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Calendar plan for National Unity Day preparatory group. Thematic week “National Unity Day. Check out a fragment of the theme week

Calendar – thematic planning in the preparatory group "Stars"

Topic of the week: "Day national unity»» senior preschool age

Date of: _ 03 month: NOVEMBER day of the weeks And : THURSDAY 2016 __

Reception of children in a group or outside (depending on the weather).

Conversations with parents and children about well-being or current problems.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills. Children's independent play. __________________ Work assignments. Individual work according to plan. ____________

Morning exercises: complex no. "Gloomy Cloud"; “A giraffe has spots everywhere”; “The little frog is jumping”...

Game activity: D/I “My Motherland – Russia” - Recall with children the symbols of Russia, poems about Russia. -Repeat the children's home address. - Conversation on the topic: “Is it possible strangers tell me your home address? Conversation: “Where does the Motherland begin?”

« Good morning." Five minutes of health:

________articulation gymnastics, finger games, elements of psychogymnastics. _____

Cooperative activity on the topic of the week (preliminary work): _________________

Conversation with children “My native country is wide” Goal: to give children an idea of ​​the power and wealth of Russia. Examination of illustrations of different climatic zones of Russia. Listening to the song “Where the Motherland Begins.” P/I "Carousel"

Preparing for breakfast. Breakfast. Cultural and hygienic skills. Self-service . Canteen duty. Formation of food culture._____________________________________________

Preparation for GCD. Formation of workplace preparation skills.

Between NODs - outdoor games, exercises to prevent poor posture, flat feet, and visual impairment.


Individual work

1. Speech development (speech development, SCR, preparation for literacy) Source: (Zatulina G.Ya p. 168) “Speech development of preschoolers prepared by the Federal State Educational Standards group”

on the topic “My home is Russia!”

Program content: to consolidate and generalize children’s knowledge about Russia, to give an idea of ​​what the Motherland is, to teach how to maintain a conversation on a certain topic, answering questions, telling stories, and to cultivate love for one’s Motherland. - Listening to the anthem while standing. Conversation on the topic: “Why is the anthem listened to while standing?” - Story and display of symbolism. - Children's stories about their small homeland (about the village). - Story and display of decorative and applied arts.

Dictionary : planet Earth, country, state, Russia, Russia, Motherland, president, Moscow, capital, flag, state, anthem, coat of arms, street, house, yard, area, avenue, park, alley, monument, square, landmark, theater, museum, residents, Russian, townspeople, love, remember, build, erect, big, friendly, strong, kind, independent, invincible, multinational, beautiful, large, crowded, cozy, beloved, native, Russian.

2. Physical development ( Physical Culture)

(on the street) Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education classes in kindergarten.

Complex No. 5 (November) page 111

Tasks: - train children in running with a change of direction at a signal, in standing long jumps, in dribbling the ball and passing it to each other in motion. P/N “Pass the ball”, “Who’s next?”

Individual work

on the topic: “Russia is proud of them.”

Form gender, family, civic affiliation.

Conversation “Big and small Motherland»

Management Nastya Bogd., Matvey G., Milana G., Makar B., Kirill D, Kira. P., Veronica K., Maria B, Anna A., Vladika Kudr.

Conversation on the topic:

"We live in Russia!";

"Symbols of the country of Russia"

Looking at illustrations

and albums with symbols.

Individual work:

At the center of iso activity

Examination of the paintings “History of Russia” - continue to introduce children to the history of the country.

Management: Timoshu R, Venya Ch., Sonya R, Nastya K., Dima K.

Preparing for the walk (development of self-care skills)

____________________________ Walk card №3 NOVEMBER _____________________

Returning from a walk. Hygiene procedures. Developing self-care skills. Fostering a culture of communication .

_________________________ Summary of the first half of the day ____________________________

Dinner : Formation of food culture rules . Preparation for sleep , air baths, ___ walking barefoot on massage paths. Reading fiction . ____

__ Daytime sleep. Gradual rise , lazy gymnastics. Hardening procedures . __

Afternoon snack : hygiene procedures. Developing self-care skills. ___________________ Formation of food culture rules. ____________________________


Individual work

3. Physical development

(Physical education) 16:25 (in the hall) carried out according to plan music director

Individual work

Learn with children proverbs and sayings about the Motherland: Everyone has their own side.

A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song.

Love for the homeland does not burn on fire and

does not sink in water, etc.

Be able to interpret proverbs and sayings about the Motherland. Management: Anya A., Katya T., Dima K.,

Vladika Kudr.

Individual work

on speech development (formation of adjectives from nouns).

