
Features of manicure on short nails. How to quickly do a manicure on short nails at home - the best ideas with photos Gentle manicure on short nails at home

Every girl cares about the health and beauty of her hands. For that to make your manicure look well-groomed and neat people don’t have to visit an expensive salon. You can get your nails in order yourself, and you don’t need to spend a lot of money. Well maintained manicure no matter what color it is painted or what design is depicted on it, it will look excellent.

Preparing tools

Before you get a quality manicure at home, you should prepare the following tools:

  • manicure scissors made of high quality stainless steel;
  • wire cutters;
  • knipsers;
  • cuticle spatula (for independent purposes, it is advisable to use a wooden one);
  • nail file;
  • polishing buffs;
  • bath or bowl;
  • a product for softening and removing dead skin around the nail plate;
  • cream, hand mask;
  • nail degreasing agent (you can use pharmaceutical alcohol or face cream).

In order to master the art of creating a manicure yourself, you need to pay due attention to the preparation process. First you need to get rid of the old coating, then the dead skin near the nail plate is removed, and the process is completed by filing and leveling the surface. Owners of thin and brittle nails It is better to use a crystal file; for extended nails, a glass file is suitable. Everyone's favorite metal file is only suitable for strong and healthy nails. The oval shape of the tool takes care of long nails, shortens them and processes the edges.

Boomerang file
rounds the nail plate, rectangular - suitable for any purpose. Polishing buffs are used at the final stage to level the surface and help get rid of small grooves. In addition to hand tools, you can use a special device (milling cutter) to facilitate the preparation process.

Before use, instruments should be thoroughly treated with disinfectants; you can use alcohol wipes at home. In case of using an orange file to get rid of cuticles. The instrument is disposable and does not require disinfection.

Creating a manicure at home, step-by-step instructions:

European manicure created without the use of tools. There is no need to soak your nails. The old varnish is removed, the nail plate is degreased, and a special product is applied to the cuticles. After 5 minutes, the cuticle becomes soft, you can remove it with a wooden spatula. All that remains to be done is to wipe the nail with remover and apply a special base for the varnish; it will fill all the cracks and uneven spots.

Trimmed manicure with regular polish

It is advisable to do manicure on short nails , he will look more attractive on them. All preparatory procedures are carried out in the same sequence as described above. With a simple varnish you can create such varieties of manicure as: artistic, gradient; ombre, patterns on water.

Regular coating at home It won't be difficult to do and will save time. After the base is completely dry, coat the nail plate with varnish. If the shade is not too saturated, apply a second layer, but after the first has completely dried. On top of the dried varnish, the nail is covered with a fixative. It sheds the life of the varnish, strengthens the plate, and the fixative also enriches the nails with nutrients.

Creating a French manicure yourself

Do French at home, quite easily without special skills and abilities. All you need to purchase is varnish with a thin brush; you can also use ready-made stencils.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. To low fat base coat is applied to the nail plate. After complete drying, a layer of the main color is applied. To create this type of manicure, pastel colors are used (pink, cream, beige, peach).
  2. Once dry base varnish creates a “smile”. You can use ready-made stencils, but they have their drawbacks: they peel off and let varnish through.
  3. At the edge of the nail plate is drawn white stripe, resembling a “smile”. Depending on individual preferences, it can be of any shape (triangular, oval, square). The optimal strip thickness for a French jacket is 2-4 millimeters.
  4. After the “smile” becomes dry, coat the surface with a fixative. Thanks to it, the manicure will not crack and will give your nails a natural shine. Instead of a regular fixer, glitter varnish with sparkles is sometimes used.

How to do a mirror manicure correctly?

There are several ways to create a beautiful mirror manicure. It is made using foil, reflective film or nail art varnish.

The easiest way at home is to use foil:

  • cover the surface of the nail with varnish of any shade;
  • without waiting for the polish to become dry, stick foil on top and tear along the contour of the nail plate;
  • cover with fixative.

