Useful tips

All about the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy. All about the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy Belly at 26-27 weeks

The 27th week of pregnancy indicates the onset of the third semester. If at first you ran through tests, worried, tried not to tell anyone the wonderful news. The second one was filled with a considerable amount of joy and impressions associated with the child.

During this time, many acquaintances managed to notice a rounded tummy. And after all the congratulations you said, you finally felt fully like a future mother. Now comes the most exciting period of waiting! The third trimester is slowly approaching. And are you wondering what happens to the baby when you are 27 weeks pregnant?

Pregnancy 27 week

  • Obstetric week - 27
  • Embryonic week - 25
  • Deadline day - 189-196

What happens at 27 weeks of pregnancy?

With baby:

During this period, you already feel the baby’s growth compared to previous weeks. In addition, the baby also feels tightness in the uterine cavity. He has nowhere to hide his small but grown legs and arms. In the calm phase, the baby still pulls his crossed legs and arms towards his tummy and chest. This is the most convenient option.

When you need to give birth, the baby will be in this position, head down. This position allows him to pass through the mother's birth canal without obstacles. But don’t worry if the baby is lying wrong. This is not yet necessary. He has plenty of time to turn over.

Now the baby already weighs more than 1 kilogram (about 1.135 grams). And his height is approximately the same as a papaya fruit (36-37 cm.)

He moves more intensely. The baby's skeleton and its muscles are still strengthening to be fully prepared for childbirth. And because of the tightness, the baby may kick a little and roll over to the other side. Even without an ultrasound, fist or heel kicks are visible.

And it may even seem that your tummy begins to tremble intermittently from the inside. Experts indicate that at this very time the baby begins to hiccup. This is most often noticed in those babies in the womb who constantly suck their fingers.

By the 27th week of pregnancy, the fetal nervous system and its brain are actively improving. Neural connections continue to form. The change from sleep to activity at a more relaxed pace depends on this.

The baby is already moving his fingers and legs, and can imitate sighing and exhaling. Despite the fact that the lungs are still weak, if born early, they would be able to work. But subject to medical intervention. Around this time, the lacrimal glands and ducts complete their development.

Interesting fact! The baby gradually begins to distinguish smells and tastes. He also already notices a bright light through the wall of his mother’s tummy. He may also feel pain (like premature baby) and react to it.

By 27 weeks of pregnancy everything internal organs baby is fully formed. Now they begin to prepare for life outside the womb. This is how the bladder begins to work, removing urine. And the intestines accumulate natural feces - mekon. The endocrine system is also at the stage of formation; it does not depend on the mother.

With mom:

Now that the second trimester is ending, the body is preparing to cope with the very last round. This means that new symptoms and changes may appear.

  • Enlargement of the abdomen and uterus to an impressive size;
  • Back pain;
  • Convulsions;
  • The appearance of stretch marks;
  • Discharge of the first drops of colostrum from the breast;
  • Emergence age spots;
  • Changes in mood.

In details:

Pregnancy at 27 weeks carries with it obvious belly enlargement, it is already noticeable. Also, the uterus is enlarged every day. By the end of this week it should rise about 28 centimeters above the level of the womb. Because of this, the functioning of internal organs changes. Since due to the reduction in space they have to change their position.

This period is typically long for a pregnant woman. searching for the correct position. This is especially true at night. The stomach now takes up more space than before, and finding comfort takes time. According to the advice of experts, at week 27 you should already give preference to the right or left side.

Individual advice: use a pregnancy pillow, it allows you to stay in one position all night without turning over on your back. Plus, it's easy to squeeze between your legs.

Gait women also undergo changes. All this happens due to back pain, which occurs as a result of increased heaviness of the abdomen.

Personal advice: If you start to cramp in the middle of the night, slowly straighten your leg and then try to curl your toes back towards your shin. Walking or massaging your calves may also help. The best way to alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman at this stage is a bandage.

The appearance of stretch marks at 27 weeks pregnant - like a terrible fate for many expectant mothers. It’s also saddening that after the baby is born, they won’t go away on their own. Therefore, after consulting with a specialist, you can start using special tubes that prevent them from appearing.

Breast increased during the first trimester. Now the first thing that can stand out from it is a large number of colostrum. This may accompany the end of the second and the beginning of the third semester. There is no need to worry about discharge from the chest. But if you feel unwell, it is better to consult a doctor.

There is a possibility of development age spots. It is worth understanding that this is temporary. The spots will disappear completely after the baby is born.

And how could it be without changeable mood. The first trimester was accompanied by toxicosis, and this clearly spoiled my mood. Now worries about the approaching birth begin to appear.

What you should know at 27 weeks of pregnancy:

Analyzes: The 27th week of pregnancy is already a serious period. Therefore, be sure to go to the gynecologist. At the end of the second trimester and in the third, a visit to the doctor should be at least once every two weeks. The closer the end of pregnancy is, the more often such procedures will need to be practiced.

During the consultation, the doctor must:

  • Measure the volume of the tummy and the height of the uterine fundus;
  • Listen to the rhythm of the baby's heartbeat;
  • Measure weight and blood pressure;
  • Decipher blood and urine tests.

Digestion and urination: At this stage, constipation, heartburn, and bloating may occur. Now, more than ever, it is important to improve bowel function.

There may also be a constant feeling that you want something “small”. You will have to come to terms with this and walk even 10 times in an hour. It cannot be tolerated under any circumstances. This can lead to negative consequences for the female genitourinary system.

Nutrition: Very important point in the question of 27 weeks of pregnancy and what is happening in the body. Don't stray from the path of proper nutrition. By the end of the second trimester, the volume of the stomach became much smaller. Half of the space is now occupied by the uterus. Food should be taken in small portions.

It’s good if your diet includes foods rich in protein and calcium (milk, dairy products, fish, beef, nuts). It is healthy to eat fruits, vegetables, soups, and cereals every day. Many nutritionists suggest giving preference to buckwheat, liver and spinach. These foods are rich in iron.

