Useful tips

Shiatsu method for getting rid of wrinkles. Shiatsu acupressure facial massage for rejuvenation: technique and video instructions. Indications for the use of Japanese massage

Everyone enjoys surrendering to the power of a massage therapist. Massage actions have a positive effect on the body.

Of particular interest are Japanese specialists who have unique methods of treating the body and soul.

Shiatsu therapy is known all over the world. The uniqueness of the technique is in the unusual way of performing movements.

History of the method's creation

Shiatsu, a Japanese finger pressure therapy, was discovered by accident.

A little Japanese boy, Tokujiro Namikoshi, could not bear to watch his mother suffer from rheumatoid arthritis.

The good-natured son pressed the body with his thumb, trying to relieve the pain. The patient's condition improved.

The pain subsided. The woman was able to live to a ripe old age. She passed away at the ripe old age of 88.

As an adult, Namikoshi studied the structure of the body in depth, became acquainted with the basics of Chinese medicine, and improved the method of massage.

However, the essence of the procedure remained the same. It is implied in the name: “shi” means “finger” in translation, “atsu” means “pressure”. The technique was recognized by the Ministry of Health only in 1955.

How does the Shiatsu technique affect the body?

Shiatsu, a Japanese therapy that stimulates the body's internal forces, has become a type of acupuncture. effective fight with any ailments that arise.

It does not heal, as many massage techniques that are far from eastern think, but encourages the organs to fight and use existing reserves. When there is a lack of energy, it replenishes it, and when there is an excess, it slows down.

There are a number of positive effects:

  • rapid supply of oxygen to organs;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • elimination of mental illness;
  • improvement of metabolic processes.

Natural forces are activated and the body heals itself.

Massage techniques

To achieve the effect, you need to know what the Shiatsu massage technique is.

Usually, to carry out the procedure, specialists in China and Japan apply pressure with their thumb.

Finger pressure is the basic element of Shiatsu.

Pressure is applied with a pad placed strictly perpendicular to the surface of the skin.

Sometimes, in addition to the thumb, the index and middle fingers are used. In this way, it affects points in the face and back. Pressure is applied to the points of the abdomen and eyes with the palm of the hand.

Other finger actions are added:

  1. soft heating;
  2. friction;
  3. circular movements;
  4. vibrations;
  5. kneading.

Depending on the expected result, the duration of pressing the selected point is up to 7 seconds.

In the neck area, the pressure is less intense (up to 3–4 seconds). The procedure takes an experienced massage therapist from half an hour to an hour.

Namikoshi's technique was based on a simple principle: the patient rubs a certain part of the body with his hand, experiencing pain.

Further development of the theory made it possible to determine the points on which the impact produces the greatest deliming effect.

Such places are called biologically active points. BAPs are located along the meridians passing through the body. Pressing on the points leads to the activation of energy that stagnates.

Impact points on the head - Shiautsu technique

To properly carry out a massage, help the body become resilient, and get rid of diseases, you will need a diagram of the location of biologically active points.

First, the massage therapist acts on the main points, then moves on to additional ones, taking into account the client’s existing diseases and his general health.

Sometimes Shiatsu massage points, which are responsible for certain parts of the body and internal organs, are located in areas remote from them. However, when the massage is performed correctly, the pain disappears.

Types of Shiatsu massage

There are several types of this pressure technique.

Classification is carried out taking into account the impact zone:

  • Shiatsu back massage: indicated for eliminating emerging problems with the spine, eliminating muscle tension, reducing pain after injuries or blows;
  • Shiatsu foot massage: to restore performance internal organs due to the fact that there are many active points on the feet;
  • head massage: relieves fatigue, stress, depression, helps normalize cerebral circulation;
  • facial massage: allows you to get a rejuvenation effect skin, relieves fatigue, removes wrinkles, eliminates pain from sinusitis, otitis media.

In addition to using fingers on individual areas of the body, Japanese Shiatsu massage of the whole body is practiced.

The procedure is carried out by experienced massage therapists to eliminate the consequences of injuries and normalize the functioning of several systems at once.

Indications and contraindications

Shiatsu therapy was originally used to help patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Gradually the range of diseases expanded.

