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Murraya (lat. Murraya) - “A beautiful, useful and unpretentious flower. Muraya care at home watering replanting reproduction Muraya blooming

How to grow this beauty indoor plant It’s not difficult if you follow the basic rules of care.

Below you can see the Murraya in the photo along with flowers:

The Murraya flower feels great at home. Muraya needs minimal care. Paniculata including.

How to care? Even a novice gardener can do this. Afterwards you need replanting, watering, fertilizing and pruning murrayi. It is very important to provide the plant with the correct location and good soil.


It is best to prune Murray at the end of February. To do this, each branch is shortened for two knots. Only those branches that grow at least 4 leaves, as well as shoots growing inward, are trimmed. Dwarf Murraya does not need pruning.


Murraya needs abundant watering in summer (3-4 times a week), and moderate in winter (once a week). Reduce watering already in September. Can't be allowed stagnant water in a pot.

This can cause root rot and plant death. But excessive drought is also harmful. Murraya is watered only clean, filtered water, chlorine-free. Daily spraying is very important for the plant.

Important! Do not allow water to get on the flowers - they may crumble.

Fertilize Murraya monthly, and during flowering - twice a month. One time they use only organic fertilizers, and the other time only mineral fertilizers.

As the latter, you can use complex fertilizers for bonsai or citrus fruits.

Attention! Do not overfeed the plant.


Murraya is planted in a small pot with many drainage holes. There is no need to buy a spacious container. Murraya will not grow in it until the roots completely fill the pot.

You can make your own soil for Murraya. To do this, you need to take leafy, turf soil, peat and coarse sand in a ratio of 2:2:2:1.

You can take ready-made soil for citrus plants or succulents, but first add coconut fiber or perlite to it.

For young Murraya, the soil should be light and loose, and for an adult it should be denser and heavier. Be sure to place it on the bottom of the container drainage, approximately 1/3 of the volume. The soil can be disinfected with potassium permanganate.


The young Murraya needs to be replanted annually. It is enough to replant an adult plant once every 2-3 years. The rest of the time, you can simply update the topsoil.

Important! Replant the plant without exposing the roots, together with a lump of earth.

choose a pot 1-2 cm more previous one. There is no need to deepen the root collar so that Murraya does not get sick.

Growing from seeds

Murraya seeds for planting must be fresh, because they quickly lose their germination capacity. It is best to place a pot with a plant on western or eastern window.

Murraya grows flowers within 3-5 months after planting, and blooms for a very long time, from March to October. After which large orange-red berries. It is the seeds of these berries that are the seeds.


Murrayya can be propagated cuttings and seeds. The plant does not reproduce well from cuttings, and they take a long time to take root. They are cut off from the top of the shoot and rooted in damp sand, under a film.

After a month, the roots appear, and the Murraya is transplanted into a separate pot.

The seeds of the plant are cleaned of pulp, dried and planted in spacious containers filled with prepared soil. Leave them in a well-lit place, at t + 23-25C, cover with glass, and periodically spray.

Through Couple of weeks The first shoots of Murraya will appear. They are seated in small plastic cups.


Attention! Murraya does not tolerate high temperatures.

The optimal condition will be a temperature no higher than +25C in summer, and about +15-17C in winter. The plant does not like drafts or sudden temperature changes.


Attention! Lack of light, as well as excess, is harmful to Murraya.

It needs to be shaded a little from direct sunlight.

But there must be at least 14 hours of daylight. Therefore, if necessary, Murraya is illuminated with special lamps.

Benefits and harms

Muraya and beneficial properties are practically synonymous. Murraya is not considered for nothing medicinal and therapeutic plant. It is widely used in folk medicine.

Medicinal properties

If you chew fresh Murraya leaves, you can get rid of headache and toothache, cure stomatitis. They help cope well with insomnia and gastritis.

Applying the leaves to sore joints with arthritis or arthrosis relieves swelling and pain.

Gargling with a decoction of Murraya leaves is an excellent treatment for sore throats. Drinking a tincture of Murraya leaves with the addition of rosemary helps lower blood sugar levels, relieves arrhythmia and improves the functioning of the circulatory system.

Berries Murrays also have benefits. It is enough to eat 3-4 pieces a day to forget about fatigue and reduce blood pressure. Due to the high content of antioxidants, these berries can significantly prolong youth and slow down the aging process of the body.

The delicate aroma of Murraya flowers has a calming effect and reduces the risk of pulmonary and heart diseases. According to beliefs, growing Murraya at home will ensure family well-being and good luck in love.

Diseases and pests

At proper care, Murraya practically not susceptible to disease, and is extremely rarely attacked by pests.

Attention! When watering with chlorinated water, an unpleasant disease develops - chlorosis.

From excessive watering, the plant may develop root rot and powdery mildew. Of the pests, the greatest danger to Murraya is spider mites, scale insects, whiteflies and aphids.

You can protect the plant from attacks by spider mites and whiteflies by spraying it with an infusion of garlic (40 grams of crushed cloves per liter of water) or onion (10 grams per liter).

