Useful tips

Winter crafts for kindergarten. Simple do-it-yourself winter and New Year's crafts for children Step-by-step manufacturing diagram

Here you will find both New Year's crafts made from paper and crafts from unusual materials. Making such crafts will be interesting for both the youngest children (from 2 to 3 years old) and older children.

For this craft it is better to take the most simple templates– stars, Christmas trees, bells, balls, etc. It is necessary to prepare 4 templates for each Christmas tree decoration in advance. It is important that all 4 patterns are absolutely identical and symmetrical! Therefore, before cutting out, for example, a Christmas tree from paper, fold the piece of paper in half, and draw half of the Christmas tree on it, and then cut it out folded.

When the templates are ready (older children can cut them out themselves), invite your child to glue Christmas tree decorations from them. Don't forget to glue a ribbon or string inside so that the toy can be hung on the Christmas tree!

  • Christmas tree toys made from dough

The process of making such toys is in many ways similar to baking. If your little one loves playing with dough, this craft is definitely for you.

To ensure that the toys are strong and can be painted, you need to prepare a special salty dough . There are many variations of salt dough recipes. But the main thing to remember when choosing a recipe: the more salt you add, the stronger and rougher the dough becomes. For drying simple Christmas tree decorations (as in the photo), in my opinion, this recipe is perfect:

1 cup flour

1 cup salt (Extra)

½ glass of water

If you plan to make toys with many small embossed parts, then you will need more. Soft dough is also good for playing if you do not plan to dry the toys at all.

So, having prepared the dough, roll it out and use molds to cut out figures from it. Don't forget to fasten the thread or ribbon inside the toy. To do this, make a small hole at the top with a knife or secure the thread at the back with a small additional piece of dough. You can also use a paperclip instead of thread.

You can dry the figures at room temperature, but this process will be very long (several days, or even weeks). The process will go faster if you put your Christmas tree decorations near the radiator, or even better - in the oven. At the same time, the temperature in the oven should be very low so that the toys do not crack. We dried the figures in the oven at 50 degrees with the door ajar, it took about 4 hours. It is important to place toys in and out of the oven when it is cold to avoid sudden temperature changes.

After drying, paint the toys with acrylic paints or gouache.

    DIY Christmas tree decorations made from walnuts

For such New Year's toys First of all, you need even halves of a walnut shell. Next, you need to prepare appropriate templates from cardboard - the silhouette of a turtle, fish, bear, sun, etc. The baby is required to color the shell suitable paint(it is better to use acrylic paints or gouache) and attach them to the cardboard template. This is convenient to do using plasticine.

DIY bird feeder made from a plastic bottle

For the feeder competition in kindergarten My daughter and I made this bird feeder.

Generally speaking, the majority of the feeders at the kindergarten competition were very sophisticated, and even an adult would have to work very hard to build them. When I was thinking about the idea of ​​decorating a feeder, I was, as usual, guided by the principle of accessibility for small child. In fact, all you need to know to create such a feeder is to paint the bottle. And indeed Tasya enjoyed coloring the snowman from start to finish. But, of course, I helped her with this, and also painted on the eyes and the carrot.

For the feeder we needed a five-liter plastic bottle and acrylic paints (the bottle is covered with one layer of paint).

It seems to me that this is the most popular craft on the Internet now. This is not surprising, because despite its festive appearance, the ball is quite simple to make. The main thing is to know a few secrets. First of all, you will need a glass jar (preferably close in shape to a ball) and a beautiful figurine that fits the size of the jar; for us it is a candle in the shape of a snow-covered Christmas tree. You will also need glitter, super glue or a glue gun, and glycerol(liquid), it is sold at the pharmacy.

Glycerin is necessary for the glitter to fall slowly and smoothly. When choosing glitter, buy the smallest and lightest, large stars and other decorations will sink to the bottom of the jar too quickly.

First, you need to glue the figurine to the lid with glue (our candle did not succumb to super glue, but a glue gun coped with the task). Then fill the jar with water almost to capacity, add glycerin and glitter. Then screw the lid on and enjoy the beauty. Perhaps, here the adult only uses super glue; the child can handle everything else.