This includes:

  1. cardiovascular diseases: angina pectoris, hypertension, endarteritis, hypotension;
  2. diseases of the nervous system: radiculitis, neuralgia, neurasthenia, paralysis, migraine, neuritis of the facial nerve, neurosis, plexitis, enuresis;
  3. diseases of the respiratory system: pleurisy, asthma, pneumonia;
  4. colds;
  5. headache;
  6. gynecological pathologies: menopause, pain during menstruation;
  7. gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, colitis, ulcers, enterocolitis;
  8. musculoskeletal disorders and others.

Shiatsu massage is used to relieve pain in the treatment of cancer, and to improve conditions under constant stress.

There is a feeling of relief from the procedure in the presence of lumbago and arthralgia.

However, not everyone is allowed Shiatsu acupressure. It is impossible to conduct health sessions if the patient’s general unsatisfactory condition.

The procedure is contraindicated in the presence of diseases:

  • infectious skin lesions;
  • open purulent wounds;
  • open tuberculosis;
  • tumors;
  • heart disorders;
  • fever;
  • increased bone fragility.

Not recommended for use Japanese technology immediately in the postoperative period.


Shiatsu massage should be performed by specialists, but anyone can master the technique of performing the procedure by learning on their own or taking courses.

The acquired knowledge will help keep the body in good shape. Knowing the points, it is easy to help restore health, it will be possible to prolong youth, and ensure longevity. Tokujiro Namikoshi, the founder of the method, lived to be 95 years old.

Video: How to quickly relieve headaches, Shiatsu acupressure on the head

Shiatsu massage is a special form of healing touch that keeps the body toned and improves health by working with the body's own resources.

Shiatsu massage is of Japanese origin, where the concept of Yin-Yang is common. The purpose of this method is to balance both energies within the body. A person faces health problems when the flow of energy is unbalanced or simply blocked. Japanese Shiatsu massage balances positive and negative currents, helping to release energy blockages.

Shiatsu massage heals the mind and body by stimulating the body's vital energy (known as Qi or Ki).

Shiatsu is on points. Touching is performed using the thumb or palms. The pressure depends on the area of ​​contact and the purpose of the massage. The pressure can be very deep, relieving physical tension, or very light, relaxing and soothing. nervous system.

The philosophy of Shiatsu massage develops over time, integrating new styles of impact on the body and energy shell into the technique:

  • breathing awareness exercises;
  • dietary therapy;
  • psychotherapeutic and meditative practice.

Shiatsu massage technique

Shiatsu techniques involve pressure, friction, kneading, stretching and tapping. This therapy can be performed on all parts of the body, as well as on specific pain points such as the shoulder, neck or lower back.

The meaning of Shiatsu is that it heals the meridians by applying pressure to active points on certain energy channels. Touching these points harmonizes the movement of energies in the body, making it healthier. Pressure is applied by the palms and/or fingers, usually the thumb, also the elbows, toes, and sometimes even the knees. Such pressure can be of varying duration and intensity.


The Shiatsu method has a number of contraindications:

  • Bone fractures;
  • Open wounds, lesions;
  • Burns;
  • Rash;
  • Shingles;
  • Fungus;
  • Varicose veins;
  • High body temperature;
  • Intoxication (drugs or alcohol);
  • Contagious diseases such as chicken pox, measles, severe flu;
  • High-risk pregnancy (threatened miscarriage, IVF in the first trimester, poor health or hemorrhage);
  • Uncontrolled diabetes;
  • Severe osteoporosis;
  • Blood cancer, leukemia.

Psoriasis has no contraindications to the procedure, but requires careful implementation.

The technique is performed with extreme caution in the following cases:

  • After operation.

Depending on the surgery, the procedure may not be used at all or only in certain areas.

  • The procedure cannot be performed within 6 months of spinal fusion.
  • Low immune system.

The time and intensity are adapted to the state of health.

In this case, light massage is not contraindicated, but there are certain risks. Cancer patients undergoing surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy have a weakened immune system.

The result of impact on specific points

According to Shiatsu philosophy, our bodies are filled vital energy, called Qi. During life, this energy is blocked, causing suffering.

Shiatsu, when applied with finger pressure, helps clear these blockages by restoring the meridians that balance the Qi. Thanks to this effect, blood flow throughout the body improves, healing the body and mind.

Result of Shiatsu:

  • Restoring and maintaining body energy;
  • Improving stimulation of venous and lymphatic circulation;
    Reducing stress, tension, depression;
  • Elimination of headaches;
  • Promotes healing of muscle sprains;
  • Relieves the symptoms of arthritis;
  • Reduces pain in the cervico-brachial region;
  • Eliminates breathing problems;
  • Treats insomnia;
  • Helps normalize digestion;
  • Reduces menstrual pain.