Treating Murraya leaves with a soap solution or a decoction of cyclamen tubers helps a lot. You can use a decoction of tomato tops (half a kilo per liter of water). The resulting mixture is boiled for 20-30 minutes, a little laundry soap is added and the Murraya leaves are treated.

It is better to get rid of scale insects on a plant by treating the leaves with kerosene. The procedure is carried out very quickly and carefully so as not to burn the leaves.

After which the kerosene is washed off with a soap solution. A soap-oil solution helps a lot in the fight against scale insects. To prepare it you will need 10 grams of soap and 2 times more machine oil.

The solution is thoroughly beaten and the Murraya leaves are treated with it. The plant is covered with film for several hours, after which it is washed with water. After a week, the treatment is repeated.

Aphids are “afraid” of onion and tobacco infusion (40g per liter of water), a decoction of yarrow or celandine. If folk remedies fail, then you can use proven drugs: Karbofos, Fitoverm, Aktara. They do not have a detrimental effect on Murraya.

When chlorosis occurs, you can treat the plant with chelated iron, and use only purified water for watering and spraying.

If Murraya sheds its leaves, what should I do? This is caused by a lack of light or temperature changes. It is necessary to move the plant to a more illuminated place or use a photo lamp, and provide protection from drafts.

Why doesn't muraya bloom? If the flower does not bloom for a long time, it will require replanting and fertilizing. Due to a lack of nutrients in the soil and strong root growth, plant growth may slow down.

In the video you can see the features of caring for a flower:

Growing Murraya is not at all difficult and does not require special skills and knowledge. This exotic beauty is unpretentious in care, undemanding to living conditions and reproduces well by seeds.

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There are many plants in the world that are quite rare and little known to the average person. One of them is Muraya, which represents the Rutaceae family. Under natural conditions, about 10 species of this plant are found. It has the greatest representation in China, Taiwan, India, as well as in most of the southern Asian region. This beauty is not uncommon in Australia.

Description of Muraya

A photo of a plant allows you to evaluate only its decorative properties. However, it is important for any gardener to obtain complete information about the plant.

Representing a group of evergreen shrubs, muraya is a rather low-growing plant, which usually grows in the form of a bush. During the growing season, it develops a thin and flexible trunk with light gray bark. During the season, muraya produces smooth, fleshy leaves that are dark green in color. Their characteristic shape is round or oval; there are no special figured cuts that are inherent in maple leaves.

Among the representatives of the Rutov family, one of the popular fruits is the tangerine:

The main decoration of the Muraya indoor plant are white flowers, reaching a diameter of 80 cm. Their feature is the presence of five clear petals, reminiscent of a star. Muraya is very similar to a lily due to its unusual shape. Another common characteristic is that this plant has petals that are gracefully folded back. When flowering comes to an end, a small fruit begins to ripen. It is edible and contains a small seed inside. Usually before the stage of technical maturity of the fetus it should take about 4 months.

If you create comfortable growing conditions for muraya, its flowering and fruiting can continue throughout the year without interruption. This is what makes the plant unique: you can often observe how buds, open flowers and ripe fruits hang on the plant at the same time.

Caring for a muraya flower

In principle, when growing a muraya flower at home, it does not cause much trouble for the grower, but in order to avoid problems, it does not hurt to take into account some features.

The soil

If you want Muraya to thank you with beautiful flowers and tasty fruits, then it is best to grow it in loose and slightly acidic soil. The most suitable soil for it is prepared from the following components:

  • grain and leaf soil;
  • humus;
  • clean river sand of coarse fraction.

The listed components are taken in the ratio 2:2:2:1. However, flower growers are not always able to obtain the necessary components for planting soil. In this case, ready-made citrus soil, which can be purchased at the store, can help them.

Before use, it will not hurt to add ready-made soil for muraya add special baking powder. For example, you can use coconut fiber. Perlite can also be a good alternative. But when choosing soil for a plant, it is necessary to take into account its age: the younger it is, the looser the soil mixture should be. Therefore, when growing young plants, it is recommended to fill the pot with soil, which should contain more loosening substances. Then you can count on beautiful and long flowering.

Feeding the flower

To avoid unexpected surprises during the growth and flowering of muraya, it is recommended to fertilize at least once a month. The best effect is achieved by alternating application organic and mineral fertilizers. You can provide a flower grown from seeds with the necessary nutrients using a special composition for bonsai.

But we must not forget that all feeding should be done in moderation. After all, the harm to this indoor plant will be much more serious if you feed it than if it does not receive enough necessary nutrients. If you did not take this point into account, then be prepared for the fact that the plant will gain a lot of leaf mass, but it will produce very few flowers. They are the main decoration of muraya, for which it is grown.

When choosing fertilizers for muraya, you need to take into account that they do not contain chlorine. Such fertilizing is dangerous for the plant because it increases the risk of developing chlorosis.