Elegant moon manicure

Creating a lunar manicure yourself is not difficult. The technique is reminiscent of a French manicure. Unlike French, only the holes are covered with white varnish. You can paint your nails with either regular or gel polish.

Stages of creation moon manicure using gel polish:

  1. When working with gel polish, special products are used for degreasing; alcohol and regular toner are not suitable. Professionals use preparations enriched with minerals and silicone.
  2. Next, the surface of the nails is painted over with gel polish, and holes are drawn. To obtain a smooth image, it is advisable to use acrylic brushes. The holes can be decorated with rhinestones, for reliable fixation, pressed gently with a stick. Nails are dried for two minutes under an ultraviolet lamp.
  3. Then the entire plate is painted with gel polish, then placed under a lamp for two minutes and dried. To obtain a rich color, apply a second coat.
  4. Completes the process of wiping the nail with a special product to remove stickiness.

To create a lunar manicure, you can use contrasting shades
(green and yellow) and pastel tones (cream and white).

Velvet or matte manicure

In recent years, matte manicure has become especially popular. You can use both special velvet varnishes and regular ones.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a velvet manicure:

  1. Using regular varnish, apply it in several layers. Dry your nails over steam for a few seconds, keeping a distance of ten centimeters, so as not to burn yourself. After drying, the nails become matte.
  2. A quick and simple option is to apply matte varnish.
  3. Using a special sand coating, after drying, it turns into powder.

Matte manicure will look impressive using different textures. For example, you can cover your nails dark color, put dots or draw lines. A velvet leopard manicure will look beautiful. Cover the nail plate with light varnish, draw glossy dots on top, and outline them with matte varnish of a different shade. For example, a dot can be put in black and outlined in brown.

Water manicure

Doing a water manicure is not so easy. This method allows you to create unusual designs; for this you need to purchase high-quality varnishes, show accuracy and dexterity.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • The nails are painted with white varnish, this is necessary so that the colors look rich and bright.
  • Add varnish drop by drop into a container with warm water, at intervals of a few seconds. You need to act quickly, otherwise the varnish will dry out, which will complicate the process.
  • Using a toothpick, draw the desired design.
  • There are several schemes. The easiest one is to start from the center and draw circles.
  • Once the pattern is ready, lower your finger into the container perpendicular to the liquid for a few seconds.
  • Using nail polish remover, remove excess polish.

Water manicure is interesting and original; it takes very little time to create. For quick effect It is better to give preference to acrylic paints.

How to do an ombre manicure

Gradient manicure holds a special place in the hearts of many girls. Smooth transitions from one shade to another look fashionable and elegant. In the salon, an airbrush is used to create ombre. Due to its ease of use, a simple sponge will do just fine at home. It should be smooth and dense.

Stages of creating a gradient manicure:

  1. Apply base and white polish to the prepared nail plate.
  2. Cut out a small part of the kitchen sponge and apply varnish of different shades over the surface in strips. You can combine cherry with white, sand or gold.
  3. Lightly blot the nail with a sponge. With strong pressure, a smooth transition will not work.
  4. Apply glitter and fixative to help hide sponge marks.

Letter or newspaper manicure is a fashion hit in recent seasons. Created using newspaper, in just a couple of minutes. For printing, ink is used that can be easily erased with alcohol. If you turn the newspaper over and rub alcohol on the back side, the letters will come off to the other surface.

Stages of creating a letter manicure:

  1. Prepare the nail plate in advance. Then apply the base and varnish in any shade except black.
  2. Apply a small part of the printed publication to the nail with the reverse side.
  3. Go over the newspaper a couple of times with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol.
  4. Once the letters are on the nail, apply a sealer.

Anyone can create a beautiful and unusual manicure on their own; all you need to do is put in a little effort and care.

Beautiful short nails are the dream of many women. Long nails go out of fashion and come back, while short ones are gradually becoming classics. Provide yourself with a neat short manicure and interesting design any girl can do it for him right at home.

