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Moisturizing face masks as one of the secrets of eternal youth. Egg yolk and tomato. Using homemade masks

To improve complexion in cosmetology, professional procedures with a moisturizing and rejuvenating effect are usually used: acid peeling, laser resurfacing, mesotherapy, biorevitalization.

The best alternative to such methods at home can be masks made from natural or synthetic ingredients, which have a pronounced restorative and moisturizing effect.

What effect do masks have?

Human skin is the largest organ and has many different functions:
  • protective;
  • excretory;
  • respiratory;
  • reflex;
  • supportive, etc.

An insufficient amount of moisture in the cells can lead to the skin becoming too dry and the first wrinkles or folds may appear, tissue tone and local immunity decrease.

The following factors can negatively affect the condition of the epidermis:

  • stress;
  • smoking;
  • poor nutrition;
  • improper skin care;
  • excessive solar insolation;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • alcohol abuse.

Homemade moisturizers provide proper hydration (especially important for the face) and additional nutrition. skin. This is due to the fact that water is a source of oxygen, which is necessary for the normal functioning of cells. In addition, it helps remove accumulated toxins and waste from the body.

Thanks to the regular use of a high-quality mask, the skin becomes moisturized, the tone improves, small facial wrinkles and nasolabial folds are evened out, and peeling and irritation disappear.

Homemade masks based on fruits, vegetables or fresh berries are the best source of moisture and vitamin complexes. They help saturate cells with vitamins A, C and B. Products prepared with honey or fermented milk products tone and refresh the skin, relieve inflammation, have a cleansing and restorative effect and help maintain tone and smoothness for a long time.

Get a lifting effect and provide proper nutrition For dry skin, products prepared at home with the addition of vegetable oil are suitable. Egg mixtures fill skin cells with lecithin, vitamins B12 and A, and also accelerate regenerative processes.

Types of masks and indications for their use

Indications for the use of a moisturizing mask may include:

  • dry skin;
  • feeling of tightness;
  • dull skin color;
  • age-related changes;
  • tissue dehydration;
  • tissue laxity;
  • presence of pigmented areas.

Even if there are no visible blemishes on the skin, regular moisturizing is necessary.

At home you can use the following types of masks:

  • Moisturizing – suitable for any skin type and helps saturate cells with moisture, as well as other beneficial substances. The base for moisturizing dry skin usually includes sour cream or cream, egg yolk, fruit or cottage cheese.
  • Modeling - recommended for use on aging skin or correction of facial contours. Most often, such a product includes cosmetic clay, egg white, medicinal mud or honey.
  • Toning - used to restore a healthy complexion, improve blood circulation and activate cellular processes.
  • Whitening - used to lighten dark pigmented areas on the skin or unsightly acne marks. The base of such remedies usually includes hydrogen peroxide, cucumber juice, parsley and lemon juice.

Before using any facial moisturizer, you need to figure out how to combine all the components correctly and how long you can keep it on. ready-made product on the skin.

How to prepare a mask correctly

At home, you can use various cosmetics or natural ingredients to restore dry skin. In order to maintain the effect longer, it is advisable to use moisturizing masks in courses that consist of 15 procedures. It is recommended to use facial moisturizers every other day during the treatment course. After this, it will be enough to use masks only once or twice a week.

Before application cosmetic product The skin of the face must be cleansed in advance of remnants of cosmetics and impurities using a cleansing gel or milk. To achieve the best effect, you need to steam the skin with a herbal decoction: sage, chamomile, linden, rose petals. Thanks to this, you can achieve a super moisturizing effect and provide nutrition to even the driest skin. Before applying the mask, it is useful to do a peeling or scrub. This way the procedure will be more effective.

If the prepared mixture turns out to be too thick, it is recommended to apply it directly to the entire face area (including the skin around the eyes). This can be done with a cosmetic brush or sponge. Liquid masks can be applied to a textile napkin and then applied to the face for the required time.

All movements must be carried out in the following directions:

  • from the chin to the tragus of the ear;
  • from the wings of the nose to the middle of the ear;
  • from between the eyebrows to the temples.

You need to keep the cosmetic product on dry skin for 15-30 minutes so that all the components are absorbed. It is advisable to lie quietly during this time, avoiding any facial activity. The mask is washed off with warm running water or a cotton swab. After it, it is advisable to use a nourishing or moisturizing cream. The effectiveness of all products prepared at home will be maximum if you use the cosmetic product immediately after its preparation.

Super mask recipes

To nourish dry skin, you can use the following types of masks at home:

  • carrot;
  • honey;
  • cucumber;
  • sour cream;
  • oatmeal;
  • herbal.

Here are the recipes for them:

  1. To prepare the carrot mixture, you will need to take one small carrot, peel it and grate it very finely. After this, you need to add one chicken yolk and mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Keep the carrot mixture on your face for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  2. Honey remedy is prepared from natural liquid honey, melted over a fire ( water bath). Honey must be applied to the skin using a sponge and then washed off after 15 minutes.
  3. The cucumber mixture is prepared from the following ingredients: one medium cucumber, 20 drops rose water, cream or sour cream with a high percentage of fat content. The cucumber is grated and the juice is squeezed out of it, then the same amount of cream and rose oil are added to it.
  4. A sour cream mask is prepared from the zest of one lemon, 100 g of sour cream and one yolk. All components are mixed well and left to infuse for 15 minutes. Then you need to add one teaspoon olive oil and apply the finished product to the skin.
  5. To prepare the oatmeal mixture, you will need to take two tablespoons of oatmeal, steamed in 4 tablespoons of warm milk. First, the mask should be left to sit for 15 minutes and only then applied to the skin.
  6. A herbal mask can be prepared from a mixture of chamomile, hop cones and St. John's wort, taken in equal proportions. You need to prepare a decoction from the plants, strain and add lemon juice, 2 chicken yolks and heated honey. Apply the product to the skin for a few minutes and rinse off.

Preventive actions

In order for the skin to maintain its tone and beauty for a long time, it is recommended not to rub your face with a towel after taking a shower, just pat it dry, and under no circumstances allow the skin to dry on its own. For the same reason, you should not wash your face too much. hot water and use cosmetics with aggressive chemical composition.

Fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, dairy products and mineral water no gases. Fatty foods, pickles, marinades and smoked foods negatively affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands, clog pores and contribute to the formation of acne.

Will help increase tissue tone and improve complexion good rest and adherence to daily routine. IN winter time To provide adequate nutrition for dry skin, you need to use moisturizing cosmetics that will provide it with the necessary protection.

Adequate sleep is necessary to always look fresh and young.

Contraindications to the use of home remedies:

  • allergic reaction to components;
  • skin diseases;
  • viral skin diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In order for homemade masks to be as effective as possible, it is recommended to carefully select the composition and take into account the type of skin. A dermatologist or a beauty salon specialist will help you do this, who will select not only a suitable mask, but also complete home care.