At home, due to improper care, the beautiful azalea, which blooms in winter when it snows outside, suffers from chlorosis:


In summer, when it gets especially hot, more abundant watering is necessary. However, if you select the wrong mode, it may harm a houseplant. Overmoistening is especially dangerous for muraya, because it will not be able to grow normally in conditions of a stagnant swamp. Such miscalculations can lead to rotting of the root system, and subsequently the plant may die. You need to be attentive to muraya in cool times and in winter, when watering is reduced. This must be done to maintain optimal substrate moisture.

It is also equally important what kind of water is used for irrigation.

  • it should be soft and settled;
  • In addition, it must not contain chlorine, so using tap water is unacceptable;
  • To soften the water, you can add a little citric acid or apple cider vinegar to the water before watering.

Any errors in watering of this houseplant may cause the leaves to turn yellow. If no action is taken at this moment, the plant may remain completely bare.

Air humidity

It seems surprising, but this representative of the humid southern tropics, although not for long, feels quite comfortable in low air humidity. However, Muraya will not be able to grow continuously in such conditions, so it is necessary to take measures to correct the situation. Otherwise, it may cause the tips of the leaves to dry out. Muraya of the Min variety reacts especially sensitively to this, in which flowers and buds begin to fall off in dry air.

Therefore, it is necessary to be very attentive to the plant when growing it in rooms where it is hot and stuffy for a long time or where radiators are turned on. During such periods it is necessary to carry out regular spraying of leaves from the sprayer. Also, to maintain optimal humidity, it is useful to place the flower pot on a tray filled with damp expanded clay or other drainage.


Considering that Muraya is native to the southern hemisphere, it responds positively to the abundance of light. Therefore, to create the most comfortable growing conditions, it is recommended to place it in a well-lit area. However, it should be ensured protection from the scorching midday sun. Therefore, this indoor plant will feel best if it is provided with a sufficient amount of diffused light during the care process.

  • It is recommended to keep the pot where muraya grows on windows facing east or west;
  • when growing muraya from seeds on a south-facing window, shading must be carried out regularly during the midday hours;
  • The most unsuitable place for growing muraya at home is the north side. Due to the lack of lighting, the muraya will quickly begin to feel uncomfortable and begin to shed its leaves. The problem of lack of lighting can be solved by illumination with a fluorescent lamp. This procedure will make the plant feel more comfortable. After all, it grows best when the daylight hours are as long as possible.

The modern species diversity of flowers is represented by many groups, and each of them contains extraordinary plants. One of these in the Madder family is gardenia, a flower of extraordinary beauty and tenderness:


Despite the fact that muraya is a heat-loving plant, heatwave could harm her. Therefore, in summer, for a flower grown from seeds, it is necessary to maintain a room temperature of 25 degrees, and in winter - no higher than 17 degrees. Strong temperature fluctuations, both up and down, should be avoided. You need to be especially attentive to black muraya, which is extremely negatively affected by drafts.


It would certainly make sense for lovers of exotic plants to pay attention to muraya, which, with proper care, can please domestic flower growers with its beautiful flowering. Therefore, if you are truly interested in Muraya, then you just need to adhere to growing rules so that she pleases you with beautiful buds throughout the year. But for this you will have to take very careful care of the muraya, because it is equally dependent not only on the quality of the soil, but also on watering and lighting.

If you want it to retain its attractive leaves and flowers for as long as possible, then during the care process you will have to maintain the optimal temperature depending on the time of year.

Muraya flower

It is presented in the form of a small tree, the growth of which, most often, reaches no more than 1.5 meters. At the same time, an unusual feature of the plant is its bark, which can have a gray-white or white-yellow tint, and the feathery brownish leaves stand out against its background.

The green part of Murraya is very widely used in culinary activities. It is the most delicious and unusual seasoning, which has a citrus-lemon aroma. It is also part of one of the famous Indian seasonings - curry.

Murraya blooms begin with the appearance of gorgeous white flowers. When this process comes to completion, small red berries appear on the plant instead of leaves. Some people think that they are very easy to confuse with hawthorn.

If you get very close to the plant, you can smell the pleasant smell of jasmine. The fruits that grow on the stems can be used as food. They have a spicy taste and a sweetish tint.

This plant belongs to the Rutaceae family. In unnatural habitat conditions, only a few varieties of this flower can be grown. These include exotic and paniculata murraya. In appearance, these two plants are practically no different from each other.

With proper care, Murraya can grow at home for many years. At the same time, its young shoots slowly increase in size, thereby contributing to the formation of a lush crown. To prevent the branches from being damaged, the plant must be supported (that is, special supports will be needed). For several years the flower practically does not develop. But when the root system strengthens and adapts to new growth conditions, active growth of the upper part of the flower begins. Each year, the height of the Murraya can increase by a couple of centimeters.


First of all, growing a plant at home begins with planting Murraya. To do this you will need to use its seeds. It is necessary to take into account the fact that seeds bought in stores do not always germinate. But personally collected seeds after flowering are much more reliable and effective. The guarantee of growth of such seeds usually reaches 99-100%.

