
A shell with a hole is a sign. Why, according to signs, you should not keep shells in the house. Correct location of the souvenir

Shells are a common decorative element that can be found in our homes. They especially tend to appear after another trip to the sunny shore. Some are purchased in souvenir shops, some like to walk along the shore or dive to the bottom for such a trophy, some are brought back by children from vacation and can then be found among the toys. Previously, in Soviet times, this was generally a whole tradition- collect such shells on the embankment and bring them to all relatives and friends along with beautiful pebbles. One way or another, if you look hard enough, you can find at least one shell in any home.

As we can reasonably assume, the shell symbol has its roots in the deep past, since just as the ocean existed on Earth from the moment of its origin, so various mollusks with shells filled it and figured among many communities and peoples. In the mythology of many cultures, shells were a symbol of the generative feminine principle, conception and fertility, which made them an invariable attribute of the goddess of fertility. Subsequently, many artists, such as Botticelli, depicted beautiful maidens emerging from the shell, clearly understanding its symbolic meaning.

For many peoples, shells, in particular cowrie shells, have been symbols of amulet since ancient times and were widely used as a means of protection against negative energies. Among the peoples of Central Asia to this day they are used as a children's amulet - they decorate children's hats and hang them around the neck as an amulet. In India, cowrie shells are still highly valued as a remedy for the evil eye. In Egypt, the Middle East and the Pacific Islands they are widely used as amulets of health, fertility, rebirth, magical power and good luck.

Due to the fact that in ancient times shells were used as a monetary equivalent - this was widespread in India, China and even in Ancient Rus', they are still considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. And the ability of some mollusks to give birth to pearls in their womb consolidates this meaning and adds some mysticism to it, personifying the repository of the soul, which pearls precisely represent. In some cultures and religions, spiral-shaped shells personified the path of development of the soul and its life path, which, as if moving along the spirals, grew and gained wisdom.

Shells in feng shui

In Chinese Buddhism, the shell is one of the seven symbols of good luck. From the point of view of Feng Shui, the shell carries positive energy, filling the house with harmony and stability, attracting success and good luck. In ancient times, shells were revered by travelers because they brought them good luck and protected them on their journey. Now they can be used as a talisman for those who have to travel frequently for work. Being “born” in water, they partially retain its energy and, thanks to this, contribute to establishing contacts and reaching agreements, so its influence can be useful to those who have to communicate a lot with people.

Shells are also widely used in oriental medicine as a contact agent during massage to stimulate blood circulation, improve skin tone, relieve muscle tension and nervous system. And microparticles of crushed shells serve as additives for cosmetics and creams as an effective anti-aging component.

The most suitable place for shells, according to feng shui masters, is the North-West sector - the sector of travel and helpers, especially if they were brought from pleasant trips filled with bright and positive impressions. In this way, they will feed this zone, attracting opportunities for new unforgettable trips, as well as various kinds of help and support.

In addition, they are an excellent decorative element and material - they can be used to decorate paintings, panels, as decoration for an aquarium or just a glass vessel, decorate interior items, furniture and even rooms in the form of a mosaic. Mirrors and lamps decorated with shells, photo frames and candlesticks, flower pots and the clock adds a special flavor and mood to the interior. Also marine theme with shells is very suitable for decorating bathrooms, maintaining an atmosphere of water and relaxation.

There are popular beliefs that you should not bring a shell with you as a souvenir. Should we listen to the opinions of our ancestors? Are seafood as harmless as it seems to us at first glance?

Why you shouldn't store shells at home

Unfortunately, storing shells in your home does not bode well. This omen is not good.

The shell is the home of the dead mollusk and was given to the tourist after the death of the animal. Therefore, the sink can bring sad events and health problems.

A closed shell in many cultures is associated with the end of earthly existence.

Moreover, shells can saturate the house with negative energy. At the same time, health problems arise for all household members at once. Even those who have not suffered and have never had any problems related to the work of the heart can suddenly develop tachycardia, hypertension, varicose veins veins

Some superstitions tend to claim that shells destroy the positive aura in the house. Therefore, it is better to leave them in areas where you rarely visit - in the pantry, basement or attic. And the most ideal option is to get rid of them altogether.