Do you work in the beauty industry?.

Honey It contains a whole complex of elements valuable for the skin. Penetrating deep into the epidermis, it nourishes them and retains moisture, thereby toning and refreshing them. In addition, natural honey effectively removes skin impurities, promotes skin regeneration, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Dairy very useful for facial skin because they have moisturizing, nourishing, and tonic properties. They, as valuable sources of vitamins A, D, B2, B12, PP, as well as microelements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus) nourish the skin and promote its full regeneration. In addition, milk, kefir, and sour cream have the effect of whitening and rejuvenating the skin. Face masks based on these products help maintain youth and healthy looking skin.

Egg contains a lot of useful micro- and macroelements (sodium, calcium, iron, phosphorus), vitamin A, B, D, lecithin. Thanks to this valuable composition, eggs are an excellent natural cosmetic skin care product. Masks based on them deeply moisturize, nourish, soften and tone the skin.

Indications for moisturizing masks

1. Dehydrated skin
2. Dry skin
3. Aging and aging skin
4. All skin types need periodic moisturizing
5. Winter skin care
6. When in a dry, hot climate.

Rules for performing moisturizing face masks

Before starting the procedure, the facial skin must be cleansed of decorative cosmetics, fat and dirt with a special tonic or cream.

A thick mask (creamy) is applied directly to the facial skin. If the product is liquid, then either wipe the skin with it, or soak a textile napkin and apply it to the face.

The soaking time for moisturizing masks prepared independently from natural products is 20-30 minutes.

Masks must be washed off with water room temperature. It is recommended to wash off masks based on vegetable oils with water heated to 30 degrees.

Recipes for moisturizing face masks

Recipes for moisturizing facial masks based on water and decoctions of medicinal plants

Homemade moisturizing face mask with chamomile

1 glass (200 g) clean water;
3 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers;
1 small spoon of any vegetable oil.

Boil water and pour into a jar with dry chamomile inflorescences, close the container with a lid. After half an hour, strain the broth and add oil to it.

Action: moisturizing, nutrition, skin rejuvenation, relieving irritation and peeling.

Indications: dry and normal skin, dehydrated skin, unhealthy complexion.

Application: A moisturizing face mask (for dry skin) at home is performed once a week in the cold season and 2 times in the summer.

Mask for dry, dehydrated skin based on linden decoction

dried linden flowers;
vegetable oil;
oat flour.

Make a decoction from 1 large spoon of linden blossom and water. Cool it and strain. Dilute them with 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal Pour a few drops of oil into the product.

Action: moisturizing, tightening, healing the skin, giving the face freshness, normalizing metabolic processes in the upper layer of the epidermis.

Indications: Moisturizing face masks for dry skin are indicated for dehydrated skin, as well as for wrinkles, pigmentation, inflammation and dermatitis.

Application: Such masks for dehydrated facial skin at home are performed every other day.

Moisturizing and nourishing mask for facial skin from a decoction of medicinal herbs

St. John's wort;
hop cones;
strawberry leaves;
apple juice (freshly squeezed).

How to make a moisturizing face mask at home from herbs?
Make a decoction of the above-mentioned plants (1 teaspoon of each herb per 200 ml of water), cool and strain it. Add a small spoon of natural honey, 1 yolk and 1 large spoon of apple juice to the liquid. Mix the product.

Action: recovery water balance, nutrition with vitamins, skin tightening.

Indications: dehydrated skin, dull and dry skin, unhealthy complexion.

Application: homemade mask for dehydrated skin based on a decoction of medicinal herbs can be performed weekly.

Recipes for moisturizing face masks based on dairy products

Face mask with cottage cheese and milk

high fat cottage cheese;

Pour milk (2 large spoons) into a bowl and heat. Add a couple of spoons of cottage cheese to it. Mix the mixture.

Action: nutrition and hydration, lightening of freckles and pigmentation, relieving inflammation and irritation.

Indications: A moisturizing face mask made from fermented milk products is suitable for dry, problematic skin with rashes, peeling and inflammation on the skin, pigmentation, and freckles.

Application: A curd deeply moisturizing face mask can be performed 1 or 2 times a week.

Moisturizing face mask made from sour cream

half a large glass of sour cream (15% fat);
2 medium sized new potatoes.

Steam the potatoes or “in their jackets” and mash them with a fork. Add sour cream to the resulting puree. Apply the mask warm to your face.

Action: moisturizing, removing impurities from pores, nourishing with valuable elements, lightening the skin.

Indications: combination and dry skin, aging skin, freckles, exhausted skin.

Application: This natural moisturizing face mask can be performed once every 10 days.

Face mask made of kefir, sour cream and citrus fruits

kefir or yogurt;
medium fat sour cream;
a slice of lemon and orange.

In a bowl, mix 2 large spoons of the mentioned fermented milk products. Squeeze the juice from the citrus fruits onto them.

Action: toning and moisturizing, nutrition with vitamins and valuable elements, lightening of the skin.

Indications: flabby skin, dry and combination skin, manifestations of pigmentation.

Application: A mask for dehydrated skin at home made from fermented milk products is performed 1-2 times a week.

Milk face mask to moisturize oily skin

almond kernels;
sour milk.

Grind the almonds in a coffee grinder. Dissolve 1 large spoon of this flour sour milk. The mask should have the thickness of a cream.

Action: moisturizing oily skin, cleansing pores from dirt, fat, dead skin cells, eliminating greasy shine.

Indications: Moisturizing masks for oily facial skin at home are indicated for acne, acne and aging skin.

Application: A moisturizing mask for oily skin can be performed once a week.

Recipes for moisturizing face masks based on fruits, vegetables, berries

Nourishing and moisturizing zucchini face mask

young zucchini;
1 small spoon of vegetable oil.

Grind the zucchini (100 g) on ​​a fine grater. Add oil to it and stir. Spread the product in an even layer on double gauze and apply it to your face in this form.

Action: stimulation of metabolic processes, cleaning of pores, deep hydration, smoothing of fine wrinkles.

Indications: Zucchini face mask is suitable for dry, aging and dehydrated skin.

Application: A zucchini moisturizing face mask at home can be performed 2 times a week.

Face mask with carrot juice

fresh carrot juice - 1 small spoon;
raw yolk (chicken egg) - 1 pc.;
cream (10-15% fat) - 1 large spoon.

Mix all the ingredients together. Use the mask as directed immediately.

Action: moisturizing, tightening, saturation with useful substances, giving the skin a beautiful shade.

Indications: dry skin, pale skin, depleted skin.

Application: A moisturizing face mask (consumer reviews claim this) is very effective. To get a positive result, it will be enough to perform it once every 10 days.

