, little fry!
Fox: I'm so hard of hearing!
Text of the tale: Once upon a time there was a grandfather (I want to eat something!) And a grandmother (but there is no flour!).
Somehow he was sitting on the stove, and then his grandfather says (I want to eat something!). And the grandmother answers him (but there is no flour). How not, says the grandfather (I want to eat something). The grandmother went (but there is no flour) she scraped through the bottom of the barrel, swept the barn and scraped a little. The grandmother kneaded the dough (but there was no flour), she heated the stove and baked a bun (and here I am). The grandmother took (but there is no flour) a bun (and here I am) and put it on the windowsill to cool. And the gingerbread man (and here I am) jumped out the window and rolled along the path, and beyond the outskirts. The gingerbread man is rolling (and here I am) rolling, and towards him a hare (what a round you are). The gingerbread man (and here I am) looked at the hare (how round you are). And he looked at such a miracle and said the hare (how round you are) turned around and gave a tear. And the gingerbread man (and here I am) rolled further. And towards him a gray wolf (bun, bun, I'll eat you). The bun (and here I am) was frightened and rolled in the other direction. And towards him a clubfoot bear (get away, small fry). But the gingerbread man is not inferior (and here I am). I saw a round monster and the bear got scared (get away, small fry) and ran away. Only in pursuit the bun called out to him (and here I am). And out of nowhere, a cunninglylis appeared from the forest (I hear so badly). And then our main character realized that the fox (I hear so badly) does not hear well and then said the bun loudly (and here I am). A sly Fox(I hear so badly) got even closer to the bun (and here I am). But then, out of nowhere, a grandfather appeared (that is, I want it) and a grandmother (but there is no flour) and were delighted with the newly made granddaughter kolobok (and here I am). This tale ends, and who listened well done.
Presenter 1
Competition "Flies and cutlets".
Lots of balls on the floor. Divide the balls and all the guests with a line (draw with chalk) into two equal parts. Designate balls of a certain color as "harmful flies" that you need to get rid of. On command, team members begin to throw "flies" across the line. The team with the fewest pests left in the half wins.
Lead 2
Knock, knock, knock,
Come out to the circle
Competition "People - to people"
After the leader says the phrase “People - to people”, the players are divided into pairs. Then the players perform all the commands of the leader (such as “ear to shoulder”, “Right foot to left hand”, etc.). After the leader says the phrase “People - to people”, the players should be redistributed in pairs. The leader's goal is to find a mate. The one who is left without a pair becomes the leader.
Presenter 1
Competition "Thirst".
Two participants are given a glass of lemonade and tablespoons. They sit on chairs, blindfold them and offer, on command, to give water to each other from spoons. The first person to empty the glass wins.
Lead 2
It is important to play sports.
We'll be here. Train
We offer "Who is faster
The ball will take. Let's start soon!
Dance warm-up first for the guests, then for all the birthday people to the music. (6 people each) Sharikov lies down one less than the participants.
"Put the ball on the floor,
Show yourself in the dance
cum music play
Get the ball quickly."
Presenter 1
Competition "Sculptors". Or again Scarecrow garden ....
Let someone prepare pieces of adhesive tape for the children, and they themselves will assemble a figure of a little man from balls of various sizes and shapes. The nose is a small ball, and the eyes would be better paper. For hair, prepare shaggy wigs.
Think about where you can then tie these figures from the balls.
Lead 2
Competition for birthdays "Labyrinth".
We forgot our birthdays, and they must have been bored. This is a task for them. (Labyrinths drawn on paper are heard. Who will find the exit faster.)
Presenter 1
Breathe so easy in autumn
A mosquito squeaks in the forest.
Let's take a breath and let's have a contest
"Our jet balloon."
You only need a ball
Inflate and release.
He wins whose ball
More precisely, it will fly.
Competition "Snoop".
Put the children in a circle. In the center of the circle is a box with a prize. Give each child an inflated but untied balloon ik (to each his own color). At the command "Search!" children release the balls, directing them to the center of the circle to the gift. The flight path, as you know, is impossible to guess - the balls break out and write out strange figures in the air. The winner is the one whose ball lands closest to the gift.
Presenter 1
"In a win-win lottery
We invite you to play
Don't be offended by anything
Accept all gifts!
1.Automatic for wall painting. (Tassel.)
2. Dimensionless vessel for liquid. (Ball.)
3. The hairpin is non-automatic. (Pin.)
4. Measuring device of the lowest accuracy. (Ruler.)
5. A wig made of unnatural hair. (Washcloth.)
6. Xerox. (Copy paper.)
7. Personal yacht. (Paper boat.)
8.Washable wallpaper. (Stickers.)
9.Music center. (Whistle.)
10. Preparation for the development of the jaws. (Chewing gum.)
11. Preparation for removing stains and dirt. (Soap.)
12. Stationery joke. (Clip.)
13. Adaptation for the transmission of thoughts at a distance. (Envelope.)
14. Means for the accumulation of rubles. (Penny.)
15. Japanese camera. (Mirror.)
16. Sewing machine. (Needle and thread.)
17 Let your heart
It burns like this candle.
18 If you bathe often,
A washcloth will come in handy!
19 Let your teeth be radiant,
Fragrant, strong, clean!
(children's toothpaste)
20 In the household, a notebook is always useful,
But only a gift should not be proud of!
21 They can write, draw.
Come get your surprise soon!
(set of colored pens)
22. Let the drawings sparkle
And smiling eyes.
For your landscapes
We give these colors.
23. A mirror, of course, is a good gift.
But just be yourself!
24. If you give a comb,
You can't be shaggy anymore
25. I am the sweetest of all in the world!
What's my name, friends?
(Chupa Chups)
26. This tile is not simple -
Chocolate big.
27. In this house every brother,
You are happy to decorate everything!
(Colour pencils)
28. He is simpler than simple,
And draw again.
(Simple pencil)
29. Here's a notebook for you, my friend -
You will live with him without any hassle!
30. I erase all traces in an instant,
Let me fix everything!
31. This little thing is not simple -
Sharpens sharply without cutting.
32. You take a pen in a pen,
Write and circle!
33. She is the slimmest of all in the pencil case.
You immediately recognized her!
Lead 2
“Picture writing” Drawn in order: a rooster, a needle, a rainbow, a cloud, a mushroom.
Let the birthday people try to solve this riddle. There is one word hidden here. In order to recognize it, you need to select the first sound from each word-name of the picture and connect the resulting sounds together.
Children guess the word "pie".
Nice we had fun
Played, joked
And now the time has come
Drink some tea, kids!
Our dear birthday people, take your places of honor. For you and all the guests, our respected chefs have baked a sweet cake. Let's give him a round of applause! As you understand, our holiday does not end there. We invite you all to tea. During the tea party, birthday people are given baskets with wishes.

I decided this time to make a birthday in the style of fairies. And since this time the children-girls invited were mostly 5-year-olds with varying degrees of preparation, it was decided to make the holiday simpler without any riddles-guesses so that no one was embarrassed or afraid.
I ordered a themed cake in advance, about a week before the holiday I wrote a script and ordered figurines from balloons.

The holiday itself
The guests came and we consulted with the children where it was better to stick candles into the cake.

Then I invited the girls to draw drawings for the birthday girl as a keepsake, who wants what she wants. The birthday girl also painted. At this time, one of the mothers hid her daughter's magic wand.

Then I took the girls to a room where I gave them fairy pendants, which turned them into real fairies. (At this time, candles were pulled out of the cake.)

I invited the children to go to the kitchen to light candles and start the holiday by waving a magic wand. But there were no wands or candles, which means that the evil sorceress tried

And we went to save the magical forest - at first, to the music, we collected flowers from balloons. When the music stopped, it was necessary to freeze so that the night owl would not drag it away, then when the music began again, the search began and the collection of flowers continued.
All the flowers were collected on a large scarf and covered with another scarf so that they would not freeze.

Then we went to look for a magical place where a magical tree should sprout. Along the way, crushing all the balloons that come across on the way and collecting little things that jump out of them (sweets and hair clips).

Have reached flower pot, which along the way was a magical place, and a basin of water was a magic well, well, watering work began

Then the fairies and I returned to see how our flowers were hidden there, and there a surprise awaited us - a chicken (also made of balls) was sitting among the flowers and hatching kinderyayts.

