New Year's crafts

Treatment of dry cough in pregnant women. Treatment of dry cough during pregnancy. Wet cough during pregnancy

Expectant mothers are more susceptible than others to various viral diseases, a common symptom of which is coughing. Dry cough, which is characterized by a complete absence of sputum or its production in small quantities, causes especially a lot of suffering.

A dry cough during pregnancy not only causes severe discomfort to a woman, but also poses a danger to her condition. Cough shocks provoke contraction of all muscles, including the muscles of the uterus. Doctors note that in some pregnancy pathologies (for example, low placenta previa), a severe cough can cause bleeding.

At the same time, everyone knows that a woman in interesting position Most medications are contraindicated. However, safe therapy does exist; Later in the article we will talk about the optimal treatment of dry cough during pregnancy.

Dry cough during pregnancy: safe medications

Firstly, it is necessary to understand that all medications, including those for the treatment of cough, should be prescribed to the expectant mother by a doctor. As a last resort, if it is not possible to consult a specialist, you must carefully read the instructions for the drug, which usually indicate whether it can be taken during pregnancy. Secondly, it should be remembered that all medications containing narcotic substances (morphine, codeine) are absolutely contraindicated for a woman expecting a baby.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, doctors most often prescribe syrups Bronchicum, Stodal, Sinekod, etc. In the next two trimesters, doctors usually recommend that a pregnant woman take medications such as Falimint, Libexin, Stoptussin, Coldrex Knight, etc. The choice of drug depends on the characteristics of the cough.

During the gestation period, antitussive drugs based on destromethorphan are approved for use. These include: Akodin, Padevix, Tussin Plus and Fervex. In addition, you can use plant-based medicines (linden, ivy, extracts from citrus peels, etc.).

Inhalations and compresses in the treatment of dry cough during pregnancy

Inhalations, unlike medications, do not affect internal organs, therefore they are completely safe in the treatment of dry cough during pregnancy. However, such procedures have some contraindications, including:

  • Body temperature above 37.5 ºС;
  • Predisposition to nosebleeds;
  • Diseases of the respiratory system and heart;
  • Hypersensitivity to substances used for inhalation.

The basis for steam inhalation can be decoctions of medicinal plants: chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, plantain, thyme, marshmallow. To prepare a medicinal decoction, pour two tablespoons of a mixture of several herbs into a liter of boiling water.

Inhalations based on essential oils are also very effective. To get rid of cough, it is better to use eucalyptus, pine or fir oil. Per liter hot water take no more than five drops of “fragrant gold”. It is important not to overdo it - too much concentration of essential oil in the inhalation solution provokes dizziness and headache.

Inhalation is carried out no earlier than an hour after eating. The duration of the steam procedure is 5-10 minutes. After it ends, you cannot eat, drink or go outside for two hours. At this time, it is advisable to refrain from talking.

Another method that can be used in the treatment of dry cough during pregnancy is medicinal compresses. To relieve coughing attacks, the following are most often used:

  • Compress with cabbage and honey. Cabbage leaf is smeared with honey and applied to the upper chest. Cover the top with a warm towel and secure. Leave it overnight.
  • Compress with onion and honey. Onion (500 g) is grated and mixed with honey (two tablespoons). The mixture is applied to the skin in the chest area, covered with a piece of gauze, cellophane and a warm towel. This compress is kept from evening until morning.

Traditional methods of treating dry cough during pregnancy

Traditional medicine offers a lot effective recipes treatment of dry cough during pregnancy. Before using any of them, the expectant mother should consult a doctor: some folk remedies may have unwanted side effects. In addition, there are medicinal plants that are generally contraindicated during pregnancy (for example, oregano).

Recipes traditional medicine, which are most often used to get rid of dry cough during pregnancy:

  • A tablespoon of pine buds (fresh or dry) is poured with boiling water (200 ml). The infusion is wrapped and kept warm for 40-45 minutes. Then the drug is filtered and cooled. Take 1-2 sips when the urge to cough appears;
  • Take equal parts of chamomile flowers, primrose grass, rose hips and plantain leaves. Two tablespoons of the mixture are poured with boiling water (400 ml) and heated for 20 minutes in a water bath. After this, leave under the lid for half an hour and filter. Take an infusion of 50 ml 3-4 times a day, it is useful to add a teaspoon of honey to it;
  • Boil a medium-sized onion in milk (500 ml). Then cool the milk a little and add a tablespoon of honey to it. Drink this healing remedy at night and wrap yourself up well;
  • Take equal parts of fennel and anise fruits, thyme herb and flax seeds. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured with boiled cold water(200 ml) and leave for two hours. After this, the infusion is brought to a boil and immediately removed from the heat, cooled and filtered. Use this medicine 3-4 times a day, 50-70 ml.

If you have a dry cough during pregnancy, you should not resort to some common procedures. Thus, it is not recommended to put cupping or mustard plasters on a pregnant woman, take hot baths or steam her feet. In addition, doctors do not recommend using large quantities vitamin C.

During the period of off-season outbreaks of colds, the health of a pregnant woman requires compliance with preventive measures. Increased attention should be paid to emerging symptoms of respiratory diseases. Especially such as cough during pregnancy. Immunity female body during gestation, the fetus is significantly reduced to avoid its rejection as a foreign body. As a protective mechanism for the child, immunosuppression makes the mother's body more susceptible to various kinds infections.