Signs of beneficial influence

But does such a seemingly harmless souvenir really carry so much harm? But I really want to bring a piece of beauty from the southern coast.

For those who are not inclined to believe in the negative influence of superstitions, there are also positive beliefs associated with shells.

For example, shells are very revered in Buddhism. This is a symbol of a new beginning. Through them you can hear the speeches of the Buddha himself. It is believed that the shell is the Word. And the stripes inside it are the conductors of the Universe.

Esotericists are convinced that the shell is a symbol of femininity. And contains the energy of fertility. The reason for this is that pearls grow inside - a bright symbol of chastity, which carries soulfulness and wisdom.

In Oceania, some tribes even worshiped shells. They believed that one of them served as a home for the Great Spirit. Who created from it the earth and the sky.

The positive symbolism of the shell carried over into the Christian faith. Where the open shell became a talisman for travelers and hope for a bright future.

In addition, in ancient times, fishermen who went to sea made themselves amulets from shells.

According to some folk beliefs It is believed that:

  1. If you place shells on your desktop, then you will have success in your career, material sphere and respect in the team.
  2. Small sea souvenirs serve as a talisman against the evil eye. To protect yourself and your home from energy vampires, you should hang a bracelet made of shells on your hand, and place a few things in the hallway.
  3. The sinks that are now in your apartment will attract prosperity and good luck to it. And if such a souvenir is in the bedroom, then there will be harmony in intimate relationships between spouses.

Is it possible to neutralize the effects of bad omens?

First of all, it is worth understanding that the negative impact is exerted by the shell that the mollusk left against its own will. Or it has a bright red color inside. This means that her owner was forced to abandon her by putting her in boiling water. It’s best to refuse such a souvenir.

But the mollusk does not always leave its home under duress. Many of their own free will. Such shells have a positive effect. Especially if you found them yourself.

If you did purchase a sink, then at home it should be immersed in salted water for several hours. Thus, all negativity will be neutralized.

Correct location of the souvenir

It is worth storing it correctly. For example, the funnel must be closed. How - the owners must decide for themselves. You can simply turn the shell over or fill it with small objects - buttons, coins or pebbles, which can also be from the sea coast.

Believing in the positive or negative meaning of shells is everyone’s own choice. But if you really want to bring a beautiful reminder of a wonderful sea voyage that will remind you of the warm southern shores, then why not. Moreover, if you correctly place the souvenir at home, you can neutralize the negative impact in advance.

The purchase of seashells is most often done in order to decorate your home with seafood. Such objects can carry associative childhood memories, resemble the sound of sea waves and create harmony of the soul. Since ancient times, people have sought to decorate their home with such products. IN modern world virtually nothing has changed, except for the fact that purchasing a seashell has become more accessible.

However, most transcripts indicate that shells in the house are not very good omen. But despite this, it is very a large number of people are brought this item, as a memory of a place they visited and got great pleasure from enjoying its atmosphere. Why not take a piece of your favorite place home with you? Although before this it is advisable to study all the positive and negative aspects of such a souvenir.

What does a seashell contain - factors influencing the energy of the object

It is generally accepted that if a shell was voluntarily abandoned by its owner, then the object does not carry negative emotions or omens. That is why an important part of acquiring such a decorative element is to pay attention directly to inner part funnels. If it has a reddish tint, this means that the owner of the seashell was removed using the cooking function. Therefore, it is better to choose a different shell if the buyer wants to avoid trouble.

Item location – change of events

After a person has processed the shell, it can be placed in the place they like. However, it should be remembered that a certain location of an object can have an impact - both positive and negative. For example, if you put seashell on his desk, then the person can expect big profits, good prospects and high career growth.

But if a shell from the sea is installed on the territory of a house or apartment as a design addition, then people will experience prosperity, increased financial opportunities and good luck. If such an item is installed on the bedside table in the bedroom, it will contribute to harmonization sexual relations marriage couple, protection from negative influence other people and their thoughts, the evil eye and damage.