Murraya is planted in moist soil, which should consist of sand and leaf soil. The container used for growing seeds must be covered with glass and taken to a room that is well lit throughout the day.

After 2-3 weeks, you will be able to see the first young shoots, which, in turn, will grow quite quickly. It is during this period of time that the glass will need to be removed. After this, you just have to watch the active growth of the shoot, which after a short period of time will turn into a chic little tree.

Upon completion of planting, the young plant must be watered!

Locationand lighting

Murraya is one of the plants that will not develop normally without warmth. It is for this reason that it is very important to ensure that with the onset of cold weather, the air temperature in the house does not become lower than 15 degrees.

It is best to place the flower on the east or west side. The plant loves light, but to avoid burns from direct rays of the sun, it needs to create a small shade.

In summer, the best place for Murraya to grow is a balcony or loggia. Do not forget that it is necessary to avoid frequent drafts. Otherwise, the leaves may begin to deteriorate.

When daylight hours are shortened, you can use the help of phyto- and fluorescent lamps. It is necessary that the light falls on the plant for 12-14 hours. If these conditions are not met, the Murraya may not bloom at the right time, and the likelihood of completely dropping its foliage also increases.

Pot sizes

To provide normal height flower, it is very important to choose the required pot size. Most often, when replanting Murraya, experts advise choosing a pot whose diameter will be 1-2 centimeters larger than the previous one.

No need to exaggerate with dimensions. After all, then, during watering, all the liquid will accumulate at the roots of the plant, which can lead to an irreversible process of rotting of the root system.

When choosing a pot, pay attention to its stability and the material from which it is made. It's best to choose flower pots made of plastic, which have a wide tray. This provides reliable support for the flowerpot.

The soil

In order for the plant to develop well and bloom in a timely manner, when planting or replanting a flower, it is necessary to choose the right soil.

So, it is believed that for Murraya the best option is nutritious and loose soil. Its acidity can reach 6 - 7.5 pH.

If you plan to purchase soil in a store, then, first of all, your choice should fall on soil that is intended for growing citrus fruits. At the same time, you will need to add a little perlite or vermiculite to this soil (this will increase the looseness of the soil).

If desired, soil for Murraya can be prepared on your own. To do this, you will need to mix leaf and turf soil, humus and coarse sand. All ingredients are combined in a ratio of 2:2:2:1.

Do not forget that before pouring the soil, drainage must be lined at the bottom of the pot. For this you can use expanded clay or small pebbles.


Murraya, like other indoor flowers, needs to be replanted every year. For this procedure, a pot is prepared in advance, which must be larger than the one previously used and the soil described above.

When transplanting a flower, you need to be careful and careful, because the plant has very fragile roots that are quite easy to damage. In order not to disturb the root system of the flower, you can use a simpler method of replanting. To do this, remove the top 5 centimeters of soil and sprinkle it with a new one. It is not recommended to compact the soil.

An important condition for transplanting Murraya is the location of the root collar. It is necessary that it is always located at the top and not deepened into the ground.

Upon completion of the Murraya replanting process, the plant will need to be watered!

Fertilizers and fertilizing

The most suitable period for feeding Murraya is considered to be from March to September. It is recommended to alternately use mineral and organic fertilizers.

During the period of active plant growth, it is advisable to fertilize once a month.

If fertilizing is carried out too often, then with the onset of flowering, the swollen buds may not open.

For greater efficiency, liquid fertilizers can be used. At strong concentrations, they must be diluted in purified water. Using this technique will accelerate the growth of the flower and significantly strengthen the entire Murraya root system.


When the plant begins to actively grow, it is very important to water it regularly. To do this, you will need to use purified water, or water that has stood for several days. Make sure that the liquid is free of limescale or other harmful substances.

The fact that a plant needs to be watered can be easily determined by the condition of its soil. As soon as the soil dries out a little, this means that the flower is ready to receive the next portion of liquid.

With the onset of cold weather, the frequency of watering is significantly reduced, and with the onset of the dormant period, it may stop altogether.


For active growth of Murraya in the warm season, the mark on the thermometer can reach 25 degrees. And with the onset of cold weather, the thermometer should show no lower than 17 degrees.

Murraya needs to be protected from sudden changes in temperature and strong drafts. It is for this reason that the flower must be placed away from the air conditioner, vents and balcony doors.

Air humidity

Murraya, a type of paniculaceae, will adapt quite positively to reduced humidity levels, even if it is very cool outside.

When the dryness in the house reaches a critical level, the plant may begin to wither and dry out. To avoid the death of the plant, its crown can be occasionally watered with warm boiled water. It is also possible to carry out the bathing procedure under the shower. This not only helps revitalize the foliage, but also helps get rid of dust.


To make it easier for the plant to develop during the period of its active growth, pruning is mandatory. If the shoots reach large sizes, then they can be shortened to the desired look. This will give you the opportunity to create the tree shape that you have long dreamed of.