Super moisturizing face mask based on sea buckthorn juice

2 large spoons of freshly squeezed ripe sea buckthorn juice.

Soak a cotton napkin, handkerchief or gauze (2-3 layers) with sea buckthorn juice and place it on your face.

Action: nourishing the epidermis with useful elements, relieving inflammation, antibacterial effect.

Indications: dull, inflamed and dehydrated skin.

Application: Sea buckthorn moisturizing face mask for dehydrated skin at home can be performed up to 3 times a week.

Face mask with apple

fresh apple (you can use cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin instead);
cow's or goat's milk;
oat flakes;
fruit vinegar.

Grind the apple on a grater. Heat the milk to a temperature of 30-35 degrees. Grind the oat flakes in a blender. Mix all ingredients. Apply a warm mask to the skin, leave for a quarter of an hour and rinse with cold water with the addition of fruit vinegar. For a liter of water, take half a small spoon of vinegar.

Action: cleansing and moisturizing, healing microcracks and wounds, normalizing metabolic processes in the upper layer of the epidermis.

Indications: any skin type, rashes and inflammatory manifestations on the skin, aging skin.

Application: A nourishing and moisturizing face mask at home with apple can be performed weekly.

Tomato moisturizing face mask

ripe tomato (red or yellow variety);
1 small spoon of olive oil;
1 small spoon of potato starch.

Mash the tomato in a bowl with a fork. Add butter and starch to it. Mix the ingredients. Treat your facial skin with the resulting product.

Action: toning, deep hydration, enrichment with vitamins.

Indications: dehydrated skin, loose skin, pale complexion.

Application: Tomato moisturizing face mask at home can be performed twice a week.

Moisturizing banana face mask

cow's or goat's milk - 3 large spoons.

Mash the banana with a fork and dilute with fresh milk. Apply the resulting cosmetic product to cleansed skin.

Action: eliminating peeling, moisturizing, smoothing wrinkles, giving a fresh look to the skin of the face and neck.

Indications: aged and depleted skin, pale skin.

Application: a moisturizing face mask at home has only positive reviews, it can be done often, literally every other day.

Recipes for moisturizing face masks based on natural vegetable oils

Classic moisturizing mask with vegetable oil

any vegetable oil.

The oil must be heated to a temperature of 38 degrees. Soak gauze folded in two or three tiers with oil and apply it to your face.

Action: restoration of water balance, toning, tightening of the skin.

Indications: dry skin, dehydrated skin, aging skin.

Application: Oil masks for dehydrated skin can be performed once a week.

Homemade moisturizing face mask with olive oil

100 milliliters of olive oil;
5 drops of solutions in the form of oil of vitamins A and E.

Heat the oil in a water bath. Mix it with vitamin solutions. Soak a gauze pad with the resulting product and place it on your face.
Action: softening and nourishing the skin, moisturizing and tightening, giving elasticity and a healthy appearance.

Indications: dry, normal and combination skin, peeling, inflammatory processes.

Application: oil moisturizing mask for combination skin face at home can be performed once a week.

Oil mask with dandelion and onion (makeup remover)

unrefined vegetable oil;
dandelion flowers;
onions (small size).

Place dandelions (5 pcs.) and chopped onion in oil and place on low heat. Heat it for 10 minutes. Cool and strain. Use every evening to remove makeup and cleanse your face. After the procedure, you need to wash your face in warm (30-35 degrees) water.

Action: cleansing pores, removing dirt and fat to the surface of the epidermis, restoring water balance, lightening the appearance of pigmentation.

Indications: for dry and normal facial skin.

Application: A whitening and moisturizing face mask can be performed daily.

Recipes for moisturizing face masks based on honey

Classic moisturizing face mask with honey

2 spoons natural honey;
8 spoons of water.

Dilute honey in warm (not hot!) water. Soak a napkin in the product and place it on your face. As moisture is absorbed, wet the napkin more. Complete the entire procedure within 20 minutes. When finished, wash your face with clean water.

Action: replenishing water balance, relieving inflammation, antiseptic and antibacterial effects.

Indications: problematic skin, acne, pimples and inflammation, porous skin.

Application: mask for dehydration porous skin faces can be performed weekly.

Homemade moisturizing face mask with honey for oily skin

1 spoon of liquid honey;
lemon juice, squeezed from 1/2 of it.

Mix the ingredients. Apply the product to your face and neck.

Action: enriching the epidermis with moisture and nutrients, smoothing and cleansing the skin, eliminating oily sheen, normalizing metabolic processes.

Indications: oily skin, acne, pimples, dehydrated skin.

Application: masks for dehydrated oily skin based on honey can be performed weekly.

Moisturizing honey mask For sensitive skin

natural honey;
freshly squeezed aloe juice.
Grind the aloe leaf in a blender. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass through cheesecloth. Mix it with 2 tablespoons of liquid honey.

Action: gentle cleansing of the skin, nutrition and deep hydration, giving the skin elasticity and smoothness.

Indications:, problematic skin, depleted skin, aging skin.

Application: These moisturizing face masks at home for sensitive skin can be done weekly.

Egg-based moisturizing face masks

Moisturizing and nourishing face mask with egg

vegetable oil (1 spoon);
lemon juice (10 drops).

Mix all components into a homogeneous mass. Soak a textile napkin with the resulting cosmetic product and apply to the skin of the face. After 5 minutes, wet the napkin again and repeat the procedure. After this, wash with warm water.

Action: ridding the skin of dryness and flaking, enriching the epidermis with nutritional components, eliminating wrinkles.

Indications: dull, dry, aging skin.

Application: This egg super moisturizing face mask at home can be performed weekly.

Moisturizing and cleansing face mask with egg

strong black tea;
Rye flour.

Dilute the flour with tea until creamy. Next, add the egg to the mixture. Mix the product and apply it as a mask on your face. Wash it off after 20 minutes.

Action: deep cleaning, restoration of the water balance of the epidermis, tightening, general improvement of the skin of the neck and face.

Indications: problematic skin with acne, blackheads and pimples, peeling, wrinkles.

Application: Such folk moisturizing face masks based on eggs can be performed every ten days.

Skin of any type needs systematic moisturizing. Her health, beauty and youth depend on this. Sometimes using moisturizer alone is not enough. Self-made products can fill the skin with moisture.

How does a moisturizing mask work?

The condition of the skin is greatly influenced not only by the characteristics of the body, but also by the weather. For example, scorching sun, wind, frost. All this leads to loss of moisture. Exactly moisturizing face mask at home will help normalize water balance.