New Year's applications made from unusual materials

In fact, the materials are not so unusual, we always have them at hand - cotton wool, cotton balls, cotton pads, pieces of sponge, napkins, semolina. Applications with these materials look very wintery. Let me give you a few examples.

  • Craft on New Year"Snowflake" made from sponge pieces

For younger children, you can mark the lines on paper in advance on which to glue the sponge pieces.

another option for winter crafts from cotton pads.

  • Mittens with cotton appliqué and lacing

For this craft, mom needs to make a preparation in advance: cut out mitten templates from cardboard and make holes in them with a hole punch.

Taisiya (she is now 3 years 2 months old) Lately She has a real passion for embroidery on cardboard, so she made this craft with special pleasure.

  • Winter craft from paper and napkins

Winter is a time when children can play every day, skate and ski, or during the frosty, cold time they can do handicrafts or play games. In this article I have selected a number of ideas for making crafts for different age categories. They are ideal for both babies and children preschool age, as well as more complex projects - for children of senior school age.

1. Postcard “Snowman from a napkin”

To make a postcard you will need:

  • two white round napkins same size or slightly different
  • buttons for decoration
  • sheet of blue paper
  • green paper for making a scarf
  • red or orange paper - for creating carrots
  • eye stickers from a craft store
  • glue stick
  • marker.


Take two napkins, one slightly larger in size than the other, and glue them to a sheet of blue paper. Smooth it well to avoid wrinkles.

Glue the buttons (You can also draw them or use other decorative elements, for example, pompoms)

Cut out a nose from orange paper (or draw one with an orange marker). Draw a mouth and glue on the eyes.

All that remains is to glue, cut and glue the scarf and you're done!

2. Craft “Penguin”

Have you ever wondered what you can make from a regular roll? toilet paper or kitchen towel? I suggest making a penguin!

What you will need:

  • paper roll
  • black paper (or black paint)
  • orange paper
  • scissors
  • glue stick
  • eye stickers with swaying pupils.


Using scissors, cut a strip of black paper the same width as the roll and also long enough to wrap around it. If you want, you can simply color the roll with black paint or a marker.

Cut out an oval from white paper and two wings from black paper. Also, cut out a beak shape and two legs from orange paper.

Glue black paper around the paper roll. Glue a strip of white paper on top. Then glue the eyes where you want them to be.

Glue the beak, as well as the legs, on the inside of the roll.
And lastly, glue on the penguin wings.

Wait until the glue is completely dry and that’s it, the craft is ready!

3. Snowman - craft for school

What you will need:

  • roll of toilet paper or kitchen towels
  • white paper or white paint
  • colored paper (orange is a must to create a carrot-nose)
  • black marker
  • scissors
  • glue.

Cut a strip of white paper and glue it around the roll. Alternatively, you can paint it with white paint.

Cut a strip of colored paper to create a scarf and a triangle of orange paper to imitate a carrot for the snowman's nose.

Wrap the colored strip around the roll (just above the middle) and glue it with glue. This will be a scarf.
Draw eyes, mouth and buttons with a black marker.

Glue on a nose made of orange paper. All! The snowman is ready!

4. New Year's Garland of Santa Claus hats for classroom decoration

You will need:

  • hat template that you can draw or download and print
  • colored pencils, watercolor paints, cotton ball markers
  • white school glue or glue stick
  • scissors
  • twine, ribbon or yarn for hanging the product.

Manufacturing process:

Print the template. As many pieces as you need to create a garland.
Let the children paint their hats in different colors of the rainbow. My kids colored with crayons.

Cut out the colored hats with scissors.
Apply glue to the top and bottom part caps and glue cotton balls there.

Use glue or paper clips to attach the hats to the thread and hang the garland in the intended place!

5. Application “Polar bear”

Making this painting is a real pleasure! This project is especially suitable for very young children, for those toddlers who do not know how to use scissors.

What you will need:

  • colored paper blue white and black
  • glitter glue or white paint.

Tear off pieces of paper and glue them to the paper of blue color, forming a circle. Make a slight extension on the sides, creating the effect of cheeks.

Continue gluing the paper, creating two small circles - the ears and one larger circle - the muzzle - most of the nose. Use black paper to create a nose, eyes and mouth.

