
But what is spa prescribed for during pregnancy? No-spa during pregnancy: harm or benefit? Side effects and contraindications

For pregnant women, many medications are contraindicated to avoid negative effects on the child. However, no-spa during pregnancy not only does not harm, but also helps preserve the fetus. If the gynecologist prescribed you this antispasmodic, feel free to take it according to the instructions.

In what cases is no-shpa prescribed?

The uterus consists of inner and outer mucous membranes, between which there is a muscular layer. During pregnancy, this large muscle should be at rest, and only during childbirth is it actively used, pushing the baby out. If it begins to contract earlier, uterine tone occurs. That's when no-spa comes to the rescue.

It should be remembered that tone is not always dangerous. If uterine contractions are short-term and do not cause pain, then this condition does not pose a threat to the fetus. Another thing is when hypertonicity occurs. Prolonged and strong contraction of the muscular layer of the uterus leads to the threat of miscarriage, especially in the first trimester.

The cause of hypertonicity may be nervous shock, pathology or infectious diseases. Only a doctor can figure it out, sometimes after a long examination. But whatever the origin of the uterine contractions, it is first necessary to remove the symptom. Drotaverine, which is the main active ingredient of no-shpa, copes well with this.

However, pregnant women are prescribed no-shpa for other reasons:

  • muscle spasms internal organs- cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, renal and intestinal colic
  • intestinal diseases - constipation, colitis, proctitis
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract - stomach ulcers, gastroduodenitis
  • vascular diseases - spasm of the coronary or cerebral arteries, endarteritis

Nevertheless, the tone of the uterus remains the same common cause prescriptions for no-shpa during pregnancy. Remember that when taking no-shpa together with another antispasmodic, their effect is enhanced.

Features of the use of no-shpa at different stages of pregnancy

In the first trimester, when the organs of the future baby are formed, nosh-pa helps to avoid miscarriage. If on early stages If you feel a persistent nagging pain in the lower abdomen, follow the instructions:

  1. Call your healthcare provider or contact an antenatal clinic. If trouble happens at night, call an ambulance.
  2. Take 2 tablets of no-shpa to relieve spasm. Drotaverine also dilates blood vessels, improving the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.
  3. Remember that taking pills does not prevent a visit to the gynecologist. Even if the symptoms have passed and nothing else bothers you, you should be examined. Symptoms don't just happen. This is usually how the body tells us that it has problems.

In the second trimester, no-shpa should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. After 12 weeks, there is a threat of premature birth, but the baby wants to be born so early for a reason. Therefore, a visit to the antenatal clinic to clarify the circumstances is mandatory. Drotaverine does not harm the baby, but an unauthorized increase in the dose is unacceptable, as with any other medication.

In the third trimester, the possibility of training contractions arises. Sometimes they are very painful, but they do not pose any threat to the fetus. Of course, the doctor must confirm that uterine contractions are just training. No-spa will help relieve spasms without affecting the baby.

However, drotaverine should be discontinued after 38 weeks of pregnancy. No-spa, by dilating blood vessels, increases the possibility of bleeding during childbirth. In addition, the medicine reduces labor, reducing contractions to nothing.

At any stage of pregnancy, no-spa does not harm the fetus and improves the well-being of the expectant mother.

The safety of no-shpa during pregnancy has been confirmed by research. However, drotaverine enters the fetal circulatory system through the umbilical cord. Hungarian scientists gave no-shpa to pregnant women whose pregnant babies suffered from tachycardia. After intramuscular injections, no heartbeat disturbances were observed in the children.

No-shpa tablets or injections

Often, no-shpa is prescribed in tablets for uterine tone. This way the medicine is always at hand and you don’t have to look for a nurse to give an injection. Almost all pregnant women carry these pills in their purse “just in case.” After all, the tone of the uterus creates not only the threat of miscarriage or premature birth, but can also lead to hypoxia - oxygen starvation fetus It occurs when the muscle layer of the uterus contracts and the blood vessels are compressed, impairing blood circulation.

