
Can a 6 year old child? Harmonious development of children aged six years. Development of mental processes

The stage of preschool childhood has come to an end, leaving behind several difficult periods of personality development. However, you are standing on the path of a difficult and at the same time interesting time. The six-year-old is on the verge of major changes. He already has a personal opinion, can defend his point of view, has learned some social norms, controls his behavior, and helps his friends. In our article we will talk about what psychological changes await your child and how to help him follow a new path.

Psychology at 6-7 years old - another transitional period

How are your relationships with peers?

The age of 6-7 years is characterized by a significant turn in friendships. If previously children did not require the company of peers, then at this stage the process of socialization is in full swing. The guys can already talk about where they have been, what they have seen, make plans for the near future and share them with pleasure. They develop full-fledged communication that is not at all related to toys.

At 6-7 the first real friends appear

This age allows children to gather in groups of 2-3 people, thereby showing their preference. Moreover, this is typical for both girls and boys. In their team, there are often arguments, during which the terrible “I will never be friends with you again” may sound. Adults understand perfectly well that childhood grievances are easily forgotten, but for children 6-7 years old this is a real psychological drama.

The main task of parents is to support the child, the ability to find important words, help you get through your first experiences. Under no circumstances should one ridicule a child’s experiences or express negativity towards his friends.

The child’s trust is the most important thing at this age.

Important! Find time to just sit with your child, listen to him silently, hug him, sometimes this is enough.

How are your relationships with the opposite sex?

This age sometimes brings surprises to first love, which can be found anywhere. An attentive parent can notice the changes happening to the child: the sparkle of the eyes, a smile full of mystery, and a look of riddles. What to do in such a difficult situation?

At 6-7 years old, many children experience their first love

Child psychologists give quite effective recommendations:

  • Be tactful, any careless statement like: “this boy is not a match for you”, “you still know how many of these Len you will have”, “don’t make me laugh, what kind of love at your age” can have an impact Negative influence for the child's adult life. The main task of parents is to ensure that the child is not afraid to share his experiences, so that he feels supported.
  • Be alert, talk to your baby, explain what is good and what is bad.
  • The task of fathers is to teach their boy to act correctly from an early age, first of all by example. Otherwise, the boy does not understand how to behave, he is afraid of the ridicule of his friends, and as a result he pulls his “object of love” by the pigtails and says offensive words. It is necessary to intervene and explain to him that such behavior is slightly different from male behavior. The same applies to girls, they should understand that they need to accept advances with dignity, and not hit a boy over the head with a book.
  • You need to use your sense of humor and tune in to the same wavelength as your child. You can tell a funny story on a similar topic from your childhood, about one funny boy, thereby adding confidence to him.

First love can manifest itself in endless conflicts

You need to be able to keep a secret, and not share incredible news with the whole family, since you have been entrusted with the most secret things. Children's innermost feelings should be preserved and, if necessary, consoled and supported.

What difficulties might you encounter?

Child psychology claims that the age of 6-7 years goes through the stage of the next crisis. In some children, the fracture begins at 6 years old, and in others it shifts by 8 years. The child’s assessment of his place in society changes; he stands on the threshold of school, new relationships, social life, an unfamiliar position - a schoolchild, which is highly valued by adults. He doesn’t always want to change something in his

Disobedience at 6-7 years old is a manifestation of a crisis

her life, but his new role pushes him towards these changes.

During the turning point of 6-7 years, psychology focuses on experiencing inner life, which consists of the child’s level of aspirations, self-esteem, and expectations.

Crisis at 6-7 years - manifestations

These emotions influence his behavior in a given situation. This is where the antics appear, which child psychology calls spontaneity. With the help of mannerisms, children show that they are on the verge of a turning point; their inner world begins to differ from the outer world, although they are also open to the world. When a child comes out of a crisis, he copes with what his age requires of him, then negative emotional reactions, antics and mannerisms disappear.

How to help a child?

Age 6-7 years is associated with rapid growth a child, he grows literally by the hour, it is difficult for him to sit in one position, and at school he must remain motionless for a considerable time. Therefore, it is important to maintain a motor regime; psychology claims that this is the main need of his age, this is especially true for a boy. If you have an active boy, then after school you need to take him to the sports section, the swimming pool; choreography is good for girls.

