Fashion 2013

Well-groomed hands. Beautiful hands are a woman’s calling card (hand care). Peeling mask for hands

To ensure that women's hands always look neat and well-groomed, experts recommend getting a manicure on average once a week. Of course, it’s easier to go to a beauty salon, but not everyone can do this. Some simply cannot find extra time for themselves, others prefer not to go to the salon for financial reasons. In fact, learning how to do a high-quality manicure on your own and at home is quite possible. All you need for this is the desire to be beautiful, the desire to learn and, of course, a little training.

Choosing a manicure

Where should you start? First of all, you need to decide on the type of manicure. Decide which manicure suits you: edged or classic. When performing a classic manicure, the cuticle is removed using metal tongs. But there is more edged manicure suitable for women, whose cuticle is quite hard and which is not so easy to remove. It’s worth noting right away that when performing a trim manicure, you need to be especially careful, because it’s very easy to get hurt when doing it.

European manicure

Another type of manicure that has gained popularity in Lately, this is a European manicure. European manicure implies the most safe method cuticle removal - using liquid product, which contains soft acids that are absolutely harmless to nails. This type of manicure is most often used by those with delicate hand skin. If your skin is quite sensitive, then most likely this cuticle remover will not suit you.

Manicure tools

To fully perform a manicure at home, you will need a number of special tools. If you plan to change the length of your nails, then you will definitely need nail scissors. Make sure that they are sharp and cannot spoil nail plate. In general, when choosing products for manicure, it is better to buy sets that contain everything you need to fully enhance the beauty of your nails. When choosing a nail file, be guided by your own preferences. And of course, it is better to use well-known brands, for example, professional manicure tool with manual sharpening – LAZETI It is not recommended to use metal saws. And it is best, according to experts, to use a glass file, which, by the way, will serve you well for a long time and will file your nails neatly and evenly without damaging them. If you decide to do a trim manicure, you will need metal cuticle tweezers, which should also be well sharpened. In order to move the cuticle away from the edge of the nail and make it easier to trim, you will need a special stick. It can be either metal or wood. Before starting a manicure, you need to steam your hands using a bath of hot water. You can add special agents to the water, for example, olive oil or other aromatic oils.

Secrets of a successful manicure

If before starting a manicure you need to remove any remaining polish from your nails, then use nail polish remover without acetone, because acetone has a negative effect on your nails. Negative influence, it can even cause them to delaminate. Some women add a few drops of glycerin to acetone to neutralize it. Don't forget to also purchase cuticle remover oil, which you will need to use immediately before removal. If you decide to do a European manicure, then choose a cuticle remover for your nails, then you won’t need metal tweezers. As for coating your nails after cleaning your nails from the cuticle, you need to make sure that you have a base for the polish and the polish itself. Try to buy varnishes different shades to easily choose the right color to suit your mood or wardrobe items.

So, you need to start your manicure with a bath. This is especially important if you decide to do a trim manicure. Steamed cuticles are easier to remove and can be done completely painlessly. Add pre-prepared oils or other products to warm water and place your hands in the water. There should be enough water for your fingers to be completely immersed in it. Also take care of suitable deep dishes. After 5-10 minutes, begin the process of removing the cuticle, because by that time it will have softened well.

Keywords: Every lady knows that well-groomed hands are a sign of a happy woman, Choosing a manicure, European manicure, Tools for manicure, Secrets of a successful manicure, cuticle nippers, nail scissors

We make “Well-Groomed Hands” ointment at home, which will get rid of wrinkles, age spots and cracks on your hands.

It's no secret that the skin on our hands, like the skin on our face, reveals our age. And if you don’t take care of it, it ages very quickly, and so do we, which is why it is so important to take care not only of your face, but also of the skin of your hands.

In our article, we have selected for you two excellent mask recipes that will help you protect the skin of your hands, make it more beautiful, healthier and younger. You can prepare such masks yourself at home using natural ingredients.

Honey-egg mask

To prepare you will need: one egg yolk, one tablespoon of vegetable oil, one tablespoon of honey.

Method of preparation: mix the yolk with honey and butter

Directions for use: dissolve two tablespoons of salt in one liter of warm water and place your hands in the water with salt for 10 minutes. After the salt bath, pat your hands dry with a towel, spread the prepared mixture on them and leave for 15 minutes.

You can perform this procedure several times a week, after which the skin of your hands will be soft and elastic. A honey-egg mask in combination with a salt bath will not only give youth to the skin of your hands, but will also help get rid of age spots.