It became clear that our flowers were saved, and when we went to our magic pot, it turned out that a magic tree had sprouted in it and around it were gifts and a magic wand.

kingdom of princesses

Ksyusha's birthday is 5 years old. 11. Children from 5 to 11 years old. 12th - Ksyusha and 13th - her older sister Dasha, she is 14 years old, she is an assistant in this holiday. The party starts at 5:00 and ends at 9:00.

What you need to prepare: decorate the apartment with sparklers, balls, flowers, prepare a blank for the newspaper. Prepare gifts for children.

1 - 11 colors

2 contest - 2 flowers

3 competition - soft toys in a bag, about 10-15 small soft toys

4 contest - 11 colors

Competition 5 - jump rope or rope

6 competition - a hat, there are notes in it.

Eight coins for competitions.

Newspaper: In the center it says: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! KSUSHA!!!

Below is a sun, in which her photo, an envelope, stars, circles, hearts is drawn with a simple pencil. Everywhere you can write in them later or draw something.

Two hosts: In this case, mother and eldest daughter.

Ksyusha is waiting in the room - Princess Kingdom

1. Organizational moment

The children enter the apartment.

2. The main part of the holiday

1 presenter: - Password!

2 leading prompts in the ear: - Ksyusha has a birthday.

1 host: - To enter the Ksyushino kingdom, you must fulfill three conditions:

A). Give a gift to my subject (i.e. 2nd host, hide all gifts for now),

b). Inflate the balloon and hang it on the wall (attach with adhesive tape),

V). Walk over bumps (figures cut out of colored paper lie on the floor, at a distance of about a step from each other)

1 presenter: Girls go to the Magic Castle, Boys - to the Mysterious Island (i.e., to two different rooms)

Lead 2: In every room you will find costumes.

Lead 1 helps the boys dress up, Lead 2 helps girls dress up, use makeup, draw on faces, hands.

In the girls' room, the Leader says: - You know, the Good Fairy sent Ksyusha a ball gown.

(While the children are getting dressed, dad is sitting in the hall, two people come up to him and write their wishes for Ksyusha. Those who can’t write draw something. The newspaper must be prepared in advance)

Ron's birthday 5 years old - gnomes

The dwarf king asks the guys to find the "magic crystal" before the bear, with whom the dwarves have always fought, finds it. The children find the crystal, the bear steals it, but the children take the crystal with the help of pipes - they put it to sleep. by magic, all the children turn into gnomes to help the gnomes

Everyone enters the hall.

1 host:

You know, guys, while you were going to the ball, we received a telegram. From whom is it, from the Evil Fairy. Come on, read fast.

2 host: (Reads)

Dear children, or whatever your name is, princes and princesses.

I know that you are all curious and want to know the surprise of today's holiday - the gift of the Good Fairy. But you won't be able to see it unless you fulfill all my requirements. I will see what kind of friends Ksyusha are and how you will help her in this matter. Do you agree? Then listen, for each contest you complete, you get a coin, and when there are 8 of them, you will get a surprise. Divide into two teams.

We divide everyone into two teams. To do this, one leader - the Mirror, becomes his back, each child approaches him in turn, lightly hits his back, and the leader shows with his hand which team he needs to become. (After each competition, the children receive a drawn coin. It is given out by dad)

So, competition 1. Collect a bouquet for the birthday girl. Arrange the flowers around Ksyusha, who is sitting on a chair. The children take turns with their eyes closed looking for one flower at a time and give it to Ksyusha.

Competition 2. Flower relay.

The teams lined up in two lines.

Put a flower in front of each team. From each team, first one child runs around the flower, returns, the next one clings to it, they are already running like a train. And so on, until everyone runs around.

Competition 3. Mysterious bag.

Bag in the studio! The Evil Fairy sent soft toys. Toys are thrown in the middle. Teams sit opposite each other. To the music, they begin to throw at each other. When the music is over, we consider which team has more toys, and that team won.

Competition 4 "Third extra"

Arrange the flowers in a circle, one less than the number of children. We turn on the music. The music stops, everyone takes a flower, who didn’t have enough, goes out.

Competition 5 Pull the rope.

Competition 6 "Hat discussion"

Guys, the Evil Fairy sent you a hat with notes. You must fulfill her wishes. Each child draws a note, read together, then fulfills a wish.

Dasha to conduct a speech warm-up,

Boys sing the song "Cockerel",

Girls to sing "Orange" song,

Perform the Dance of the Goats

Sing the song "Mom" to everyone,

Perform the song "La-la-la", along with the dance,

Guess riddles: (Riddles at the Host)











Crow three times

Say loudly three times: "Ksyusha, from birth!"

Call your mother on the phone and say: "Mommy, hello to you from a fairy tale,"

Jump on one leg around Ksyusha three times,

Oksana to hold karaoke (one verse of 5-6 songs)

Everyone gives a gift to Ksyusha and talks about him (This phantom must be thrown last)

Competition7. Raise Ksyusha together on a chair 5 times. We count: -1,2,3,4,5!!!

Competition 8. Sing the song "Happy birthday". Suddenly a note falls: KSYUSHA'S SURPRISE UNDER THE BED. Everyone runs and finds a note in the package: "It was a joke of the Good Fairy."

9. We sing a song, holding hands: As on Ksyushina's name day, we baked a loaf, such a height, such a width. Loaf, loaf, choose whom you like. Of course, I love everyone, but the holiday is the most.

10. 1 host: - The banquet continues. Music.

The children sit at the table. We take one flower, pass it around from one child to another, and everyone says his wish to Ksyusha. We eat.

Cake, candles. We sing "Happy birthday", then "Happy Birthday, you ...".

11. Theater. We put the fairy tale "Turnip", "Gingerbread Man", "Ryaba Hen"

12. Disco. Everyone repeats the movements for someone. Handkerchief game. Everyone dances in a circle, who is given a handkerchief, goes to the center, dances, passes the handkerchief to the next.

13. Beauty salon. We paint girls' nails. Everyone is dressing up.

14. by interests. Blanks of the same coloring. Girls dress up dolls. The boys are playing building blocks.

3. The result of the holiday. Gifts for children hang on a string, signed, you need to cut the gift.

Birthday girl 5 years

When my daughter turned 5 years old, it was decided not to invite guests to a tea party, but to organize a real children's holiday: with games, contests and ... a fairy tale. In principle, now there are no problems with this: on the Internet you can find many scenarios that are easy enough to adapt to the tastes and interests of your child. That's all.

Only four children aged 2 to 7 were invited to the celebration, but we still had a lot of fun. Therefore, I share my experience of the holiday with you. Since the children are small, the script is made in the form of dialogues: at this age, their general participation and questions and answers are simply necessary, otherwise the children may get bored. So let's get started!

Host (mom): “When Princess Zhenya was born, six beautiful fairies flocked to the ball on the occasion of her birth. They expressed their wishes: to be kind, smart, cheerful, hardworking, beautiful and inquisitive to the princess. But suddenly a sorceress appeared at the door of the castle, who was not invited to the ball! And - oh, horror! - out of envy and anger, she uttered her malicious prophecy: when Zhenya turns 7 years old, she will prick her hand with a spindle and fall asleep for 100 years! Which means she will not be able to go to school, she will not be able to walk with her friends on the street , read books and watch cartoons! But then the seventh fairy, beautiful and kind, rushed to the ball, and said, "Zhenya will not fall asleep if her friends and girlfriends, beautiful fairies and knights, help her!" So, children, don't let this terrible prophecy it came true, today you and I need to find a magic cake and save Zhenya from a hundred-year sleep!Who agrees to help Zhenya?

Children: they say they all agree.

Leading:And our cake is in the apartment, it is nearby, it is close,

But to find it, read the note.

The evil witch left her to us,

On it we will go for a cake through a fairy tale.

And in a fairy tale, friends, trials await you,

A little patience, a little effort.

Fight, fight and you will win

Read the note and run into a fairy tale!

But before we read the first note, I want to know if you can withstand all the tests that the sorceress has prepared? Are you really brave, strong and do not leave your friends in trouble?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Well, let's see if you're ready. Can you run? How? What about jumping? And on one leg? What about screaming? What about stomp? What about clapping? Do you know how to read? Well, now I see that you are ready, then open the note!

