New Year crafts

Pickup. Antidote: Social media pickup. How to start a chat with a girl? Basic rules for online communication and examples of original phrases for dating Screenshot of correspondence with a girl

Users of social networks often wonder how to screenshot correspondence. This is necessary in case of rare user behavior, interesting comments or important messages. For example, you arranged a dispute over the Internet with your friend, and he promised you something if you win. If you are afraid that a friend will mysteriously forget about this condition, then it will be enough to provide him with messages. The function of sending received messages is not suitable, since it is problematic to convert it into a photo format and publish it to the public. And how to screen the correspondence - now we will analyze.

Happy owners of the Windows operating system can breathe easy. To take a picture of the necessary messages, you must first open them, and then click on the "Print Screen" button. It is located at the top of the keyboard. Now open Paint and click "Edit -> Paste". That's it, you have received the necessary messages in the form of a picture. To save them, go to "File -> Save As". This is the first way to screen the correspondence.

However, there are situations when for some reason it is not implemented. Therefore, there is an opportunity to try differently. Any online service - "Online Screenshot" - is suitable for capturing ordinary sites. But on such sites you will definitely not find how to screen the correspondence in VK ("Vkontakte"), since they do not accept the login or password originally entered on the local computer. That is, a screenshot is taken on a remote computer, which is not suitable for us. Then there is only one way - special programs, of which there are a large number. They are paid and free. Many of them do not require installation, so they are easy to use. For a successful snapshot, just click on a few that are set by the user. Now you know all three ways to screen a conversation.

But it does not always happen that you are sitting at the computer. Modern mobile devices provide the ability to access the Internet and actively communicate with friends anywhere in the mobile Internet coverage. But interesting messages do not stop coming, so the question "How to screen the correspondence on the phone?" remains open. Here the options are about the same. On modern Android mobile operating systems, there is a special ability to create screenshots without installing additional programs. It is enough to press the block button and the button that acts as a return to the previous action. I must say that at first this little trick may not work, as the combination will turn out to be erroneous. The phone may instead recognize the prompt to lock the screen instead of the required command. But if you press both keys at the same time, you will get a screenshot. And it doesn't matter which part of the menu you are in.

Be careful if you need special programs, as they may contain a virus or paid mailings. Each phone or tablet is unique, so more detailed instructions can be found on the manufacturer's website.

Now you know how to screen a conversation on any digital device and on any website. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this.

There are a number of rules for creating leads via SMS. These rules are the exact opposite of how all guys are used to texting girls. And some of the techniques given in the article are borrowed from the female (and if girls usually use them, now we will use them :)).

By applying each of the tips below, you will communicate in the right communication model that will increase its interest, not decrease it. It will be a kind of "hooligan" style of communication that works.

The shorter the better

In our articles, we have always told you that it is harmful to show an increased interest in an unfamiliar girl. Because she has to earn this interest. And if you show it right away, then she concludes that you have too few girls for you to choose and evaluate. And if it’s not enough, it means that “something is wrong” with you and you need to stay away from you. At least that's women's logic.

Therefore, in correspondence with a girl, an important rule applies: your SMS should be short.

Your task is to learn how to express your thoughts as concisely as possible. A prime example is twitter. People who post their thoughts there know that the maximum length of a post is 140 characters.

Imagine that in an SMS message the maximum length is 60 characters and try to always change the text of the SMS to keep within this volume.

When you learn to answer with one or two words, you can safely begin to consider yourself a master of SMS correspondence. ;)

Answer longer than her

This is the golden rule of maintaining the necessary interest.

When you answer longer, she:

  • She understands that she is not so interesting to you, and this interest still needs to be earned.
  • She begins to doubt if she did something bad (as an option: didn’t she answer you in such a way that she immediately “disliked it”), which is why you are delaying the answer for so long.
  • He sees that you are a self-sufficient man / guy with your own life, and your pastime is more valuable to you than communicating with her at the moment.
  • She will understand that her answers are not so valuable and important for you (as, in fact, it should be, and this is natural).

How does it usually happen?

Usually a guy waits a long time for a girl's answer, and he answers right away. So you can't talk to her.

If she answered, for example, in an hour, then you will answer in 1.5-2 hours.

Now you ask: "Why are you provoking me to such bad behavior?".

The fact is that girls also play their own game. They also evaluate you when communicating via SMS (even though you don’t notice it) and conduct correspondence in such a way that you show your weaknesses.