Managed by Milan G., Nastya Bush., Matveya G., Yarik D., Katya T., Gleb K., Ritu A, Vasya V., Nastya Bogd..

Cooperative activity

Subject : Reading thin. literature on the topic of the week. Reading the book by T. Shorygina “Native Tales”

Duty in the corner of nature - continue to teach children how to care for indoor plants.

Consolidating the skills of keeping a nature calendar: continue to teach children to make notes about the weather conditions, to develop coherent speech.

“Circle of Good Memories” Preparing for dinner. Dinner.______________

Observation of an inanimate object. Examining the bushes on the site. What are the shrubs called? Why bushes and not trees? How are they similar and how are they different? (by external signs) Teach children to think, develop observation, curiosity, cultivate a love for nature, their native land. - Teach to reason.

P/I "The Bear and the Bees"

The relatively young holiday “National Unity Day” is celebrated in Russia on November 4th. But he reminds us of the events of 1216, when Moscow was liberated under the leadership of Minin and Pozharsky. Then the whole people gathered for the liberation movement, and only in complete unity did the Russian people win. In the preparatory group, on the eve of the holiday, you can tell children about the valor of the Russian people, about heroes and how Russian troops defend the borders of our homeland. Based on the recommendations of the “From Birth to School” program, the teacher organizes conversations “Russia is a multinational country”, examination of the album “Folk Crafts of Russia”, virtual excursions into the past of our homeland. The content of conversations about the history of the holiday, about Russian army and branches of the military, about heroes, poems for learning with children can be found in the appendix to the plan “Thematic week “National Unity Day”.

Social and communicative development

Preschoolers share their impressions of the weekend, play communicative games, prepare reports about Moscow and story games They try to implement game plans, which contributes to the social and communicative development of children.

Cognitive development

In area cognitive development In addition to conversations about the history of the homeland, experiments with water, bird watching, and the introduction of an album “ Modern Russia", a conversation about Russian holidays and an introduction to the swamps.

Speech development

An adult creates conditions for speech development, causing children to want to make riddles about vegetables, perform breathing exercises and learn poems about Russia. The teacher introduces children to epics and talks about heroes, introducing ancient names of clothes into the dictionary.

Artistic and aesthetic development

In the field of artistic and aesthetic development, creative drawing “What is my mood is like” is planned, construction of a fortress, consolidation of knowledge about different types painting, as well as performing the collective work “Round Dance of Friendship”.

Physical development

The result of the week is sports and musical entertainment based on outdoor games different nations, inhabiting Russia. Physical development is also facilitated by looking at encyclopedias and talking about a healthy lifestyle.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Conversation “How I spent the weekend.” Goal: learn about family traditions.Traveling by time machine into the past of Russia. Goal: to introduce children to the history of the November 4th holiday.Writing stories about autumn. Goal: to consolidate the ability to compose short stories according to the teacher’s plan.Examination of the monument “Minin and Pozharsky”. Goal: to continue acquaintance with the features of sculpture, to create a desire to convey impressions in sculpting.Physical exercise “At the Parade”. Goal: remember the words.
WalkOrganization of a labor landing for the purpose of treating trees. Goal: to teach how to properly assist trees and shrubs, to cultivate a positive attitude towards work.Watching a sparrow in autumn. Goal: to continue to consolidate knowledge about the sparrow, teach to see changes in the behavior of birds with the arrival of autumn, and activate attention and memory.Board game "Seasons". Goal: to promote the development of dialogic speech in the game.Independent drawing. Goal: to consolidate the ability to mix paints on a palette, to achieve the desired shade of color.P.i. “Whoever is named, catch it.” Purpose: to introduce the rules of the game, to develop auditory attention.
2 p.d.Game "Tail of the Dragon". Goal: to promote the development of communication between children.Introducing the album “Modern Russia”. Goal: to continue to acquaint children with large Russian production facilities and to instill pride in their country.Reading stories about Russia at the teacher's choice. Goal: to continue acquaintance with the homeland through literature.Modeling "Monument to Russian people". Goal: to consolidate the ability to sculpt a human figure, to convey movement in sculpting.Valeological lotto. Goal: to form a habit of healthy image life.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Cut-out pictures on the topic " Road traffic" Goal: consolidate the rules of safe behavior, discuss behavior in various situations.Cognitive and research activities “Aggregative states of water.” Goal: to prove that the state of water depends on air temperature and is in three states: liquid - water; hard - snow, ice; gaseous - steam.Conversation “Who lives in Russia.” Goal: to remember that Russia is a multinational country, to develop coherent speech.Opening of the photo exhibition “Russia's Past”. Goal: to introduce children to some historical facts, to draw attention to the unity of the people in troubled times.P.i. "Ice, wind and frost." Goal: remember the games of the peoples of the north.
WalkS.r. game "Border Guards". Goal: to contribute to the development of the game plot, the desire to defend the homeland.Cleaning up fallen leaves. Goals: to teach you to finish what you start; cultivate accuracy and responsibility.Making riddles about vegetables. Goal: to consolidate the ability to identify the distinctive features of a vegetable and express it in speech, to develop logical thinking.Game "Put it out of sticks." Goal: to develop imagination and analytical thinking.P.i. “Who is the most accurate?” Purpose: to introduce the game. P.i. "Stream." Goal: remember the rules of the game.