Causes of cough during pregnancy

Coughing during pregnancy is usually a sign of an acute or chronic respiratory tract infection.

  • Sinusitis, rhinitis and adenoiditis are characterized by abundant mucus formation in the nasopharynx. Flowing down the back wall, it provokes a reflex coughing reaction
  • Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the trachea, pharynx and larynx also causes cough
  • With bronchitis and pneumonia, a lot of sputum accumulates in the lower respiratory tract, released during an expectorant cough
  • Often a severe cough occurs with diseases of allergic origin (bronchial asthma, obstructive asthma)
  • In rare cases, it may be a sign of neurotic reactions, disruption of the cardiovascular system, and gastrointestinal tract.

Is coughing dangerous during pregnancy?

In the early stages, treatment of cold symptoms is difficult due to the limited list of drugs approved for use. The penetration of potent substances through the placenta in the first trimester can cause fetal malformations and provoke spontaneous abortion.

Frequent dry cough during pregnancy causes tension in the muscles of the abdominal wall, which can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus. Contraction of the uterus leads to deterioration of blood supply and hypoxia (lack of oxygen) of the fetus. In the last trimester of pregnancy, coughing attacks can cause premature birth.

If the placenta is poorly attached, coughing during pregnancy can provoke abruption and dangerous uterine bleeding.

The main threat to the health of the expectant mother and child is an infectious disease, the symptom of which is cough. Some infections in the first trimester (measles, rubella) can not only weaken the pregnant woman’s body, but also cause severe organic damage and fetal development abnormalities.

Cough treatment

A physiological decrease in immunity during pregnancy requires a responsible approach to treatment and contacting a doctor when the first signs of a cold appear. Drug therapy in the early stages is difficult due to the limited range of drugs approved for use. Treatment of cough in pregnant women is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Self-medication is strictly prohibited, since even proven and harmless medications can pose a health threat expectant mother and baby due to unexpected allergic reactions.

Treatment in the first trimester

In the first trimester, it is advisable to use traditional medicine recipes. But before using traditional methods of treatment, you should definitely consult with the gynecologist managing the pregnancy. If necessary, specialists of the relevant profile are involved in prescribing therapy, determining what exactly can be applied in this case.

To the safest and effective ways relate:

  1. Inhalations from decoctions of medicinal plants(chamomile, linden, sage, eucalyptus, string). You can use essential oils of mint or eucalyptus, sold in pharmacies. Using an inhalation nebulizer allows the active components to penetrate deep into the respiratory tract, maximizing the impact on the foci of infection. Traditional remedy– ordinary steam inhalation – also effective and does not require special equipment (you can take a saucepan or kettle to prepare and use the decoction)
  2. Decoctions medicinal herbs for oral administration. After consulting with your doctor, it is permissible to use cough preparations sold in pharmacies. Brew and drink according to the instructions (usually 1 spoon per 1 glass of boiling water)
  3. Compresses on the chest area Quite effective in relieving the symptoms of colds. Pregnant women can use the option of applying a cabbage leaf smeared with honey (the leaf is placed with honey on the skin). Covered with polyethylene, a warm cloth and left until the morning - effective remedy From cough
  4. Warm milk with honey- a classic anti-cold recipe. However, pregnant women should drink this mixture with caution, since honey can cause severe allergic reactions.
  5. Gargling decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants - proven over the years and reliable means cough control
  6. It will help you get rid of a cold quickly and effectively and overcome a severe cough. black radish juice with honey. This is popular folk remedy very effective in treating throat. If there are no contraindications, it is enough for pregnant women to drink 2 tablespoons of juice up to 6 times a day for cough. You can prepare it quite simply: cut a hole in a washed root vegetable and fill it halfway with honey. After a few hours, the drug is ready for use. Radish juice should be used with caution during the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

Traditional medicine is not always able to cope with the manifestations of respiratory infections. A severe cough is dangerous due to the threat of miscarriage, and the transition of the disease from acute to chronic form during pregnancy is extremely undesirable, so drug treatment is indicated. In the first trimester, the homeopathic remedy “Stodal” is optimal for getting rid of cold symptoms.

Late treatment

Treatment of cough during pregnancy after 12 weeks allows the use of a wider range of drugs. Traditional medicine recipes can continue to be used due to the low likelihood of occurrence side effects, but the threat of the disease becoming chronic requires the use of medications.

Cough tablets are prescribed quite rarely during pregnancy. This dosage form often contains potentially dangerous components. The only acceptable option is to use tablets made from herbal raw materials (pregnant women can also take).

In the second trimester, when the vital organs and systems of the fetus are already formed, the use of various cough syrups for pregnant women is allowed. The choice of these drugs in pharmacies is quite large, so only the attending physician can determine how to treat a cough during pregnancy.

The most commonly prescribed medications are:

  • (syrup based on ivy extract)
  • “ ” (active substance – marshmallow herb)
  • (with plantain and mallow extracts)
  • (herbal medicine)
  • (a homeopathic medicine that can be taken already in the first trimester of pregnancy).