Home remedies are beneficial due to the following components:

  • Vitamin A. It helps dry skin become saturated with moisture, relieves irritation, and fights flaking. This vitamin is contained in foods such as seaweed, viburnum and milk.
  • Vitamin B is another great moisturizer. IN large quantities it is found in rice and almonds.
  • Hyaluronic acid, which is found in foods such as grapes and burdock oil, helps restore normal water balance.
  • Potassium is responsible for maintaining optimal moisture levels. It is found in mustard, potatoes, and peas.

In what cases should moisturizing masks be used?

Every girl's skin needs hydration. Special attention Those with dry skin should take care of their face. In winter, girls often experience peeling skin, which is caused by weather conditions.

Another reason to pay attention to the condition of the skin is vitamin deficiency. This problem is accompanied by peeling, frequent irritation, and deterioration of complexion.

A constant feeling of tight skin is also a signal indicating the need for moisturizing. If a girl often uses foundation, then moisturizing her skin should become a daily procedure.

Homemade mask recipes for moisturizing

From cabbage and cottage cheese

Grind the cabbage in a blender and separate two teaspoons. Cabbage is mixed with milk and cottage cheese (a teaspoon each). The product should remain on the skin for up to twenty minutes. It is advisable to rinse off with a cotton pad and milk.

From carrots and apples

This recipe will help girls with oily skin. All you need is half a carrot and an apple. You need to use a fine grater, mix the ingredients and apply for 15 minutes.

From honey and cottage cheese

This mask will help dry skin get enough moisture. You need to mix a tablespoon of cottage cheese (fat) with milk and honey (a teaspoon each). If desired, you can add carrot juice. Wash off after twenty minutes.

From cucumbers

You need to grate half a cucumber, mix with sour cream (a tablespoon) and vitamin A for oil based(tea spoon). The product remains on the skin for ten minutes.

From banana

Mash half a banana and mix with plain yogurt (a tablespoon). Leave on face for 15 minutes. This recipe will help eliminate peeling and normalize water balance. If your skin is oily, it is better to replace the banana with an apple.

Made from oatmeal

Pour oatmeal (two tablespoons) with warm milk in the amount of four tablespoons. The product is infused for fifteen minutes and then applied to the face. It washes off after half an hour.

From aloe oils and juice

Mix peach and sea buckthorn oil in a one to one ratio. Add the same amount of olive oil (unrefined). Pour in the juice squeezed from aloe in the amount of half a teaspoon. The product can be applied at night and washed off when waking up. This recipe will help normalize dry skin by filling it with moisture.

From tomatoes

The mask will help tighten pores and moisturize the skin. You need to remove the skin from the tomato (this is easy to do if you pour boiling water over it), grate it and mix it with a teaspoon of potato starch. Do not rinse for 20 minutes.

You need to use only fresh ingredients. You should not prepare the product in the morning and apply it in the evening. Moisturizing face mask at home must be applied immediately after preparation.

Before use, you need to do a test to help rule out an allergic reaction. To do this, apply the product to the wrist and leave it for a while. This simple procedure will help you avoid possible troubles.

All dairy products used in the preparation of the product must contain a high percentage of fat content.

Before application, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin using a scrub or lotion. Home remedies are not applied to the eyelids. You can put cotton pads soaked in black tea or chamomile infusion on your eyes.

It is necessary to follow the application technique, without ignoring the directions of the massage lines. Application should begin from the chin, moving up to the ears. After removing the product, it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream.

No need to wait instant results, since skin care requires regularity.

From all the variety of hand make cosmetics that have been successfully used for a long time, we have chosen the best moisturizing face masks.

All recipes for moisturizing face masks are very simple and do not require any special ingredients or special skills. In addition, such cosmetics are much cheaper salon procedures, but at the same time they are not inferior to them in terms of efficiency, and in terms of naturalness they are many times superior.

A moisturizing face mask can restore firmness and elasticity to the skin, make it smooth and fresh. Expensive cosmetics do not always give the desired result. In many cases, masks prepared according to home recipes become more effective, and in addition, they can significantly save money.

When is it necessary to resort to using moisturizing masks? First of all, facial skin needs moisturizing if:

  • dry type;
  • often peels off, especially in the cold season;
  • is in a state of lethargy or tightness;
  • often becomes inflamed, itchy and red, while the complexion deteriorates (i.e., vitamin deficiency of the skin is observed);
  • exposed to daily exposure to various cosmetic products ( foundation, powder, blush, etc.).

Before using moisturizing masks, you need to determine your skin type; age also plays an important role, the presence of additional problems such as inflammation, flaking of the skin, hypersensitivity to any ingredients, the presence of pimples and blackheads. Based on this, you should select the most suitable moisturizing mask recipe.

Homemade moisturizing face masks are made from natural ingredients(eggs, honey, fruit and vegetable ingredients, berries, oatmeal, dairy products, vegetable oil, etc.). Thus, the skin receives useful material, microelements, vitamins, is saturated with moisture contained in the juices of fresh fruits and berries, acquires natural shade and is restored. After using homemade masks, carefully selected taking into account your skin type, the above problems disappear.

Moisturizing face mask with vegetables

Vegetables eaten in the form of salad are much healthier for you. good color face than a kebab or a piece of cake... In addition, vegetables can also be used to prepare moisturizing homemade face masks.

The leader in vegetable cosmetics is, of course, the cucumber. It's not in vain that with good appearance the compliment sounds: “You look like a cucumber.” And this despite the fact that cucumber contains 96% water. And the rest is chlorophyll, carotene, vitamins C, B and PP, as well as potassium. Just don’t forget that by peeling a cucumber, you lose many of the benefits of this vegetable.

The cucumber + sour cream mask is made from a mixture of two tablespoons of chopped cucumber with a tablespoon of thick sour cream. The mask is kept as usual - 15-20 minutes, and then - also in the traditional way - washed off with water at room temperature.

A super moisturizing face mask (for any skin type) is also prepared from grated fresh cucumber (a couple of tablespoons), to which you should add 5-7 drops of an oil solution of retinol (vitamin A) and 2-3 drops of essential anise oil. By the way, an alternative to cucumber in these masks can be small young zucchini.

To moisturize oily skin, you need to make a tomato mask. To prepare it, remove the peel from the tomato (it is easily removed if you pour boiling water over the vegetable and then cold water), grind it until smooth and mix with corn or potato starch to thicken.

A moisturizing, nourishing face mask made from carrots is an excellent remedy for dry and normal skin. To prepare it, you need to squeeze the juice out of a medium-sized carrot, take two tablespoons of this juice and mix with the remaining ingredients (a tablespoon each): oatmeal, sour cream and olive oil.

But for those who have dry skin, a moisturizing face mask made from spinach leaves will be very useful. Her recipe is as follows: pour three tablespoons of finely chopped spinach into 50-70 ml of boiled milk and give time for the greens to soften, and then chop into a homogeneous mass. Apply this warm mass to your face for 20 minutes.