Choosing insulation for your home today is practically no problem - there is a huge range of them on the market for every taste and budget: for floors and walls, for indoor and outdoor use, based on various components. On the other hand, choosing something specific in such a wide variety is not so easy, and many buyers choose the simplest method for themselves - focusing on the optimal price for themselves.

But in some cases, you need to be extra careful when choosing any materials for your home. For example, if there is an allergy sufferer in the family or someone has an overly sensitive body that reacts to any changes in the microclimate, the presence artificial materials and so on.

Due to their affordability, buyers are increasingly choosing insulation of artificial origin. Sellers, as well as manufacturers, can give many compelling arguments in favor of choosing such a thermal insulation material. But we should not forget that the composition of artificial insulation, as a rule, includes various harmful substances that can cause severe allergies even in people who have not previously exhibited such reactions.

Cadmium, xylene, polyvinyl chloride, toluene, lead and others harmful components have a harmful effect on the mucous membranes of the throat and nose, upper respiratory tract, nervous system, the functioning of the cardiac system, skin, etc. The composition of thermal insulation boards made from synthetic components may also include isocyanates, styrene, bromine-containing components, which in excess quantities or with constant exposure to the human body can cause disturbances of varying degrees in the functioning of the respiratory system (up to the development of asthma), cardiovascular -vascular system, the occurrence of thrombosis, various dermatitis and other skin diseases.

Photo courtesy of Solntse Group company

In this regard, it is quite logical that more and more often users, faced with the need to choose insulation for their home, pay attention not only to the price factor, but also to quality parameters. The composition of the thermal insulation material, as well as its safety for human health, become one of the key criteria when choosing.

Choosing hypoallergenic thermal insulation material

Let's look at the most popular types of insulation - what components are used in them. This will help determine the safest option if you have to choose an environmentally friendly and health-friendly insulation.

So, in basalt slabs, bitumen, urea or phenol-formaldehyde resins are used as a binding element, which are recognized as not only toxic, but also carcinogenic substances.

Based on these same binding components, the process of manufacturing fiberglass and mineral wool takes place.

Another popular group of insulation materials is based on polystyrene foam, for the production of which vinylbenzene, phenylethylene and other harmful compounds and substances are used. Such compositions become especially dangerous if they catch fire, when they begin to actively release toxic substances into the air.

So what should we do? Is there really no worthy alternative to inexpensive and effective insulation materials that would not have such a harmful effect on the human body?

Photo courtesy of Solntse Group company

We can boldly and confidently say that such an option exists! Pay attention to the group of insulation materials of natural origin, among which soft fiberboard stands out especially favorably. Fiberboards have a 100% natural and harmless composition (only specially treated coniferous wood, rich in natural resin, used as the main binding element). There are no artificial additives or impurities, toxic adhesives or components.

Soft fiberboards Steico and Skano are relatively New Product in the market of thermal insulation materials, rapidly gaining popularity due to its excellent technical and operational properties and characteristics. It is durable, reliable, highly effective, and most importantly, non-toxic, hypoallergenic and 100% safe!

Allergy to glass wool (insulation)

Of course, the first suspicion of an allergen falls on the tiny dust generated when working with mineral wool. But is it? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Mineral wool is a molten glass, rocks or slag in the form of thin fibers held together with binders based on phenolic compounds. When examining cotton wool under a microscope, individual thin glass fibers can be clearly identified. It is they, which crumble easily when touched, that cause skin itching, familiar to all builders.

According to doctors, glass, even in this form, cannot cause allergies, and discomfort on the skin there are nothing more than tiny wounds that appear from contact with needle-sharp cotton wool fibers. From this we can draw an important conclusion: if glass wool does not cause allergies, its constituent fibers irritate the skin and mucous membranes.