Shiatsu facial massage

When performing Shiatsu facial massage, only the fingertips are used, affecting the facial muscles. This method of rejuvenating your appearance allows you to achieve a balance between physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

The procedure relaxes the facial muscles and stimulates the flow of energy. It perfectly relieves tension, slows down aging, helps restore skin health and youth, helps remove toxins, maintain water balance skin. During the procedure, it is possible to use a small amount of cream or oil, since the skin on the face is thin and requires careful treatment.

Training in Shiatsu facial massage techniques

Acupressure Shiatsu stimulates the body's natural defenses and helps self-healing by applying pressure to specific points called tsubo. You can learn the Shiatsu facial massage technique yourself using the material provided in this article.

To practice Shiatsu, it is best to use the tips of your fingers: index, middle and ring fingers. You should use three fingers to press simultaneously. Palms are used on the sides of the head and in the neck area.

You need to start the procedure with light pressure along the lines up and out, never using lines in and down.

Scheme of Shiatsu massage for face

  • Point Ro-Kui. This tsubo is located on the central part of the palm. Helps increase blood circulation and improve complexion.
  • The Ken-Ryo point is located right below the cheekbone (No. 18). It is necessary to stimulate it with light pressure to increase blood circulation, improve muscle tone and relax. This provides nutrients to tired areas of the face. This movement also reduces fine wrinkles and helps the body fight acne and age spots.
  • El Fu points are located next to the earlobes (No. 9). This pressure improves dry, dull skin. Helps relax and activate tired facial muscles.
  • The Shi-Haku point is located under the eyes, in the inner corner (No. 17). This pressure helps clear the face of freckles, blemishes, remove dark circles, relax the face for glowing skin.
  • The Do-Shi-Rio point is located at the temple (No. 6). Effectively helps get rid of wrinkles in the outer corners of the eyes.
  • Sei-Mei (No. 16). This tsubo is located on either side of the nasal bridge. Applying pressure on it helps keep your eyes beautiful: they become clearer, brighter, and any signs of fatigue are erased. Its stimulation relaxes tension in the eye muscles.
  • The In-Do point (No. 2) is located between the eyes, right between the eyebrows, above the bridge of the nose. When you press it firmly, blood circulation is stimulated. The skin acquires a healthy shade, wrinkles and flaking disappear.
  • By smoothly massaging points No. 13, 14, 15, along the lip line, the flow of lymph and nutrients improves. Small wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • When wavy massaging the line of points No. 3, 4, 5 with the thumbs of both hands from the inside to the outside, a change in harmony occurs positive energy. This effect is reflected in forehead wrinkles, which are noticeably reduced.
  • Smooth movements from point No. 11 to point No. 10 tighten and strengthen the facial contour. The oval becomes clearer.

When performing Shiatsu acupressure massage, you can use the proposed scheme:

Shiatsu massage on video

To perform Shiatsu for the face more correctly, you can refer to the video. It will help you learn how to correctly find the points you need to work with. The effect of regular exercise will rejuvenate and transform your appearance in a short time.

Improve blood flow and remove toxins and make you more attractive.

Your skin glows with health, transforms and looks younger, you feel more confident with each massage session.

This is a procedure known since the times of the ancient East. It consists of a targeted effect with the fingertips on certain active points in the face and neck.

The main goal pursued by a person who decides to attend sessions is to relieve tension and relax the facial muscles

After two or three procedures, you will begin to hear compliments about your appearance. Literally the first few visits to a massage therapist will give stunning results.

The full course usually lasts one month. During this time, the woman does two to three procedures per week.

Massage only works if performed regularly. Relaxation during the procedure is also important. The muscles should be as relaxed as possible.

If you prefer to do it yourself, we recommend that you first create an intimate, warm atmosphere in the room. To do this, turn on a relaxing tune and light a few scented candles.

What is Shiatsu acupressure massage

Historical reference: The shiatsu system was developed by the Japanese physician Tokujiro Namikoshi at the beginning of the twentieth century. “Shiatsu” is translated from Japanese as finger pressing. This is the basis of the work principle of a massage therapist. During a shiatsu session, pressure occurs. The main elements of the procedure are exclusively pressure. Rubbing, stroking, pinching are prohibited.