Moisturizing face mask with fruits

The juicy pulp of the fruit is an excellent product for moisturizing cosmetic procedures at home. Recipes for moisturizing face masks based on the most common and more exotic fruits are so simple that they somehow do not fit in with the concept of “procedure”. And perhaps this is why women often do not attach much importance to such masks. And completely in vain.

As they say, everything ingenious is simple. Eat a banana - leave a piece, mash it with a fork until puree and apply to your face for 15 minutes. Here's a banana mask for you. If you want to enhance the effectiveness of this mask, add a teaspoon of sour cream to the banana.

A moisturizing face mask made from peach, melon, grapefruit, avocado or kiwi is made according to the same principle. To the fruit pulp, turned into pulp, you can add a few drops of olive oil. unrefined oil or raw egg yolk (for dry skin), raw egg white (for oily skin), a teaspoon of liquid honey (for problem skin, but if you are not allergic to honey).

Any of these simple fruit-based masks not only moisturizes your facial skin well, but also nourishes it at the same time.

Moisturizing face mask with honey

A moisturizing face mask with honey + aloe is prepared simply: just mix a tablespoon of liquid honey with a teaspoon of juice squeezed from a leaf of an agave growing in the kitchen.

You can prepare a mask of honey + herbal infusion. To do this, you will first have to prepare an infusion of medicinal plants - calendula flowers, chamomile, yarrow, plantain leaves and hop cones (in equal proportions). For 100 ml of boiling water, take a tablespoon of a mixture of herbs and infuse under the lid for 25 minutes. The still warm infusion (a couple of tablespoons) must be mixed with honey (a teaspoon), one raw egg yolk and a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. If your skin is irritated or peeling, replace lemon juice with olive oil.

Moisturizing face mask with cottage cheese

All fermented milk products are suitable for preparing moisturizing homemade face masks, but cottage cheese has no competition here. It contains vitamins B1, B2, B9, B12, C, PP and E; potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and zinc.

To make it work useful mask to moisturize the skin, mix a tablespoon of fresh cottage cheese with milk, freshly squeezed carrot juice and vegetable (preferably olive) oil (one teaspoon of each ingredient). After evenly distributing the resulting mixture over your face, it is good to sit in a comfortable chair or lie down for 20 minutes. And then wash off the mask with lukewarm water. It is enough to carry out this procedure a couple of times a week.

In addition to carrot juice, you can add the pulp of any fruits and berries of your choice to this mask, and add aloe juice instead of milk.

Also moisturizing natural masks for the face can and should be enriched with essential oils: almond, grapefruit, jasmine, grape seeds, from rose, avocado, tea tree, lavender, anise, as well as ylang-ylang, jojoba and patchouli.

If you have wrinkles, it is useful to add jasmine and grapefruit oils, if the skin is very dry - patchouli and anise oil, for any skin type - lavender or geranium oil.

Moisturizing nourishing face mask

Often women face problems such as dry, lifeless, dull skin. For a number of unknown reasons, a feeling of skin tightness may appear on the face. This indicates that the skin lacks nutrition and hydration. This problem is especially relevant for older women.

A moisturizing face mask, in addition to its main purpose, can also have a nourishing effect, i.e. provide adequate nutrition to cells.

A moisturizing, nourishing face mask is effective, first of all, thanks to the ingredients that are included in its composition. By regularly using this cosmetic product, after just a few procedures you can notice significant results:

  • the unpleasant feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin will disappear;
  • small wrinkles will be smoothed out;
  • facial skin will become softer and more elastic;
  • the skin texture will become smoother;
  • the complexion will improve, a blush will appear;
  • areas of peeling will disappear;
  • manifestations of excessive skin sensitivity will decrease;
  • the contour of the face will become clearer;
  • swelling will go away;
  • saggy folds will disappear.

Fresh berries, juicy fruits, and egg yolk are used as ingredients that well moisturize and nourish the skin. Such products contain a whole complex of vitamins and life-giving moisture - components that are simply necessary for aging skin suffering from vitamin deficiency.

It is necessary to take into account an important condition for the use of moisturizing and nourishing masks: such skin care products do not have a cleansing or anti-inflammatory effect if they do not contain the appropriate components. It is necessary to use such masks with caution for oily skin, since the yolk, as the main component, can increase the production of subcutaneous sebum.

Today, there are many recipes for nourishing and moisturizing masks that can be prepared at home. To choose the most suitable one, you need to try several different options. It is first recommended to carry out a simple test to identify irritations or allergies by applying the mixture to the skin of the wrist. Each mask must be kept on the face for 15-20 minutes. Below are some of the most popular recipes.

  • Universal moisturizing and nourishing mask. As the basis of the mask, you need to take an egg yolk and mix it with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Then add 5 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of honey to the mixture, beat all ingredients with a mixer and add 1 teaspoon of ground oatmeal to the resulting mass (before applying the mask to the skin of the face).
  • Melon-plum mask. Plums should be mashed, after removing pits and peels. Then mix plum pulp with fresh melon pulp (in equal parts), add vegetable oil (1 tablespoon).
  • Mask based on " Baby cream». Egg yolk must be mixed with 1 teaspoon of “Baby cream”, add 1 tbsp to the resulting mass. a spoonful of butter, previously melted to a liquid state. You can add oil vitamins A, E, D to the mask.
  • Oatmeal mask. First you need to prepare oatmeal with milk and warm 1 tbsp. Mix a spoonful of porridge with the same amount of melted olive oil or butter.

Facial skin requires regular moisturizing and nutrition. Using a mask for this purpose, you can quickly achieve the desired effect and preserve the freshness and youth of your face for a long time.

Super moisturizing face mask

In some cases, the skin is so dry that it requires super moisturizing. This problem is especially relevant in summer and winter seasons when the skin needs extra care. A moisturizing face mask with intense hydration can save the skin from dehydration, peeling and fading, return the face to a healthy color, and restore its texture and contour.

A super moisturizing face mask is the best option for very dry, flaky, aging and lifeless skin. The secret of such a mask lies in a specially selected complex of active ingredients that penetrate very deeply into the subcutaneous layers, activating cell function, increasing blood circulation and improving lymph outflow. Thanks to the super-moisturizing mask, the facial skin is freed from toxins by alternately expanding and narrowing the pores. Thus, the skin is perfectly moisturized and acquires a radiant shade. Naturally, you can purchase masks with a moisturizing effect from well-known cosmetic brands in specialized perfume stores or beauty salons. But you can try to make such a mask with your own hands.