Paraffin mask

Another excellent product that protects the skin of your hands from aging is paraffin mask. The paraffin therapy procedure is very popular in beauty salons, but in fact, you can do it yourself at home.

To prepare it you will need: 2 kilograms of medical paraffin, which is sold in any pharmacy, a rich nourishing cream, for example, based on olive oil and honey, enamel dishes, cotton gloves.

Cooking method:

Place the paraffin in an enamel bowl with high sides. Before placing paraffin in an enamel container, make sure it is completely dry. Place on the fire and heat until the paraffin begins to melt. Be careful not to let the paraffin boil. Remove the container from the heat, making sure the paraffin is not too hot.

Apply nourishing cream to your hands. After this, slowly dip your fingers into the melted paraffin, and then your hands completely for ten seconds and remove. Repeat the procedure eight times. As a result, a film of paraffin should form on your hands. Put on cotton gloves on top. Keep the mask on for thirty minutes. After this time, the paraffin film will be removed along with the gloves. All that remains is to apply nourishing cream to the skin of your hands and enjoy the effect of paraffin therapy.

This procedure requires more time and patience, but the effect will please you. Take care of yourself, stay young not only in your soul, but also in appearance!

For many women, the issue of keeping their fingernails well-groomed is quite important. It’s no secret that ladies already have an excellent command of body language, but most will agree that you can only feel like a queen with well-groomed hands.

Exist conflicting opinions regarding nail service. For some, this is the most pressing issue regarding appearance; for others, it is an obligation imposed by employers.

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There is also a third side: people who are not interested in their appearance and image. We are surrounded by many factors that encourage us not only to take care of our appearance, but also to improve our image, paying attention to details: polish color, design, shape, length, style and design of nails, both on the hands and feet.

How to proceed?

Because the professional care behind your hands it's an expensive matter, many representatives female resort to “cheap” manicure, which is easy to recognize and see from afar.

The very behavior of women reveals an unprofessional service: clenching their fingers into fists in public transport, as well as overly noticeable attempts to disguise the “cheap” shame.

In such situations, it is much better to spend a little more money and get a truly luxurious manicure. This is exactly what all women do who respect themselves and know how to properly attract the attention of not only their own, but also the opposite sex, and also know how to establish themselves. The nails of such fashionistas always have an original designer design, decorated in trendy seasonal colors.

Benefits of salons

Manicure is one of the ways to look decent and also, this type of creativity is an elementary means of hygiene: removing hangnails, dirt and bacteria from under the nails; elimination of cuticles, calluses, and other skin formations.

Professional service in this area will provide a number of positive factors: quality, reliability, durability and a significant touch of sophistication. It is very important to visit salons regularly, and not only when the situation becomes critical. This approach is considered not only incorrect, but also unhygienic, say stylists.

Today, there are many designs and styles for manicure, which can only be replicated with the help of professional equipment.

Thus, the following styles are gaining more and more popularity:

  • confetti,
  • velvet kamifubuki,
  • drawing on wet gel polish,
  • rubbing metal shine,
  • origami.

Unusual and very catchy design ideas become advantageous not only on special occasions (for a holiday or a significant date), but also and in Everyday life . Agree, it’s more pleasant to walk around with original painted nails than to wear a regular design.

U real woman hands should always be well-groomed. Well-groomed hands have always been the undeniable dignity of a woman. It is not for nothing that the secular beauties of Pushkin’s era, in order to achieve the result of well-groomed hands, smeared them with pork fat and put on gloves before going to bed. Although it remains unclear how, with such “packed” hands, they managed to sleep with their husbands and lovers. Jokes aside, achieving the effect of well-groomed hands is no joke.

There are many expensive and not very expensive, imported and domestic hand care products. Many of these remedies are quite worthy, and they undoubtedly need to be used. At the same time it is enough a large number of hand care products have short-term results. And if a woman is outside the house all day, she cannot always lubricate her hands with cream. As a result, by the evening her hands no longer look well-groomed.

Well-groomed hands- these are hands that are always well-groomed, in any environment and at any time of the day. And therefore, to prevent your hands from drying out during the working day, you need to lubricate them with silicone cream.

Hands need a fat film. This film is especially relevant in the cold season. Before leaving home in the cold, it is useful to lubricate your hands with pork fat and massage them, after which you should dry them thoroughly with a napkin.

Hand skin protection.