Among modern girls, there is a fairly widespread opinion that only long nails. That’s why they run in herds to build them up, they strive with everyone possible ways grow them as soon as possible. But they completely forget that extensions spoil the condition of their nails, and any well-groomed and neat nails look truly attractive. Short nail lengths have never gone out of fashion, and are now at the peak of popularity. To be on trend, it’s enough to know how to do a manicure at home on your own short nails, which I’ll tell you about.

Benefits of short nails

For girls who can’t grow long nails, I advise them not to be upset. After all short length always in fashion and has many advantages:

  • require less care;
  • always look attractive and neat;
  • they can be coated with any shade;
  • practical;
  • the probability of failure is close to 0;
  • hygienic;
  • economical for the budget.

The main advantage of short nails is that you can easily do your own manicure at home.

Types of home manicure

The key to a successful manicure is not only the selection of bright varnish or beautiful patterns, these are, first of all, hygiene procedures. They consist of several stages that must be gradually overcome.

I'll start with the varieties of manicure. There are three main types:

  • classic (trimming), which involves getting rid of the cuticle by trimming it with nippers or scissors;
  • not trimmed, in which the cuticle is only pushed back with a manicure spatula, but is not trimmed;
  • hardware, which is produced only by professionals in salons.

Therefore, we will only talk about the first two options, because we are only interested in a home-made independent manicure.

Tools for performing the procedure at home

Manicure accessories are in every lady's cosmetic bag. To do your own manicure, you don’t need to purchase anything special, the following tools will be enough:

  • antiseptic or ordinary hydrogen peroxide;
  • nail scissors and nippers;
  • a set of files to shape the nail and polish the surface;
  • manicure spatula;
  • special means for influencing the cuticle;
  • a bowl of warm water where you can steam your hands;
  • nail polish remover;
  • cotton wool;
  • towels;
  • nourishing cream.

Stages of manicure at home

Before starting a manicure, you should remove any polish from your nails if it has been applied. Use products that do not contain acetone for these purposes. After this, you can proceed to the following actions:

  1. First, we make a homemade bath to steam the nails and cuticles. You can add a few drops of oil, sea salt or regular soap and put your hands there for 5 minutes. Then they should be wiped dry and proceed to the next step.
  2. Adjusting the length. If we want to get a miniature short manicure, then all the excess length of the nails will need to be removed. This does not mean that you need to cut it down to the roots. It is enough for the nail to cover only the pad of the finger.
  3. We select the form. The square, oval or rectangular shape of the nail is selected depending on the length of the fingers. Thanks to the shape, the fingers should visually lengthen.
  4. We apply a special composition to the cuticle. If you are doing a non-edged manicure, then simply use a spatula to move the cuticle closer to the base. If you are performing a classic manicure procedure, then using scissors or tongs (whichever is more convenient for you), trim the cuticle, moving from the edges to the center.
  5. If you are injured, treat the bleeding area with an antiseptic or peroxide.
  6. Before applying polish, apply a base coat to your nails to even out the surface.

This concludes the hygienic part of the home manicure and you can safely move on to the designer part.

Short nail shapes do not go well with all designs. To make your nails look great, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • You should not choose a pattern in the form of horizontal stripes; it is better to prefer vertical stripes for visual lengthening;
  • when choosing a picture, leave a central place for it;
  • Animal and lace prints, polka dots look good;
  • universal tones are pastels, which look ideal on short nails, but you can also experiment with bright shades;
  • French on square shape on nails it looks ridiculous, but on the rest it’s not bad, especially if it is done using an individual technique, showing a little imagination and creativity;
  • but all short shapes are suitable for a lunar manicure of any color, which will ideally complement any look;
  • white and black combinations also look great on short nails, especially if you don’t forget about the first rule. You can even afford to create a completely black manicure by combining glossy and matte varnishes;
  • Rare small rhinestones will add a special chic to your nails. It is just important not to overdo it with the number and size of stones;
  • geometric patterns suit short nails and lengthen their shape;
  • It is relevant to use a contrasting combination of sparkles and the main tone, which looks unusual and fashionable.