Varieties of dwarf and miniature murray do not require pruning. Even without this method, they branch very well and have a beautiful appearance and unusual crown shapes.

If desired, pruning can be done at any time of the year. Although, usually, no one risks endangering the flower and carries out the procedure as needed.

Diseases and pests

Murraya, with poor care, insufficient lighting and watering, becomes susceptible to damage from plant pests such as spider mites and scale insects.

If the flower does not have enough nutrients in the soil, then the leaves may change their color and become more lethargic. To correct this, it is necessary to use mineral and organic fertilizers.

In bright sunlight the leaves may get severely burned, and also dry out a little around the edges and in the central part.

If the humidity level in the room is very low, then Murraya may begin to shed ripe flower stalks. In order not to harm the plant even more, it is necessary to carry out the procedure of spraying and bathing in the shower.


With proper care, Murraya is capable of constant flowering. But most often this unique process occurs from spring until mid-autumn.

At the same time, small white flowers open on the plant. Unfortunately, this unusual spectacle may only last a few days. The flowers have a pleasant aroma, which is somewhat similar to how jasmine smells.

After the flowers fall, small berries appear that are colored red. They are edible, so they are often used to prepare various dishes.

If the humidity is low and the air temperature in the room is too high, then Murraya pollen will not be able to perform its main function.


The main way to propagate Murraya paniculata at home is to use seeds. In order to be sure of their 100% ascent, the seeds must be prepared in advance.

Sowing of seeds is carried out as soon as they are freed from pulp.

In order for the seeds to germinate quickly, it is necessary to maintain a little elevated temperature at 25-28 degrees.

When planting, the seeds will need to be immersed in sand, approximately half a centimeter, after which the container in which they are located is covered with glass.

The first shoots can be seen in a few weeks.

Rest period

In winter, a dormant period begins for Murraya. At this time, it is recommended to maintain the room temperature at least 16 degrees. Also, a sufficient amount of light plays a very important role.

Watering is significantly reduced for several months, and the use of fertilizers should be abandoned altogether.

Plant toxicity and beneficial properties

When deciding to grow Murraya at home, you care not only about the plant itself, but also about the health of those around you. After all, as you know, the elements that the plant produces (phytoncides and aromatic oils) clean the air in the room very well. The aroma of flowers that bloom during flowering normalizes sleep and has a calming effect on the nervous system person.

This plant can be used as a medicine. Thus, it can reduce the symptoms of diseases such as cardiac ischemia, angina pectoris, and high blood pressure.

Murraya fruits are recommended for consumption by people suffering from diabetes. The unique properties of these fruits help control blood sugar levels.

With proper care, Murraya will not only become an excellent decoration in your home, it also helps maintain normal well-being of a person and create an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility in the house!

How many more unknown flowers will the tropics give us? Muraya is one of the representatives of exotic plants. This is not only a beautiful, but also a useful plant. All parts of the tree, including the underground part, are used for medicinal purposes.

Description and features of Muraya

In wild nature Muraya tree(Murraya) or shrub reaches 3 meters in length. The indoor one stretches up to 1 -1.5 m. The trees can be found on the Pacific Islands, tropical forests, India, and Asia.

The plant emits a magical smell. By inhaling its aroma you can get a charge of vivacity, development mental capacity, restore the cardiovascular system and improve sleep. The famous botanist D. Murray discovered this plant back in the 18th century, and the flower was named after him.

Muraya tree trunk with yellow tint. The leaves are dark green, fleshy with a citrus aroma and lemon notes. Thanks to this, the plant is successfully used in cooking, medicine, and cosmetology. The leaf shape is varied: oval, round, with some bend in outside.

Muraya flowers snow-white or with milky caps. The diameter of the inflorescence varies from 1.8-2 cm. Moreover, they grow as single ones or collected in a brush.

Pictured is a Dutch muraya

As the colors change, red ovals appear muraya berries. The ripening period lasts about 4 months. Appearance similar to hawthorn fruits, and similar to them have medicinal properties:

  • stabilize blood pressure;
  • reduce headache;
  • tone the body;
  • reduce blood sugar.

The uniqueness of the plant lies in the simultaneous formation of fruits and the growth of new buds. Berries with a peculiar taste have a sweetish aftertaste. Useful properties of muraya not only in fruits, leaves, but also in roots, stems, flowers:

  1. The first signs of a sore throat can be removed if you take a few leaves and chew them thoroughly in your mouth, only then swallow them. If the disease progresses, rinsing with a decoction will help. Brew a few leaves as tea. After 15 minutes, you can use the drug every two hours.
  2. During the rehabilitation period after a heart attack, tincture is used. Fruits and leaves, crushed in equal parts (5 tablespoons) are infused in dark place with vodka (250 g). After two weeks, apply 30 drops before each use of food.
  3. A tincture of the following ingredients will save you from dermatitis: plantain, murraya (3 tablespoons each), brew with 1 liter of boiling water.