There are three types of shiatsu:

  • Zen. Based on intuition and bioenergy.
  • Classical. Followers of Namikoshi.
  • West. A modernized form of shiatsu based on modern science.

The force with which the specialist acts, as well as the duration of pressing in each case, is determined individually. The reason why the patient sought a massage plays a big role. There is no discomfort or pain felt.

Another one important detail: with shiatsu, the active points of the tsubo are affected. These movements trigger the processes of self-healing and self-rejuvenation in the body.

Thus, Shiatsu activates a person’s internal reserves and eliminates the cause of poor health. Today, the world knows of various methods, both for getting rid of the first signs of aging and.

During a shiatsu session, an experienced massage therapist can diagnose various diseases with an accuracy of almost 95%.

Indications and contraindications

An indication for acupressure facial massage may be an imbalance in a person’s energy field, the need to activate the body’s defenses. The procedure is also used for preventive purposes when there are no direct indications for it.

You can achieve good results with acupressure sessions for rejuvenation in the following cases:

  • Occasionally, mild headaches occur due to overexertion and fatigue.
  • Lethargy and sagging skin appeared, muscle tone decreased.
  • The complexion became dull.
  • The smoothness of the skin disappeared, unevenness, enlarged pores and rashes appeared.
  • The incidence of swelling and bags under the eyes has increased.
  • The woman noticed the first expression wrinkles on her face or neck.
  • There is a desire to conduct a course in the prevention of aging.
  • The woman's age has crossed the border of 25 years.

However, acupressure for rejuvenation is still a therapeutic procedure. Some contraindications apply to it, including the following:

  • The skin on the face is damaged. The nature of the damage can be mechanical, infectious, allergic or any other.
  • There are fresh injuries on the face (burns, cuts, bites).
  • The body is affected by a virus or infection, body temperature is elevated, and health is poor. In this case, acupressure only harms and contributes to deterioration of health.
  • Malignant tumors appeared in the body. There is a risk of causing metastases in healthy organs.
  • The woman suffers from blood diseases (hemophilia).
  • Constant torment for unknown reasons.
  • Impaired functioning of internal organs (heart muscle, kidneys, liver, bronchi).
  • Individual characteristics of hair growth and skull structure. We are talking about increased scalp hairiness, in which the scalp can become damaged and become covered with red spots. Such cases are very rare, but they do happen.

Shiatsu points

There are sixteen magical shiatsu points, which, when stimulated, trigger the process of healing and rejuvenation.

No. 1. Forehead
Using two fingers, one above the other, walk along the entire forehead from the middle to the temples and back on both sides.

No. 2, 3, 4. Eyebrows and forehead
Place three fingers on your eyebrow so that one is in the middle, the second at the beginning, and the third at the outer corner. Press for 7 seconds. Then apply one finger to point 3, located at the outer corner of the eye. Point 4 is the place at the inner corner of the eye. You need to press on it for six seconds.

No. 5. Bridge of the nose
Press on the point between your eyebrows for a few seconds.

No. 6. Fixed eyelid
Apply to the sub-eyebrow area, do not touch the eyeball.

No. 7. Area under the eyes
Press the pads of your index, middle and ring fingers on the area under your eyes for seven seconds.

No. 8. Cheeks
Apply pressure to the subcheekbone area with three fingers of each hand. Five seconds is enough.

No. 9. Wings of the nose
Press on the wings of your nose with your middle fingers for five seconds.

No. 10. Nasolabial fold
Using your finger, apply pressure to the groove where the teeth cannot be felt for seven seconds.

No. 11. Corners of lips
Press with the pads of your middle fingers for 5–6 seconds.

No. 12. Dimple under the lower lip
Use your finger to touch the groove where the teeth cannot be felt. Press for 7 seconds.

No. 13. Lower jaw
Place three fingers on each side of your chin. Using your thumb, lightly pinch the bone and apply pressure for seven seconds. Work your way to the highest point on your cheekbones.

No. 14. Side points on the neck
The index finger should be lower and the ring finger higher. Press for three seconds.

No. 15. Jugular cavity
Press with the pad of your middle finger for three seconds on the cavity.

No. 16. Jaw joint
The index fingers are in the hole in front of the lobe. Medium - behind the ear. Press for five seconds.

