
What should be the daily routine for a baby? Baby's daily routine: who needs it, and how to teach a child to follow it? Free mode or clear routine

In the first month of life, a child sleeps about 20 hours a day, and short periods of wakefulness imperceptibly turn into sleep. However, already in the 2nd month, sleep time mainly moves to the night hours, and waking time to the daytime hours. At 3 months, children sleep a total of 17-18 hours, of which 10-11 at night. By the middle of the 1st year of life, the total duration of sleep is reduced to 16 hours, but at night the baby sleeps the same 10-11 hours.

The alternation of sleep and wakefulness (with a predominance of night sleep) is not established immediately. It is necessary to accustom the baby to a regimen that helps maintain a balanced, cheerful, emotionally positive state in the child.

But all children are different. It is well known that people live in accordance with their biological rhythms. Attempts to ignore them, and even change them, lead to serious disorders of the body. The child is especially clearly tuned to the correct life and daily rhythm intended only for him. Children, like adults, are divided into so-called larks, owls and pigeons (the golden mean). Larks are active in the morning, owls in the evening, pigeons in the afternoon. Larks wake up early and go to bed early. Owls do not need to be disturbed early in the morning, and in the evening they can be allowed to play longer. Pigeons adapt best to a normal, average regime.

Naturally, you shouldn’t turn owls into larks and vice versa. In order for your child to grow up healthy and active, watch him carefully and find out what his daily rhythm is, trust his progress biological clock and choose a regime for your baby that best suits his biorhythms. For our part, we offer you several options for the daily routine for your child.

Child's daily routine

if you feed your baby 7 times a day, the regimen looks like this:

Wakefulness 6-7

First daytime nap (preferably in the air) 7-9

Feeding 9

Wake 9-10 (10.30)

Second nap (necessarily outdoors) 10 (10.30)-12

Newborn care

Feeding 12

Wake 12-13

Third nap (necessarily outdoors) 13-15

Feeding 15

Wakefulness 15-16

Swimming 16-16.30

Fourth daytime nap (preferably outdoors) 16-18

Feeding 18

Wakefulness 18-19

Night sleep 19-6

Feeding 21

Feeding 24 or 2-3 am

Typically, small children wake up very early in the morning and immediately require attention. But it also happens that the baby lets you sleep longer, especially if night feeding shifts to 2-3 am. If the baby eats well after an evening bath, he can sleep through the midnight feeding. Then you need to change the regimen a little and take a fairly long break in feeding at night. This is also convenient for the mother, who, after bathing and feeding the baby, can rest herself.

The slightly modified mode looks like this:

Wake up, morning toilet, feeding 8-8.30

Wake 8-9

First nap (outdoors) 9-11

Feeding 11

Wake 11-12

Feeding 14

Wakefulness 14-15

Third nap (in the air) 15-17

Feeding 17

Wakefulness 17-18

Fourth nap (preferably outdoors) 18-19.30

Swimming 19.30

Feeding 20

Night sleep 20.30-8

First night feeding 23

Second night feeding 2 or 5 am

Often, with this mode, the child does not wake up until

feeding at 23:00 and practically switches to 6 meals a day.

If you feed your baby 6 times a day (every 3.5 hours), the regimen is something like this:

Depending on when the baby wakes up in the morning, we recommend two mode options:

a) Waking up, morning toilet, feeding 6-6.30

Wakefulness 6-7 (7.30)

First nap (preferably outdoors) 7-9.30

Feeding 9.30 Wake 9.30 -11

Second nap (in the air) 11-13

Feeding 13

Wakefulness 13-14(14.30)

Third nap (in the air) 14 (14.30) - 16.30

Feeding 16.30 Wakefulness 16.30-17.30

Fourth nap 17.30-19.30 Bathing 19.30 Night sleep 20.30-6

First night feeding 23.30

Second night feeding in the morning

b) Wake up, morning toilet, feeding 8-8.30

Wakefulness 8-9.30

First daytime nap (preferably outdoors) 9.30-11.30

Feeding 11.30

Wakefulness 11.30-12.30

Second nap (outdoors) 12.30(13)-15

Feeding 15

Wakefulness 16-16.30

Third nap (outdoors) 16.30-18.30

Feeding 19.30

Wakefulness 18.30-20.30 Fourth nap

Swimming 20

Night sleep 20.30-8

Newborn care 327

First night feeding 22

Second night feeding 1.30 or 3-4 am.