You should take prescribed tablets and drink syrups in strict accordance with your doctor’s instructions, since treatment of cough during pregnancy requires an individual approach and is not always clearly stated in the instructions for use.

Pregnant women are prohibited from using medications such as due to the potent substances they contain. The list of prohibited procedures includes: applying mustard plasters, cupping, using hot foot and general baths. These cold remedies can cause increased blood circulation in pregnant women and provoke bleeding or miscarriage. Premature birth is possible in the last trimester.

Cough prevention

Taking care of the baby’s health and your own is an important condition for the proper course of pregnancy and easy childbirth. Cough during pregnancy, as a symptom of an onset of illness, is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. However, any disease is easier to prevent than to cure, so the expectant mother must adhere to certain rules.

Pregnant women need to go for walks as often as possible. fresh air. Moderate physical activity and the atmosphere of a park or forest have a beneficial effect on the immune system. But during the period of exacerbation of seasonal diseases, the expectant mother needs to avoid public places and large crowds of people. The last trimester requires special attention, when there is a risk of premature birth.

Balanced nutrition is one of the foundations healthy image life and disease prevention. A pregnant woman should eat a balanced diet and drink enough fluids. After consultation with your doctor, you can use immunostimulating dietary supplements and vitamin supplements to improve your health.

Before treating any cough in anyone, two questions must be addressed: the nature of the cough and the cause of it.

A dry cough is a cough in which sputum is either not produced or is produced, but in very scanty quantities. That is why doctors call this cough unproductive. For it to become productive (that is, wet or moist, producing phlegm), mucus must form. In the meantime, you will be tormented by a dry cough, often hysterical and debilitating.

To alleviate the patient’s condition, it is necessary to calm the dry cough. For this purpose, antitussive drugs are traditionally used to soothe the mucous membrane, as a result of which a dry cough stops and turns into a wet one.

Causes of dry cough

There are many reasons that cause a dry cough. This various diseases(measles, whooping cough, sinusitis, tuberculosis and others), allergic exacerbations and the initial stage.

During pregnancy, a dry cough most often occurs for the latter reason, and is often accompanied by a runny nose, fever and other symptoms. There is no point in waiting until your cough becomes wet for several reasons. A dry cough causes severe discomfort, prevents you from sleeping, breathing normally, and your stomach is constantly under its influence. After all, during coughing, ligaments contract and muscles tense. And this is not just painful or unpleasant, but can also be dangerous: with placenta previa and low position, a dry cough can provoke bleeding. Therefore, he needs to be treated, or rather, calmed down.

Treatment of dry cough during pregnancy

As we have already said, this can be done with the help of antitussive medications. As a rule, they also have an analgesic, sedative and weak antispasmodic effect. Just read the ingredients of the drug carefully. It must not contain any drugs (for example, codeine or morphine). And in general, use the golden rule when choosing medications: during pregnancy, you can only use those medications that are approved for children under three years of age.

But since taking any medications, even the most harmless ones, during pregnancy and especially in its first trimester is extremely undesirable, it is still better to try to solve the problem with improvised means, that is.

Here everything depends on the characteristics of your body (in particular, on the tolerance of certain components) and on how interested you are in finding a harmless, effective medicine.

First aid for dry cough are: instant effect. Inhaling the vapors of boiled potatoes (preferably in their uniforms) calms well. baking soda or alkaline mineral water. But you can make a herbal decoction. For dry cough, decoctions of chamomile, trifoliate, plantain, St. John's wort, and linden blossom are used for inhalation.

Regarding inhalations, it is good if you have a nebulizer or inhaler for this purpose. But you can also do it the old-fashioned way: using a paper funnel or a teapot. You can also breathe directly over the pan, but keep in mind that this method is contraindicated at elevated temperatures. And never inhale over boiling water: start inhaling the vapors 5 minutes after the water boils.

Herbal infusions

Herbal decoctions are useful not only for inhalations. There are many recipes using herbs to help relieve dry cough:

  • Boil 3 liters of water, add 500 g of wheat or rye bran, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes, strain. Sweeten with burnt sugar. The entire portion of the decoction should be drunk during the day, but always hot. An effective remedy from a strong, debilitating cough.
  • Grind 1 teaspoon of poppy seeds into powder and mix with 50 ml of warm milk. Drink in one go. The infusion relieves chest pain and softens cough.
  • Pour 1 tablespoon of pine buds with 1 glass of boiling water, leave, covered, for 40 minutes, strain. Take 1-2 sips when you feel the urge to cough. Helps immediately.
  • Mix 3 tablespoons of linden blossom and 2 tablespoons of thyme flowers, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave in a boiling water bath for 15-20 minutes. Take with honey for a very strong cough. It is advisable to drink a large dose in the evening, as the infusion has a calming effect.
  • Take equal parts of plantain leaves, cinnamon rose hips, spring primrose herb, and chamomile flowers. Brew two tablespoons with two glasses of boiling water, heat for 20 minutes in a water bath and leave for another half hour, covered, warm, and strain. Take a third of a glass 3-4 times a day, you can sweeten it with honey.
  • Mix pine buds, large plantain leaves, chamomile flowers and coltsfoot grass in equal proportions. Brew two tablespoons of the crushed mixture with two glasses of boiling water, heat in a water bath for 20 minutes, strain. Take half a glass warm 3 times a day.
  • Mix equal amounts of anise and fennel fruits, flax seed and thyme herb. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of cooled boiled water and leave for 2 hours, then bring the infusion to a boil, cool, and strain. Take a third of a glass 3 times a day.
  • Infuse 1 tablespoon of crushed marshmallow root in a glass of cold water overnight (8-10 hours), strain. Take a third of a glass 3 times a day.
  • Brew a glass of boiling water, like tea, in a porcelain teapot 2 tablespoons of meadow clover flowers, leave for 15 minutes. Drink half a glass warm 3-4 times a day, with honey.
  • Boil a medium-sized onion in 0.5 liters of milk and add a spoonful of honey. This mixture should be consumed at night. The milk is very tasty, does not smell of onions at all, and even children drink it easily. A dry cough after it becomes softer and goes away faster.
  • Pour 1 tablespoon of thyme into a glass of boiling water, leave for one hour under the lid and strain. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day.