The appearance of allergic reactions to glass wool

Phenols are substances that are found in many products, however, it is mineral wool that contains this substance a large number of. The human body has mechanisms for processing phenols, but when an excess amount enters the body, the body cannot cope. Possessing unique properties, phenolic compounds are highly soluble in organic solvents and are strongly acidic.

The binders that make up mineral wool, based on phenolic compounds, can cause allergic and other reactions. The first signs of an allergy to phenolic compounds may be the following symptoms: redness of the face and ears (most often one ear suddenly turns red), dark circles under the eyes, itching and redness of the skin, which manifests itself mainly when eating.

Photo: Skin rashes due to allergy to glass wool

Treatment of allergies to glass wool

To date, there is only one effective method of treating phenol allergies, and this is the use of a drug based on a special enzyme that breaks down phenol. There is also another method, but due to its low efficiency it is used extremely rarely.

The essence of the method is to completely avoid foods containing phenol, namely: apples, bananas, broccoli, tomatoes, dried fruits. Since with such a diet the body is deprived not only of phenol, but also of many useful substances contained in these products, it cannot become effective method in the treatment of allergies.

How to protect yourself from allergies to glass wool?

The first at risk are workers in the relevant production and builders involved in insulation with mineral wool. The use of respirators and special clothing provides excellent protection from direct exposure to mineral wool on exposed skin and mucous membranes.

Dust remaining in hard-to-reach places after installing the wool should be removed using vacuum cleaners with moisture filters, which will allow it to be collected maximum amount microscopic dust particles that cause irritation.

It is also worth talking about how to relieve itching after direct contact with mineral wool. Immediately after finishing work, you need to take a cool shower without rubbing, but simply rinsing the affected areas of the skin. You should not rub your body with a towel, as this can lead to even more itching. Next appointment The shower can be carried out using a washcloth and shower gel.

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Allergy to glass wool

Glass wool, how to wash it off the skin of your hands?

Glass wool is an unpleasant phenomenon, I know it myself, next time try to work with gloves and protective equipment, I always wear 2 pairs of protective gloves, that’s for sure.

If it happens that glass wool particles and crystals get in, then you can wash it off by washing your hands with regular soap. laundry soap, you can also sprinkle a little cleaning powder “comets” or “myth” or any, a little will do, then take any foam sponge, and and with circular hands The palm rubs for about five minutes but not too much, that’s all. After doing this procedure 2-3 times, your hands will be free of glass wool fibers! This method has helped me more than once, both against glass wool and against, machine oil and more, fuel oil, etc. Good luck.

The best way to protect yourself from glass wool is to not mess with it at all! If it were up to me, I would categorically prohibit this material, because...

people's health is more valuable and exist alternative ways insulation. But in our country, for some reason, every boss considers people consumables, they don’t care about our health, the main thing is to save money for their own benefit. Dear Colleagues!

I not only ask, but urge you - please refuse ANY work that is harmful to your health. You have every right to do this. Yes, I know that there is always the “this work cannot be put off” thing. And you have to choose either health, or a bonus, salary or even loss of job. Believe me, after receiving serious injury at work, you will think completely differently.

The first rule when glass wool gets on your body: do not scratch!

The second rule: do not go to bed without washing after getting glass wool. Otherwise, your whole body will itch later.

To wash it off, you need to rinse with water.

Helps well handwash clothes. By rubbing your clothes, you remove pieces of fiberglass from the skin of your palms and arms, and you get immediate relief.

You can also anoint the affected areas with foam after shaving - it relieves annoying itching.

Be sure to shower with laundry soap.

And don't touch your eyes!

When working with glass wool, you must wear gloves special for it, since glass wool is made from finely ground glass and is very dangerous not only for your hands, but also for the whole body, since it does not stay on the skin but digs into it, so you can wash off the residue with running water but don’t rub your hands together for a few minutes, apply some hand cream and you’ll be fine...

Try not to touch the “affected” areas of the body at all. Do not scratch them, otherwise small particles of sharp glass will penetrate deeper into the skin.

If you accidentally get glass wool in your eyes, do not rinse them immediately.

First, blink frequently, and only after 30 minutes can your eyes be rinsed with water.

To wash glass wool off your body, give it a strong, cold shower without any aids like soap or a washcloth. Then dry yourself without using a towel, and repeat the procedure with a shower and dry again in the same way.

Now you can take a shower with soap and a washcloth, and use a towel afterwards.

Glass wool can be removed from items in about 3-4 washes. You should wash items with glass needles separately from others and wear gloves.

If you work with glass wool, do not forget about special clothing.

How to clean your hands after touching fiberglass?

Are there any methods quick disposal from fiberglass on the skin?

