Fashion 2013

Care for combination skin. Combination skin care

Combination skin faces go to many girls/women; to describe it briefly, it is “ice and fire.” Two types of skin coexist on the face - oily and normal, and the first type of skin “favored” the T-shaped zone, which is located at the wings of the nose, covers the strip above upper lip and chin. The skin type in question is a problem, because you will need to learn how to properly care for it, and this is not so easy, since you will need to pay attention to both oily skin and normal skin. To learn how to properly carry out caring procedures, it is worth studying information about it, and our article will help with this.

Table of contents:

Features of combination skin

There are a lot of sebaceous glands located in the T-shaped zone of the face, and it is they that provoke excessive secretion, which leads to excess oiliness. The skin on the cheekbones, cheeks and forehead will be normal - even color, no rashes and no shine. It is rare, but there are girls whose skin on the cheeks, forehead and cheekbones is of a dry type - in this case it will be characterized by peeling, inflammation and periodic redness. By the way, if the facial skin outside the T-shaped zone is dry, then the lady will notice the appearance of early wrinkles - this is one of the features of this type of skin.

It is noteworthy that in summer and spring, combination-type facial skin looks oilier than usual, but in the cold season it is prone to peeling even in the T-shaped zone. Such variability in facial skin type requires special attention and competently carried out care procedures.

Note! As a rule, in women at the age of 35, the combination type of facial skin becomes normal, and all the above problems disappear on their own.

Daily care for combination skin

It is necessary to take into account the special type of facial skin and use special cosmetic care products - this is an indispensable condition for maintaining healthy skin and preserving beauty.


Morning cleansing of combination skin should be done using a foaming cleanser designed for normal or combination skin. It is taken in a small amount onto the tips of the fingers, then distributed over the face and washed off with cool water. To cleanse oily areas of the face, it is advisable to use a sponge - a special cosmetic device, which, due to its structure, imitates a light peeling. Pay special attention to the temperature of the water - it should be cool, since warm and hot water increases peeling and secretion production by the sebaceous glands.

After the washing process is completed, the face must be treated with a tonic or lotion, which is intended specifically for the type of facial skin in question.

Note:If a woman with combination skin type is 35 years old, then in order to avoid the consequences of age-related changes, she needs to start the day with the use of special creams, which are able to exfoliate scales.

Skin hydration

If there are rashes on the face, they can be removed with any product that contains salicylic acid. Apply regular moisturizer to the rest of the face, and there is no need to purchase a moisturizer. mixed type skin - any will do.

If the skin of a woman’s face is already undergoing age-related changes, then after washing your face in the morning you need to apply special products that contain either hyaluronic acid or retinol. Typically, such components are present in cosmetic serums.


Before going outside, if you have combination skin type, it is recommended to apply special day creams with ultraviolet protection.

Only after completing all the specified stages of caring for combination skin can you apply makeup. But in the evening you just need to cleanse your face with a special tonic (it’s better not to do the procedure with soap) and apply to dry/normal areas of the face fat cream, but on the T-shaped zone - drying.

Yes, the process of daily care for combination skin is quite labor-intensive, but this is the only way to not only achieve an excellent appearance, but also support the skin, nourish it with vitamins and prevent Negative influence external factors.

Masks for combination skin

The type of facial skin in question not only requires careful attention during daily care - masks should also be selected taking into account the types of skin present.

For T-zone

This area is always oily, so to care for it you can and should use masks made from honey and other ingredients:

Remember that before applying the mask to the T-zone of the face, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed. After the mask is washed off with warm water, you need to dry your face (do not rub it with a towel!) and apply the cream that was chosen to care for combination skin types. The frequency of use of the above masks should not be more than 3 times a week.

For the whole face

We recommend reading:

Pay attention to some features of face masks for combination skin types:

  • you can’t change them too often - it’s better to choose one thing and make a course of masks;
  • 1-2 procedures will not give any effect, but 10-12 procedures will already show how correctly the mask recipe was chosen;
  • if the recipe for a mask for combination skin type contains vegetables or fruits/berries, then you need to make sure that you are not allergic to them;
  • masks are applied only to clean face, that is, without cosmetics and removing dust from the skin with tonic or lotion;
  • You cannot use the above-mentioned care products for combination skin more than 3 times a week.

The best option, of course, would be to contact a cosmetologist - a specialist will be able to accurately determine your facial skin type and give recommendations on how to care for it. But the recipes for masks in this material will also be useful; they do not pose any danger to a woman’s health.

Mixed (combined) skin types rightfully require a delicate approach. A peculiarity of the epidermis is that excess subcutaneous fat is secreted in the area of ​​the temples, wings of the nose, T-shaped zone, and forehead. At the same time, the epidermis on the cheeks and cheekbones often peels off, which indicates dry skin. For this reason, each of these areas requires an individual approach. Therefore, in some cases you should use cosmetics various types. Let's look at important aspects and provide practical recommendations.

Stage No. 1. Skin cleansing

  1. Morning awakening should begin with thorough washing. Give preference to products designed specifically for combination skin types. These include gel, foam, mousse, peeling with soft particles. Carefully read the “composition” column before purchasing; it should not contain alcohol, acetylsalicylic acid, activated carbon and other drying components.
  2. Some girls and women prefer to wash their faces with infusions based on medicinal plants, and this is not surprising. Herbs are ideal for almost all skin types. They also have a bactericidal, soothing and moisturizing effect. Each plant includes a specific set of elements that have a positive effect on dry and oily skin (mixed type).
  3. The main problem of combination skin type is considered to be a low acid barrier, which does not prevent the accumulation of microbes in the pores, causing inflammation. Take the habit of using dairy products in the morning to normalize the acid-base balance. Soak a cosmetic sponge in fatty kefir, wipe the surface of your face and leave for 10 minutes. After the time has passed, wash with melt water or mineral water with gas.
  4. In cases where you don’t have kefir on hand, clean your skin with a vinegar solution. Mix 30 ml. table vinegar with 1.3 l. cool water, stir. Soak a cotton pad in the product, wipe the skin of the face, paying due attention to the T-shaped zone, the wings of the nose, forehead, chin, and temples. Do not rinse off the product with plain water after completing the procedure.
  5. A decoction based on linden inflorescences is considered a particularly effective composition for washing. To properly prepare the infusion, pour 25 g. linden 1 l. boiling water, leave for 1.5 hours. After this period, strain and wash as usual. Strained herbs can be used as a compress for swollen eyelids, as well as to eliminate dark circles under the eyes.
  6. Particular attention should be paid to washing in the winter, autumn and spring periods. Prepare a decoction of chamomile and aloe vera juice. Thanks to its cleansing and nourishing properties, the product is ideal for combination skin types. Brew 60 gr. chamomile in 1.8 l. hot water, wait 1 hour. After this period, strain the composition, add 60 ml. aloe vera juice. Wash your face as usual until the solution runs out. The product saturates cells with oxygen, moisturizes the area around the eyes and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  7. Girls who are tired of dealing with comedones, rashes and blackheads are recommended to use a special brush. The tool is sold in a cosmetic store or pharmacy. To use it correctly, apply cleansing gel to the bristles, then thoroughly treat areas with increased greasiness for 1 minute.