School readiness - requirements

At this age, the child still wants to be good, he is already well aware of when he has done wrong, is embarrassed about this, gets upset if something didn’t turn out so well, and experiences sincere joy when he is given a useful assignment.

In order not to drown out such noble impulses in the future, it is necessary to talk with the baby more often, analyze actions, concepts of morality, for example, “a kind boy is one who protects girls and helps old people.”

Age 6-7 years is characterized increased self-esteem child, which gradually becomes adequate.

Quote from Sukhomlinsky about the beginning of the school period

Therefore, upbringing involves assessing the result of his actions, but it should be remembered that one cannot evaluate a person’s personality, so as not to lower the child’s self-esteem. It is necessary to criticize the actions of the baby, and not him himself; it is not he who is bad, but his behavior leaves much to be desired. This period is characterized by an increase in memory capacity and stability of attention, so education includes joint reading of encyclopedias, watching educational programs, and it is important to do this together.

How to teach responsibility?

The time of carefree childhood is ending, so the moment of development of such concepts as responsibility and duty will be important for the child. Nurturing these qualities falls on the shoulders of parents.

Responsibility at 6-7 years old depends on the attitude of adults

This age means:

  • Performing simple duties, for example, watering flowers, helping to put away dishes, tidying up the room, and the boy must also complete tasks around the house.
  • Praise for the work done, but it must be done deservedly. It is better to pay attention to what the baby did, and not to what he did not succeed. It is necessary to patiently teach him to redo poor-quality work.
  • Give children a choice, for example: “You quickly clean the room and let’s go for a walk, or I clean up alone and then we won’t have time for a walk.”

The age of 6-7 years is a new stage in a child’s life, and the task of parents is to help him go along this path.

At the age of six, not all children (but still the majority) go to school. Now the child’s life is changing dramatically, because instead of playing around the clock, he will have to pay more and more attention to his studies. We will have to adapt to such psychological pressure.

Do not leave your child alone with his fears. These are the emotions that school evokes in many children. Try to explain to your son or daughter that he (she) can do everything, and if not, then the teachers’ task is to teach. Tell me that school is not so scary, tell me about the first time you opened the door educational institution and what they felt.

Nuances of child physiology at 6 years old

If you have a son, then before you know it, your child’s favorite jeans and sneakers will become too small. The growth of boys at this age is very active. Girls are now developing more slowly (don’t worry, at the age of 9-11 they will catch up).

If before this your son ate little, then from the age of six he will begin to eat more. Children of this age have a good appetite throughout the day.

Children should be physically active every day. The accumulated energy needs an outlet. Spend more time with your child outside, encourage active play.

Psychology of a six-year-old

Let's guess what question worries you most now: “Should I send my child to school now or wait another year?” There is no single correct answer to this question. You need to look at emotional condition child. It’s not so scary if he doesn’t yet know how to write or read well. It is more important whether the child is ready to join a team. Children at 6 years old and at 7 years old are very different psychologically.

Many children at six years old still find it difficult to sit in one place, paying attention to one activity. As a result, the child will not only not want to learn, but will also become a distraction to others.

If you are not too strict on the “school” issue, then let your child enjoy his childhood for another year. School for a child will become a new stage in his life, with stress, both physical and emotional. New children, a teacher with his own assignments, getting up in the morning is a lot of stress, and a seven-year-old child copes with it more easily.

If you still can’t decide when to send your child to school, visit child psychologist. Just a few tests and a specialist will tell you about your baby’s readiness for change.

Skills at six years old

What a child can do now depends on the participation of parents in his life. Children of this age are able not only to write and read, but also to know a foreign language (even if not in high level, but quite decent for that age). Children's memory is very tenacious now, be sure to take advantage of it.

Before you pack your backpack for school, take a closer look to see if your child is really ready for it. Each specific case is individual, do not forget about this. If your neighbor gives away her son at the age of six, this does not mean that you need to repeat after her. Some people are already surprisingly mature at 6 years old, but some are not. If you see that your child belongs to the second group, then enroll him in the group for preschoolers.

The behavior of a 6 year old child is fundamentally different from the behavior of children younger age. The child already perfectly understands and has well mastered social norms and rules of behavior in society, he becomes less impulsive, learns to restrain aggression and defend his point of view in front of adults and peers.

