
How to get rid of drunkenness. How to deal with husband's drunkenness: an original approach

anonymous , Male, 43 years old

Hello! My name is Elena, I am 37 years old. We have been living with my husband for 2 years in total, the last year I started drinking more and more often and almost always with a continuation of 3-4 days. He does not admit that he has a problem with alcohol. Although the 1st marriage fell apart for the same reason. He is already 43 years old, an accomplished personality, I'm afraid that it is not possible to remake him ... But still I really hope that there is a way out. Because I love him and expect a child from him. I understand that I will never be able to put up with his binges. Help me please! Tell me how to behave properly so that his binges stop? How to convince him that there is a problem and I can't put up with it? After all, he apparently decided that I would always endure ... I already put ultimatums "either me or alcohol!" ..

In fact, there are many tips on how to talk and how to behave with an alcohol addicted person, but applying them in life is sometimes quite difficult. It is extremely rare for an ordinary person who does not have experience in psychological persuasion to be convincing in order to really persuade someone (especially a relative) into treatment. Therefore, relatives and friends who are addicted to alcohol should seek help from an intelligent psychologist or psychotherapist. The specialist will help to form communication skills and create motivation for treatment. There are also special groups - for family members of addicts, classes in which they gradually learn to communicate with sick relatives. It is useless to talk to a person who is in a state of intoxication. You should not trust the promises “for later” given to them in a state of a hangover, as a rule, they are not fulfilled. It is better to entrust a professional to build a conversation with an addicted person and pick up convincing arguments that will make him start treatment. All the best to you and don't waste your time!

- a disease of the body, soul and not only. This disease is partly hereditary, but also social, which is directly related to how a person feels in society: what is his status, how successfully he realizes his creative, business potential and how happy he is in love and family affairs. It often happens that, being dissatisfied in one of the social spheres, a man tries to compensate for the negative feelings of failure with alcohol, which is known for relieving feelings of dissatisfaction, stress and nervous tension, and increases self-esteem. However, the state that alcohol can provide for a short time gives temporary comfort and you want to repeat it again and again. There is a stable psychological and physical dependence, against which the disease develops - alcoholism.

Tactics in the fight against drunkenness and alcoholism

Practitioners and theorists from psychology and medicine are well aware that it is almost impossible to fight alcohol addiction alone. If the patient has a family, then all family members should help the person get out of the hole into which he fell of his own free will or against his will. The leading role in this struggle, of course, must belong to the wife, who must stock up on patience and perseverance. Of course, something will have to be radically changed in one's own life, including the environment. So, in order.

Awareness of the problem is the first important step

In addition to the fact that the wife will have to find the strength and desire to fight for her husband, she will obviously need a lot of time and effort to make a person realize that his addiction to alcohol is already an addiction, a disease, the next stage of which will be death. To scare, of course, is pointless and unproductive. You should try to speak with the patient in an even tone, arguing with facts that reflect the negative impact of alcohol on all areas of a person's life: family, work, health, friends. This stage is perhaps the most difficult, since a person who has become addicted is not able to realize the perniciousness of his addiction.

At the same time, it is worth finding out the reasons that prompted the patient to take this path, and if possible, they must be eliminated: change work, environment, atmosphere of communication in the family, find a new occupation, etc.

Demonstrative behavior

In the family and immediate environment of an alcoholic, an atmosphere of intolerance towards alcohol and the procedure for taking alcoholic beverages should be created. Moreover, one should try to force a person to reconsider his psychological attachment to alcoholic beverages. It is advisable to show this with your behavior - step back, do not care, do not communicate, or allocate money from the family budget that can be spent on purchasing alcohol, etc. a full life with children, limiting contact with an alcoholic. In the early stages, such tactics can be very effective, and in an attempt to save the family, a person can give up addiction.

health care

Another important factor that encourages a person to stop drinking alcohol can be his own health, which, for obvious reasons, is getting worse. After all, only in the first hours and minutes of drinking alcohol is there an emotional upsurge and cheerfulness. Soon, alcohol intoxication makes itself felt in full and there is a complete physical dependence. Alcohol quickly disables the kidneys, liver, entire digestive tract, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Deteriorating health is one of the most important factors that prompted a single former alcoholic to give up a destructive habit.

New Traditions

It is necessary to change the traditions that existed before. First of all, this concerns the traditions of celebrating events and dates with the obligatory presence of alcohol on the table. From now on, alcohol should be completely absent, and a dry law should be established in the family so that there is not a single chance to experience the already unstable nervous system of an alcoholic.

new hobby

Free time and rest time should be filled with some other activity when the head, hands or feet are busy. We must try to find what once interested or fascinated the husband, and fill the time freed from drinking with what will give him pleasure.