To all lovers and forced carriers short manicure It is important to know not only how to give yourself a manicure at home on short nails, but also the basic rules for coating them with varnish. Modern trend constantly evoke something new, but close to the classics short form Not everything can fit nails. Therefore, do your manicure with caution, and choose the design wisely.

Most women pay special attention to their nails. To create beautiful nails you need to get a manicure. Many people now prefer short nails because they cannot wear long ones. This can be due to various reasons, for example, their health, the work they have to deal with.

You should not grow long nails if their condition is not ideal. If they constantly break off or flake, it is better to wear short ones. They should be given preference if you have to work in medical, educational institutions, at production facilities and other similar places. You can create a spectacular manicure with short nails. There are a lot interesting ideas for this, which are easy to implement at home.

The main advantages of short nails:

  1. They are usually healthier, which makes it possible to avoid using special varnish to strengthen the structure. Long nails can become damaged after walking in the cold, taking a shower, etc. They require additional nutrition to remain attractive, strong and healthy.
  2. No need for additional care. We just need to support correct form, and one nail file is enough for this.
  3. The opportunity to save money because you don’t have to go to the salon to cover your nails with a special layer for improvement, which will allow them to remain healthy. Short ones almost never break or get damaged. They can look appropriate and neat almost always.
  4. A manicure for short nails will look harmonious at almost any event, as well as at work. For example, aristocrats usually do not wear long nails. Nowadays, celebrities opt for modest manicures on short nails.
  5. Dark lacquer shades will look more harmonious on them. Their use allows you to create a positive image. Too long nails, painted in bright colors, immediately catch the eye, not always making a positive impression.
  6. High level of practicality. With short nails it is much more convenient to type, cook and do something great amount other chores around the house and more. There are no additional inconveniences and nothing breaks.

Constant care and a well-done manicure at home can turn short nails into a real source of pride for any woman.

  1. It is important to choose the right form for each specific case. For example, now the square one is quite popular, but it looks preferable on long fingers. If they are short rather than long, it is better to choose an oval shape. Thanks to the right choice of shape, it is possible to visually lengthen short nails.
  2. It is important to remove the cuticle correctly so that there are no negative consequences. There are two main ways to do this, including European and classic. The first involves treatment with special softeners, after which an orange stick comes into play. The second is based on the use of a bath with sea ​​salt or with a soap solution. Then special scissors are used.
  3. It is imperative to leave the same length for each nail, because even the slightest difference in this case will immediately catch your eye. You need to monitor this as closely as possible during a manicure.

Design features for short nails

  1. In this case, it is better not to use a three-dimensional design, because it will look somewhat awkward. If you want to use exactly this design, you will have to grow long nails and resort to extensions.
  2. You can visually lengthen your nails with the help of a well-chosen color. With wide nail plate It is better not to paint the outer parts, which will make the nails visually narrower. Vertical drawings will be the best choice in such a situation.
  3. The choice of design when creating a decorative manicure at home should be as thoughtful as possible. Do not use too small or too large a pattern.
  4. It is better to limit yourself to three colors of varnish when creating an original manicure. Otherwise, everything can look quite ridiculous.

Types of manicure

Type of manicurePerformance
WetIn order to perform it at home, you need to prepare a bath in which warm soapy water. The fingers go down there for about twelve minutes. After this, the cuticle is trimmed using forceps, and the skin around it is treated with a scrub. After completing the procedure, hands are thoroughly dried and lubricated with a cream that will soften the skin. Only then can you apply nail polish
DryThere is no need to take any baths before starting. Special oil is used to treat leather. An orange stick is used to remove the cuticle, after which a file is taken, which gives the nails the required form. The base coat is applied to the nails. You can choose varnish of different colors for this
FrenchIt harmoniously combines delicate and pink shades. For short nails, you can choose a very good and attractive option. Before painting begins, the nails are put in order. They should have an oval shape. Then the base shade is applied. Then a matte white varnish is usually used. When the nails are completely dry, you should use a special fixer.
WeddingHe's different round shape marigolds The previous type is often taken as a basis, but supplemented with some elegant designs. It is important to do everything carefully so that short nails look attractive later.