Out of habit, it will be quite difficult for you to feel in what place she plays with you. Therefore, it is better to immediately go along the "path of strength" so that she does not even have the temptation to test you, but instead she begins to try to win your favor herself.

Don't answer some of her questions

Sometimes you can deliberately forget what she asked you about.

There is nothing wrong with this, and the girls themselves usually do not take offense at such things. But to doubt your own attractiveness for you is quite.

If your conscience torments you, then imagine that you read her SMS, decided to answer later, and then simply forgot. Is it possible? Quite!

Less questions, more statements

Asking questions is generally a thankless task, because you put yourself in a dependent position.

But speaking in affirmations is a sign of strong people.

If you also correspond with a girl in this way, then she will perceive you as a more valuable guy than her other fans.

Instead of asking your question, you're just voicing your opinion. This is where your SMS ends. So let her sit and think if you want to continue communication. :) You will be surprised, but many girls in this case will continue to communicate by themselves, asking questions.

Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to completely exclude questions from your SMS correspondence. Still, sometimes they are needed to "open" the conversation. But in the process of communicating with statements alone - the task is quite feasible.


This is not about what you should write about the "jade rod" and the like. :) You need to be able to talk about sex correctly. But now is not about that.

Simply answering in such a way that she had even more questions, and she tried to understand what exactly you are talking about.

A simple example: you are talking with a girl on the topic “what kind of owner - such a cat” and started discussing why the cat approaches or does not approach a person in the morning. If you write: “It all depends on what mood he woke up in,” then she will start thinking: “Who woke up: the owner or the cat?”.

In general, any examples of ambiguities will be superfluous, because everything depends on the topic of communication and many other little things. With experience, you yourself will learn to feel what is best to write at any given moment in order to arouse a desire to know what you had in mind.

How to invite to a meeting via SMS

The main idea of ​​an invitation via SMS is to create intrigue.

For example, if you chose the river bank as your date, you could write: "I'll show you the place where the ancient Vikings fought sea monsters." Maybe the Vikings once fought at this place. Or maybe you made it up. The main thing is to write in such a way that there is not even a hint of what kind of place it is.

And to her questions about what kind of place this is, continue to answer with riddles or say that she will find out when she comes.

When you invite a girl to a meeting, a situation may arise when she will write to you, what she thinks, and so on. It is undesirable to answer such SMS, because your task is to show her that you are not going to play by her rules, and that her "thinking" is not clear to you at all.

Well, so I told you about what a real "hooligan" style of texting is. :) If you are used to communicating with a girl in a completely opposite way and did not get decent results (ie, the girls merged over time), then try to use all of the above. When applied correctly, you will get the desired result.

No one will be surprised that young people spend most of their lives on social networks. It is convenient, comfortable and interesting.

Sometimes funny situations happen (whether in personal correspondence, or somewhere in the open spaces of groups), which I would like to save in order to show my friends and laugh together. There are at least two ways to screen Vkontakte correspondence.

Quick article navigation

First way

This option is considered the easiest.

  • It is enough to press the "Print Screen" key on your keyboard (this key may look and be called differently - "PrtScr", or "Print Scrn"). By clicking on it, a copy of the image of the entire desktop is saved to the clipboard.
  • Then open the Paint program (or another graphics editor). Beginners may not understand what to do and how: (Click on “Start”, then go to the “All Programs” menu, click on the “Accessories” tab and select “Paint”).
  • In the top menu of the program, click "Edit" and click "Insert".
  • Then click on the "File" tab and click on the "Save As" button.

Second way

If you have a desire to somehow stand out in front of your friends and for this you want to use a more professional screen, then this method is for you.

To create such a screenshot, you will need a special program. It allows you to take a screenshot of the selected screen areas, and then edit them (it is also possible to create screenshots on a schedule and much more). Let's look at these simple programs in more detail:

  • Simple Screenshot is a fairly compact program that does not require installation, and can easily be minimized to the system tray after launch. To launch it, you must simultaneously press the Windows logo key and the S button.

If everything is done correctly, a dialog box should appear on the monitor in which you need to select the name of the screen that you want to save and the folder where it will be located when the process is completed. This program is completely unsuitable for creating a screenshot of the selected window or part of it. To do this, you need to use a more powerful program.