Injections help to cope in cases where tablets are powerless or contraindicated:

  • lactose intolerance, which is present in tablets
  • to accelerate the dilation of the cervix during childbirth
  • serious threat miscarriage or premature birth
  • fetal hypoxia

Injections are prescribed only in a hospital so that it is possible to monitor the patient. In rare cases, drotaverine causes side effects or allergies, and it is better to be in the hospital at this moment. Also, when an injection is administered, an infiltrate may form - a compaction consisting of lymph, blood and cellular organisms. Such bumps are painful and only resolve after a few months.

No-spa in any form acts quickly. The effect of the tablet begins 8-12 minutes after taking it, intramuscular injection - 4-6 minutes after administration, intravenous injection - 2-4 minutes. The maximum effect in all cases is observed after half an hour.

Dosage of no-shpa during pregnancy

The dosage of no-shpa varies depending on the form of release:

Tablets 40 mg. Gynecologists prescribe taking 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 240 mg.

Forte tablets 80 mg. You should not take more than one tablet at a time, 2-3 tablets per day. The maximum daily dose is the same - 240 mg.

Suppositories 40 mg. It is prescribed extremely rarely due to the inconvenience of use. It is allowed to put no more than 6 candles per day.

Ampoules 40 mg (2 ml). To avoid overdose, it is allowed to use no more than 6 ampoules per day, i.e. 240 mg.

Only the doctor decides whether to administer the injection intramuscularly or intravenously, and he also prescribes the number of injections.

For pain in the lower abdomen that is not accompanied by discharge, it is permissible to take no-shpa without permission, but not more than one day. If the pain does not stop or intensifies, you should definitely go to the hospital or call an ambulance. Having understood the situation, the doctor may prescribe medications based on drotaverine. In this case, strictly follow the instructions of your treating gynecologist.

Contraindications for taking no-shpa during pregnancy

Despite its apparent safety, remember that no-spa is a medical product. This means that it has contraindications, like any other medicine. So in what cases should you not drink no-shpa?

  • hypersensitivity to drotaverine
  • renal-liver failure
  • closed glaucoma
  • narrowing of the lumen of the coronary arteries
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency of the cervix in pregnant women

No-spa is also prescribed with caution in the first eight weeks of pregnancy due to the risk of disrupting embryonic development. At this time, any medications are contraindicated, except in cases of threat to the mother's health.

In case of vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypotonic type, no-shpu should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor. By dilating blood vessels, drotaverine can sharply lower blood pressure to a critical level, causing collapse.

Side effects

As with any medication, side effects may occur when taking no-shpa. They are rare, but you need to familiarize yourself with them in order to recognize them in time:

If any symptom appears, you should stop taking the drug and inform your doctor about it so that a replacement can be selected.

No-spa is an old and proven remedy for relieving spasms, which helps maintain pregnancy or improve well-being. However, it cannot be used uncontrollably. Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions and strictly follow the prescribed dosage without exceeding it. If side effects occur, you will have to stop taking the drug and ask your doctor to prescribe another antispasmodic.

The drug belongs to the group of antispasmodics and relieves pain in the area. digestive system. Also often prescribed to pregnant women. The main indication for taking No-shpa during pregnancy is uterine hypertonicity.

Despite all the safety, this is a drug that has its own indications and contraindications.

About the drug

The active ingredient of No-shpa is drotaverine. Antispasmodic substance with myotropic action. This indicates the effect of the drug on the cells of smooth muscle tissue, which is a component of the hollow organs - intestines, stomach, uterus in women.

When the active substance enters the body, muscle tissue relaxes, spasm disappears, and as a result, pain disappears or is minimized.

If conventional muscle relaxants act in parallel on nervous system, then No-shpa does not have such an effect. And therefore there are no serious side effects. For this reason, the drug is indicated for use by pregnant women.

The effect of drotaverine on the cardiovascular system should be taken into account. This helps to slightly reduce blood pressure. And if for ordinary people this effect is insignificant, then in hypotensive people their well-being may worsen with large doses of the drug.

Indications for use

The main indication for prescribing the drug is smooth muscle spasm. Most often, drotaverine is effective for abdominal pain when conventional antispasmodics do not work. But taking the drug for a headache or toothache is useless.