Decorate the blue background with painted snowflakes or sparkles.

Decorate the blue paper with snowflakes or design your own if you want!

6. Snowflake - decoration for the Christmas tree.

Since Christmas tree decorations are an integral part of the Christmas tradition, let’s make some crafts for the holiday tree.

What you will need:

  • ice cream sticks
  • buttons
  • glue. Children can use low temperature glue gun
  • twine or string for hanging the product.

Put wooden sticks on a flat surface, make a star shape. Glue them together in the center with hot glue.

Decorate the product with multi-colored buttons, gluing them with low-temperature glue from a glue gun. Alternatively, you can use school glue (it sticks well, but takes longer to dry) or glitter stickers.

Cut a piece of twine, form a loop, and then glue the ends to the product.
Hang a snowflake on the Christmas tree!

7. Craft from cotton balls “Penguin”

The first advantage of this project is that the picture looks very presentable, and the second is that children of any age, even preschool, can make such a craft.

What you will need:

  • cotton balls
  • 1 sheet of white, black and orange paper
  • stickers-eyes or two small circles cut out of paper
  • scissors
  • PVA glue or glue stick
  • buttons.

From white paper, cut out a penguin shape that consists of two circles of smaller and larger diameter.

Cut a small half circle of black paper for the head and two small half circles for the wings. Cut out the beak and legs from orange paper.

Generously coat the cut out penguin shape with glue. For my project I used PVA glue.
Glue the cotton balls until you cover the entire white surface. This will be the body of the penguin.

Give time for the glue to dry.
Glue the black part of the head and two black wings to the penguin's body.
Create a penguin's face by gluing on its beak and eyes.

8. Painting from cotton balls “Snowman”

I love making snowmen, so let's use the above method to make a picture of a snowman!

Prepare everything necessary materials: cotton balls, white paper, thick blue paper for the background, PVA glue, scissors and various decorations– buttons, glitter, popsicle sticks, stickers.
Cut out a snowman shape from white paper, apply glue liberally to it, and cover the entire surface with cotton balls. After the glue has dried, glue the remaining parts: hands, hat, eyes, buttons...

And finally, you can decorate the picture with sparkles, rain, etc.

9. Paper plate penguin

It's time to use paper plates in crafts. As they say, with a deft movement of your hands the plate will turn into a penguin!


  • paper plate. One plate will make two penguins
  • stapler
  • paint black and orange color
  • brush
  • stickers - eyes.

Cut paper plate in half and roll one half into a cone shape. Use a stapler to secure the edges together.

Use black paint to paint both sides of the cone - the penguin's wings and its back.
Use orange paint to paint the beak and legs. Glue stickers - eyes.
All! The little penguin is ready!

You can make a whole family of penguins and make a garland out of them.

10. Paper plate snowman

You can make not only a craft from a paper plate, but also a painting.

You will need: a paper plate, two small brown or black buttons, two large pink buttons, PVA glue, a brush, glitter or sugar, black and orange liquid paint.
Just take a paper plate and create (draw and stick) a snowman's face on it. Decorate with glitter or sugar.

You can make not only a face, but also a snowman in full height, adding two more plates, creating the torso.

11. Volumetric paper snowman

Let's make a funny snowman that bounces and sways when touched slightly. By the way, you can make such snowmen out of a family.

What you will need:

- two sheets of white paper. Printable paper works great for this project.
- colored paper of orange and any other color, for example red
- black marker
- ruler, pencil
- scissors
- glue
- decorations: buttons, paper cupcake pan, glitter.

Cut a white sheet of paper into strips of equal length and width. Tip: Pre-measure and draw using a ruler and pencil. To make cutting easier, I recommend dividing one sheet into strips horizontally, and the second sheet into strips vertically.

Gather the strips together to form two different sized balls.
Glue the balls together to form the snowman's body.

Glue on a nose made of orange paper and draw eyes, a mouth and buttons with a marker.
Cut a strip of colored paper and put it around the snowman's neck - it will be a scarf.
Place a hat on top of his head - a baking dish for baking a cupcake.

All! The cheerful snowman is ready!