Stage No. 2. Removal of keratinized particles

  1. Combination skin needs careful removal of dead cells, which, in combination with subcutaneous sebum, clog the ducts. To avoid negative consequences in the form of inflammation and ulcers, use scrubs and peels. The recommended frequency of use of the formulations varies from 1 to 2 times a week. In this case, due attention must be paid to the T-shaped area, forehead, and chin.
  2. If you use purchased products, pay attention to their composition. Preparations should not contain alkali or alcohol. In rare cases, the use of scrubs with activated carbon is allowed, but it is still recommended to give preference to more natural compositions(coffee grounds, apricot and peach pits).
  3. The scrubbing procedure differs from peeling in that the latter option is more gentle. If you don’t have problems with increased greasiness, give preference to it. You can do the peeling yourself: pour kefir or sour milk over the crumb of black bread, add 35 g. baking soda, stir. Wet your face with water and apply the composition to the skin. in a circular motion, rubbing thoroughly for 3 minutes. Perform such manipulations once every 2 weeks, as a result you will not have to use additional exfoliating procedures.
  4. A composition based on orange peel is considered an equally effective scrub. To prepare it, dry the peel in the oven, then grind it into powder using a blender or coffee grinder. Mix 30 gr. composition with 40 gr. natural thick yogurt, apply in circular motions to problem areas of the skin. The duration of the procedure is 3-5 minutes, no longer.
  5. IN winter period Over time, the skin needs not only the removal of dead particles, but also intensive nutrition. For this reason, it is recommended to prepare a richer scrub that covers the face with a protective film. Mix 25 grams into one composition. rice flour, 15 ml. olive oil, 50 gr. full-fat cottage cheese, 20 gr. cane sugar. Wash with warm water, then scrub for 2 minutes.

Stage No. 3. Skin hydration

  1. After thorough cleansing, combination skin needs hydration. For these purposes, you can use special hydrogels or serums, which consist of 70% water and plant extracts. Give preference to age-appropriate products. Pay special attention to skin care in winter and summer periods when the dermis is very dry.
  2. A feature of the selection of creams for mixed skin types is considered to be that you need to use two formulations at the same time. For the T-shaped zone, chin, forehead and temples, a gel with a drying effect is suitable. At the same time, the cheeks need intensive hydration, therefore, the composition must be purchased for normal or dry skin.
  3. Buy creams and serums with extracts of medicinal plants. The most effective and beneficial are sage, linden, geranium, chamomile, thyme, plantain, and yarrow. Pay attention to “Clean Line” cosmetics (Russia), it consists of 80% of the listed ingredients. The composition should also contain essential oils (patchouli, shea, ylang-ylang, roses, eucalyptus, etc.).
  4. Many girls successfully use homemade masks for intense hydration. To properly prepare the mixture, heat 70 ml in the microwave or in a water bath. heavy cream, add 40 g. oat bran and wait until it swells. Drain off excess liquid, apply the mixture to your face and leave for 10 minutes.
  5. A mask based on melon is considered no less effective. Peel a slice of melon, grind the fruit in a blender or pass through a sieve until it becomes a porridge. Mix the resulting mass with 50 ml. full-fat kefir or yogurt, cover the skin, rinse after a quarter of an hour.
  6. Brewer's yeast perfectly moisturizes and cleanses combination skin. Mix 40 gr. product with 20 ml. hydrogen peroxide solution (3%), add 35 g. honey and 10 ml. olive oil. Apply a thin layer to the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave for 15 minutes, rinse.
  7. If you are bothered by blackheads that form only in some places, draw out the stains with white clay. It dries out the skin, but in combination with natural oils it effectively moisturizes it. Mix 40 gr. clay with water according to the instructions, pour in 15 ml. castor oil, make a mask and leave it on for a quarter of an hour.
  8. Cucumber masks provide intense hydration. Pass half the cucumber through a blender, mix it with egg white and add some oatmeal. Distribute over your face and leave for 20 minutes. After the expiration date, do not rush to rinse off, massage the skin for another 3 minutes.

Stage No. 4. Skin nutrition

  1. As in the case of moisturizing, combination skin is nourished simultaneously by two means. The area of ​​the cheeks and cheekbones is covered with cream for dry skin, and the T-shaped area, chin, temples and forehead are covered with cream for oily skin. At the same time, in winter time years it is necessary to use “2-in-1” products for the combined type.
  2. In summer, make sure that the cream has protection against ultraviolet radiation. The same applies to visiting a solarium, apply protective equipment. Carefully monitor the amount of liquid you drink; it should not be less than 2.7 liters. per day.
  3. Nutrients are applied 2 times a day in summer and 3 times a day in winter. It is important to pay attention to the area under the eyes, neck and décolleté. Under no circumstances leave the cream on overnight, otherwise the skin will not be able to breathe. Cover the epidermis with cream and then remove excess paper napkin(after 15 minutes).
  4. Do it several times a week nourishing masks. The most effective of them is carrot. Grate 1 fruit on a fine grater, mix with 15 ml. vegetable oil, add 10 gr. gelatin. Wait for it to swell, spread a thin layer over the epidermis, rinse after 25 minutes.
  5. Sour cream will help saturate the skin with useful elements and prevent peeling of individual areas. Mix 50 gr. product with 20 gr. flax bran, add 1 quail yolk and beat with a fork. Apply to the skin, wait half an hour, rinse with warm chamomile infusion.