There are contraindications. Need expert advice
withdrawal from binge, remove withdrawal symptoms, call a narcologist at home, call a psychiatrist at home, private ambulance

New environment

Changes should affect the environment in which the husband traditionally liked to drink strong drinks. When it comes to colleagues, it will be difficult to change the situation here without changing the place of work, but if it is feasible, then it is worth taking this step. Friends who like to drink will gradually fall out of sight of the spouse themselves if he is passionate about a business, a new hobby, or he has interesting and achievable goals.

Each of the proposed actions taken by the spouse can be very effective if combined with medical and psychological help received from professionals.

Our common task is to help a person who has made the only right choice, to defend him, not to let him break down halfway, and the specialists of the KORSAKOV clinic are ready to make every effort for this.

The best option: IF THE WHOLE FAMILY IS "SICK", TREAT THE WHOLE FAMILY. But there are many "buts" here. Not every family member will agree to go to a psychologist, rarely wants to unleash alcohol and is alcohol-dependent himself. After all, everyone in the family, this situation to some extent profitable although not everyone is aware of it.
Read my article about it.
And these the hidden benefits are more likely to be more important than stopping the drinking situation in the family.
But you can improve the atmosphere in the house by changing your internal state.

That's why you have to start with yourself. Each step is a work on oneself, with one's soul, on the way to spiritual awakening.

If you or your loved ones have alcohol addiction, come on"MODELING A SITUATION OR A HELLINGER GROUPS".

In addition, conscientious people think that they should help everyone who is in trouble. They think that besides them, no one will help the drunkard, that without them the DEPENDENT will get drunk and completely disappear, and if they refuse to help him, then their conscience will torment them, and the feeling of guilt will not give rest.
Of course, people need help. But this is just not the case. Remember that "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." Even if you part with an alcoholic forever, he will not be left alone: ​​right next to him there will be a Savior who considers it his duty and great mission to save him.

Read about how roles are formed and distributed in the family in my article.«FAMILY SCENARIO. ROLES IN THE FAMILY.

Who can be lost in this situation is you and your children.. Therefore, if anyone needs to be saved, then only you. Accept the situation and the husband as they are, and come to terms (in your heart) with this. Moreover, reconciliation does not mean “give up”.
Reconcile means to start living in harmony with the world around you and yourself, to stop fighting the problem. Struggle always gives rise to confrontation and more often ends in nothing.
No need to hide or break a bottle, prohibit drinking, control the amount of alcohol consumed, make a fuss about it. The only correct strategy is to convince the addict to see a narcologist in order to understand himself, his condition.

You also have the risk of spending all your strength and health on an empty fight. So that, If you really want to save someone - SAVE YOURSELF!
To learn more about this, come to the TRAINING CENTER "5DA!""HOW TO LOVE YOURSELF".

The husband is not at home, and the wife and children think (worry, worry) about one thing, what kind of dad will come home: drunk or not, or slightly tipsy, calm or violent, what to say to him this time (let him in or not, feed or put him to bed, yell, cry, throw a tantrum, keep silent). A woman is considering a strategy for her behavior. This cannot be done.

Read about how roles are formed and distributed in the family in my PSYCHOLOGICAL ARTICLE “FAMILY SCENARIO. ROLES IN THE FAMILY.

You should not subordinate your whole life to this problem (cycle on it), get rid of it. Find yourself other worries, interests, hobbies.
Finally, this is your life, and it depends on you what you fill it with. Let the alcoholic solve his own problems (find money for a bottle and repay debts, code, get home drunk, get himself out of a sobering-up station, pay fines).

To understand the problem, visit"Constellations according to Helinger".


If you were not at some inner level equal and worthy of each other, you would never become a couple.. Think about what you are equal and similar? This does not mean that you have to be a copy of each other and look like twin brothers, but there are definitely similarities in some ways (for example, you are both losers, you have low self-esteem, you envy successful people).

You will learn more about this in the online training.

Although there are cases when a woman is prone to alcoholism, but blocks (“slows down”) this tendency in herself. Unconsciously blocks or consciously, because he knows that drunkenness is bad, you can’t drink, that there are other important concerns, for example, children. Or because she is afraid to sleep, or because, once she herself got very drunk and rowdy, and then she experienced a feeling of shame and disgrace.