The note says "HELP CINDERELLA".

Children go to another room, where everything for competition No. 1 was prepared in advance on the wall by parents. In the corridor, you can organize an additional obstacle in the form of "stones" (in our case, these were skittles). The task of the children is to clear the blockage, that is, throw the skittles into the box opposite. The way is clear, you can go ahead.


Paper shoes are attached to the drawing paper, which at least somewhat differ from each other (we had six of them). And only one of them is identical to Cinderella's real shoe, glued on a painted pillow in the center of the poster.

Leading: What do you think happened to Cinderella? Maybe she lost something?

Children: Shoe!

Leading: We need to help her find another. Can we help?

Children: Yes!

The task of the children is to find a pair of shoes. If they guess correctly, there will be another note on the back of the shoe that says "LOOK FOR THE SNAKE".

Leading: Guys, what kind of Serpent do we need to find, do you know?

Children: Gorynych snake!

Leading: Let's eat!

And here is the snake! Who here is not afraid of the snake,

And fight the monster?

Competition "SNAKE GORYNYCH"

Prepare in advance three interconnected balls with a painted muzzle (eyes, nostrils). Children must defeat the Serpent Gorynych with a sword. This competition was fun for us: at first, the balls tried to burst with a sword, but they did not give in. Then the children began to jump on them until they burst.

One of the balls contained the following note: "FRUITS".


The usual and well-known competition, in which children always participate with pleasure: fruits are cut in advance on a plate. With your eyes closed, you need to guess what kind of fruit. When everything is eaten and guessed, then under them we suddenly see a note: "BROKEN PLATE".


Here, on the floor, children find "shards" of a plate (a paper plate cut into several parts), from which they need to collect a whole one. After collecting, the children will be able to read the following note on it: "EGG".

Leading: Now we need to find some kind of egg. Who can help us with this? What fairy tale hero?

Children: Ryaba chicken!

Leading: Let's go look for her!

Where is the chicken sitting?

And guards the testicles?


Ryaba chicken (toy) sits on a basket with a lot of golden eggs (I made eggs from real shells - it will be much more interesting for children to look for the next note, although it can also be made from kinder surprises). Children break eggs until they find an egg with a note: "CHEST".

I note that they really liked this competition. And even when the note had already been found, the children still continued to crush the shells with delight until they were all gone.

Leading: Where is Kashchei's chest?

Children look around the room and see a chest.

Competition "OPEN THE CHEST"

There are many keys next to the chest. You need to pick up the key to open it. Since I didn’t find a suitable chest for the game, I had to take a children’s chest, and the children immediately recognized the key to their chest, despite the fact that there were many other keys nearby.

Inside the chest was a note: "COLD," written on silver foil and twisted into a needle.

Leading: Shouldn't we go to the North Pole? Where is it cold here? Let's think...

The cake is hidden in advance on the balcony (we had a holiday in January, when the balcony is the coldest place). If your children's birthday falls in the summer, then the cake can be hidden in the refrigerator.

After you have found the "magic" cake, you can start drinking tea. At the same time, do not forget to praise the children for their courage, strength and friendship, for helping the princess get rid of the witch's curse.

At the end of the holiday, all the children received a small surprise to remember this holiday.

Article sent Oksana Kuznetsova, Mariinsk

To prepare for the holiday, the article Birthday - 10 years can still help you

Daughter's anniversary. we are 5 years old! scenario

More one candy

I take it off the tree

In this candy

Now we all know...

"The funniest thing in the world

Let's celebrate a birthday.

We know a lot of games

And now let's play with them! Chamomile game.

A flower with five petals is made of paper. The name of the game is written on the back of each.

1. "Learn a fairy tale"

First, very childish:

1. Mouse, frog, bunny, fox, spinning top, bear. ("Teremok")

2. Grandfather, woman, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse. ("Turnip")

3. Grandfather, woman, chicken, egg. ("Ryaba Hen")

4. Mom, daughter, pot of butter, pies, wolf, hunters. ("Little Red Riding Hood")

5. Toad, beetle, field mouse, swallow, elf. ("Thumbelina")

And more difficult?

2. Prince, queen, night, shower, featherbed. CLUE (if suddenly difficult): pea ("Princess and the Pea")

3. Sledge, snow, robber, mirror, friendship. CLUE: Kai, Gerda. ("The Snow Queen")

4. Soldier, ballerina, troll, snuffbox, fish, fire. HINT: a witch. ("The Steadfast Tin Soldier")

2. Tongue twisters:

The bull is stupid, stupid bull.

The bull's lip was blunt.

Tell me about shopping.

About what about purchases?

About shopping, about shopping

about your shopping!

Spruce looks like a hedgehog -

Spruce in needles, hedgehog too!

3. Fold the picture

She cut out the pages from the coloring books. One side is in color, the other is black and white. Children folded color pictures, adults - black and white.

4. Collect a bouquet

Flowers cut out of paper are laid out on the floor. Two participants are given buckets and blindfolded. Who will collect more flowers.

5. The most accurate

Two buckets are placed at the same distance from the participants. Each participant is given three plastic "eggs" from kinder surprises. You need to hit the balls in the buckets.

The guests liked this competition very much. Everyone participated in it: both children and adults.

There were a lot of sweets here

Each had a secret.

We sang and danced

Congratulations on your birthday.

But now on a thin branch

Only one hangs candy.

And in that candy surprise -

There is a prize for the birthday boy!

Large cake for the birthday boy.

Everyone made a wish and blew out the candles.

At the end of the program, the Birthday Girl handed out medals to all the guests. And then everyone pulled out a note from the box with the name of the gift from the hero of the occasion.

The entire entertainment program with toasts in between competitions took an hour and a half. Just did not have time to bother anyone. The rest of the time was spent talking about this and that.

Everyone was satisfied.

Children's birthday script - 5 year old girl - birthday script -

Heroes: Dunno, Donut, Tube, Znayka,

or rather, everyone who is at hand (moms, dads, aunts, grandmothers, etc.).

Stranger: Hello, boys and girls!

Hello, naughty, naughty!

Why are you all here?

Didn't find another place?

Children: For Dasha's birthday.

Dunno: It’s not for nothing that I washed my face today,

I cleaned my shoes and dressed up.

I want to make friends with you

Have fun on your birthday!

Ah, I forgot to introduce myself...

I'm not a simple boy

(Although a fighter, and a rascal),

I always dream of magic

I get into any business:

I am both an artist and a poet,

Both musician and assistant...

Well, kids, guess what,

I am a boy named...

Children: Dunno!

Dunno: All the gifts have already been presented,

Wishes are not forgotten.

Yes, and I should probably

Give Dasha something...

Let you kids

Invite to the Flower City!

So as not to go astray on the journey,

We all need to be fed.

Come on, let's go quickly

And visit the Donut!

They go to the kitchen.

Donut: Hello my friends,

I am very glad to see you!

Come on boldly

Cooking together is more fun!

Prepare fruit sandwiches or canapes: kiwi, apple, banana, lemon, marmalade.

Donut: I love to eat

And I always carry with me

Lots of goodies:

I can't be hungry!

Donut takes candy out of his pockets and gives one to each child.

Move, kids!

They enter a hall decorated with paper flowers. In the center is a seven-flower flower (tasks-competitions on the reverse side of the petals).

Dunno: We entered the Flower City,

And here are the magical flowers.

Now we will take a flower

And tear off the petal.

The following tasks are written on the petals.

1st petal. "Loaf".

Hold hands together

And get in a circle.

Congratulations to our Dasha,

Sing a loaf to her!

2nd petal. "Guess the item."

Take out the objects in turn from the covered box, guessing by touch.

3rd petal. "Racers".

Pencils are attached to the ends of the cord on one side, and cars on the other. The task of the players is to wind their part of the cord onto the pencil faster than the opponent.

4th petal. "Physic minute".

Kids in our city

Have fun too loud.

Strongly stomp their feet

Then they clap their hands

Sit down and get up

Hand in hand go (on the spot),

Jumping on one leg

They put horns to the head.

Jumping on two legs

They all say in unison "Ah!"

Can hug tightly

In our city, all children.

5th petal. "Shorts and Giants".

Children stand around the leader, who tells that there are very small people in the world - dwarfs, and there are huge ones - giants.

