Fashion 2013

Remove pores on the face. How to clean and tighten pores on your face. Dairy products and egg whites

To keep your face looking good, you need to take care of it daily. However, even in this case, the pores on the face may become dirty. Clogged pores look unsightly. In addition, this problem precedes an even more significant one - the appearance of pimples and blackheads. Not everyone has access to the services of beauty salons, so let's find out how to clean the pores on your face at home.

Why do pores get clogged?

The answer to this question interests many people. This problem most often worries teenagers, since adolescence There are hormonal changes in the body that affect the formation of unwanted comedones. People with problem skin often develop pimples and blackheads, as dirt easily gets into enlarged pores and remains there because the outlet is clogged with secretions from the sebaceous glands. As a result, comedones and subcutaneous bumps are formed.

In adults who face the problem of clogged pores and the formation of blackheads, this is due to hormonal imbalances. In such a situation, you need to contact a specialist and find out the exact cause, after which you should follow the doctor’s instructions. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe hormone tests for you and only after that will determine the direction of treatment to restore the skin.

Those with dry and oily skin should also carefully monitor their face, because this skin is prone to clogged pores.

Improper skin care and inappropriate cosmetics can cause clogged pores. Particles of cosmetics getting into enlarged pores are closed with plugs. Since sebum continues to be produced, it accumulates on the surface, provoking the onset of inflammation.

Girls who like to put a lot of makeup on their face also run the risk of getting a lot of blackheads and acne, since the facial skin does not breathe at all under its thick layer.

The cause of the appearance of blackheads, pimples, and blackheads may be an unhealthy diet. Fatty foods, chips, mayonnaise, crackers and various sauces cause discharge large quantities subcutaneous sebum, which accumulates in the pores along with impurities.

Instructions for cleaning facial pores

In order to achieve the ideal effect, you need to cleanse your face in a certain sequence:

  1. Steam your face. First, soften the skin of the face to open the pores. To do this, you can make steam baths with herbal decoction. The duration of the procedure for normal skin should be 5 minutes, if the skin is prone to dryness - 3 minutes. You can add essential oils to the decoction. It is not recommended to do this procedure if you have skin diseases.
  2. We remove dirt. A mask or scrub is ideal for removing dirt from pores. If you have oily or combination skin, then you should repeat this procedure twice a week, if dry or normal - once. Rinse your face with cool water and pat dry gently with a towel. If you choose a facial scrub in a store, then carefully select it for your skin type.
  3. We tighten the pores with diluted hydrogen peroxide, aloe leaf juice or lemon juice. Green tea or masks to tighten pores are also suitable for this purpose.
  4. Moisturize. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to moisturize your facial skin. You should not use fatty creams to avoid clogging enlarged pores.

Pore ​​Cleaning Recipes

There are many recipes used to remove dirt from pores.

Add table salt to cosmetic milk and stir. Afterwards, apply this mixture to your face and leave it for 1 minute, then remove it from your face with warm water. To avoid skin injury, do not use this mask if you have acne or other inflammatory processes.

Mix 2 tsp. gelatin and 3 tbsp. milk. Microwave for 10 seconds. After the mixture has cooled, apply it to your face with a brush. Leave it on your face for about 15 minutes, during which time it will harden and become hard. Start removing it from your nose. All your unwanted blackheads will remain on this hard film.

Take oatmeal flakes and pour hot water over them, wait until they swell, and then spread them lightly over your face. Keep it on for five minutes and wash off with warm water. This mask will cleanse and soften your face.

Squeeze the cucumber juice, mix cucumber juice, olive oil and milk in equal proportions. Leave on your face for 20 minutes and then rinse with cool water.

Take the protein, beat it until foamy, add 1 tsp. lemon juice and a few drops of tea tree essential oil. The mixture must be stirred and applied carefully to the face. Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse with cool water, then wipe your face with anti-inflammatory lotion.

Video: egg white pore cleanser

How not to clean your pores

Follow a few rules when cleaning your pores, as there is a high risk of worsening the situation:

  1. You should not start cleaning your pores while there is still makeup on your face. Before cleaning your pores, you need to remove all makeup, otherwise it will get deep into the pores.
  2. Hands should not be dirty and neither should tools. Everything must be thoroughly washed and disinfected.
  3. You can’t steam your skin for a long time, everything should be in moderation.
  4. Carefully select cosmetic products for cleaning pores and use them only as directed.
  5. Don't start cleaning your pores at home if you're not sure you can handle the task. This can result in serious skin problems. In such a situation, it is better to contact a professional cosmetologist.