Warm milk with a small amount of baking soda will help quickly turn a dry cough into a productive one: a quarter of a teaspoon of soda per glass. You can also dilute the milk by half with mineral water or drink traditional milk with honey.


You can soothe a painful, dry cough by gargling. The procedure should be carried out after meals or in between meals. The following fees can be used for this purpose.

  • In equal parts, mix and grind sage herb, eucalyptus herb and calendula officinalis flowers. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and heat for another 10 minutes under the lid in a water bath, without bringing to a boil, then strain. Use warm. The infusion retains its medicinal properties only 3-4 hours.
  • Mix in equal parts coltsfoot herb, peppermint herb, chamomile flowers, marshmallow root, pine buds, leaves of fireweed and meadow clover flowers. Pour a tablespoon of the crushed mixture into a glass of boiling water and heat for another 15 minutes in a water bath under the lid. Pour the infusion into a thermos and leave for 2 hours, strain.
  • Dilute half a teaspoon in a glass of warm water.
  • Helps with severe cough Apple vinegar. Pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar into 0.5 liters of warm boiled water. Gargle every 2 hours.

Do not forget that a dry cough is also provoked by dry air in the room. Therefore, keep an eye on its optimal humidity. If you don't have a humidifier, place a wet towel on the radiator. You can also humidify the air by spraying water or at least placing bowls of water around the rooms. Unfortunately, no one has canceled regular wet cleaning. And maybe you don’t care about cleanliness in the house, but to make it easier to breathe, it is advisable to wash the floors.

Undoubtedly, before treating a dry cough during pregnancy, it is necessary for the doctor to determine its cause. And only a doctor should prescribe treatment for you during this period. Non-medicinal - including.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Most colds with a dry cough during pregnancy occur in the first trimester. This is due to a sharp decrease in the immune system. It is impossible to do without deterioration of immunity, since otherwise the body will reject the fetus. The task of any woman during pregnancy is to raise her protective resources using folk methods and drugs that do not have a harmful effect on the child.

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman’s life when any illnesses for her body are not only undesirable, but also dangerous. Despite the widespread development that has received modern medicine, even the most harmless medications during pregnancy can have an adverse effect.

Due to decreased immunity, most often a woman during this period is exposed to infections, which lead to a dry cough and hard breathing. In this case, it is not recommended to take familiar medications, even ordinary medicines, since the chemical antiseptic components of almost all of them can be dangerous.

An important point is the correct diagnosis of the cause of a dry cough. The process of its appearance is caused by irritation of the surface of the mucous membrane of the respiratory trachea, which ultimately leads to reflex spasms of the throat. This can be caused not only by infectious diseases, but also by various mechanical and chemical influences.

The etiology of dry cough in a pregnant woman is very important, since the choice of the drug that will be used for therapy depends on this. Among the main causes of dry spasm are the following::

  1. The consequences of any diseases associated with the oral cavity, most often infectious sinusitis. A dry cough may be a consequence of untreated inflammation.
  2. An allergic reaction whose source is unknown. A common occurrence There is a dry cough in response to certain smells and even food products, which have not been observed before.
  3. A dry cough in a pregnant woman can occur as a symptom of an acute respiratory disease caused by any infection. This will require complex treatment of the entire disease, with the use of mucolic drugs, as well as adherence to a certain regime for the procedures.
  4. Often pregnancy does not stop the expectant mother from such bad habit like smoking. Tobacco smoke can provoke a persistent dry cough and also cause irreparable damage to the development of the fetus.
  5. The stressful situation in which pregnant women often find themselves causes a dry cough. The basis of worries is usually concern for the unborn child, although this is not recommended by gynecologists.
  6. Often the cause of a dry or wet cough with sputum is unfavorable air in the room. This type of reflex is caused by insufficiently humidified air. This is why pregnant women are advised to purchase an indoor humidifier.
  7. Airborne dust particles can also trigger a dry cough reflex.
  8. Heart failure often manifests itself in the form of various symptoms from the larynx and even nasal passages; a dry cough often indicates heart problems. No sputum discharge is observed.

Despite such a wide range of causes that cause dry cough, the frequency at the beginning is usually colds, making breathing difficult. At the same time, it is strictly not recommended to ignore such a problem, since untreated inflammation, especially if it is of a bacterial nature, can lead to pathologies in the developing fetus.