When the host says: “Dwarfs!”, He sits down on all fours, lowers his hands, showing with his whole appearance what small people they are. He even pronounces the word "dwarfs" in a thin voice - that's how tiny they are. And when he says: “Giants!”, His voice becomes rougher, the leader stands up to his full height, and even stretches his arms up - they are so huge.

The children really like this game of the host, they laugh and also stretch to their full height - “giants” and sit on all fours - “dwarfs”.

When the guys learn how to correctly execute the commands, the host warns that now he will see who is the most attentive: “Remember, children, the correct commands: “Dwarfs!” and "Giants!" All my other commands do not need to be executed. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game."

First, the host gives the correct commands, and then the words “dwarfs” and “giants” are replaced by similar ones (“Basket ... basket”, “Rope ... revka”, “Picture ... painting”, “Fun ... fun "). The one who makes the fewest mistakes wins.

6th petal. "Hat".

Children sit in a circle. The facilitator turns on the music, and the children begin to pass each other a hat. As soon as the host stops the music, the one of the children who at that moment had a hat takes out a riddle.

7th petal. "Sweet tooth".

Multi-colored circles are scattered on the floor. Candies or sad faces are drawn on the reverse side. Whoever has the most candies wins.

Dunno: Kids, let's move forward,

Tubik is waiting for us to visit!

They go to the nursery.

Tube: I love paints very much,

I draw and donate

All in a row their creations ...

I heard you have a birthday?

I propose to work hard

Draw and have fun!

With a sponge, we stick floral patterns and stripes; as a result, we get a bouquet in a vase. A vase is pre-drawn on paper; paper with stencils of flowers is superimposed on top.

Tube: The festive bouquet is ready!

Hi from Tubik!

Dunno: And now let's go to Znayka:

He will teach us all

What should we do and how...

Znayka: Hello, my friends!

Take flight

I decided today.

And you want to be with me?

Well, I don't mind.

Just before flying

I must test you.

Test number 1. "Weightlessness".

Whose “flying ship” (T-shirt bag) will last longer in the air.

Test number 2. "Kochki".

With the help of two bumps (cardboard ovals) we cross the lunar rivers.

Test number 3. "Get your suits."

Two teams collect balloons in bag pants.

Test number 4. "Equilibrists".

It is necessary to stretch a path from strips of paper or cord. Participants must walk along it with their eyes closed (kids with open). The winner is the one who made the most steps on the ribbon.

Test number 5. "Sorters".

We collect the scattered designer by color in buckets.

Znayka: All the kids are great,

I need everything in flight.

Children take turns "flying" in a cardboard rocket. We made it from a rectangular box.

In parting, Znayka decides to give the kids flying creatures (from balloons for modeling), but, unfortunately, we didn’t get dragonflies, and we got by with moon dogs.

Znayka: Guess the riddle.

The plane, the helicopter.

And her flight is so beautiful

What captivates the eye.

Her wing is a solid pattern,

Large, reticulated eyes.

Flying in the sky...

Children: Dragonfly.

Dunno: We had fun

They made a noise, frolicked.

It's time to part

So let's say goodbye!

Dunno gives children coloring books

Birthday. script for children 5-6 years old

The room is decorated with balloons.


Birthday fairy - presenter

Owner (Mistress)

The Fairy and the Host meet the guests and invite them to the living room.

Fairy. Hello dear guests. Come on in. We are very glad to see you.

While the guests are gathering, you can play the game "Loaf".


Players stand in a round dance and sing.

How about Vanina (player name) name day

We baked a loaf.

Here is such a height! Participants raise their hands.

Here is such a bottom! Participants squat down and lower their hands.

That's the width! Participants spread their arms to the sides and diverge wider.

Here's a dinner! Participants narrow the circle.

Loaf! Loaf!

Whom do you love, choose!

(Vanya says):

I love, I confess, everyone

Only Tanya is the most. Indicates the selected player.

Tanya stands in the center of the round dance and reads or sings a song. Then the game continues.

When all the guests are assembled, the process of presenting gifts to the birthday man begins.

Guests sit in a semicircle. The owner is facing them.

Fairy. Vanya has a birthday today. He is 5 years old. Let's applaud the birthday boy. (Guests clap their hands.) Vanya and I are very glad that we have so many guests. Now, guys, there comes a moment when you can congratulate Vanya and give him gifts.

Guests congratulate the hero of the occasion. Then the Host thanks the guests and invites everyone to the table. The guests sit down at the table.

Fairy. Now it's time for games and fun. And I suggest you play a game called "Grandfather".

The game "Grandfather" is being played.


From among the players, a driver is selected - Grandfather, who goes beyond the game room. The rest of the players agree on what they will show. Then they call Grandfather, Grandfather sits on a chair.

Game participants. Hello grandfather! Grandfather.

Hello children!

Where were you, what were you doing?

Game participants.

Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show.

The players show the movements characteristic of any work.

Grandfather must guess what kind of work it is.

If he guesses, then the children scatter, and Grandfather tries to catch them.

The caught player becomes the Grandfather.

Fairy. Well, guys, well done, played well. And now I suggest you look at tricks. In the role of a magician - a birthday man.

The birthday boy shows tricks.


The magician calls one volunteer from among the guests. Then he shows him and all the guests a foam ball and asks the volunteer to squeeze it in his fist. When the guest fulfills the request of the magician, he asks him a question: "How many balls are you holding in your hand?". The guest replies: "One." Then the magician makes several passes over the participant's hand and asks him to open his fist. When the volunteer opens his fist, 5 balls pop out. The secret of the trick is that the magician immediately gives the viewer 5 foam rubber balls. While he shows only 1 ball, 4 balls are held in the magician's hand. When a volunteer squeezes the balls into his fist, he does not feel how many balls he has in his hand, since they are foam rubber.


The magician takes an inflated balloon and pierces it through with a sharp knitting needle. In this case, the ball does not burst. The secret of the trick is that the places of the alleged puncture of the ball are previously sealed with several layers of adhesive tape. Fairy. Let's applaud our magician and keep playing. The game that I want to offer you is called "Mole".

The game "Mole" is being played.


Several stable objects are placed around the playground (pins can be used). Players try to remember their location. Participants are then blindfolded. Their task is to pass through the site without knocking down the set items.

Fairy. And now I suggest you put together a mosaic. This mosaic is not simple. I have pieces of a picture in the envelopes, which depicts a birthday cake. I suggest you split into 2 teams. Each team will receive an envelope. And those guys who collect their picture first will be the winners. (The fairy gives envelopes with fragments of pictures that must be selected in advance.)

Children collect mosaics. The winners get the right to be the first to choose their favorite pieces of cake. Children sit at tables and drink tea and cake.

Fairy. It's dance time.

Children are dancing.

Fairy. Guys, do you like to sing? Then I propose to arrange a karaoke contest.

There is a karaoke game.


The player is put on headphones, and he tries to repeat the song after the original, which is heard only by him. As an original, you can use not only songs, but also a famous cartoon, TV program.

Fairy. We still have a lot of prizes left, so I propose to answer the questions of the quiz. You will need to choose the correct answer from several options. Whoever scores more points wins a prize. A children's quiz is held.


  1. Who ate Kolobok?
    • Hare.
    • Cook from the school cafeteria.
    • Fox.
  2. What did Baba Yaga fly on?
    • By plane.
    • On a flying carpet.
    • In a mortar.
  • Where was the death of Koshchei the Deathless hidden?
  • In the safe.
  • In a refrigerator.
  • In an egg.
  • What was Puss in Boots wearing?
    • In shoes.
    • In sneakers.
    • In boots.
  • What did Emelya use as a vehicle?
    • Mercedes.
    • Horse.
    • The stove.
  • What was the Bear carrying Mashenka in?
    • In a bag.
    • In a suitcase.
    • In a box.
  • How many nettle shirts did Eliza make for her brothers?
  • Who was the Kid to be for Carlson at his request?
    • Brother.
    • grandson.
    • Native mother.
  • Who took brother Ivanushka to Baba Yaga?
    • Kites.
    • Parrots.
    • Swan geese.
  • What was the name of the boy from Prostokvashino?
    • Grandfather Stepan.
    • Uncle Fedor.
    • Brother Ivanushka.
  • What did the merchant bring to his youngest daughter Alyonushka?
    • Cactus.
    • Palm.
    • The Scarlet Flower.
  • What was the old man Hottabych's name for his boy friend?
    • Volka ibn Alyosha.
    • Petya ibn Seryozha.
    • Volka ibn Volodya.
  • What's left of the old woman?
      At the broken washing machine.
  • At the perforated pelvis.
  • At the broken trough.
  • What did the merchants sail past in the kingdom of the glorious Saltan?
      Buyan Islands.
  • Treasure Islands.
  • Cossack Island.
  • What was the name of the goose on which Nils traveled?
    • Ivan.
    • Martin.
    • Charles.
  • What were the names of the learned ravens who helped Gerda find Kai?
    • Karl and Clara.
    • Ivan and Marya.
    • Martha and Martin.
  • Fairy. Our holiday is coming to an end. Let's, guys, once again congratulate our birthday man, wish him all the best and sing a song.

