
Logical tasks for children 5 years old to print. Logical and entertaining problems (300 problems)

Assignment: “There is a mistake in one of these pictures. Which one? Explain why"

Assignment: “On which plate does the pear lie in front of the apple?”

Assignment: “Where is whose shadow?”

Assignment: “What will happen if you cut out a figure drawn on a folded sheet?”

Assignment: “What should be drawn in the empty cell?”

Assignment: “One of these towers must fall. Which?"

Assignment: “In which picture does the pose of the bear and the bunny coincide with the top picture?”

Assignment: “How many black cells does this plump dinosaur cover? Count only whole cells."

Assignment: “Choose the missing small cube so that each face of the large cube is the same color.”

Assignment: “The trainer’s whip is tangled. How many nodes does it have?”

Assignment: “What color is the lowest stick?”

Assignment: “One mouse is about to fall. Which?"

Assignment: “What is close to the girl, what is far?”

Assignment: “In which pictures will the ropes tie in a knot if you pull their ends?”

Assignment: “How many animals does the girl see, how many does the boy see, and how many does the father see?”

Assignment: “Divide each chocolate bar into 4 equal parts”

Assignment: “Switch the places of two dancers so that the boys and girls stand next to one.”

Assignment: “The travelers decided to take a picture of the house. Who got what photo?”

Assignment: “What parts is this boat built from?”

Assignment: “The robot decided to clean up. What did he do wrong? Find eight "irregularities"

Thinking in children's lives

When a child approaches the age of 5-6 years, parents should pay attention to the level of his thinking. Because the ability to analyze and systematize the information received will improve school performance. Games with geometric shapes help systematize knowledge about the concepts: shape, color and size.

Is it possible to carry a bulky wardrobe along a narrow corridor? What to sew, what to wear to prom? How to stand in such a way that each person is clearly visible in the resulting photograph? All these tasks are set for imaginative thinking. The images themselves come in several categories depending on which sense organs are perceived.

Concepts are also included in the category of thinking and together represent irreplaceable elements. With the help of images, you can very quickly make a decision about the production and arrangement of this object. Of course, it is necessary to have the internal ability to manipulate images (mentally rotate objects), transform them and combine them. This kind of thinking is vital, but it doesn’t happen right away.

Small children should not cross the street alone, as they are not yet able to correctly assess the correct distance between them and the car. Such an ability will be formed only by the age of 15. The received information about images is perceived instantly, in a few milliseconds.

Retelling what you saw or read will take much longer than the fleeting run of a cat, and, moreover, it will not always be complete, because for many phenomena there are simply no suitable names or words. Those properties of an object that are reflected in images can be placed within a narrow conceptual framework. They cannot be divided into essential and non-essential. This ability of images is very valuable when solving problems.

With the help of figurative thinking, you can see various properties of an object (including those that are usually considered unimportant in concepts) and, already using these properties, identify connections between objects.

At the end of the 20th century, photography, film, and television significantly simplified the creation and transformation of images compared to traditional drawing techniques. Now it has become much easier to clearly show the subject under discussion, show the dynamics of change, and identify various possible outcomes of an event. This greatly helps to carry out quality work, making a person’s life easier.

To solve assigned problems, a person uses certain algorithms and action patterns. These algorithms are composed of both images and concepts. Operating with formal knowledge, a person projects new ones in his mind, unique images, which will help him cope with tasks faster in the future. Therefore, for high-quality activity it is necessary both to think in images and to operate with concepts that have long been known to everyone.

Video about how to develop children's thinking using cardboard and scissors

Games aimed at developing logic in senior preschoolers

Game "Find options."

Target: develop logical thinking, intelligence.

: cards with 6 circles.

Description: Give the child a card with a picture of 6 circles, ask them to paint them in such a way that there are equal numbers of filled and unshaded figures. Then view and calculate all painting options. You can also hold a competition: who will find greatest number decisions.

Game "Wizards".

Target: develop thinking, imagination. Game material and visual aids: sheets depicting geometric shapes.

Description: Children are given sheets of geometric shapes. Based on them, it is necessary to create a more complex drawing. For example: rectangle - window, aquarium, house; circle - ball, snowman, wheel, apple. The game can be played in the form of a competition: who can come up with and draw the most pictures using one geometric figure. The winner is awarded a symbolic prize.

Game "Collect a flower".

Target: develop thinking, the ability to analyze and synthesize.

cards with images of objects related to one concept (clothing, animals, insects, etc.).

Description: each child is given a round card - the middle of the future flower (one - a dress, the second - an elephant, the third - a bee, etc.). Then the game is played in the same way as in lotto: the presenter distributes cards with images of various objects. Each participant must assemble a flower from cards, the petals of which depict objects related to the same concept (clothing, insect, etc.).