12. Snowman made of cotton pads

We have a great idea to create snowmen from makeup remover discs, let's bring it to life! This application is easy and quick to make even by the youngest children, and is practically inexpensive.

What you will need:

  • cotton pads
  • paper for background. I used blue for the background and white for the snow.
  • details and decorations: pompoms, eyes - stickers, fabric, glitter, markers. In general, whatever you want, taking into account the child’s age and skills.

Glue a wavy white stripe onto the blue background to imitate snowdrifts. Then glue on the discs to form snowmen.
Now decorate the snowmen by gluing a strip of fabric - a scarf, a pompom - a nose, eyes, sparkles - buttons, drawing a smile with a marker. All! The picture is ready!

13. Pine cone owl

It's time to apply natural materials for the manufacture of winter crafts. I suggest making a cute owl.


  • bumps
  • felt beige, white and orange (small piece)
  • sticker eyes
  • PVA glue or hot glue
  • scissors.

If you collected the cones in nature, then give them time to dry or dry them in the oven. You can also buy cones at a craft store - they are already ready for use.
Glue cotton wool to the pine cone, creating a feathery texture. The owl's body is ready!

Now create the owl's accessories by cutting out a pair of wings from white felt. Then cut out a small oval shape to create a head from beige felt, as well as ovals for the eyes from white felt. Finally, cut out a small orange beak.
Glue the cut out pieces where they need to be. Then glue the stickers on for the eyes.
All! The owl is ready!

14. Craft Penguin from a ball

Materials you will need:

  • styrofoam ball
  • black paint
  • sheet of orange thin rubber
  • sticker eyes
  • glue gun
  • pencil
  • scissors.

Using a pencil, draw an outline on the ball to separate the white and black parts. I drew the shape of a heart. Paint part of the ball with black paint and wait for the paint to dry. Tip: I recommend using adhesive tape as a support to make the drying process easier.

While you wait, cut out the penguin's legs into a large heart shape and beak from thin orange rubber. Glue these parts to the penguin.

Then glue on the eyes and you're done!

15. Making a 3D snowman

It is ideal both as a gift and as a New Year's decoration on your shelf.
The process of making such a craft is not at all false, the main thing is to print the template on a printer and fold it correctly.

For the project you will need:

  • good quality A4 paper
  • scissors
  • ruler
  • a pointed object, such as a needle
  • glue.

Print the snowman template
Snowman – head, nose, hat
Snowman – body

Take parts of the head and body, draw lines using a ruler and a pointed tool. Fold along each line and glue, forming spherical shapes.
Cut out and fold the nose.

Glue the nose to the head and the head to the body. You can make a hat and glue it on the snowman's head.
All! 3D snowman is ready!

Well, who has already started preparing for the New Year? The days on the calendar are inevitably approaching the cherished night, which means it’s high time to create Christmas mood! Last year, unfortunately, I did not have time to write an article about our New Year's crafts. However, I saved everything and now, finally, I was able to put everything together

In this article you will find New Year's crafts for children 4-5 years old; some of this, with parental help, can be done at 3 years old; some will be interesting later. As usual, first of all, you should focus on the child. For me, the main criterion when choosing a craft is always its accessibility - so that my daughter can master creative work with a minimum amount of my help, and at the same time creative process it didn't turn out too long

Christmas tree toy “Snowman”

Let's start with the most important thing - with Christmas tree toys. An easy-to-make and, in general, quite impressive toy - a three-dimensional snowman. To complete this you will need 6-10 white circles, which are most conveniently drawn using a mug or glass. Also prepare additional elements: head, hat, nose.

Christmas tree toy “Angel” made of cotton pads

To make one angel you will need 1 whole cotton pad and 1 half, white plasticine, and a thread. First, together with your baby, roll the head and legs out of plasticine. Fold the thread in half and use a needle to thread the thread through the head and legs. Tie knots at the ends so that the legs do not move off the thread.

Now you can start assembling the toy. Place half a cotton pad on the table, drop a drop of PVA glue in the middle and attach a second, whole pad on top. Place a thread with a head on it, coat everything inside thoroughly with glue, then bend the disk as in the photo and secure it again with glue - you get an angel.