  • Screen Shot Maker - it will give you the opportunity to screenshot any selected areas of the screen, which can be both active and inactive. Also with its help you can control the frames of the screenshots and the background.
  • DuckCapture - this program can also help you take a screenshot of certain places on your monitor.

Pickup is the art of seduction. And although now the phrase "pickup master" is often used as a mockery and irony of an unfortunate boyfriend, this does not mean that sarcasm is the only answer to an attempt to seduce. It just needs to be known. Pickup truck phrases can be fun, witty, funny, and funny. It is important not only to know them, but also to be able to use them in different situations. We will consider their most diverse variations.

What is a pickup truck and what is it eaten with

Initially, a pickup truck was understood as a whole range of measures and actions, thanks to which it was possible to seduce a girl. Now, firstly, pickup phrases are becoming much more popular (for example, you can “hook” on social networks, where verbal communication becomes the base). And secondly, with the help of this technique, not only girls can be seduced by guys. The phrases of a female pickup truck with their own characteristic features are becoming more common.

Some terminology

The pickup is based on templates, with the right use of which you can meet almost any girl. Pick-up phrases for girls in the language of this art are called "openers". They are usually proven by practice and are actually effective.

Examples of openers for the club:

  • May I serve you a meal?
  • Hi beauty. What do we drink?

Pickup rules

Before proceeding with the consideration of pickup phrases, we should say a little about its rules:

  • We must act cautiously, but persistently. An explosive mixture - it is necessary to clearly maintain the proportionality of these two components. On the one hand, not to become overly intrusive, on the other hand, to clearly show that he intends to get his way one way or another.
  • Internal readiness: one, zero ... let's go! The main feature of a pickup artist is communication skills. He must always be ready to speak. Talk a lot. Talk to anyone. This means the ability to strike up a conversation with any person, to be able to captivate him with the topic of conversation, intrigue, interest, and like him.
  • Don't be afraid of rejection. Even the most professional pick-up artist can be denied. For example, a woman who knows how to professionally "unravel" pick-up techniques. Or a girl who has a boyfriend and doesn't need anyone else. You never know.
  • Learning body language. Inconspicuous gestures, the way a person tilts his head and holds his hand, shrugs his shoulders - all this has a certain connotation. In this way, interest may appear - and the pick-up artist will be given a sign to continue in the same spirit, or, conversely, hostility - and one must either retreat or look for a different approach.
  • Let's add some negativity. Pouring solid honey is not always good. "Honey is so sweet that finally it is bitter. Too much taste kills the taste." Remember this.
  • Don't lie. Everyone watched "What do men talk about?" One very important truth was said there: when a guy tells a girl "come to me, let's look at my collection of lute music of the 19th century", both he and she perfectly understand that they are not going at all for this. Straightforwardness has no place here. But also open lies - too. Don't give false hope. After all, a pikaper never sets himself the goal of marrying another beauty.
  • Sometimes you have to wait. Each conquest is a new project, and sometimes it takes time. Step by step you will achieve your goal.

How to hook a girl

Pick-up phrases that catch on don't mean anything by themselves. You can learn a couple of these, but say "off topic" and, as a result, get only a bewildered look in response, or even worse. You need to be imbued with the spirit of seduction - to understand the features of charming wit, from which the girls will be delighted.

Does your mother need a son-in-law?

It is necessary to clearly distinguish between relevant and beautiful pickup phrases, those that have already become "bayan" and are associated with the weaker sex only with annoying and boring boyfriends, and those that are outdated and familiar to everyone, but they can be screwed into a conversation as a joke.

For example, the phrase: “Your mother needs a son-in-law” has already turned into a well-established joke, so it’s quite possible to screw it into a conversation like: “I kept thinking how to approach you. It’s somehow irrelevant to ask about the son-in-law, but I really want to!”

Individual approach

A pickup truck is not a technique to "pick up" a dozen girls at once in a day. This is the ability to find an individual approach to each. So, pickup phrases cannot be a one-size-fits-all solution to the dating problem. Although some of them are built in such a way as to hook on some general topics without going into details and details.

Very formulaic pick-up phrases girls may not only not like, but also offend the interlocutor, that is, they will make it clear that the guy does not see her as a person and, moreover, does not respect her, therefore you need to be careful.

Use original phrases, for example: "Hi, did you order a man?" or "Listen, do you like men?"

If I can make you laugh, why can't we be together?