Despite all the variety of masks and care products, you will not find cosmetic ice on sale. You can prepare it yourself, spending just a few pennies. Rubbing the skin with cosmetic ice will saturate the dermis with oxygen, remove swelling and increase collagen production. The frequency of the procedure is 2 times a day for 3 minutes.

  1. Brew 60 gr. sage, 40 gr. linden blossom, 25 gr. yarrow in 350 ml. boiling water Leave the mixture for 1.5 hours, then strain (you can skip this step), pour into molds and freeze.
  2. Send to enamel pan 100 gr. birch bark and 20 gr. oak bark, fill with filtered water, put on fire. Boil the mixture for about half an hour, then filter and freeze. The product normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands and eliminates blockage of pores.
  3. Take 10 g. mint leaves, 55 gr. rosemary, 45 gr. daisies. Fill the listed plants with hot water and let sit for about half an hour. Pass the mixture through a cotton-gauze filter, pour into ice bags, and place in the freezer.
  4. Pour over 300 ml. boiling water 65 gr. sage, 35 gr. yarrow, 80 gr. ginseng. Brew the herbs for 1 hour, then strain, drop 3 ml. patchouli and grapefruit essential oil. Freeze and use as directed.
  5. Take green or long tea bags, brew 2 pieces. V hot water, let stand for 20 minutes. Pour into ice bags or molds and place in the freezer. The composition is especially effective in eliminating swelling under the eyes.

Combination skin requires careful care, for this reason it includes several stages. Carry out daily cleansing with a special mousse or wash with a decoction based on medicinal herbs. Make moisturizing and nourishing masks, wipe your skin with cosmetic ice 2 times a day. Choose the right cream: for the cheeks - moisturizing, for the forehead, temples, wings of the nose and chin - drying.

Video: facial skin care of any type

The mixed type of dermis is most often found in adolescence, for girls under 25 years old. If you do not take proper care of your face, some areas may become excessively dry, while others may develop various kinds rashes. What rules should you remember to keep your face clean and fresh?

Increased fat content of the dermis is associated with a high level of testosterone in the blood, which is produced in smaller quantities with age. Therefore, in women after 35, the dermis rarely suffers from increased sebum secretion and becomes normal or dry; after 40 years, it is almost always normal.

The skin is considered combination if the dermis on the temples, cheeks, and around the eyes is dry or normal. At the same time, all the signs are observed in the T-zone high fat content: enlarged pores, redness, rashes. The integument has an even color and is healthy appearance. If you care for a mixed type of dermis incorrectly, dry areas will begin to peel off, and acne and comedones will appear in oily areas, and pores will become clogged.

The basic rule for caring for combination skin is to use cosmetics For different types dermis, since oily areas need frequent washing and deep cleansing. And dry areas become even more dry after constant cleansing.

How to care for mixed dermis depending on age?

Most often, combination skin occurs in girls aged 20–25 years - at this time attention is paid to cleansing. If you are prone to rashes and acne, the T-zone is treated with products based on salicylic acid. Creams should be light; there is no need to use anti-aging cosmetics ahead of time. You can eliminate the initial signs of inflammatory processes with a decoction of chamomile; alcohol tincture of calendula helps fight acne well.

After 30 years, mixed dermis becomes less problematic - rashes appear less frequently, and the skin in the T-zone becomes less oily. At this age, you can use preparations for combination and normal facial skin, apply anti-aging creams and masks.

After 40 years, signs appear minimally. During this period, the main emphasis is on high-quality hydration of the dermis and care for the area around the eyes - wrinkles appear more often on thin and dry skin. Cleansers can be used once a week, anti-aging, whitening, moisturizing masks can be done every other day.

Description of care in winter and summer

For any type of dermis, it is necessary to choose the right care products depending on the time of year. During the hot season, combination skin is treated like oily skin. In summer, more sebum is produced and pores become clogged. You should regularly cleanse your skin using special gels that contain anti-inflammatory components, use scrubs 1-2 times a week, and make moisturizing and cleansing masks.

In cold weather, you can use formulations for dry skin to care for combination skin. Apply moisturizer half an hour before going out into the cold, use scrubs every 7-10 days.

In spring, special attention is paid to the T-zone, since after winter it becomes very oily. In the fall you can do salon cosmetic procedures, which are intended to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In spring and autumn, vitamin mixtures are prepared to nourish the skin with all the necessary microelements.

Masks for combination skin

Proper care for a mixed-type face is impossible without cleansing, toning and moisturizing mixtures. With regular use, you can improve the condition of areas with oily skin and nourish dry dermis with moisture. They should be alternated - this will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis and complexion. Masks prepared at home are in no way inferior in effectiveness to expensive store-bought products.

1. For deep cleansing: from 20 g of crushed oatmeal or semolina and 30–40 ml of warm milk. Combine the ingredients, mix, and leave for half an hour. Spread the mixture evenly over the face, avoiding areas around the eyes. After 20–35 minutes, rinse with warm water and wipe your face with toner.

2. An option made from fresh berries and dairy product. Prepare strawberry, currant or raspberry puree, mix 15 g of the mass with 20 g of low-fat cottage cheese or 30 ml of kefir. Apply the mixture to the face, leave for 30–35 minutes, after the procedure the skin looks fresh, the complexion noticeably improves. It should definitely be used for facial care after 30 years - the berries contain large quantities of vitamins and antioxidants. According to reviews from girls, the berry mask effectively slows down the aging process.

3. Moisturizing mask:

  • oatmeal – 15 g;
  • peach oil or grape seeds– 5 ml;
  • liquid honey – 5 ml;
  • natural grape juice – 5 ml.

Mix everything until a homogeneous substance is obtained - it turns out thick and greasy, perfectly moisturizes the skin. Keep it on your face for 20–25 minutes, rinse with warm water.

4. Universal mask can be prepared from an ordinary tomato - it will give the face freshness, the pores become clean, decrease in size, and the acid-base balance is restored. Peel and chop 1 medium-sized tomato, add 15 g of cottage cheese and 5 ml of olive oil. Apply the mixture and rinse after 20–25 minutes.