Indications for the use of No-Shpa tablets:

  • Intestinal, hepatic and renal colic.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • in pregnant women.
  • Risk of miscarriage.

Thus, the drug is effectively used in gynecology. When symptoms of miscarriage or abdominal pain appear in pregnant women, the No-shpa tablet eliminates uterine hypertonicity and thus preserves the fetus.

Another use in obstetrics is during childbirth. With a strong spasm of the muscle tissue of the uterus and its cervix, the child is pinched. The woman in labor is given an IV with drotaverine, which helps restore normal labor.

No-spa during pregnancy

No-spa during pregnancy is safe for both the woman and the fetus. However, its uncontrolled use without consultation with a doctor is not recommended.

If tablets are prescribed for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases during pregnancy, the effect in the form of systemic relaxation of smooth muscles should be taken into account. These include the muscles of the uterus. Therefore, the drug should not be taken in the absence of hypertonicity, since excessive relaxation of the uterine muscles by the drug can lead to premature birth. This is especially risky later.

In the early stages

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the formation of all the main systems and organs of the embryo occurs. At this stage, it is especially important for a woman to control her well-being.

The appointment of No-shpa in the 1st trimester and the initial stage of the 2nd trimester is indicated to relieve spasm of the muscle tissue of the uterus, which is the main cause of spontaneous abortion.

The action of drotaverine is aimed at relaxing myometrial cells and restoring normal uterine tone. This is necessary for the normal further development of the embryo.

In the later stages

The situation with the appointment of No-Shpa at the end of the 2nd and 3rd trimester is different. Caution should be exercised here, since the drug can trigger the onset of premature labor, and the doctor’s main task is to maintain pregnancy until birth.

It is safe to take the pills starting from the 39th week of pregnancy.

Before birth

Taking the drug immediately before childbirth significantly facilitates labor, eliminating unnecessary hypertonicity of the uterus. For this purpose, women in labor are given a certain dose of No-Shpa in injections, which promotes the opening of the uterus.

Instructions for use

Drotaverine is produced by various pharmaceutical companies. Accordingly, the trade names of drugs are different but have the same effect:

  • No-Shpa - made in Hungary;
  • Spasmol, Spasmonet and Drotaverine are Russian-made drugs.

No-Spa enters the pharmaceutical market in two forms - tablets and ampoules for injection.

One tablet contains 40 mg of active substance. The maximum permissible single dosage is no more than 2 tablets (80 mg), which is enough to relieve pain symptoms.

The permissible daily dose is 120–240 mg, which is divided into 3 doses.

The daily dosage for pregnant women is no more than 240 mg.


There are a number of contraindications in which drotaverine is prohibited for use due to the effect on the smooth muscles of organs:

  • Heart failure and cardiac arrhythmias. The drug in large doses can provide adverse influence on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Glaucoma. No-Shpa can provoke an increase in intraocular pressure. The consequence is an attack of glaucoma and temporary loss of vision.

Video about the action of the drug

Side effects

Side effects after taking drotaverine during pregnancy are rare. However, the following undesirable effects are possible:

  • Decreased blood pressure.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Dizziness and headache.
  • Constipation.

Such reactions occur more often with high dosages.


No-Shpa has analogues with other active ingredients, which have analgesic and antispasmodic effects. Despite similar activity, they can have different effects on the body of the mother and fetus. Therefore, before taking any medications, consult a doctor.


  • . The active ingredient is papaverine. More often used in surgical practice. Should not be taken if you have kidney failure.
  • Duspatalin, Nispam. The active substance is mebeverine. Prescribed for intestinal diseases.

There are other antispasmodics, but they are not recommended for use during pregnancy.

No-Spa during pregnancy is effective for uterine hypertonicity. However, it can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. The duration of pregnancy is important, depending on which the effect of the drug may be different.

But spa is a drug that relieves spasms of various organs and of various origins, as a result of which there is an effect of reducing or completely eliminating painful manifestations.