You can make very unusual Christmas tree decorations with your own hands if you stock up in advance beautiful napkins winter-New Year theme and plastic lids for jars.

So, first we cut out circles the size of plastic cover. At the same time, we try to get into the circle beautiful pattern, Santa Claus, for example. Note! If the napkins are double, you need to separate the bottom layer and leave only one top layer, with a pattern! Thanks to this, the design will beautifully shine through on both sides of the toy.

Next, we do everything as in the photo: put the circle with the design in the lid, put in a string and fill it with water. It is very important to use boiled (and cooled) or filtered water. This is necessary so that the ice in the toys is transparent and not cloudy. When everything is ready, carefully place the toys in the freezer.

As an option, instead of painted napkins, you can use rowan berries or dried flowers, it also turns out very beautiful.

By analogy with Christmas tree decorations, you can make a whole ice garland. To do this, first fill the ice tray with all sorts of small things: beads, sequins, sparkles, pieces of foil, small pom-poms. Then we also fill it with boiled or filtered water. If desired, you can add dye to the water. And don’t forget to put a string through all the cells of the form!

Another option for a voluminous Christmas tree toy, easy to make. Here you will need to make blanks in advance - 8 multi-colored circles with equilateral triangles drawn on them. To make it easier to fit triangles into a circle, you can calculate in advance how long the side of the triangle should be; this can be done using the formula, where r is the radius of your circle. I hope I didn’t scare you too much with mathematical formulas)) In fact, you can draw triangles, of course, by eye, but then the toy runs the risk of not being completely even.

Christmas decoration “Stars”

The idea for this New Year's craft is taken from the book " New Year decoration from paper" Actually, decorative paper was also taken from it. The book is very wonderful, I already wrote about it in the collection, but this craft If you wish, you can do this without having this book, simply using any packaging or colored paper.

DIY Christmas garland

To make such a simple and at the same time very effective garland, you will need many, many colored stripes. It is advisable to use double-sided colored paper, then inner part balls will also look beautiful.

To make one ball you need four strips. Explain to your child that you first need to glue two strips crosswise, and then add two more to make something like a snowflake. At the end, we collect all the strips in a bunch into a ball. Step by step process can be seen in the photo.

Garland “Men”

I bet you made such a garland as a child, or as a teenager. So let’s not forget such good ideas.

For those who have forgotten: first we fold an accordion out of paper, draw half a man on it, and cut it out. And decorate it the way you want

DIY Christmas tree craft

Now it’s the turn of the Christmas trees. The variety of crafts in the form of Christmas trees is limitless, I’ll tell you about those that, in my opinion, are well suited for children 4-5 years old.

A Christmas tree made from several cones with homemade fringe looks very stylish. The Christmas tree, as in the photo, consists of four cones with a height of 5, 8, 11 and 14 cm. It is most convenient to make cones from a quarter of a circle.

If gluing the cones on your own will be a little difficult for your child, then he will definitely shred the fringe with pleasure. In order for the fringe on the Christmas tree to bend a little, you need to run the sharp side of the scissors along it, as gift wrappers do when curling the ribbons.

Once the cones are ready, you just need to put them on top of each other.

Postcard "Herringbone"

You've probably already come across this craft somewhere; it's quite popular on the Internet. It looks original and is easy to do. All a child needs to be able to do is cut in straight lines and fold the paper.

The Christmas tree in our card is made from one green A4 sheet. I cut the sheet crosswise into 6 strips with a thickness of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 cm. Taisiya cut them, made an accordion out of each strip and glued them with my help.

Craft lacing “Christmas tree”

For those who are tired of paper crafts and are looking for something more original, this is easy perfect solution. Tasya really liked this craft. The biggest problem for mom here is to find chenille wire(aka fluffy wire), although now it is becoming increasingly popular, you can, of course, not find it in every store. Definitely available in stores that position themselves as “everything for creativity.”

So, in advance before class we do disposable plate use a knife to make holes in the right places. The child will need to insert the wire like a shoelace through these holes. The wire will need to be secured at the back by wrapping the wire properly. Christmas decorations Can be attached to the plate using a glue gun. It is most convenient to make the trunk and star for the Christmas tree from plasticine.