Usually, for the treatment of dry cough in pregnant women, drugs used in traditional medicine are not used, and preference is given to drugs that are obtained from prescriptions traditional methods therapy.

Treatment of dry cough during pregnancy

The use of traditional medicine methods for the treatment of a woman’s dry cough reflex during pregnancy is based on taking mucolic herbal preparations, inhalations, rinses, sprays and the use of various decoctions. Special compresses are effective. Taking antibacterial and antiviral drugs pharmaceutical cough remedies are not only prohibited, but also dangerous, especially in the first trimester.

However, modern medicine offers to treat the disease with drugs that are allowed not only during pregnancy, but also while feeding the child. Moreover, some of them are recommended for use even at early pregnancy.

However, it is strictly not recommended to independently prescribe a treatment regimen for dry cough, since even an ordinary compress can lead to irreparable consequences. Only a doctor, having studied the characteristics of the patient’s body, can create a competent treatment regimen for the disease and select medications that will not harm the health of the child and the expectant mother.

Features of therapy in the first trimester

The initial three months of pregnancy are the most dangerous and important in the formation of the unborn child. It is at this stage that the formation of all systems occurs, as well as, in fact, the transformation of the embryo into a person. Now future baby defenseless to everyone infectious diseases, but cough medications can also be dangerous for him.

The ideal option for the first trimester of pregnancy would be a complete absence of illnesses of any kind, however, if a dry cough does appear, it is important to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe mucoltic drugs and advise treating the problem with certain traditional medicine.

Initially, the doctor prescribes the most gentle methods aimed at eliminating the cause of cough and easing breathing. These methods are based on the use of antiseptic substances such as honey and raspberry jam, as well as warm drinks and rinsing with soda. If treatment does not bring results, the doctor prescribes pharmaceutical drugs that are safe during pregnancy. However, their safety is relative; the possibility of harmful effects cannot be excluded.

There are the following forms of pharmaceutical drugs that are allowed to be taken to treat a pregnant woman:

  • dry cough tablets;
  • medicines;
  • syrups;
  • antibacterial sprays (if urgently needed);
  • lollipops;
  • medications for inhalation.

To treat dry cough, drugs such as “Mukaltin”, “Marshmallow Root” in the form of syrup, as well as some drugs whose safety has not been confirmed are freely used. The table of contents includes the medicines “Gedelix” and “Bronchicum”. Homeopathic medicines and dietary supplements are also popular, the effectiveness of which, however, with scientific point vision has not been confirmed. The first group includes the drug “Stodal”, which is also used for wet coughs with sputum during pregnancy, and the second group includes “Bodyfilus Flora Force”.

The basis of these medicines are herbal compositions that help cope with respiratory disease.

In addition to these drugs, doctors can prescribe such effective mucolic cough remedies as “Sinekod”, “Stoptussin” and “Gerbion”. All these drugs, made on the basis of natural ingredients, help treat not only dry but also wet coughs, while being relatively safe for the health of the unborn child.

The second and third trimesters of pregnancy are less dangerous periods for the formation of the fetus. Treatment of dry cough at these stages is carried out using similar means, and it will be possible to take antibacterial agents if the need for therapy is higher than the possible threat to the health of the unborn child.

Sprays, rinses and inhalations

In addition to tablets, mixtures and natural-based syrups, which are on the list of drugs prescribed for the treatment of dry cough during pregnancy, doctors find it advisable to prescribe drugs with other effects.

Very popular are effective medications with mucoltic and antibacterial effects, produced in the form of sprays. Such drugs are classified as instant-acting medications, since their particles fall directly on the mucous membrane of the respiratory system and begin their active action. Unpleasant symptoms such as a sore throat, swelling and dryness disappear immediately after using the spray, and medications of this kind do not have a negative effect due to local use, since they do not enter the bloodstream. Therefore, they are allowed during pregnancy.

Recommended sprays for illnesses in pregnant women in the form of sprays: “Tantum-verde”, “Inhalipt”, “Chlorophyllipt”, “Cameton”, “Hexoral”. All these medications have an anti-inflammatory effect and help fight bacteria that have settled on the mucous membrane.

The second safe way of local treatment of dry and wet cough with sputum in pregnant women, after the spray, is the use of rinses with various harmless compounds. Thus, pathogenic microorganisms are “washed out” directly from the mucous membrane of the throat. The most common effective rinsing preparations approved for pregnant women are “Miramistin”, “Furacilin”, “Chlorophyllipt”, “Rotokan”, mixtures of soda, iodine, and also sea ​​salt. The effectiveness of cough procedures will depend on their frequency; with their help, you will be able to quickly expectorate mucus from the first day of use. Rinsing also allows you to disinfect the oral cavity and surfaces of the respiratory mucosa.

Another option for local treatment to help treat dry cough is inhalation using the mixture various oils and special solutions.

With proper procedures, the antitussive effect will be achieved instantly, expectoration of mucus will become easier, and irritation of the surface of the mucous membrane of the throat will become less noticeable. However, it is not recommended to carry out this procedure if there is a high temperature, and the composition for the procedure must first be agreed upon with a doctor.