To clean your skin as soon as possible after contact with glass wool, it is recommended to follow a few simple steps.

Reproduction of materials on the Internet is permitted with the obligatory indication of a direct link to the “Moscow FAQ”

How to get rid of itching after working with glass wool?

First you need to try to minimize the contact of exposed areas of the body with glass wool.

That is, these open areas of the body should be as small as possible.

Therefore, wear work clothes, gloves, tie a scarf around your head or wear a hat. Tuck your trousers into your socks, and use closed shoes - shoes, boots. Protect your face with a respirator or mask. After work, remove clothes carefully, trying to wrap the working surface inward.

After removing your clothes, be sure to take a shower. You need to wash off as much as possible all the “needles” that could penetrate through your clothes with running water. Wash your body with your hands from top to bottom, the longer the better. And only then can you wash yourself with a washcloth.

When working with glass wool, be sure to wear protective clothing to keep everything covered.

If glass wool fibers get on your skin, you need to take a cold shower and ensure that the pressure is strong. You can buy ointment at the Taiga Resin pharmacy; it relieves itching well, although it is not sold in all pharmacies.

After a shower, on dry skin where there is severe itching from glass wool, stick and immediately tear off the wide tape. Repeat a couple of times. Really helps!

Allergy to glass wool (insulation)

Of course, the first suspicion of an allergen falls on the tiny dust generated when working with mineral wool. But is it?

Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Mineral wool. Its composition and the influence of its components on human health

Mineral wool is a melt of glass, rock or slag in the form of a thin fiber, bonded with binders to…

causes of childhood allergies

thanks for interesting questions. I will answer them in two materials.

Here I would like to focus on mineral wool.


Once upon a time, when dinosaurs had just become extinct, and I was a boy, and you, Evgenia, are much younger than now (I just don’t know your age), thermal insulation materials were used in construction, which raised very big questions about their health safety .

Unfortunately, I still don’t know exactly why phenolic binders were used in the production of glass wool, but this was its most significant disadvantage. By the way, phenolic binders are used in glue in the production of plywood, particle boards, MDF, that is, medium-density boards, and linoleum. In order to reduce the negative effect of these chemical components on health, plywood, chipboard, MDF are very tightly covered with plastic, veneer, paint, etc.

Since then, time has passed and the bourgeoisie have learned to make glass wool without binders.

That is, its fibers have become so thin and delicate that they are not much different from ordinary cotton wool and do not fall apart. This type of cotton wool has become an environmentally friendly product, that is, it contains modified glass that cannot cause allergies.

If I understand correctly, glass wool is very thin fibers of glass. I believe they are made from molten glass. Imagine how we bite a caramel candy and the thinnest thread of caramel stretches out.

I looked at the cotton wool fibers under a microscope (for children), and it seems that my guess is correct. So here it is. These fibers are very fragile. With any movement they break, producing almost microscopic fragments. Moreover, the cotton wool is so fluffy that when you simply press on it, take it in your hand, lift it from the ground, lean it against a wall, or do other physical actions on it, a whole fountain of these debris rises into the air, even shoots out, taking the form of dust.

This is a very important conclusion.

Even if glass wool does not cause allergies, it causes irritation to all parts of the human body, including internal ones, which somehow come into contact with it. If you put a piece of cotton wool on your wrist (don't do this, trust me, I've done it) your wrist will break out in a rash and start itching. However, this is not a manifestation of an allergy.

These appear to be tiny wounds that leave needle-sharp fibers of glass wool on the body. The best way to do this is to wash the affected area. cold water with soap. I have…


It’s better not to breathe if the house is insulated with mineral wool

At the end of March, a round table was held at the Independent Press Center in Moscow on the safety of construction materials. A new construction season is beginning, which can bring people not only the joy of a housewarming, but also the bitterness of serious illnesses. Unfortunately, this is not an exaggeration. "IN Lately A large number of people whose houses have undergone major renovations are starting to turn to hospitals with symptoms of allergies, bronchial asthma or bronchitis,” said one of the event participants Dmitry Vinogradov, candidate medical sciences, associate professor, pulmonologist of the 1st Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov. All participants round table agreed that one of the main causes of respiratory system diseases is “respirable” dust caused by asbestos and mineral wool.

Fortunately, asbestos is rarely used in construction and renovation today. But mineral wool is everywhere. Mineral wool is used for insulation of walls, floors, ceilings, roofs, loggias, attics, and also as sound insulation. Mineral wool can be foil-coated, in the form of sandwich panels, cords, cylinders or mats, and is sold in the form of rolls and slabs.