    The guests sing any birthday song they know. The owner thanks the guests.

    The holiday ends.

    Source: " Big holidays for kids "N. V. Grishechkina

    See also: birthday. Scenario for children 7-8 years old

    Join now! "The Sun" - favorites Poems for the holidays Diplomas for printing Original medals Messages from the sun Wall newspapers "The Sun" Pantry of riddles Crosswords Rebuses Fairy tales finger games Read it The Secret of the Name ABC Why Why Skillful Hands Etiquette Lessons Pencil

    Proverbs Ditties Songs and notes Chemistry for toddlers Geography for toddlers Economics for toddlers Natural history for toddlers Physics for toddlers English for toddlers Photo travel stories Sunny poetry Poll

    Scenario birthday.5 years.

    Good afternoon, my dear readers! I bring to your attention the scenario of the birthday. Games and fun that I organized for my eldest son's fifth birthday (how long ago that was). And as we noted the youngest son, you can see here.

    So, it all started in the morning. Barely opening his eyes, Alyosha sees many, many balloons hanging around the room. A large poster hangs in the hall, in the center of which is his photograph and the inscription "You are five years old!". (By the way, later each guest will leave his wish-autograph for the birthday man on it). And on the table...

    Looking for gifts

    And there are dumbbells on the table in the hall. Below them is a note: "Go to the balcony." There is a balloon on the balcony, there is a note in the balloon: "Brush your teeth." In the bathroom, a note is attached to the brush: “The day will be long. Refresh yourself." Yogurt is already waiting in the kitchen, next to it is a note: "Find your house." The house is in the nursery, inside there is a remote control with a note: “The remote control is magical, ask your dad for help.” (Remote from a flying helicopter).

    Meeting with guests

    Each guest for a nominal fee in the form of a joke, riddle, verse, song, etc. at the entrance, a festive cap and a personalized package for collecting prizes are issued.


    While the kids are refreshed, we play the game for attention. I read contract verses, children should listen carefully and correctly insert the word that is suitable in meaning, and not in rhyme.

    In more often, head up,

    Howling with hunger... giraffe.

    Who knows a lot about raspberries?

    Clubfoot, brown... wolf.


    Daughters and sons

    Teaches grunt ... ant.

    In his warm puddle

    Loudly croaked ... Barmaley.


    From the palm tree down to the palm tree again

    Deftly jumping ... a cow.


    Attention! Attention!

    Word game!

    They dream of becoming princesses from a book ... (girls) - They will never watch a fight on the sidelines ... (boys) - Marigolds on fingers They paint only ... (girls) - Lesha, Kolya, Sevochka They call ... (boys ) - They love sports, cars, races Real ... (boys) - Seeing a gray mouse, They squeal in fear ... (girls) - Tears to shed without respite Many are capable of ... (girls) - Load gravel into a dump truck They can easily. .. (boys) - Birdhouse - a house for chicks - Easily put together ... (boys) - In summer sarafans

    They only go ... (girls)

    When the children have tried all the salads and the main course, we proceed, in fact, to game program.


    For a warm-up, we lead a round dance. Children hold hands and stand in a circle. The birthday boy himself stands in the center of the circle. Children sing, performing unpretentious movements, according to the song (before clapping), holding hands.

    Like Lesha's birthday

    We baked a loaf:

    Here is such a height (hands up)

    Here is such a low (sit down, hands touch the floor / ground)

    This is the width (spread apart)

    Here's a dinner! (converging towards the center)

    Caravan, caravan, (clap hands)

    Whom do you love - choose!

    Birthday boy:

    Of course I love everyone

    But most of all!

    The new "birthday boy" stands in a circle and everything repeats from the beginning. Depending on the company, you can play Karavay with all the guests, or only with the birthday boy.

    Chamomile game

    A large chamomile hangs on a magnetic board. On the reverse side of its petals are glued images of animals that need to be voiced. For example, "cow" - this means that the child must mumble, "cockerel" - crow ...

    The game goes with a bang with children of all ages! rises, and with it the excitement of participation.

    Stick your nose game

    From the chamomile, only a circle remained, “with a quick movement of the hand with a felt-tip pen”, it turns into an attractive face without a nose. The task of the kids is to attach the nose with a blindfold. The nose is also on a magnet, so it fits perfectly. Joy knew no bounds.

    At the end of the game, guests receive prizes that participate in the following competition:

    Collect the picture

    Each child has a picture cut into several pieces (puzzle) and its uncolored original. The task of the participants is to collect a picture for speed. For participation in this competition, all children receive a prize: colored pencils.

    Balloon racing

    Each guest is given a ball. According to the condition of the competition, the children jump on the balloons until it bursts. The participant whose ball lasts the longest is the winner. All participants will receive consolation prizes - bracelets. And the winner is given soft toy.

    musical chairs

    old good game with dancing around the chairs to the music. There are one less chairs than participants. Dance while the music is playing, as soon as the music has stopped, the participants should take their place on the chairs. The one who did not get a chair is eliminated, and the game continues until one winner is revealed. The winner of this competition also received a toy, and everyone else received a piece of candy.

    Game "Colors"

    Children become in a circle. The adult commands: "Touch the yellow, one, two, three!" Players must find the named color around them as quickly as possible and touch it. It can be an element of clothing, an object, a body part, etc. The last one to find the right color is out of the game. And the game continues with a new color. The game goes on until the winner is revealed, who receives a box with a puzzle as a gift.

    best chauffeur

    Long threads of the same length are pre-tied to two cars, which are also attached to pencils. The task of the participants is to stand at a thread length distance from the cars and wind the threads around the pencils, bringing the cars closer to them. The winner is the one who quickly winds the entire thread and picks up the machine. The prize is a snake puzzle.


    Toy fruits are scattered throughout the house. The children are given bags and must find as many fruits as possible. Everyone receives a memorable prize - a book.

    After the harvest, I invite everyone to relax and unwind a little. The attention of all guests is invited to the theater of paper puppets with fairy tale "Three Little Pigs"

    After the fairy tale, the children look at their prizes, play and dance. At the end of the celebration, each child receives a balloon as a gift. On the street, everyone who wants to launch their balloons into the sky. The holiday is over!

    And if your baby is only a year old, then here is a wonderful article on how to celebrate your baby’s birthday in a colorful and fun way. On the Mom's Guide website, you'll find lots of tips and fun ideas!

    All the best!

    I will be grateful to you if you click on the buttons social networks and share with your friends! Thank you! I wish you good luck and good mood!

    Children's birthday script (for a girl). discussion on liveinternet - Russian online diary service

    DR - as noted

    I'll tell you what we did on the DR, suddenly someone will come in handy with ideas.

    On DR Nastya had 6 children - 5 girls and 1 boy. Theme - we had "fairy tales"

    In the process of preparation, I found a lot of interesting things on the Internet (thanks to everyone who shares such useful information !!!), synthesized everything into a single whole, added something from myself and this is what happened.

    The meeting went like this

    We will open the holiday now,

    We will arrange miracle games here.

    Turn to each other

    And shake hands with a friend.

    Raise your hands all up

    And move at the top.

    Let's shout cheerfully: "Hurrah!"

    It's time to start the games!

    You help each other

    Answer questions

    Only "Yes" and only "No"

    Kindly give me an answer:

    If "no" you say

    Then tap your feet

    If you say yes

    Clap your hands then.

    An old grandfather goes to school.

    Is it true, children? .. (No - children knock with their feet).