Girls love guys with a sense of humor. This is the absolute and unshakable truth. That's why funny pick-up phrases are popular, because if a girl is sad, and the guy managed to make her smile at least a little, this is already a very, very good sign. People generally tend to remember who makes their mood.

Approach the girl you like and ask her: "Can you tell me how to get to know you?"

Hi, how are you

Have you ever noticed how rarely we start a conversation with people we already know with the usual "hello"? In fact, this phrase has already become so hackneyed that it really needs to be used as little as possible, and it does not matter whether with acquaintances or complete strangers. If a girl receives such a message on VKontakte, it is unlikely to make any impression on her. Unless it makes you think that the guy is writing this to everyone and everyone in the hope that at least someone will respond. Pick-up phrases for girls on the Internet are generally a separate conversation, because this is the territory of letters, emoticons and audio recordings that a real pick-up artist also needs to be able to manage.

Never start a conversation with hackneyed phrases. But sometimes the banality can be "twisted" a little in the other direction, having received the original beginning of the conversation. For example: "Hello, girl! Do you know ... me?"

Read it like a book

You have to become Sherlock Holmes. No kidding. directed specifically at a particular female. They are connected with her hobbies (in fact, everything is not so complicated, the appearance very much betrays the personality of a person), character traits (no, and a pensive look is actually far from nonsense).

If she is reading a book, ask about the book, if you saw that she was looking at something, specify what she was interested in. Ask to tell about it - she will definitely be interested.

Invisible compliments

All people love when their vanity is flattered. Girls - in particular. And you can play on it. Compliment her style, for example, with the phrase "You have amazing taste in clothes. Are you a stylist?"

How do such pickup phrases differ from ordinary compliments? We need to strike up a conversation. Not just to say a pleasant thing as a fact, but to ask something on the same topic.

It's important not to overdo it. Be sure to speak simply and without pathos. The phrase: “You are so beautiful. I probably don’t have the slightest chance for you to answer me” can sound very different. You need to make the girl really believe that the guy is sad that she might not answer him. After all, if the words show through pomposity, then the whole essence of the phrase will slip away, expose the speaker not in the best light.

Besides, why are such compliments called "inconspicuous"? Do not focus on the fact that you wanted to say something nice to her. Let it be taken for granted. The simpler you speak, the better. For example: "Gods, you are so stunningly beautiful. I'm sorry, I couldn't not write you this."

Encourage response

All pickup phrases that are catchy are constructed in such a way that it is very difficult to ignore them. They literally demand an answer. It is desirable that a conversation or even a discussion ensued. When giving a compliment, ask a question so that the answer is not just "thank you" and that's it.

Use: "You're great at drawing, should we go to an art exhibition?" instead of "I like your drawings."

Or: "I see in your eyes all the stars of the world. And I want you to see them too, let me show them to you" instead of: "You have beautiful eyes."

Why can't you just grind

Now there will be a very strange analogy of a pickup truck with a school. This covenant was taught to us by teachers, but, surprisingly, this is an important point in seduction. You can learn a pickup truck, but if you just memorize his phrases, everything will be over before it even starts.

Why is that? A guy with an average appearance can be popular with girls due to charisma and confidence, and that's good. But a handsome man who cannot speak will fail. A couple of memorized phrases will not save. If you drop a witty saying at the beginning of a conversation, success will have to be reinforced further - a sense of humor must be developed so that later you can come up with something of your own, and not look for pickup phrases on the Internet each time.

Originality is original, to be one of a kind, completely unique. If you conquer a girl with words that he himself came up with, you can be one hundred percent sure that no one else has said anything like that to her, and is unlikely to say. But the "original" phrases from the Internet, unfortunately, are quite repeatable, although they can also bring success.

Need more synonyms

You can tell a girl once that she is beautiful. But the second, third, thousandth - and it will be boring. Use multiple epithets in your speech, refer to synonyms. The great and mighty Russian language is more than rich for them.

"Amazing", "charming", "charming", "feminine", "wonderful", "irresistible" and "unique" are a few examples of adjectives that can be complimented.

You can choose your "crown" word. For example, "awesome" instead of "awesome". People are remembered by such trifles, they make up a holistic image. Girls like exceptional men who have something "their own", something they can surprise her with. Let her associate you with some specific words, some own way of expressing herself.

Highlight her features

Girls love to ask what guys like best about them. Most of them will blush when they hear that their legs are "divine", and the figure is "the best I have ever seen." Say about her "bottomless blue" or "passionate amber" eyes. She will take into account this attentiveness and remember it.