Game "Logical endings".

Target: develop logical thinking, imagination, ability to analyze.

Description: Children are asked to complete the sentences:

Lemon is sour, and sugar... (sweet).

You walk with your feet, but throw... (with your hands).

If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair... (below the table).

If two are more than one, then one... (less than two).

If Sasha left the house before Seryozha, then Seryozha... (left later than Sasha).

If a river is deeper than a stream, then a stream... (smaller than a river).

If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother... (younger than the sister).

If the right hand is on the right, then the left... (on the left).

Boys grow up and become men, and girls... (women).

Game "Ornament".

Target: develop logical thinking and analytical ability.

Game material and visual aids: 4-5 groups of geometric shapes (triangles, squares, rectangles, etc.), cut out of colored cardboard (figures from one group are divided into subgroups differing in color and size).

Description: Invite your child to consider how you can create patterns from geometric shapes on a playing field (sheet of cardboard). Then lay out the ornament (according to a model, according to your own plan, under dictation), using such concepts as “right”, “left”, “above”, “below”.

Game "Helpful - Harmful."

Target: develop thinking, imagination, ability to analyze.

Description: consider any object or phenomenon, noting its positive and negative aspects, for example: if it rains, it is good, because the plants drink water and grow better, but if it rains for too long, it is bad, because the roots of the plants may rot from excess moisture.

Game “What did I wish for?”

Target: develop thinking.

Game material and visual aids: 10 circles of different colors and sizes.

Description: lay out 10 circles of different colors and sizes in front of the child, invite the child to show the circle that the teacher made. Explain the rules of the game: when guessing, you can ask questions, only with the words more or less. For example:

Is this circle bigger than red? (Yes.)

Is it more blue? (Yes.)

More yellow? (No.)

Is this a green circle? (Yes.)

Game "Plant Flowers".

Target: develop thinking.

Game material and visual aids: 40 cards with images of flowers with different shapes petals, size, core color.

Description: Invite the child to “plant flowers in the flowerbeds”: in a round flowerbed all flowers with round petals, in a square flowerbed - flowers with a yellow core, in a rectangular flowerbed - all large flowers.

Questions: what flowers were left without a flowerbed? Which ones can grow in two or three flower beds?

Game "Group by characteristics."

Target: consolidate the ability to use generalizing concepts, expressing them in words.

Game material and visual aids: cards with images of objects (orange, carrot, tomato, apple, chicken, sun).

Description: lay out cards in front of the child with images of different objects that can be combined into several groups according to some characteristic. For example: orange, carrot, tomato, apple - food; orange, apple - fruits; carrots, tomatoes - vegetables; orange, tomato, apple, ball, sun - round; orange, carrots - orange; sun, chicken - yellow.

Game "Remember faster."


Description: invite the child to quickly remember and name three objects round shape, three wooden objects, four pets, etc.

Game "Everything that flies."

Target: develop logical thinking.

Game material and visual aids: several pictures with various objects.

Description: Invite the child to select the proposed pictures based on the named characteristic. For example: everything is round or everything is warm, or everything is animate that can fly, etc.

Game "What is it made of"

Goals: develop logical thinking; consolidate the ability to determine what material an object is made of.

Description: the teacher names some material, and the child must list everything that can be made from it. For example: tree. (You can use it to make paper, boards, furniture, toys, dishes, pencils.)

Game "What Happens..."

Target: develop logical thinking.

Description: invite the child to take turns asking each other questions in the following order:

What's big? (House, car, joy, fear, etc.)

What is narrow? (Path, mite, face, street, etc.)

What is low (high)?

What is red (white, yellow)?

What is long (short)?

Training logical thinking (for children 5-7 years old)

Find a pattern and match the word.

Bird - feathers. Fish - ... (scales)
Cucumber is a vegetable. Chamomile -...
Teacher - school. Doctor -...
Table - tablecloth. Floor -...
Morning - breakfast. Evening -...
Man - hands. Cat -...
Fish-water. Bird -...
Red - stand. Green - ...
Autumn - rain. Winter -...

Who is this? What is this? Guess who or what is being talked about.

Green, long, juicy. (cucumber)
Brown, clubfooted, clumsy. (bear)
Cold, white, fluffy. (snow)
New, interesting, library. (book)
Small, gray, shy. (mouse)
White-trunked, tall, slender. (birch)

Choose words that have opposite meanings.

Black White.
Big -...
Funny -...
Wide -...
High -...
Kind -...
Cold -...
Good -...
Thick -...
Solid -...
Smart -...
Fast -...
Healthy -...
Bitter -...