And she attracts a man with the same tendency to alcoholism, who does not have this “brake”, and experiences the same feelings of shame and disgrace, but because of her husband’s debauchery. Years go by life together, a block may be removed from her, and then the woman also begins to become an inveterate drunkard with her husband, or begins to use drugs.

A woman who is strongly feminine attracts a man who is strongly masculine. And, on the contrary, if a woman has a strong masculine principle, then men appear in her life who have a strong feminine principle.

In this way, together there are a strong, domineering woman and a weak-willed, insecure man (alcoholic).

This does not contradict the previous rule. It’s just that the whole world is dual, and by nature we are dual, that is, we have opposite qualities: we manifest some in life, show the world, others are deeply hidden inside us, and we are not aware of them. How much kindness we have, so much anger; how much strength, so much weakness.

You can work it out in our online training"STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIPS".

To do this, you need to forgive and accept your husband as he is through meditation."FORGIVENESS OF MEN".

Often a woman knows that her future spouse is abusing alcohol, she is dissuaded from her choice by relatives and friends, but she turns a blind eye to this: “I can handle it! Our love is stronger than this!"
And this is already pride, exaltation (elevation) of oneself and one’s abilities: “I can do everything, everything is subject to me, I will correct it.” In this case, the situation shows that not everything in the world is within your control and strength, that you are not the Lord God, and you will have to admit this (life will force you). So life, through humiliation, “heals” your pride (so that it “does not go off scale”).


An empathic person literally gets into your shoes, everyone feels “their own” in him. Alcoholics are the most empathic. This is the "hook" on which they, without realizing it, catch women.

Sometimes it gets ridiculous. A woman complains about her alcoholic husband (former or present) to another drinking man (well, she didn’t see him as an alcoholic). He understands her, gives advice, sympathizes, falls in love with himself, marries her, and then mocks her just like ex-husband, using an even greater arsenal of means (if the ex-husband only drank and then fell into hibernation, then this one still insults and beats).

Because, firstly, you have a certain model of a family (an alcoholic family), where the roles of the Alcoholic, the Persecutor, the Savior are already familiar, and you yourself have already played the role of the Savior (saving dad from drunkenness).

Secondly, you have a certain ideal of a future husband, and you choose a husband according to this ideal. Most often, he looks like a father (but the type of beloved uncle, grandfather, movie character, first love, or not the first, but very strong, can also be an ideal). If in your subconscious the ideal is a slightly drunk man, then no matter how your consciousness resists, you will be drawn to such men, only you will like them. Others, especially teetotalers, will not interest you.

Thirdly, we, having suffered the troubles of drinking in childhood, strongly condemn it and find ourselves in a situation where we must accept what we condemn.

For this you need forgive and accept the father as he is with the help of MEDITATION"FORGIVENESS OF MEN".


Necessarily forgive him with MEDITATION"FORGIVENESS OF MEN", and myself.

Change the role of the Savior, the Persecutor, the Simpleton to the role of the Weak Woman, become weaker, tolerant and gentle.
The role of a Weak Woman is within the power of even a very strong woman, since strength and weakness are two sides of the same coin. And how much strength is in a woman (man), exactly so much weakness. It's just that this weakness is hidden from human eyes and even from yourself.
It is necessary to discover it in yourself, highlight it and manifest it as often as possible.

How to show weakness? You should not condemn your betrothed, remake, shout and be offended by him. Treat him more condescendingly, after all, together you created such an alcoholic family. To do this, you need to forgive and accept your husband as he is with the help of the FORGIVENESS OF MEN MEDITATION.

Let him be a Man, Head of the family, make decisions and have his own opinion.
If you can't seem to get weak, play weak woman(why not try, even if there is no acting data?), try on this new role for yourself and stay in it.

The TRAINING CENTER “5YES!” “HER MAJESTY, WOMAN!” will help you with this.


Perhaps, every person has the following associations with the word “alcoholic”: a person in shabby, dirty clothes, with matted hair, a swollen face, a blue nose and meaningless speech. From year to year the number of alcoholics is only growing. Alcoholics are mostly men. Female alcoholism is rare.

There is no exact data on the scale of alcoholism, but there is information about its sad consequences. These are babies who were born ugly in a family of alcoholics. These are murders, rapes, robberies and drunken accidents. These are broken families and unhappy wives who were left without fathers of children. How to deal with drunkenness of a husband?

The problem of alcoholism is extremely difficult to solve, because the alcoholic considers himself a normal, healthy person and does not want to accept any help. However, there effective methods, allowing to fight with her husband an alcoholic.

How to deal with an alcoholic?