    Does he take his grandson there?

    Answer in unison ... (Yes - clap your hands).

    Ice - frozen water?

    We answer together ... (Yes).

    After Friday - Wednesday?

    Together we will answer ... (No).

    Is spruce always green?

    We answer, children ... (Yes).

    Birthday - a fun day? .. (Yes)

    Are you waiting for games and fun? .. (Yes)

    Are you okay with humor? .. (Yes)

    Are we exercising now? .. (No)

    Let's congratulate the birthday girl? .. (Yes)

    Or will we send to my grandmother? .. (No)

    Will we give her (him) a chocolate bar? .. (Yes)

    Kiss sweet sweet?.. (Yes)

    Here everyone kissed and congratulated Nastya.

    Then the children turned into princesses and a prince (king). Played the game "The king walked through the forest":

    Everyone dances and says a rhyme:

    The king walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,

    Found myself a princess, princess, princess

    ("king" chooses "princess" and puts a "crown" on her head)

    Let's jump with you, jump, jump,

    (everyone jumps)

    Legs kick, kick, kick,

    (jumping legs)

    Let's clap, clap, clap,

    (clap hands)

    We stomp our feet, we stomp, we stomp,

    (stomp feet)

    Let's shake our heads,

    (shaking their heads)

    Let's start first!

    (the girl returns to her seat).

    The king walked through the forest...

    (the "king" chooses a new "princess").

    Nastya became the first princess, and then all in turn.

    After a small festive snack (sandwiches, chicken in batter, fruits, juice), the children went in search of the main attribute of the holiday - cake to a fairy-tale land.

    To begin with, there was a small warm-up of a riddle for the knowledge of fairy-tale characters. Some were simpler, others were cunning with a catch:

    The nose is round, with a heel.

    It is convenient for them to dig in the ground.

    The tail is small, crochet.

    Instead of shoes - hooves.

    Three of them - and to what

    The brothers are friendly.

    Guess without a clue

    Who are the heroes of this tale? (3 pigs)

    The grandmother loved the girl very much.

    She gave her a red hat.

    The girl forgot her name.

    Well, tell me her name! (Little Red Riding Hood)

    My father had a strange boy.

    Unusual wooden.

    On land and underwater

    Looking for a golden key.

    Everywhere the nose sticks its long.

    Who is this? (Pinocchio)

    The fat man lives on the roof.

    He flies above all.

    Loves the jam.

    And plays with the kid. (Carlson)

    And funny riddles

    In more often, head up,

    Howling with hunger... giraffe.

    Daughters and sons

    Teaches grunt ... ant.

    He walked boldly through the forest,

    But the fox ate the hero.

    The poor thing sang goodbye

    His name was ...... CHEBURASHKA


    Poor dolls are beaten and tormented,

    He is looking for a magic key.

    He has a terrible look.

    This is ..... Dr. Aibolit


    Inside it is water

    They don't want to hang out with him.

    And all his girlfriends -

    leeches and frogs!

    Algae all overgrown

    Kind grandfather ...... FROST


    Who knows a lot about raspberries?

    Clubfoot, brown... wolf.


    Having guessed the bear, we went to the toy bear to complete the task. The bear asked the children to name fairy tales, the heroes of which are bears. Remembering the Russians folk tales, the children received a piece of the puzzle for the correct answers (I will show some at the end). In general, I don’t have so many pictures - my husband mostly took pictures - so I’ll just tell something.

    The next fairy-tale character waiting for us - the children learned again by solving the riddle

    From the palm tree down to the palm tree again

    Deftly jumping ... a cow.


    Monkeys are dexterous and skillful - and we decided to check which of our children are dexterous and well-aimed.

    The task was to get the ball into the box - several attempts were given. Then a little complication and a game for a sweet prize - get a 2-ruble coin on a circle with 4 color sectors - which color you get - eat such a candy (marmalade) and eat it.

    For this competition, the monkey gave another piece of the puzzle.

    We buried the coin in a pot, watered it from a watering can - later we will find out what will grow there.

    Next riddle and character -

    In his warm puddle

    Loudly croaked ... Barmaley.


    We go to visit the king of frogs - and where the frogs live - in the swamp - we jump over swamp bumps.

    The bumps are naturally also fabulous - with numbers - we guess from which fairy tale the numbers are (3 bears, a wolf and seven kids, 12 months, 2 funny geese, 3 pigs, snow white and 7 gnomes, 33 heroes, 101 dolmatians)

    Jumping to the king of frogs - find out what he ate for lunch? By touch in the pocket we find objects and name them without looking. Our king ate - a balloon, a ball, a pebble, a comb, a dragonfly and a fly (toys).

    The frog also gave a piece of the puzzle.

    Then we move on to fantasies. We burst the balls - we read the notes.

    Here the elders helped the younger ones, there were more forfeits than children - the latter did everything. Approximate tasks are to congratulate the birthday girl, bellow a cow and wrestle, make a funny face, draw a flower, guess a riddle, sing a song, portray an animal, jump on one leg.

    Everyone coped with a bang - we get a piece of the puzzle.

    The next task is to guess from which fairy tale the subject

    The boot from "Puss in Boots" was the last to be guessed - and in it was a piece of the puzzle.

    We turn to Cinderella, who needs to get ready for the ball and choose the right shoe.

    Having measured everything, we find the correct one, the second one is hidden by Cinderella in a small purse along with a puzzle. Cinderella thanks the children and invites them to the ball to visit the prince. But before the ball, a short trip to the table - for ice cream.

    The ball - or mini-disco - included a potpourri of children's songs, the children danced with pleasure :)

    All dancers received stickers and another piece of the puzzle.

    The next task is a test for real princesses - the princess and the pea.

    I put doll blankets on 3 chairs - under one of them there is a bead (1.5 cm in diameter) - almost everyone guessed.

    1 more piece of the puzzle.

    The last and most important task is to show the fairy tale by ourselves. We had "Repka".

    Having received the last piece of the puzzle, we fold the postcard, read

    Run to the bathroom!!!

    Obligatory ritual -

    Yes, remember the coin was buried? A miracle tree with gifts has grown

    Here is such a birthday "Visiting a fairy tale" turned out.

    Dashutin's birthday (5 years). for preschoolers. leisure and hobby.

    Posts in discussion: 9

    So the long-awaited child's birthday is approaching - a holiday that happens only once a year, and 5 years, like all other dates, once in a lifetime. The parents tried their best. Dad bought food and prepared treats (after all, there will also be mothers of children), inflated balloons. Mom wrote the script (shamelessly using the Internet), printed invitations, bought prizes. What can you do to see the happy eyes of your child.

    At the appointed time, the first guest appears - Danya's friend.

    Soon the rest came, though not all of them were invited. Dasha was a little upset, but, in my opinion, even with this number it was not easy to organize.

    At first, the children got used to it a little - they played, sorted out gifts, examined the apartment.

    Well, now it's time to start doing competitions (the materials of the sites and helped a lot, special thanks to all the parents who send stories about their children, children's holidays, who went where and what they saw - this information is simply invaluable) .

    1 contest "Delicious"

    We blindfold the child and put in his mouth a piece of different fruits (apples, pears, bananas, kiwi, oranges, grapes), and he guesses what it is (mango was the hardest :)).

    Of course, the children wanted to eat - it was just lunch time, so the contests would have to wait (and the fruits from that cherished plate went like hot cakes).

    2 competition "Riddles"

    There are a lot of riddles on, just print.

    A simple competition, but it caused a lot of enthusiasm - just take a closer look at the photos, it seems to me that it's just like that - they are already quite "reasonable", but not quite "adults" yet. There was also an unexpected moment that led us into some confusion: the children suggested, and let us (three mothers and one father) guess riddles - and began to compose. If we asked them riddles with answers known to us, then everything seemed simple to us, but then we had to think with our heads - the children's fantasies abound.

    3 contest "Who will collect the most cones?"

    "Cones" are poured out on the ground, at the command (bell), the children begin to collect, but not in handfuls, but individually, the bell rings again, everyone stops. We count who has the most "bumps". Instead of cones, we used a large designer.

    I forgot to say - the prizes were given to everyone and everyone the same within each competition in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts. Anything can be used as prizes: pencils, stickers, sweets, small toys...