Craft “Christmas tree” from plasticine

For children 4-5 years old, drawing with plasticine is a very relevant activity. In kindergartens, children are often asked to “color” pictures with plasticine at this time. It's really very useful exercise to strengthen finger strength.

For a child who is already familiar with this type of creativity, it will not be difficult to “color” a cardboard cone with plasticine, thereby turning it into a Christmas tree. After the entire surface of the Christmas tree is covered with plasticine, it will be very convenient to attach decorations to it - sequins, beads, buttons, small pompoms.

Craft “Santa Claus” from a disposable plate

I wrote about such a craft in detail in my last year’s article “”, take a look there.

Craft “Santa Claus” from a sleeve

And here's another one interesting option Santa Claus. For this you will need a toilet paper roll. In principle, if you don’t have one at hand, but you really want to make a craft, you can prepare a cylinder from thick cardboard in advance.

Together with your child, cover the sleeve (or cylinder) with red paper, separately paint and glue the face of Santa Claus. Add additional cotton wool elements and a cap.

Pencil craft “Snowman”

Surprisingly, this snowman, made last year, has been serving us for a whole year now! I think the craft turned out to be so durable because it is based on a durable glass jar.

The idea was to paint the jar with white paint, and then glue cotton balls or pieces of cotton wool onto it. But my husband, who was sent to the pharmacy to buy cotton balls, bought zig-zag cotton wool, which was completely unfamiliar to me, and it turned out that it was even better suited for this craft! This type of cotton wool is a fairly dense cotton roll, which is very convenient to cover a jar with. Since in this case the can is not visible at all, we didn’t even have to paint it.

If such wonderful zig-zag cotton wool is not available at your nearest pharmacy, then paint it glass jar white acrylic (!) paint, and then stick on pieces of cotton wool or cotton balls.

Refined sugar castle

When Taisiya was younger, we built from sugar cubes, but now we can afford larger-scale construction, this time it’s a castle for the Snow Queen. In general, you can come up with any idea for building from refined sugar that matches your interests and perseverance child, fantasize!

Winter applique

When you add cotton wool, cotton balls, cotton swabs or cotton pads to any application, it automatically takes on a winter look, so run to the pharmacy as soon as possible, cotton wool and its derivatives will definitely come in handy for your crafts this year!

Craft “Crown”

It may seem that the craft does not quite correspond to the topic of the article, but if, like us, you fell in love with the book “The Snow Queen”, then you will not think so

For this craft you will need thick yellow cardboard, sequins, and cotton wool. The great thing about this craft is that the child can cut out the crown himself, decorate it himself, there is nothing complicated.

Bird feeders

I’m also adding here our feeder from a five-liter bottle, which we already talked about. The craft is not only interesting, but also useful


And, of course, don’t forget about the good old snowflakes on the window. As practice shows, for children, cutting out snowflakes is often more interesting than any newfangled and exotic crafts that we spend hours searching for on the Internet.

I wish you a very bright New Year's Eve! Don't forget to check out other articles on New Year's themes:

For those who, despite their inexperience in creative matters, decided to help their child with a craft, we offer ideas describing the process of making crafts for kindergarten on the theme “Winter” with your own hands (photos and step by step instructions later in the article).

How nice it is to sit warm and cozy on a frosty winter evening at home with your children and make something like that. The snow-white landscape outside the window and the intricate openwork of ice floes on the glass evoke motifs and subjects for creativity. For those who are passionate about creativity and to some extent master one or another technique, it is quite easy to come up with a plot and bring it to life, and even together with the child, preparing for a thematic exhibition in kindergarten during the winter, New Year period.

Christmas tree, Christmas tree - forest aroma

Winter for children means, first of all, the New Year! And what is New Year without a decorated Christmas tree? It will be very interesting for the baby to make it together with his mother and take it to the kindergarten to show off his own forest beauty, and even an unusual and very beautiful one. Here are some crafts for kindergarten on the theme “winter” with a New Year tree that you can make with your own hands (photos step by step and descriptions are given below).