Cosmetics for cleaning pores

In stores, the selection of different cosmetics for facial skin care is rich enough that you can get confused. On the other hand, you have the opportunity to choose a product that is ideal for your skin type and cleanses it well. Below is a rating of facial care cosmetics.

La Roche Posay Effaclar H face mousse. This cosmetics is gaining great popularity now. The mousse can be chosen specifically for your skin type, even if it is problematic. This mousse perfectly cleanses oily facial skin and softens it without causing dryness. And of course, clogged pores, pimples and blackheads disappear. Many girls have already confirmed the effect of this mousse with positive reviews.

Vichy Normaderm Anti Blemish Care 24H Hydration face cream. The cream is able to fight all blemishes on the face. Acne, pimples, clogged pores - it perfectly copes with these problems, as noted by fans of this cosmetic product.

Soft exfoliating mask-gommage Uriage Hyseac. Not all exfoliators can target oily skin, leaving it soft and flawless, like the Uriage Hyseac Gommage Mask does. It contains clay and active substances. Owners of this product note changes - the skin becomes soft, matte, smooth and without clogged pores.

Micellar solution Bioderma Sebium H2O. This solution copes well with problematic skin on the face. It softens the skin, eliminates imperfections, and can be used for washing. It is easy to use and prevents the appearance of pimples and blackheads.

Here are four of the most popular beauty products that top the rest. You just need to choose a product for your skin type and use it.

Video: three-step cleaning using Chinese products

There are several tips for proper facial skin care.

  1. To choose the right cosmetic product for your face, you need to determine the type of skin on your face. After all, your further care. There are 4 skin types: oily, dry, combination and normal. What type is your skin?
  2. To ensure that your skin is always in perfect condition, you need to take care of it morning and evening: first we cleanse it, then we tone it, and then we moisturize and nourish it. This type of care is convenient at home. Morning and evening procedures will prevent inflammation from developing on your skin.
  3. It is important not to use toners with alcohol if you have oily skin. For dry skin, choose tonics and nourish the skin with creams before going outside. If you have a combination skin type, then choose your own care for each area.
  4. Never wash your face with tap water, it is too hard and damages the structure of your facial skin. Boil water and add a little soda.

Follow these facial skin care tips and your skin will become perfectly smooth and beautiful.

Clogged pores cause pimples and blackheads, and they themselves look unsightly. Most often, blackheads appear on the nose or chin, especially with combination to oily skin. To get rid of clogged pores, you need to remember to do it regularly. Only then will it remain clean and beautiful for a long time.

Clogged pores on the nose: causes

Usually reasons problem skin there are several provoking factors acting simultaneously. With combination or oily skin, the glands produce too much oil. If there is insufficient or improper care Due to such epidermis or improper lifestyle, the pores will be clogged. In addition, in the absence of regular cleansing of cosmetic residues, dust and dirt, the pores become clogged. From the inside, subcutaneous fat adds to the pollution. As a result, acne, pimples, rashes and blackheads appear on the face.

Contamination cannot be avoided when using cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type. Abundance decorative cosmetics and its daily use also does not bring anything good, because a mask that is harmful to the epidermis constantly appears on the face. The production of sebum is activated by eating large amounts of smoked meats, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, sweets, sauces and especially mayonnaise, hot seasonings, marinades, chips and crackers.

Main symptoms

Clogged pores are usually not the only thing women complain about. They usually become visible when the remnants of cosmetics and dirt accumulated in the skin begin to rot. The texture of the skin changes: if before it was more or less smooth, now it is all covered with small tubercles. Inflammation, pimples and acne appear; comedones, that is, blackheads, can form on the nose and chin. The complexion usually turns reddish-blue and the natural blush disappears. In addition, enlarged pores can be clearly seen when viewed in the mirror.

If you think that all these unpleasant manifestations are a reaction to a certain cosmetic product, then conduct an experiment. Avoid this remedy for a while. If all the symptoms begin to gradually disappear, then everything is true. But simply throwing away cream or unsuitable powder is not a solution to the problem. You will start using another product that will clog your pores in the same way. Therefore, you need to start regularly cleaning the epidermis.

Ways to cleanse pores

How to clean clogged pores? The best way Elimination of this cosmetic defect is skin cleansing, which can be done either by a cosmetologist or independently at home. The procedure must be performed regularly, so it would be a good idea to learn how to do everything yourself. In addition, problematic skin itself requires special care.