Ideas for a beautiful manicure

You can create an ombre effect. It represents a neat transition between different shades, for example, to light from dark or something similar. Nails should be initially coated with a base color. Then it must dry, and then a second layer is applied.

Floral manicure is distinguished by applying it to the base coat. There is some kind of floral pattern depicted there. You can do it at home using a pre-prepared stencil. The design is secured using transparent varnish.

Graphic manicure is based on the use of straight lines. They can run parallel, intersect, etc. Typically, white or black varnish is used for this, and a bright shade is taken as the base, for example, pink, bright yellow, etc.

Quick manicure

To begin with, the nails are filed with a special file. In this case, it is advisable to direct movements in one direction. After this, the cuticle is processed and the manicure base is applied. Then the desired shade of varnish is selected, which is applied in one or a couple of layers. The final step is the application of a fixative. The procedure usually takes about twenty minutes.

You can quickly and efficiently perform a manicure on short nails at home. You just need to think through some details in advance, including the shape of the nails, the color of the varnish, etc.

For short nails, the best option is often the classic one, that is oval shape. A special oil is used to soften the cuticle. If there is already some kind of coating on the nails, it needs to be removed. For this, as a rule, a special liquid is used. The ideal option would be a liquid that does not contain acetone.

The base coat is applied to the nail, and then the varnish. You can apply patterns with a brush or toothpick. This is how you can create a fashionable and modern manicure. It is important to remove cuticles and hangnails in time. For this, special scissors are used. You need to monitor not only the condition of your nails, but also the skin around you. There shouldn't be any defects.

It is better not to make any convex designs on short-length nails, because they have a very awkward appearance. Dark or bright types of polish can visually lengthen your nails. It is advisable to take proper care of them. You can give them a nice look using a special moisturizer. A timely manicure will allow every girl to make her nails attractive and healthy. You don't need to spend a lot of time or money to do this. There are a lot of unique designs and patterns for an excellent manicure.

Video - Lunar manicure for short nails at home

Simple and universal designs are in demand not only for special occasions, but also for every day, in the office, school, and trips. It is not for nothing that the most popular coating in professional salons is a single-color coating with red gel polish.

Color plus minimal decor is the formula for a successful manicure for a modern woman and girl leading an active lifestyle. Let's look at popular simple designs, easy-to-learn textures, and step by step two of the most popular manicure techniques for preparing nails for coating.

Easy manicure to prepare nails for design: edged and acidic options

When you don’t have a single extra minute, and you want to make a simple and beautiful nail design, then half the battle is preparing to apply the coating. It can also be minimized and the procedure can be performed at home. The simplest manicure options are edged and acidic. Let's look at each of them step by step.

Trimmed or classic manicure:

Acid quick manicure

At home, I want to reduce manicure to a minimum and devote more time to creativity - drawing out the design. The acid version of the procedure will help with this. At home it will take 15 minutes.

Simple and quick option– gel polish or shellac with a “cat’s eye” effect. It is applied in two layers, each of which is processed with a magnetic stick to create a stripe or ribbon of shiny particles in the composition of the product (photo).

Cat eye manicure in black and white palette

If you need a simple and quick manicure with an original effect, the “cat’s eye” will come to the rescue. You can choose combinations of base and highlights in a variety of shades. The everyday option is black and white or black and gray. It will suit most office and school outfits and basic accessories. If you do not use a magnet to draw a highlight or stripe, you will get an even shimmering background.