5. Yeast makes combination skin elastic, has a rejuvenating effect, and with regular use, pores noticeably narrow. Mix 5 g of fresh yeast with 15 ml of unsweetened yogurt, add 5 g of soda and 15 ml of warm water. Leave the mixture in a warm place for a quarter of an hour, apply to cleansed skin, rinse after a quarter of an hour.

Scrubs are an integral part proper care behind the face, help eliminate dead cells, cleanse, the dermis receives oxygen in full, masks and creams penetrate deeper. For mixed skin types, use 2-3 times a week; the composition should not contain coarse abrasive components, alcohol, or alkali.

At home, you can prepare scrubs yourself from simple and available funds. Natural cosmetics do not contain substances that can increase sebum production or dry out dry areas of the dermis. To prepare a scrub from black bread, you need to grind 30 g of crumb, pour in 30–40 ml of warm kefir, add 10 g of soda. Apply the mixture onto your face with massage movements and rinse with cool water. The product perfectly cleanses pores and nourishes dry areas of the face with moisture.

Orange is one of the best products. For the scrub you will need 15 g of dried, thoroughly crushed crusts and 15 ml of unsweetened natural yoghurt. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, rub in gently, and rinse with warm water after 2 minutes.

By properly and regularly caring for mixed-type skin, you can prevent the appearance of rashes and acne, dry areas will be sufficiently moisturized, and the amount of sebum secreted in the T-zone will decrease.

  • Do not wash your face very hot and cold water– water room temperature normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • do not use toilet soap, as it greatly dries out the dermis and causes peeling of dry areas;
  • use 2 types of tonic – for dry and oily types;
  • avoid cosmetics that contain lanolin, oleic and isostearic alcohol - these substances increase the likelihood of comedones;
  • instead of towels, use napkins - this will somewhat reduce the secretion of sebum;
  • make masks at least 2 times a week;
  • do not use powder - in combination with sebum, it clogs the pores, and inflammatory processes may begin.

Morning care for a mixed-type face should begin with washing with a special gel; for better cleansing of the pores, you can use a sponge or brush. To eliminate the feeling of a greasy film on the face, you can apply a small amount of kefir to the T-zone and rinse off after 2-3 minutes. This procedure will help the dermis look smooth and healthy.

Evening skin care consists of cleansing with cosmetic milk - apply the product with a cotton pad, massage a little with your fingertips, wash with cool water, and let dry naturally. Treat your face with tonic – products based on panthenol and bisabolol are suitable for mixed types. Finally, apply a suitable night cream.

A cream for combination skin must be chosen carefully; it should contain extracts from chamomile, calendula, sage or plantain - these plants have anti-inflammatory properties. Natural macadamia or shea butter should be present in care products as moisturizing ingredients.

Careful, regular and proper care of mixed-type dermis will allow you to get a noticeable result in just 7-10 days - the skin will become less oily and will look fresh and healthy. Care products should moisturize and cleanse at the same time. If you cannot find a suitable product, you can use preparations for oily and dry skin.

Combination facial skin - what it is, every person should know, since only proper care for a specific type of skin will help you always look your best.

Combination skin is called skin covering simultaneously oily, dry or normal type. For example, the forehead, nose, and chin can be oily, and the cheeks can be dry or normal.

What is dry and oily facial skin?

When considering the question of combination facial skin - what it is, it is important to know its main feature. It lies in the fact that the sebaceous glands in the T-zone work too actively in comparison with other areas of the skin.

For women with this skin type, it is important to pay special attention to both dry and oily skin. Often the T-zone becomes covered with blackheads, which are formed due to excessive sebum secretion, and the rest of the face is too dry and often flakes. Therefore, for the beauty of facial skin, it is important to regularly combined care.

Rules for caring for combination skin type

If a person has combination facial skin and has managed to understand what it is, it is important to choose the right care for it. Ideally, you should properly care for the dry and oily parts of your face separately. But today in a specialized store you can purchase cosmetics designed for combination skin, taking into account the needs of all areas of the face.

When choosing cosmetics, be sure to consider the type of dermis

Features of care for combination skin types:

  • When choosing a cream, experts recommend buying a water-based product.
  • In summer, in hot sunny weather, you should use creams with a sunscreen effect of at least 6 factors.
  • Any facial care product must be hypoallergenic.
  • It is recommended to cleanse your face three times a day by special means.
  • Before going to bed, you should wash off your makeup well every day.

Having realized that facial skin is both dry and oily at the same time, it is important to remember that Do not wash your face with hot water and soap. Since this action enhances the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Features of care for combination dermis

To keep your skin glowing and your face smooth throughout the year, it is important to cleanse, moisturize, protect and nourish it. The listed stages of skin care must be performed correctly.

Summer care

Since bright sun rays dehydrate the skin and also promote active sebum production, pores become clogged. The face becomes red and covered with pimples.

In summer It is necessary to cleanse the skin twice a day water, as well as special cleansers with aloe vera. The cleanser should not contain mineral fats or synthetic fragrances.

Wash your face in summer regular soap unacceptable

After washing with water, wipe your face with tonic, without alcohol. This product helps restore the acid-base balance, as well as toning and moisturizing the skin.

In summer, combination skin needs additional hydration. After cleaning it, be sure to use a moisturizing serum or sunscreen cream. In the evening, you can replace the moisturizer with a nourishing one.

Twice a week, do facial treatments with a nourishing or moisturizing mask.

Winter care

It is necessary to take care of your face carefully and carefully in winter. Since temperature changes, frost and cold wind dry out and dehydrate it, the skin turns pale, becomes sluggish, and becomes covered with irritation and peeling.

IN winter time year, the face must be protected from cold and winds. It is in winter that it is recommended to do mechanical, chemical, laser or other types of peelings.

In winter it is recommended to do peelings

Skin care in winter consists of:

  • carrying out various massages and spa treatments;
  • using baths with aromatic oils, no more than 10 minutes for one procedure;
  • applying a nourishing mask or cream;
  • the use of nourishing contour creams to preserve the beauty of the eyelids and lips during the winter season;
  • using day and oily creams under powder to protect the skin.

Care in spring and autumn

In spring, in addition to facial care, it is important to pay attention to your general health. They cleanse the body, eat foods rich in vitamins, and take special vitamins.

Dead cells over the winter lead to spring peeling of the face. Therefore, it can also be cleaned with special means.

In spring, instead of a nourishing cream, use a moisturizer with sun protection

In the spring season nutritious cream replace with moisturizer with sun protection factor SPF 15. Vitamin masks are applied to the face twice a week.

To improve the tone of the facial skin, it is recommended to do a massage. Until the end of May, you can whiten your face, as well as perform peeling procedures.

In autumn, it is recommended to moisturize the skin with special products, apply masks, serums, and creams. You can return to peeling. On the recommendation of a cosmetologist, you can individually select masks and full complex care for combination skin in the autumn season.

Proper care for combination skin after 25, 30 years

After 25 years, the skin begins to gradually age, but still looks young and elastic. Wrinkles that appear dark circles under the eyes or peeling on the face can be eliminated with proper care, moisturizers and in a healthy way life.

A good night's sleep is an excellent prevention of skin aging after 25-30 years

After 25, 30 years, it is necessary first of all to deal with the prevention of aging:

  • You should sleep at least 8 hours at night and, if possible, spend enough time in the fresh air.
  • It is necessary to use different masks, high-quality cosmetics appropriate for your age and skin type.
  • Choose the right moisturizer for the skin around the eyes.
  • Proper exfoliation is important for combination skin.
  • Pamper combination skin with moisturizing and cleansing masks.

To warn premature aging face, it is recommended to visit a cosmetologist.

Moisturizing combination skin - features

Facial moisturizing is carried out by different means. Since usually the T-zone should be dried, and the remaining areas should be moisturized or nourished.

The cosmetic bag should be filled with mattifying products for oily areas of the face and moisturizing products for the cheeks.

The cream must contain natural herbal ingredients

Creams should be purchased with natural ingredients: plant extracts of chamomile, celandine, sage.

The listed components for moisturizing combination skin will prevent inflammation and the appearance of sebaceous plugs.

Combination skin care products

Since combination skin types can be dehydrated, it is also important to moisturize. It is necessary to select products with a light liquid texture for this purpose.

To cleanse the face, remove makeup and all traces of dirt It is recommended to use skin cleansing gels and micellar water. Such products consist of special active ingredients designed specifically for combination face types.

It is also important to protect the skin from the influence of external factors with a mattifying or cleansing day cream with a light texture.

The products should successfully combat excess sebum, acne or blackheads. Good fit

fruit peelings Combination skin needs peeling

with fruit AHA acids or enzyme peeling applied locally or spot-on. If acne is inflamed or painful, it is recommended to use grain-free peels.

Which creams are best for combination skin?

For each facial skin type, it is important to choose the right care products to always look great.

In addition to the listed products, there are others that can be purchased in a specialized store on the recommendation of a cosmetologist.

For oily and combination skin

For oily and combination skin, it is recommended to buy light moisturizers. Such products should simultaneously moisturize and mattify the skin. Cosmetologists recommend using:

  • mattifying cream with hydro-balance HyaluroMat Cream, Lirene,
  • face cream with mattifying effect Cucumber Balance Control, Dr. Sante;
  • soothing moisturizer Effaclar H, La Roche Posay;
  • ideal nutrition face cream Yaka;
  • "Dynamic Hydration" cream, Aqualia Thermal Dynamic Hydration Light Cream, Vichy.

To avoid an allergic reaction, It is important to test any purchased cream before using it.. To do this, apply a small amount of cream to the bend of the arm. After 20 minutes, check the skin's reaction to the drug.

For combination sensitive skin

For this type of facial skin you can use:

  • cleaning foam-gel “Chamomile, lingonberry”;
  • cosmetic cream “Serial and dandelion root”;
  • in winter with tonic “Sereda, strawberry”, and in summer with tonic “Lingonberry, celandine”;
  • for enlarged pores – antioxidant gel-lifting “Grapes, Pine”;
  • cream " Clean skin» with lingonberries and string;
  • night restorative hydrobalance cream “Chamomile wheat germ oil”.

To maintain the skin of the eyelids, you can use cream with chamomile and wheat germ oil.

For combination problem skin with pores

With combined problem skin with pores cosmetologists recommend using:

  • Energy tonic cream,
  • restorative cream “Fenugreek”,
  • anti-inflammatory cream "Biosebum",
  • pigment tightening and cleansing mask “Botanical”,
  • ichthyol mud mask,

  • Anna Lotan herbal drying lotion,
  • Gigi brand healing gel.

Which cream to choose for combination skin

The following creams are suitable for combination dermis:

  • Moisturizing cream-tonic Rosa.
  • Nourishing cream “Luxury Nutrition - Perfect Radiance” from L Oreal.
  • Day cream “Care and Moisturizing” by Natura Siberica.
  • Night cream “Care and restoration” by Natura Siberica.
  • Mattifying cream from Oriflame “Optimal balance”.

In addition to the above creams, you can purchase other products with a similar effect, which an experienced cosmetologist can help you choose.

Read the popular site article:

Which cream to choose for the face after 25, 30 years

Face creams for combination skin types are of high quality, regardless of brand and price. Personal selection of a facial care product should be carried out by an experienced specialist.

Therefore, after 25 years, it is important for girls to regularly visit a cosmetologist who will help select or adjust care for combination skin.

Creams for combination skin. Rating

The list of face creams for combination skin types includes the following products: Black Pearl cream, Natura Siberica, Clean Line cream, Cora cream, La Roche pose.

Cream “Black Pearl”

The product intensively moisturizes the skin of the face, prevents moisture loss, and protects from wind, smog or sunlight.

Regular use of the cream allows the skin to look healthier, have an even tone, and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. It is applied to a previously cleansed face. The average price of Black Pearl cream is 110 rubles.

Girls who have used this cream claim that it does its job perfectly.

Day cream Natura Siberika

The day cream contains hyaluronic acid, which promotes deep hydration. The product does not leave any shine on the skin, as it applies smoothly and is quickly absorbed.

The cream helps stimulate collagen synthesis, nourish, moisturize and soothe the skin. It also protects the face from the effects of UV radiation.

With regular use of Natura Siberica, pores become narrower, the skin becomes velvety, smooth, and lipid balance is restored. It is recommended to apply the product only to well-cleansed skin.

The average price for Natura Siberika cream is 380 rubles.

According to reviews of the use of Natura Siberica, the cream is best suited for use in summer, since it is easy to apply, protects the face from the effects of sunlight, and intensively moisturizes.

Cream "Clean Line"

The cream from “Clean Line” for combination skin is quickly absorbed, mattifies, tightens pores, and is easy to apply.

The face is well hydrated. It is often used as a base for makeup.

Average price from 50 rubles. Used sparingly.

The cream received positive reviews. Cosmetologists often recommend using it, as the product successfully copes with the tasks assigned to it.

Bark face cream

Bark cream helps mattify oily areas of the skin and prevent the appearance of shine on the face. Thanks to the sebum-regulating complex, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, pores are narrowed, and the skin is calmed. The product protects the face from premature aging.

After using Cora cream, the face becomes fresh, beautiful, and wrinkles are softened. The product must be applied to cleansed skin.

The average price for cream is 430 rubles.

Reviews about the product Cora are both positive and negative. Some girls are satisfied with the cream, as it fully performs its functions, and some clients shared that after lunch the T-area of ​​the face became oily and shiny.

La Roche Posay

French cream reduces skin sensitivity and eliminates problems with dehydration. The product soothes, relaxes, and moisturizes the skin well. Apply to face and neck twice daily.

The cream is often used as the main makeup product.

The average price is 750 rubles.

Reviews about the product are positive. La Roche Pose cream is easy to apply, does not cause shine on the face, intensely moisturizes, and effectively copes with the tasks assigned to it.

Decorative cosmetics for combination skin type

It is important not only to properly care for combination skin type, but also to choose the right decorative cosmetics.

There are BB and CC creams for facial care. BB products help hide imperfections on the face, and CC creams correct and control color.

BB cream

BB cream is easily applied to the face, takes care of its beauty, and is often used instead of foundation. Cosmetologists recommend the following products for combination skin:

  • Clinique Age Defense BB Cream SPF 30 promotes hydration and effective elimination greasy shine, evens out complexion and is not felt on the skin. The product blends harmoniously with skin color.
  • does not clog pores. It hides small redness well and dries out pimples. The product is only suitable for those with dark skin.

  • L'Oreal Nude Magique BB Cream helps even out the complexion, gives the skin a matte and velvety feel. Can hide freckles and minor redness. BB cream is recommended to be applied with a brush.
  • Missha M Signature Real Complete BB Cream It has a dense coating, but is not visible at all on the skin. Immediately after application, there is a slight shine on the face, but after 10 minutes the shine disappears. Cosmetologists recommend this product to girls with fair or even snow-white skin.

Before purchasing a BB cream, it is important to familiarize yourself with its manufacturer., since Korean products need to be washed off only with special Korean hydrophilic oil intended for BB cream.

CC cream

  • helps smooth the skin, narrow pores, moisturize and saturate the skin with beneficial vitamins.
  • CC cream mat, dr. brandt It is easy to apply, mattifies the skin, monitors the production of sebum, and therefore successfully copes with shine on the face. The product evens out skin tone, moisturizes it, hides imperfections, if you need help with the question, combination facial skin, what is it.

Listed It is important to apply CC cream correctly to the face. so that they act as efficiently as possible.

The best foundations for combination skin. The best foundation - reviews

The best foundation for combination skin is considered to be “Ballet 2000”, which is super stable. It contains vitamin E. It has a natural, peach and beige tint. The tone is easily applied and distributed over the face, does not emphasize flaking, mattifies and evens out the skin. Easily conceals age spots.

Christian Dior Diorskin Forever Fluid is considered a foundation fluid. It moisturizes and mattifies combination skin. Covers tightly, hides redness and unevenness on the skin, does not emphasize pores. The product is persistent, so to remove it you need to use hydrophilic oil.


Cosmetologists for combination skin types recommend buying Parure Gold powder from Guerlain. It hides imperfections well, lies easily and evenly on the face, and gives tone and elasticity to the skin.

Poudre Compacte Radiance powder from YSL has a light mattifying effect, does not dry out the skin, and gives the face a light, natural glow.

Les Beiges powder from Chanel mattifies and masks oily parts of the face, and does not dry out dry parts. It applies thinly and gives the face a velvety feel.

Cleansing cosmetics for combination skin

Cleansers are also important in caring for combination skin types. Cleansers include tonic, lotion, micellar water.


Combination skin needs the use of a mattifying toner that prevents redness and tightens pores.

Elixir Ultimate radiance, Swissline is quickly absorbed, refreshes and moisturizes the skin, supports cellular metabolism.

After its application, the tightness of the skin disappears. The product must be applied by hand. It goes great with any cream.

Having determined that problems with the skin are caused by combination facial skin, and also having learned what it is, cosmetologists recommend using rice tonics. L'Occitane rice toner cleanses the skin well and then mattifies it, removing excess oil. Thanks to this, the face is always fresh and velvety.


Gives a matte appearance to the face and absorbs excess fat. Recommended for use in summer or winter as a base for makeup.

Energy lotion from Matis Helps refresh, tone and soften facial skin. Tired cells are saturated with energy and also protected from the effects of cold or heat.

Micellar water

The most effective micellar water for combination skin is from Garnier Skin Naturals.

It is fragrance-free and alcohol-free, cleanses the dermis of makeup and harmful impurities. Pore ​​cleansing occurs at the cellular level, as micellar water penetrates deeply into the skin.

The product helps moisturize, smooth the skin, gives beauty and restores youth.

Water is used daily, by applying to the face with a cotton swab. No need to rinse off.

Cleansers for combination facial skin types

To wash your face, cosmetologists advise taking special gels and foams. It is important to choose a cleanser individually according to your skin type.

Shower gel

Gel “Clean Skin” from Garnier refreshes, cleanses, softens the skin, foams well and is economically used. It is recommended to use every two days to allow the skin to rest from caring procedures.

Before use, be sure to check whether the gel will cause an allergy.

Cleansing foam

Natura Siberica— cleansing foaming mousse for washing, soothes and moisturizes the skin. Foam can strengthen the protective forces of the facial skin.

Foam from Cattier moisturizes and nourishes the skin during cleansing.

Foam from Avene easily copes with removing non-waterproof cosmetics, so can be used as universal remedy for washing your face.

Foam from Bliss successfully removes dirt and non-waterproof cosmetics. The composition includes vitamin C, which gives the face radiance and freshness.