Pasta beauty

For this craft, you can use pasta, so beloved by almost all children. Making such a beautiful Christmas tree from pasta is not only pleasant, but also useful. When working with parts of this size, children develop fine motor skills fingers, which has a beneficial effect on general development toddler.

Let's see how to make this Italian pasta style Christmas tree. Let's prepare everything you need:

  1. Pasta. They can be of any shape, not just those shown in the photo. Let your child dig through the pasta and choose the ones he likes.
  2. The cone is the basis for the Christmas tree. This could be a plastic glass with a stem. A very convenient option, since by unfastening the leg, you can use it as a stand. You can also use ready-made foam blanks, which are sold in craft stores, or roll a cone out of thick paper yourself.
  3. Glue. It is better if it is thermal glue, as it glues all the parts instantly. But in this case, you need to do this procedure for an adult, and not trust it to a child in order to avoid burns.
  4. Green paint and brushes. It is better to use acrylic, but gouache will also work.
  5. Any beads, bows, ribbons, rhinestones or just pasta of a different shape for a Christmas tree outfit.

Let's get creative:

Step-by-step photos for this wonderful do-it-yourself kindergarten craft on the theme “winter” are given below for a more visual aid.

Openwork Christmas tree made of paper

Here is another do-it-yourself kindergarten craft with a picture of a New Year tree (see photo below). These are miniature openwork Christmas trees on paper. They can be made very easily and quickly with your child. For one craft, you can make several of these beauties and stick them on the base, arranging the composition in the form of a winter forest and complement the picture with snowdrifts made of paper or cotton wool, and snowflakes.

To work you need:

  • thick paper or cardboard of any desired format for the base.
  • green colored paper.
  • scissors.
  • PVA glue.
  • white paper or cotton wool for snowdrifts.
  • any decorative material to decorate Christmas trees. These can be small buttons, rhinestones, pompoms, beads and sequins.

Let's start creating:

Photo: Paper Christmas tree for kindergarten on the theme Winter

There is another technique that will allow you to make truly masterpieces from paper - quilling. Thanks to narrow, twisted strips of paper, you can lay out openwork, like lace Christmas trees, snowflakes, any animals, landscapes.

The patterns in this technique are fascinating and do not leave anyone indifferent. If you explain to your child the basics of quilling and the procedure, he himself will be able to make a snowflake or a Christmas tree for kindergarten.


The technique involves rolling up very narrow strips of paper and gluing them onto a sheet of paper. But you can also do volumetric crafts made of thick strips using quilling technology.

Let’s take a step-by-step look at the “Snowflake” craft for kindergarten on the theme “winter” with photos and make it with your own hands.

What you will need:

  • office white paper. It needs to be cut into even, identical strips. For snowflakes, it is fashionable to make strips 1 cm wide;
  • scissors;
  • ruler with circles of different diameters;
  • toothpick for twisting elements;
  • PVA glue for fastening elements;
  • you can take a beautiful braid to make a loop for a snowflake and hang it on a Christmas tree or on a wall.

Let's start tinkering:

  • cut even strips of bull paper;
  • Now we twist the elements. We twist all the strips the same way. We press one end to the toothpick and begin to tightly wind the entire strip;
  • we fold all the elements into a snowflake according to the diagram and glue the joints;
  • when the glue dries, you can attach the ribbon;
  • Such a snowflake can be sprinkled with glitter varnish to make it elegant and shiny.

When the principle is clear, you can take on any image. Here are a few more photos of crafts using the quilling technique to help and inspire.

I made him out of what was

It’s very entertaining and fun to make crafts with children from the unnecessary things you have in the house. Kids are very happy when any used household items that are usually thrown away can be used in an unusual way and create a small miracle from them. We offer several do-it-yourself crafts for kindergarten on the theme “winter” from scrap materials, photos and descriptions of which are given below.

Penguin from a plastic bottle

Be sure to make this wonderful penguin with your children, or maybe even a couple. If you don’t send him to kindergarten for an exhibition, then such a cutie can be placed under the Christmas tree at home with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. It is done simply and quickly.

Let's prepare everything you need:

  • two plastic bottles same size.
  • glue (preferably a thermal gun, it glues very quickly).
  • acrylic paints and 2 brushes (wide and thin).
  • some yarn for knitting.
  • scraps of fabric.
  • You can use any filler or weighting material inside the penguin, or do without it, the penguin will be light, but still stable.

