
Staves and ligatures that develop the human mental body. The subtle bodies of man are the etheric body, the astral body and the mental body. What does the mental body look like?

The health of the mental body depends on the nature of thoughts. Every thought and mental aspiration leaves an imprint not only on the matter of the mental body, but also on the cells of the physical body. Thus, with our thoughts we form and build our future physical body.

The process of healing the mental body is based on the same principle: like attracts like. The darker and more primitive a person’s thinking, the weaker his mental body, which actually drags out a hungry existence.

First of all, you need to realize the importance of your mental body as a conductor of consciousness, and then it will begin its activity. If a person lives only by desires and passions, then the mental body weakens and may stop in its development, because it does not receive sufficient development, there is no aspiration to search for the true meaning and purpose of life. On a mental level, this manifests itself in dissatisfaction with life.

Mental body humans, like others, are susceptible various diseases. The disease, as a form of negative energy, penetrates the body and, having reached a critical mass, descends down to the astral, etheric, and then the physical body.

Affected first of all nervous system and human brain cells, and he begins to suffer from neuropsychiatric diseases. To cure such a disease, you need to know what energy has invaded the mental body, analyze your way of thinking behind Lately and draw conclusions about the causes of the disease. The manifestation of a disease of the mental body can last for years and even extend beyond the boundaries of one life.

The energies of past sins have grown into the mental body, and if a person does not correct his thinking, in later life he may again be subject to neuropsychiatric diseases, including paralysis, strokes, etc.

The state of the mental body and the receptivity of the brain, its thinking are also interconnected. Each thought is a certain vibration that is associated with mental matter that forms the mental body. Thought images are a complete vibrational form that permeates all bodies, saturating them with energy or taking it away. With the power of thought, you form a mental body, a project of your future state, which is transmitted through communication channels to the astral and etheric body, and then to the physical. Beautiful mental images will certainly be reflected in the state of the mental body, and the conscious process of thinking will gradually create a strong will.

Mentally focusing on one concept or subject is very useful. For example, on the structure of human subtle bodies, or comprehension of outer space, or the development of one’s mental body, or the improvement of consciousness, or the formation of one’s spiritual body. You can think about different things, about the creative power of life, about the sources of life-giving energy. Thinking and mental images should be bright and clear. Imagination can give complete form to every chain of thoughts. Streams of mental energies are attracted when a person thinks about distant worlds, thereby tearing his thoughts away from the earth at least for a short time. The mental body receives a strong energy impulse, and a conscious connection with higher planes appears. Concentration teaches you to concentrate mental energy, which gives the power of thought.

A person who is angry, irritable or burdened with hatred or revenge will not be able to give his energies strength, because in such a state the waste of strength is very great. But the more spiritual and moral a person is, the more strength he has for the thought process.

The state of selfless love for people makes mental energy pure and active like nothing else.

Sometimes, in order to restore the strength of the mental body and give impetus to brain activity for useful and fruitful work, you need to learn to achieve a state of thoughtlessness. At the same time, you can focus on the inner contemplation of one of the saints or great ascetics of humanity. This state is extremely beneficial for brain cells.

Strength is stimulated in people who are in a sleeping state. As a result of such an awakening, all energy systems are renewed, which gradually reaches the physical body, and rejuvenation is possible at the cellular level of the entire organism.

But one should not confuse the state of inner silence with ordinary mental immobility or dullness. These are completely opposite things. In a state of thoughtlessness, amazing insights are possible.

There is also the concept of mental breathing. The energy of thought is diffused in space, and focusing on deep and even breathing for the purpose of healing is very useful. What is mental breathing?

Bring your entire being into a state of balance and inhale not just air or prana, but the essence of mental purified energy. It is better to carry out such an action while in nature, in a clean place - in the forest, in the mountains, away from cities.

Air molecules contain etheric energies that are subject to thought and can be attracted during inhalation. During the pause, they will enter the blood, and on exhalation they will carry away negative particles. This way you can push illnesses out of yourself. You can inhale aromas, or you can inhale a fiery substance, gradually accustoming yourself to higher energies. But first you need to remember which element you belong to. And do not inhale the opposite element.

