
Pregnancy is difficult. How do you know if your pregnancy is going well? Digestive and urinary systems

Most first-time mothers are naturally concerned about the question of how the pregnancy is going, whether it is proceeding well, without complications, especially during pregnancy. early stages. Currently, obstetricians and gynecologists are involved in pregnancy management.

In order to optimally monitor the condition of the expectant mother and fetus, doctors recommend regularly visiting an antenatal clinic.

Registration of a pregnant woman at a dispensary

How can a woman understand that pregnancy is going well in the early stages? It is quite difficult to independently determine the nature of the course of pregnancy in the first trimester. Only qualified specialists can answer this question after conducting an appropriate examination. Therefore, it is very important that a pregnant woman attends an antenatal clinic as early as possible, preferably before the 12th week.

If contraindications for continuing pregnancy are identified, then in the first trimester you can still use gentle methods to terminate it. Timely registration at the dispensary and further regular visits to the obstetrician-gynecologist, according to the established schedule, largely determine the normal course of pregnancy.

The schedule of visits to the antenatal clinic, scheduled by the supervising doctor, must be followed unquestioningly.

Physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman

How can you understand that pregnancy is developing normally without taking into account the opinion of doctors? To do this, you need to focus on your general condition and feelings. Carrying a child will certainly lead to physiological changes in the pregnant woman’s body. What changes in her body can a woman notice that will indicate a normal course of pregnancy:

  • Appearance.
  • Performance of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  • Functionality of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract).


It will be quite natural for a pregnant woman to acquire a characteristic appearance, which was unusual for her before conceiving a child:

  • In addition to the appearance of a tummy, there is a slight increase in the size of the limbs, a decrease in the range of movements in the hip joints, and a change in facial features. Due to the shift in the center of gravity, a woman’s gait and posture changes.

  • Darkening is noted skin(pigmentation) in the face, abdomen and parapapillary area.
  • The veins on the lower extremities become more visible. It may even appear varicose veins veins, which was not typical before conception.
  • Due to the enlargement of the abdomen, so-called striae (stripes, stretch marks on the skin) often form on its surface.
  • During the period of bearing a child, in some cases a moderate increase in body temperature (low-grade fever) is recorded. As a rule, this is observed up to 4 months and is associated with normal hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman. By the way, an increase in rectal temperature is considered to be one of early signs pregnancy.
  • The mammary glands undergo significant changes, the swelling and increase in volume of which is simply impossible not to notice. The size of the nipples also increases. In addition, due to pigmentation, the nipples and area around the nipple become dark brown.

Cardiovascular and respiratory systems

As a rule, the first trimester is characterized by low blood pressure, but starting from approximately the 29th week, there is a tendency to increase, which sometimes makes it difficult to diagnose true hypertension. With the growth of the fetus and the enlargement of the uterus, the heart rate also increases slightly (within 84–90 beats per minute).

Fluctuations in blood pressure and hormonal changes female body often lead to disruption of the heart, which can manifest itself as arrhythmias and extrasystoles.

The additional load on the lungs, associated with the fact that you have to provide oxygen not only to yourself, but also to the fetus, leads to the development of shortness of breath. Pregnant women, especially in later stages, experience certain difficulties in performing normal physical activity. An attack of shortness of breath and fast fatiguability can be observed even when climbing stairs only a few floors.

Nevertheless, all this is considered within normal limits, unless, of course, the pregnant woman suffers from some pathology of the cardiovascular and/or respiratory systems.

Digestive and urinary systems

Quite often, women's positions change dramatically taste preferences. Some pregnant women develop a sharp aversion to certain types of foods (for example, meat, cheese, sausages, butter), while others may generally be drawn to inedible things (clay, chalk).

In some cases, there is an increase in appetite, in others, on the contrary, a significant decrease. Also, due to decreased intestinal tone, pregnant women are more prone to constipation. This is normal and does not require correction with medications, except by changing your diet.

Increased stress on the kidneys often leads to frequent urination. In the absence of other symptoms, frequent urination should be attributed to natural physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman, and not to the clinical manifestation of any disease.

No one is saying that you have to endure any discomfort or, even worse, pain. Any changes in your health should be reported to your doctor. And he will decide how serious this is.