Facial cleansing in a beauty salon

If you find clogged pores on your face, how to get rid of them efficiently and for a long time? Make an appointment with a cosmetologist for facial cleansing. The salon does manual cleaning, mechanical, vacuum, ultrasonic or laser.

Manual and mechanical

Manual cleansing is one of the most effective ways to get rid of clogged pores on the face, although this method is gradually being replaced by cosmetic devices. First, the master steams the skin with a herbal bath or special cosmetics. At the same time, the pores open as much as possible. Then the beautician manually removes pimples, blackheads and blackheads. Afterwards, a soothing mask is applied to the face, which will make the complexion smooth and natural and effectively relieve irritation.

The procedure is a little painful and traumatic. The recovery period takes from several hours (at least five) to several days. During this time, the skin may become very red and flaky. Therefore, it is better to carry out such cleaning not immediately before some important event, but a week or a week and a half in advance.

Mechanical cleaning is an equally effective method, but just as painful and traumatic. The only difference is that blackheads and pimples are removed not with your hands, but with a special spatula-strainer. Vacuum cleaning allows you to get rid of clogged pores using hardware methods. Blackheads, dust and dirt, dead exfoliated cells are drawn out with air through a special nozzle. Cleaning is painless, but not deep enough.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is quite in demand today because it will clean the deep layers of the epidermis. Depending on the depth of contamination, the master can adjust the wavelength. Ultrasound evens out skin texture, tightens pores and activates the synthesis of new cells. The laser also penetrates to a sufficient depth, and this effect is completely safe and painless.

Homemade facial cleansing

How to cleanse your facial skin of clogged pores? At home, the beauty of the skin depends on the regularity of procedures. For problematic skin to have a normal appearance, you need daily cleansing in the morning and evening in the form of washing with various foams, milks, serums and gels.

Once or twice a week you need to take a steam bath with herbs. Usually they use universal celandine, chamomile or calendula. After (especially problem areas) need to be treated with a scrub.

Sensitive skin additionally requires gommage. This procedure involves applying a special composition that dissolves dirt and dead cells. The dried film rolls off the skin along with adhering particles of keratinized tissue and dirt. This is a very gentle peeling.

Folk beauty recipes

How to cleanse your facial skin of clogged pores? The simplest and most popular remedy is oatmeal scrub. Oatmeal should be ground in a coffee maker and diluted with water. You can add cane sugar to the scrub (for two tablespoons of cereal you need 15 g of sugar), liquid honey (for the same amount of oatmeal you need 12 ml). An oatmeal scrub with baking soda is suitable for moisturizing. You need to take one tablespoon of oatmeal and baking soda, mix and let sit for five minutes.

Clay masks will help clear clogged pores at home. This is a cheap cosmetic product that is sold in any store. The powder just needs to be diluted in warm water to the desired consistency and applied to the face for twenty minutes.

Gelatin color is very effective. Two tablets of coal need to be crushed into powder and mixed with two teaspoons of gelatin. Add four tablespoons of milk or the same amount of plain water. The mixture must be stirred well and the lumps crushed. The mask is applied for ten minutes, then removed with film.

If your pores are clogged, what should you do? Argan oil will help cope with the problem. This cosmetic oil should be lubricated on the skin an hour before bedtime. Before going to bed, you need to remove any remaining product with a cotton sponge. The products listed above will even out the skin texture and complexion, but after the first results you should not stop caring, because in this case the problem will quickly return.

Oils that don't clog pores

The most common culprits for clogged pores are cosmetic oils which are used by many women. Castor, sunflower, mineral and hemp oils, shea butter, safflower, rose hips, lanolin and high-quality waxes do not cause the appearance of blackheads, pimples and blackheads. These products can be used to prepare face masks on a regular basis.

The following oils do not clog pores if you take proper care of your skin, but if used too actively, they can have a negative effect. You need to be more careful with cotton, soy, corn, sandalwood, nut, apricot, grape seeds, camphor, almond, sesame, peanut, olive oils, beeswax. Such oils must be tested before use. They may not suit your skin type. Flaxseed oil definitely clogs pores, coconut oil, wheat germ and cocoa.