Breathing problems: the uterus is now so large that it “sticks” tightly to the diaphragm. Therefore, it is possible that expectant mother shortness of breath, lack of air. Taking a deep breath will now be more difficult.

Unstable sleep. During this period, experiences arise and the approach of the last trimester is realized. Frequent urination is also not the most pleasant thing. It may also be that mother and baby have different sleep patterns. The baby's movements are noticeably noticeable, and any prank or play of the baby in the womb should be there. And you can't get away with it.

You can calm your baby down with gentle stroking and a lullaby. No one can get away from the husband's grumbling at an extraneous sound. He must have a conscience.

Pain and discomfort: they may appear from time to time. And the reason could be anything. Not always, behind the discomfort there is a threat to the condition of the mother and baby. You need to understand where abdominal pain comes from and how to distinguish between them:

  • Pain occurs in the sides or lower back. The cause is stretching of the muscle ligaments of the uterus.
  • Legs hurt, cramps or swelling appear. Cramps often occur due to a lack of calcium. Edema indicates that kidney function is impaired. It could also be a reason wrong mode nutrition, overload in the gym or cleaning at home.
  • Frequent dizziness, drowsiness and severe weakness for no reason. There is a problem with the compressed vena cava, through which blood reaches the heart. Again, it all comes down to the growth and position of the uterus.
  • Pains that torment a woman in anus. Appear due to close acquaintance with constipation. They can lead to hemorrhoids, which must be treated by a specialist in a specialized field.

Allocations: at week 27 they are quite abundant. May remain on linen. Gynecologists convince us that this remains the norm. Except in cases where the abundance is accompanied by a change in color and consistency. Discharge accompanied by blood is dangerous; you must go to the hospital immediately.

By 27 weeks, candidiasis or thrush may appear. The presence of the disease will be indicated by discharge that has a sour odor and a consistency reminiscent of cottage cheese. This is all accompanied by itching and soreness in the vagina. Accordingly, it is important to treat it.

Physical activity: During this period of time, physical activity becomes more and more difficult. Experts convince expectant mothers to be active through “I don’t want, I won’t.” Comfortable clothing and shoes play an important role here. They should reduce the load on your legs.

Classes for pregnant women (courses) are very effective in any weather and mood. In addition to lectures, pregnant women perform special physical exercises.

Emotionality: According to women who went through this stage, they often felt calm. This doesn't mean it will be the same for you. Emotions can cause a hormonal surge in the blood of the fetus.

Sexual activity: no one will forbid you and your husband to continue to actively have sex. If not for this serious reasons. It may be prohibited in case of: threat of premature birth, cervical pathology, disturbances in the placenta, gestosis, oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios.

Pregnancy 27 weeks - what needs to be done?

  • Drink water in the required quantity. This increases blood volume by 40% and maintains amniotic fluid in the membranes. In addition, drinking plenty of fluids improves pregnancy.
  • Take the pressure off your back. Swimming helps a lot with this. Water relieves heaviness from the spine, relaxes the muscles and ligaments of the abdomen.

  • Use a pregnancy pillow, this will help you not change a comfortable position while sleeping.
  • Don't be shy about changes in your gait, and don't try to make your back straight. His belly has grown and now his back helps him with his balance.
  • Use natural panty liners. When you sneeze, you may occasionally leak a small amount of urine. In addition, training contractions may begin to be felt. They are often noticeable after the 20th week of pregnancy. At week 27, training contractions are rare and are not subject to regularity.
  • It is necessary to distract yourself from your worries. For example, you can choose a name for your child, or study its meaning. Start reading books on parenting. It helps you relax. And now it’s important to take care of your nerves.
  • Stop flying on an airplane. Severe changes in pressure can cause premature labor. If a flight is necessary, everything must be accompanied by a doctor’s consultation and a medical certificate. They may not let you board the plane without it.
  • Sign up for courses on preparing for childbirth and caring for your baby, now is the time. Involve your husband in them, it’s also useful for him to learn how to pick up a baby.
  • Don’t forget to talk to your baby, read fairy tales out loud to him, sing songs.
  • If the skin is very itchy in the area of ​​the chest, abdomen and thighs, try not to scratch the skin. This will enhance the effect of stretch marks.
  • You can make love calmly.. Now you can get the most vivid orgasms.

The long-awaited meeting will happen very soon, because the 27th obstetric week of pregnancy has begun. A child at this stage, when born and promptly provided assistance, can already survive outside the mother’s body.

What happens at 27 weeks

The third trimester of pregnancy represents the active preparation of the female body for childbirth and upcoming motherhood. That is why the expectant mother needs long rest and sleep during this period. It is important not to overload your body, since any stress and tension can negatively affect your health and cause premature birth.

At 27 weeks of pregnancy, the baby looks like a newborn. All his body parts are proportional; there are already hairs on his head, and on his face you can see eyebrows and even eyelashes. By the beginning of the third trimester, many babies are already in a head position that is anatomically correct. The pelvic position is a pathology that can complicate the process of delivery. Therefore, during pregnancy, when diagnosing such an arrangement of the fetus, the doctor prescribes special exercises for the expectant mother.

The height of the fetus from crown to heels is about 34 cm. The size of the baby is similar to a head of cauliflower. At this stage of pregnancy, all internal organs and systems are improved, preparing the child’s body for the upcoming independent existence.

There is an active increase in the baby's weight. The baby's weight at 27 weeks of pregnancy is approximately 1 kg.

Changes in a woman's body

In women at 27 weeks of pregnancy, there is a jump in blood cholesterol levels. But this is normal physiological phenomenon and should not be a cause for concern. This is because good cholesterol helps the placenta produce hormones designed to prepare the female body for the upcoming birth and breastfeeding.