What is shpa used for during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the object of spasms is the uterus. Their manifestation, the so-called “uterine tone”, i.e. state of tension. The tone of the uterus, of course, is dangerous for bearing a fetus, because poses a risk of miscarriage. It is to relieve the tone of the uterus that doctors prescribe the use of no-shpa.

More often the drug is prescribed in tablet form, but in severe cases and the type of injections in the hospital.

Uterine tone during pregnancy

The tone of the uterus is felt as nagging pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by discharge. The abdomen is tense and hard.

Uterine tone occurs even as a result nervous tension, reactions to a medical examination, from changes in body position. A woman should feel for herself in a calm home environment how often and for how long her uterine tone occurs. If the state of tone, occurring even several times a day, goes away within a few minutes, there is no need to panic and thereby aggravate stress.

Is it harmful to use shpa during pregnancy?

  1. Long-term research in different countries seems to indicate complete safety for fetal development if future mom I used no-shpu.
  2. By relaxing smooth muscles, no-spa relieves tension and stabilizes the condition of the uterus, but it relaxes ALL muscles, including the cervix. Therefore, in the later stages of pregnancy, excessive use of no-shpa can cause premature dilatation of the cervix, and the uterus itself, at the same time, being too relaxed, may “not want” to participate in labor pains.


When leaving home for a long time, it is not bad for a pregnant woman to have a package of No-Spa with her, BUT, like any other drug during pregnancy, you should not get carried away with No-Spa.

In order for the doctor to make the correct conclusions regarding the tone of the uterus and not prescribe unnecessary treatment, a pregnant woman should monitor her condition independently.

Author of the publication: Valeria Samoilova 

During this time, in addition to the bright and warming thought of the imminent birth of a baby, there is also a large number of problems that cause discomfort. One of the most common problems muscle spasms and increased pain occur, causing the woman to feel body pain, fatigue and, as a result, severe irritation. Such a scenario will have a negative impact on. Therefore, such problems should be eliminated and done immediately. One of the counteractions is “No-shpa”. Many expectant mothers are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to drink “No-shpu” during pregnancy, because it is a medicine, and pregnant women are not recommended to take this. Let's figure out what it is and how it works when it gets inside our body.

Spectrum of action

With this drug you can relieve muscle spasms. The product acts exclusively on smooth muscles, relaxing them and relieving tension. In addition, this effect extends to blood vessels, relaxing them. This way you can get rid of high blood pressure.

The result of this effect on the muscles is not only their relaxation, but also a decrease in the speed of work and movement of organs, due to which the effect that we feel is removed. This can include frequent lower pain with; in addition, “No-shpa” effectively relieves headaches.

Did you know?“No-spa” was invented in the Hungarian scientific laboratory of the pharmaceutical plant “Hinoin” in 1961, after which it was developed and improved for several more years to the state in which it is still sold in pharmacies.

Numerous advantages include the properties of the drug itself. "No-shpa" is available in the form tablets and can be entered as injection. Its effect will not take long: from 5 to 10 minutes is necessary to understand that No-Spa has relieved the pain and spasm. This is due to the fact that the tablet is very quickly absorbed by the body, unlike any other analogues.

All the pros and cons of taking it during pregnancy

I wonder how often you can drink No-shpa during pregnancy and whether it will have any effect negative impact? Many pregnant women do not let go of these pills. In fact, their effect on the muscles ends there. Neither the central nervous system nor other human organs will suffer from No-shpa. It is important that the baby himself will also not be under the influence of this medicine.

It would seem that if it is not harmful to the baby, then why endure the pain? Many women really think so and, even with the slightest cramps, begin to take No-shpu. For some it will be convenient and safe, but for others it will come out sideways. Therefore, before acting so recklessly, you should consult a doctor who, after a thorough examination, will advise you on what to do in such situations.

Throughout pregnancy, a woman may suffer from sharp pain in the lower abdomen. This is muscle contraction, and the reason for this can be anything: stress, haste, fatigue, a sharp rise or the absence of any reason. This is an absolutely natural phenomenon, because this is how the body can prepare for the birth of a baby.

Important! Uterine tone is considered normal when it occurs several times a day and lasts several minutes. And the tone, which can pose any threat to the baby, differs in the nature of the pain: it is aching and prolonged, the stomach is constantly tense, and it becomes...