In ancient times, our ancestors were engaged in the creation of protective amulets made from sea shells, since such objects are capable of protecting their owner from evil spirits. People living in ancient times often fished to feed their families. On the road, they wore protective amulets made of shells and believed that they could protect them from storms.

To eliminate negative energy influences in your home, a seashell, which is most often used for this purpose, will also help. Our ancestors believed that negative energy in the house is the result of energy vampires, which, alas, turn out to be people themselves. They are able to unbalance their interlocutor and feed on his energy. In order to avoid such situations, the seashell should be installed in a visible place. But the best thing to do would be to simply avoid contact with such people.

Negative omens associated with seashells

Today you can meet three main types of people - some believe in the positive influence of seashells, others believe that they bring negative energy and attract bad events, and still others are skeptics and react neutrally to the appearance of sinks in their home. This is correct, because each person chooses for himself what to believe.

Some people are of the opinion that seashells are a source of bad energy flow, since they are essentially the dead body (remains) of the animal. Therefore, such an item most often attracts negative events, problems at work, financial outflows and illnesses.

The most common sign that is directly related to sea shells is the acquisition of such elements to maintain health. It has long been believed that such seafood is placed in the home of people who have heart problems, because we all know that seaside holidays improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. However, our ancestors proved the opposite - if such things are near people, they can worsen their health.

Seashells can also cause headaches and high blood pressure. In this situation, you need to eliminate the object and consult a doctor.

Where is the best place to put a seashell?

A person who is neutral towards good and bad omens, will certainly want to put the shell in the place where it will look best. It is recommended to place the sink as far as possible from the children's room so as not to damage the item and not harm the health of your child.

The location of this element also plays a role key role– the seashell should be lowered with the funnel down. But if you wish, you can install this item according to your own preference - the main thing is to fill the bottom of the funnel with some small decorative item that the person will like. You can also combine a seashell with other decorative elements to give it a more features and additional decoration.

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Stone from the sea at your home

Stone from the sea at your home

Arrange a small pond of salt water for the stone, let it feel in its native element. Change the water at least once a week.

It is better to place the stone in one of the “water” compartments of the house - in the kitchen or bathroom.

What sea stone will share with you

The stone will bring the sea element into your home - the uniform movement of the ebb and flow of energy associated with the change of day and night.

The stone harmonizes the water element in your home and is “responsible” for saturating it with additional positive energy.

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From the Mediterranean to the Baltic

In addition, in the practice of Feng Shui, the seashell is a symbol of good luck in business and help from afar. This talisman can also be useful to those who have to Everyday life or at work communicate a lot with people. The seashell gives the ability to get along with others and achieve fame, glory and respect.

What shells can be used as a talisman?

It is very important to choose the right seashell as a Feng Shui talisman. To attract favorable energy, only that specimen is suitable whose owner (that is, the mollusk) died a natural death. The inner surface of such a sink should be light in color. If the shell was caught together with its occupant, boiled and the mollusk was picked out, the color inside will be red. Such a shell cannot bring good luck.

When a talisman is purchased in a store, it is advisable to subject it to some kind of cleaning. The shell did not immediately come from the sea to the counter, but passed through the hands of other people. It can be washed in salt water and smoked with any incense. After this, the beneficial energy amplifier is ready for “work”.

Where to place seashells

To achieve high reputation and fame, you need to place a large sea shell in the southern part of the room or house. The most suitable talisman size for this purpose is 15-20 centimeters. If the shell is a decoration of the southwest, then it will attract love into a person’s life. This feng shui attribute can also help if partners due to life circumstances long time are separated or live separately.

A shell from the sea coast will help you spend more time with your chosen one and will help strengthen your relationship. You just need to remember that there should be two sinks in the southwestern sector. If you place a sea creation in the northeast corner of the apartment, then here too it will attract positive Qi. Strong energy to create all conditions for successful study and self-improvement. It is worth remembering that wherever this unique talisman is placed, it always attracts good luck. Therefore, in any case, it is useful to keep a sea shell in the house.