When raising a 6-7 year old child, parents must take into account that at this age relationships with peers are especially important for the child, so it is necessary to do everything possible to ensure that he has his own social circle with constant friends. Along with friends, a 6-year-old child shows genuine interest in representatives of the opposite sex; the child can carefully hide this, or, conversely, very actively show his sympathies. Parents should support the child during this period and explain to him in an accessible form what the concept of relationships between men and women is, why they are important, and how to build them correctly.

The essence of raising children 6 years old also lies in the fact that, without using the old, but far from effective method“carrot and stick” for children, parents were able to find the right approach to the baby, they became people for him whom he can trust.

It is very important that the preschooler does not get bored with his parents; at this age you can share your experiences with him, visit various exhibitions, museums and theaters together, since at the age of 6 the child is already able to perceive complex information.

Raising a 6 year old child: psychology

From a psychological point of view, the age of 6-7 years is considered a period when the child gradually begins to move away from his parents and wants to spend more and more time with peers. Parents should not show jealousy, forbid the child to communicate with friends, or complain about his reluctance to spend time with them, since all these manipulations of the child’s consciousness will only cause a feeling of guilt in the child, which in the future can give rise to many complexes.

At the age of 6-7 years psychological development the child undergoes progressive changes, his physical capabilities increasingly develop and expand mental capacity. Intellectual learning becomes the leading activity in raising a 6-year-old child. The psychology of a preschooler also undergoes some pressure from parents, who begin to actively prepare him for the upcoming first trip to school. The demands on the baby increase sharply, he can no longer do what he wants all day, parents actively develop attention and perseverance in their children. However, we should not forget that games are still very important for a child, so he needs to be provided with time for entertainment 1-2 hours a day, and given the opportunity to choose his own leisure activities.

It is best to use various educational games to raise a 6-year-old child, which will allow him to playfully acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for school, and in addition, the game will continue to develop arbitrariness and controllability of his behavior.

Learning is directly influenced by the child’s readiness for school, which does not mean knowledge of the alphabet and numbers, but motivational readiness, in other words, the child’s desire to learn and gain new knowledge (cognitive motivation). Every child is naturally endowed with enormous potential - the ability to learn and acquire new knowledge; it is very important to do everything possible not to lose it. Many parents who have been raising a child for 6 years begin to intensively prepare for school with their child in the last year before school. It is very important that preparation for school does not turn into a tedious duty imposed by parents: such an approach will cut off the entire intellectual potential of the child, he will not want to go to school, and subsequently he will be too lazy to study. By introducing elements of creativity into boring activities and conducting them in the form of a game, parents will achieve brilliant results, and preparing for school will turn into a wonderful time together.

If it was decided to send the child to specialized courses to prepare for school, then parents should choose a teacher who is bright and interesting for the child, with whom he will not be bored. It is better not to prepare for school at all than to instill in your child an aversion to learning with boring assignments and boring teachers.

Also, when raising a 6-year-old child, parents can tell their children about their positive school experiences so that they can form a positive opinion about the school in advance.

When raising a child for 6 years, it is very important for parents to listen to his reasoning and inventions, discuss with him topics or events that concern him, and listen to his opinion. How bigger baby will trust his parents, the easier it will be for him to communicate with other people.

Together with your child, you can create various crafts, learn to use tools and tools, draw, sculpt or cook food - any of these processes can be turned into an exciting game if desired.

When raising a child for 6 years, parents, first of all, want to invest in the character of their child such positive traits, such as conscientiousness, responsibility and a sense of duty, which can be developed by following simple rules, namely:

No less important is the reaction of parents who have been raising a child for 6 years to the mistakes and misdeeds of their child. Bad behavior the child should be punished with a one-time reprimand, in which it will be clearly explained to him what his mistake is, after which there should be no return to this topic. A further reminder of the offense will make the child feel guilty, and mothers who like to “take offense” at their own children for greater persuasiveness should know that such behavior is wrong: not every child will be able to draw the right conclusions from the current situation.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

By the age of 6-7, a child should have a certain amount of knowledge and ideas about the world around him. It is good if the child has basic knowledge about plants and animals, the properties of objects and phenomena, knowledge of geography and astronomy, and an idea of ​​time.

At six and a half years old, a child, as a rule, is actively preparing for school.