To prepare homemade moisturizing masks, you must use only fresh natural products, without any preservatives or artificial additives. After the first use of the selected super-moisturizing mask, you need to evaluate the result. The perfect mask should have the desired effect after the first procedure. There are recipes for supermasks with a moisturizing effect that have literally instant effect:

  • Complex mask for intense hydration. To prepare it, you need to grind 100 grams of sour cream with egg yolk, add a little lemon zest powder and leave the mixture for 15 minutes. Then add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and mix everything thoroughly. The mask must be applied in a thick layer to the face and left until completely dry. It's best to rinse off mineral water or parsley infusion.
  • Egg and honey mask. The yolk of a chicken egg must be ground with melted natural honey (2 tablespoons). You can add a few drops of vegetable oil and lemon juice to the mask.
  • Fruit and curd mask. A tablespoon of fresh cottage cheese should be mixed with fruit pulp (banana, peach, watermelon, orange, tangerine or avocado) and applied to previously cleansed facial skin. This mask quickly restores dry skin.
  • Yeast mask. Dilute the yeast with warm milk until a paste forms and apply to the skin of the face. The mask is effective for excessively dry skin and removes fine lines and wrinkles.

Homemade moisturizing masks are easy to prepare from fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, since such products contain active ingredients that can not only restore water balance, but also saturate the skin with beneficial vitamins and minerals. A super-moisturizing mask can be based on kefir or yogurt - these components will restore youth and beauty to the skin.

Leave-in hydrating facial mask

A moisturizing face mask does not have to be washed off with water. There are recipes that only require removing the remnants of the mask with a damp cloth or cotton pads.

A leave-in moisturizing face mask has an even greater effect, since all the active components included in its composition penetrate directly into the pores and remain there. Thus, it is possible to achieve maximum results in moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

The following moisturizing masks can be used as leave-in masks:

  • Cucumber. Mix fresh cucumber juice with cream and then add a few drops of rose oil. Lightly beat the mixture until foam is obtained and apply a thick layer to the skin of the face. Remove the remaining mask with a damp towel.
  • Carrot. Finely grate a large juicy carrot and mix with the yolk. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin of the face in a thin layer. After 15 min. The mask must be removed with regular cotton pads soaked in water.
  • Herbal. Pour a glass of boiling water over a mixture of chamomile, St. John's wort, hop cones and yarrow (1 tablespoon) and leave for 15 minutes. Strain the infusion and add 2 beaten yolks, freshly squeezed juice of ½ lemon and 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply the finished mask in a thin layer to cleansed facial skin, and after half an hour, remove any remaining mask using a damp swab or towel.
  • Watermelon. Mix a couple of tablespoons of fresh watermelon juice (with pulp possible) with 1 egg yolk and apply to the face. Remove with a damp towel.
  • Dairy. Mix a spoonful of milk with the yolk, apply the resulting mixture to the skin of the face, and after 20 minutes. Remove the remaining mask with a cotton pad. This mask is ideal for dry skin. For oily skin, it is better to use kefir or sour milk.
  • Olive. Heat olive oil (1 tsp) slightly and apply to the face after 20 minutes. remove excess with a napkin. This product contains large quantities of lanolic acid, which retains moisture in the skin.

You need to remove the remnants of leave-in masks using gentle blotting movements, without scratching or rubbing the skin. If your skin is too dry after using leave-in masks, you can use fat cream, applying it to the most problematic areas.

Moisturizing algae face mask

A moisturizing face mask containing kelp is one of the most effective masks. Algae can reduce the degree of skin secretion, help get rid of acne, dark circles under the eyes, and also smooth out wrinkles and reduce facial swelling. In combination with other natural ingredients (honey, egg white, orange juice, essential oils, etc.), kelp allows you to achieve the most effective results in moisturizing and nourishing dehydrated, dry skin.

This moisturizing algae face mask is very easy to prepare. To do this you need to take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed seaweed and mix them with egg white. Add 1 tbsp to the resulting mixture. a spoonful of honey and a few drops of freshly squeezed orange juice. Mix all ingredients thoroughly to a paste-like consistency. Before applying the algae mask, the face must be washed with warm water and cleansed with lotion. The mask can be applied not only to the face, but also to the neck and décolleté. You can place two slices of fresh cucumber on your eyes to reduce dark circles under your eyes. After 20 minutes, the mask should be washed off with cool water. Moisturized skin will become fresh, radiant and renewed!

Natural moisturizing face masks

A moisturizing face mask should be made from natural ingredients, the beneficial effect of which will help saturate the cells with moisture and restore the natural water balance. In addition, this mask nourishes the skin with beneficial microelements and vitamins.

It is necessary to apply a homemade mask to cleansed skin that has been pre-treated with a scrub. The ideal time to leave the mask on is 15-20 minutes, after which the remaining mask is washed off with warm or cool water. In some cases, simply dabbing your face with a damp towel is enough. After the procedure, it is advisable to lubricate the skin with moisturizer. For dry skin, 2-3 procedures per week are necessary; for oily skin, 1 procedure is sufficient. To get the most lasting effect, you need to take a 2-week course of moisturizing masks, which should be repeated after 1.5-2 months.

Natural moisturizing face masks are not recommended to be stored in the refrigerator; they should be used immediately after preparation. Most often, a moisturizing mask has an effect on the skin complex impact, additionally nourishing and toning it. Below are recipes for moisturizing masks made from natural ingredients.

  • Curd and vegetable mask. You need to take 1 tbsp. spoon of chamomile, mint and rowan leaves, mix the ingredients and pour boiling water (100 g). Leave the broth for half an hour, strain, and then take 1 teaspoon of the prepared broth and mix it with the same amount of cottage cheese. Apply the mask to the face, and the remaining broth can be used as a cleanser.
  • Milk-apple mask for moisturizing oily skin. A small apple should be cut into small cubes, pour a glass of milk, and then cook over low heat until a thick paste is obtained. Apply the cooled mixture to the skin of the face and after 20 minutes. rinse with warm water.
  • Refreshing tomato mask. Ripe tomato fruit needs to be finely grated, then add starch and a few drops of olive oil to the pulp, mix everything. Keep the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This product perfectly smoothes, nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

You can add hyaluronic acid to homemade masks for greater effectiveness. For example, you can take kefir or yogurt, add a few drops of hyaluronic acid (0.5%) to it, add an egg yolk, grapefruit or lemon juice, mix all the ingredients, and then apply the mask to your face in an even layer and after 15 minutes. wash off.

Recipes for moisturizing face masks

Using all kinds of masks with a moisturizing effect, you can delicately care for skin in need of nourishment and cellular restoration.

Recipes for moisturizing face masks are quite simple, but at the same time they have proven to be highly effective in practice. When preparing such masks, products are used that are most suitable for a particular skin type and help to quickly achieve the desired result. Below are several recipes for homemade masks designed to restore water balance and improve the overall condition of facial skin.