In the second option, the baby sleeps only 3 times during the day. Most often, this regime is established by 3 months in well-developing children in good health, with a balanced nervous system.

From 3 to 6 months, each period of wakefulness in a child lengthens to an average of 1.5-2 hours, and the duration of sleep is reduced. It also happens that weaker children sleep 4 times during the day until 5-6 months.

By the 5-6th month, when the child is already receiving complementary foods, his diet changes. “Foreign” food lingers longer in the baby’s stomach, and therefore it is necessary to lengthen the breaks between feedings. Now there are only five feedings, two of them are with complementary foods (usually the second and fourth feedings).

The regimen of a 5-6 month old baby (5 feedings) is approximately as follows:

Wake up, morning toilet, feeding 6-6.30

Wakefulness 6-8

First daytime nap (in the air) 8-10

Feeding 10

Wake 10-12

Second nap (in the air) 12-14

Feeding 14

Wakefulness 14-16

Third nap (in the air) 16-18

Feeding 18

Wakefulness 18-20

Swimming 19.30

Night feeding 22 or 1-2 am

The given examples of daily routine are only guidelines for the mother; for each child, the daily routine is set individually.

The question of the need to maintain a child’s daily routine still remains open. And if you can allow yourself a little initiative regarding the daily routine of an older child, then what should you do if you have a very small child? How to find out when and how much he should sleep, eat, bathe, etc., and also how to fit all this into a framework daily care for the child? The daily routine of a child up to one year old comes to the aid of a young mother, which will make it easier for the mother to care for the baby and will not allow her to forget about the necessary procedures.

In the first year after birth, the child's routine changes several times. But these changes are not qualitative, but quantitative. The list of activities that make up the daily routine of a child up to one year old remains unchanged - only the amount of time allocated for one activity or another changes: feeding, sleeping, walking, educational games and activities, hygiene procedures.

Up to 3 months, children are fed breast milk or infant formula about 7 times a day. From 3 months, feeding becomes 6 times a day, from six months - 5 times a day, and closer to a year, the baby already eats 4 times a day.

In the first three months after birth, the baby sleeps a lot, but after 3 months he sleeps less and less, and spends more time in a state of wakefulness. On average, up to a year, a baby should sleep 10-12 hours a day. At about six months, the child sleeps 2 times during the day - 2 hours before lunch and after it. By the age of one year, the child’s daily routine consists of 1 nap during the day. But if the baby gets sick or overtired, the amount of sleep may increase.

It is better to engage in games and developmental activities with a child under one year old until he gets tired. Before going to bed, you need to refrain from active games and replace them with something calmer.

Hygiene procedures are also an important component of the daily routine of a child up to one year old and should include morning and evening toilet. Morning washing should symbolize the arrival of a new day for the child, and evening bathing should symbolize going to bed. In this regard, systematic hygiene procedures are very important.

Approximate daily routine for a child up to 3 months

A healthy child up to 3 months needs 7 feedings per day (with 1 at night), 17-20 hours of sleep, hygiene procedures (with each diaper change, as well as evening bathing) and walks. Sleep time can be combined with walks - sleep on fresh air Very useful for a newborn. And your waking hours can be used to conduct developmental activities with your newborn.

We are offering to you Approximate daily routine for a child up to 3 months:

6.00-7.00 - Wakefulness

7.00-9.00 - Sleep

9.00 - Second feeding

9.00-10.00 – Wakefulness

10.00-12.00 – Sleep (can be combined with a walk)

12.00 – Third feeding

12.00-13.00 – Wakefulness

13.00-15.00 – Sleep

15.00 – Fourth feeding

15.00-16.00 – Wakefulness

16.00-18.00 – Sleep (can be combined with a walk)

18.00 – Fifth feeding

18.00-19.00 – Wakefulness

19.00-20.45 – Sleep

21.00 – Sixth feeding

21.00-6.00 – Night sleep

24.00 or 3.00 – Seventh feeding

Approximate daily routine for a child from 3 to 6 months

Children at this age sleep less - about 15-17 hours a day, and receive 6 meals a day. By reducing sleep time, the length of waking time increases. The list of activities that make up the child’s daily routine remains the same.