How to work with dots on the face correctly

    • The index, middle and ring fingers are used for work.
    • The impact is made at an angle of 90 degrees to the skin.
    • The movements are not rubbing, but pressing. The skin should not move.
    • The pressure should be quite noticeable.
    • The duration of pressure on one point varies from five to seven seconds. The neck area is affected for 3 seconds.
    • All paired points are massaged simultaneously.
    • It is better to work with points in the morning or before bed.

Preparing the face

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to properly prepare your face. To do this, thoroughly treat your face with a cleansing lotion or gel.

You can use a homemade soothing infusion:

Make an infusion of herbs purchased at the pharmacy. Mix with quality white wine. First dilute the wine with boiled water in a ratio of 3 to 1, respectively.

After this, steam the skin well, this will open the pores and relieve tension. This can be done using a hot towel or a special sauna device for the face.

Create a pleasant atmosphere (light scented candles, play a slow song in the background) and just lie there for a few minutes. Three minutes before the massage, lubricate your face and neck with moisturizer.

How to do facial massage against wrinkles

After preparation, proceed to acupressure:

      • Massage the skin of your forehead in a spiral pattern. At the same time, make sure that the skin does not move.
      • Find a small depression under your cheekbones and press down on it. If slight pain appears, the point has been found correctly. Press down three to five times for seven seconds.
      • Use your thumbs to work along the bottom edge of your chin, applying light pressure. Press on the chin area where the root of the tongue is located.
      • Tilt your head back slightly, the skin on your neck should tighten. Then lean forward. Repeat 10 times.
      • Rub your ears with your palms.
      • Massage the skin around your eyes. Start from the inner corner and gradually move towards the outer.
      • Work the point between the eyebrows and on the wings of the nose.
      • Stick your tongue out as far as possible. At the same time, say the sound “a” in a drawn-out manner.

And another video about acupressure facial massage for rejuvenation - facial massage become 10 years younger!


Acupressure for rejuvenation can be done in a beauty salon by contacting a professional, Or you can learn to work with your face yourself at home, so as not to depend on anyone.

In any case, you will receive unearthly pleasure and great benefits for the skin. The procedure is described in more detail in the video instructions.

Shiatsu is a type of Japanese therapy based on various types massage. Translated from Japanese, “shiatsu” means “finger pressure,” so it’s not difficult to guess how the massage is performed.

Shiatsu facial massage is completely different from the traditional one used in European countries, where a set of actions aimed at smoothing out wrinkles is offered as a rejuvenating procedure.

Shiatsu is not massaging as such, but pressing on certain points with the pads of the fingers. Thanks to this, you can not only improve your health, get rid of many diseases, but also look significantly younger. The whole process occurs in a certain sequence, which is the main guarantor of an excellent result.

The author of the method is considered to be the Japanese T. Namikoshi, who began to practice massage using a new technique at the beginning of the twentieth century. He spoke in detail about the new type of massage, its effect on the human body, consequences and prospects in the book “Shiatsu - Japanese finger pressure therapy.” Here he explained in detail that pressing on certain points can awaken the body's reserves, and each point is responsible for a specific organ. Already in 1940 of the last century, a Shiatsu college was opened in Japan, and not only connoisseurs of oriental medicine, but also sports, television, and film stars from the USA and Europe began to resort to the technique.

Shiatsu massage became especially popular after actress Marilyn Monroe and boxer Muhammad Ali experienced it.

Operating principle

Now Shiatsu massage is recognized at the official level in its homeland. This technique is studied for at least three years in order to obtain a certificate and the right to work in Japan and foreign countries.

Despite the fact that many Japanese women know how to do a Shiatsu massage on their own, it can only be truly done by a specialist who thoroughly knows the physiology of the processes in the human body that follow pressing on a certain point.

During the procedure, finger pressure and optimal pressing are carried out at right angles to the facial muscles, while the skin should not be stretched. Thanks to the activation of certain points on the face, general relaxation of the body is triggered, which leads to normalization of blood supply in small vessels, relief of tension, and disappearance of swelling.

Indications and contraindications

Women and men use Shiatsu facial massage as a rejuvenating procedure, since the effect of the massage can be compared to the work of an expensive anti-aging cream. If you massage regularly, the aging process of the skin will slow down, since collagen and elastin will be produced 2 times faster. The person will acquire healthy looking, the process of formation of new wrinkles will stop, and facial wrinkles will noticeably smooth out due to the strengthening of facial muscles.