Before telling her husband about the need for treatment, the wife must form a clear idea of ​​what exactly should be said and how to do it correctly.

Facts are needed, thanks to which the wife will know for sure how to deal with an alcoholic. In order to correctly explain to your husband about the dangers of alcoholism and its consequences, you need to adopt certain knowledge about how to deal with your husband. Here are some facts:

  1. Alcohol destroys all systems in the human body. For example, in people who often drink, fingers, eyelids and the tip of the tongue tremble, and this is nothing more than the destruction of the peripheral nervous system. If an alcoholic sweats a lot, and his hands become cold, it means that he has already encountered a disorder of the autonomic nervous system. People who have been drinking for quite a long time and do not fight it in any way, their eyesight, hearing and sense of smell are deteriorating.
  2. Alcohol also has a negative effect on the gastric mucosa. All its functions are disturbed, chronic gastritis develops. Alcohol does the most harm to the liver. If you drink alcohol for a long time, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver will develop. Alcohol often affects the pancreas (pancreatitis). Alcohol in large quantities disturbs the heart rhythm and causes irreversible changes that occur in the cells of the heart and brain. All this can lead to cardiac arrest.
  3. Alcohol has a detrimental effect not only on the body, but also on the human brain. If you systematically drink alcohol for several years, irreversible changes will occur in the brain. First, the cerebral cortex, in which all mental activity takes place, will undergo these changes. A few years of constant drinking can completely destroy your brain. If a person starts drinking, he loses his creative thinking. Alcohol can destroy the finest parts of the brain, disrupt its functions and deprive a person of the opportunity to perform intellectual work.

Various myths of alcoholics

The wife must understand that she will not immediately convince her husband that he needs to be treated. Most often, more than one conversation is carried out on the topic of alcoholism. Often the drunkard stubbornly keeps the defense, telling different myths.

Myth one: "There should be a desire to quit drinking." This myth is partly true. If the husband has no desire to give up alcohol, all the efforts of the wife will be in vain, even if both spouses struggled with addiction. However, he is mistaken in that there may be a desire to end alcohol on your own.

The appearance of attachment to something cannot contribute to the emergence of a desire to get rid of this attachment. Only some serious negative cases can induce him to end this: a serious illness or injury, loss of a job, etc. If nothing like this happens, the alcoholic is unlikely to have a desire to stop drinking alcohol.

Myth two: "When I want to, then I'll quit." This myth, like the previous one, cannot be trusted. Even in the event that an alcoholic decides to give up alcohol for a while, he will not be able to hold out for a long time in this state without someone's help.

Myth #3: “I can drink as much as I want.” This myth is partly true, since all people are free and decide for themselves what to do. But when an alcoholic fights for his rights, he infringes on the rights of everyone else.

Myth four: "If you treat alcoholism, your health and psyche will be damaged." Such beliefs can be attributed to a typical manifestation of a consciousness damaged by alcohol, which does not want to change the usual way of life. The wife should not succumb to such a provocation. She must continue to fight her husband's drinking.

Myth five: “The family is to blame for all this. Because of her, I drink." Often the wife is so weak and so tired of such a relationship that she is ready to take all the blame for what is happening on herself.

Myth six: "I'll give up alcohol tomorrow." Some promise to quit tomorrow, some - starting on Monday or even after the new year. However, the same thing happens every time.

Do not believe these myths, go to action and fight!

Rules of conduct for the wife

If the wife was still able to convince her husband that she needed treatment, she should evaluate her behavior from the outside and understand what type of wife she belongs to. Depending on this, it is necessary to overcome those shortcomings that may make the husband drink.

Slave wife. If the wife is too submissive, the husband becomes insolent and ungrateful. To end this, you need to awaken your self-esteem. Find the strength in yourself to fight alcoholics.

Drinking wife. Loading her husband to failure with household chores, the wife does not allow him to rest and at the same time does not show any gratitude. To change the situation, try to notice in your husband not only flaws, but also virtues. Praise him often and watch how his behavior changes.

The wife is a brawler. Such a wife usually seeks from her husband either alienation, which is hidden under submissiveness, or divorce, which arises from constant scandals. In any case, frequent scandals will not help the husband stop drinking. And if so, why bother?

A wife who is indifferent to her husband. Not only will such a wife not help her husband quit alcohol, she deprives him of any incentive to fight to overcome this addiction.

Wife in bathrobe and slippers. Such a wife, who has become a housewife, ceases to be a woman and a mistress. She gets bored. In the relationship of such couples there is no spark, zest.