  • Milk-honey mask (very effective for restoring dehydrated skin). To prepare it, you need to mix milk (or other milk product) and cellular honey. The resulting mixture must be applied evenly to the face and wait 15 minutes. and rinse with warm water. After the procedure, it is recommended to wipe your face with an ice cube. Components such as milk, yogurt, fermented baked milk, etc. perfectly tone and nourish dry skin.
  • Intense moisturizing grape-honey mask. You need to take 1 teaspoon of honey and mix it with 1 tbsp. l. grape juice, then add the yolk, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and the same amount of oatmeal to the resulting mixture. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, and the resulting slurry applied to cleansed facial skin and after 20 minutes. Rinse gently with warm water.
  • Egg-sour cream mask (used to quickly moisturize aging skin). Mix the egg yolk with sour cream (1 tbsp), add some base oil (peach or grape seed, olive, etc.) to the resulting mixture - 1 teaspoon. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, apply the prepared mask to a cleansed face, and after 15 minutes. (you can hold it longer until the mask dries completely) rinse with warm water.
  • Mustard mask. Mix a teaspoon of dry mustard powder with warm water (1-2 tsp), then add 2 teaspoons of base oil to the resulting slurry. Gently spread the mask over your face with your fingers or a brush, then leave on for 5 minutes. and rinse with cool water. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to use a rich cream. It is advisable not to overexpose such a mask and use it no more than 1 r. per week, because mustard is a very aggressive agent and can cause irritation.

A moisturizing face mask made from fresh natural ingredients can quickly saturate the skin with life-giving moisture and nourish it with beneficial microelements for restoration and natural radiance.

Professional moisturizing face masks

What are professional moisturizing face masks? These are masks that are made in beauty salons. Cosmetologists offer a wide variety of face masks - both in content and form: cream and gel, made from collagen sheets, made from brown algae powder (alginate masks). But among moisturizing masks, preference is given to creamy and alginate ones.

with their own professional secrets cosmetologists prefer not to share, but we know for sure that professional moisturizing face masks contain oils, vitamins, medicinal plant extracts, algae, cosmetic clay, hyaluronic acid, and also, when using ready-made formulations, hydrophilic and lipophilic substances (propylene - and butylene glycols, siloxysilicate, surfactants, ethoxylated fatty alcohols, ethers).

Many of these substances penetrate the epidermal barrier and thereby contribute to the penetration of the active components of cosmetic masks (as well as creams) through the stratum corneum of the skin. For example, the moisture-retaining synthetic substance 1,2-propanediol (propylene glycol, food supplement E 1520) can be embedded in the intercellular structures (lipid layers) of the skin, as a result of which moisture enters the stratum corneum of the skin and is retained there.

Moisturizing face mask for professional use is available in ready-made form for salon and home use and have a very effective effect on the skin. Professional masks are used at the end of cosmetic procedures and are recommended for use after peeling, as well as for irritated, tired and aging skin.

A professional moisturizing face mask can be gel or cream in release form; alginate and paraffin masks, film masks, as well as collagen, fabric, silicone masks. The main condition for using industrial masks is that they match your skin type to prevent the opposite effect. Thus, when choosing a professional mask, you must take into account your skin type - dry, normal, sensitive, oily or combination.

What components are included in professional masks? First of all, these are active substances that help moisturize the skin and saturate it with oxygen:

  • coenzymes,
  • hyaluronic acid,
  • plant extracts,
  • algae extracts,
  • vitamins and minerals,
  • collagen,
  • lactic acid, etc.

To achieve maximum effect in the use of professional masks to moisturize the skin, it is necessary to use such procedures in a course of 8-14 masks.

The number of procedures will depend on age, skin type and condition.

Moisturizing masks with hyaluronic acid help restore water balance and rejuvenate facial skin. Hyaluronic acid improves skin tone, prevents premature aging, retains sufficient moisture and promotes skin elasticity. Plasticizing alginate masks are very popular nowadays because they have a pronounced lifting effect and also stimulate metabolic processes and cleanse the skin of toxins. Such masks are unique in that they penetrate very deeply into the skin, filling even the smallest wrinkles, and actively saturate the cells with moisture. Plasticizing masks increase skin elasticity, smooth out fine wrinkles, eliminate spider veins on the face, and stimulate local immunity. Their main purpose is to care for age-related, problematic (oily, pigmented, rosacea), atonic skin, as well as the fight against itchy dermatoses and the prevention of early skin aging.

An experienced cosmetologist will be able to assess the condition of the skin, the degree of its dehydration and select the most suitable moisturizing mask that combines active ingredients.

But there are many recipes for moisturizing face masks that you can make yourself without turning to professional cosmetologists. So, a chocolate moisturizing mask is prepared from a mixture of cocoa powder (2 tablespoons), natural honey (1 tablespoon) and a ready-made hydrating cream suitable for your skin (1 teaspoon). The well-mixed mass is applied to the face in an even layer and left for 20 minutes.

Professional moisturizing face masks, in particular alginate masks, are available in powder form. For example, a French alginate mask (Biogenie Beaute Concept) just needs to be mixed with water and the resulting gel applied to the face for a quarter of an hour.

The best moisturizing face masks: Clarins, Avon, Garnier

The French cosmetics company Clarins produces a line of Multi-Hydratante moisturizers. Clarins HydraQuench Cream-Mask is intended for dehydrated skin, regardless of its type. Thanks to the presence of tocopherol (vitamin E), hyaluronic acid, and cataphra tree bark extract, this mask, as stated in the annotation, acts instantly, helps improve the quality of the stratum corneum and restores the natural hydration mechanisms of the skin. This cosmetic product, improving microcirculation in skin cells, smoothes wrinkles, making the skin soft, fresh and smooth.

Well, everything is clear with vitamin and hyaluronic acid, but the cataphra tree (Cedrelopsis grevei) grows only in the arid forests of the island of Madagascar. In the local traditional medicine A decoction of the bark of this plant is used as a tonic and antipyretic, and the essential oil has restorative and soothing properties.

In accordance with the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI), other components that the Clarens moisturizing face mask contains are listed: Glycerin, Stearic Acid, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Cyclomethicone, Pentylene Glycol, Cetearyl Ethylhexanoate, Cetyl Alcohol, Ceteareth-12, Titanium Dioxide, Polyacrylamide, Parfum (Fragrance), Tromethamine, Carbomer, C13-14 Isoparaffin, Ethylhexylglycerin, Disodium Edta, Glyceryl Acrylate, Laureth-7, Phenoxyethanol. Among them, you should pay attention to Tromethamine - tromethamine. This organic buffering agent, also known as THAM, is used to increase the permeability of cell membranes. In medicine, it is used as an alternative to sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in the treatment of metabolic acidosis (decreased blood acidity). Obviously, this substance provides quick effect of this mask.