What a child entering school should know:

  • Your first name, patronymic and last name.
  • Your age and date of birth.
  • Your country, city and home address.
  • Last name, patronymic of parents, their profession.
  • Seasons, months, days of the week.
  • Domestic and wild animals and their young.
  • Thematic dictionary: transport, clothing, shoes, birds, vegetables, fruits, berries.
  • Know and be able to tell folk tales, works of children's writers.
  • Distinguish and name correctly geometric figures, navigate in space, on a sheet of paper (right, left, top, bottom).
  • Be able to fully and consistently retell a story you have heard or read, and compose a story based on a picture.
  • Remember and name 6–8 objects, pictures, words.
  • Divide words into syllables based on the number of vowels.
  • Determine the number, sequence and place of sounds in a word.
  • It is good to use scissors and a pencil: draw lines without a ruler, draw geometric shapes, carefully paint and shade.
  • Count from 1 to 15. Count down from 5 to 1, perform counting operations within 10.

You can formulate an overall picture for yourself by taking into account the above and answering the following questions:

  • Is the child capable of the simplest classification?
  • Can he combine several items into one group based on the main characteristic? For example, a car, bus, train is transport; apples, pears, plums - fruits, etc.
  • Can you identify an extra object: a plate, a pan, a brush, a spoon?
  • Can he tell a story from a picture, highlight the main idea, trace connections?
  • Can you describe any incident that happened to him?
  • Is it easy for him to answer questions from adults?
  • Does the child know how to work independently and compete with others in completing tasks?
  • Does he join other children in play?
  • Does it take turns when the situation requires it?
  • Does your child have a desire to look at books on their own?
  • Does he listen carefully when someone reads to him?

The role of parents in the child’s life is growing, and the methods of upbringing they have chosen begin to bear tangible fruit.

General development

Experts call the development of a child at 6 years old a turning point in personality formation. The psyche and physiology are actively being restructured, the attitude towards the world is changing, and moral guidelines are appearing. These transformations also reach the structures of his brain. In this connection, a 6-year-old child has increased brain activity, equal in complexity to the level of an adult.

At the same age, associative thinking, which is important for full development, blossoms. Its value lies in its close interaction with visual perception systems, which become indispensable during school years.

Moves with leaps and bounds physical development child at 6 years old. In fairness, it is worth noting that in comparison with previous generations of six-year-olds, today's children grow and develop quite harmoniously. This occurs due to a slower increase in the limbs and intensive growth of the chest. Such synchronization of physiological changes improves them motor activity and physical indicators.

Raising a 6-year-old child is traditionally associated with his preparation for school. Parents solve this issue in different ways, focusing on individual abilities and knowledge of your baby, or your own goals and ambitions. Someone has enough preparatory work V preschool institution, some send their children to extra classes or hire specialists for home schooling. In any case, the main attention should be paid to the emotional state.

The child is 6 years old, and within him there is an intensive “construction” of his future personality, character and value guidelines. Any excessive pressure can break these fragile unformed systems and lead to irreversible consequences. At this stage, moms and dads are tormented by another important question: is a 6-year-old child ready for school or should he wait another year? As in previous situations, the choice here remains with the parents. If a child shows sincere interest in the educational process, is sociable, and loves spending time in the company of peers, then there is no point in postponing this important event. And, conversely, in the case of insufficient activity, isolation, and inability to stay outside the home, an excessively early introduction to school can cause severe stress and even slow down the normal development of a child at 6 years old for some time.

In connection with the increasingly complex life organization and new rules, the emotional education of a 6-year-old child is of particular importance. External growth is accompanied by active internal growth. The range of feelings that he is able to experience becomes richer and more intense. Uncertainty, doubt and fear appear. The role of parents is very important here, their functionality, how they themselves understand raising a 6-year-old child and what they invest in this process. At this stage, there is a great temptation to distance yourself from the baby, providing unlimited freedom of action and losing attention to his emotional state. It should be remembered: no matter how independent a child may seem, he continues to need parental care, affection and understanding. Only now are these relationships moving to a new qualitative level, where yesterday’s foolish person acts as a conscious person, desperately looking for answers to the main questions of his life.