The wife is a traitor. A wife who finds herself in this situation must decide what is the best option for her: live her whole life with an alcoholic, cheating on him all the time, or stop cheating, save her husband and improve family relations.

Dictator wife. A wife who is used to controlling her husband in everything needs to slow down and do everything possible to make her husband feel like a man, not a rag.

Follow these tips, then neither male nor female alcoholism will be terrible.


Alcoholism is considered one of the worst diseases, which affects about 20% of the population. Today, everyone who has even indirectly encountered it must fight this social problem. Seeking support from women who do not know how to live with an alcoholic husband. Psychologist's advice in this case, the correct solution will be prompted. The wife has two options: leave from the problem or solve it gradually with a guarantee of a full recovery.

Drunkenness or alcoholism

Alcoholism is a disease that cannot be escaped. The source of the disease is drunkenness.

Experts note the main differences between these categories:

  • Drinking is a habit that is self-controlled by a person. He is able to drink on holidays or refuse this opportunity. With alcoholism, desire cannot be controlled. Ordinary booze does not pull out of the routine life and does not interfere. Illness - begins to destroy working capacity, social development;
  • Alcoholism is an addiction that has manifestations, like drug addiction. If a person does not take a dose, withdrawal symptoms, depression, psychological disorders with sleep disturbances begin. Drunkenness has no such symptoms;
  • Alcoholism does not go away so easily, as the desire only intensifies;
  • Drunkenness erases memory in fits and starts for a short time. Alcoholics may not remember what is happening.

At first glance, alcoholism and drinking are different. But in fact, they have a rather thin line between them. Yes, these concepts are different, but the transition from one state to another can occur at any time depending on the stability of the organism.

An alcoholic is a person who cannot imagine life without alcohol. He will find a reason to drink anyway. It is difficult for him to control his behavior, and persuasion and complaints do not work on him. Even if he wanted to, he would not be able to give up the addiction.

Such people start to panic if they refuse to provide regular grams. Especially often relatives suffer because of inadequate decisions and actions that an alcoholic makes. For the sake of getting a bottle, an addict can sell things taken from home. In this case, conversations and moralizing will not help, treatment is necessary.

In case of any abnormal reactions of the husband, it is necessary to contact specialists. Sometimes it comes to the fact that doctors come to the house to calm the alcoholic. After conducting an accurate and close analysis, you need to start thinking about how get rid of alcohol in the family.

The life span of an alcoholic

A common misconception is that an alcoholic lives a long time.

If you have a friend old man, suffering from this disease, do not rush to make a sudden conclusion. Perhaps he has only recently started drinking or is one of the few exceptions. Genetics also plays an important role, the presence of hereditary pathologies that affect these processes.

It is noted that drinking man does not look his age. The alcoholics we see seem like old people to us, so we think they live a very long time. In fact, it is only an illusion.

Is there a woman's mistake in this?

To prevent drinking from becoming a disease, it is necessary to independently control the process, making efforts so that the habit does not become permanent.

A large number of wives in the process of fighting the green snake choose the wrong tactics, which exacerbates the situation:

Is such a life with an alcoholic necessary?

Is it worth it to live in the same apartment with a person who drinks? Every woman at least once had such a question, but only a few left. This is due to the fact that many ladies feel like lifeguards. Everyone has a desire and desire to change into a beloved husband, they believe that there is hope. But as practice shows, an independent solution to the problem does not lead to anything.

If the fight against alcohol addiction has become a perennial problem, and no forces look for new ways to survive near With drunkard- leave. A loved one always hopes for the best, need look through rose-colored glasses.

If the family has a common child, you need to think about his emotional state. It won't be a betrayal if you feel the need to leave. You will know that you have made attempts that no one appreciated.

It is difficult and unbearable to fight the husband's alcoholism, not every woman is able to cope. It is better to take on the responsibilities of a single mother than to once again plunge into the experiences and constant torment that children will experience. The fate of the mother and father should not be reflected in the life of the child.

If you leave

You need to prepare for the fact that the first time you do not leave. If the husband begins to swear that he will be good father and what relations will change: he will overcome on his own alcoholism- you have to give it a chance. If you give more than one chance, history will repeat itself, and wino will lose his family.

A simple escape on emotions will not bring results. The decision must be conscious, planned. You should think about the place where to go: it can be relatives, parents, friends. If after the loss of a family wino don't think about your actions need start an independent life without him.

The mistake of many women is that they blame themselves for what they have done. The addict got the right to choose, and made the decision himself. You must understand that you are not a victim, you deserve a better life. You should rise up and say " I more I don't want endure at home permanent drunkenness. I want live life happy woman."