Signs of a normal pregnancy

What you should pay attention to first of all in order to find out that pregnancy, both in the early and late stages, is proceeding normally:

  • Weight gain.
  • Abdominal enlargement.
  • Fetal movement.
  • Fetal heartbeat.
  • Pain.
  • Vaginal discharge.
  • The appearance of colostrum.

Weight gain

Fetal development, uterine enlargement, fluid retention, restructuring of metabolic processes - all this naturally causes the progressive weight gain of a pregnant woman. On average, the body weight of the expectant mother during the entire period of bearing a child increases by 10–12 kg, of which:

  • About 6 kg are the fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid.
  • 1–2 kg is due to the growth of the uterus and mammary glands.
  • 3–4 kg is an immediate weight gain.

In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman’s body weight remains virtually unchanged. By the end of the 12th week there is some increase, which can be up to 2 kg. In the second trimester, a woman usually gains 300 grams per week. In the third trimester, the increase is already up to 400 grams per week.

A few days before giving birth, regular changes in metabolic processes lead to the fact that a pregnant woman’s body weight can decrease by 1–2 kg.

It should be remembered that these are average data, which may vary in each specific case. In addition, weight gain, among other things, can be influenced by factors such as individual and constitutional characteristics of the body, as well as heredity.

Fetal movement

The baby makes its first movements at 8 weeks, but they are not yet noticeable to the woman. It is generally accepted that fetal movement begins to be felt at 16–20 weeks. Multiparous mothers are familiar with this feeling firsthand, which is why they record it earlier. motor activity unborn child than first-time mothers. It is also worth noting that due to the lack of fat deposition on the anterior abdominal wall, more slender girls They perceive the baby’s movements faster than plump ones.

Make a note of the date you feel your first fetal movement as this will help your healthcare provider determine your expected due date. As a rule, for a primiparous woman it is necessary to add 20 weeks, for a multiparous woman - 22 weeks. The intensity of movements will help you assess the baby's health. Excessive activity is just as bad as a significant reduction or complete cessation of movement.

To monitor the child’s activity, a specially developed test is used, which can be used at home starting from the 28th week. From 9 am to 9 pm it is necessary to count the number of movements and record every 10. Normally, the tenth movement is usually observed before 5 pm. If over the course of 12 hours you notice that the child has moved less than 10 times, then you should inform the doctor about this. If not a single movement is noted for the whole day, then you should immediately go to the hospital.

By the movement of the fetus, a woman herself can understand how her pregnancy is progressing, whether everything is developing normally, or whether she needs to immediately seek help.

Fetal heartbeat

One of the most important signs The normal course of pregnancy is the fetal heartbeat. The first signs of the heart of the unborn baby can be determined using a special vaginal ultrasound sensor already in the early stages of pregnancy (3–4 weeks). Features of changes in fetal heart rate:

  • At weeks 4–6, your heart rate will be 80–85 beats per minute.
  • At 6–8 weeks, the heart rate will increase to 110–130 beats per minute.
  • At 8–10 weeks, the heart rate can reach 190 beats per minute.
  • From the 11th week until delivery, your heart rate will be between 140 and 160 bpm.

Heart rate can be used to assess the general condition of the fetus. The baby’s heart instantly reacts to any changes that occur to a pregnant woman (stress, various diseases, physical exercise). For example, a heart rate that is too fast may indicate long-term problems with the blood supply to the fetus, which leads to insufficient oxygen and nutrients.

A slowdown in the rhythm will indicate a sharp deterioration in the condition of the fetus, requiring emergency measures up to and including surgical delivery.


During pregnancy, painful sensations of varying nature, intensity and localization often occur. Most of them are considered a natural physiological process in response to changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman:

  • Due to the enlargement of the uterus, its own ligaments, which are attached to the iliac bones, are stretched, and pain occurs in the area of ​​the inguinal folds and above the pubis. This could be due to sudden turns, fast movements, or even just coughing. Such pain does not pose a danger to a woman or child.
  • Due to a tendency to constipation, pregnant women often experience nagging pain in the lower abdomen (usually on the left side). To prevent constipation, pay attention to your diet. Your diet should include enough dairy products and foods containing more fiber. In addition, regular physical activity of moderate intensity has a positive effect on intestinal motility.
  • Due to some divergence of the symphysis pubis under the influence of the hormone relaxin produced by the ovaries and placenta, pain in the pubic area may be observed. Such changes in the location of the pelvic bones are necessary to facilitate the passage of the baby through the birth canal.

If sufficiently intense and severe pain occurs, you should seek help from a qualified specialist. It is not recommended to take any medications or perform any manipulations to relieve pain without informing your supervising physician.

Vaginal discharge

During the entire period of pregnancy, vaginal discharge is observed. And that's quite normal phenomenon, if their character meets a number of parameters. What vaginal discharge is considered normal?

Abundant, transparent, white, without unpleasant odor and not accompanied by itching or burning in the genital area. At the same time, the following discharges are considered pathological, requiring identification of the cause and special treatment:

  • Yellow. It is necessary to undergo appropriate tests to exclude sexually transmitted diseases (for example, gonorrhea).
  • Abundant white accompanied by itching and burning . Moreover, it has a cheesy consistency. Most common reason such discharge is vaginal candidiasis or thrush.
  • Green. The reasons can be very diverse, but most often associated with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Brown. Under no circumstances should you delay visiting an obstetrician-gynecologist. This type of discharge could be caused by ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption, cervical injury, etc.
  • Bloody . They are considered the most dangerous of all possible pathological discharges, and if detected, you must urgently see your supervising doctor.

More often bloody issues signal an ectopic pregnancy, the development of a miscarriage, premature placental abruption, damage to the vagina and/or cervix.


For some pregnant women, any changes in the body that they were not warned about cause serious concern. For example, the appearance of colostrum before birth can even cause them to have a panic attack. We hasten to assure you that there is no reason to worry. It is normal to leak colostrum while pregnant. No pathology can be traced here.

In addition, the absence of colostrum secretion before birth is also not considered a deviation from the norm.

If you cannot accurately understand whether the pregnancy is progressing well and normally, you should visit an obstetrician-gynecologist as soon as possible, which will dispel all your doubts or take appropriate measures in a timely manner.

This topic is very exciting and sensitive. Talking about this is always difficult and joyless. But you can’t remain silent either, because undeveloped pregnancies, unfortunately, are not that uncommon today.

If the fetus froze at term, when a rather large belly was already visible, then it may decrease slightly in size. At later stages, the absence of movements for an extended period of time will indicate freezing.

Whenever a misfortune occurs, a woman may feel very bad for no apparent reason, as it seems to her.

The described signs of a non-developing pregnancy can appear individually or in combination, several at a time, or be completely absent - in each individual case everything happens differently.

We sincerely hope that this information will forever remain theoretical and unclaimed for you. But if, God forbid, something else happens, then don’t be upset: 80-90% of women successfully carry their next pregnancy to term. Moreover, the chances of success increase if the pregnancy is planned in advance, undergoes and is properly prepared for motherhood (and fatherhood too).

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Many families are planning to give birth to a child and are looking forward to the moment when they can find out whether the attempt was successful or not.

Women study all kinds of literature and try to find at least something about pregnancy and its signs. They listen to their feelings with trepidation. Is it possible to be pregnant without symptoms? Let's take a closer look.

What are pregnancy symptoms?

Symptoms or signs of pregnancy are physiological changes that women notice in themselves while in interesting position. Although they cannot be called symptoms. This concept refers to diseases, not the normal healthy state of women. In this article we will use the term “signs of pregnancy” that occur in women in the early stages.

Knowing the main symptoms, a woman can easily guess whether she is pregnant or not. You can confirm or refute guesses with the help of tests and analyses.

Reliable signs of pregnancy

According to statistics, 7 girls out of 100 note that their pregnancy proceeded without signs. Although this statement cannot be considered reliable, because some symptoms may be confused with other processes occurring in the body.

Some women find out they are pregnant while in their third month. And there are several reasons why expectant mothers claimed that the pregnancy proceeded without the first signs:

  • Menstruation can also occur in the first two months of pregnancy, after the egg has been fertilized. If you are concerned about the condition of the baby in the womb, then you need to go to an appointment with a gynecologist.
  • A woman may mistake changes in taste sensations for whims or oddities of the body.
  • Girls blame frequent mood swings on fatigue or hormonal surges.
  • Nausea in the morning is a negative reaction of the body to certain foods eaten last evening, but not toxicosis, the girls are sure.
  • From the above, it becomes clear that pregnancy without symptoms is a rare occurrence. The symptoms may be mild, but they are still there. And it’s worth listening to your body.