Choose words that have opposite meanings:

Day Night.
Winter - ...
North -...
Cold - ...
A lot of - ...
Start - ...
First - ...
Welcome -...
Joy - ...
Far - ...

Answer the questions. Name different professions.

Who cooks dinner?
Who builds houses?
Who writes poetry?
Who sings the songs?
Who treats children?
Who sews the clothes?
Who paints the pictures?
Who paints the walls?
Who flies into space?
Who drives the car?

Think and solve logical problems.

1) Which is heavier: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron?
2) Which lasts longer: a year or 12 months?
3) Marina and Tanya were drinking different juices-grape and apple. Marina did not drink apple juice. What juice did Tanya drink?
4) Kostya and Artem were wearing jackets of different colors: blue and green. Kostya was not wearing a blue jacket. What color jacket was Artem wearing?

Think and solve logical problems. Explain your answers.

1) Who will swim to the shore faster - ducklings or chickens?
2) Who will reach the flower faster - a butterfly or a caterpillar?
3) Mom has a cat Fluff, a daughter Dasha and a dog Sharik. How many children does mom have?
4) Four eggs are boiled for four minutes. How many minutes does it take to cook one egg?
5) Who will moo louder, a rooster or a cow?
6) How many mushrooms can be grown from spruce seeds?
7) Three sparrows sat on the water, one flew away. How much is left?
8) What is the best and fastest way to pick a watermelon from a tree?

Listen to the stories and answer the questions.

1) Vova woke up in the morning, ran to the window and exclaimed in surprise: “Mom, it was raining outside at night!” How did Vova guess that it was raining, since he was fast asleep at that time?
2) Looking out the window, Vera said to her mother: “Mom, you need to dress warmly, there is such a strong wind outside!” How did Vera guess that there was a strong wind outside?
3) An ant descends from the mountain, and a donkey meets it. The donkey asks the ant: “Please tell me, ant, what kind of grass is on the mountain?” “So tall and thick,” answered the ant. The donkey was happy and climbed the mountain, but no matter how hard he tried to pinch the grass with his lips, he just couldn’t. “The ant deceived me,” thought the donkey. What do you think, did the ant deceive the donkey?
4) The cat Vaska and his owner are sitting in a boat. The owner casts a fishing rod and says:
-Catch, big, big fish!
And Vaska quietly mutters:
- Little catch, little one!
Why does he say that?

Think and solve problems.

1) Nastya had 4 ribbons. She cut one of them into two equal parts. How many ribbons does Nastya have?
2) Geese were walking around the yard. Sasha counted 6 paws on all the geese. How many geese were walking in the yard?
3) Several birds were sitting on a branch. They only have 8 wings. How many birds were sitting on the branch?
4) Two friends played chess for 3 hours. How long did each of them play?

Read funny poems.

All guys need to know:
Two plus two, of course... (five?)

Everyone in the whole world knows:
Fingers on the hand... (four?)

All the guys know for sure:
Cats are very loud...(bark?)

Our kitten gallops deftly,
He really loves...(carrots?)

Our Seryozha is very smart,
He always laughs...(sad?)

They took the cat's fish,
Should he say... (thank you?)

(5-7 years) is the period of formation in a child of knowledge and skills that he will later need at school and in life. At this time, children go through a period of “why”, and the children begin to be interested in more global issues. A preschooler should already be able to read, count to 10, and know the names of the basic geometric shapes on the plane and in volume. The formation of the concepts of “good and bad” is very important during this period. At 5 years old, a child can already concentrate well on a specific task and complete it without distraction. That is why at this age it is necessary to develop the child in all directions. Assignments for a 5-year-old child will help him prepare as much as possible for school.

Speech development in a preschooler

As a rule, at this age children already speak well. They know many words, can construct complex sentences, and also describe events and objects using synonyms and antonyms. Children aged 4-5 years listen very carefully to how adults speak and copy their communication style. It is very important that a five-year-old child learns to pronounce every sound and word correctly. In order for a child’s speech to be clear and sonorous, it is necessary to perform speech development exercises with him.

Speech therapy classes

Speech therapy tasks for children 5 years old are divided into several categories: finger gymnastics and tongue twisters. Tasks using fingers are very conducive to speech development, articulatory gymnastics allows you to correctly open your mouth and position your tongue while pronouncing sounds; tongue twisters, in turn, reinforce the acquired knowledge. Let's look at each of the categories separately.

Finger gymnastics

An example of a development task for a 5-year-old child fine motor skills: "Flower"

Fold your hands so that they form a flower bud. When reading a poem, open the flower at the words “blooms,” and close the flower at the word “lays down.”