Tips psychologist for wives of alcoholics, how survive drunkenness

You can not force it, as it is a waste of time, a woman must rebuild herself by changing her behavior.

Husband is an alcoholic: what should a woman do and how to behave

Healing steps

Adhere to these rules in getting rid of alcoholism:

  1. Complete exclusion of alcoholic drugs, funds, drinks from the house. Sometimes the alcoholism of one person destroys the lifestyle of an entire family. If you stop the joint feast, the second partner will take an example from the first. This includes cases when the disease developed due to the influence of surrounding people, traditions, orders that were established in a particular society.
  2. Fencing from companions. Limit the amount of time the drinker spends next to others like him.
  3. Each family member should be shrouded in attention and understanding. Sometimes co-parenting helps the alcoholic to realize his mistakes. Seeing the need for his guardianship, he realizes that the bottle is not as interesting to him as communication with relatives.

It is forbidden:

  • Break into the wino and cause him aggression, especially when he drinks.
  • Defiantly get rid of alcoholic beverages. Thus, the man will look for an opportunity to drink from other places on purpose.
  • Argue.
  • During another quarrel, beat her husband. A binge alcoholic is unaware of his actions and may cause harm in return.

It is important to protect children from physical and emotional abuse. A woman must prioritize and evaluate her efforts in the fight against alcoholism.