The physical body belongs to the dense world. Astral - to the astral, where we go in our dreams. Mental - to the mental world, very few can get there, and for this you need to have a refined and developed mental body. Spiritual - the dwelling place of saints and very few spiritually developed people.

It is very useful to at least think about the higher worlds - mental and spiritual. Thoughts, like anchors, will be fixed there, and over time you will be able to get to a higher plane of existence. Mental constructions can be so beautiful that they are beyond ordinary description.

Communication with the worlds is carried out through the corresponding bodies. But a person himself can raise and increase his own vibrations to any level, thereby giving himself the opportunity to stay in the spiritual world. These are enormous possibilities, or rather super-possibilities, because it was thanks to access to the spiritual world, to its highest energies, that saints and ascetics could perform healings and other miracles. Having established sufficient connections with the mental world and its energy, you will feel a powerful influx of strength, inspiration and creative enthusiasm.

The mental images in which you try to imagine pictures of the higher layers of the mental world may seem fantastic, but this does not mean that they do not exist. There is no evil there, everything glows, sounds and smells. The subtle matter of the mental is instantly transformed, it is so mobile that images appear immediately in certain forms. There are no limits or restrictions here and you can create anything you want: palaces, temples, flowering alleys. Everything your essence is capable of. Such contacts with the highest beauty of mental creativity are sometimes more fruitful than the health-improving activities themselves. Don't be afraid to think about higher worlds, don't limit yourself and your thinking. This is the same as limiting the flow of energy. But more often, mentally lift yourself off the ground. Don't deny anything under any circumstances. Any denial is a limitation of the development of energy bodies. It leads to stagnation of energy and saturation of bodies with decay products, energy self-poisoning.

Anything is possible! That's what ordinary people say. Eliminate envy, ill will and the most destructive thing for energy bodies - selfishness. The more selfish a person is, the weaker his mental body. In the next life, such an egoist is born poor, with weak mental abilities, but the dense side of life manifests itself clearly in him. Rude, selfish, greedy, lustful - how many of them are there now? The consequences of a soulless and immoral life have not yet befallen them, but they have already begun to manifest themselves in diseases of a very different nature.

The mental body is also weakened by excessive sexual activity. Mental capacity from this they decrease. Therefore, if you need to succeed in mental activity, then restraint in the sexual sphere will help you in this. Outbursts of anger, hatred, even simple irritation will also harm and weaken the energies of the mental body.

Not everyone’s mental body is fully formed and developed, so consciously building it from refined mental energy - the energy of thought - just as you would sculpt from clay, will help strengthen and fill it with light radiations. And control over thoughts will teach you to accumulate mental energy, which contributes to longevity, clarity of mind into old age and a full, active life.

Etheric body. The first subtle body is the etheric, or energetic, body of a person. This body is an exact copy of the physical body. It repeats its silhouette, extending beyond it by 3-5 cm.

This subtle body has the same structure as the physical body, including its organs and parts. It consists of a special type of matter called ether. Ether occupies an intermediate position between the dense matter that makes up our world and even more subtle types of matter than ethereal matter. Basically, in the Eastern tradition etheric body does not even apply to subtle bodies, but is considered a type of our dense body.

In principle, any person, if desired, can see a bluish haze of the etheric body around his fingers if he looks at them with an unfocused gaze on a white background. In addition, the well-known Kirlian effect allows you to photograph the etheric body.

The color of the etheric body, as perceived by psychics, varies from light blue to gray. In a sensitive person it has a bluish tint; in an athletic, physically strong person, gray tones predominate in the etheric body.

The etheric body forms the so-called energy matrix of the human body, to which the organs of our physical body correspond. People with highly sensitive vision see all the organs of the human body as consisting of flickering gray light.

Distortions that arise in the human energy body lead first to disorder and inflammation, and then to the degeneration of the organs of our physical body (that is, disease).

Most psychics feel with their hands the distortions of the energy body and make corrections to it. In case of correct influence, after the correction of the energy body, healing of the physical organ occurs.

In the same body there are various energy flows, including those same “wonderful meridians” that doctors influence during acupuncture and acupressure.

Since the etheric body completely repeats the physical body, it is sometimes called the etheric double of a person.