How to clear your skin of clogged pores? Only regular procedures and proper cleansing will help. To achieve a lasting effect, all stages of the procedure must be performed in a certain sequence. First, makeup is removed using a special product, then you need to open the pores. Compresses or steam baths will help with this. You can soak it in a hot decoction of chamomile or calendula. terry towel and apply it to your face. In total, you need to keep it on for about five minutes, and three minutes is enough to dry it.

Then you need to remove the dirt. At this stage, masks and scrubs will be used. homemade. The procedure should be performed twice a week for combination and oily skin. Dry and normal, once a week is sufficient. Afterwards it is recommended to wash your face with cool water. Instead of a commercial toner that tightens the pores, you can use lemon or aloe juice or green tea. The final stage is intensive hydration. But it is not advisable to use oil or cream with an active nutritional effect.

To maintain the results obtained, you need to exclude cosmetics that contain fat and oils. It is necessary to limit the use of oil-based creams, and instead of the usual product, it is better to take a light-based fluid. If you follow all the recommendations, your skin will quickly become clean and acquire healthy looking. But if, after a month of proper care with deep cleansing, the pores still remain clogged, consult a cosmetologist. Perhaps this is a consequence of malfunctioning glands or other disorders in the body.

Comprehensive care for problem skin

Clogged pores (the photo presented at the beginning of the article is a direct confirmation of this) look completely unaesthetic, which proves the need for careful skin care. You need to clean the dermis regularly. Here are three comprehensive options for home remedies so that you don’t get bored with monotonous formulations after the second procedure, and your skin receives all the necessary nutrients:

  1. First, wash your face with cool water and soap to remove most of your makeup. For a more thorough cleansing of the face, use a cooled chamomile infusion with the addition of a few drops of high-quality sunflower oil. Now you need to steam the skin by moistening a terry towel in calendula decoction and applying it for several minutes. For the next step, prepare gelatin mask with activated carbon. Wash your face with cool water without soap and wipe your skin with a cotton sponge soaked in lemon juice. After a few minutes, apply a little on your face castor oil.
  2. The first stage is the same - washing clean water with soap. Cleanse your skin thoroughly with natural yogurt. A small amount of yogurt should be applied to the face, left for ten minutes and then removed with a cotton pad. Make a steam bath with calendula decoction. Now apply oatmeal scrub to your face. Wash your face again and apply cucumber juice to your face. Finally, all that remains is to lubricate the skin with a small amount of shea butter.
  3. After washing, cleanse your skin with warm milk. Steam the skin over a steam bath with a decoction of St. John's wort. Then apply a clay mask. Afterwards, wash and treat your skin. green tea. Now all that remains is to apply moisturizer. This can be regular high-quality sunflower oil.

Alternate these simple ways maintaining beauty so that the pores remain narrowed and the facial skin has a healthy and blooming appearance.

The presence of clogged pores on the face is a big problem, because they cause acne and redness, which significantly spoils appearance skin and causes discomfort. To cleanse the skin, many people prefer to resort to salon procedures, forgetting about homemade cleaning recipes, which can be no less effective. To quickly eliminate a cosmetic defect, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the proven methods that girls have been using for several decades.


In teenagers, clogged pores on the face most often appear due to hormonal changes. Everything is much more complicated in adults - here several problems can contribute to the formation of blackheads:

  • Fat type. The sebaceous glands work hyperactively, as a result of which fat gets into the pores and clogs them. The problem can be solved with proper care and timely removal of shine. It is also worth considering that hyperactivity of the glands is often caused by poor nutrition;
  • Lack of care for the epidermis. The dermis needs to be cleansed daily, masks made several times a week, lotions used - this is the minimum set. If this is not done, over time the pores will become very clogged;
  • Using low-quality or inappropriate cosmetics. Foundations and powders must match your skin type. It is advisable to give preference to brands that use natural ingredients;
  • Abuse of decorative cosmetics. Creams, concealers, and powders form a dense layer on the skin, and the flow of oxygen slows down. This causes blockage;
  • Sedentary lifestyle, rare visits to the street;
  • The use of comedogenic oils that do not match the type.

The latter is common. Many people mistakenly believe that oils are equally beneficial for the skin, forgetting that each of them performs different functions and what has a beneficial effect on dry skin types can have a detrimental effect on oily skin types.


At first, the impurities are not very noticeable, but the girl can see them in the mirror when examining the skin in detail. Subsequently, the following changes occur:

  • The relief of the skin changes and becomes lumpy;
  • The pores become clogged with oil, resulting in the formation of pimples and blackheads;
  • Comedones appear on the chin and nose;
  • A healthy glow disappears, the complexion becomes reddish.