We are offering to you Approximate daily routine for a child from 3 to 6 months:

6.00 - Wake up after a night's sleep and first feeding

6.00-7.30 - Wakefulness

7.30-9.30 - Sleep

9.30 - Second feeding

9.30-11.00 – Wakefulness

11.00-13.00 – Sleep (can be combined with a walk)

13.00 – Third feeding

13.00-14.30 – Wakefulness

14.30-16.30 – Sleep

16.30 – Fourth feeding

16.30-18.00 – Wakefulness

18.00-19.00 – Sleep (can be combined with a walk)

19.00 – Fifth feeding

19.00-20.45 – Wakefulness

20.45 – Carrying out hygiene procedures before bed (bathing)

21.00-6.00 – Night sleep

23.00 – Sixth feeding

Approximate daily routine for a child from 6 to 9 months

A baby at this age sleeps 3 times a day, the total amount of sleep per day decreases to 14-16 hours. The number of feedings for a child at this age is reduced to 5 with a break between them of 4 hours. It is now advisable to combine periods of not only sleep, but also wakefulness with a walk - for general development baby.

We are offering to you Approximate daily routine for a child from 6 to 9 months:

7.00 – Wake up after a night's sleep and first feeding

7.00-9.00 – Wakefulness

9.00 – 11.00 – Sleep

11.00 – Second feeding

11.00-13.00 – Wakefulness (can be combined with a walk)

13.00 – 15.00 – Sleep

15.00 – Third feeding

15.00-17.00 – Wakefulness (can be combined with a walk)

17.00-19.00 – Sleep

19.00 – Fourth feeding

19.00-21.00 – Wakefulness (quiet games)

20.30 - Carrying out hygiene procedures before bed (bathing)

21.00-7.00 – Night sleep

23.00 – Fifth feeding

Approximate daily routine for a child from 9 months to a year

A child for about a year sleeps only 2 times a day, and the total duration of daytime sleep is 5 hours. But, in any case, you should consider individual characteristics your child’s body – he may want to sleep less during the day, but he will have longer sleep at night.

As your child approaches one year of age, he or she is already awake for up to 3.5 hours, so you will have to think especially carefully about what to do with him during this time.

Since at this age the child is already confident in eating complementary foods, the diet also changes slightly.

We are offering to you Approximate daily routine for a child from 9 months to a year:

7.00 - Waking up after a night's sleep and performing hygiene procedures

7.30 – Breakfast

8.00-9.30 – Wakefulness (outdoor games and educational activities)

9.30-12.00 – Sleep (in the fresh air)

12.00 – Hygiene procedures after sleep, lunch

12.30 – 15.00 – Wakefulness (outdoor games or just a walk)

15.00 – Afternoon snack

15.30-17.00 – Sleep

17.00-19.00 - Hygiene procedures after sleep, games and educational activities

19.00 – Dinner

19.45 - Carrying out hygiene procedures before bed (bathing)

20.00 – 7.00 – Night sleep

We have offered you only an approximate daily routine for a child under one year old, which should not be followed blindly. Yes, the basic rules for creating a daily routine for a child in the first year of life are given correctly here, but perhaps your baby himself will decide to make some adjustments to the option you have chosen - thereby creating an ideal daily routine for himself!

So 9 months of waiting for a miracle ended, and a child with velvety skin, rosy cheeks and shining eyes was born.

Which mode to choose: strict or not at all?

If everything was somehow sorted out in the maternity hospital, then after being discharged home, young mothers are at a loss as to what, how, and in what sequence to do.

The advice is simple: you need to organize the daily routine of a newborn baby in the first two months, adhering to which life with the baby will quickly go back on track.

Let us recall that, by definition, a regime is a strict schedule given from the outside, strictly prescribing at what time the mother should feed the baby, put her to bed, take a walk, bathe her, give her a massage, and even change diapers. And the baby should also begin to adapt to this newborn’s daily routine, which is determined by the mother.

Our grandmothers and mothers strictly followed these instructions, strictly feeding their infants every 3 hours, minute by minute, and went crazy because the newborns were capricious, crying, and acting restless.

But all the kids wanted was to eat again. Also, the baby could cry if he wanted to be rocked a little after being put to sleep.

But the mother, seeing that there was still half an hour left before the baby was put to bed, played with the baby, distracted him, thereby contributing to the fact that the baby could no longer fall asleep due to overexcitation.

It is not uncommon to hear that. Therefore, in this case we will talk about an approximate mode when An infant should be fed on demand. From the practical experience of many mothers, we can say that newborn babies with this approach usually feed 10-12 times a day and rarely 8 times.

Nowadays, it is enough to maintain a certain rhythm of the day for newborns. That is, the sequence of actions should be repeated day after day: waking up - feeding - hygiene procedures - massage - wakefulness - feeding - sleep - walk - waking up - feeding - sleep - bathing - sleep, etc. There is nothing wrong with your baby staying on the breast a little longer, sleeping more, or staying awake more than in previous days.