The human etheric body has a mass of about 3-7 g. This was established by American researchers during experiments when a person died while lying on very sensitive scales (of course, consent was obtained from this person). During this not very ordinary experiment, it was found that after death, a person’s body weight decreases precisely by these same 3-7 g.

After the death of a person, all subtle bodies leave our physical body. But only the ethereal body has mass; other bodies are completely incorporeal.

This body extends 5-10 cm beyond the physical body. It does not have such a clear form as the etheric one, and is a continuously shimmering colored clots of energy. In an unemotional person, this body is quite uniform and discharged. In a very emotional person, these multi-colored clumps are thicker and denser. Moreover, outbursts of negative emotions manifest themselves as clots of heavy and dark colors- burgundy red, brown, gray, black, etc.

If a person is emotional, but easy-going, then the clots of negative energies in the emotional body dissolve relatively quickly. But if a person has lingering negative emotions, for example, constant resentment towards people or life or constant aggressiveness towards life or other people (communists, democrats, Jews, boss, ex-husband, etc.), then such emotions create long-term clots negative emotional energy. These clots subsequently have Negative influence on our health.

By the colors of the astral body, clairvoyants can easily determine what emotions are inherent in a given person.

Mental body. The third subtle body of a person is called the mental body. This is the body of human thoughts and knowledge. It is very developed among scientists, researchers and people interested in some field of knowledge (history, architecture, botany, etc.). And it is weakly manifested in people engaged in physical labor.

The mental body extends beyond the physical body by 10-20 cm and generally follows its contours.

It consists of an even more subtle energy - the energy of the mental plane, has a bright yellow color, emanating from the human head and spreading to the entire body. When a person thinks intensely, the mental body expands and becomes more vibrant.

The mental body also contains clots of energy that reflect our beliefs and stable thoughts. These clots are called thought forms.

Thought forms can consist of the energy of only the mental body - if our beliefs are not accompanied by emotions. And if beliefs are combined with emotions, then the thought form is formed by the energies of the mental and emotional planes. Accordingly, if we have a persistent negative belief (for example, about our government or close relatives) and it is accompanied by completely unkind emotions, then the corresponding thought form is colored with dirty colors of the emotional body.

A thought pattern can be fuzzy if our knowledge or beliefs are unclear or imprecise. And vice versa, it is completely clearly defined if our beliefs are stable and complete.

Human mental body

Following the ethereal and astral comes mental body . It is responsible for our ideas about the world around us, for rational thoughts. Sometimes intuitive ideas even arise in it. But still, more often this happens in the astral body. In the mental body you can also find formed models according to which our mind builds thoughts. The frequency of the mental aura is much higher than the first two auras. In structure, this subtle body is less dense than the previous ones. It resembles an oval in shape. The mental body is located at a distance of forty to sixty centimeters from the physical body. In an immature (spiritually and intellectually) person it is small. The more developed a person becomes, the smarter he is, the more space his mental body occupies.

In people who are unbalanced, angry, who have lost interest in the world around them, intellectual development the mental body is dull and monotonous. Its structure may contain a substance similar to milk. And vice versa, for self-confident people, kind, creative, who strive to learn new things every day, the mental body blossoms with bright colors. It becomes radiant and attractive.

From physical body information enters the mental every second. At first, what happens to a person absorbs etheric body . It transmits information astral body . That, in turn, converts it into emotions and sends it to mental aura . As you probably already understood, as a result of this complex process, under the influence of emotions, a person forms certain thoughts.

Sometimes this well-oiled system breaks down. What happens then? A stream of unconscious emotions flows into the astral body. Accordingly, it conveys very confusing information to the mental body. The result is a complete confusion of thoughts. The person rushes about, does not know what to think about what happened, does not react quite adequately to what is happening (both emotionally and rationally).

Most often, failure occurs when it comes to everyday affairs and material problems. Remember your behavior in difficult situations. The brain (this is the work of the mental body) offers dozens of rational ways out of the problem. At the same time, it’s impossible to concentrate and find the only right thing. Emotions run high, making it difficult to think. So in real life the above failure looks like.