Cosmetology has not bypassed the useful gifts of nature and has found application for them:

  1. A daily intake of 5 berries per day will help prevent the aging of the body. The skin will retain its elasticity and moisture.
  2. For women over 30 years of age, a decoction will help balance aging skin. For this, 2 tbsp. Brew spoons of flowers with 0.5 liters of water. Leave for 7 hours under a warm cloth. Then, strain and use instead of washing your face with water in the morning.

Contraindications for muraya

Each drug can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Therefore, before using prescriptions, you should consult a doctor for advice. Even side effects the plant does not cause.

It is important to remember about alcohol tinctures! They intensively reduce blood pressure. Therefore, when taking them, you need to control your blood pressure. The following factors that can be used are individual intolerance, pregnancy, infants.

Having studied the benefits and harms of muraya, we can draw a conclusion. That you should not abuse alcohol tinctures, fruits and ignore the advice of doctors.

Planting and propagation of muraya

Choose a place in the apartment with bright diffused light. The soil for planting should be slightly acidic and loose. It is enough to take soil for citrus crops from a flower shop and add vermiculite.

At home, you can take river sand with humus and leaf soil. Before use, heat treat the mixture or soak it in a solution of potassium permanganate. Growing Muraya can be done in two ways.

Propagation by cuttings:
1. Adult plants with a sufficient number of shoots are suitable for this method, in early spring.
2. Cut crown cuttings 15 cm long.
3. Cut large leaves in half.
4. It is good to root cuttings in a peat tablet, water, perlite.
5. Before planting, treat the cut with zirconium.
6. Place glass or plastic jars on the cuttings to create a favorable microenvironment.
7. Ventilate and spray the soil from time to time.
8. Keep the container in a sacred place.
9. The optimal temperature is 26-29 degrees C.
10. The appearance of new leaves will be a signal that the cuttings have taken root.
11. The cover can be removed and the branches distributed into separate pots.

Reproduction of Muraya from seeds:
1. The time of sowing seeds is not tied to time. Once the seeds have formed, they can be used as planting material.
2. Germination is preserved long time.
3. The fruits are peeled and soaked for some time (2 hours) in warm liquid.
4. Pour peat mixed with sand in equal parts into the container.
5. Drop the seeds and lightly sprinkle and moisten the soil. The soil should not be compacted; it should be loose on the surface.
6. Create a mini greenhouse, periodically ventilate and monitor the soil moisture in it. It should not be wet or overdried.
7. Lighting should be bright with a temperature of 29 degrees C.
8. In one month, a month and a half, shoots will appear.
9. Remove the cover.
10. The signal for picking will be two true leaves. If the seeds are planted immediately in separate pots, picking is eliminated.
11. The soil for young seedlings should be looser than for adult specimens.
12. As soon as the roots fill the entire pot, the plants will begin to grow.
13. Muraya from seeds It will bloom next year, but the buds should be cut off so that the plant becomes well established in the underground part.

Caring for Muraya

In order for the plant to give flowers and fruits, you need to take care of the muraya , in the following way:

1. Watering muraya plants carry out moderate. The exception is hot weather. In this case, irrigation increases, but this does not mean that it needs to be flooded. Waterlogged soil will not allow the flower to grow and will cause rotting of the root system.

In winter, watering is reduced. Special requirements apply to water: soft, settled water. It could be rain or melted snow. The bush responds positively to rubbing muraya leaves from dust and spraying.

2. Fertilizing alternates with complex mineral fertilizers and organic matter. No more than once a month.

3. Since the plant’s homeland is the tropics, do not forget about high humidity. You can achieve this in an apartment by spraying the bush, placing it in an aquarium or placing it on a tray of water. These measures are especially relevant when the heating is turned on.

4. Murraya loves light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. If the apartment does not have an east or west side, then it is worth covering the glass with gauze and using blinds at lunchtime. The north window provides little light. Here, on the contrary, additional consecration must be used. Otherwise, the flower may shed its leaves. The plant responds well to walks in the summer.

5. Temperature observe the following: summer - 25 degrees C, winter - 17. Muraya does not like drafts.

In good weather, muraya can be taken outside

6. Young seedlings should be replanted every year. Choose the next pot 2 cm larger than the previous one. Adult specimens require replanting once every 3 years. Drainage is of particular importance.
The flowerpot should be filled to 1/3 of it. Do not bury the root collar into the ground.

Use the transshipment method. When the entire bush with soil is carefully pulled out, the root part is inspected. If there is rotting and dead roots, remove. A layer of soil is sprinkled onto the drainage, then the parts are settled and removed. Soil is poured over the drainage, and a tree with a lump of earth is planted. New soil is sprinkled on the sides of the plant.

Place the container in a shaded place for several days so that the flower can survive the stress. Then, again place the flowerpot in a consecrated place.

When replanting, you should carefully examine the root and remove diseased and rotten parts.

7. A uniform crown can be achieved not by pinching, but by turning the flowerpot towards the light. In the spring, carry out sanitary pruning. And also shorten large shoots by 1/3. Get rid of shoots growing inside the bush.