Is there even a pregnancy without signs in the early stages? Of course, a complete absence of symptoms is unlikely, especially in the first three months.

Asymptomatic pregnancy is a reality

A natural sign of pregnancy is a growing belly. It is by the presence of this change that pregnancy can be determined. On the other hand, not all expectant mothers experience a pronounced increase in volume. As mentioned above, menstruation may be present in the first trimester. Toxicosis, breast enlargement or swelling, weakness and drowsiness may not be felt at all.

Approximately 10 women out of 100 who have given birth will say with confidence that pregnancy without symptoms occurs. The exact reasons for this phenomenon have not been identified. Most often, gynecologists are faced with cases of late detection of pregnancy, when a woman comes to an appointment and complains of an enlarged belly and strange sensations.

Sometimes expectant mothers complain of minor ailments, such as morning sickness, whitish discharge and delay. But these signs are taken not for pregnancy, but for a malfunction of the body.

Doctors advise to undergo timely examinations and tests in order to monitor your own health. Periodic inspection will help prevent the development various diseases and determine pregnancy in time. After all, women are often interested in the question: is pregnancy without signs possible? This can happen, but there is no need to worry about this, each body is individual and can react specifically to conception.

No early signs

Some women may not notice changes at all - in this case, pregnancy proceeds without symptoms. This applies to girls who normally had problems with the menstrual cycle, so it is sometimes difficult for them to realize that their body has become the site of fetal development. The situation is clarified at a later date during an examination by a gynecologist.

On the 8-10th day after unprotected sexual intercourse, the process of fertilization occurs in the body, after which the embryo is attached to the uterus. During this period, a woman may experience discharge similar to menstruation, so many mistakenly believe that conception has definitely not occurred.

After the gynecologist discovers pregnancy, the woman begins to worry about the absence of any symptoms. But it normal. Yes, many girls feel nauseous at first, some eat chalk, others cookies with ketchup, but this does not mean that all pregnant women should have such signs. There are no definitions of right and wrong pregnancy. Each girl will experience this period individually.

Are periods dangerous?

If pregnancy is established, but menstruation continues, then this is a cause for concern for doctors and the expectant mother. Such cases are extremely rare. Menstruation in the early stages indicates the process of implantation or detachment of the fertilized egg. In such cases, the woman experiences a thin spotting with blood.

Pregnancy without symptoms in the early stages is common. For example, this happens when the fertilized egg does not have time to implant before the onset of menstruation. There may be slight delays - from 5 to 15 days. A delay without signs of pregnancy cannot be considered as confirmation or refutation of the fact of fertilization.

Refutation or confirmation?

Ultrasound and certain tests help to reliably determine pregnancy. But not every woman is ready to undergo paid tests, especially if everything is fine with her health.

A very interesting incident occurred in Brazil. 27-year-old Fernanda Claudia gave birth to her daughter while swimming. The girl was born healthy, weighing about 3 kilograms. After a sudden home birth, a woman herself reached medical center and told her unusual story doctors. It turns out that she had no idea she was pregnant until she started giving birth. This case shocked the public and doctors.

It is important to remember that early pregnancy can only be determined by ultrasound and hCG analysis. Gynecologists also recommend listening to the following advice:

  1. If you experience a sudden nagging pain in the lower abdomen, you should see a specialist, especially if you suspect that you are pregnant. Pain may be evidence of a threat of miscarriage, the occurrence of inflammatory processes and contractions of the uterus. There is no need to self-medicate, because you do not know the exact causes of pain.
  2. If pregnancy is confirmed, then it is advisable to reconsider all your life priorities and passions. It is necessary to adjust your diet, because food should be healthy. It is also important to completely refuse bad habits, which include smoking and alcohol.
  3. If you are worried that your pregnancy is progressing without signs, then it is better to talk to a psychologist who will help you “come to your senses.”
  4. Don't panic if your pregnancy is different from others. Each organism has its own individual physiological characteristics, and his reaction to bearing a baby is difficult to predict.

The main thing!

Did you find out that you are pregnant? And it doesn’t matter early or later, whether it proceeds like everyone else or is asymptomatic. It is important to remember only one thing - no stress and anxiety.

Take more time for yourself, relax, walk and breathe fresh air. Only the harmony of your physical and mental state will allow you to experience all the delights of motherhood, starting from the early stages of pregnancy.