At the first meeting, guys tend to look at the girl, and even years later, you can’t remember the color of her eyes. Pay attention to it right away, it will distinguish it from others.

Foreign languages

You can say a phrase entirely in another language, or use a charming French expression like "bel ange" (beautiful angel). The main thing is to be sure of the translation of what you say and how to pronounce it correctly. On the other hand, minor meaningless mistakes will make the philologist girl laugh and will also do their job. After all, this is rule number 1: "Make her laugh."

Top 5 in English

Consider the best pick-up phrases, with the help of which acquaintances will take place not only in the territory of the post-Soviet space, but also abroad. This five sounds great in both English and Russian languages.

1. No, I'm not drunk, I'm intoxicated by you. (No, I'm not drunk, I'm just fascinated by you). Agatha Christie once said that a man who tries to appear in love is courteous and gallant, but one who is actually in love "looks like a sheep." Explain your strange behavior by saying that the lady absolutely and irrevocably turned your head, and you will be on top.

2. I bet you (...) you're gonna turn me down. (I bet on (nth amount) that you will refuse me). Win-win situation! Either you get the girl or the money.

3. - You owe me a drink. - Why? - When I looked at you, I dropped mine. (- You owe me a drink. - Why? - I dropped mine while I was looking at you.) The "white" dance in the club pickup is declared open. Why offer a lady a cocktail when she herself can treat you to something stronger?

4. I was wondering if you had an extra heart. Mine seems to have been stolen. (Do you happen to have an extra heart? Mine seems to have been stolen.) A slightly eccentric phrase that will conquer girls who love beautiful turns. That is, almost everyone.

5. You're so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line. (You are so beautiful that I forgot my pickup tricks). A witty phrase like this, firstly, allegedly opens all your cards to the girl, and secondly, it becomes an assistant if you really forgot all the pickup phrases: funny, funny and catchy. As they say, honesty is the best policy.

If flattery is not to your liking

They say there are girls who don't like compliments. And they really are. They do not like flattery, beautiful pick-up phrases will only annoy them. What kind of trump card to go in such a situation?

In such cases, you need to be extremely polite and intelligent. You can impress with a catchphrase or aphorism, lines from love lyrics.

For example: "I will drown in your eyes, can I?" (poetry by Eduard Asadov) or "I have never seen such beautiful" (Sergey Yesenin).

The less we love a woman, the more she likes us.

Alexander Sergeevich was unbearably right. There is such a pickup technique, according to which you do not need to be courteous to the girl, on the contrary, there is more unbridledness, but also more sarcasm and wit. If everything is done correctly, the girl will appreciate both resourcefulness and humor.

An excellent example of the application of this technique are Celentano's quotes:

- "I will definitely marry you, as a last resort we will call each other."

- "What will be your positive answer?"

"If I was given a dollar every time I thought about you, I would... start thinking about you."

for acquaintance

Although every girl believes that love and relationships are something sacred that cannot be taken lightly, if funny pickup phrases, funny and funny, are used when meeting, she will at least remember such a boyfriend. At the very least, fall in love. Women, they are, in 90 percent of cases even the word "idiot" is pronounced lovingly and with tenderness.

Therefore, why not tell the girl: "We bet on sex, I'll sleep with you?" or with a very serious face to ask: "Will you transfer me to the other side?"

How are you? / How are you doing?

The character of the famous sitcom "Friends" Joey "square" girls famous: "How are you?" And as it has been shown many times, it really worked, and flawlessly. You can try this catchphrase. In our non-serial world, she has one advantage - the girl is likely to recognize her, and you will immediately start a topic for conversation. Especially if she's a fan of the series.

female pickup

Is there a women's pickup? On the one hand, why not? After all, a girl can seduce a guy. On the other hand, the weaker sex usually acts in such a way as to push the young man he likes to get acquainted, and not to take decisive steps themselves.

Saying pickup phrases to a guy is not so sometimes necessary, because girls know better than anyone how important it is not what you say, but how you do it. In one simple "hello" they are able to put as much charm and charm as no guy can manage in a long dialogue. And throwing languid glances, throwing legs to legs and straightening your hair - there is so much sexual energy in these gestures.

Nevertheless, pretty ladies are sometimes lost in what to say. And they start to think, is there a pickup truck for girls? Correspondence (after all, sometimes it’s quite difficult to pick up phrases) makes the weaker sex feel shy and shy. Indeed, in social networks and SMS, you need to be able to show almost literary talent.