Home care for combination skin types

Facial care at home consists of using special homemade scrubs, masks, combinations essential oils.

You can prepare the following scrub for your face at home:

  1. Mix thyme with plantain and chamomile. 20 g of the resulting herbal mixture is ground into powder.
  2. Add 40 g of cosmetic clay and oatmeal to it.
  3. Store the product in a well-closed container.
  4. Before use, the scrub must be diluted with mineral water.

A scrub made with herbs, clay and oatmeal should be applied to the face in a circular motion.

The resulting scrub is applied to a previously cleansed face in a circular motion. After three minutes, the product is washed off. It can be used three times a week.


At home, you can please your face with the following masks:

  • 15 g of oatmeal is mixed with milk or chamomile infusion. The resulting paste is applied in a thin layer to the face. It is not recommended to apply the cleansing mask to the area around the eyes.
  • 15 g of low-fat cottage cheese is mixed with milk until smooth. Apply a thin layer to the face. This mask will help restore the beauty of your face.
    Mashed potatoes are mixed with milk. A nourishing mask is applied to the face.

The listed masks are applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water using a sponge. After the procedure, it is important to lubricate your face with a cream selected by the cosmetologist.

Homemade masks are used only for healthy skin

Homemade masks can only be used for healthy skin. Before use homemade mask It is important to understand the issue of combination facial skin, what it is.


The oil has a tonic effect:

  • geraniums,
  • ginger,
  • lemon,
  • rosemary.

Rosemary oil tones combination skin

Oils soothe the skin:

  • bergamot,
  • jasmine,
  • roses,
  • daisies,
  • tea tree.

Oils have a smoothing effect:

  • orange,
  • roses,
  • lavender,
  • lemon.

Lemon oil normalizes the skin structure, smoothing it

To cleanse a face with combination skin type, you can prepare the following base oils:

  1. To 100 ml of grape seed or almond oil add 3 drops of lavender, bergamot and geranium.
  2. To 50 ml of vegetable oil add three drops of almond and bergamot oil.

Immediately after using essential oils, it is forbidden to go out into the sun. Therefore, it is recommended to apply such products to the skin an hour before going outside.

Combination facial skin raises the question for every person, what it is, and how it needs to be taken care of in order to always look beautiful and attractive. You can contact a cosmetologist to select the right facial care plan. An experienced specialist will individually advise the correct and effective means.

Homemade masks for combination skin:

Combination skin types are often called mixed skin. It is often observed in most teenagers and people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle. The condition of the skin depends directly on its care. This article fully discloses information on how to properly care for combination skin at home, because it is thanks to care that you can achieve healthy looking your skin.

The reasons for the appearance of such skin, its features

According to research by Austrian scientists, the type of skin on the face can change over the years. The most common is combination skin type. It is a combination of dry, oily and normal skin types. Appears as oily skin T-zone and dry in other areas of the face. This problem first occurs in adolescence, when an outburst occurs. huge amount different hormones.

"It is precisely because large quantity testosterone levels in adolescents, a combination skin type is observed.”

Those who are faced with a problem such as mixed skin are advised to familiarize themselves with the reasons for its occurrence, the solutions to which are given in the table below.

The main causes of combination skin

Puberty period when major changes occur in the human body and hormonal imbalance occurs
  • Visit an endocrinologist;
  • Choose the right skin care products.
Too much active work sebaceous glands, due to increased testosterone levels
  • Go for a consultation with an endocrinologist;
  • Buy a tonic;
  • Make skin-drying masks.
Poor nutrition
  • Gradually reduce the size of junk food, the consumption of which can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Make a schedule for proper fractional nutrition;
  • Visit a nutritionist.
Genetic predisposition when this type of skin is observed in parents
  • Choose products for proper facial care
Stressful situations
  • Eliminate stress factors from life;
  • Take sedatives (teas and various medications).
Incorrectly selected products for facial skin care.
  • Familiarize yourself with all stages of facial care;
  • Choose the right non-aggressive means, and also learn how to use them.

Comprehensive care for combination skin throughout the year

Care facial skin care at different times of the year must be varied, because in summer the sebaceous glands in the T-shaped zone work more actively than in winter. Those products that you apply to your face in the summer may not always be suitable for application in the winter.

in winter

Caring for combination skin in winter involves proper cleansing, toning, moisturizing and protecting facial skin.

When cleansing and toning the skin, you need to replace tonics and lotions containing alcohol with products that are more gentle in composition. Cleansing milk and micellar water are excellent.

In winter, you need to be especially careful about moisturizing your skin when there is cold and snow under the influence of dry air. injure the upper layer of the epidermis. The cheeks are most often affected in this case, because the T-zone is protected by its fat content.

To avoid dry skin in the cheek area, experienced cosmetologists recommend making nourishing masks based on essential oils and other beneficial substances.

in spring

In the spring, facial skin definitely suffers from a lack of vitamins and hormone imbalance. At this time of year, the T-zone begins to become inflamed and acne appears. Due to aggressive rays, freckles may appear. To protect your skin from ultraviolet rays, you need to select and purchase a cream with SPF protection from 15 to 30. Don't forget to tone your skin after washing. If you don’t have tonic, you can make your own ice using chamomile, tea or calendula tincture. It is better to use during washing special gels or milk.

In summer

In summer, people with combination face types show signs of oily skin. To prevent inflammation of the upper layer of the epidermis on the face, as well as to avoid the appearance of unwanted pimples, blackheads and blackheads, it is necessary wash your face on time and dry the skin in the T-zone. If there is no inflammation yet, it is recommended to use a scrub 2 times a month.

In the summer, you should definitely use a cream to protect yourself from the aggressive sun. To maintain skin tone, girls need to drink enough water (the norm is 2.5 liters per day).

To remove excess fat It is advisable to use lotions and gels for facial care. To moisturize your face after cleansing, be sure to apply a toner. It not only tones the skin, but also restores pH balance. A mandatory point when choosing a tonic is non-alcoholic base, since alcohol-containing products have a negative effect on human skin. It is also not recommended to carry out peeling and skin whitening procedures in the summer.

in autumn

In autumn, facial skin needs more than ever additional hydration. Low temperatures, cold winds and rains have an aggressive effect on the skin and are the root cause of peeling and inflammation of the face. In autumn, it is allowed and recommended to visit a cosmetologist and get peeling. Facial care at this time of year is the same as in spring.