Avon moisturizing face mask - Avon Naturals Nourishing Creamy Mask - contains almond oil, wheat germ oil, kaolin, titanium dioxide, etc. And in the Avon SPA series there is a “Heavenly Moisturizing” face mask with olive oil and olive leaf extract. It is also indicated that this product contains imidazolidinyl urea, panthenol, glycerin, butylene glycol and other chemicals.

Garnier moisturizing face mask - a mask from their “Garnier basic care” series - contains vitamin E and grape extract. Grape extract has a significant percentage of anthocyanins - polyphenolic antioxidants that reduce the intensity of lipid oxidation and prevent the destruction of proteins, collagen and elastin fibers of the skin. Garnier moisturizing face mask is available in a tube and in bags (two masks of 6 ml each in one foil package). This cosmetic product is intended for oily or oily skin.

The best moisturizing face mask is the one that can help you make your skin healthy, radiant, fresh and thereby quickly achieve the desired results. For this purpose, hygroscopic components are often used - special substances that have the ability to bind water molecules to each other and trap them deep in the epidermis. First of all, such active components include polyunsaturated acids and various plant substances: for example, algin (a beneficial polysaccharide extracted from brown algae) and allantoin (an extract made from the root of the comfrey herb).

IN modern cosmetology Biomatrix masks are used, which contain hyaluronic acid, as well as algae, various enzymes and collagens. Using special technology, it is possible to produce mask plates, which are called “biomatrixes”. First, the raw materials are frozen, and after that the moisture is “pulled” out of the frozen ingredients, then the dehydrated powder is pressed into separate sheets using special equipment. For the mask, a piece of biomatrix sheet is cut taking into account the right size, then applied to a cleansed face, and then moistened with water using a sponge, cosmetic brush or vacuum spray. The plate is quickly saturated with moisture and turns into a gel that adheres to the skin and creates a greenhouse effect: the pores soften and absorb active plant ingredients. After this procedure, the remnants of the mask are removed with a napkin.

One of the best moisturizing masks that have an intense effect on the skin can be considered a plasticizing mask, which, in addition to a pronounced moisturizing effect, has a tightening effect. As a result of using such a mask, the facial contour improves and the skin tone increases. The composition of such a mask usually includes plasticizers (both natural and synthetic): various plant coagulants, resins, as well as paraffin and pectin. To form an impermeable layer on the skin of the face and reduce the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the epidermis, lanolin, lecithin or glycerin, as well as silicones can be introduced into the mask. Masks with biomatrix and plasticizing masks can be purchased at pharmacies.

In addition to pharmaceutical masks, there are homemade masks that perfectly moisturize and nourish the skin. An intensive moisturizing face mask is a mask that contains fruits, berries, vegetables, vegetable oils, lactic acid products, egg yolk and honey. This “cocktail” of natural ingredients not only has an excellent moisturizing effect, but also healing properties:

  • Pumpkin mask. Excellent product for intensive hydration of even extremely dry skin. To prepare such a mask, you need to boil the pumpkin, chop it finely, and then thoroughly grind or beat until pureed. Add grated carrots and vegetable oil (preferably olive) - 1 tbsp each. spoon of each ingredient.
  • Agave (aloe) mask. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of fresh agave juice and mix with the same amount of olive oil, and then combine with 1 teaspoon of fatty cream.
  • Grape-honey mask. Freshly squeezed grape juice must be mixed in equal proportions with natural buckwheat honey. You need to properly soak a gauze pad with the prepared liquid and then apply it to your face.
  • Cucumber-sour cream mask. To prepare it you need to use 3 tbsp. spoons of chopped cucumber and 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream. Chop the fresh cucumber well and then mix with sour cream.

Compared to other cosmetic procedures, masks have a number of advantages: ease of use combined with high effectiveness.

The most expensive luxury masks and creams contain honey, since honey is one of the most useful and moisturizing elements of cosmetics. It is found in small quantities in creams. Imagine what will happen to your skin if you give it pure honey?

Beneficial properties of a moisturizing mask with honey

Honey contains great amount trace elements and minerals:

  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • copper;
  • manganese.

But these are not all the components of honey. It contains a huge amount of vitamins, due to which honey makes the skin elastic, tightens it and moisturizes it. Honey will replace your trip to the spa and treatments with a cosmetologist. Weekly homemade moisturizing face masks with honey will help you get rid of wrinkles and visibly improve your complexion.

This mask will be especially useful for girls with dry skin. The mask will relieve you of dry and flaky skin. In addition, this mask can be used by girls with any skin type in winter to prevent drying and dehydration of the skin.

Another – and important – advantage of honey is its antibacterial properties. As is known, bacteria are characterized problem skin, so honey masks can be used as a cosmetic for acne. If you need to put your skin in order after a sleepless night, then honey will be an indispensable assistant for you in this matter. Honey is a solution to problems for any skin type.

Moisturizing mask for skin regeneration

What you will need:

  • oats;
  • fatty oil (of your choice);
  • lemon essential oil;
  • chamomile;
  • shea butter (karite).

Preparing the mask

Grind oats in a coffee grinder until powdered.

Brew 1 teaspoon of ground oatmeal with boiling water.

Take half a teaspoon of chamomile and brew 50 ml of boiling water.

Melt shea butter in a water bath.

Take 1 tablespoon of honey, mix with half a teaspoon of shea butter and other fatty oil. Then add 2 drops essential oil lemon. Add oats and chamomile. Mix all components thoroughly.

Apply the mask to your face for about 20 minutes. You can keep it longer, the effect will only improve. You need to wash off the mask with warm water, preferably using a tonic.

We present to you two more miraculous face masks.

Fast acting mask with honey

What you will need:

  • banana;
  • lemon juice.

Preparing the mask

  1. Divide the banana into pieces. Grind in a blender.
  2. We dilute honey with lemon juice.
  3. Mix honey and banana.

Apply the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

This mask will instantly transform your skin and restore it after a sleepless night, nourish it and even out your complexion.

Mask with honey to moisturize problem skin

With regular use of this mask, you will be able to observe the effect within 2 weeks.

What you will need:

  • cinnamon essential oil;
  • clay.

Preparing the mask

  1. Melt the honey in a water bath. Add clay, about 2 teaspoons.
  2. Add 2 drops of cinnamon essential oil.

Apply the mask for 15 minutes. Wash off with cool water. It is advisable to use tonic.
This mask will not only help get rid of acne, but also even out your complexion and lighten acne spots. This mask should not be used before going out in the sun, as the components of the mask quite lighten the complexion.

Regular masks with honey will make you irresistible. Cosmetologists will envy you, and friends will ask you your beauty secret. Honey is a great spa treatment for your skin. And you don’t spend even a penny on it. All the necessary ingredients are stored in your kitchen. This “liquid gold” will replace your expensive creams and face masks.