The main thing is to maintain the sequence of actions.

Morning in the daily routine of a newborn

It is likely that the baby’s morning can begin as early as 4-6 am. There is nothing wrong with this, and this does not mean at all that a young mother needs to make the bed, waking up everyone in the household and starting a new day.

It is likely that the baby will eat, will undergo minor hygiene procedures when changing a diaper, will be carried in the arms, and will fall asleep again.

The next awakening (approximately 7-8 am) should be considered the beginning of a new day. A baby who has developed all his senses will feel that there is active activity in the world around him.

As a rule, the baby will be hungry again and it is unlikely that it will be possible to change morning hygiene procedures for feeding.

Therefore, mother's milk or formula comes first, and then everything else. Babies in the first month of life breastfeeding it takes 7 to 20 minutes to feel full in the morning and a little more time - during the day and evening, before a longer sleep. After feeding, you should hold the baby upright to allow the milk to get into the mouth faster. gastrointestinal tract and exclude strong ones.

How to wash your baby for the first three months of life?

Now is the time for morning hygiene procedures. Washing is carried out at a water temperature of +28°C. It is important to change the diaper by washing the baby under running water.

It's worth knowing that the girl should be washed strictly in the direction from the genitals to the anus. Then you should place the baby on the changing table and pat his skin dry with a soft, warm towel. Do not wipe under any circumstances. We will tell you more about this in a separate article.

Caring for a newborn boy is different from caring for a girl, so it’s a good idea to find out.

Inexperienced mothers may initially be afraid to wash their baby under the tap. In this case, wet sanitary napkins will help out. Using them, you should clean the skin in the diaper area from the tummy to the back. The baby's dry skin should be treated by applying diaper cream.

Now you should pay attention to the baby’s face, and in particular to his eyes, snub nose, and ears.

Need to prepare boiled water and pour it into 2 containers. You can add chamomile decoction to the water.

Then, using cotton swabs soaked in water, movements directed from the outer edge of the eye to the inner, wipe your eyes.

Do not forget that newborn babies easily overheat and become hypothermic, since their thermoregulation has not yet been adjusted. That's why Special attention should be given to the child's clothing. We must not forget about the headdress.

After a walk/walks, you should wipe the child’s face with cotton swabs soaked in boiled water or use wet wipes.

And if suddenly your child has problems with digestion, we hope that our advice outlined will help you.

Evening swimming

Before the newborn has this evening procedure, he may need to eat a few more times, and the mother will have to change diapers.

Your baby should change his diaper at least 7-8 times per day. Indeed, due to frequent urination and bowel movements (a breastfeeding baby stools 5-6 times a day), the baby’s skin needs frequent cleansing.

For those who are not serious about this procedure, we remind you that the skin of a newborn:

  • 5 times thinner than adult skin,
  • consists of an easily vulnerable hydrolipid mantle (in other words, a “protective film” on the surface of the skin), therefore it needs daily moisturizing,
  • Despite the fact that it contains more moisture (80%) than adult skin, it loses it much faster.

Therefore, it is possible and necessary, starting from the first days after discharge from the hospital. For this procedure, it is enough to select the period from 19:00 to 21:00.

Despite the fact that the baby's umbilical cord falls off on days 5-7 of life, the umbilical wound heals before the 15th day of life. Based on this, during the healing period of the umbilical wound, it is recommended to use boiled water, adding a decoction of chamomile or string. Newborn babies should be bathed for no more than 5 minutes at a water temperature of 37-37.5 °C and air temperature of 24-25 °C.

After bathing, soaking the baby’s skin with a soft towel and moisturizing it, you should feed the baby, sing him a lullaby and put him in a clean bed.

After a long day, walks, so many feedings and diaper changes, even a newborn baby is ready to stay in the arms of Morpheus for 4 hours without rest.

The baby may wake up several more times during the night. All you have to do is feed him, and It is advisable that only dim lights are turned on in the house, and it was very quiet. Then the baby will fall asleep again.

Having developed a simple daily routine for a newborn, the mother will know approximately what time her baby is sleeping, awake, and ready to play a little, or take a walk. For convenience, you can arrange a newborn’s daily routine in the form of a table.

This will give the mother the opportunity to sometimes leave home to visit a gynecologist, make the necessary certificates, documents, and necessary purchases. And at this time, caring grandmothers or other loved ones, armed with a clear plan of action, will be able to sit with the baby.