    4 competition "Cutting prizes from the rope"

    A well-known competition, only the prizes were pasted over with paper, and no one knew what he was cutting.

    I would especially like to emphasize that the participation of any of the adults in the competitions caused a stormy revival and genuine joy - the emotions of children simply defy description. I think that it is possible and necessary to invite parents, the main thing is not to forget that this is a children's holiday.

    Then there was the traditional "Dance of ducklings" (just a delight!), They forced to repeat it several times. The song from the old movie "Pinocchio" went with a bang, but the song "About the Birthday" of Crocodile Gena did not like it - you need to stock up on quite a variety of songs, because. the mood and tastes of children are unpredictable. It all depends on who knows what songs and likes.

    After the dance, each child spoke into the microphone, everything was recorded and listened to. This moment brought seriousness and solemnity, because it was not just for the sake of having gathered. Having a computer at home helped a lot, although, if desired, you can get by with a tape recorder.

    5 competition "Formula 1"

    Inventory: 2 cars, thread, 2 pencils.

    Preparation. Long threads are tied to the machines, at the end - pencils.

    A game: at the signal of the leader, the players begin to wind the threads around the pencils. Winner: the participant whose car finished first.

    Then we decided to eat a birthday cake with candles - a mandatory attribute of any birthday. Candles were lit for both the birthday boy and each child individually.

    6 competition "Musical"

    We collected all the toy musical instruments in the house - distributed them to the children, and began. Together and in turn, they blew, knocked, squealed, shouted. And the prize was all small pipes - the concert was repeated with a vengeance.

    7 competition "Fairy tale "Turnip"

    The roles were written in advance on pieces of paper, of course, they acted out in such a way that dad is a grandmother, Danya is a granddaughter, Anya's mother is a turnip. Then everything is simple - masks, bows, handkerchiefs are distributed, the presenter tells a fairy tale, the children play.

    8th contest "Drawing a birthday boy"

    Everyone drew Dasha - the drawings remained as a keepsake.

    All the preparations were over - the children still danced, sang into the microphone, blew and just went wild.

    Gradually, the guests dispersed... Tired but satisfied, we brought the apartment back to its usual form, once again examined the gifts. Parents breathed a sigh of relief: "Looks like I liked it."

    I hope you liked my short story too :).

    Orlova Svetlana, [email protected]

    The room is decorated with balloons.
    Birthday fairy - presenter
    Owner (Mistress)

    The Fairy and the Host meet the guests and invite them to the living room.
    Fairy. Hello dear guests. Come on in. We are very glad to see you.

    While the guests are gathering, you can play the game "Loaf".
    Players stand in a round dance and sing.
    How about Vanina (player name) name day
    We baked a loaf.
    Here is such a height! Participants raise their hands.
    Here is such a bottom! Participants squat down and lower their hands.
    That's the width! Participants spread their arms to the sides and diverge wider.
    Here's a dinner! Participants narrow the circle.
    Loaf! Loaf!
    Whom do you love, choose!
    (Vanya says):
    I love, I confess, everyone
    Only Tanya is the most. Indicates the selected player.
    Tanya stands in the center of the round dance and reads poetry or sings a song. Then the game continues.

    When all the guests are assembled, the process of presenting gifts to the birthday man begins.
    Guests sit in a semicircle. The owner is facing them.

    Fairy. Vanya has a birthday today. He is 5 years old. Let's applaud the birthday boy. (Guests clap their hands.) Vanya and I are very glad that we have so many guests. Now, guys, there comes a moment when you can congratulate Vanya and give him gifts.

    Guests congratulate the hero of the occasion. Then the Host thanks the guests and invites everyone to the table. The guests sit down at the table.
    Fairy. Now it's time for games and fun. And I suggest you play a game called "Grandfather".

    The game "Grandfather" is being played.
    From among the players, a driver is selected - Grandfather, who goes beyond the game room. The rest of the players agree on what they will show. Then they call Grandfather, Grandfather sits on a chair.
    Game participants. Hello grandfather! Grandfather.
    Hello children!
    Where were you, what were you doing?
    Game participants.
    Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show.
    The players show the movements characteristic of any work.
    Grandfather must guess what kind of work it is.
    If he guesses, then the children scatter, and Grandfather tries to catch them.
    The caught player becomes the Grandfather.

    Fairy. Well, guys, well done, played well. And now I suggest you look at tricks. In the role of a magician - a birthday man.

    The birthday boy shows tricks.
    The magician calls one volunteer from among the guests. Then he shows him and all the guests a foam ball and asks the volunteer to squeeze it in his fist. When the guest fulfills the request of the magician, he asks him a question: “How many balls are you holding in your hand?”. The guest replies: "One." Then the magician makes several passes over the participant's hand and asks him to open his fist. When the volunteer opens his fist, 5 balls pop out. The secret of the trick is that the magician immediately gives the viewer 5 foam rubber balls. While he shows only 1 ball, 4 balls are held in the magician's hand. When a volunteer squeezes the balls into his fist, he does not feel how many balls he has in his hand, since they are foam rubber.
    The magician takes an inflated balloon and pierces it through with a sharp knitting needle. In this case, the ball does not burst. The secret of the trick is that the places of the alleged puncture of the ball are previously sealed with several layers of adhesive tape. Fairy. Let's applaud our magician and keep playing. The game that I want to offer you is called "Mole".

    The game "Mole" is being played.

    Several stable objects are placed around the playground (pins can be used). Players try to remember their location. Participants are then blindfolded. Their task is to pass through the site without knocking down the set items.

    Fairy. And now I suggest you put together a mosaic. This mosaic is not simple. I have pieces of a picture in the envelopes, which depicts a birthday cake. I suggest you split into 2 teams. Each team will receive an envelope. And those guys who collect their picture first will be the winners. (The fairy gives envelopes with fragments of pictures that must be selected in advance.)

    Children collect mosaics. The winners get the right to be the first to choose their favorite pieces of cake. Children sit at tables and drink tea and cake.
    Fairy. It's dance time.

    Children are dancing.
    Fairy. Guys, do you like to sing? Then I propose to arrange a karaoke contest.

    There is a karaoke game.

    The player is put on headphones, and he tries to repeat the song after the original, which is heard only by him. As an original, you can use not only songs, but also a famous cartoon, TV program.

    Fairy. We still have a lot of prizes left, so I propose to answer the questions of the quiz. You will need to choose the correct answer from several options. Whoever scores more points wins a prize. A children's quiz is held.
    Who ate Kolobok?
    Cook from the school cafeteria.
    What did Baba Yaga fly on?
    By plane.
    On a flying carpet.
    In a mortar.
    Where was the death of Koshchei the Deathless hidden?
    In the safe.
    In a refrigerator.
    In an egg.
    What was Puss in Boots wearing?
    In shoes.
    In sneakers.
    In boots.
    What did Emelya use as a vehicle?
    The stove.
    What was the Bear carrying Mashenka in?
    In a bag.
    In a suitcase.
    In a box.
    How many nettle shirts did Eliza make for her brothers?
    Who was the Kid to be for Carlson at his request?
    Native mother.
    Who took brother Ivanushka to Baba Yaga?
    Swan geese.
    What was the name of the boy from Prostokvashino?
    Grandfather Stepan.
    Uncle Fedor.
    Brother Ivanushka.
    What did the merchant bring to his youngest daughter Alyonushka?
    The Scarlet Flower.
    What was the old man Hottabych's name for his boy friend?
    Volka ibn Alyosha.
    Petya ibn Seryozha.
    Volka ibn Volodya.
    What's left of the old woman?
    At the broken washing machine.
    At the perforated pelvis.
    At the broken trough.
    What did the merchants sail past in the kingdom of the glorious Saltan?
    Buyan Islands.
    Treasure Islands.
    Cossack Island.
    What was the name of the goose on which Nils traveled?
    What were the names of the learned ravens who helped Gerda find Kai?
    Karl and Clara.
    Ivan and Marya.
    Martha and Martin.
    Fairy. Our holiday is coming to an end. Let's, guys, once again congratulate our birthday man, wish him all the best and sing a song.

    The guests sing any birthday song they know. The owner thanks the guests.

    The holiday ends.

    Scenario family holiday“Unfortunately, birthdays are only once a year.”