Simple red manicure with a matte finish and a graphic design

A matte finish or matte shellac can slightly reduce the degree of red color for everyday looks, and at the same time add the desired accent shade to them. The matte finish of the varnish is given by the finishing top with the effect of the same name. Black lines can be drawn on the nails with a brush or needle.

The manicure in the photo also illustrates a life hack - when the durable coating grows back, you can extend the line to the cuticle, and we’ll get a new lunar design. It will last another week if the ends are in good condition.

Lightweight casual design with web gel

The new viscous texture was a real discovery for 2018-2019. A simple monochromatic manicure can be transformed with the help of a contrasting graphic design, even if it is abstract, chaotic lines. The consistency of the gel resembles melted chewing gum. To apply, place a drop at one point of the nail, and from it, using a brush or needle, lines are drawn along the perimeter of the plate.

In the drawing, before applying the web gel, shiny foil was additionally secured. It creates the effect of depth.

Simple French glitter

Continuing the theme of simplified lunar design, you can make a French jacket with the same approach. The base is made with a pink camouflage base, and transparent shellac or gel polish with glitter is applied to the tips of the nails and stretched with a brush from the edge to the middle of the nail. You will need a flat wide brush - a comb brush, for example.

Simple nail designs with stickers or stamping technique

Original, bright, even mischievous manicure ideas come from nail slider stickers. They are attached over a plain base and then sealed with a top coat. You can choose inscriptions, animals, flowers, patterns, abstraction and even a gradient.

A similar stamping technique produces spectacular and original designs. Stamping requires a special kit and time to practice. The design is engraved into a template into which the polish is poured, a stamp is pressed onto it, and then the print is transferred to the nail. We fix the result with a top coat. This technique makes it easiest to draw patterns and abstractions.

Simple nail designs: ideas, photos, patterns, drawings for inspiration

A beautiful delicate manicure in a minimalist style can be made using polish, gel polish, paint and gel with the addition of sparkles, rhinestones, rubbing, powder, velvet sand and airbrush. Let's consider ideas for simple and easy nail designs for every day, for the office, school and special occasions.

Gray monochromatic manicure with glitter

On short nails, plain neutral designs look even more expressive if you highlight the color with glitter. In the photo they are stretched using a gradient technique from base to edge. The plate is visually lengthened due to blurred lines and shine. It's easy to do a manicure using a brush and small glitter with a transparent base. .

Black and white simple nail art: abstract graphics

If it is difficult for you to draw beautiful compositions when applying a design, use small graphics. Broken lines, dots, blots - everything will look beautiful in contrasting black and white and other colors. Use a thin brush to make the graphics neat. This design is also suitable for small nails.

French in black and white

A win-win option for a simple manicure for short nails is a black and white French manicure. In the photo, the design is supplemented with original vertical lines to visually lengthen the plate and draw attention to the style. If it is difficult to draw three nails using this technique, design only one of your choice.

Red manicure with a small simple pattern

It is easiest to draw fine lines, strokes and abstractions. Take advantage of graphics and draw transitions between shades in contrasting tones, as in the photo.

The second option is to complement the small pattern with rhinestones. In the photo this is one pebble that complements the heart. The composition is based on contrast, volumetric lines and brilliance of the decor.

Rhinestones in the decor of the picture

Even the simplest design, decorated with rhinestones, immediately gains volume and attracts attention. Draw such simple branches with leaves, and decorate each with small rhinestones or broth. It is recommended to attach the stones to a building gel or rubber base, securing them with a top coat at the final stage.

Rhinestones on a plain background

Even a beginner can master the design. We apply a background coating of any shade, in the photo it is white, and complement it with a composition of colored or plain gold and silver rhinestones. A simple combination of color and shine is suitable for evening looks. .

Blue manicure with a large flower on the ring finger

Painted flowers in designs are not easy to draw, but if you take the dandelion as an example, even a beginner will be able to do the task. Easy technique, black and white combination, simple pattern of base and dots around the perimeter. Look at the photo and you will succeed.