The most important symptom – wide pores – is visible to the naked eye. Deficiencies can be masked with foundation, but this will only aggravate the situation; after a while, even the best products will no longer help.

The best option is regular facial cleansing in a salon or at home.

Important! If the reason for closing the pores is the use of a cream, it is recommended to avoid it for a while to make sure that it is the negative factor.

Methods of cleansing

Those who don’t know how to get rid of blackheads and open pores should check out in effective ways allowing you to achieve good results in several sessions.

Salon facial cleansing

Those wishing to get rid of contaminants should pay attention to several types of procedures carried out in the salon:

Chemical peelingAre used fruit acids. There are superficial, medium and deep cleaning. The result is breathable skin and rejuvenation
Manual cleaningThe doctor manually removes the rash from the steamed dermis. A painful and traumatic method. Rehabilitation takes 5-7 hours
LaserPainless and safe technique. Penetrating deep into the dermis, the laser destroys formations and stops inflammatory processes
UltrasonicThe principle is similar to laser, but ultrasound affects contaminants
MechanicalSpecial tools are used. Not suitable for sensitive dermis due to moderate pain
VacuumImpurities are pulled out of the dermis using special attachments. The procedure is painless, but the effect is only superficial

Homemade facial cleansing

The use of home recipes is effective in combination with compliance with several rules:

  • Removing decorative cosmetics at night and before procedures is mandatory;
  • It is recommended to use scrubs, peelings, and peeling rollers 2-2 times a week - they remove impurities well. For sensitive skin Rolls are best;
  • Steam herbal baths make the dermis breathable, promote cleansing, so they need to be done 1-2 times a week;
  • For sensitive epidermis, gommage is used.

Film masks clean the points well - you can buy them in a store or pharmacy. The rest of the products are prepared independently according to proven recipes.


If you want to remove impurities, narrow pores and make them clean, you just need to choose the most suitable recipe from those offered.

Soft scrub

Light oatmeal peeling allows you to achieve perfect cleanliness and smoothness:

  • Grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder;
  • Fill the composition with water, stir, leave for 5 minutes;
  • Using gentle massaging movements, distribute over the dermis;
  • Massage for 3-5 minutes, then wash off.

Clay mask

For oily or combination types, blue, black or green clay is ideal:

  • Dilute a bag of clay powder with water, stir until it reaches a creamy consistency;
  • Apply to the skin with light circular movements;
  • After leaving for 20 minutes, rinse with room water.

Curd mask

The composition has a whitening, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, rejuvenating effect:

  • Combine a large spoonful of low-fat cottage cheese with honey;
  • Apply over the face using massaging movements;
  • Remove after 15 minutes.

Gelatin mask

This composition is best suited for relieving inflammation and cleaning sensitive dermis:

  • Mix a tablespoon of gelatin powder with two crushed tablets of activated carbon, pour milk over everything;
  • Leave to swell for 7 minutes after stirring;
  • Distribute the mass in a dense layer;
  • Exposure time is up to 15 minutes.

Oils that don't clog pores

Using the wrong oils is bound to clog your pores, so it's important to know which ones are non-comedogenic.

Comedogenicity implies the risk of formation of comedones. Non-comedogenicity, accordingly, allows you to use oils without harm to the epidermis of oily or mixed type.


The most the best oils The following are considered not to clog pores:

  • Shea, sunflower, safflower;
  • Argan, mango, hemp;
  • Black cumin, rose hips, margosa;
  • Sea buckthorn, sesame, castor, pomegranate seeds.

Moderately comedic

Moderate comedogenicity should be understood as an unpredictable effect on the fatty type. To understand whether the oil is suitable, you will have to observe the reaction for several weeks after starting use.

Which oils are considered moderately comedogenic:

  • Pumpkin, sandalwood, tamanu;
  • Almond, peanut, apricot;
  • Soy, olive, macadamia;
  • Grape, hazelnut, baobab seeds;
  • Camphor, jojoba, cotton;
  • Unrefined sesame, corn.

The video below talks about the comedogenicity of oils:


In cosmetology, comedogenic oils with a high risk of contamination include:

  • Coconut;
  • Wheat germ;
  • Linen;
  • Palm;
  • Cocoa.

It is also worth considering pharmaceutical preparations that contain fats and are highly comedogenic. These include petroleum jelly, ceresin, shark liver oil, lanolin, mink oil, beeswax or emulsion wax, candela wax. Their use is contraindicated for oily skin.