Well-groomed hands are hands that are not overexposed to chemicals. Therefore, it is useful to wear gloves on your hands when doing laundry or washing dishes. Special brushes with long handles, which can be used, for example, to clean a toilet or bathtub, will also help to avoid contact of your hands with detergents and cleaning products.

Despite the presence of a huge number cosmetics, care for women's hands is not as simple as it might seem. It is very difficult to protect your hands from exposure to adverse weather conditions. And therefore, in the cold season, you should not forget to wear gloves or mittens. Oddly enough, we sometimes don’t pay attention when our hands get cold, but not only do they get cold, their skin becomes rough and dry, they don’t look like well-groomed velvet hands.

Hand care products.

Well-groomed hands are hands that are looked after. If a woman loves herself, she will take care of her hands. She will apply useful creams and masks to them, and make compresses. In order for the beneficial substances contained in creams and masks to be well absorbed into the skin of the hands, you must first spread these creams or masks, and then cover with a napkin moistened with hot water and hold this napkin until it cools down.

To smooth and soothe the skin of your hands, you need to use a daily moisturizing and toning cream or gel. Such a cream or gel should contain complex combinations of biologically active substances, such as: plant extracts (aloe, chamomile, etc.); moisturizing oils (tea tree oil, cocoa, avocado). Necessary components are also glycerin, fatty components, as well as lanolin, which protects the skin from the harmful effects of the environment (it is important that lanolin is close in structure to skin). This cream should be used 2 times a day. And during the day, after washing your hands, it is better to use nourishing cream or vegetable oil.

If a woman can afford to visit a beauty salon from time to time and be offered hand treatments, that’s great! But sometimes you can go to a beauty salon, and sometimes you can take care of your hands yourself. The French say that everything we eat is good for the skin of our face. They practice masks made from potato pores and minced meat, from berries, fruits and vegetables. But you can make masks for both the face and hands at the same time. The benefits will be double!

Well-groomed hands are hands whose skin is not dry. In order to hand skin(and not just your hands) was not dry, you need to take a teaspoon of flaxseed oil several times a day. Linseed oil You can also add it to salads, although not everyone likes it. But it’s not for nothing that they say that beauty requires sacrifice!

Hands speak volumes; it’s not for nothing that detectives like Sherlock Holmes could determine the habits, occupation and age of the owner by their condition.

Don't forget about hand cream

Self-care is a comprehensive and regular procedure. It is important that none of the steps fall out of your routine. And admit it, you often forget about your hands. We recommend having several tubes of cream: one at home, one at work and one in your bag. This will help you keep your skin plump and hydrated all day long.

Take care of your cuticle

Some creams are aimed at caring for the skin of the hands and cuticles. If this is not about your product, you will have to take care of it separately. The best way to moisturize the cuticle is with special oils (you can purchase them at any cosmetics store). Gently massage them into the skin around the nail. Repeat the procedure two to three times a week.

Be careful with water

There's a lot of stuff in tap water, from chloroform to pesticides. Therefore, we recommend reducing water procedures to the required minimum, washing your hands with warm but not hot water, and choosing soap with a mild formula. It is also worth recalling that it is advisable to wear gloves when cleaning and washing dishes.

Enter night care

Interestingly, there are day and night creams not only for the face, but also for the hands. The latter are more saturated with nutrients, which are better absorbed during sleep. If that's not enough, then try gloves to moisturize your hands. Put them on before bed and take them off in the morning. The effect will definitely cover the discomfort from addiction.

Humidify the air

An air humidifier is a very interesting thing, the bonuses of which you have yet to explore. Dry air negatively affects the condition of the skin in general, and hands in particular. Therefore, a baby humidifier is a convenient thing. Especially in air-conditioned rooms.

They say that a woman's true age can be determined by the way her hands look.

Small wrinkles, cracks, swollen veins, unkempt nails, dry skin - all these are signs of age-related changes.

And sometimes it happens that a woman hides her age. Therefore, first of all, she needs to pay attention to her hands.

First, let's talk about what not to do.

Firstly, is lifting weights. Gynecologists prohibit women from lifting bags weighing more than 10 kg. But heaviness has a bad effect not only on internal organs. From prolonged and systematic carrying of weights on the arms, the veins appear very clearly, and it looks simply terrible.

Secondly, wash dishes exclusively with rubber gloves; in extreme cases, you can buy a mild detergent-balm.

Third, Take off jewelry, rings, and bracelets at night. They interfere with normal blood circulation, as a result of which blood does not flow to the fingers and swelling occurs.