But in addition to the rejuvenating effect, it can remove headache, cure insomnia, improve emotional condition, relieve chronic fatigue, facial nervous tics and the first manifestations of a cold. In fact, all these indicators are a consequence of the relaxation that massage leads to, since in the modern rhythm of life people have simply forgotten how to relax.

But not in all cases massage can be beneficial. There are diseases and conditions in which Shiatsu massage is contraindicated:

  • in the presence of open wounds;
  • with low intracranial pressure;
  • in the presence of tumors on the skin;
  • with dilated facial vessels;
  • during rashes of an allergic or cold nature;
  • during inflammatory processes such as herpes, furunculosis, dermatitis, etc.


Before a facial massage, you need to cleanse the skin with herbal products, then apply a hot compress for a few minutes, which will help relax the muscles and expand the pores. After this, a moisturizer with vitamin supplements is applied to the skin. Experts say that the maximum effect of a massage can be achieved in the morning, when a person is relaxed after sleep, but practice shows that the face especially needs relaxation in the evening.

The massage should be carried out according to a clear pattern, pressing on certain points in turn and without changing the order throughout the procedure. You can apply finger pressure to each point for no more than 5-7 seconds. To help a person relax, you can play music or light a scented candle.

The most accessible type of facial massage, Shiatsu is quite suitable for self-performing.

Massage scheme:

  • We press on the points in the middle of the forehead above the eyebrows and press with our fingertips for 7 seconds, after which we move our fingers closer to the eyebrows and repeat. In 4 steps we get to the temples.
  • We lower the index, middle and ring fingers and press. Using the pads of your thumbs, press the point on the outer corner of the eyes and then on the point on the inner corner of the eyes.

  • We go to the point on the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows, and press it with three fingers at the same time.
  • We lower 3 fingers of each hand onto the upper eyelids slightly below the eyebrows, but without touching the eyeball, and press lightly. The skin towards the bridge of the nose should not move, otherwise this will contribute to the formation of new wrinkles.

  • The same is done with the lower eyelid.
  • Press with three fingers on the points under the cheekbones, approximately at the level of the nostrils.

  • With your thumbs, press the area near the nostrils with outside.
  • Next, click on the dots above upper lip under the nostrils in the middle.

  • We press with our thumbs on the points on both edges of the lips. You need to clearly feel the muscle and not go beyond its limits.
  • Next, click on the point located right in the middle under the lower lip. There should be gums underneath, not teeth.

  • Next, you should raise your head, place three working fingers under the chin, apply pressure, and then apply three more pressures along the entire edge of the lower jaw.
  • Then you should go down to the neck, to the sides, and apply three pressures one above the other for no more than 3 seconds. There is no need to press hard.

  • Place the thumb of one hand on the jugular cavity and press for 3 seconds.
  • Using your thumbs, press on the points at the base of the ear on both sides.

If pain occurs while pressing on the point, the procedure cannot be continued, as there should be no discomfort. Either you are doing something wrong, or there is some kind of inflammatory process going on. It is also worth remembering that both hands need to influence the points with equal force.

A facial massage may take about 10-15 minutes and about 10 minutes to prepare for it.
After the procedure, the skin should warm up, and the comfortable sensation can be compared to a very noticeable flow of warm energy that passes through the entire face.

Shiatsu massage training video

Effect and reviews

  • The effect of the massage may not be immediately noticeable. After one session, a person can relax, their complexion will change to healthier and fresher. Due to this, you can look younger. But more significant changes will come only after 7 – 10 sessions. In particular, if the purpose of the massage was healing effect, for example, getting rid of a runny nose, then you won’t be able to get rid of it in a session.
  • “It was difficult to believe that facial massage could achieve the same effect as expensive creams or Botox. But as a person prone to experimentation, I decided to try an unfamiliar method on myself. Quick effect I didn’t expect it, but after the third session they noticeably decreased" crow's feet"on the outside of the eyes. In addition, I learned to relax, which at the same time solved the problem with insomnia." - Nastya, 36 years old.
  • “Due to age, wrinkles began to appear in the corners of my lips and eyes. I decided to approach the issue radically and tried to inject Botox. I liked the effect, but I didn’t want to constantly take “health injections,” and besides, I couldn’t shake the feeling that my face was like The wall, cracked from age, was covered with putty, which sooner or later will fall off anyway.
  • A friend told me about Shiatsu massage, but I was skeptical about the massage, because I was sure that massage could not compete with Botox. But after the massage course, my face was noticeably smoother and the effect was almost the same as from injections, and I did not experience any discomfort. but only one pleasure from both the process and the effect." - Inna, 44 years old.
  • I suffer from frequent colds and have already spent a fortune on medicine. At a certain point, I realized that this could not continue like this, and that I needed to look for alternative methods of dealing with constant runny nose and colds. And this method for me was Shiatsu facial massage. I forgot not only about the cold, but also about the headache, and a pleasant bonus was my rejuvenated appearance and healthy complexion