Use at different stages of pregnancy

Instructions for using No-shpa during pregnancy at different periods are different. When you can take pills, when you need to inject and in what doses - we will tell you further.

First trimester

During this period, there may be excessive activity of the uterus. It is she who will become a real threat to the developing fetus.

Often, it is in the first 12 weeks that the doctor prescribes No-shpu for the purpose of:

  • improve blood circulation in the uterus;
  • reduce its tone;
  • relax the muscles;
  • relieve the uterus from excessive activity.

After taking it, rapid contractions of the uterus stop, which immediately reduces the risk of miscarriage, the pregnant woman no longer endures severe and prolonged pain, and her mood improves. Equally important is that the blood vessels dilate. thus, more water begins to flow into the uterine area, and therefore the fetus. useful substances and oxygen, which helps normalize its development.

Did you know? Some scientists, after conducting research and experiments, came to the conclusion that “No-shpa» still affects the health of the fetus. Excessive consumption of it stops the normal development of the baby’s speech apparatus in the womb.

Second trimester

If after the first trimester your doctor has established an individual norm for you to take No-shpa, then under no circumstances should you violate it. During this period, drinking more than normal does not mean doing anything better for yourself and your baby. This behavior has consequences. The result can be various complications or even miscarriage.
If you begin to feel like you want to increase your dose, you should not do this without instructions and consultation from your doctor.

Did you know? In many European countries reception« No-shpy» during pregnancy it is generally prohibited, since the drug can harm the development of the fetus, as well as worsen the mother’s condition in the future by reducing the activity of the uterus.

Third trimester

In the last trimester, No-Spa does not harm either you or the fetus, but, again, at the first urge of mild pain or tingling, you should not take the pills.

"No-shpa" on last weeks pregnancy is accepted only under medical supervision. More often than not, they refuse it altogether. If the muscles relax too much, bleeding may begin. If, with severe cramps, the doctor allowed you to take a pill, but 60 minutes after taking it, the pain did not subside and the cramps did not stop, then you went into labor, and this was the first.
Directly during childbirth, “No-shpa” also actively saves the situation. Women in labor are given it in the form of injections. Thanks to this, the drug begins to work within 2-3 minutes. It helps normalize uterine contractions, relax and thereby help the cervix open. As a result, many are able to reduce their labor time.

Dosage and course of treatment

The standard dosage, which is prohibited from being exceeded, is 80 mg (or two tablets of regular “No-shpa”). You can take this dose no more than three times a day, which means the daily dose of No-shpa is 240 mg.

Important! « No-shpa Forte» contains twice as much active substance (80 mg) as regular “No-spa” (40 mg). Therefore, the dosage must be halved if you choose Forte.

Without consulting a doctor, in order to get rid of pain in the lower abdomen, you can take No-shpa for no longer than three days in a row. If you do not observe any changes, and the pain does not go away after taking the pill, you should immediately consult a doctor.;

  • in the form of urticaria, severe itching.
  • Such manifestations of the action of No-shpa are extremely rare, but possible. Therefore, it is important to consult your doctor first before self-medicating.

    Important!Exceeding the dose can result in rapid heartbeat, or worse, cardiac arrest. If it so happens that you took more than two tablets at one time, then you must immediately do a gastric lavage and induce vomiting.


    The use of "No-shpa" during pregnancy at or later stages is limited a number of contraindications:

    1. The presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia, constant low pressure. In this case, it is important to get the exact dosage, inject while lying down, and measure your blood pressure regularly after taking the pills.
    2. Lactose intolerance, which is contained in No-shpa. The result will be permanent disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
    3. Heart failure.
    4. Kidney and liver diseases.
    5. Bronchial asthma.
    6. Intolerance to the components of the drug.

    Expectant mothers must clearly understand that the condition of their babies both in the womb and after birth will depend on how they interpret their own state of health, sensations and severity of pain. Self-medicating or panicking at the slightest disturbance is fraught with many negative consequences. Therefore, take care of yourself and don’t be afraid to consult a doctor!