It is undesirable to carry out antitussive inhalations using a mixture of pharmaceutical drugs; it is necessary to use traditional medicine. For example, a composition based on honey will be very effective, and

also steamed boiled potatoes and herbal infusions. In the absence of allergic reactions, eucalyptus oils are used to quickly eliminate cough. Modern preparations for inhaling vapors are convenient. As an expectorant to help combat dry coughs, they use regular saline solutions or mineral water

"Borjomi". This is completely harmless to the body during pregnancy, but at the same time allows you to treat inflammation of the surface of the mucous membrane.

  • The following anti-inflammatory solutions can also be used for inhalation:
  • 10 grams of honey dissolved in a glass of boiled water;

50 grams of baking soda per liter of boiling water.

Honey, milk and herbs

Despite the naturalness of the ingredients and the fact that traditional medicine recipes are included in remedies for the treatment of dry cough in pregnant women, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary. Some components used in alternative treatments can cause severe allergic reactions. First of all, to refers to a substance such as natural bee honey. It can be used for dry and wet coughs both internally and externally. In its dry version, the antitussive effect consists of rapid expectoration, but if a pregnant woman had to deal with a wet cough, the expectoration of sputum will be more productive.

You can use honey during pregnancy as an additive to warm drinks, dissolve in the amount of a teaspoon, and also make compresses with it on the chest area to ease breathing. However, do not forget that this substance is naturally a strong allergen.

The following recipes are used for compresses:

  1. Preheat the main ingredient until not very hot. The compress consists of rubbing the chest with honey, this must be done in the morning and evening.
  2. The second version of the compress involves applying heated honey overnight. You can use regular parchment as insulation.

Often this natural component used in combination with another traditional medicine substance – milk. Warm milk helps you cope with the cough reflex, softens the irritated mucous membrane, removing inflammation.

The easiest way to treat a cough is to drink hot water. cow's milk with a teaspoon of honey dissolved in it.

A certain group in folk medicine consists of herbal decoctions, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and help quickly cope with dry and wet coughs. The list of the most effective antitussive plants is based on the following: sage, mint leaves, chamomile flowers, mother-and-mahecha, marshmallow root, linden blossom, thyme, rose hips and others.

Herbal compositions from traditional medicine during pregnancy are used both in the form of a mixture and in their pure form. Doctors recommend the following prescription options:

  1. Take chamomile flowers, pine buds, plantain and coltsfoot leaves in equal quantities and mix together. Grind into a fine fraction, then take two tablespoons of the mixture and pour half a liter of boiling water. Next, heat the mixture in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave and strain. Take half a glass of decoction three times a day.
  2. The following herbs in the collection have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect for dry and wet coughs: rose hips, plantain leaves, chamomile and primrose flowers. These components need to be taken in equal parts, pour half a liter of boiling water and leave in a steam water bath for about half an hour. Strain and take a third of a glass of broth at least three times a day. Since the composition turns out to be bitter, it is allowed to sweeten it with honey.
  3. Pour two tablespoons of thyme and three identical parts of linden blossom into a liter of boiling water, then leave in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. This method is effective for dry, strong cough in pregnant women. In addition to its antiseptic effect, the decoction has rapid sedative qualities; it is recommended to take it at night.
  4. Crushed marshmallow root can be used as an independent remedy to help overcome the dry cough reflex. It is enough to infuse a tablespoon of the product in a glass of water. room temperature about eight o'clock. This remedy is taken in a third of a glass 2-3 times a day.
  5. You can also use thyme independently for a dry cough during pregnancy, pour a tablespoon of it into a glass of boiling water. It should be infused for about an hour under the lid; after straining, take the solution in a large spoon three times a day.

Treatment of dry cough in a pregnant woman requires special care; it is strictly not recommended to try to prescribe one or another remedy on your own. Some drugs can be dangerous not only for the development of the fetus, but also for the health of the expectant mother. It is preferable to choose funds from folk ways treatments, the list of which is based on medicinal herbs and honey.

Most expectant mothers are treated for the flu during pregnancy. The vulnerable immunity of a pregnant woman is to blame. Treatment of one of the symptoms of the disease, dry cough, is complicated by a small selection of drugs and procedures.

One of the symptoms of an infectious or allergic disease. Its function is to relieve the lungs of accumulated fluid in the bronchi. Therefore, treatment of cough should begin with establishing the cause of its occurrence.

The main causes of dry cough:

  • laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis - dry cough occurs due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat
  • , bronchitis - through coughing, the lower respiratory tract seeks to remove excess fluid from the lungs
  • whooping cough is a very dangerous disease for pregnant women, which is accompanied by an intense, debilitating cough
  • , adenoiditis, rhinitis - in this case, mucus flows from the nasopharynx along the back wall of the throat, irritating the mucous membrane, causing a natural reaction of the body: reflex cough
  • tonsillitis (tonsillitis) - here the cough is a response to a sore throat and appears only at the beginning of the disease

Allergic cough is a separate item. Typically, this cough lasts about 3 weeks, without accompanying cold symptoms. Even women who did not suffer from allergies before pregnancy may experience an allergic reaction due to hormonal changes. The list of irritants is extensive:

  • pollen of trees, plants and medicinal herbs
  • book or house dust
  • animal fur
  • household chemicals
  • products
  • medicines

In rare cases, a dry cough appears against the background of cardiac pathology or disease of the endocrine organs (). If the expectant mother has not given up smoking, she is also periodically bothered by a dry cough.