Now let's talk about what we need to do to make our hands look young, healthy and beautiful.

Simple gymnastics will be our first assistant in this. You can do it in the morning, in the evening and in a free moment during the day. Keep your hands relaxed on the table or lap for one or two minutes. Then begin to clench your fingers into a fist with sharp movements, increasing the pace each time. Now count your fingers, bending and unbending them in turn. All. Gymnastics stirred up your joints a little, got the blood flowing, which, undoubtedly, your hands will say “thank you!”

Next, let's talk about hygiene.
We all know the rule that before eating we need to wash our hands with soap. There are a lot of different pathogenic microbes and bacteria around us that can penetrate through the smallest cracks and scratches on your hands and cause inflammation of the skin. It is advisable to wash your hands with mild soap containing glycerin or liquid soap. After washing your hands, dry them with a towel. If you do not have the opportunity to wash your hands after traveling on public transport, use a special antiseptic gel, or, in extreme cases, a wet napkin.

Don't forget to lubricate your hands before going to bed nourishing cream . And in the morning, before going to work, especially if the weather is windy, then use a moisturizer. In winter, in frosty weather, be sure to wear gloves, otherwise not only the skin of your hands will suffer, but also your nails. The cream must be rubbed in with your lungs in a circular motion, at the same time, the skin receives a relaxing massage session, the blood flows and saturates the skin with beneficial nutrients.

There are also many folk recipes that will help you get your hands in perfect condition.
Excellent skin softening honey masks. Mix equal parts honey and egg yolk. Apply the mixture to the skin of your hands, hold for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Kefir or yogurt baths will make your skin more shiny and elastic. Add a few drops of lemon juice to a bowl of warm yogurt and hold your hands there for 15 minutes.

For dry and inflamed hand skin A strawberry mask helps a lot. Grind 2 tablespoons of crushed strawberries with 1 tablespoon of full-fat cottage cheese. Apply a generous layer of the mixture to the backs of your hands and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

A cucumber mask ideally moisturizes both the skin of the face and the skin of the hands. It is necessary to grind the cucumber in a blender or grate it until a paste forms, put it on your hands and put on cloth gloves. Leave for 20 minutes and rinse with water.

Hands are ours business card. The beautiful and well-groomed hands of women especially attract attention. There are many known simple and at the same time effective ways preserving the beauty of your hands.

But there are some basic rules that need to be followed every day to maintain the beauty of your hands.

Well-groomed hands - step 1

Firstly, every time you lubricate your hands with cream(and this is best done after each contact with water) you need to massage your fingers and palms. The cream should be rubbed from the tips of the fingers to their base, and then along the back of the hand to the wrist. Vigorous rubbing of the cream is especially beneficial because it increases blood flow to the skin.

Oil massage is very effective for well-groomed hands. for example, olive oil. After such a massage, your hands become soft and tender.

Well-groomed hands - step 2

At least once a week it is necessary to exfoliate the skin of your hands. You can use a store-bought scrub for this, but granulated sugar or corn grits are also fine. Grease your hands vegetable oil, then grind the cereal or sugar into outside palms.

Well-groomed hands - step 3

It is necessary to periodically perform procedures to improve the well-groomed skin of your hands. A decoction of chamomile, sage, and linden blossom will help you with this: pour a hot decoction into a bowl, immerse your hands in it for 10-15 minutes, then dry them with a napkin or towel and rub a rich nourishing cream into the skin.

When the skin of your hands peels off in winter and cracks appear, a potato compress will help: Boil the potatoes in their jackets, peel them and mash them, then apply warm mashed potatoes to your hands and put on rubber gloves, leave the compress overnight. A hot milk bath will help with chapped hands.

If your hands often sweat, take baths with dill and potassium permanganate. It is advisable to do them every day. To do this, for 1 liter of water with potassium permanganate (a little potassium permanganate is needed so that the solution becomes barely pink), you need to take 2 bunches of finely chopped dill. Also, a decoction of oak bark helps with this problem (pour 50g of oak bark into 1 liter of hot water and boil for 30 minutes, strain and dilute with water).

To whiten the skin of your hands, use the following composition: 50 g. Mix glycerin with 100 ml of water and lemon juice.

Well-groomed hands - step 4

Sometimes painful cracks can appear on the elbows, which we often forget about. Well-groomed hands are beautiful hands from the shoulder to the fingertips. To eliminate this problem, you need to make a soap and soda bath: dissolve 50 g of soda in 1 liter of hot water. Lubricate your elbows with cream and soak in the bath for 10 minutes, periodically rubbing the skin with a pumice stone.