Articulation gymnastics

Articulatory (facial) gymnastics are exercises to develop the muscles of the tongue and lips. If these parts of the child’s body are not sufficiently developed, then he will not be able to pronounce sounds correctly and clearly. It is recommended to complete tasks for a 5-year-old child to develop articulation near a mirror.

  1. Ask your baby Let him imagine that the tongue is a swing, and swing it on the count of one - towards the upper teeth, on the count of two - towards the lower teeth.
  2. Exercises with lips: on the count of one, stretch your lips into a tube, on the count of two, smile widely. You can also try scratching your upper and lower lip with your teeth.

Tongue Twisters

Exists great amount tongue twisters for every sound. All of them help develop the child’s speech: make it clearer and more expressive.

Developmental tasks for children 5 years old in the form of tongue twisters:

Such tongue twisters teach you to pronounce the sounds [t][d][h]. Children really enjoy reading and learning such funny rhymes.

Developing memory

A child’s memory must begin to be developed in preschool age. At the age of 5, children perceive and remember very well new information, and for such results to be maintained in the future, some effort must be made. So what developmental tasks for 5-year-old children help train their memory?

  1. Memorizing objects. Place 4 different objects in front of your baby (for example: a car, a pen, a phone and keys). Ask your child to take a good look at them and turn away. Remove objects from view. Now, when the child turns around, ask him to name what he saw before. If it is not difficult for him, complicate the exercise - ask the color of the objects, shape, purpose.
  2. Memorizing words (objects and actions). Say 4 different words in a row (objects - table, cup, house, flower, or 4 different actions - sit, read, play, laugh) and ask the child to repeat them. If such tasks for a 5-year-old child turn out to be easy, feel free to use 5-7 words.
  3. “Spot the difference” pictures, as well as reading and analyzing books you’ve read, help train your memory. For example, start reading a long fairy tale to your child. Read half and leave the rest for the next day. Before reading the next part, ask your child what he remembers from the previous one, analyze together the characters and events of this story.

Developmental tasks for logic

Logic is a very important ability that needs to be developed. The thinking of a child at the age of 5 is very unique. Surely many mothers have noticed that at this age children are sometimes smarter than adults. It is very important not to miss this period and help the child develop.

Before studying for children 5 years old, it is necessary to determine what types of thinking a child at this age already operates on. As a rule, at 5 years old children are able to compare, analyze, classify and synthesize objects and actions.

Exercise “Complete the Draw”

The bottom line is that the child needs to finish drawing part of the object.

Children's puzzles help develop logic. Collecting puzzles with the whole family is a lot of fun and useful activity. In addition, math assignments for 5-year-old children help develop thinking. For example, place 8 coins on the table and give your child matches. Ask him to put as many matches as coins on the table.

Spend at least 30 minutes every day. However, you should not overtire or force your baby; be sure to take breaks for gymnastics. The process of studying with a child should look like an exciting game for him, and then he will learn and remember everything well.

Most effective method Forming basic skills and abilities in a child aged 6–8 years is a systematic game-based learning. At the age of 7, it is very important to develop mental mobility, and logic games for children this is best tool, which gives unsurpassed results. At the same time, modern fun should not contribute to the manifestation of aggression or bad mood- they are obliged to direct energy flow young gamer in the right, productive direction.

Educational toys as an integral part of the learning process

Plunging into space world wide web, inquisitive fidgets can become overly carried away, so the main task of adults is to monitor the boundary line between interest and dependence. Advanced kids with analytical warehouse minds can take on more serious puzzles. For some kids, simple manipulations of putting together fun puzzles are enough to get started. Advanced, colorful graphics from trivial, traditional games make real masterpieces that will be appreciated by experienced gamers.

A selection of computer educational games from Quicksave is formed taking into account all age, intellectual and psychological aspects, safety requirements, and contains:

  • Online entertainment for memory training, concentration and logical thinking;
  • Mysterious quests, various first-person adventure games, dangerous journeys in search of lost treasures;
  • Mathematical tasks with different levels of difficulty, etc.

Our mini-applications will become the basis for creating competent speech, expanding vocabulary, consolidating arithmetic skills, logical skills and other necessary characteristics.

Raising your child's mental level with Quicksave

The flexible and agile thinking of a 6-year-old child is already ready for the first tests. Don’t be afraid to involve them in virtual reality - your child will adapt to the outside world faster if he keeps up with the times.

Set priorities correctly, select clear examples and vivid images for children so that they show genuine excitement and sincere interest at the stage of familiarization with exciting flash games from the categories: , . Don't miss a great chance to play for free with Quicksave and take confident steps in creating a strong foundation for your maturing body.