From the video presented you will learn what doctors advise:


Using recipes for cleaning pores at home allows you to achieve positive results from the first procedures. The following changes become noticeable:

  • Well-groomed skin;
  • Elimination of blackheads;
  • Relieving inflammation and redness.

Important! Cleaning should be done no more than 2-3 times a week. There should be at least 1 day between sessions.

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Problem: how to clean the pores on the face worries most women. Clogged pores distort even the most beautiful make-up. Deep and high-quality cleansing of the skin can help eliminate this deficiency.

Cleansing is the most important task in facial care. Many home remedies and special remedies can remove blackheads, as well as prevent acne and make your skin look healthy and fresh.

Why do pores get clogged?

In addition to problems with internal organs, clogged pores can be caused by dirt on your facial skin.

Residues of decorative cosmetics, dirt and dead cells prevent sebum from reaching the surface, which also provokes the occurrence of acne.

To pick up the right ways cleansing the surface of the face and methods for narrowing pores, you need to know the exact causes of this disease.

There are the following reasons why the excretory ducts become contaminated:

  1. Influence of hereditary factors.
  2. Changes in hormonal levels.
  3. Oily or combination skin type.
  4. Problems with digestive system.
  5. Impaired functioning of the immune and nervous systems.
  6. Food high in animal fat, seasonings and carbohydrates.
  7. Violation of metabolic processes.
  8. Influence bad habits: smoking and drinking harmful drinks.
  9. Excessive use of cosmetics.
  10. Abuse of frequent exposure to the sun, which impairs the functioning of the sebaceous glands and leads to dehydration of the surface of the face.

Also common causes of pollution include constant stressful situations and long-term medication use.

Effective cleaning at home

Particularly high-quality cleansing is required for enlarged pores, which often occur in people with fat type skin. Contamination with sebum contributes to clogging of the excretory ducts, as a result of which the surface of the face loses its attractiveness.

  • To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to cleanse the skin regularly.
  • Pores are cleaned at home using special products.
  • Cleaning mixtures should consist of drying and astringent components.

Lemon, aloe or medicinal chamomile are suitable for this. Tonics containing zinc oxide are used for basic care. After cleansing mixtures, apply moisturizer.

An important tool used in skin care is a cosmetic stick. It allows you to carefully treat the surface around the eyes.

Simple tips will help you decide how to clean the pores on your nose:

  1. Every day you need to use milk or a special gel. Such products contain extracts of iris, chamomile or cloves.
  2. For proper care, you need to determine your own skin type. This influences the choice suitable remedy.
  3. Do not rub your face or rub it too hard with a hard towel.
  4. Liquid in the excretory ducts prevents their rapid contamination. High-quality moisturizing is recommended for any skin type.
  5. Matte makeup cream allows you to maintain the smoothness of your face for a long time.

Once every two weeks, the skin should be cleansed of dead particles. To do this, exfoliating procedures are performed: .

A self-prepared mask will help to effectively cleanse the pores on your nose. To do this, a teaspoon of gelatin is mixed with a tablespoon of milk and left until the gelatin swells. Then the solution is heated until completely dissolved. The hot mixture should be applied to the skin with patting movements. The mixture hardens into a solid mask. After 30 minutes it can be removed with one sharp movement.

Cleansing with activated carbon helps quickly remove all blackheads. Creams and masks based on this substance have a moisturizing and smoothing effect.

You can prepare a mask with black clay and activated carbon. To do this, clay is mixed with activated carbon, warm milk and a teaspoon of gelatin and left for 15 minutes. A mask with activated carbon will help soothe irritated skin. rose water and a few drops of essential oil.

Effective masks with activated carbon will help hide many imperfections and quickly cleanse heavily contaminated excretory ducts.

Other gentle cleansing options:

  1. Soda facial scrub
  2. Oatmeal scrub recipes
  3. Recipes for masks with blue clay

A stronger cleansing effect can be achieved using peelings:

Carefully read the contraindications and techniques for performing peeling yourself!

Main stages of cleansing

When deciding how to clean the pores on your nose, you should follow a certain sequence of the cleansing procedure.