Installation and fastening of mineral wool (including using glue) is carried out both indoors and outdoors. In Russia, there are quite a lot of factories that have established the production of mineral wool, in particular, a similar enterprise operates in the city of Zheleznodorozhny, Moscow region.

You can buy mineral wool at any hardware store. The price of mineral wool depends on weight, density, composition, thermal conductivity. Naturally, the cost of mineral wool is also affected by the brand of the manufacturer, the most common of which are rockwool, ursa, isover, knauf, technonikol.

Which mineral wool is better? The round table participants unanimously declared: none. Unfortunately, today few people know that mineral wool is a very dangerous, poisonous and insidious insulation material. Sergey Fateev (construction portal SNRP.RU) said that the smallest particles of mineral wool fibers inhaled by a person cause serious harm to the body - even cancer. Moreover, the phenol-formaldehyde resins used in this insulation as a binding material pose a huge danger. These substances release free phenol and formaldehyde, which can provoke inflammation. skin, mucous membranes and even nervous disorders.

“In Western countries, much more harmless substances are used in the production of mineral wool, for example, limestone, but in Russia, to save money, slags from the metallurgical industry are used,” said Sergei Fateev. And representatives of the environmental organization “Green Wave” stated that they intend to study modern brands of mineral wool for their safety for people and the natural environment, and demand that officials impose a ban on harmful materials.

According to some round table participants, the widespread use of mineral wool is very reminiscent of the story with the so-called “phenolic” houses. In the late 1960s and early 70s, high-rise buildings began to be built throughout our country by adding phenol-formaldehyde resins (now used in mineral wool) to the concrete. A huge scandal erupted in the late 80s when it became known how toxic these residential buildings had become.

The inhabitants of these houses received chronic diseases respiratory tract, cardiovascular and digestive system, liver, kidneys, eyes. Among residents of “phenolic” houses, statistics reveal an increased number of deaths from cancer.

Is it possible for history to repeat itself? It is quite possible, the participants think. Mineral wool today is installed in many residential and office buildings, including private buildings. Toxic dust emitting phenols and formaldehydes, plus rodents who carry the infection and love such an environment - all these factors cannot but affect human health. Chemical components in the air are absorbed and accumulate in the human body, leading to decreased performance, fatigue, a decrease in concentration, and with prolonged exposure – to malignant neoplasms.

The construction season is just beginning, so people ordering construction or renovation work need to take care in advance to ensure that their housing and work premises meet all environmental standards. But if fate has placed a person in a building whose walls, floors or ceilings are insulated with mineral wool, then it is necessary to ventilate the room more often and carry out wet cleaning, the round table participants are sure. This can reduce exposure to toxic dust and reduce the concentration of chemical components in the air.


(FC)Morning exercises

"Morning gymnastics of the squad"

Target: strengthen children’s skill in performing general developmental exercises (p. 61, 54, 47.38)

(W) Conversation on a proverb

“Shchi and porridge are our food”

Target: to reinforce in preschoolers the idea of ​​the importance of porridge for human health (p. 129).

(WITH) Ethical conversation

“Where does the Motherland begin?”

Target: stimulate children's interest and desire to get acquainted with the history of Russia (p. 46, 48 (1).

(WITH) Discussion of proverbs and sayings "What does it mean?"

Target: stimulate children's interest in learning about Russia's past, a sense of pride in their country and its people in the process of discussing proverbs and sayings (pp. 46, 48 (4).

(WITH) Didactic game

"Wheel of the Past"

Target: develop children’s retrospective view of objects in the man-made world (p. 46, 48 (3).

(WITH) Didactic game

"Broken Picture"

Target: stimulate children's interest in events taking place in the country, reflected in cut-out pictures (pp. 46, 48 (3).

(T) Didactic game

“What does an object tell about its creator?”

Target: to consolidate children’s ideas about the qualities necessary for a skilled person in the process of compiling, according to an algorithm, stories about the creators of everyday objects (p. 78, 79 (2).

(P) Looking at the illustration "Monument to Minin and Pozharsky"

Target: to form children’s ideas about historical figures (merchant Kozma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky) (Part 2, pp. 100,101).

(TO) Conversation

"About greetings"

Target: develop children's ability to greet people different status

(Part 2, pp. 139,142 (1).

(TO) Game exercise

“Learning to say hello in different ways”

Target: to develop children’s ability to greet people of different status (Part 2, pp. 140, 142 (2).

(TO) Playing up the situation

“A kind word helps”

Target: support children's desire to express different forms verbal politeness (Part 2, p. 140, 141 (9).

(FC) Outdoor game


Target: improve children's ability to retain correct posture when walking with high knees (p.21).