Colored stains with acrylic paints

When you want to get creative, but a specific drawing doesn’t come to mind, you can make simple abstract patterns on a contrasting background. Acrylic paint applies well and dries quickly. Before applying, mix a little pink, black and white on the palette, and then transfer a drop to the nail and make streaks. Secure everything well with topcoat. You will get a simple spring manicure, even without drawing flowers and butterflies.

Rhinestone ring on the nail

The much-loved rhinestone design is easy to make and suitable for beginners. After applying the background, place rhinestones in the shape of a ring on the nail ring finger. It is important to use the extension gel as a base and select the size of the rhinestone to match the size of the nail plate.

Blue manicure with rub and small pattern

A foot, a footprint, a heart, the first letter of a name and many other simple details will decorate your nails in an everyday manicure. This option is also suitable for school design, if you adjust the length. For painting, use gel paint, varnish or gel polish. Choose contrasting shades. I can't resist noticing :), .

Spring manicure on short nails

A simple design, a gentle background, a spring theme - even a beginner will master this successful combination. Use acrylic paints and a thin brush. If it’s difficult to draw, you can choose a spring theme in stickers or stamping bases. For short and small nails - only small designs. .

Choose a few ideas you like for every day or for special occasion. Think about which materials would be interesting for you to master in simple designs. Start experimenting and creating!

Simple and easy manicure - ideas and techniques for pros and beginners

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To look truly attractive, every little thing is important. Including marigolds. Their unkempt appearance can spoil any impression, so it is important to ensure that the manicure is neat. It is not at all necessary that your nails be long. Short nails in a modern design can look just as bright and no less advantageous.


Every girl strives to grow her nails. But this is not always possible. Firstly, a lot depends on the state of health, the provision of vitamins and minerals. Secondly, incorrectly selected materials and varnishes, as well as aggressive environmental conditions, can further aggravate existing problems.

If your nails are peeling and breaking, it is better to leave the race for length and focus on improving their condition.

Besides the possibility there is enough quick recovery, short nails have other benefits.

  • They are suitable for any situation. Life modern girl dynamic. A short length of nails will be appropriate at home and in the office, in the gym and at a party.
  • This type of manicure is cost-effective and easier to do on your own.
  • In addition to practicality, it is also fashionable: all modern manicure options are shown mainly on short and medium-length nails.
  • On small nails, even the most catchy ideas look more restrained. Therefore, for lovers of bright colors will suit exactly this length.
  • Long nails are easy to break. If you have to do a lot manual labor, stop at a more modest length of nails: they will be less damaged.

This option is worth considering even for extension lovers: you will try something new and can always return to a more familiar length. If someone doesn’t like the look of short nails – You can use techniques that can help you visually increase the length of the nail plate:

  • remove cuticles promptly and carefully;
  • choose the right form correctly;
  • choose suitable color or design (for example, longitudinal or diagonal lines).

Matching colors

Today it is not necessary to select a polish based on the color of lipstick, clothing or accessories. The choice of color is influenced by the appearance of the fingers and nails, the style that the woman adheres to in life, or her mood. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to several nuances.

  • The most win-win are nude shades. Merging with the skin, they make the fingers more graceful. This also includes delicate shades of pink, as well as white and beige.
  • Black and similar ones will successfully hide all imperfections: anthracite, marengo, earthy. The depth of color will visually narrow the nails and emphasize the fragility of the hands. To prevent such a manicure from being boring, similar shades can be applied one after the other.

  • There are endless discussions about bright colors. Some people think that they are ideal, and there are also ardent opponents. One thing can be said: on long ones, all shades of red look too defiant. If we take our length, choose a matte finish.
  • On short nails, covering any rich, rich colors looks ideal, be it dark shades purple and green or burgundy. Since modern fashion is built on small accents, take a closer look at one of these options: they look very elegant.
  • Any pastel colors look unobtrusive. They are easy to combine with each other and create new combinations. This is an ideal option for summer, when there are a lot of bright colors around and you want tenderness.