Types and varieties of muraya

According to experts, only 10 species of muraya live in nature. Of these, two species are suitable for growing at home. First type - exotic muraya (Muraya exotica) or foreign. This species is native to Japan.

There it is called Japanese myrtle. Previously, almost 4 centuries ago, mere mortals could not grow it - it was punishable by death. The plant was intended only for a select few. Over time, plants belonging to citrus and rue trees became the property of the people.

An adult exotic muraya can be mistaken for a lemon from afar. The trunk of young shoots is green, and the leaves are similar to citrus specimens. The tree itself emits an exquisite tart aroma of rue.

Inflorescences with white caps in the form of a garland cover the crown. The fruits are red and resemble a miniature lemon. If you bite into it, your mouth feels like a juicy persimmon. Benefits of muraya exotic was noticed back in the days of the ancient Egyptian classes. Tibetan medicine also cannot do without this plant.

Exotic Muraya

Second type - Muraya paniculata(Murraya paniculata). The homeland of the evergreen shrub is China. Natural specimens grow up to 3 meters. Grown indoors muraya blooming like "Bonsai".

The shoots end in flowers collected in clusters. The leaves are leathery, oval and curl slightly outward. Long flowering of snow-white flowers ends with the appearance of healthy berries.

Pictured is Muraya paniculata

Scientists have conducted a lot of research and found that the plant affects cancer cells and prevents them from developing, thanks to the active substances contained in the plant. Buy muraya It wasn't possible before. Now all flower shops are happy to offer you a healthy flower.

Muraya Koeniga. Some gardeners think that this is a representative of the paniculate species. But the plant has nothing to do with it. In the wild, Murraya Koenig grows in India and is considered a separate species.
The tree can be called a giant among other species, as its height is 6 meters. Powerful trunk 0.4 meters. Surprisingly small flowers are collected in one brush, up to 80 pieces, like separate bouquets.

The berries turn black after flowering, but the seeds are poisonous. Although the pulp is edible. It is very difficult to grow it indoors. But there are lovers who want to “tame” the capricious variety.

Diseases and pests of muraya

Improper care for muraya has the following consequences:

  • the plant feels good in slightly acidic soil, but if there is an excess of alkali, the leaves of the plant will turn yellow in the soil;
  • the appearance of dry leaves around the edges or in the center. This is the first signal that the bush has received a sunburn;
  • inflorescences fall off. This indicates that the air is dry.

The most dangerous pests for the plant are mites, thrips, spider mites, and scale insects. To combat them, the leaves should be washed with soapy water and treated with insecticides.

Murraya is a perennial evergreen shrub of the Rutaceae family. These plants are common in Southeast Asia, India, the Pacific Islands, Sumatra and Java. The Murraya plant got its name in honor of the famous 18th century botanist D. Murray.

Murraya is a small tree, reaching a height of up to one and a half meters. The color of its bark is gray-white or with a yellowish tint. The color of its leaves is dark green. The use of its leaves in cooking is very common due to its citrus-lemon aroma. Murraya blooms with mesmerizing snow-white flowers and at the end the ovary appears in the form of small red berries, reminiscent of hawthorn fruits. Their taste is very spicy, with a pronounced sweetish aftertaste.

The remarkable thing about this plant is that in the same period flowers can bloom, young buds appear and berries ripen. When approaching this plant, you can hear its fragrance with light notes of jasmine aroma.

For gourmets of exotic plants, the Murraya flower is an undoubted find. This unpretentious tree, reaching up to 1.5 meters at home, has a lush green crown, snow-white flowers and the presence of berries, the ripening of which occurs unevenly, due to which the color scheme of this flower is constantly changing. The color of the ripe berries is blood-scarlet, which gives grace to this flower.

There are many legends about this amazing plant, which say that in ancient China, during the reign of emperors, the protection of this plant was equal to the protection of the owner himself. The main ability of this plant was that it could cure cancer, give youth and immortality. Touching the tender leaves, enjoying the wonderful smell of its flowers, tasting the infusion from its leaves, healing occurs not only of the body, but also of the soul.

Returning to our time, to breed this flower in room conditions you need to know how to properly care for it and what conditions are most favorable for its growth. Experts say that there are 8 species of Murraya in the world. Only two species of this flower can grow at home, the external differences of which are insignificant - these are exotic and paniculate murraya.

The lifespan of this flower in apartment conditions is long. The branches, stretching out, form a magnificent crown over time, but due to the fragility of the shoots, the use of additional support is inevitable. Murraya grows primarily from the root system and only after filling the entire pot with it does rapid growth begin in the upper part of the plant, increasing every day within a few centimeters.

For a long time, purchasing this exotic flower was unrealistic for floriculture lovers. But now it can be purchased at almost any flower shop. Moreover, the bush will be of Dutch selection. The unpretentiousness of growth in apartment conditions is the main advantage of homemade Murraya. Although it will take a long time to wait for this variety to bloom.