In contact with

The arrival of a newborn baby in a family usually entails sleepless nights and fatigue for parents. A daily routine helps make life much easier for mom and dad. One of the most controversial questions is when is it necessary to accustom a little person to a routine and how to do it correctly?

First, let's look at the advantages of teaching your baby to a daily routine:
- the ability to make plans for the day
- more free time for mom. When the baby is asleep, you can go about your business
- the baby begins to sense time correctly and will never confuse day with night again
- in the future, the child will have no problem waking up early to go to school kindergarten, and it’s easy to fall asleep in the evening.
Form suitable mode day is easiest a couple of months after the birth of the baby. At this point, it becomes clear at what intervals the child wants to sleep or eat. You should try not to deviate from your daily rituals and set a gap between feedings of about two hours. Then, as the baby gets older, you can increase this period of time, after consulting with your pediatrician.

Very important point in the formation of a regime - changing a diaper. Some babies cannot tolerate wet diapers and begin to cry. However, if the baby is sleeping and the diaper already needs to be changed, then it is better to wait until the baby wakes up. For convenient diaper changing, I recommend buying baby bodysuits from Carters in Ukraine. Changing a diaper is very quick and easy. The child does not need to be completely undressed - just unfasten the buttons between the legs.

After establishing a night feeding routine, the mother has several hours of uninterrupted sleep. At first, you will have to get up and feed the baby often - every two to three hours. As the child gets older, the frequency of night feedings is reduced to one, and then they are completely removed.

If the baby is on artificial feeding, then the interval between feedings can be increased to 3-4 hours, because the mixture is absorbed longer than breast milk. Of course, you need to watch the baby closely, and if he starts crying from hunger, then you don’t need to try to hold out the time.

Some mothers, trying to simplify night feedings, put their baby to sleep next to them at night. This is not entirely the right position, because during sleep you can harm the child sleeping next to you, and as he grows up, difficulties will arise in getting accustomed to his own crib.

There are six very important advice to form a daily routine for a baby:
1. Record your child's routine. First, keep a notebook where you will record your baby's schedule. There you need to record major daily activities during the day: what time the child woke up, ate, fell asleep, etc.

2. Try to find out the pattern in your baby’s sleep patterns and nutrition. If your child needs their diaper changed at a certain time of day, this needs to be included in the daily schedule. A well-fed and not hungry baby with a dry diaper feels much happier and is ready to play and learn new things.

3. Set your child's wake-up time. Babies sleep a lot during the day. In the first weeks of life, they can sleep up to 16 hours a day. Since sleep is the main activity of the baby, order in this matter helps them not to wake up in the middle of the night.

4. Wake up your child at the same time every day. If he wakes up before the required wake-up time, then it is necessary to adjust his sleep schedule so that he falls asleep later.

5. As soon as the baby wakes up, change his diaper and dress him. Then feed the baby. After feeding, organize time for playing, talking, and singing songs. After this, you can put the baby in the crib to sleep. You can put your baby to bed when the first signs of fatigue appear, such as yawning, irritation, crying and rubbing his nose.

6. It is necessary to feed the baby when he is hungry, even if it does not fit into the daily routine. It's not fair to leave your baby without food just because it doesn't fit into your schedule.

Establishing a daily routine for a baby is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Getting used to and adapting to everything new is common to all kids. By monitoring your baby for a few weeks and establishing a daily routine, you can reap many benefits and fully enjoy the joys of motherhood.

Often, with the birth of a baby, a young mother experiences discomfort due to the fact that her usual way of life changes significantly. To avoid stressful situations, it is better to prepare in advance. At the same time, it is important to create conditions that will facilitate the difficult period of adaptation for both mother and baby. Following a daily routine will help you with this.

Why does a child need a daily routine?

A daily routine is a daily routine of actions that are performed in a certain order. This includes: sleep, walks, food, play time, hygiene procedures.
When you stick to a planned sequence of actions, your child will gradually remember that sequence.

Compliance with the regime helps the baby feel confident and safe. At the same time, the child behaves calmly, he is active, sleeps well and is not capricious.

If you choose the right daily routine, you can:

  • plan everything;
  • devote enough time to the child;
  • avoid stress due to constant lack of time;
  • maintain harmonious relationships with loved ones.

Important! Do not force a regimen on your newborn. In the first days of life, try to follow your baby's natural rhythm. You will notice that the baby has his own “internal clock” by which he sleeps, eats and stays awake. By defining this rhythm, it will be easier for you to adapt to change.