Physical, etheric, mental, astral bodies

In fact, the original purpose of the mental body is not to think about daily bread, housing and career. It is designed to work in such a way that a person can ask himself questions about eternal truths : what is the meaning of life, what is our purpose, why is love needed in the world, and so on. Trying to find answers to these questions, learning the truth, the mental body comes into contact with the spiritual. It absorbs sublime information from him. Esotericists say that thanks to the combination of the divine, coming from the spiritual body, with the rational from the mental body, a person gets the opportunity to perceive more deeply and consciously the world. If the unity of mind and soul is achieved, a person begins to live according to the laws of the Universe, his actions are in harmony with the universal energy.

In spiritually developed people mental body strengthens over time. It becomes resistant to the influence of negative emotions from within, and practically does not perceive sensory information coming from the etheric layer. Thus, emotions stop interfering with the mind and do not cause destructive blows to a person’s life.

Mental aura - this is a huge “warehouse” in which the individual’s thinking patterns are stored. It is according to these patterns that thoughts are subsequently built. In accordance with them, we react to certain events. Moreover, this reaction is not always rational, correct and appropriate. It may not be objective and erroneous. Where do these diagrams come from? From our beliefs, stereotypes, prejudices that accumulate from early childhood. Moreover, some schemes are built on the basis of the way of thinking that was in your previous incarnation.

Well, then everything happens according to what is already well known to you mirror effect . What we think about attracts corresponding events into our lives. This is probably what miraculous cases of healing from serious illnesses are associated with. The thought “I am completely healthy. Nothing hurts me” led to the fact that the disease receded. And vice versa, people who saw death behind every colic dangerous disease, eventually died, for example, from cancer.

So, if you want to change your life, unravel some difficult situation, you will need to work long and hard on your mental body. If possible change your way of thinking , a change will occur in everything else. First of all, it is necessary to work out the subconscious. That's where everything is rooted stereotypes, fears, blocks . You can do this yourself (if your level allows spiritual development), and with the help of professional hypnotists. During work, they have an impact on both the mental and astral body, removing not only the consequences, but also the cause of the appearance of stereotypes.

Each person has his own life scenario . But it is a mistake to think that it was prescribed from the very beginning. No, it is we, people, who are the authors of our own destiny. First, thoughts appear in the brain, then they are voiced, and then turned into actions and events. Thus, the karma given from birth changes. It can be corrected or, conversely, distorted and overgrown with negativity. But the beginning of everything, as you already understood, is thoughts. Sometimes it seems to a person that what is happening to him is in no way connected with his thoughts. Actually this is not true. Do not forget that our actions are driven not only by the conscious, but also by the unconscious. If you acted one way or another, it means there was some kind of emotional impulse. And based on it, you did as your subconscious told you. And believe me, there are many schemes and stereotypes in it that successfully control a person’s life.

If you want to feel exactly how it works completely healthy mental body , try to discover in yourself the patterns by which your behavior is structured. Find among them the incorrect, illogical, and harmful ones. Then start cleaning your astral body. The positive results will surprise you.

Every minute certain information comes from the spiritual body to a person. She is intangible. These are not thoughts, but visions at the level of short-term insight, an intuitive understanding of the situation. If your mental layer is absolutely healthy, it is able to sense this information and interpret it, putting it into thoughts and words. Thanks to this, a person has the opportunity to more deeply understand and realize what is happening in his life. He is no longer angry at heaven and does not curse fate, but clearly sees cause-and-effect relationships. The perception of the world is expanding.

How to reach this level? How to ensure that the mental aura becomes healthier and begins to work at a higher frequency ? To do this, you need to understand your astral body, all those emotions that have accumulated in its remote corners. Cleanse it, abandon the old way of thinking, stimulate the third eye chakra. Then, over time, you will be able to learn to accept Divine knowledge and change your karma, cleansing it of negativity.

Coming mental body. It is responsible for our ideas about the world around us, for rational thoughts. Sometimes intuitive ideas even arise in it. But still, more often this happens in the astral body. In the mental body you can also find formed models according to which our mind builds thoughts. The frequency of the mental aura is much higher than the first two auras. In structure, this subtle body is less dense than the previous ones. It resembles an oval in shape. The mental body is located at a distance of forty to sixty centimeters from the physical body. In an immature (spiritually and intellectually) person it is small. The more developed a person becomes, the smarter he is, the more space his mental body occupies.