Let's start creating a penguin:

  1. You need to cut the bottles as in the photo below, leaving one bottom from one bottle and the lower part a little higher from the other bottle.
  2. Glue the 2 parts from the bottles. The bottom will be the cap, and the higher part will be the penguin’s body.
  3. We paint the entire structure in White color and let it dry well.
  4. We outline the outline of the abdomen, the one that will remain white. Let's go over it again with white paint, and paint the rest up to the cap (up to the top part) with black paint. Let it dry.
  5. Now we paint the hat in any color and with any ornament. First, paint the cap in the main color, let it dry and draw in the details.
  6. Draw a muzzle: 2 dots of eyes and a triangular beak.
  7. We make a pompom from threads. We wind more thread on the fork. We tie the wound threads on one side and cut them on the other side. We received a pompom. Glue it to the top of the head.
  8. Cut a strip from the fabric. This is a scarf, we tie it on a penguin.

An easy-to-make and effective craft for a kindergarten on the theme “winter” turned out, and detailed photo will help you make it with your own hands.


Another wonderful craft for kindergarten that you can make with your own hands from scrap materials. This is a garland or Christmas decorations made from light bulbs that have already burned out.

For it you need:

  • burnt out light bulbs;
  • acrylic paints;
  • any scraps of fabric or felt;
  • braid and rope for the base of the garland.

Let's get started:

  1. First we need to think about who we will make from each light bulb. These could be snowmen, Santa Clauses, dogs, penguins and any other living creatures.
  2. We decorate the light bulbs to match the chosen character. You can refer to the photos provided.
  3. We complement the look with ears, scarves and caps made of fabric or felt. These toys don't require any special pattern, just cut out the piece suitable shape and glue it.
  4. Now we attach a braid to each toy light bulb and, if desired, assemble it into a garland.

Healthy lifestyle in everything

Winter is not the time to sit at home, escaping the cold, infections and colds. Winter is a time for active games fresh air. Skiing, sledding, snowball fights, forts and snowmen – these are the things you can’t imagine this time of year without. Let's reflect this in a craft for kindergarten on the theme “winter”, which we will do with our own hands (photos of such crafts follow).

Funny and mischievous skiers can be made using the templates given below. They need to be transferred to paper, cut out and decorated. Give them ski skewers in their hands and put (glue) them on skis made from ice cream sticks.

You can make several of these skiers and hang them on a ribbon or place them on cotton wool drifts. To do this, take the lid from cardboard box and glue cotton wool into it, and glue skiers on top. The craft can be supplemented with Christmas trees made of green paper rolled into a cone.

Here are some more ideas for kindergarten crafts on the theme “winter”:

  • you can make a Christmas tree from palms cut out of green paper;
  • and the same palms can be assembled into a wreath;
  • snowman from thread balls. To do this you need to inflate 2 balloon and wrap them in polyethylene, wrap them with white threads dipped in PVA glue, let them dry and burst the balls, pulling them out from the inside. We glue both balls one above the other, decorate them with a cap and a nose made of an orange paper cone, and tie a scarf to it;
  • you can use twigs painted with white paint and make a wreath out of them, decorate them with any beads, sequins, pendants you have at home;
  • The craft can be made from plasticine. It could be a winter landscape. Sprinkle it with foam crumbs;
  • Another version of plasticine crafts is a panel. To do this, you need thick cardboard, we apply a small pattern on it and decorate it not with paints, but with plasticine, rubbing the desired color into the necessary areas;
  • Very good and cozy crafts are made from threads. We do them like this. You need to chop woolen or acrylic threads of different colors into fine crumbs (cut finely). Draw a drawing with large details on paper. It could be a Christmas tree and a snowman, for example. Now we coat each part individually with PVA glue and sprinkle with chopped threads desired color. We do this with each detail separately.

To visualize how to make crafts for kindergarten on the theme of “winter” with your own hands, watch the video below. The video shows a wonderful landscape made of semolina. You can do this craft with your child using this MK.

Another video of winter-themed crafts for kindergarten: