Fashion 2013

Vacuum cleaning of facial pores. How vacuum facial cleansing differs from other similar procedures, reviews and results after sessions. Differences between vacuum cleaning and ultrasonic cleaning

Cleaning the uterus is a common procedure in gynecology, which helps get rid of pathological endometrium and can be performed using various methods. One of these methods is vacuum cleaning of the uterus, which is considered low-traumatic and easily tolerated. The features of this procedure and indications for it are described in this material.



Vacuum cleaning is carried out to remove all its contents from the uterine cavity. The intervention is performed using a special device, the working part of which is inserted into the uterus through the cervix. The doctor then controls the machine and creates a vacuum. Under the influence of negative pressure, all the pathological contents of the cavity end up in the tube of the device. After this, the vacuum is broken, and the device, along with all the pathological contents that have entered it, is removed from the cervix.

This method is considered multifunctional, because it is equally effective regardless of what exactly needs to be removed from the uterus (this can be, for example, gestational products, or pathological contents formed as a result of any disease). The effectiveness of the approach is quite high - it allows you to efficiently clean the uterus from foreign inclusions.

But with all this, it is considered quite gentle compared to, for example, curettage. In addition, this method has less possible consequences and complications, in particular, the likelihood of injury is low even when performed blindly.

This procedure is prescribed quite often compared to curettage precisely because of the low trauma. But its significant disadvantage is that tissues extracted in this way cannot be used in the future for research purposes. With curettage, it is possible to create a preparation for study in the laboratory from extracted tissues.


In what cases is it prescribed this procedure and why is it necessary for some diagnoses? In most cases, this method has to be resorted to for the following diagnoses:

  • Hematometra is the accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity, which cannot leave it for one reason or another;
  • Termination of pregnancy at the request of the woman;
  • Additional cleaning to remove gestational products remaining after a medical or surgical abortion (since these processes are quite difficult to clearly control, the membranes of the fertilized egg, etc. may remain in the cavity);
  • Cleaning is also carried out as a result spontaneous abortion(miscarriage), since it also often leaves gestational products in the uterine cavity;
  • Sometimes parts of the placenta may remain after full-term delivery, in which case cleaning is also used;
  • For frozen pregnancies and pathologies of their course, this procedure is also used;
  • For diagnostic purposes, it is used to study the biocenosis of the uterine cavity;
  • Severe uterine bleeding and other undesirable conditions;
  • For endometriosis, the procedure is indicated to remove the overgrown inner mucous layer of the uterus, as it is rejected under the influence of negative pressure.

In some cases, vacuum cleaning is carried out for other indications, but this happens on an individual basis.


Some preparation is required before performing this intervention. If vacuum cleaning of the uterus is carried out after childbirth, then in some cases preparatory activities can be neglected. This is due to the fact that after childbirth the cervix is ​​dilated, and the cavity itself is significantly expanded, as a result of which the intervention is as physiological as possible and causes almost no discomfort. If childbirth has not recently occurred, then full preparation is required, during which the following procedures are carried out:

  1. Blood test - general and biochemical to determine general signs of the presence of a pathological process in the body;
  2. Coagulogram is a test for blood clotting, carried out in order to avoid bleeding during the intervention;
  3. Analysis for Rh factor and blood group;
  4. Testing for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, as a standard procedure before any manipulation;
  5. Vaginal smear for oncocytology, since in this case there may be contraindications to the intervention;
  6. A vaginal smear for infections, since if there are infections, you should not carry out the procedure, as there is a risk of infection of the uterus;
  7. Examination by a gynecologist for obvious signs inflammatory and/or infectious process is carried out for the same purpose as in the previous case;
  8. An electrocardiogram to determine how well the patient will tolerate anesthesia;
  9. Examination by a therapist for the same purpose.

Before the procedure, the patient should also notify the doctor about what medications she takes regularly. Your doctor may also recommend stopping certain medications, such as blood thinners or hormonal medications, including oral contraceptives.

Progress of the intervention

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus after a miscarriage or abortion, as well as performed for diagnostic purposes, is usually quite painful, and therefore is carried out in a hospital setting under local or regional (epidural) anesthesia. After childbirth, the procedure is often painless and sometimes no anesthesia is administered, depending on how dilated the cervix and the organ cavity itself are.

The procedure itself can be carried out mechanically or manually. When using the hardware method, negative pressure in the cavity is created using equipment. The manual method uses a mechanical tube to manually apply negative pressure. The hardware method is almost never used; the manual method has become much more widespread, the features of which will be discussed below.

  1. Dilators are installed on the vagina and cervix;
  2. Genital organs are disinfected;
  3. Anesthesia is administered;
  4. A speculum is inserted into the vagina, with the help of which control will be exercised during the operation;
  5. Using a special gynecological probe, the doctor measures the distance from the entrance to the cervical canal to the cavity of the organ, which is necessary to know when subsequently inserting the tube;
  6. An aspiration tube is inserted;
  7. Mechanically, the doctor creates negative pressure in it;
  8. By rotating it or fixing it at one point, the doctor collects unnecessary material into it.

In some cases, as a result of such intervention, it is even possible to obtain material suitable for further laboratory study and biopsy.


This procedure is quite gentle, and in addition, it is considered physiological, because during its course there is no violation of the integrity of the tissues. And the layer of endometrium that peels off during such an intervention should still peel off during the next menstruation. Therefore, the recovery period does not take too long.

Even without taking additional hormonal medications, the endometrial layer begins to recover on its own from the very first day. And already on the 40-43rd day after the procedure, the first menstruation may begin, after which the normal menstrual cycle will be restored.

After the intervention, it is recommended to avoid sexual intercourse for two weeks. In addition, you need to carefully observe hygiene, do not overheat, avoid swimming and bathing, and use only the shower. Do not use douching or other methods of treatment with the vaginal method of application.


In some cases, when carrying out this procedure, a number of consequences are possible that require immediate elimination:

  1. Incomplete abortion during cleansing of gestational products is a condition in which sections of membranes or the like remain in the cavity after the intervention;
  2. Damage to the cavity or cervix;
  3. Formation of a stable pain syndrome;
  4. Air embolism is an extremely rare condition that can be fatal;
  5. Inflammatory processes and infection of the uterine cavity;
  6. Hormonal imbalance occurs quite rarely, and most likely not due to intervention, but due to the fact of interruption of pregnancy.

In most cases, after such cleaning, a mandatory ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity is prescribed, since the operation is performed blindly, and ultrasound is required to control its quality.


Prices for such interventions can vary significantly depending on the region in which it is carried out, as well as on the status of medical center. The approximate price level for intervention in the largest cities is shown in the table.

To a large extent, the price of a service depends on the purpose for which it is carried out, since the specifics of its implementation depend on this. This may be a diagnosis, an abortion or a mini-abortion, and for all these conditions the features of the intervention are different.


You should not try to avoid this physiological and fairly simple procedure. Negative complications and consequences during its implementation are extremely rare. In addition, this is one of the simplest and least traumatic methods of abortion in early stages.

To free the uterine cavity from blood clots or clean the mucous membrane, medical intervention is required. Now this procedure is easier, since a set of special aspiration tips and a vacuum pump are used. With their help, negative pressure is created in the uterus, which makes it possible to bring out negative particles. The method is simple and effective - vacuum aspiration or cleaning.

This method is used for mini-abortions. In the early stages of pregnancy, the method is quite effective and common.

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It is important to note that vacuum cleaning of the uterus is used after childbirth, when it is necessary to free the mucous membrane from the remains of the placenta. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia.

When is the cleaning procedure applied?

Nowadays, vacuum cleaning of the uterus is used to identify and further treat numerous diseases in gynecology.

The main purpose of this procedure is to remove the top layer of the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ. Here comes its rejection during the menstrual cycle.

During pregnancy, women are interested in the question of whether the uterus will be cleaned after childbirth. This procedure happens if the placenta remains inside after the baby is delivered. It must be removed through surgery.

General indications for vacuum aspiration:

  • poor development, pathology of pregnancy up to 12 weeks;
  • spontaneous miscarriage (incomplete release of embryonic remains);
  • study of biocenosis in the uterine cavity;
  • threat of miscarriage during pregnancy (hematometra);
  • absence of embryonic tissue, its complete underdevelopment (hydatidiform mole). Bubbles with fluid form in the uterus;
  • remnants of the placenta after childbirth or as a result of cesarean section;
  • termination of unwanted pregnancy in the first 3 months;
  • heavy uterine bleeding and other unwanted discharge;

Cleaning process

There are two types of operations carried out using the vacuum method: manual, also called manual, and machine. The first one became more widespread. With its help, cleaning consists of the following steps:

  1. The external part of the genital organs is treated with a disinfectant solution.
  2. A special speculum is inserted into the vaginal cavity.
  3. Preparation of the cervix.
  4. Measuring the distance to the uterine cavity with a special probe, and then directly inserting an aspiration tube.
  5. By rotating the tube, the doctor removes the remaining tissue from the shell or takes the necessary material for study in the laboratory.

Benefits and consequences of vacuum cleaning of the uterus

Carrying out the procedure using the vacuum method is the most gentle for patients. It is used for selection the required material for the purpose of identifying diseases, and for performing an abortion or cleaning an organ. With its help, it is possible to minimize trauma to the uterine cavity, endometrium and cervix.

Advantages of vacuum cleaning:

  • the method minimizes the chances of causing injury to the cervix;
  • the operation is simple, short and in some cases can be performed on an outpatient basis;
  • restoration of menstrual flow occurs on days 40–43 after surgery;
  • terminating a pregnancy using a similar method in the early stages will help reduce hormonal changes in the body, in contrast to curettage at 8–12 weeks of pregnancy, when the trauma is quite large.

This procedure is very effective for frozen pregnancy (pathology of gestation). In this case, the pregnancy must be terminated in order to avoid inflammatory processes in the uterus and poisoning of the body as a result of toxins from the disintegration of the fertilized egg.

Important! The cleaning procedure using the vacuum method, although quite improved and aimed at minimizing injuries during surgery as much as possible, still in some cases there are problems.

Complications after vacuum cleaning of the uterus:

  1. Incomplete abortion. This happens when part or all of the fertilized egg remains unharmed and the pregnancy is not interrupted. You need observation in the hospital for up to two months and ultrasound diagnostics.
  2. The occurrence of a defect in the cervix, as well as in the cavity itself (perforation).
  3. Pain syndrome in the lower abdomen. It can be eliminated with the help of painkillers.
  4. Air embolism - blockage of a vessel with air is fatal. This happens extremely rarely and today experts try to prevent this from happening. Doctors work extremely carefully in the uterine cavity.
  5. Inflammatory processes in the genital organs (accompanied by discharge of unpleasant smell).
  6. Hormonal imbalances.

Attention! After vacuum cleaning, it is mandatory to undergo an ultrasound to ensure that there are no remnants of the removed tissue in the cavity of the organ being examined. Otherwise, it may lead to unwanted diseases.

What you need to know if the cleaning was during a frozen pregnancy:

  1. If you are feeling normal, you will be ready for discharge within a few days. The doctor prescribes the necessary medications and sends the patient home.
  2. Strict adherence to bed rest and no physical activity so as not to cause bleeding and other discharge.
  3. For pain in the lower abdomen (which can be prolonged), it is recommended to take painkillers. It cannot be tolerated under any circumstances.
  4. Bloody discharge - normal phenomenon after using the vacuum method. Their duration can be up to two weeks. You can use gaskets. It is important to note that tampons are strictly prohibited in this case. Using them to stop discharge can cause inflammatory diseases.
  5. After the procedure, you should refrain from intimate relationships for at least the first 2 weeks.

Interesting video:

Practice shows that the method of vacuum aspiration of the uterus is the most effective and safe. Many people tolerate it well and do not suffer any consequences. But still, it is worth noting the situations when you urgently need to see a doctor:

  • A sharp increase in temperature to 38 degrees or more. Inability to knock it down for a long time;
  • Increased bleeding to the extent that you have to change the pad more often than every 2 hours;
  • The pain syndrome does not subside even after taking strong painkillers or it increases;
  • Bloody issues do not stop for more than two weeks, and have an unpleasant odor.

Do not forget that manipulation using the vacuum method is used for different purposes. It helps well in treatment and is indispensable in diagnostic cases. various diseases uterus. Of course, besides this method there are others. But vacuum cleaning has the most gentle effect on a woman’s body. And in our time it has been so improved that it has almost no negative consequences.

But there are cases when the aspiration procedure is contraindicated:

  • during pregnancy more than 5 weeks;
  • the presence of defects in the development of the uterus (bifurcation of the reproductive organ, the presence of a complete or incomplete septum, etc.);
  • disease of the reproductive organs (this may be indicated by discharge with an unpleasant odor);
  • malignant and benign tumors in the uterine cavity (for example, fibroids);
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • if six months have not passed since the last abortion.

In fact, vacuum aspiration of the uterus is a very effective and gentle method today. It is used both for treatment and for the purpose of identifying a particular disease. To avoid complications, you need to carefully monitor your body after such a procedure and consult a doctor if there is the slightest deviation.


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Vacuum facial cleansing– a hardware skin cleansing procedure performed by a vacuum therapy device. Due to the negative pressure created in the vacuum nozzle, there is a flow of blood and increased blood circulation in the skin, opening the pores and cleansing them of impurities (dead cells, excess sebum, comedones, etc.). There is also a good lymphatic drainage, toning effect, normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands and improvement of complexion.

Modern cosmetology recommends using vacuum facial cleansing for combination and oily problem skin with large pores, the presence of sebaceous plugs and blackheads, impaired skin texture, and slight contamination of the pores. Vacuum facial cleansing is not performed for deeply located acne. Contraindications for vacuum facial cleansing are the presence of brittle or closely spaced dilated vessels (rosacea), chronic dermatosis, rosacea, dry, thin skin, chronic skin inflammation and acne in the acute stage.

Vacuum facial cleansing is a gentle and painless procedure, but it is quite superficial and therefore less effective: it is recommended to be used in combination with mechanical or brush cleansing.

Methodology of the procedure

Before vacuum facial cleansing, facial skin is cleaned of makeup, degreased with tonic, vaporization (steaming) or desincrustation (deep cleansing of the skin under the influence of an alkaline solution and galvanic current, which promotes saponification sebum, and subsequently its dissolution and removal).

Vacuum facial cleansing is carried out with small in a circular motion using a special attachment connected to a vacuum device, which removes sebaceous plugs and impurities from the skin. Periodically it is necessary to rinse the nozzle in an antiseptic solution. Vacuum cleaning is usually performed on a limited area of ​​facial skin where comedones are located. To cleanse the entire face, it is better to choose a different type of cleansing. After skin treatment, a soothing cosmetic mask is applied, which narrows open and cleansed pores.

The procedure for vacuum facial cleansing lasts 20-30 minutes, and together with applying a mask, it lasts about an hour. Vacuum facial cleansing is recommended once a month.

The human body has its own reliable self-cleaning mechanisms, but sometimes for various reasons they do not work. In this case, modern medicine has created methods of hardware intervention to avoid severe complications. One such method is using a vacuum aspirator to cleanse the uterus.

What is vacuum cleaning of the uterus?

Vacuum cleaning of the uterine cavity (vacuum aspiration) is the removal of its contents along with the upper functional layer of the mucous membrane. For high-quality manipulation, a device called a “vacuum aspirator” is used.

It is a catheter, or aspiration tip, connected by a flexible tube to an aspirator. The mechanism creates negative pressure using a pump. The powerful suction effect created by the aspirator allows you to collect and remove accumulated blood and particles of the contents of the uterine cavity.

An alternative to the hardware method is manual (manual) vacuum aspiration. It is carried out using a mechanical tube in which negative pressure is created by the force applied by the doctor.

Advantages of using vacuum aspiration:

  • Vacuum cleaning is considered a gentle method that minimizes complications in the form of an inflammatory process;
  • The cervix and the uterus itself are not injured, or these injuries are minor;
  • It is possible to carry out the procedure under local or general anesthesia;
  • Vacuum aspiration restores a woman’s reproductive health and the ability to conceive and bear a child without complications in the future.

The procedure is performed in a hospital by an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist. For local anesthesia, injections of analgesics are used, for general anesthesia, intravenous administration of anesthesia drugs is used.

The disadvantage of this method is that all manipulations in the uterine cavity are performed blindly. In addition, in most cases, the material taken cannot be used for detailed histological examination.

In what cases is the procedure performed?

Vacuum cleaning is not a frequently prescribed gynecological procedure; serious reasons are needed for its implementation. Indications for vacuum aspiration:

  • Frozen pregnancy in the early stages of fetal development (up to 12 weeks);
  • Spontaneous termination of pregnancy with incomplete removal of particles of the fertilized egg;
  • Incomplete delivery of the placenta after natural childbirth or after cesarean section;
  • Taking a sample of the internal contents of the uterus for microscopic or bacteriological examination;
  • Accumulation of blood in the uterus (hematometra);
  • Planned early termination of pregnancy (medical abortion);
  • Hydatidiform mole (growth of chorionic villi in the form of bubbles with liquid);
  • Volumetric bleeding from the uterus.

In some cases, the gynecologist takes a wait-and-see approach, not excluding the possibility of spontaneous removal of placenta and endometrial particles and blood from the uterus.

If a woman has a fever, increased bleeding, or signs of inflammation in the form of mucopurulent vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor, vacuum aspiration is performed without delay.

Vacuum aspiration is contraindicated in case of bifurcation of the uterus and the presence of a septum in it, with tumors of any etiology, during pregnancy for more than 5 weeks, with ectopic development of the egg, or with a history of abortion within the previous 6 months.

How is the cleaning done?

To carry out the procedure, the woman sits on a gynecological chair. If the uterus is cleaned after childbirth, then the manipulation is carried out directly on the birth table.

Local or general anesthesia is required for vacuum aspiration, which involves forced dilation of the cervix, as this is the most painful part of the procedure. Postpartum cleansing in most cases is performed without anesthesia, since the cervix during this period has a sufficient degree of dilatation.


  • The vaginal walls and cervix are fixed using dilators;
  • The genitals are treated with an aseptic solution;
  • Anesthetic injections are performed into the cervix and periuterine tissue; for general anesthesia, preference is given to intravenous anesthetic drugs;
  • The doctor inserts a speculum into the vagina to monitor the progress of the operation, opens and dilates the cervix, if necessary;
  • The gynecologist uses a special probe to measure the distance from the entrance to the cervix to its fundus in order to calculate how far the aspirator catheter can be immersed;
  • An aspiration tube is inserted into the uterus and a vacuum is created in it;
  • The gynecologist fixes the aspirator tip in one position or rotates it to collect the desired material.

After a period of time determined by the doctor, the woman needs an ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity to monitor the condition of this organ. If the study shows that there is no blood, placenta or fertilized egg inside the organ, then the cleansing was successful.

Features of vacuum aspiration in various conditions:

Vacuum cleaning of the uterine cavity after childbirth.

If there are placenta particles, blood clots, and other atypical tissues in the uterus, it will not be able to fully contract after childbirth. After an ultrasound confirming the atypical condition of this organ, medications that contract the uterus or manual cleaning may be prescribed.

If these methods are ineffective, the woman in labor is prescribed vacuum cleaning. After aspiration, she takes antibiotics to prevent inflammation, and the woman undergoes antiseptic treatment of her reproductive organs. Breast-feeding During the period of treatment you will have to stop, saving milk by expressing.

Vacuum cleaning of the uterine cavity during a frozen pregnancy or hydatidiform mole.

Fetal death may result in spontaneous abortion. If it remains in the uterus, sooner or later its decomposition begins, which leads to intoxication female body, to sepsis. Vacuum aspiration allows you to get rid of particles of the fertilized egg and placenta that were not exfoliated when the dead embryo was released.

With a hydatidiform mole, the contents of the uterus cannot be expelled spontaneously. Bubbles with liquid remain inside the organ and cause the development of a malignant tumor.

If a woman experiences hyperthermia after the procedure, careful examination is required to ensure complete removal of the foreign tissue. After cleaning, the woman must be prescribed a course of treatment with antibacterial drugs.

Vacuum cleaning of the uterine cavity after miscarriage.

The manipulation is carried out to remove placental particles after the loss of an embryo older than 13 weeks, or during a miscarriage between 6 and 12 weeks, when there is a possibility that blood clots and particles of the fertilized egg remain in the uterus.

Here, a wait-and-see approach is more often used, and cleaning is prescribed for severe bleeding and signs of acute infection.

Mini abortion.

Early termination of pregnancy is performed by aspiration of the contents of the uterus along with the embryo. The procedure greatly reduces the trauma and negative consequences for women’s health inherent in the traditional method.

Recovery after vacuum aspiration

Many women referred for vacuum aspiration are interested in how much blood flows after the procedure. Since the inside of the uterus is a wound after cleaning, there will still be discharge.

They may look like ichor or blood. Bloody discharge will last from 3-5 to 10-14 days. They are not very abundant and do not have an unpleasant odor.

If the bleeding intensifies, spasmodic severe pain appears in the lower abdomen, you should immediately seek medical help.

The menstrual cycle will improve in 35-43 days, because restoration of the endometrium begins to occur from the first day after aspiration. After the procedure, vaginal tampons cannot be used; the use of sanitary pads is permitted.

Since vacuum aspiration is a full-fledged surgical procedure, an examination is carried out before the procedure. It includes the standard diagnostic minimum:

  • Blood test for infections: HIV, hepatitis, syphilis;
  • Determination of blood group and Rh factor;
  • General and biochemical blood test;
  • Coagulogram (determination of blood clotting);
  • Vaginal smear cytology analysis (PAP test);

Immediately before aspiration, 6-8 hours before, you should not eat or drink anything, since otherwise complications will arise during anesthesia. For complete antiseptics, before the procedure you need to remove hair in the genital area and take a shower.

It is advisable to inform your doctor in advance about possible allergic reactions to medications.

Vacuum aspiration is a reliable method that avoids complications. At the current level of medical development, it does not have serious consequences for a woman’s reproductive function.

Hardware cosmetology allows you to provide comprehensive care for your face and body. Low-traumatic procedures transform the skin after the first session. Thanks to cosmetic effects, it is possible to solve a whole range of problems, improve the condition, refresh, and launch regeneration processes.

Professional cleansing does not cause discomfort or pain, and there is no tissue healing period. Vacuum facial cleansing is indicated for use with problematic skin, with enlarged pores and acne. Effective way not only to cleanse the integument, but also launches processes of renewal and rejuvenation.

The essence of cleaning

This is done using a small device that has several attachments in its arsenal. With the help of reverse air circulation, a vacuum is created, thanks to which it is possible to free the skin from dead cells, sebaceous plugs and other contaminants.

Unlike ultrasonic and chemical cleansing, vacuum treatment is gentle, superficial, does not cause complications, and therefore can be carried out at home. After the procedure, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, hydrobalance is restored, and elasticity improves. It is possible to start the processes of metabolism and tissue rejuvenation.

Attention! The procedure has no age restrictions and is prescribed even for young, problematic skin. Regular care will not only improve appearance skin, but also prevent new inflammations and rashes.

Indications for use

The procedure is effective for the treatment of acne, acne, as well as for restoration of skin in the complex of an anti-aging program. It has a wide spectrum of action, allows you to remove toxins and oxidants. Regular use transforms the skin, improves color, structure, and prevents the formation of new wrinkles.


  • enlarged pores;
  • sebaceous plugs, comedones;
  • bumpy skin texture;
  • excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • inflammation, acne;
  • scars;
  • decreased elasticity, sagging of the surface layers of the skin;
  • unhealthy color;
  • stressed skin.

The procedure has no age restrictions and is used to care for oily, problematic, aging skin with the first signs of aging. It is possible to launch rejuvenation processes and activate the synthesis of collagen and elastin. It can also be used after 40 years as part of an anti-aging program, but As an independent procedure, it is not effective for pronounced folds, ptosis, or displacement of the oval line. It is carried out throughout the year, and even during the period of maximum solar activity.

Cleaning efficiency

The result can be assessed after the first procedure. But a delicate impact requires a course. Depending on the condition of the skin, the cosmetologist will prescribe the optimal number and frequency of sessions. On average, 4 to 12 procedures are required, every 2 weeks or every 3–5 days.

Systematic implementation will not only achieve a pronounced effect of smooth, smooth, well-groomed skin, but also maintain it throughout the year. There are exceptions, severe forms of acne that require integrated approach with the use of antibacterial agents and drug therapy. In such cases, the result is difficult to predict; the cosmetologist chooses treatment tactics depending on individual characteristics.


  • manages to achieve deep hydration;
  • significantly narrow pores, restore smooth texture;
  • activate blood circulation, strengthen thin capillaries;
  • provide a light lifting effect;
  • reduce the number of fine, superficial wrinkles;
  • increase the elasticity and firmness of the integument;
  • remove toxins, oxidants, metabolic products;
  • improve tissue nutrition and respiration;
  • restore an even healthy color;
  • prevent the appearance of acne and comedones.

You can repeat the course no more than 2 times a year, method can be combined with others cosmetic procedures to preserve freshness and youth of the skin.

Is preparation necessary?

The procedure does not require special preparation. During the consultation, a specialist assesses the condition of the skin and assesses the feasibility of vacuum cleaning. This is a delicate and effective cosmetic method that allows you to provide high-quality professional care throughout the year.

Preparation for the event:

  • It is not recommended to take antibacterial medications for a week, hormonal drugs, they can affect the final result;
  • alcohol, foods high in salt and spices are prohibited; they should be excluded from the menu to avoid swelling;
  • the procedure is not prescribed after traumatic manipulations; it is necessary to wait until the tissues have completely healed;
  • the day before, you should stop using comedogenic cosmetics and oils that cause excess greasiness.

Can it be done at home?

One of the few types of hardware procedures that can be performed independently. Portable devices are used to carry out home care. Various attachments and functions allow you to achieve pronounced results. Experts recommend using it as part of a regular facial care program to maintain normal condition, prevent loss of elasticity, and prevent aging. It is important to follow the operating instructions to prevent skin injury.

Popular models:

  • Panasonic EH2511- the device is equipped with a vaporizer, which allows you to achieve deep cleansing without traumatizing the integument, the set contains 1 nozzle, the procedure can be performed in dry and wet mode;

  • Gezatone- a multifunctional device includes 4 attachments, a massager, a brush, a sponge and a vacuum; you can choose dry or wet mode for cleaning;

  • Power Perfect Pore- an affordable device allows for superficial cleaning, but is ineffective for removing sebaceous plugs and comedones.

How to properly do vacuum cleaning at home:

  1. Cleanse the skin of makeup, degrease the skin with tonic or lotion.
  2. Steam the skin thoroughly using a compress. You can also use superficial enzyme peeling to enhance the effect. Active components loosen dead cells, promote better removal sebaceous plugs.
  3. Next, the processing is carried out directly with a vacuum device. You should move along the massage lines to improve lymph flow and blood circulation. The periorbital and perioral areas should be avoided to eliminate the possibility of bruising and bruising.
  4. Gradual processing is carried out, but you cannot linger in one area for more than 3 seconds.
  5. Then you need to wipe the skin with lotion to remove sebaceous secretions and epithelial particles after cleansing.
  6. A soothing mask or cream selected according to your skin type is applied. It is worth choosing products with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effects.

Important! Be sure to treat the device nozzles with an antiseptic before and after cleaning. Store in original packaging, following the manufacturer's instructions.

The frequency of the home procedure depends on the condition of the skin. In case of excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands, the presence of acne marks, scars, frequent inflammations, it is recommended to use 2-3 times a week. To prevent loss of firmness and elasticity, one session per week is enough.

How is the procedure done in the salon?

Professional treatment in a salon is different from home treatment. Only a specialist can choose the optimal care products and device attachments to solve individual cosmetic problems.

Many patients, after vacuum cleaning, note the lack of results; it is also possible that side effects. An experienced cosmetologist will delicate cleansing, restoration of smoothness of the integument, the result of which can be assessed at the end of the session.

Stages of implementation:

  1. The specialist prepares the covers for the procedure. Hypoallergenic foams and professional series gels are used to remove makeup and dust. After treatment, the product is left for 7–10 minutes, then removed using napkins.
  2. For vaporization, warming preparations are used or the skin is treated with steam, and warm compresses are applied. The main goal is to expand the pores as much as possible to remove plugs, remove toxins, and oxidants.
  3. For disincrustation, a device that produces low-frequency current is used. Used to reduce discomfort if there is large quantity comedones or too narrow pores.
  4. Using a vacuum device, cleaning is carried out directly. Various attachments are used, selected according to skin type and purpose of the procedure. Exist for problematic oily skin, with a lifting or massage effect, to solve anti-aging problems. Under the influence of vacuum, the device draws in sebaceous plugs, the contents of open acne, and softened keratinized particles of the epithelium.
  5. Peeling is applied with fruit acids superficial action. The composition allows you to remove the remaining keratinized cells, give an even texture and a healthy shade. Gentle exfoliation helps start renewal processes.
  6. A nourishing or moisturizing mask will help soothe the skin after the procedure and relieve redness and inflammation. In addition, it saturates tissues with useful elements and helps normalize intracellular processes.
  7. To narrow the pores, a special powder or cream is used, after which the patient can go home.

The procedure can last up to 2 hours, the number of sessions is determined by the cosmetologist individually. Vacuum cleaning can be combined with mechanical cleaning in the treatment of severe acne. The procedure is carried out in many clinics and aesthetic medicine centers. It is important to choose a professional cosmetologist, study the portfolio, and patient reviews. The session price depends on the used cosmetics, the cost varies from 1500 rubles. up to 5000 rub. How many sessions are required is determined by the cosmetologist depending on the patient’s skin condition.

Photos before and after

Healing period

Effect professional care can be assessed upon completion of the procedure. There is no swelling, redness, the face looks fresh, well-groomed, color and structure improve. After the cleansing session, you must follow the cosmetologist's recommendations to prevent inflammation and re-contamination of the pores.

Care rules:

  • for the next 12 hours, you need to limit touching your face and avoid the use of skincare cosmetics;
  • for hygiene procedures, use hypoallergenic tonics and professional series foams; you should avoid running water and use bottled, mineral or thermal water;
  • Do not use decorative products for about 3 days, after which use only products with anti-comedogenic properties;
  • on day 5 you can return to daily program, including cleansing, toning, moisturizing, selected according to skin type;
  • for about a week you cannot visit the sauna, solarium, bathhouse, gym, and avoid drinking alcohol.

Vacuum cleaning is primarily recommended for patients with problem skin prone to rashes. To maintain the effect of the procedure for a long time, in addition to care, you should follow the principles of a healthy diet. Avoid salty, spicy, fatty, smoked foods and increase the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Precautionary measures

Despite superficial, painless cleansing, the procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • acute phase of chronic diseases;
  • herpes;
  • viral infections;
  • sensitive skin;
  • rosacea;
  • demodex;
  • severe form of acne;
  • violation of the integrity of the integument.

To avoid unwanted effects, you should contact an experienced cosmetologist who can assess the condition of the skin and identify any restrictions. If contraindications are ignored, the following side effects are possible:

  • peeling;
  • inflammation;
  • rash;
  • dryness;
  • couperose mesh;
  • hematomas.

Advantages and disadvantages

Vacuum cleaning allows you to achieve only superficial cleansing and remove sebaceous plugs. Not suitable for treating hyperpigmentation problems or reducing the number of wrinkles. Before you sign up for the procedure, it is worth learning about its advantages and disadvantages.


  • absence of discomfort and pain;
  • the result can be assessed immediately after the procedure;
  • no recovery period;
  • a slight lifting effect is observed;
  • affordable price;
  • the risks of developing side effects are reduced.


  • not suitable for sensitive dermis;
  • temporary and short-lived effect;
  • requires coursework;
  • superficial cleansing is not effective for hyperpigmentation, freckles, severe scars and scars.

Opinion of cosmetologists

On forums, experts share their experience and the effect after vacuum cleaning.

A cosmetologist asks his colleagues about the technical features of using a vacuum cleaning device.

The specialist writes about the classical norms for the frequency of use of the vacuum technique.

A cosmetologist offers for sale a device for vacuum cleaning and other procedures for skin beauty, and describes its advantages.