Well-groomed hands - step 5

Another attribute of well-groomed hands are nails. If you want your nails to always be strong and healthy, take care of them regularly, and also try to eat right.

The most effective means from brittle nails is a lemon. Dip your nails into the cut lemon halves.

In 2 weeks of such treatment they will receive full complex vitamins A salt bath made from 1 tsp will also be useful. salt per 60 ml boiled water(salt should completely dissolve) and heated to 40 degrees. The duration of the bath is 20-30 minutes, frequency 2-3 times a week.

Don't be lazy, take care of your hands every day, do exercises and hand massage, and then they will be tender, silky and beautiful. Let well-groomed hands become your calling card.

When meeting a woman, the first thing men pay attention to is her appearance and hands. It is these elements that allow a man to like you or, conversely, push him away from you.

Every woman dreams of gentle and neat hands. However, to achieve this, you need not only to dream, but also to act. And for this you need to work a little and devote the proper time. Hands by themselves will not become beautiful; on the contrary, in advanced cases they take on an unkempt appearance and become rough. It is worth admitting that seeing unkempt hands, no man will want to deal with such a woman, not to mention the fact that he will lower her self-esteem.

To avoid all these unpleasant moments, you should first determine the reasons that caused the problems of untidiness of your hands, and then eliminate these reasons. The main reason for unkempt hands is constant contact with chemicals and household products, which women use when washing dishes, kitchen utensils, and bathroom accessories. As a rule, all these products are very aggressive and greatly dry the skin of the hands, damaging them. Therefore, any work must be done using rubber gloves.

Such gloves will protect your hands not only from chemical reagents, but also from exposure to water, since constantly keeping your hands in water also damages them. appearance. Many women love to care for flowers. If some of them live on a summer cottage, then daily contact with the ground is ensured. And soil soil, as a rule, tends to dry the skin of the hands, which makes the hands become rough and crack. Another cause of unkempt hands is fungal diseases. Fungi damage not only your fingers, but also your nails. You can’t hide such hands from prying eyes.

In all of the above cases, there are ways and methods that will eliminate the cause and give your hands a well-groomed and tidy appearance. It is not enough just to wear gloves when cleaning bathrooms or working in the garden. In any case, hands need daily care. Various baths will help make your hands beautiful.

Bath No. 1. You need to pour some hot water into a small bowl, add a small amount of sea salt, the same amount baking soda and a few drops of any essential oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until the grains dissolve in the water. Keep your hands in this solution for about half an hour, periodically making massage movements on the skin of your hands to healing properties salts and oils are better absorbed.

After this procedure, rinse your hands with warm water and apply hand cream, preferably with a glycerin base. If you have calluses or rough areas on your hands, you can use a pumice stone during the procedure. Pumice stone allows you to remove dead skin. However, you should not rub too hard with the pumice stone, so as not to further injure your hands.

Bath No. 2. A decoction bath has a good effect medicinal herbs. To do this, you need to take equal quantities of dry chamomile, calendula and nettle, pour boiling water over it and leave on low heat for 5-10 minutes, no more. Then cool the broth slightly and pour into a small bowl. Dip your hands into the solution and hold for 15-20 minutes. Further procedures are the same as in the first case.

Bath No. 3. An excellent tool For your hands there will be a bath of sea salt, lemon juice and olive oil. As in the first case, pour hot water into a basin and dissolve in it sea ​​salt, lemon juice and olive oil. Place your hands in the solution and hold for 20-25 minutes. Such baths not only make your hands soft and tender, but also strengthen your nails, giving them a healthy look.

Bath No. 4. The well-known paraffin bath makes hands soft, tender, expands pores, allows you to remove excess fluid, deals with keratinized areas of the skin of the hands and strengthens the nail plates. Paraffin can be purchased at any pharmacy in the city in any quantity. So, dissolve the required amount of paraffin in an enamel container at a temperature of 50-55 degrees Celsius. You should not bring the paraffin to a boil, you just need to melt it. Then cool to the desired temperature and put your hands in it for a while. While the paraffin is warm and not frozen, it is better to get your hands out, otherwise you will have to spend time removing the remaining paraffin from your hands.

All of the above and described baths must be done periodically throughout the week. It is advisable to do the baths at night, before going to bed, so that their effect lasts throughout the night. In addition to baths, during the day, your hands must be constantly lubricated with cream, no matter what - moisturizing or nourishing. It is necessary that the skin of your hands is always under the influence of the caring elements of the cream. And creams based on medicinal herbs, such as calendula, chamomile, and sage, have an even greater effect.