This massage technique was developed by Japanese physician Takuhiro Nakimoshi. This type of massage therapy is manual and is carried out using pressure with fingers or palm on the biological and energy points of the human body along the meridians. In massage using this technique, no other classical massage techniques are performed.

Japanese massage involves working on the human body using perpendicular finger pressure. This type of massage therapy is also called acupressure therapy, since with it the same points of your body are treated with different, sometimes multiple, number of pressures with different intensities.

The diagnosis of the person's disease influences how the intervention should be carried out. If the Shiatsu massage technique is correct, then the patient does not feel pain even with the deepest pressure.

The main feature of this massage therapy is that it does not treat the disease itself, but eliminates its root causes. Treatment using this method can awaken the inner strength of your body, affecting active points and thereby triggering the mechanism of its recovery, inherent in the body by nature.

When performing this massage technique, the massage therapist does not use traditional techniques, but, nevertheless, your body feels a load similar to physical one. The fact that therapy has been completed is indicated by slight pain in those points of the body that were affected.

It is worth noting that by massaging the points, the body becomes more flexible and mobile, as this relieves tension.

Main types

There are several types of procedures using this technique. The following body parts are massaged:

  • Feet.
  • Whole body.
  • Back.
  • Face.
  • Breast.
  • Head.

By working on your feet, the massage therapist will quickly help you relieve tension and fatigue. On a person's feet is a large number of biologically active points, by working on which one can cure certain diseases, for example, internal organs, spine and head.

A massage using the Shiatsu method of the whole body will help relieve tension, restore mobility, eliminate muscle tension and pathological processes in the body, and calm the nervous system. By massaging your back using the Shiatsu method, a specialist will help eliminate problems with the spine, restore it after injuries, and relieve muscle tension.

Japanese therapy applied to the facial area, will help get rid of headaches, eliminate congestion(sinusitis, otitis media, etc.), relieve headaches and rejuvenate the skin. The Shiatsu breast massage procedure can only be applied to men, since women, due to their physiological characteristics contraindicated.

Head massage therapy using this method helps not only to get rid of headaches, but also to eliminate many psychological problems.

The result of impact on specific points

  1. Stomach pain.
  2. Wheezing.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Nasal congestion.
  5. Colds.
  6. Toothache.
  7. Headache.
  8. Pain in the liver.
  9. Urinary incontinence.
  10. Diabetes mellitus.
  11. Stomach prolapse.
  12. Nosebleeds.
  13. Bruises and sprains.
  14. Bronchial asthma.
  15. Vertebral displacements.
  16. Numbness of the legs.
  17. Shots.

Important It should be noted that the treatment begins with massaging the main points of the body, and then those responsible for the diseases, the symptoms of which are described by the patient, are exposed.

Impact technique

When performing massage according to the Japanese method, the massage therapist uses a pressure technique, which is performed using the thumbs, index, middle, three fingers of one or two hands, and palm. Also, according to the technique, the specialist’s fingertips are in contact with the human body, the pressure force must be taken into account and not exceed more than 3-5 kg.

The time of one pressure depends on the goals, for example, healing effects should not exceed 7 seconds, pressure on the neck area 3 seconds, localization of painful sensations by this method lasts from 2 to 10 minutes.

It is important to be able to use the correct combinations of fingers; for weak impact, use the index or middle finger. For a stronger thumb or a combination of the second and third, for a strong one, use the thumbs, three fingers together or the palm.

Important to say that when the technique is performed correctly, a person does not feel discomfort; its sensations are similar to weak electrical discharges in the body.

Indications and contraindications

The main indications for this therapy are the following health problems:

  • Bad feeling.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Poor appetite.
  • Stagnation of venous blood.
  • Constipation.
  • Liver disorders.
  • Insomnia.
  • Blood pressure surges.
  • Sexual dysfunction.