    Baskakova Svetlana A. Teacher-psychologist MDOU " Kindergarten No. 74 "city of Yaroslavl.
    Description: The emotional well-being of the child largely depends on intra-family relationships. One of the ways to create a favorable family atmosphere is to hold various family holidays. For the full development of a child, a holiday is necessary like air. A holiday is an event in a child's life, and the child counts his days from holiday to holiday. As the great K. Ushinsky wrote: “Childhood would be dull and gray if holidays were thrown out of it.”
    In our family, it is customary to celebrate all family holidays in a fun and interesting way. But the most important event for all of us is the birthday of our granddaughter. We are preparing especially carefully for this holiday. And our efforts are not in vain. Impressions and memories of him remain with all those present for a long time. Our motto: "No animators and cafes" we always bring to life. The main roles are usually played by grandparents, and parents and guests are active participants throughout the celebration.
    This publication will be of interest to anyone who wants to create conditions for emotional relaxation and creative interaction between children and adults. I offer you a script for a family holiday, which we held in honor of the 5th anniversary of our granddaughter.
    Target: Creating a festive atmosphere at a family holiday.
    -Create a joyful mood in children and adults, cause an emotional upsurge from joint communication and activities.
    -To promote the development of communication skills in children and the unity of all participants in the family holiday.
    - Contribute to the observance of existing family traditions and the emergence of new ones.
    Preliminary preparation:
    To organize a holiday, the following attributes are required: musical accompaniment, Shapoklyak costume, Lariska toy, Shapoklyak flyers, a wallet on a rope, fake sweets, a beautiful box with a brick inside, happy birthday candles, a large number 5, sparklers, a serpentine cracker, bubble, bouncing balls, various hats, a bag and costumes for a photo shoot, prizes.
    The course of the holiday.
    Shapoklyak's song "Who helps people ..." sounds. Shapoklyak enters with leaflets about the urgent recruitment of children to the school of hooligans. She distributes them to guests, sticks them on furniture and walls. All leaflets are misspelled.

    The music ends, Shapoklyak sings without musical accompaniment.
    I love to inadvertently pour glue on the bench,
    a passer-by will stick - I will become more fun,
    when people from the balcony, I will pour water,
    I feel like I'm young again! Ha-ha-ha! (laughs) and says.
    Shapoklyak: Oh, there are so many kids here! That's what I need you for! I open a school for hooligans and I myself will teach all subjects. Master classes will be held by the “best” heroes of fairy tales: Baba Yaga, Nightingale the Robber, Karabas-Barabas, and Koschey the Immortal himself ... The curriculum includes drawing on walls, furniture and doors, making fake sweets, shooting from a slingshot, throwing eggs at passers-by and of course misspelling. Hurry up, enrollment to my school is limited! Come on, I'll start recording you. Just keep in mind, I do not like those who behave well and obey adults. My favorites are hooligans, brawlers, crybabies and of course sneaks.
    Are there any of you?

    Leading: We do not have such children. No one will go to your school!
    Shapoklyak: It can't be, well, I'll check it now and test it. I love to play. Now I will teach you my wonderful games: I smear the bench with glue or paint. Someone will sit down, there will be laughter! A man walks down the street, and I pour a bucket of water on him from a balcony or from a window. That's going to be fun! And I also really like to shoot raw eggs at passers-by. I'll hide in the bushes, and as soon as someone approaches, I throw an egg, trying to hit the head. That's how you get excited!
    He asks everyone: “Do you like my games?”.

    Children: No. These are very bad games.
    Shapoklyak: Well, you are boring. Do you know my favorite game?
    All: No, we don't.
    Shapoklyak: We take a rope, tie a wallet to it (shows), throw it on the road. We are hiding behind a tree. A passer-by walks by, sees a wallet, holds out his hand, and you hop and pull the rope. Ha-ha-ha! (laughs). Scream! Want to try?
    Well, in honor of the holiday, I decided to become the kindest grandmother in the world and do only nasty things. Oh, no, no - joys and gifts.
    Who wants to receive gifts? Come quickly to me!
    Shapoklyak is playing with a wallet.

    Shapoklyak throws a purse on a string on the floor. At the command "Gop!" everyone is trying to grab the wallet. The game is played several times. It all depends on the wishes of the guests.

    After the game, Shapoklyak distributes decoy sweets to all participants. When the children unfold them, the host is indignant.
    Leading: Shame on you for deceiving your guests. After all, Kira has a birthday today, and you came without a gift!

    Shapoklyak: Well, I didn't know that. But I have a present. True, I prepared it for Gena the crocodile, because tomorrow is his birthday. Okay, I'll give it to Kira, and Gene will do it again.
    Shapoklyak leaves for a gift. After a while he enters beautiful box(there is a brick in it), and invites Kira to open it.
    Shapoklyak: Nice surprise, right? I can imagine how Gena will be delighted with such a gift (laughs).

    Leading: Leave our holiday, we do not need such gifts!
    Shapoklyak: I won't go anywhere! And since you are driving me away, I will do some dirty trick to you: “Hey, Lariska, come on, scare the kids.” He takes out a musical mouse from his bag.

    Shapoklyak holds the game "Don't be afraid."
    Everyone stands in a circle. When the Lariska mouse sings her song, everyone dances and teases her. As soon as Lariska squeaks, everyone runs away, hiding from her. Shapoklyak and Lariska are looking for and running after them. The game is played several times. The main thing is to create the effect of surprise and involve as many participants as possible in the game.
    Shapoklyak: Oh, well done, nimble such. Something I'm tired, give me a chair, and I will continue testing to enroll children in my school. Now I want to know if you can read or not?

    Shapoklyak holds the game "Happy Birthday".
    Exposes candles with letters in a chaotic order. Then he invites the children to put the sentence "Happy birthday" correctly. During the game, he knocks down children, rearranges letters, interferes with them in every possible way.
    At the end, he praises all the participants, and especially Kira. Happy birthday to her and give her a big five.

    Then he invites all guests to congratulate the birthday girl (3 times shout congratulations in unison). Then he lights birthday candles with sparklers. While the candles are burning, everyone sings the song "Let them run awkwardly ..." to the music, dance, clap their hands. As the candles burn out, the guests stand in a circle and arrange fireworks from firecrackers.

    Leading: Shapoklyak, why do you need a hat? After all, no one wears them now, you are completely behind the times, and you say that you are a modern old woman.

    Shapoklyak: Oh, do you doubt it? What is the hat for? Yes, I never leave the house without her, I always need her. You can hide behind a hat, you can catch animals, insects with a hat, you can make a nest for birds out of it, and you can also show different tricks with a hat ... So, it’s you who are behind the times, not me. I have a lot of hats at home. All are beautiful and different. But I took some with me to play with you.

    Shapoklyak holds the game "Musical Hats".
    Shapoklyak arranges hats in a circle. Invites guests to play. Hats should be 1 less than the number of players.
    The players stand in a circle near the hats. As soon as the music starts, everyone goes in a circle. The music stops, you need to quickly put on your hats. Who did not have time and was left without a hat, he is eliminated from the game. We play until there is only one person left in the hat.
    Shapoklyak gives the winner a hat from a newspaper, specifying that she made it herself.

    Then Shapoklyak remembers that tomorrow she needs to go to Crocodile Gena's birthday, and she has not yet prepared a gift for him (you need to run to the construction site for a brick, find a box somewhere and pack everything nicely). He says goodbye to the guests, takes out soap bubbles from the bag and invites everyone to compete who will blow the biggest bubble.
    Children together with adults inflate soap bubbles.

    After some time, the hostess invites guests to the festive table. At the table, guests congratulate the birthday girl, give gifts.

    When all the congratulations are over, the host draws the attention of the guests to a large bag in the corridor. He brings it into the room, opens it and reads a letter from Shapoklyak.
    The facilitator reads the letter: I invite everyone to a photo session. Participants will receive prizes and gifts. At the end of the photo session you will find a surprise from me. Please send photos to my email: vv - com. Shapoklyak. RU.
    All guests go to dress up in costumes from Shapoklyak's bag. Each guest is photographed separately. At the end of the photo session, a general shot of the guests in costumes.

    Then the presenter gives prizes to all guests for participating in the filming (the birthday girl is especially singled out).

    The light goes out. Parents bring in a cake and light candles. Kira blows them out, and the guests sing the song “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you ...” in chorus and dance.