What to text a guy?

Girls like to use hints, but guys don't understand them. And this is the main problem of female pick-up artists - after all, you have to be as direct as possible, but at the same time remain inaccessible, mysterious and alluring.

Take his phone. This does not oblige anyone to anything, nevertheless it is the first stage of acquaintance.

Ask him: "When are you going to ask me out on a date?" This phrase will enable the young man to prove himself, and he will also know exactly what is required of him and will not blunder anywhere.

And if suddenly refusal?

Of course, things can go wrong. Not all guys are able to survive a blow to pride when a girl decides to take the first step herself. On the other hand, some of them will only be flattered by this turn of events. So never be afraid to approach a guy with the question: "And who will you be, handsome?"

Getting rid of obsessive gentlemen

Oh, how many unlucky boyfriends have recently divorced. At a time when the storage of information was not yet so common, men seemed much more noble and polite. But, most likely, because their "punctures" were somehow not covered in secular society. But now, "one-of-a-kind" and "pick-up masters" are found very often.

You can simply ignore them - strange "whistles" on the streets do not cause any desire to respond, and "VKontakte" can always send the "dream man" to the black list.

You can directly refuse, saying firmly to the question: "No!" and on that to end the communication that has not yet begun.

And you can answer witty and cheer yourself up. Called a fish? Say you're sending worms to finish eating, and that's why you can't talk at all right now. Such pickup phrases for rejection work great and without harming the vanity of others.

Why is pickup truck not for everyone?

A variety of books, articles and trainings are now offered on the topic of a pickup truck. They say that everyone can learn a pickup truck. But it doesn't seem to be for everyone. Some look absolutely ridiculous and achieve nothing in this field. Why is that?

If you started reading this article without any preparation for seduction, hoping just to pick up a few useful and effective phrases, you will be disappointed. From the nature of a timid and shy person, they will not turn into a hero-lover. This is first.

Secondly, the pickup is aimed at emotions - to amaze, impress, be remembered. But as soon as this moment passes, a person faces a choice - to keep this brand for some more time (which is very difficult, if in fact it is not at all in his style), or to look for other methods of attracting attention.

Thirdly, a pickup truck, of course, is a great way to "hire" a girlfriend for yourself, but it is not very suitable for finding a loved one. Is it worth spending your precious time on this when you can just be yourself and live, hoping one day to meet a person with whom you will have one world for two? True love is such a miracle, why erect a framework for this wonderful feeling and deny it?

Generations succeed each other, but the difficulties of the youth do not change. If before the guys did not know how to say “hello” to the young lady on the street, today they are embarrassed to start chatting online.

Thus, new technologies did not at all ease the problem of dating, but, on the contrary, added another burning question: how to start a correspondence with a girl. Maybe dedicate touching poems to her to make a good impression?

Let us give specific examples of proper communication with the fairer sex in social networks.

Communication in real life is significantly different from dating on Vkontakte. In a personal meeting, a young man is able to impress a young lady with a dignified appearance, charm her with exquisite manners.

The conversation on social networks depends, first of all, on the guy's ability to interest a potential interlocutor with information on his profile, the ability to communicate and beautifully look after (in the virtual world).

The first important thing is to correctly design the page on the site so that it does not seem empty. A prerequisite is the uploading of high-quality photographs, For example:

  1. Personal photo portrait, made in high-quality resolution, with a minimum number of Photoshop effects.
  2. Captured moments of your life - playing sports, sightseeing in various places of the country and the planet.
  3. Pictures with various girls so that after the first message you have a reason to tell who these young people are for you.

Do not forget to join various VK groups and indicate a variety of hobbies. However, do not start a conversation while in such ambiguous communities as, for example, "Pickup Features", "Pickup for the macho", "We breed girls for sex."

Before entering into communication on VK, quietly “scroll” her page in order to get certain information that makes it easier to get to know each other. This will help you avoid mistakes in the first post and find different points of contact. On the site you can find out:

  • how often a potential interlocutor sits on the network and Vkontakte;
  • in which communities it is registered;
  • how many online fans she has;
  • supposed hobbies.

So, how to get acquainted on the Internet?