(FC) Outdoor game

"Hunters and Hares"("Hares and the Wolf")

Target: improve the technique of swinging your arms and pushing your legs together (p.38).

(M) Round dance

"Guests have come to us"

Target: develop in children the desire for unity, communication with each other and familiarization with the customs of the Russian people (p. 172).

(P) Didactic game

"Travel to Russia"

Target: broaden children's horizons (life, everyday life, customs, folklore of the peoples of Russia) (Part 2, pp. 100, 101).

(TO) Outdoor game (in pairs)


Target: strengthen interactive skills in children - the ability not to quarrel, to establish contact with each other

with a friend (Part 2, pp. 122, 124 (9).

(TO) Mini-discussion

“Prove which is better: a carriage or a car”

Target: to strengthen children’s interactive skills - to show kindness, correctness in conversation, the ability to competently defend their opinion (Part 2, pp. 123,124 (13).

(TO) Verbal didactic game

“Miracle helpers in the past and present” (drawing up a description of objects that facilitate human work in everyday life)

Target: improve children's ability to describe objects using an algorithm

(Part 2, p. 129, 135 (4).

(TO) Creative task

Writing a story

along the chain about the holiday

National Unity Day

"I'll start, and you finish"

Target: improve monologue speech of children (Part 2, p. 132 (5).

(T) Observing the work of an adult "Clean paths"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the labor process as a unit of labor, about the importance of each component of labor in achieving the final result; to cultivate a caring attitude towards the results of work, grateful feelings to adults for their work and care (pp. 75.76 (2).


(FC) Outdoor game

"Smart Shooter"

("Ball Race in a Circle")

Target: improve children’s ability to throw a ball to each other with a bounce from the ground and catch it (distance = 3-4 m.)
(FC) Algorithm exercise "Jumping over stumps"(consecutively through each object height = 20 cm.)

Target: improve the technique of swinging the arms and pushing the legs together in children (p. 38).

(WITH) Reading fiction O. Knyazeva “How did people live in Rus'?”

Target: expand children’s ideas about the traditions, peculiarities of work and life of the people of Ancient Rus' (pp. 47, 49 (20).

(WITH) Exhibition

"Folk household items"

Target: maintain children's interest in objects of folk life, the features of their manufacture and use in the process of creating an exhibition (pp. 47, 48 (13).

(T) Short term project

“How did professions appear?”

Target: to form in children ideas about the origin and significance of the work of people of different professions using the example of familiarity with the work of people in Ancient Rus' (pp. 78, 79 (6).

(P) Looking at dolls

"Dolls in national costumes"

Target: to form children's ideas about characteristic features costumes of the peoples of Russia (Part 2, p. 100, 101).

(TO) Guessing literary riddles "Epic Heroes of Rus'"

Target: improve children’s ability to reason, using a variety of linguistic means (Part 2, p. 134 (6).

(TO) Minutes of jokes and fables

Little jokes: “Vanya-Vanya - simplicity, bought a horse without a tail,” “Fedul, why did you pout?”

Target: support children's verbal communication in the process various types activities (Part 2, pp. 123,124 (18).

(HT) Didactic game

“Complete the ornament”

Target: promote the development of children's technical skills in using a brush (p. 56 (2).

(M) Musical exercise

"Come up with a lullaby"

Target: development of children's ability to create songs (p. 164).

(M) Listening to music

“Russian folk melody “Komarinskaya”

processed by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Target: introduce children to the genre of dance folk music; to develop the ability to identify means of musical expression that define the image of the Russian people. (cheerful, daring music) (p. 157).

(M) Musical and didactic game "Musical Instruments of Ancient Rus'"

Target: introduce children to ancient musical instruments; develop the ability to distinguish musical instruments by sound (p. 179).

Thematic week “National Unity Day”

Topic of the week: « National Unity Day»

Theme of the day: "What is Motherland" Working with parents

The first half of the day. SOD

Home visits to frequently ill children.

1. Conversation "What is Motherland" Tasks: to form ideas about the Motherland, to cultivate love for one’s land.

2. Finger. Gymnastics "Family" Tasks: develop fine motor skills fingers, activate the cerebral cortex.

3. Looking at the album "Nature of our region" Tasks: learn to describe in a picture.

4. Problem situation “Why shares toys?” Tasks: cultivate friendly relationships.

5. P and "Hit the target" Tasks: ability to concentrate when performing a movement

6. Presentation of environmental action “Observation of a white-trunked birch tree”.

FEMP. Subject: “Dunno prepare for the trip” Tasks: teach to distinguish and name spatial directions from myself: left, right, on, under, develop the ability to see the general characteristics of objects by shape, color.