During this period, the uterus rises to the level of the ribs, the height of its bottom is about 27 cm. Each subsequent week this figure will increase by one centimeter, and for a gynecologist it is the main indicator proper development fetus

The belly has already grown significantly and this change not only attracts the attention of others, but also causes discomfort to the expectant mother. Women usually spend a long time looking for a comfortable position to sleep, so they often suffer from insomnia.

The mammary glands continue to enlarge and prepare for feeding. All veins are clearly visible on them. During this period, colostrum may begin to be released from the nipples, which stains the underwear. In this case, it is recommended to use special breast pads. Squeezing colostrum from the breast is strictly prohibited.

At the 27th week of pregnancy, a sharp increase in the weight of the uterus occurs, which is associated with the growth of the child. This can lead to symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue and a feeling of weakness.

The main changes in this week of pregnancy in the female body include:

  • The appearance of convulsions provoked by the pressure of the uterus on surrounding organs and nerve endings. To relieve these symptoms, you should rest with your feet up each evening;
  • Swelling of the upper extremities (hands, wrists and fingers). In most cases, swelling does not give rest at night. To prevent complications, it is important to limit fluid intake and include foods containing vitamin B6 in the diet;
  • Leg muscle spasms, which may be associated with a lack of the important trace element calcium in the female body. A special diet, massage and wearing compression stockings will help get rid of unpleasant sensations;
  • Feeling hot and increased sweating.

Also, the 27th obstetric week of pregnancy may manifest itself in difficulty breathing. It is caused by the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm and muscles located under the lungs. This is not life-threatening for the expectant mother, but to improve the condition it is important to avoid heavy lifting.

Weight gain

Weight gain at week 27 is approximately 9-10 kg. Of this mass, the weight of the fetus at the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy is only 1 kg. Because of this increase, your back and legs may begin to hurt. Therefore, you should choose comfortable shoes.

But weight change directly depends on the body mass index before childbirth. If it was very low, then the woman can gain much more than the reference value. But in this case, the increase will be smooth, starting from the first month and ending with the last, and after childbirth all the extra pounds will go away.

For girls with a curvaceous figure and excess weight, the increase in body weight by the beginning of the third trimester will be only 5-5.5 kg. To control weight gain, it is important to eat right and monitor your weekly gain, which should not exceed 400 g, since extra pounds complicate the birth process.

Feelings at 27 weeks

A baby at 27 weeks of pregnancy already occupies the entire uterine cavity. Therefore, the expectant mother feels almost all of his movements well. Fetal hiccups, which resemble vibrations in the abdomen, become especially pronounced. It occurs when a child swallows amniotic fluid and is caused by contractions of the diaphragm.

The baby’s movements are already quite strong and intense, especially with the elbows and heels. He can kick and kick the stomach and internal organs, which causes discomfort to the woman. To calm your baby, sometimes just rubbing his tummy is enough.

Too active or infrequent movements may indicate discomfort for the baby in the womb.. Therefore, if you notice sudden changes in the activity of movements, you should consult a doctor.

The uterus puts quite a lot of pressure on the bladder, so the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. This organ also compresses the inferior vena cava and iliac vein. This leads to stagnation of blood in the lower part of the body. As a result, blood does not reach the brain in the required volume, and the woman experiences dizziness. Therefore, at this time it is not recommended to lie on your back, or sit in a cross-legged position.

Due to the rapidly expanding belly and stretching of the skin, itching may occur. If the itching becomes unbearable, this may indicate a malfunction of the liver due to double load. Therefore, it is recommended that a pregnant woman undergo a liver function test.

Many women, especially first-time mothers, at this stage may already feel fear of the upcoming birth.

The uterus is preparing for childbirth, so training contractions may occur. They do not threaten pregnancy if they do not cause severe discomfort and pass quickly. In the case when uterine contractions are accompanied by intense cramping and prolonged pain, you should urgently contact a medical facility.

A pregnant woman may experience pain in the sides, which is associated with tension in the ligaments that hold the uterus. The pain is especially aggravated by sudden movements.

Ultrasound at 27 weeks

The planned ultrasound examination is most likely already behind you. In this case, the doctor may prescribe a repeat examination in the 27th obstetric week of pregnancy. Indications for the procedure are usually previous infectious diseases of the expectant mother, suspected pregnancy pathology and delay in fetal development.

Using ultrasound, a specialist can evaluate:

  • Position of the fetus;
  • The degree of maturity of the placenta, which should be equal to 0. Its location is also examined;
  • The baby's heart rate, which is approximately 140-150 beats per minute;
  • How does the development and growth of the unborn baby occur? This is done to identify delays intrauterine development;
  • Condition, thickness and size of the uterus.

And also the doctor can evaluate the quantity and quality amniotic fluid. The normal volume is considered to be about 1-1.5 liters. If the volume is more than 3 liters, then this pathology is called polyhydramnios. A detected volume of less than 500 ml is considered oligohydramnios. If such deviations are detected, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment.

If the baby did not reveal its gender during previous ultrasound examinations, then at 27 weeks of pregnancy the doctor will be able to determine the gender of the unborn baby.

Fetus at 27 weeks

The main development of the baby is almost over, now all organs and systems begin to improve and prepare for life outside the tummy.

What happens to the baby during this period?

  • In the development of the cerebral cortex at this time, a decisive stage begins, associated with the activation of neural connections. The fetal immune system is also improved, since it can already respond to allergens entering through the placenta. That is why the expectant mother should carefully choose food products during this period;
  • The baby's skin becomes smoother every day. This occurs due to the constant increase in subcutaneous fat. The baby's metabolism is already starting to work in the body. This is why the appetite of many women begins to gradually decrease;
  • The child’s endocrine system begins to function. The thyroid and pancreas produce hormones, and every day the baby depends less and less on the hormonal levels of his mother. A woman can feel this in improving her well-being.

Fetal development at week 27 continues to occur in the respiratory system. The lungs contain amniotic fluid, which allows them to constantly stretch and increase in size. The vital substance surfactant continues to be produced in the vesicles located at the ends of the bronchioles. It not only prevents them from sticking together, but also protects against the penetration of pathogenic bacteria.

The baby breathes during intrauterine development through the placenta, but he can already make breathing movements thanks to reflexes. The fetus already reflexively makes about 40 movements per minute. Oxygen is vital for the development and proper functioning of internal organs (primarily the heart), and its lack can lead to hypoxia. One of the main symptoms of this condition is rapid fetal movements.

Surprisingly, the baby already feels the tastes of the amniotic fluid and can distinguish them depending on the mother’s nutrition. Sometimes a child, with his active movements, notifies a pregnant woman about which product he does not like. This often happens when eating too spicy food.

Based on the activity of the unborn child, you can determine his approximate regime, which often does not coincide with the lifestyle of the expectant mother. The baby already opens and closes his eyes and is able to react to light. At the 27th week of pregnancy, the fetus can already hear well, and is especially pleased with the mother’s voice. Therefore, this week it is recommended to talk to your baby more often, sing lullabies to him and tell him fairy tales.

Discharge from the genital tract

Due to the fact that pregnancy after the twenty-seventh week can result in premature birth, you should carefully monitor your discharge.

Discharge at the beginning of the third trimester should normally be milky, clear or slightly yellowish. At the same time, they should not contain any admixture of mucus, pus or clots. These negative symptoms may indicate infection, disease, or other dangerous conditions.

There should also be no excessive watery discharge, which usually indicates leakage of amniotic fluid. The release of water can be either immediate or gradual. Small portions of amniotic fluid may drain when horizontal position future mother. This pathology is extremely dangerous and therefore requires consultation with a specialist.

Considered no less dangerous bloody issues, especially accompanied by nagging cramping pain and dizziness. For any change in the color, consistency or amount of vaginal discharge, it is important to consult a gynecologist.

Possible problems

The main problems at this stage of pregnancy are:

  • Threat of premature birth. Childbirth at the 27th week of pregnancy can be triggered by any external and internal factors, as well as nervous strain, stress, falls, and hypertension.
  • Isthmic-cervical insufficiency is a pathology of the cervix in which it cannot perform its functions. To prevent water leakage and early opening, sutures are placed on it.
  • Fetoplacental insufficiency is a dysfunction of the placenta, which leads to impaired growth and development of the fetus.
  • Preeclampsia is a pathology manifested by edema, increased blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine, which is associated with deterioration of kidney function.
  • Oligohydramnios, which is characterized by a small abdominal circumference, low position of the uterine fundus, and inactivity of the baby.
  • Polyhydramnios - characterized by an overly large abdomen and active fetal movements. The cause of this pathology is the presence of intrauterine infection.
  • Intrauterine growth retardation is caused by infections, malfunction of the placenta, genetic disorders and anomalies.

If a woman is pregnant with twins, a problem such as feto-fatal transfusion may arise at 27 weeks of pregnancy. This pathology is typical only for twins united by a common chorion and is dangerous due to the death of one or two babies at once.

A pregnant woman may experience constipation, often leading to hemorrhoids. Therefore, it is important to eat properly, excluding foods that strengthen the stool. Fresh ones should be removed from the diet bakery products, sweets, rice, semolina, fatty meat, cabbage, which can cause increased gas formation. It is also recommended to limit the consumption of nuts, legumes, etc. If the diet does not produce positive results, the doctor prescribes laxatives. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate during this important period.

In addition to constipation, some pregnant women experience anemia and blurred vision.

For warning possible complications The expectant mother should be attentive to her health and undergo routine examinations and tests.

Nutrition at 27 weeks

A pregnant woman needs to eat healthy and balanced throughout her pregnancy. You should not eat fatty, fried and salty foods in excessive quantities. Those with a sweet tooth are advised to avoid sweets and chocolate, which are loaded with harmful substances and contribute to weight gain. It is better to give preference to vegetables and fruits, and for the proper development of muscle tissue and the skeletal system in the fetus, you need to include foods containing potassium and proteins in your diet.

What to pay attention to

  • To monitor the condition of the woman and the unborn child, it is important to go to the doctor on time and take all the prescribed tests. The gynecologist leading the pregnancy measures the circumference of the abdomen and the height at which the fundus of the uterus is located at each appointment. In addition, it measures the blood pressure and weight of the expectant mother. A general urine and blood test is performed;
  • Avoid clothes that are too tight;
  • In the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman should be as attentive as possible to her health and movements. An expanding belly and a shifted center of gravity can lead to loss of balance (especially on slippery roads). It is important to exclude any falls, as they can lead to various consequences;
  • The twenty-seventh week is the ideal time to attend classes and courses to prepare for childbirth. It usually consists of 4-5 classes in which instructors teach women correct technique breathing during childbirth. Yoga also teaches other important things that can significantly facilitate the process of childbirth;
  • Uterine tone, multiple pregnancy, polyhydramnios and the presence of a threat of miscarriage are the main contraindications to intimacy. In their absence, sex is permitted, but only with the partner the woman had before conception.

The baby perfectly senses the mood and condition of his mother, so stressful situations should be avoided. Frequent visits are recommended fresh air. It is also necessary, if possible, to avoid crowded places in order to reduce the risk of infectious diseases.

How many months in 27 weeks of pregnancy

Many women are interested in what month is it in the 27th week? To answer this question, you need to understand how the gestational age is calculated. There is fetal and obstetric counting.

The embryonic period begins from the moment the child is conceived, but the exact day is quite difficult to track. Therefore, it is customary to carry out calculations based on the obstetric period, which starts from the first day last menstrual period. It is believed that in 1 full obstetric month there are 4 weeks or 28 days.

That is why the 27th week of pregnancy is 6 obstetric months and 3 weeks. Very soon there will be a full 7 obstetric months. If we take into account a regular calendar month, then 27 weeks is approximately 6 months and 1 week. The fetal age at this stage is approximately 25 weeks.

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27th week of pregnancy - end of the second trimester. You are on the verge of the beginning of the third trimester, when your body will fully prepare for future childbirth. And the baby is now diligently gaining weight and preparing for an independent life outside your tummy.

Features in fetal development

The baby is growing, his weight reaches up to 1 kilogram, height up to 36 cm. The baby’s weight and height may vary, because each child grows in his own way and gains weight in different ways. It all depends on the mother’s nutrition and the individuality of the body of both mother and child.

The baby has been actively gaining weight since this week, not only because his subcutaneous fat is increasing, but also because growth hormone has begun to be produced. In addition, the activity of other endocrine glands, which are responsible for the growth of the baby, increased.

The baby behaves actively, although every week there is less and less space left for him, but he continues to lie as he pleases, most often upside down, the baby will go down head down a little later. An interesting activity for the baby is to push and touch the mother, which sometimes leads to pain and discomfort. With the help of daily “training”, the baby trains his muscles and strengthens his muscles. He really likes his finger, he constantly sucks it, while continuing to train his sucking reflex.

The reproductive system is fully formed. The girls have completed the formation of follicles. In boys, the testicles finally descend into the scrotum, although there are cases when the testicles do not descend completely, this will happen after birth.

During this period, the brain continues to actively grow, the central nervous system at the final stage. That is, the child’s body has already completely established a system for sending signals from the brain to all organs.

From the 27th week of pregnancy, the child’s endocrine system becomes independent of the mother’s body. That is, the child no longer greatly affects your hormonal state, since he already produces hormones himself. What causes your mood to improve if you previously felt tearful. And the most interesting thing is that if a woman has endocrine pathologies, the baby’s body now produces hormones for the mother, so the woman feels better.

The baby's immune system is also improved so that he can fight infections after birth. When forming the immune system, the baby took most of the antibodies from your body.

The respiratory system continues to improve. Lung tissue, that is, alveoli, grows in the lungs. Surfactant continues to be produced to help the lungs expand after the first breath.

All facial features, nose, ears, eyes have been formed. The baby's eyes are already fully open, they are protected by eyelids and eyelashes. The baby learned to blink. The retina of the eye is formed, the baby can already distinguish the intensity of light, that is, whether it is very bright or not.

In appearance, the baby is increasingly reminiscent of a newborn. His arms, legs and body become plumper and rounder, his facial expressions work with might and main.

Woman's feelings

The second trimester of pregnancy has come to an end. And with it, some unpleasant symptoms returned as in the first months of pregnancy - fatigue and frequent urination. Constant pressure from the tummy on all internal organs, heaviness when walking, constant stress on the legs and lower back led to feelings of physical fatigue. Also, due to the fact that the child gained weight, he began to put pressure on the bladder.

In order to go through the third trimester in a calm rhythm, you must now realize that from next week you will constantly feel tired. Your growing belly puts a lot of stress on your back. You may begin to experience pain in your legs and lower back. Every week it will become more and more difficult to move. During this period, it is time to change the daily routine; there should be more rest than activity.

Due to fatigue and stress, sleep disturbances and insomnia appear. Try to take breaks during the day to sleep; the best option is to sleep during the day, after lunch. During the day, it will be easier for you to fall asleep and find the right position, since the baby sleeps about 20 hours a day, and more often during the daytime, he kicks you less.

The baby has grown up and is constantly pressing on the bladder, pushing you to the toilet even when you have just gone. Unfortunately, these symptoms cannot be removed in any way, you just need to survive them, after the birth of the baby, urination will improve and return to normal.

Some women may experience involuntary urination. It occurs during sneezing or strong laughter, since at these moments muscle contraction in the abdominal area increases pressure on the bladder. To avoid being in an awkward situation, use spacers. Also, to prevent such a symptom, there are special gymnastics for the hip part of the body, which helps in combating this problem.

At 27 weeks of pregnancy, false contractions may become more and more common. The uterus is diligently preparing for future births. There is no need to panic, you just need to be able to distinguish between real and false contractions. First of all, false contractions are not regular and they do not become more frequent over time.

You are rapidly gaining weight and getting rounder. On average, a pregnant woman's weight increased to 9 kg by the end of the second trimester. But this indicator is average, do not concentrate much attention on it, because everyone female body Each woman gains weight differently. But during this period, all women’s tummy has already grown, so it is inconvenient to practice hygiene intimate area and you can hardly see your legs while standing.

The baby's movements have already become a common occurrence; you are used to the fact that your tummy moves when and how it wants. Now you can already feel not only strong shocks, but also small touches from the baby. You also feel a vibration in your tummy when your baby hiccups.

Nowadays you no longer need to weigh yourself frequently to control your weight gain. You can only gain the amount of weight that your body needs, but under the supervision of a doctor.

Useful tips from doctors:

  • Regularly do therapeutic exercises, yoga or gymnastics exercises to strengthen the muscular system and reduce lower back pain. Of course, continue to eat right, make sure you get all the vitamins into your body.
  • Change your daily routine, now you need more rest and even an extra two hours of sleep during the day will help you cope with constant fatigue.
  • Premature labor may begin. Be careful if you experience abdominal pain and feel like your stomach is turning to stone. If there is unusual discharge from the genital tract, call immediately ambulance. If you go to the hospital in a timely manner, your pregnancy can be saved. But in the case of childbirth, according to statistical data, the child survives and subsequently develops without deviations.
  • To help against cramps in the legs, cool baths or standing on a cool surface are suitable; massage and flexion/extension of the legs while lying down also help.
  • It's time to think about who will be present at the birth. Of course, a large number of people will not be able to be in the ward, but one person can, more often this future dad. Now you can already discuss with him whether he wants to be present at the birth. Dad himself must decide whether he will attend or not, if he refuses, do not be upset, it just means that it is emotionally difficult for him.


Our regular video guide will tell you about what happens to the expectant mother and her baby:

Ultrasound photo of baby

25 weeks have passed since the egg was fertilized, and your baby is actively preparing for birth. At this time, you also begin to mentally and physically prepare for childbirth. Now the fatigue of your body will constantly make itself felt, because of this you will begin to rest more often. You are coming to the moment when you will be called the most pleasant word in the world - mom.

With the onset of the 27th obstetric week of pregnancy, the systems and organs of the fetus are already established. The kid begins to train them. When pregnancy approaches 27 weeks, the woman’s condition is usually quite unstable. The mood is constantly changing, constant anxiety appears. The child continues to grow, so it becomes increasingly difficult to carry him.

27 weeks, how many months is that? At 27 obstetric week begins (27 weeks = 6 months and 9 days). The 3rd trimester of pregnancy begins this week.

Weight, height and development of the fetus at 27 weeks of gestation

The baby is growing. This week his weight reaches 1 kilogram and his height is 36 centimeters. The baby weighs as much as a cauliflower.

The baby has been actively gaining weight since this week, not only because his subcutaneous fat is increasing, but also because growth hormone has begun to be produced. In addition, the activity of other endocrine glands, which are responsible for the growth of the baby, increased. The baby behaves actively, although every week there is less and less space left for him, but he continues to lie as he pleases, most often upside down, the baby will go down head down a little later.

An interesting activity for the baby is to push and touch the mother, which sometimes leads to pain and discomfort. With the help of daily “training”, the baby trains his muscles and strengthens his muscles. He really likes his finger, he constantly sucks it, while continuing to train his sucking reflex.

Fetal development at 27 weeks of pregnancy involves the development of the baby's immune system. The immune system begins to work actively and during this period the child’s body, to some extent, can already cope with some viral diseases. The baby will also be able to cope with some infections on his own. The child’s body is already capable of reacting to allergens, so the mother should try not to eat foods that can cause an allergic reaction.

The reproductive system is fully formed. The girls have completed the formation of follicles. In boys, the testicles finally descend into the scrotum, although there are cases when the testicles do not descend completely, this will happen after birth. During this period, the brain continues to actively grow, the central nervous system at the final stage. That is, the child’s body has already completely established a system for sending signals from the brain to all organs.

If the pregnancy develops well, then the birth that occurs ahead of time will not affect the health of the child, at this stage the child may already survive, but the usual environment is not suitable for this, a special installation is needed that repeats the intrauterine state of the baby, the baby’s organs will already be able to function. This week, the baby's chance of survival is about 85%.

Feelings of a woman at 27 weeks of pregnancy

At 27 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus rises almost to the level of the ribs, and it begins to compress the intestines and lungs.

Because of this, nausea and constipation are possible, but this in no way affects the pregnant woman’s excellent appetite. This situation, unfortunately, can persist until childbirth. All that remains is to eat the right foods and in small portions. During this period, women often complain of pain in the back and legs. The doctor will advise you to rest longer, taking the most comfortable position.

You may have already noticed that you find it more comfortable to sleep on your side. Prolonged lying on the back compresses the vena cava and impedes the flow of arterial blood to the fetus.

During this period, as at the beginning of pregnancy, difficulties with digestion may occur.

This is also due to increased workload. This is where a healthy diet will come to your aid. Eat food rich in fiber. Raw vegetables and whole grain bread are perfect; it will be great if you consume 1 - 2 tsp with each meal. bran.

If you did not have colostrum in the past weeks, it may appear this week. Colostrum is a sticky, watery liquid that will be your baby's first food when he is born. Colostrum precedes the actual milk, which may not come until a day or two after birth. The mammary glands begin to produce milk under the influence of the hormone prolactin. The production of milk is stimulated by your baby.

Weight gain at 27 weeks of pregnancy

In addition to the weight of the fetus itself, which averages 3.4 kilograms, this includes the placenta, amniotic fluid, extracellular fluid, additional blood volume, and fat deposits, which usually slightly exceed 2 kilograms. It should also be notedenlargement of the mammary glands - approximately 400 grams. In total, the weight gain during the entire pregnancy is 11.9 kilograms.

The calendar shows the last week of the second, most comfortable trimester of pregnancy. But don’t worry, because the 27th week of pregnancy is a special, turning point, when, despite the growing belly and size of the baby, you feel surprisingly light.

The reason is hormones. You are at the mercy of progesterone, which prepares your nervous system to responsible childbirth and motherhood.

Week 27 is the second half of the 6th month of pregnancy, and you have 13 weeks left before giving birth.

Baby development at 27 weeks

Of course, you are wondering, at 27 weeks of pregnancy, what is happening to the baby. At this stage of development, all organs of the fetus are already formed, but the work continues: they are improved, the interconnection of all systems and organs is established.

  1. General form;
  • By the 27th week of pregnancy, the fetal weight and height are 900 grams and 36 cm, respectively; in a week it will gain at least 100 grams. Read about how the baby grows throughout the entire period of pregnancy in the article Development of the child in the womb >>>;
  • Outwardly, it already looks like a newborn baby, only much smaller in size. But he is gaining shape, the skin is no longer so red, and by the formed face one can already judge which parent the baby looks like;
  • A child’s curls can reach 2 cm in length, and delicate nails can already be seen on tiny fingers.
  1. Sense organs;
  • By the 27th week of pregnancy, fetal development reaches a new stage - the baby already opens his eyes and distinguishes not only light, but even colors;
  • The child hears sounds and distinguishes voices, he has developed taste buds and even has his own culinary preferences, and he also distinguishes smells;
  • In addition, the baby feels warm or cold, may be nervous or, on the contrary, smile blissfully;
  • And everything is normal with his vestibular apparatus, the child controls his body, can stroke his face and bang his fists if he is dissatisfied with something.
  1. Respiratory system;

At this stage, the alveoli are improved and the process of accumulating surfactant in the alveolar ducts begins, a special substance that will help the lungs open with the first intake of air at the time of birth.

In the meantime, the lungs are filled with amniotic fluid, and the baby receives oxygen from your blood through the placenta. By the way, the child is already training his lungs, taking up to 40 inhalations and exhalations per minute.

  1. The immune system;

The fetus at the 27th week of pregnancy is protected not only by the placenta, but also has its own immunity. Therefore, it is important to create positive conditions for the child’s growth and development of a stable immune system.

  1. Physical activity;

The uterus grows with the baby, so the baby feels very comfortable and cozy. At the same time, he can turn over and make movements with his arms and legs.

But his physical activity cannot be hidden from you: you may even notice the palm or leg with which the child rests on your tummy. And the blows themselves become more serious. By this stage, the fetus has already formed a daily routine and more often its violence begins in the evening, when you decide to lie down and rest.

  1. Hormones;

The baby’s body already produces some important hormones on its own.

  • Thus, the thyroid gland produces a number of hormones that normalize the level of calcium in the baby’s body and other metabolic processes;
  • The pancreas provides insulin
  • And the brain produces its own growth hormone. Thanks to the latter, the child’s development and growth accelerates in subsequent weeks.

This week, the baby, in the case of premature birth, is not much different in appearance from a newborn born at term, and with a little hardware help, the likelihood that he will survive is high.

Mom's well-being

Your belly and weight increasing every week can, of course, cause you some inconvenience, but if you perceive them as temporary problems, then the process of communicating with your unborn baby will more than smooth out all the inconveniences.

Yes, and hormonal changes will be to your advantage; at week 27 you can feel relief, since the child’s body is already independently reducing growth hormone, and you are in possession of the stabilizing hormone of motherhood.

Uterus size

  1. The uterus at the 27th week of pregnancy reaches 28 cm in length, while it rises 5 centimeters above the navel. It is clear that with such dimensions you may feel discomfort from compression of the internal organs;
  2. When sitting for a long time, especially in a cross-legged position, the vena cava may become compressed, resulting in dizziness and even fainting;
  3. Be alert even in your sleep: the optimal position is on your side, resting on your back and, especially, on your stomach is prohibited;
  4. As for the cervix, during a pregnancy of 27 weeks it should be up to 4 centimeters in length, while its walls are elastic and the external os is tightly closed.

Pain at 27 weeks

Most pain during the 27th week of pregnancy has a physiological explanation and they will all go away after childbirth. So be patient and learn how to minimize discomfort.

  1. Abdominal pain;
  • The situation when the stomach is pulled at 27 weeks of pregnancy is quite common. The explanation is simple - the size of the uterus is impressive, the muscles are in constant tension, hence the nagging pain;
  • Another reason is that training contractions scare you from time to time. If they are random and not painful, you have nothing to worry about. This is how your body prepares for the upcoming birth;
  • The stomach can also tug after a long walk, in this case a support bandage will help cope with the unpleasant sensations (an important article on this issue: How to wear a bandage correctly for pregnant women?>>>);
  • If your stomach constantly hurts at 27 weeks of pregnancy, while the lower abdomen turns to stone and there is bloody discharge, then call an ambulance. Don't hesitate.
  1. Back pain;

You may be bothered by back pain, the causes of which may be a shift in the center of gravity due to an enlarged belly at 27 weeks of pregnancy, being in an uncomfortable position, or wearing heels.

If you are afraid of painful sensations in the sacral area, then there is a reasonable explanation for this symptom: your pelvis is gradually expanding, the bones are softening and this is a normal physiological process of preparation for childbirth.

Other causes and methods of relief are described in the article Back pain during pregnancy >>>.

  1. Leg pain;

Cramps, swelling, veins are common problem pregnant women.

  • It is necessary to monitor your diet;
  • Remove harmful products;
  • Drink enough clean water without gas and give your legs more rest.
  • For varicose veins, you can use special ointments and wear tight socks;
  • But cramps most likely indicate to you a deficiency of calcium and magnesium in the body. Start changing your diet and you will reduce discomfort and get rid of cramps;
  • In addition, by making changes to your diet, you can solve a lot of problems that arise in the second half of pregnancy.

You will receive not only a list of foods that you need to eat daily, but also learn about 3 foods that it is time to start actively eating if you want to give birth easily and naturally from the e-book Nutrition Secrets of an Expectant Mother >>>.

  1. Headache;

Dizziness in the morning and when you get up suddenly is a traditional problem associated with the load on your circulatory system.

The cause may be compression of the vena cava or obstructed blood circulation in this area. Migraines are also possible.

You need to rest more, spend a lot of time in the fresh air, and not in a stuffy room, and, importantly, tune in to a positive wave and enjoy your pregnancy. In this case, migraines and other pain will fade into the background.

  1. Chest pain;

By this time, your mammary glands are in full swing preparing for upcoming breastfeeding. At 27 weeks, colostrum may be released. Do not squeeze it out under any circumstances, maintain strict hygiene and change your underwear more often.

  1. Haemorrhoids;

A problem that cannot be ignored. Poor nutrition, prolonged sitting, and squeezing of veins lead to the development of hemorrhoids and pain during bowel movements.

  • It is necessary to completely revise the menu, remove baked goods and fastening products, more fruits and vegetables, cereals, and definitely the first course every day.
  • To relieve irritation and treat, potato gruel, lotions with honey, and chamomile are suitable;
  • And to relieve inflammation, you can turn to folk recipes.
  1. Pain when urinating;

During pregnancy, you urinate more frequently as your uterus puts pressure on your bladder. But often, when you go to the toilet, you cannot do your job properly. Some of the urine stagnates, which is fraught with inflammatory processes in the bladder.

Pain when urinating just signals you about these problems.

Don't forget that at 27 weeks of pregnancy, what happens to the mother is passed on to the baby. Do not ignore discomfort and try to reduce pain.

Bleeding. Discharge

Discharge at the 27th week of pregnancy is considered normal, transparent in consistency and in moderate quantities. At this stage, the discharge may increase slightly, and this is due to the formation of a mucus plug, which will additionally protect the fetus from infections and bacteria.

  • Curd discharge;

Pronounced white discharge with a sour milk smell, accompanied by itching and burning in the genital area, is a signal of a fungal infection or thrush.

Your immune system is weakened during pregnancy and the growth of pathogenic protozoa becomes increasingly difficult to contain, so this problem is common even in proper nutrition and using safe candles allowed in your situation is completely solvable.

Detailed information and treatment methods can be found in the article Thrush during pregnancy >>>.

  • Discharge of yellow or green shades;

A yellow, greenish or cloudy gray shade of discharge with a putrid odor is an indicator of inflammatory processes. Additional tests and examination are needed to confirm the diagnosis.

  • Brown discharge;

Bloody inclusions give this color to the discharge. If they are rare, they may indicate erosion of the cervix. Abundant brown discharge- a dangerous signal, there is a threat of termination of pregnancy.

Please note that even clear discharge, but in copious amounts, is not a good signal. If you notice a sweetish smell, then this is not physiological discharge, but the flow of amniotic fluid.

Narrow issues of pregnancy

During pregnancy, your body undergoes enormous changes and stress, and what seemed normal before conception now raises a lot of questions and focused attention.


A temperature of 37 degrees at 27 weeks of pregnancy is considered normal. In addition, you may be bothered by attacks of suffocation and increased sweating, which is due to changes in hormonal levels.

But a higher temperature, accompanied by a runny nose, cough, sore throat, and aching joints, cannot be ignored. An increase in temperature may also indicate hidden inflammatory processes.

Cold at 27 weeks of pregnancy

Treatment of colds, like any other disease during pregnancy, is problematic. The range of acceptable medications is reduced to a minimum, and not all folk remedies you are allowed.

A cold at 27 weeks of pregnancy is dangerous due to complications. Heat is dangerous due to overheating for the fetus, and dehydration of the body cannot but affect the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid.


If there are no contraindications, such as low placenta at 27 weeks of pregnancy with the threat of detachment, or inflammatory processes of the genital organs, then there is no reason to refuse sexual relations with your regular sexual partner.

But it is necessary to reconsider the sexual act itself, making it more gentle and not deep, special attention is also paid to hygiene. Sex at 27 weeks of pregnancy is good way relieve tension.

Alcohol at 27 weeks

At 27 weeks of pregnancy there is active development brain activity of the baby and additional irritants in the form of alcohol are of no use to him at this stage. Even a glass of wine is an impossible task for the fetus; its kidneys and liver are not able to cope with the poison.

Examination of mother and child

  1. At the end of the second trimester you will be invited for routine check-ups twice a month. And at each appointment you come with the results of a urine test, which will tell you whether everything is normal or whether there are pathologies in the form of inflammatory processes;
  2. Another common type of examination is a blood test.
  • Under close observation, hemoglobin, which tends to decrease with iron deficiency, and the level of leukocytes and erythrocytes, an increase in which indicates inflammatory processes;
  • At this stage, you may be prescribed a sugar test, especially if your parameters are far from the normal weight at 27 weeks of pregnancy. By the way, by the end of the second trimester you should gain no more than 8 kilograms.
  1. During a routine examination, a specialist will measure your weight, blood pressure, fundal height and abdominal girth. Can also listen to the baby's heartbeat using a regular stethoscope or tube;
  2. The doctor will also ask about the frequency of movements. At the 27th week of pregnancy, the baby’s activity time is 4-6 hours a day;
  3. If you are the owner of blood negative rhesus, then you cannot do without a special analysis for Rh conflict with your baby;
  4. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe additional tests, such as a vaginal smear and a culture of the nose and throat.

Ultrasound at 27 weeks of pregnancy

Ultrasound at the 27th week of pregnancy is rather a forced examination method, dictated by the suspicion of a threatened miscarriage or a frozen pregnancy.

A specialist can perform an unscheduled ultrasound after you have suffered infectious disease to assess the condition of the placenta and amniotic fluid. An ultrasound can also be performed if complex umbilical cord entanglement is suspected.

Lifestyle at 27 weeks of pregnancy

By 27 weeks of pregnancy you are firmly on the path healthy image life. It is clear that active species sports are left on the sidelines, but swimming and walks in the fresh air are welcome.

It's time to start preparing for childbirth. Theoretical preparation should take a lot of time. We, modern women, are accustomed to preparing for important events with our heads. Therefore, the theoretical Internet course Easy Childbirth + practical exercises for breathing, warming up - what you need.


What you eat for two should not affect the portion sizes. In this case, the quality of food is important.

  • In terms of calories, your daily diet should vary between 2000-2200 kcal; if you are overweight, the calorie content can be reduced, but vitamins and nutrients must be present;
  • During pregnancy, you should give up smoked, salted and pickled foods, various sauces and mayonnaises, baked goods and culinary masterpieces with useless calories, soda and coffee, hot chocolate are also not advisable;
  • Even if you feel disgusted by meat products, you shouldn’t give them up, just experiment with the varieties. Meat, in addition to protein, contains a lot of useful substances and amino acids, as well as a wide range of B vitamins.
  • Well, you can learn more about what is healthy to eat during this important period from the article Nutrition during pregnancy >>>.
  1. There are still 3 weeks until maternity leave, so be patient and take care of your health. Take a moment to walk or give your legs a rest, ventilate your office more often, avoid crowds of people during epidemics;
  2. Start the day with a contrast shower, which will give you a boost of energy and your skin elasticity;
  3. Always take a snack with you, even if you leave the house for half an hour. The baby will not like your fasting, but if he is dissatisfied, he drums quite loudly;
  4. Begin psychological preparation for childbirth, including small lifestyle changes, exercises to train the respiratory system, and prevention of ruptures during childbirth. Recommendations on each point await you in the mega-useful online course Five Steps to a Successful Childbirth >>>>

Be healthy and have an easy birth!