Clogged pores are cleaned in several stages:

  1. To soften the skin of the face and open the excretory ducts, steaming is performed. Herbal compresses are also used. A herbal infusion of calendula or sage will help steam the pores on your nose. It is recommended to add a few drops of essential oil to the decoction.
  2. To remove impurities, use scrubs and other homemade products. If your skin is oily, you need to cleanse it twice a week. If you have a dry face, you can cleanse your skin once a week. For oily skin surfaces, more strong remedies with abrasive properties.
  3. Pore ​​narrowing is done using certain masks. Skin pores are treated with a weak solution of lemon juice or.
  4. At the end of the procedure. To do this, choose a cream with nutritional properties or fatty oil.

Clogged pores can be deeply cleaned in the following way:

  1. After steaming the face, the index fingers are wrapped in a bandage and moistened in a peroxide solution. Without strong pressure, the largest excretory ducts are cleaned. Then the nose is wiped with peroxide.
  2. Prepare a mixture of baking soda, salt and a small amount of water. Using the solution, you can massage the skin of your nose. Then the product is washed off with water.

At regular Using the procedures, the pores in the nose area will gradually decrease. The key principle here is regularity!

Pores on the face become clogged as a result of using low-quality cosmetics. Products based on mineral oil deeply contaminate the skin. Cosmetologists recommend using less oil-based cream. A Foundation replace with a lighter product.

If, after regular procedures with special care products, the excretory ducts are still dirty, then you need to contact a specialist.

Modern means

When home recipes don't help, you should turn to professional ways cleansing. It is worth trying special strips for cleansing the pores of the nose and chin. They come in three types: with activated carbon, with green tea and classic.

Effective cleaning can be done in salons that offer the following cleansing methods:

  1. Popular vacuum cleaning faces. This involves using an instrument called a drainage tube, which is suctioned to the skin and helps open and clear the excretory ducts. The procedure is recommended for oily skin and redness.
  2. It helps to cleanse the pores well, which allows you to open the pores. This method has a rejuvenating effect.
  3. You can do high-quality cleaning using skin. This method allows you to deeply cleanse the pores and eliminate the causes of inflammation.
  4. is a hardware method that gently exfoliates and stimulates the skin. Such a tool activates the growth of new cells.

Read also: How to steam your face at home

The disadvantage of these methods is their high cost, as well as the need to conduct entire courses.

If you follow all the rules for home cleansing, you can achieve excellent results in a short time. Proper and daily facial skin care can work wonders.

Practicing cosmetologist. Higher medical education. Author of this site. The beauty of the skin excites me both as a specialist and as a woman.

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Pores are component skin, which performs the most important functions of softening and moisturizing. But, unfortunately, they become clogged too quickly, creating fertile ground for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, every woman should know how to clean the pores on her face.

Indications and restrictions

Skin requires daily care. Substances that have a drying and astringent effect should be used as a cleanser. Dry skin can be avoided from being exposed to cleansers in the morning. However, in the evening you need to wash off the accumulated dust and pollutants.

Every day you can cleanse your skin with chamomile infusions and diluted lemon juice. Afterwards, apply moisturizer. Depending on your skin type, you need to apply it once or twice a week. deep cleansing. It can also be done at home. However, the procedure may be contraindicated if there are certain problems:

  • infectious inflammation on the face caused by the herpes virus;
  • overly sensitive or weakened skin;
  • cracks and damage to the skin or pustular inflammation;
  • various types of skin rashes, including acne or allergies;
  • small spider veins appearing on the skin;
  • hypersensitivity to certain ingredients of cosmetics;
  • acne caused by hormonal changes;
  • any skin diseases.

There are also time restrictions for facial cleansing due to reasons such as:

  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • too young, undeveloped skin before the age of 18;
  • scars that occur during the healing of wounds or cuts - over time they become invisible and do not pose problems;
  • viral infectious diseases;
  • heat;
  • During the warm season, chemical peeling should not be done;
  • You should not cleanse immediately before an important meeting or going out, as after the procedure there will be slight redness on the skin, which will soon go away.


Pore ​​cleaning should be done in stages. Having freed your face from makeup, you need to steam it. This will expand the pores. This procedure can be carried out in different ways.

The simplest and easiest method is a compress. You need to wring out the towel in hot, but not scalding water, apply it to your face and hold it for several minutes, wetting it periodically. For dry skin, steaming time should be reduced by almost half. You can use hot broth instead of water medicinal herbs, such as chamomile or sage.

You can steam your skin using a facial steam bath - bend over it, covered with a towel. Instead of water, it is also possible to use a herbal decoction, and some add a drop of any essential oil to it. You should not lower your head too low to avoid getting burned.