Drawing. Subject: "Friendly rings" Tasks: learn to draw objects about round shape, create a certain ornament.


1. Observation “I love the Russian birch tree...” Tasks: introduce the symbol of Russian nature.

2. Labor vices "Rake the leaves" Tasks: learn to help an adult, enrich your vocabulary.

3. P and "Colored Cars" Tasks: learn to follow the rules during the game.

4. D and "One and Many" Tasks: learn to find one and many objects, use these concepts in speech.

5. Air baths, walking on massage mats. Tasks: prevention of flat feet.

II half of the day. SOD

1. Making riddles about autumn natural phenomena. Tasks: enrich the vocabulary with common expressions.

2. D and "Assemble a pyramid" Tasks: learn to assemble a pyramid in descending order and growth of ring shape.

3. Writing a story “How Dunno went into the forest” Tasks: learn safe behavior In the woods.

4. Games to develop emotions "Happy-Sad" Tasks: develop facial muscles.

5. Game-sketch “I myself!” Tasks: to form ideas about a healthy lifestyle

Topic of the week: « National Unity Day»

Theme of the day: "When united, we are invincible" Working with parents

The first half of the day. SOD

1. Conversation "What is friendship" Tasks: cultivate friendly relationships.. Conducting a survey to compile "Group Family Portrait".

2. Dating people. creativity "Friendly nesting dolls" Tasks: continue to introduce people’s crafts. masters

3. Tetralysis. games "Turnip" Tasks: show children strength unity.

4. Ecol. a game “Whose children?” Task: Form nouns in speech.

5. S r game "Friendly cleaning" Tasks: show that acting together now and then goes faster.

Music. Work according to the music plan. head

Application Subject: "Balls big and small" Tasks: Learn to find round objects in the environment. Learn to apply glue evenly over the entire surface of the part.


1. Observations of older children’s games. Tasks: how adult children are friends, help each other, give up toys.

2. Development game emotions: "Mood" Tasks: talk about the fact that everyone has different moods.

3. Conversation "Don't tease dogs..." Tasks: develop an understanding of dangerous situations with animals.

4. P and "Hide and Seek" Tasks: Perform movements according to the text.

5. D and "Round or not round" Tasks: consolidate knowledge about the geometric shape of a circle.

II half of the day. SOD

1. Air bath game "Kitty" Tasks: prevention of poor posture.

2. Let's fix toys - problem situation. Tasks: to cultivate hard work.

3. D and "Who am I" Tasks: Continue learning to name your family members.

4. Promotion for the Day national unity"Let's live in peace!"(November 4) Tasks: to unite children and parents in joint activities.

Topic of the week: « National Unity Day»

Theme of the day: “I love the Russian birch tree...” Working with parents

The first half of the day. SOD

1. Ras. illustration with a birch tree. Tasks: summarize knowledge about autumn changes Selection of illustrations, postcards, photos, newspaper and magazine clippings, riddles, proverbs and sayings about birch.

2. Game situation "Journey into the Forest" Tasks: remember the rules of behavior in the forest.

3. ZKR game "A ringing stream" Tasks: develop the articulatory apparatus.

4. D and "Let's build a forest" (Kuzner) Tasks: create objects based on a picture diagram.

5. Chorus. a game “There was a birch tree in the field” Tasks: learn the lyrics of the song. Continue to introduce people. games.

Modeling. Subject: “I love Russian birch” Tasks: learn to roll balls between your fingers and flatten them onto the pictured tree; consolidate knowledge about birch and its appearance.

Physical education Work according to the plan of the physical instructor. education


1. Observation of garbage collection. Tasks: learn careful attitude to nature.

2. Instructions “I got up in the morning, clean up the planet” Tasks: to form an active life position.

3. Ind. work with Vanya, Stasik, Ulyana. "Where are our hands" Tasks: construct sentences correctly.

4. P and "Children and the Wolf" Tasks: teach to act according to the text.

5. Verse readings. “We danced around the birch tree” Tasks: treat nature with care, protect it.

II half of the day

1. Walking on a tightrope ex. throat "Horse" Tasks: prevention of flat feet and acute respiratory infections.

2. Construction subject"My city, my home" Tasks: to develop the ability to create a collective structure.

3. Errands "Let's fix the masks" Tasks: cultivate a desire to help.

4. S r game "We are the animals of the forest" Tasks: consolidate knowledge about wild animals.

5.Day observations "Our tree" Tasks: Deepen before about late autumn, about the state of birch in late autumn.