People who are unbalanced, angry, who have lost interest in the world around them and in intellectual development have a dull, monotonous mental body. Its structure may contain a substance similar to milk. And vice versa, for self-confident people, kind, creative, who strive to learn new things every day, the mental body blossoms with bright colors. It becomes radiant and attractive.

Information flows from the physical body to the mental body every second. At first, what happens to a person is absorbed by the etheric body. It transmits information to the astral body. This, in turn, converts it into emotions and sends it to the mental aura. As you probably already understood, as a result of this complex process, under the influence of emotions, a person forms certain thoughts.

Sometimes this well-oiled system breaks down. What happens then? A stream of unconscious emotions flows into the astral body. Accordingly, it conveys very confusing information to the mental body. The result is a complete confusion of thoughts. The person rushes about, does not know what to think about what happened, does not react quite adequately to what is happening (both emotionally and rationally).

Most often, failure occurs when it comes to everyday affairs and material problems. Remember your behavior in difficult situations. The brain (this is the work of the mental body) offers dozens of rational ways out of the problem. At the same time, it’s impossible to concentrate and find the only right thing. Emotions run high, making it difficult to think. This is what the above failure looks like in real life.

In fact, the original purpose of the mental body is not to think about daily bread, housing and career. It is designed to work in such a way that a person can ask himself questions about eternal truths: what is the meaning of life, what is our purpose, why is love needed in the world, and so on. Trying to find answers to these questions, learning the truth, the mental body comes into contact with the spiritual. It absorbs sublime information from him. Esotericists say that thanks to the combination of the divine, coming from the spiritual body, with the rational from the mental body, a person gets the opportunity to perceive the world around him more deeply and consciously. If the unity of mind and soul is achieved, a person begins to live according to the laws of the Universe, his actions are in harmony with the universal energy.

In spiritually developed people, the mental body strengthens over time. It becomes resistant to the influence of negative emotions from within, and practically does not perceive sensory information coming from the etheric layer. Thus, emotions stop interfering with the mind and do not cause destructive blows to a person’s life.

Mental aura- this is a huge “warehouse” in which the individual’s thinking patterns are stored. It is according to these patterns that thoughts are subsequently built. In accordance with them, we react to certain events. Moreover, this reaction is not always rational, correct and appropriate. It may not be objective and erroneous. Where do these diagrams come from? From our beliefs, stereotypes, prejudices that accumulate from early childhood. Moreover, some schemes are built on the basis of the way of thinking that was in your previous incarnation. Well, then everything happens according to the mirror effect that is already well known to you. What we think about attracts corresponding events into our lives. This is probably what miraculous cases of healing from serious illnesses are associated with. The thought “I am completely healthy. Nothing hurts me” led to the fact that the disease receded. Conversely, people who saw a deadly disease behind every colic eventually died, for example, from cancer.

Thus, if you want to change your life, to unravel some difficult situation, you will need to work long and hard on your mental body. If you can change your way of thinking, a change will occur in everything else. First of all, it is necessary to work out the subconscious. This is where all stereotypes, fears, and blocks are rooted. You can do this either independently (if your level of spiritual development allows) or with the help of professional hypnotists. During work, they have an impact on both the mental and astral body, removing not only the consequences, but also the cause of the appearance of stereotypes.

Each person has his own life scenario. But it is a mistake to think that it was prescribed from the very beginning. No, it is we, people, who are the authors of our own destiny. First, thoughts appear in the brain, then they are voiced, and then turned into actions and events. Thus, the karma given from birth changes. It can be corrected or, conversely, distorted and overgrown with negativity. But the beginning of everything, as you already understood, is thoughts. Sometimes it seems to a person that what is happening to him is in no way connected with his thoughts. Actually this is not true. Do not forget that our actions are driven not only by the conscious, but also by the unconscious. If you acted one way or another, it means there was some kind of emotional impulse. And based on it, you did as your subconscious told you. And believe me, there are many schemes and stereotypes in it that successfully control a person’s life.