Location and lighting

Murraya prefers diffused bright light. In summer, the plant can be placed on Fresh air, and in winter the best place for its growth is a window on the western or eastern side. If there are none and all the windows are on the south side, then a prerequisite for Murraya will be the need to shade them with film or gauze, because it does not tolerate direct sunlight.


From spring to autumn, the most optimal temperature for growing Murraya is approximately 20-25 degrees. With the onset of autumn, it is advisable to slightly reduce the temperature. In winter, it is advisable to keep the plant at a temperature of 16-17 degrees.

Air humidity

Murraya needs high air humidity, so the flower needs daily spraying. Once a week, the leaves are washed under warm water, and once a week the plant can be given a warm shower. For additional moisture, the pot with the plant can be placed on a tray with wet expanded clay or pebbles.


Murraya loves watering and all kinds of procedures related to water (spraying, wiping leaves). In spring and summer, the flower needs abundant watering; in autumn and winter, watering is reduced. For irrigation, you must use settled water at room temperature.


The soil

The optimal soil composition for successful cultivation of Murraya should consist of a mixture of store-bought and ordinary soil with the addition of peat and sand. To ensure the safety of the plant from harmful microorganisms found in ordinary soil, it is necessary to disinfect it with special solutions (potassium permanganate is quite suitable for this).

Feeding and fertilizers

From March to September, Murraya needs to be fed with complex fertilizers 2 times a month; Murraya will thank you with abundant flowering and a gorgeous green crown. You can alternate organic and mineral fertilizers.


It is better to replant young plants annually in the spring. Mature plants need to be replanted every 2-3 years. The pot should be selected a little larger than the previous one.

Providing good drainage is key to excellent plant growth. It should occupy a third of the pot, preventing stagnation of water, in which the death of the flower is quite likely. When replanting Murraya, you need to make sure that the root collar of the plant is not deepened, otherwise flowering and fruiting will stop.

Murraya usually does not need pinching. In order for the crown to grow evenly, the plant must be periodically turned towards the light source. In the spring, before the start of the growing season, long shoots must be shortened by a third or even half. Shoots that grow inward and thicken the crown must be pruned.


Young seedlings begin to bloom in the second year, but it is recommended to pick the first buds to allow the plant to get stronger. Murraya blooms from early spring until late autumn with small, white flowers. After flowering, small round dark red fruits develop. The berries grow and ripen in about 4 months. On a Murraya bush, buds can be formed, flowers open, ovaries appear and fruits ripen at the same time.

Murraya can be propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Propagation by cuttings

It is best to propagate Murraya from cuttings in early spring. The apical shoots are cut into cuttings. Long leaves should be shortened to half the length of the leaf to reduce evaporation. Root the cuttings in a mixture of peat and sand mixed in equal quantities. Peat can be replaced with leaf or humus soil. In addition, cuttings can be rooted in peat tablets, perlite or water.

The container with the cuttings is covered with a transparent plastic bag, glass jar, or cropped plastic bottle and put it in a bright place. Periodically, the greenhouse is opened for ventilation. The soil temperature must be maintained within 26-30 degrees. The soil is kept moist.

After the cuttings take root, they are planted in separate small pots.

Propagation by seeds

Murraya seeds are usually sown immediately after collection or at any time of the year (germination persists for quite a long time). Before sowing, the seeds should be soaked for 1-2 hours in warm water. There is no need to use growth stimulants. Seeds are germinated in a mixture of peat and sand mixed in equal quantities or in a peat tablet.

The seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil and covered with a 0.5-1 cm layer of substrate. The container with seeds is covered with transparent glass or a plastic bag. The greenhouse must be ventilated periodically. The soil temperature is maintained within 26-30 degrees. The seed bowl is provided with good lighting, but without direct sunlight. The substrate is kept moist. It is better to moisten the soil with a sprayer, while trying not to erode the top layer of soil.

Seeds germinate in 30-40 days. When the seedlings grow 2-3 full leaves, they are transplanted using the picking method into separate small pots. Seeds can be sown immediately in separate pots, then they will not need to be picked.

Over time, when the root system completely fills the pot, the muraya seedlings are transplanted into larger pots. Seedlings grow slowly for the first two years, so replanting may not be necessary soon.

Diseases and pests

Diseases and pests appear due to improper watering, lack of lighting and humidity. The greatest danger to the plant are scale insects and spider mites.

Difficulties in growing

  • If there is a lack of microelements in the substrate or high alkalinity of the soil, the leaves become yellow.
  • If the light is too bright or due to sunburn the leaves around the edges and in the center dry out.
  • If the air is too dry, the tips of the leaves dry out and the flower stalks fall off.

To summarize the above, Murraya is an absolutely unpretentious plant that can be grown at home even from a small seed or cutting, and with good care and care, will give an unforgettable experience and good mood. The flower also has medicinal properties– Murraya is used to treat many diseases.

Murraya - rules for caring for an exotic flower (video)