It is necessary to understand the causes of cough together with a specialist; the success of treatment depends on the correct diagnosis.

Why is cough dangerous for pregnant women?

Cough in pregnant women must be treated. Viral or bacterial infection poses a threat of disruption of the baby's intrauterine development. The chronic form of the disease or its complication can lead to premature birth or spontaneous abortion.

A dry, hysterical cough has serious consequences for the course of pregnancy:

  • oxygen starvation of the fetus - coughing attacks disrupt the blood supply to the placenta, the embryo does not receive enough nutrients and oxygen
  • hypertonicity of the uterus - due to constant overstrain of the abdominal wall, the tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus increases, which increases the likelihood of miscarriage
  • bleeding - frequent dry cough is especially dangerous for women with placenta previa, multiple pregnancy: severe muscle strain can provoke spontaneous uterine bleeding

The most dangerous cough is in the first and third trimester. In the first trimester of pregnancy, formation occurs internal organs fetus The child is not yet protected by the placenta, so the most gentle drugs and procedures are chosen for treatment. On later A coughing attack can provoke placental abruption and premature labor.

After 37 weeks, viruses penetrate the amniotic fluid, and the placenta itself ages and becomes vulnerable to infections. However, you should not ignore cough treatment in the second trimester.

Diseases accompanied by cough can disrupt the formation of bone tissue and endocrine organs.

During pregnancy, cough must be treated under the supervision of specialists.

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First trimester: treatment of dry cough

The first 8 weeks are the most important in the development of the embryo: vital organs are formed. The main task of the expectant mother is to protect the baby from the side effects of medications.

In order not to harm the baby, you should know how to treat dry cough during pregnancy.

Inhalations with medicinal herbs: it is advisable to use a nebulizer for manipulation, but it can be replaced with a regular saucepan. The list of herbs for inhalation is limited; it is allowed to brew chamomile, sage, eucalyptus: bend over a container with a hot decoction and inhale the vapors for 10 minutes. At elevated temperatures, steam inhalation is prohibited!

Inhalations are considered the most harmless method of combating dry cough. Steam moisturizes the mucous membrane, thins viscous mucus and facilitates its removal from the lungs. If inhalations do not bring results, herbal medications are prescribed:

  1. Mukaltin. Produced with marshmallow root extract, popular, inexpensive remedy to thin viscous mucus. Used for laryngitis, tracheitis, pneumonia. Dose: 1 tablet 3 times a day before meals.
  2. Eucabalus. Available in the form of balm and syrup, containing thyme and plantain extract. Balsam is used more often, since the syrup contains ethanol. To alleviate the condition, rub the chest 2-3 times a day.
  3. Stodal. syrup that stimulates mucus excretion. It is used at the onset of the disease, the dosage is calculated individually.
  4. Bronchipret. Use under medical supervision. Contains ivy, thyme, primrose extract and essential oils. The course of treatment is from 10 to 14 days.

You should not treat a cough in the first 13 weeks, following the advice of friends: only a doctor, taking into account individual characteristics specific patient, will prescribe the correct medicine.

Cough medications in the second trimester

In the second trimester, some restrictions on medications are lifted, since the placenta protects the fetus from the influence of negative external factors. During pregnancy without complications, the following medications can be prescribed:

  • Ambroxol. Mucolytic agent for complex therapy of bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, pharyngitis. Dosage in tablets: 1 piece three times a day. Approved for use after 13 weeks.
  • Overslept. An effective drug for dry cough based on ivy extract. Available in effervescent tablets. Dosage in syrup: 3 tsp. three times a day.
  • Sinekod. Relieves dry cough, sold in syrup, capsules and drops. The active ingredient is butamirate citrate. Effective for whooping cough, tracheitis, pleurisy. Allowed from the 13th week of pregnancy until childbirth; the drug is prohibited during lactation. The dosage is calculated individually.
  • Herbion with plantain. Improves non-productive cough, removes phlegm, relieves sore throat. The course of treatment consists of 10 to 15 days, 2 measuring spoons 3 times a day.
  • Broncho-gran. Homeopathic granules are safe to use even in the first trimester. Used in the systemic treatment of respiratory diseases. Treatment regimen: 7 granules half an hour before meals 2 to 6 times a day.
  • Pulsatilla. Homeopathic drug used in the complex treatment of bronchitis. The homeopath calculates the dosage individually.
  • Bronchicum. Combined mucolytic agent based on thyme extract. Used with caution, since there is insufficient knowledge about the effect of the drug on the fetus. Produced in the form of syrup, elixir and lozenges.

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Do not forget that even a herbal preparation has limitations: Herbion, for example, is contraindicated in women with hypothyroidism and vascular dysfunction.