Speech of a child at 6 years old

A child of 6 years old communicates at the level of an adult. His lexicon entirely determined by the environment in which he grew up. If the child’s household used a large set of diverse words, constructing literate phrases and sentences from them, then the vocabulary will be correct and rich in content. Fans of profanity, who are responsible for raising a 6-year-old child, have something to think about.

At this age, the child’s pronunciation becomes especially important. Many adults naively believe that the school will correct all the shortcomings and mistakes in the vocabulary of their first grader. But often the relationship here is the opposite. A 6-year-old child who cannot pronounce letters risks falling behind his classmates. After all, written literacy and reading fluency primarily depend on correct pronunciation. Therefore, parents should take care of their child’s competent and clear speech in advance by turning to a specialist for help.

The next important question affecting the upbringing of a 6-year-old child is whether he needs to be taught to read before going to school. Today's education system insists that yes, when a child enters first grade, he must be able to read. But the final decision is again made by the parents. If the child is not ready yet, then you should either rely on the educational process organized at school, or postpone his acquaintance with it for a year. You should not force, threaten or put pressure. This will only give rise to a persistent aversion to reading and school in general.

Baby care

Proper upbringing of a child at the age of 6 makes him an independent person. He easily dresses and undresses, carries out hygiene procedures, puts away his things and even provides all possible help with housework. Caring for the baby comes down to guiding and teaching functions. And the sooner this happens, the faster the child will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills.

Child nutrition

Often at this age, children develop an appetite that has never been seen before. This is especially true for boys, since girls’ bodies begin intensive growth a little later. This is a normal physiological process that should be slightly limited only in extreme cases. A 6-year-old child needs foods rich in calcium, protein and fiber, which are necessary for a growing child’s body. Therefore, his diet should include dairy products, eggs, meat, fish, and lots of vegetables and fruits.

Sleep at 6 years old

The development of a child at 6 years old involves the abandonment of daytime sleep. But if the baby still needs it, then there is no point in changing his daily routine. Over time, the body itself will adapt to a new regime, consisting only of night rest.


A child is 6 years old - it’s time to include explanatory conversations about the rules in the education process safe behavior in difficult circumstances. Don’t be afraid that your baby won’t understand or remember something. It's ready to be absorbed new information, more than ever. Issues requiring priority attention:

  • why you can’t talk to strangers;
  • how to behave when lost or near dangerous objects;
  • rules of behavior in emergency situations.

What can you teach a six-year-old child?

The development of a child at the age of 6 is associated with his increased interest in creative activities. There are a lot of options for such hobbies. The choice depends on the individual preferences of the baby. The task of parents is to discern his individual abilities and interests in the process of upbringing, and then make maximum efforts to develop them. Art and music clubs, sports clubs, and choreographic classes will come to the rescue. If it is not possible to resort to the help of a professional, then you can organize a hobby group at home. For example, a 6-year-old child is constantly making something - making crafts and souvenirs in the company of mom or dad will help develop this nascent talent.

Educational games

As in previous years, the child’s play activity. If adults take a close look at it and delve into the details, they will be able to find many successful moments for cultivating the necessary qualities. The main type of entertainment that occupies the baby now is role-playing games. With their help, he can stage any life situation: go on a journey to the ends of the world, be a brave ship captain, or be transported to a desert island in an instant. This magical power games can be used to prepare a child for upcoming events that cause him fear and anxiety.

Go to school. For the scene you will need a piece of paper replacing a blackboard, a briefcase, pencils, markers, and notebooks. The adult invites the child to imagine himself as a student attending his first lesson, and play a joke on him. Then the participants change roles. In the process of such entertainment, the child becomes familiar with the rules of behavior at school and the very scheme of classes, which reduces his anxiety and helps instill discipline and responsibility.

Let's go to the doctor. For this game, you can use a ready-made young doctor’s kit or make special clothing, a thermometer and a stethoscope from scrap materials. The role of the doctor can be immediately entrusted to the child, and the mother or father will act as the patient. Such a re-enactment will help the child get used to a difficult event for him - a visit to the clinic. Next time he will bravely and calmly endure another visit to the doctor.

Let's get acquainted! When we talk about school, we always mean the educational process itself. But for the baby, this is, first of all, adaptation to the new team. Therefore, at this stage, the formation of communicative qualities in the child becomes an important goal of education. This will help by playing mini skits about building contact with stranger, which can be played by one of the household members or an ordinary toy.