How to deal with your husband's drunkenness: tips and tricksHow to deal with the problem? How to save your husband from drinking? Often women are not ready to really help their loved ones fight alcoholism, they behave incorrectly both at the stage of discovering the problem, and during the treatment process and during the period of adaptation after it. Many refuse to take responsibility, blaming the spouse for everything, but in fact, often the fact that the husband drinks is the fault of the woman herself, even indirectly. This is possible in two cases: either the wife indulges her husband and all his whims in every possible way, or, on the contrary, suppresses him. If you still decide to help your husband cope with the problem, then, first of all, you need to explain to him that alcoholism is not a hobby or a pastime, it is a disease that requires special treatment. How to overcome this disease? It is necessary to convince a loved one to seek qualified help and undergo a course of treatment. Most doctors classify alcoholism as a disease that cannot be treated without the knowledge of the patient, but there are those who are convinced of the opposite. Naturally, the treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient will not have such an effect as a conscious refusal, since the desire of a person to be cured is a basic auxiliary factor in the fight against alcohol addiction. In most cases, alcoholics categorically refuse to admit their illness, convincing themselves and others that such their lifestyle is quite satisfactory. It is very important that the patient independently decides to give up drinking alcohol. There are many folk remedies that help get rid of drunkenness, we will talk about the most effective and popular of them below, but the most effective is drug treatment. Elena Malysheva : Alcoholism can be beaten! Save your loved ones. It is almost impossible to cope alone... Learn more... Preparations for alcoholismHow to cure alcoholism at home? How to cure an alcoholic husband or son? In an effort not to wash dirty linen in public, some people try to independently choose drugs for treatment. Healing agents are divided into 3 groups: Drugs that ease the hangover syndrome and the withdrawal from hard drinking. These include remedies that have a relaxing effect and can eliminate the painful and uncomfortable sensations that occur during a hangover. The most popular of these types of drugs are Alkoseltzer and Medichronal, both drugs are quite effective, but expensive. Neutralizing hangovers are also the usual aspirin and paracetamol in combination with multivitamins, the price of these drugs is an order of magnitude lower than the previous ones. Drugs that reduce cravings for alcohol. Medicines of this group are very effective, with their intake, a person completely loses the desire to drink alcohol. Unfortunately, in the territory of the CIS countries, the sale of such drugs is still prohibited, while in the USA and EU countries they are in demand. The cost of these drugs is high, the course of treatment can cost several hundred dollars, but the effect is very long and tangible. Proproten-100 is the only domestic drug of this type, but in practice it turned out to be much less effective. Means that cause alcohol intolerance. They are most often used without the knowledge of the patient. The principle of action of drugs of this type is based on chemical processes that cause discomfort in the body in case of drinking alcoholic beverages. Most of these medicines have a long list of side effects, so they are not recommended to be taken without a doctor's approval. Teturam and Esperal are the most effective and popular drugs of this type. They contain substances that block the enzymes necessary for the breakdown of alcohol. It also includes elements that convert ethyl into toxic acetaldehyde, because of this, instead of feeling euphoric, the alcoholic has a feeling of nausea, vomiting, unbearable headache. According to this principle, a negative conditioned reflex is developed, but over time it may disappear. Lidevin differs from the previous two in that it contains vitamins, adenine and nicotinamide, which help to get rid of toxins and normalize the functioning of the nervous system. However, the price of such a drug is somewhat higher. The Spanish remedy Colme is the leader in all respects, it does not harm the body, is non-toxic and effective, but a significant disadvantage is the price, the course of treatment with such a drug will cost from 40 euros. Therapy with these drugs may be enough to stop the disease and get rid of drunkenness. Folk remedies How to deal with the drunkenness of a husband or son with folk remedies? It is hardly worth believing in the power of various conspiracies and inexplicable rituals, but alternative medicine recipes can turn out to be quite an effective means of combating alcoholism, they are mainly used without the knowledge of the patient. The action of most of them is designed to stimulate the gag reflex. We will talk about several of these recipes. The first way is dung mushroom. Everyone can eat these mushrooms, they taste like champignons, but in combination with alcohol they cause acute poisoning. Recipes with this component will help save a husband or son from the desire to knock over a stack. Since the tool is quite powerful, it is better not to use it without the supervision of a doctor. The life cycle of the dung fungus lasts only a few days, it is very important to have time to find it while it is still light and fresh. It can be fried or boiled or prepared as a powder that will be added to the patient's food. To do this, you need to chop the mushrooms, dry them in a pan without adding oil, and then grind the dried pieces in a coffee grinder. It is necessary to give the patient a powder of 2-3 g every 2 days for 10 days. If, after taking the mushroom in any form, the patient decides to drink alcohol, then in an hour or two the following reaction of the body will await him: the face will acquire a purple-violet hue; there will be a feeling of nausea and thirst, vomiting; body temperature will rise; diarrhea will appear; vision will become blurry; the earlobes and the tip of the nose will become pale. After about 2 hours, everything will return to normal and the reaction will disappear. But because of the fear that everything can happen again, the drinker gets rid of the desire to drink alcohol for a while. A good option the answer to the question of how to cure a husband of alcoholism. The second way to wean a drinker from alcohol is an infusion of thyme. It is not difficult to get this herb, you can buy it at any pharmacy or collect it yourself. There are quite a few variations of infusion recipes, we will talk about one of them. To prepare, pour 15 g of thyme with 0.5 liters of boiling water and put in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Then you need to strain the solution and add enough water so that the total volume is again 0.5 liters. This infusion should be taken 50 ml 2-3 times a day before meals. The dosage must be observed, since the use of infusion in larger quantities can cause nausea and vomiting. Contraindications should also be taken into account. Decoctions of thyme are forbidden to be used by people suffering from diseases of the pancreas and stomach. Other folk methods The third way to help save a husband or son from the desire to drink is green bugs. It is necessary to catch 20-30 such individuals. They can easily be found on raspberry bushes. Put the bedbugs in a 0.5 liter bottle of vodka. Beetles should be infused for 2-3 days, and then you can give such vodka to the patient. The method is peculiar, but effective, it can get rid of the attraction to a glass for several weeks or even months. The fourth method is red pepper. If you are wondering how to cure a drinking son or husband, perhaps red pepper tincture will help you fight alcohol addiction. The cooking method is quite simple: you need 20 g of ground red pepper, which you need to pour 0.5 liters of 60-degree alcohol. The container with such a tincture is tightly closed and left for 2 weeks in a dark place, shaking it occasionally. Then you need to add a few drops of tincture to alcohol, this will cause the drinker to feel nausea and vomiting, thus discouraging the desire to continue drinking. Another remedy that can be the answer to the question of how to cure alcoholism is a mixture of lemon juice and boiled water (50 g of each component) and 2 tbsp. l. honey. The recipe is very simple, but has shown good results in practice. After using any of these remedies for some time, a person will not be able to drink drinks and medicines containing alcohol. The fight against drunkenness is a serious matter, so it’s better not to resort to untested methods after all. The main thing in the treatment of alcoholism with folk remedies is not to harm the patient, so it is important to consult a doctor before using any of these drugs, otherwise there is a risk of serious and sometimes fatal consequences. Additional Tips A good adjunct to drug treatment for alcoholism or folk remedies the patient will follow the following rules: with awareness of the problem and the decision to stop drinking, an understanding should come that all this is done, first of all, for oneself; with each subsequent day, the dose of alcohol consumed should gradually decrease, reaching zero; various types activities, for example, communicate with loved ones, do physical exercises, find an interesting hobby for yourself; while the body weans itself from alcohol, it is necessary to follow a diet with the use of natural juices; it is important to protect yourself from communicating with people who drink, change circle of friends; bars and other places where people drink; all leftover alcohol and empty bottles should be thrown out of the house; it is better to stop smoking, as it increases the need for alcohol; it is important to exercise regularly: toxins leave the body with sweat; you can take a contrast shower, go to massages; it is necessary to avoid stress and overload. If you still wondered how to wean your husband from a pile or how to save your son from alcoholism, we hope the above information will help you cope with these problems. The fight against drunkenness is not a matter of one day or even one month. But a gradual conscious movement towards giving up alcohol brings the patient closer to recovery and achieving the goal. Do you have a loved one who drinks heavily and derails his life? This person is constantly drawn to alcohol and he always breaks down ... appearance starting health problems are noticeable ... He is always irritable and thinks only of one thing ... Your loved one does not want to be treated for addiction, because he simply does not recognize it ... Then no one will help him except you, he is on the last step from the abyss ... Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, methods and methods ... But judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, they did not help much ...