As a hint, it is worth offering one small piece of advice: during the day you need to massage your fingers and do various exercises with your hands. Massage and exercise improve the functioning of blood in capillaries and lymph, preventing fluid from stagnating. And blood circulation improves the supply of oxygen, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin of the hands.

Thus, all these simple and cunning rules will ensure that your hands will soon acquire a well-groomed appearance, your skin will smooth out and become elastic. Don't forget about your nails. Both the baths described above and timely removal of cuticles, which spoil your hands even with proper care, will help with this. Never forget that beautiful hands can slay any man!

So, in order to have beautiful, well-groomed and tidy hands, you do not need to resort to the services of beauty salons, but just change your way of thinking, do not be lazy and use all available means.

No matter how early you start caring for the skin of your hands, its aging is an inevitable process that occurs for reasons beyond our control.
Changes in the body due to increasing biological age leave an imprint on the condition of the skin of the hands.

Over time, roughness on the hands becomes more and more noticeable, dark spots, microcracks, there is a feeling of tightness.

A fading face can be “tightened up” with all sorts of “beauty injections”, refreshed with a massage, burned out wrinkles with deep peeling, retouched with cosmetics, and finally. Such tricks do not work with hands. Hands remain a woman’s calling card; they eloquently demonstrate the age and lifestyle of their owner.

How to stop the aging process of the skin of your hands?

Rule one - protection

During sudden changes in temperature, when in contact with cleaning agents of varying degrees of aggressiveness, when washing dishes, when weeding beds and other gardening work, and even just going to the store to buy bread, you should always take care of protecting the skin of your hands.

During the cold season, it is necessary to wear gloves or mittens to protect against the cold. In summer, cover your hands with a layer sunscreen from exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Before starting homework, you need to wear special protective rubber gloves. To avoid the appearance of calluses and abrasions, you need to treat the skin of your hands with talcum powder or baby powder. Previously, hands were first rubbed with Vaseline or lard; now manufacturers produce special hand creams that are easily washed off with running water.

Rule two - do not skimp on high-quality household chemicals

The modern woman cannot escape housework. Not everyone can afford a housekeeper. Gloves can also fail and tear at any moment. The salvation for the skin of your hands is environmentally friendly and harmless household chemicals. Yes, yes, there are such things!

Here, for example, are “Palmia” dishwashing gels ( They are harmless to the skin of your hands and are completely washed off with water, leaving no traces of soap on your hands or dishes. You can safely wash even children's dishes with them!

Laundry washing and rinsing agents can be environmentally friendly. People suffering from allergies today no longer have to rack their brains about what to wash their clothes with so that it does not cause an exacerbation of the disease. Well, fans of hand washing and hand washing will appreciate these detergents also as gentle on the skin of your hands.

You can't skimp on your health!

Rule three - gentle hand washing

There are a few simple rules cleansing the skin of the hands with soap. The water should not be hot, but not too cold, so as not to cause peeling, microcracks and dry skin.

It is better if, instead of a solid bar of soap, you use shower gel or any other liquid-based soap.

Remember the main thing - antibacterial agents are not suitable for daily use! Firstly, it is difficult to quickly wash them off your hands, and secondly, the product will wash off not only harmful bacteria, but will also get rid of useful ones.

It is best to dry your hands with a paper towel or soft cloth, without rubbing or twisting the skin.

Rule four - cosmetic hand care

The skin of your hands, like the skin of your face, needs regular cleansing of dead cells. Procedure exfoliation occurs during the process of taking a bath or a special steaming procedure. A scrub is applied to softened hands and after a short rubbing, the skin of the hands is washed off generously with water. Now you can apply any emollient cream.

A more thorough treatment of hands after exfoliation is provided by such a procedure as moisturizing wrap. This method will relieve the skin from dryness and roughness, tones and ensures an even skin tone. After the procedure, treatment with tonic, lotion or nourishing cream is necessary.

All types massage(classical, acupressure, acupuncture) have a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands, improving blood circulation, relieving muscle tone and eliminating swelling. If you use special massage oil for the procedure, this will have a relaxing effect and improve your overall condition.

Rule five - neat manicure

Not all women are endowed with nature beautiful shape and nail strength. Taking care of your nails, filing your nails daily, and painting your nails with polish is a very labor-intensive task.