But despite the positive effect in most cases, this technique also has contraindications for use:

  • Simultaneous diseases of such vital organs as the liver, heart, lungs and kidneys.
  • Ulcer.
  • Infectious and purulent diseases.
  • Hemophilia.
  • Oncology.
  • Burns.
  • Fever.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Fractures.
  • Thrombophlebitis.

Shiatsu facial massage

Facial massage using this technique is applied to both women and men. A targeted effect on the face can eliminate headaches and migraines, runny nose, relieve fatigue and relieve insomnia. In addition, finger pressure improves vision, psychological state, and improves facial skin.

Regular massaging using this technique helps slow down the aging process, eliminate existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones, strengthen muscles, improve blood circulation, return a beautiful and healthy color to the face, speed up the fight against rashes.

But it is worth remembering that there are also contraindications for the procedure; it cannot be done for those who suffer from low intracranial pressure, have herpes, dermatological rashes, rosacea, furunculosis, etc.

Preparing the face

To implement Japanese technique facial massage you need to prepare:

  1. Cleanse your face with a special product and lightly exfoliate.
  2. Dilate blood vessels and relax facial muscles with a steam bath.
  3. Relax so that the procedure is effective.
  4. Apply cream to your face to help moisturize it.

After carrying out the above manipulations, you can perform the procedure itself.

Execution technique

When performing this technique, the massage therapist should ensure that the hand movements are clear and slow; if the subcutaneous fat layer is thin, then the pressure must be applied less than in the opposite situation.

If therapy is carried out for cosmetic purposes, then one press on a point should not exceed 7 seconds. If the massage is carried out for therapeutic purposes, the effect may last for several minutes. Massage using this method is more useful in the morning for no longer than 10-15 minutes.

Scheme of implementation

Japanese acupressure massage can get rid of wrinkles on the forehead. To perform it, you need to place three fingers of each hand on points located in the middle of the forehead. Next, apply a little pressure on them and hold the pressure for 7 seconds. Then the fingers are moved slightly to the sides from the middle of the forehead and pressure is applied again.

Moving your fingers, each time further you should stop at your temples and press your fingers tightly to the skin, also hold for 7 seconds. Also, this massage therapy technique can get rid of wrinkles on the bridge of the nose. To do it, you need to find a point called the “third eye”, it is located in the middle of the forehead, and press on it.

Next, you need to place three fingers on this point and make light circular movements for 7 seconds. This technique can also relieve nosebleeds, sinusitis and runny nose. The Japanese massage procedure can also make your eyes shiny, healthy, relieve fatigue, remove swelling of the eyelids, and improve vision.

This technique is carried out using three fingers, which need to be placed on the eyebrows at equal intervals so that the middle one is in the middle. Apply light pressure on the points for no more than 7 seconds. Acupressure can make your lips beautiful, smooth out nasolabial folds and eliminate fine wrinkles.

To carry out this procedure, you need to place your middle finger on the point that is located in the hollow above the upper lip and massage it for 7 seconds. It is also possible to perform this technique, which involves placing the fingers on four active points, that is, in the corners of the lips, above the upper and lower lips. Massage movements also last no more than 7 seconds.

To become the owner of elastic and toned cheeks, you need to place the fingers of both hands on three biologically important points located under the cheekbones on both sides. All six points must be massaged simultaneously for 7 seconds.

To improve the contours of the oval face, you need to place three fingers of each hand on both sides of the chin, and thumb at the same time, lightly presses on the jaw from below. You need to massage this area for 7 seconds. After regularly performing this procedure, you will notice that the oval of the face will become clearer and more defined, and jowls will disappear.

How often can procedures be performed?

The oriental massage technique using the Shiatsu method can be performed at home. The usual course of recovery is at least 15 days, and preferably 3-4 weeks, then significant improvements will become noticeable. After completing the entire course of massage therapy, you should give your skin a little rest, taking a short break from the procedures.

It is advisable to conduct at least three massage courses per year using this technique for health-improving cosmetological purposes. The number of courses may be increased by a specialist in case of a positive effect of using the procedure as a therapeutic method one disease or another.

Shiatsu acupressure is a unique auxiliary therapy in the treatment of many diseases. In addition, this technique can eliminate not only many age-related changes, but also noticeable improve psycho-emotional state.