When a woman asks such a question, then for sure she already has a bad experience, she knows what psychological pain is. Such wives become victims of circumstances, turning from attractive, sweet ladies into nervous and intimidated creatures. So, what do psychologists and narcologists advise to those women whose husbands change their family to alcohol?

What spouses should not do

In order to cope with the problem of the family and not lose her own dignity, the wife must exclude situations and moments that will only harm. Here they are:

  1. Do not hide the problem from others and do not be ashamed of it. After all, it’s not you, but he systematically disgraces himself in front of people, gets into unpleasant situations while intoxicated. Let him be ashamed. If you want to overcome the drunkenness of your spouse, a woman should not make lying a habit. Don't shield your husband! We are talking about absenteeism at work, for example. Trying to save the worthy face of the husband in front of relatives, you do not need to come up with various stories to justify him. Let him feel all the inconvenience of the situation.
  2. Live an ordinary full life, and do not devote yourself to a degrading spouse. Do what you love, chat with friends and colleagues. You don’t have to be a nanny for your husband and wait for trouble all the time.
  3. Don't wash his soiled clothes. Let him take care of himself, feeling what he has come to. So husband would rather understand that falls and degrades.
  4. Don't blame a drunken husband. His mind in this state is clouded and unable to perceive anything. In the morning, he may simply not remember the conversation and your tears.
  5. You should not resort to the help of sorcerers and whisperers.
  6. It is also not necessary to find out from colleagues with whom the husband drank, where, for what reason. Why do it? The past can no longer be changed. But it is possible and necessary to try to influence a spouse with the help of people who are authoritative for him.

How to Break Your Husband's Friendship With Alcohol

The first step to healing must be awareness of the problem. Try to have a heart-to-heart talk with your spouse at the moment of sobriety. At the same time, act calmly and confidently. Be consistent, start with the fact that you still love and respect him, but you will not tolerate his degradation. Every woman knows the “weak” points of her husband. Perhaps these are children, parents, a planned car purchase that is delayed due to drinking and holes in the family budget. As practice shows, a drinking person is the easiest to part with material plans, but the tears of a son or daughter have a stronger effect on him. Therefore, you can threaten your spouse with moving and separation from children. At the same time, it is not necessary for them to form the image of a father-loser and a drunkard, whom one cannot and has nothing to love.

In most cases, the husband in such a conversation will argue his behavior with the need to drink and support the company. Then you need to find ways to avoid such situations. It is necessary to discuss possible options for recreation without alcohol; replacing communication with drinking companions for spending time with children. “Colleagues” in the bottle do not have to explain the reason for their absence, you just need to avoid communicating with them, not even talking on the phone.

You can come up with and create circumstances that will force the husband to be busy for a long time and do work that is interesting for him. It can be a repair of a garage, a car, a parent's house.

Sometimes an effective way is to temporarily move the spouse with children to another place. Feeling abandoned, the husband may realize his degradation. Although the reaction may be the opposite - leaving for a long binge. And you need to be ready for this.

If the spouse is surrounded by exclusively drinking people, he has a weak character, then sometimes the only way out of the situation is to change jobs or places of residence. For the sake of saving the family, these are necessary sacrifices.

All the proposed options are allowed when the spouse is in the first or second stage of alcohol addiction. When the husband can no longer be saved on his own, then you need to resort to the help of specialists. Choosing a clinic or medical center is not an easy task. Such institutions should have experience and real results of work. Therefore, listen to a specialist of such an institution, ask for feedback, make a decision, listening to your intuition.