  1. Radiate positivity. Communicate with a woman with humor, but do not use sarcasm in relation to the interlocutor. Joke more often, use emoticons in moderation in the message, do not load the girl with sad stories at the beginning of the acquaintance.
  2. Write smartly. The absence of errors is perhaps the first thing that many representatives of the weaker sex pay attention to when corresponding. Before sending a message, check it for literacy through various services that can be found on the network.
  3. Be polite. Don't forget to say hello. Greeting is an obligatory element of the message, as well as the absence of obscenities, abusive and vulgar words. Tip of the pickup masters: do not forget to call the young lady by her name during communication, since the name is the most favorite word for every person.
  4. Intrigue the interlocutor. Pickup followers recommend changing communication tactics. For example, after making sure that the girl is interested, try to disappear from Vkontakte for several days, stopping the conversation at the most interesting place.
  5. Be different. If your first words were extremely brutal, in the process of communication, surprise the young lady, for example, by sending her romantic poems. Or indicate inadvertently in the message that you once practiced dancing.
  6. Take an interest in a girl. It is quite difficult to communicate with an unfamiliar girl, however, the pickup masters recommend asking the young lady more often about her hobbies, being interested in her desires and plans for the future. Talking about the interlocutor is a good move.
  7. Communicate via SMS. Communication in VK is, of course, wonderful, but if you want to meet in real life, after some time, go to SMS. In a phone message, you can send poems and greetings in the morning, and generally stay in touch. Of course, there is no need to insist on the transition to SMS.

How to start a chat?

Find a nice interlocutor in the social. networks and specifically in VK is quite simple. However, the following problems immediately appear: what to write to a girl in contact in the first message, how to start a conversation, what should be avoided in communication, and how to translate the dialogue into a real meeting.

The first rule of a pickup truck is no platitudes! Get rid of the standard messages “Hi, how are you?”, “Let's meet?”, “Hi, beauty” from your head forever.

Many guys begin to communicate online with girls with just such phrases. But if the young lady is pretty, such messages in VK come to her regularly.

The first message should be short and concise. Pickup masters recommend that before sending a message, check whether it answers three important questions that arise in every pretty girl's head after the young lady reads your succinct "hello".

Here are the following questions for dating and chatting on the Internet:

  1. Who are you? That is your name.
  2. For what purpose did you start the conversation? Your tasks: just to communicate, to learn something from a girl, to invite her on a date, etc.
  3. Why did you choose her from a large female company in VK? Perhaps you have found common ground, noticed something on her page, etc.

The first messages and male greetings should interest a potential interlocutor, make her start and continue communication.

Do I need to invent a complex greeting or write a huge text? Another pickup rule is that the first message can consist of two or three sentences, but they must be catchy.

Do not forget to say hello and insert your own name into the greeting - you need to introduce yourself, even if your page contains personal data. Do you want your interlocutor to make a positive opinion about you? Moreover, in decent societies, it is acceptable to voice your name when meeting.

If you don't know what excuse to use as a reason to communicate, don't worry. Your desire to communicate, carry on a conversation and just get to know a pretty young lady is already a sufficient pretext for sending a message. Of course, you should not indicate in the first phrases that you dream of having children with her and going down the aisle next Sunday.

So, the first message should be original and creative. It is necessary to do without vulgarity and all sorts of sexual innuendos, so as not to be blacklisted by unreliable users. Even if you're a pickup advocate, you don't need to immediately demonstrate the true purpose of the communication.

If your goal is in real life, you should not delay with an invitation to a date and taking a phone number. Pickup masters recommend immediately pulling the interlocutor out of the network for a meeting, since you absolutely do not need to delay communication.

The girl does not agree to communicate via SMS and does not want to meet in real life? Do not immediately dismiss it, try to practice communication and tackles with the fairer sex. In addition, perhaps after one or two messages, the young lady will still change her mind and go on a date with you.

If you have really serious intentions, and not just a pickup truck, then there is no specific time frame for meeting and communicating on the Internet with the girl you like.

Keep up the conversation, send poems and pictures to the sweet lady, in general, show yourself to be a good conversationalist. Later, when it opens, you can switch to SMS communication. And there is already close to the real meeting.

It is not so difficult to get acquainted with a pretty young lady in VK, but only if you adhere to certain rules and are not afraid of numerous "pitfalls".

It is important to understand that the first message is the main key for subsequent communication and further development of relationships. Avoid platitudes, use original phrases and write compliments to girls. Perhaps it is a simple online conversation that will be the beginning for a passionate romance and love!