Therapy in the third trimester

On last weeks In the treatment of cough, it is advisable to use folk recipes and syrups based on marshmallow. If the intensity of the cough threatens premature delivery, doctors prescribe mucolytics, which are relatively safe in the 3rd trimester:

  • Stoptussin-Fito. Contains butamirate citrate, which stimulates the excretion of bronchodilator secretions. Duration of treatment: 5 days, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
  • Coldrex Knight. The syrup is used for ARVI with elevated temperature bodies. Dosage: 4 times a day, a teaspoon.
  • Gedelix. Contains ivy extract, essential oils of anise, mint and eucalyptus. Produced in drops and syrup. Because of plant composition is in demand among pregnant women, but doctors recommend using the drug with caution due to a lack of data on the effect on the fetus. : allergy. Dosage: 1 measuring spoon of syrup 3 times a day, do not wash it down with anything.
  • Doctor Mom. The leader among expectorants for expectant mothers, although the composition of the drug is controversial. Lozenges, syrup, ointment contain mint, aloe, elecampane, turmeric, basil and licorice. The latter component is not recommended for use during pregnancy: it changes the water-salt balance, which causes swelling. Licorice affects the mother's hormonal levels, which can lead to unexpected consequences in the development of the child. Therefore, before purchasing Doctor Mom, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
  • Flavamed. Active substance ambroxol, so the medicine is allowed to be used in the 3rd trimester. Standard: 30 mg three times daily.

In extreme cases, Libexin or Falimint can be prescribed, but these tablets cannot be taken on their own.

Contraindications for any period

Pregnancy is not the time to experiment with your health. The following drugs are absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women:

Medicine has proven that the active components of these drugs have Negative influence on intrauterine development child. In addition to medicines, there is a list of plants that are prohibited to use during pregnancy:

  • coltsfoot, comfrey - herbs contain the carcinogenic substance pyrrolizidine, which can provoke a gene mutation and lead to the development of deformities in the fetus
  • ginseng and echinacea, eleutherococcus - the composition of the plants contributes to, increases the likelihood of allergies
  • gingko biloba - has the property of thinning the blood, can provoke uterine bleeding
  • St. John's wort - reduces the effect of the analgesic, especially important during cesarean section

Among the methods of physiotherapy, expectant mothers are allowed to gargle and inhalate. The following is prohibited:

  1. Exposure to any radiation.
  2. Installation of cans.
  3. Warming up with mustard plasters.
  4. Electrotherapy.
  5. Hot baths (including foot baths).
  6. Inhalation at high temperature bodies.

Pregnant women should not consume in large quantities (threat of miscarriage or disease in the newborn - rebound scurvy).

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Folk recipes

Treatment of dry cough folk recipes the safest option for pregnant women at any stage. The following rinses will help make a dry cough productive:

  • decoction of medicinal herbs: eucalyptus, sage, calendula, combine the plants in the same ratio and boil in a water bath, strain and gargle for no longer than 4 hours, after time the healing properties of the decoction disappear
  • a herbal mixture of raspberry leaves, chamomile, marshmallow root, pine buds, steam with a glass of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, then pour into a thermos and leave for two hours
  • baking soda solution: 0.5 tsp. per glass of warm water
  • infusion of linden and plantain

For dry cough, Borjomi is used: alkaline mineral water, diluted with milk or water, promotes the removal of sputum. If the body temperature is normal, inhalation treatment is recommended:

  1. Steam inhalations with herbs: linden, thyme, plantain, marshmallow, eucalyptus, lavender.
  2. Inhaling potato peel vapors: a time-tested folk remedy for dry cough.
  3. Aromatherapy. Inhalations with essential oils: myrrh, fir, bergamot, geranium, ginger, rosemary, mint. For the procedure, oils are usually mixed in equal proportions.
  4. . For 250 ml use 10 g. honey
  5. Garlic inhalation. Dry eucalyptus leaves and chopped garlic are poured with a liter of boiled water.

Inhalation has its own rules: after the procedure you cannot speak or eat food for about half an hour, the inhalation itself should be carried out 3 to 6 times a day for no more than 10 minutes. To avoid getting burned, water should not be heated above 40°.

Traditional treatment for dry cough uses compresses: apply a cabbage leaf with honey overnight and wrap it in a towel.

A proven method for coughing is black radish juice with honey, a drink made from milk and figs (several figs are boiled in 0.5 liters of milk, drink 100 g three times a day).

Honey is a serious allergen; this should be taken into account when preparing homemade cough recipes.


A pregnant woman bears enormous responsibility for the life and health of her baby. In order not to rush around in search of a safe medicine, it is better to prevent the disease. Coughs for mothers while expecting a baby include:

  • Daily walks in the fresh air, preferably in parks or forests, where the air is saturated with natural phytoncides
  • Limit contact with people with respiratory infections as much as possible.
  • After visiting public place, large crowds of people, you need to wash your hands with soap, put any drops on your nose saline solution(during epidemics, you can gargle with saline solution)
  • Avoid hypothermia and overheating, dress appropriately for the weather, wear hats and scarves
  • If possible, avoid traveling long distances
  • It is not advisable for pregnant women to travel to countries with sudden climate change.
  • Monitor the humidity of the room, be sure to ventilate the rooms for at least 20 minutes a day
  • Take vitamins prescribed by your gynecologist
  • Establish a work and rest schedule
  • If you feel unwell, you should immediately seek help from specialists.

If a woman has a strong and seasoned body, the risk of infection is minimal.

The main thing in treating a cough is to determine the causes of its occurrence. Self-medication is even dangerous for the health of the expectant mother and her child.

Oct 8, 2016 Violetta Doctor