If you want to feel exactly how a completely healthy mental body works, try to discover in yourself the patterns by which your behavior is built. Find among them the incorrect, illogical, and harmful ones. Then start cleaning your astral body. The positive results will surprise you.

In order to rise to a new stage of development of his Earthly incarnation, the Owner of the emotional plane needs to develop the necessary functions of the mental plane that create a new reality of the multidimensional body, allowing him to fully unite with the Soul. And the Student has the opportunity, using the possibilities of the new reality, to develop in himself mental capabilities (functions) that allow him to transfer all plans and levels of the multidimensional body to new opportunities for the next round of development along the Spiral of Certainty.

The Great Harmony of the capabilities of the mental body is a real science, and those who have mastered the methods of this teaching begin to use their true capabilities, originally laid down by the Creator in everyone, and turn into “Who he is.” “Who He Is” learns to begin to carry the principle of Harmonic Resonance within himself—not as a theoretical concept, but as a practical reality. Every atom in a man's multidimensional body can be changed in its nature and can become part of his mental essence. Every power and every possibility of the mental plane that the Student possesses belongs to him by divine providence, and if he neglects it, then he betrays the trust placed in him by the Co-Creator. The spiritual essence, which in the process of development works is already beginning to rise above the material essence, gradually becomes completely perfect and powerful in its form. The main goal of the work of developing the capabilities of the mental body is to understand the path and create a new reality at the level of the mental plane, affecting the entire multidimensional body on all planes and levels.

The harmony possible in any field of perception is a coordination, synchronization of energies. The ability, under the guidance of the Teacher, to synthesize various fields of perception of different plans and control these processes as a whole, is the true goal of the development of a person who has realized his multidimensionality and his true capabilities. The ability to synthesize different fields of perception of different planes is a practice that can bring results that are unthinkable from the point of view of the three-dimensional material world.

From the point of view of practices of the mental plane, movement in space represents the ability to visualize movement, using the capabilities of the mental plane, bringing consciousness to resonance with the corresponding tones and moving along with these waves to other levels of reality. Modern science experimentally demonstrated the scientific meaning of visualization through the theory of torsion fields. A person, using the visualization method, creating torsion fields of a certain configuration, polarizes the vacuum. As a result, the spins of the elements of the physical vacuum are oriented along the torsion field of the energies of the source, repeating the visualized structure.

The physical vacuum remains quite stable, and after the cessation of the energy impact of the source and the collapse of the torsion field of visualization, it transmutes the created spin structure to its original state. In the multidimensional Universe, the possibility of creating a spin spatial structure by visualization is called the creation of a multidimensional reality. The ability to create a whole multidimensional reality is given only to creatures with intelligence and developed capabilities of the mental plane, because There is a need for stable intelligent visualization.

Every living being of the multidimensional Universe is given the right to choose from birth: either to live in the illusory world of problems and suffering of the reality of material existence, knowledge of the three-dimensional material world, or through work to create a multi-dimensional reality surrounded by a creative field of positive energies of high vibrations. This choice is the main task and goal of the incarnate in its development along the Spiral of Certainty from the level of the Unawakened person to the level of “Who you are.”

Methods for developing dynamic capabilities of the mental plane

Development of your Mental body:

Raise and lower your hand. Then, visualizing, raise and lower only the hand of the Mental body. First, raise and lower one hand 12 times, then the other 12 times;

Raise your hand to shoulder level, mentally lengthen it to the nearest wall and reduce it to the size of the hand of your physical body. First, lengthen one arm 12 times, then the other 12 times;

Increase and decrease the overall size of the mental body. 12 times increase your mental body size to the size of a five-story building and reduce yourself to normal size. Then, reduce your mental body size to the size of a matchbox 12 times and then increase yourself to normal size.

It is very useful to increase by important negotiations, but so that the head does not go beyond the interfloor ceiling. In important meetings with people, when you need to gain respect for yourself, you can give yourself extra weight. Or reduce mentalbody when you want to become invisible and get lost in the crowd.

1. Development of sensation of energy fields:

Bring your hands, palms down, to the surface of the table, feel the field of the table and then move your hands towards you beyond the surface of the table. Feel and remember the difference in sensations (repeat 12 times);

Bring your hands closer to your thigh, feel the field of your thigh. Then move your hand away from your hip. Feel and remember the difference in sensations (repeat 12 times).

Bring your hands closer to the other person’s back, feel the field of the back. Then move your hand away from the other person's back. Feel and remember the difference in sensations (repeat 12 times);

Place your palm against your palm and slowly spread your arms apart up to 50 cm and then slowly bring your palms closer to each other, at some point you will feel the aura of your hand. Feelings to remember (repeat 12 times);

Place your palm on your heart and slowly move your hand to the side up to 50 cm and then slowly bring your palm closer to your heart. At some point you will feel the chakra of your body. Remember the sensations (repeat 12 times);

2. Development of mental abilities to synchronize energies, synthesize various fields of perception of different planes and control these processes as a whole.

Standing in the room, without moving, imagine that you take one step, then another, and now you are standing in the corner of the room (work for 30 minutes).

It was you who made the journey in the mental body. Perception of the mental body is only the first, simplest step on the path of learning to perceive the energy fields of the multidimensional Universe. This is the plane of the lower Astral. It is into the world of the lower Astral that we find ourselves in a dream. There we travel in subtle bodies and meet with the same travelers;

Standing in the room, without moving, imagine that you are in the mental body and what you see and hear while in the mental body. Look around from the body of the subtle plane, focusing your gaze (work for 30 minutes);

Move your mental body around the room (as in aforeheads), increase at the beginning, decrease in the middle and increase again at the end (repeat 12 times);

Make your double mad, while instantly reducing it in size to a point and then instantly increasing it to normal size (repeat 12 times);

Having left the physical body, you move around the room in the body of your subtle plane. Go out into the street, moving in any direction, come back (work for 30 minutes daily).

3. Development in oneself of the mental capabilities of creating, through energy visualization, a spin spatial structure called multidimensional reality.

The ability to create a double (phantom, entity, elemental beings) is part of the whole creation of multidimensional reality. Double (phantom, essence, elementary being) is an isoteric name for spin spatial structures created by visualization, invisible to the naked eye. In the Universe there is the presence of a double (phantom, essence, elementary beings) created by Torsion fields generated by the energies of classical creation.

These doubles have a nature that lies between the material and the immaterial. The nature of such a twin was studied by American physicists under the leadership of Robert Pecora, Japanese scientists under the leadership of Professor Yamamoto, and scientists from a group of researchers from the Department of Theoretical Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the leadership of P.P. Garyaeva. They studied the twins generated by the energies released by the destroyed matter of the cells of heredity and came to the following conclusions:

Double (phantom, essence, elementary being) - biologically active, can damage the field protection of healthy molecules, influence the genetic programs recorded in them;

Double (phantom, essence, elementary being) - consists of discharged ultra-light particles that have a very short term existence.

Classic creation is the creation by energy visualization of a certain field spatial structure. A person by visualization method can directly perceiveand transform torsion fields. The thought of any creature capable of thinking has an energetic nature that deploys torsion fields that affect the field of physical vacuum.

Thought is an energy self-organizing formation that deploys torsion fields around itself, creating stable field structures through the influence of a physical vacuum on the field. An imperfect person unconsciously perceives thought as an image and an idea and, throughout all his lives, creates phantoms, entities, elementary beings that exist at the expense of his vital energy and significantly shorten his life cycle of the physical body.

People themselves create “energy vampires” for themselves and then are surprised that they rarely enjoy the happiness of life, but instead constantly exist in problems, illnesses, suffering, and fears. All this is a product of illusory visualization caused by the imperfection of man at this stage of his development, here and now. The student does not need to create his own doubles using visualization. In the multi-dimensional body of each person there are his doubles who carry out their auxiliary functions.

Having developed in himself the functions necessary for complete control of the mental plane of the multidimensional body, and having developed the dynamic capabilities of the mental body, the Owner of the astral body can begin to develop intuitive thinking (subconscious), begin to unite consciousness and subconscious, and develop the capabilities of the 3rd, 4th and 5th eyes .