Purification process

The second stage is to cleanse the face of impurities and dead skin cells using scrubs. To prepare them at home, you do not need to purchase expensive cosmetics or exotic fruits. Simple, affordable products available in the refrigerator are quite suitable. Salt, ground coffee or almonds, sugar and other substances can be used as abrasive particles for scrub. The main thing is to choose the right recipe specifically for this skin type. For dry skin, softer products should be used and vice versa.

  • Deep cleansing of pores can be done using a simple composition. Mix the cream with table salt and apply it onto your face with light movements, protecting your eyes and lips. After waiting a minute, you can wash off the mask with boiled water.
  • Penetrating deep into the pores, a mask made from milk with gelatin effectively cleanses them of plugs, blackheads and other impurities. After mixing them in a ceramic bowl, place the product in the microwave for a few seconds or heat it in a water bath until the gelatin dissolves. The mask should be applied warm for a quarter of an hour until it hardens. The resulting film will collect all unnecessary particles and remove them from the face, making it smooth and clean.
  • A mask with oatmeal has an excellent cleansing and softening effect. They can be diluted in milk or warm water, depending on your skin type.
  • There are also more complex masks that require some effort and patience, but have an excellent cleansing effect. An example of such a remedy is a mixture of fresh egg white with a crushed tablet activated carbon. First, the mask is applied to the face, after which small pieces of toilet paper are glued on top of it. A second layer of the mixture is applied to them. After the film formed by several similar layers has dried, it is carefully removed.
  • You can cleanse your pores with a banana mask. The pulp from the overripe fruit should be mixed with honey and two or three drops of any citrus juice as desired. Next, apply it to your face for a quarter of an hour and rinse with warm water. It not only cleanses, but perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
  • For dry skin, a mixture of fatty cottage cheese and crushed shells is perfect boiled egg. It will gently cleanse pores without damaging the skin.

Narrowing pores

After cleansing, the pores need to be narrowed so that they do not become clogged quickly. To do this, instead of tonic, you can use home remedies - aloe or lemon juice, a diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide. It's good to just wash your face cold water or wipe your face with ice cubes made from herbal infusion. Masks for narrowing pores also have a good effect.

  • It has an excellent tightening effect egg white. Therefore, it is invariably present in all recipes for narrowing pores. Whipped egg white can be used as pure form, as well as with other components that will additionally nourish and moisturize the skin.
  • A mask made from lemon juice and whipped egg white is especially effective for oily skin. It will not only tighten the pores well, but also even out the face, give it a matte tint and eliminate the red marks left after acne removal.
  • A paste of honey and flour with protein will perfectly moisturize the skin and tighten enlarged pores. The face will become fresh and wonderfully velvety.
  • If you dilute fresh yeast lemon juice and add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide, you can get effective remedy, tightens pores and simultaneously nourishes and moisturizes the skin.


At the final stage deep cleaning The pores on the face need deep hydration. It is undesirable to use fatty, highly nutritious products for this procedure, as they can clog the pores. You can simply apply moisturizer to your skin or use special masks.

  • A mixture of honey and olive oil has an excellent soothing and moisturizing effect. A mask preheated in a water bath and applied to the face for a quarter of an hour will eliminate peeling and make the skin soft and velvety.
  • Fresh yeast diluted in sour cream perfectly nourishes and moisturizes dry skin.
  • If you prepare banana pulp with egg yolk and stir it with olive oil, you will get an excellent mask for nourishing and moisturizing problem skin. After it, your face will glow with purity and freshness.
  • For normal skin, a mask made from mashed potatoes diluted with milk will be useful. Fresh, but pre-mashed strawberries are added to the mixture.


In order to prevent rapid contamination of pores, you need to be more attentive to daily facial care and perform simple recommendations. So, the rules are as follows:

  • mineral oils in cosmetics provoke blockage and subsequent contamination of pores, so their use should be limited;
  • It is also advisable to avoid greasy creams that clog pores - it is better to replace them with effective moisturizers;
  • It is useful to exclude foundation creams from daily “use”;
  • when the pores quickly become clogged, perhaps the reason lies in some internal pathologies, then it is better to undergo an examination and find out the cause;
  • If your skin is prone to allergic reactions, you can contact a specialist who will tell you how to cleanse your facial pores at home.

With regular use of available home remedies for facial care, you will not need expensive cosmetic gels and creams, and your appearance will always be well-groomed and youthful.