Of course, there is nothing better than natural. Therefore, you can simply tidy up your nails and cover them with a colorless strengthening compound or use the most natural shades possible.

A classic example would be French manicure: it looks appropriate on short nails. Be careful when choosing colors with pearl effect or large glitter. Of course, it is impossible to prohibit their use, especially if this option is familiar to you. But many experts in this field consider them outdated and recommend paying attention to more recent ideas.

Design selection

Before choosing a design, you need to determine which nail shape is most suitable in this particular case. Someone will say that such little things are invisible on short nails - and they will be wrong. If you look at your hand with perfect coverage, but something confuses you, know that the problem is in the form. On short nails it can be square (with clear or soft corners), round or oval. A variety of oval can be more pointed at the top (almond-shaped), but it is more difficult to make.

For chubby fingers, an elongated nail shape is preferable; for thin fingers, any shape will do.

Nail designs are constantly changing. It's never too late to try something new.

  • Especially for lovers of the classics. French has changed a little. In the new modification, the tip of the nail turns into a colored one, or is even decorated with rhinestones or a narrow, laconic design.
  • The ombre effect has transferred to nails and does not lose its relevance. You can admire the smooth transition of one color into another endlessly. It is important to choose two or three colors well so that they combine with each other. The transition can be either longitudinal or transverse - in the second case the eye is drawn interesting game glare
  • A manicure for every day can be simple in appearance. In fact, completely different techniques are used to create it. Lunar, stamping, stickers, ornaments - all this will be fashionable for many more seasons.
  • Even short nails with a sparkling finish or rhinestones can look luxurious. Here it is important not to use several types of decor at once, but to focus on one thing: for example, glitter.
  • Well, where would we be without drawings? They can fit perfectly even on short nails. These can be either full-fledged images: funny, with plant or floral motifs, or ordinary lines and dots arranged in an abstract or geometric order. Try to avoid horizontal lines or images. Always focus on the center of the nail when placing elements. The color combination can be contrasting or classic.

How to do it at home?

A manicure on short nails can be successfully done at home. But you should not take this lightly - incorrectly performed manipulations will not only affect the appearance of the nails, but also their condition. First, prepare the tools - they can be purchased separately or in a set. If you are doing manicures only for yourself, they should be wiped with an antibacterial solution. If you help friends, ask them to bring theirs.

Without special multi-stage processing, you cannot use tools after another person.

To perform a classic manicure you will need:

  • coating removers;
  • nail scissors;
  • files of different types;
  • cuticle remover (softening oil, wooden or metal stick);
  • cream.

The manicure is performed step by step.

  • Wash your hands. Clean your nails thoroughly using a suitable product applied to a cotton pad or cloth.
  • Trim the length of your nails with scissors. Carefully file the edge to the desired shape. The file should move from the center to the edges to avoid detachments.
  • You can treat the cuticle with softening agents or a warm bath. To move it you will need a stick or spoon. To cut it, you need scissors, or better yet, special tweezers. Use alcohol or antiseptic.
  • Don't forget to polish the entire nail - it will determine how evenly the coating will lie. As a last resort, if you do not have a special nail file, use a regular paper napkin.
  • The next stage is usually a massage with creams or oils. This procedure is not only pleasant, but also useful: it improves blood circulation, which means it promotes healthy nails. After massaging the nails, you need to wipe them with the same product that you used to remove the old polish.

How to paint your nails?

It's never too late to learn how to paint your nails correctly. Always apply the base coat first. Instead, you can apply any of the multifunctional varnishes: they not only protect, but also strengthen, accelerate growth and solve many other problems at the same time. If you plan to make your nails one color, use one of two schemes.

  • You need to start from the bottom of the central part, then draw a line down the center to the end and alternately fill the remaining parts from the side from the bottom to the top.
  • Working from the bottom, paint the side, then repeat the same on the other side of the nail. Finally, all that remains is to fill the center.