6 working tips on how to properly care for combination skin

  • Don't neglect sunscreen. While in summer many girls use protection, in winter only 4-5% use it. In winter time ultra-violet rays also have an aggressive effect on the skin.
  • Necessarily it is necessary to tone and moisturize the skin faces. It is recommended to avoid washing with soap.
  • It is advisable to purchase organic products skin care products, and also avoid cosmetics containing parabens and sulfates.
  • Instead of tonic it is advisable use ice cubes. Honey masks are also beneficial for combination skin.
  • In the winter season, it is necessary to sufficiently moisturize the skin of the face, and in the summer, remove fat from the face in a timely manner. In winter, the cream should be applied an hour before going outside.
  • It is advisable to buy high-quality and expensive cosmetics, since cheap skin care products can harm your skin.

Necessary care up to 25 years

Facial care up to 25 years old consists of three stages:

  1. Cleansing from grease and makeup;
  2. Toning;
  3. Nutrition (hydration).

The skin of girls these years does not require any additional procedures. If you have problems with your facial skin - experienced Experts advise doing facial cleansing and skin treatment according to the cause of the problems. The most difficult time for skin under 25 years of age is adolescence. Pimples and blackheads may appear due to hormonal imbalance. In advanced cases, it is recommended to visit a cosmetologist and endocrinologist.

Daily care after 25 years

After 25 years for some girls the first hidden wrinkles appear, and the skin of the face becomes dull and oily faster. At this age, the skin needs additional care, hydration and nutrients. Great solution There will be fortified masks and herbal infusions.

Girls over 25 must use a scrub and exfoliate. To open the pores, you can prepare a steam bath with chamomile or calendula.

Cosmetics should be chosen with additional vitamins, oils and antioxidants.

Proper care after 30 years

After 30 years, facial skin begins to age, it loses its elasticity and firmness. At this time, the need for anti-aging cosmetics increases. Due to slow metabolism and impaired blood flow, the skin of the face does not receive enough moisture, which leads to decreased skin tone.

In addition to basic facial care, you need to visit a cosmetologist twice a year. You should pay attention to cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid and vitamins.

As an additional facial treatment experts recommend mesotherapy procedure and the use of special serums.

How to cleanse combination skin (folk methods)

Mixed skin type needs careful care and cleansing. In addition to professional cosmetics, experts recommend using homemade products 2 times a week. They are unlike purchased products don't irritate and do not disturb the acid-base balance. In addition, vitamins and oils can be added to such products.

Cleansing gel

There are several options for preparing a facial cleansing gel:

For cooking honey gel you need to mix 100 grams of liquid baby soap, 2 teaspoons of honey and a tablespoon of castor oil. Pour the resulting mixture into a previously prepared bottle.

For cooking mustard gel you need to combine 2 tablespoons of mustard powder, 1 teaspoon of aloe juice and soda into a homogeneous paste. Next, you need to mix the mixture with 100 grams of liquid soap.

Cleansing mask (recipe + preparation)

Masks are considered easier to use and prepare cosmetics at home to cleanse the skin of the face. Cleansing It is advisable to make masks in the evening before bedtime. The most effective masks for combination skin are those whose recipes are shown in the table below.

Mask nameIngredientsPreparation
Clay mask · 3 tablespoons of blue clay;

· vitamins in ampoules.

It is necessary to mix the clay with water until a paste of thick consistency is formed. To nourish the skin, it is recommended to add 1 ampoule of vitamin A, B or E to the mask.
Coffee and honey mask · 2-3 tablespoons of ground coffee beans;

· 3 spoons of honey;

· 1 teaspoon lemon juice.

You need to combine coffee beans and honey in a bowl. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add lemon juice. You need to keep this mask for 20 minutes.
Gelatin mask · 15 grams of gelatin;

· 10 tablets of activated carbon;

To prepare, dilute gelatin and crushed tablets in cold water. Then the product needs to be heated in the microwave for about 20 seconds. The mask is easily applied to the face, and after drying it is removed with a film.

Cleansing toner

Tonic can be easily prepared at home. Recipes for the most common and well-known tonics are shown in the table below.

Cleansing creams

Several types of homemade creams are suitable for combination skin type, the recipes for which are given in the table below.

The best cosmetics for care (purchased options)

Among the leaders in cosmetic products for the comprehensive care of combination skin are several:

  • The most effective nourishing and moisturizing cream is cream trademark "Black Pearl - Self-rejuvenation". It is suitable for women over 35 years of age. Contains the most valuable vitamins and oils.
  • Excellent products for this skin type are tonics from the brand “ PlanetaOrganica" Before buying a tonic, you need to pay attention to the composition. Choose a product that contains glycerin.
  • According to reviews of face masks, the cleansing mask is the leader " Agafya's bathhouse».
  • To cleanse the skin for combination skin, the most suitable cleanser from the brand " Diademine" The gel does its job well and does not dry out the skin.

Golden rules for caring for combination skin

Combined face type is very common among young people and also requires special attention and care. To save to long term youthful face We recommend sticking to the basic rules care for this skin type:

  • T-zone persons needed cleanse morning and evening using a special gel. Don't forget to use toner and lotion.
  • Choose hypoallergenic cosmetics ecological composition.
  • You only need to wash your face with cold water so as not to provoke the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • From time to time it is advisable make nourishing masks and take vitamins.

The Amazing Power of Korean Skin Care for Combination Skin

One of the progressive companies in the cosmetology market are Korean cosmetics companies.

A number of well-known products have been created to care for combination skin, including cosmetic cleansing wipes, cleansing oils, various exfoliators, skin toning refreshers and serums.

Koreans pay a lot of attention to their skin, and also use essences and vitamins to nourish it.

Which cream to buy for face care in winter?

It is advisable to purchase a moisturizer with additional nutrition, since combination skin often gets dry in winter.

Are there any creams with a non-greasy base?

Any cream, one way or another, consists of an oily base, some of them just have less consistency.

Combination skin type requires a lot of attention and proper care, the essence of which consists of proper cleansing, toning and nourishing the skin. To maintain beauty and youth, additional care is required, which means various nourishing masks and creams, which can easily be prepared at home.