Newborn's daily routine in the first months

It is best to create a daily routine for a newborn baby in the first month of life based on feeding and sleeping times, with short periods of wakefulness.
You can keep a special diary and write down in it when and how much your baby sleeps, when he eats, and how many times he wakes up during the night.

After some time, you will be able to identify some patterns. Based on this, it will be possible to plan a daily routine that will be comfortable for your baby.

An approximate daily routine for a newborn baby by the hour could be as follows:

7:00 – wake up, wash (plus other hygiene procedures), gymnastics for newborns.
7:30 – first feeding and active free time.
8:30 - dream.
10:30 – second feeding and active free time.
13:30 – third feeding and active free time.
15:30 - dream.

16:30 – fourth feeding and active free time.
18:00 – a walk outside (the baby can fall asleep).
19:30 – fifth feeding and quiet free time.
20:30 – evening bathing (plus other hygiene procedures).
21:30 - sixth feeding.
from 22:00– night sleep (plus night feedings on demand).

How to regulate a newborn’s daily routine:

  • Try to have your child wake up at the same time every day.
  • Let everything happen gradually. It may take you some time to adapt to your new routine.
  • Come up with “rituals” for your child that will help him navigate during the day: after playing, we go outside; after swimming we go listen to songs; after singing - sleep.


Newborn babies sleep quite a lot - approximately 17-20 hours a day. You can put your baby to sleep next to you, but most doctors recommend that the baby immediately learn to sleep separately - in his own crib.

The crib should also have no pillows. Also make sure that there are no unnecessary things or items in the baby's crib. soft toys. It will take some time for your baby to learn to sleep in his own crib. But the sooner he learns to sleep separately, the easier it will be for his parents in the future.

As your baby grows, the amount of sleep per day will gradually decrease. As a rule, by two months, children already sleep 1-2 times a day with long sleeps (about one or two hours) and another two or three times with short sleep intervals (about 30-40 minutes).


Most pediatricians recommend feeding a newborn. This means that when the baby cries, the breast is offered first.
When breastfeeding, a baby can eat every two or three hours (about six or eight feedings per day). There is no hard limit here. It all depends on the individual needs of the baby, his state of health, birth weight and other factors.

The number of feedings in newborns on artificial and artificial natural feeding is different. If your baby is eating, you may have fewer feedings per day, but at longer intervals than with breastfeeding.


You can walk outside with your newborn baby every day. Pediatricians are divided in their opinion when it is better to start walking: in the first days of staying at home or only after a week. In any case, be guided by the time of year and the air temperature outside.

In summer, your first walk can take 20 minutes at an air temperature of no higher than thirty degrees. On too hot days, it is better to move the walk to early morning, when the sun is not yet so active.

In winter, you can walk for ten minutes with a newborn baby for the first time, if it is not below ten degrees below zero outside. If the air temperature drops below ten degrees, you can dress your baby warmly and put him to sleep in a stroller on a glassed-in balcony. At the same time, be sure to ensure complete safety for the child and make sure that no foreign objects get into the stroller.

By the end of the first month, the walking time is gradually increased, bringing it to 1 hour or a little more.

Hygiene procedures

  • The daily routine of a baby must include: washing, rubbing, washing, bathing, caring for the umbilical wound (in the first days after birth), moisturizing the skin
  • In the morning, the child must be washed and changed. Let these procedures “tell” the baby that morning has come.
  • During the day, be sure to wash the child, dry the skin and treat the folds with baby powder or a special cream.
  • In the evening, the baby must be bathed. It is best at the same time (approximately before the last feeding and bedtime). Use a separate baby bath for bathing your baby. Around the end of the first month, the baby can already be bathed in an adult bath, using a special children's circle.
  • The water for swimming should be warm (about 36-37 degrees). Sometimes you can add herbal decoctions (chamomile, string, celandine) to the water. In the first days, bathing lasts about five to seven minutes.
  • Then the time can be gradually increased.
  • After an evening bath, your baby can treat the umbilical wound and trim his nails.

Massage and gymnastics

In the first half of the day, when the newborn baby is not sleeping, you can give him a light massage or. It is best to conduct such activities approximately 20-30 minutes before feeding.

Massage for a newborn baby consists of simple gentle movements: stroking the back, tummy, gently bending the legs and arms, pulling up with the fingers.

Daily routine for a newborn by month in the table

In the first months, the entire daily routine of a newborn is based on feeding and sleep. As you grow older, your routine changes: your sleep time gradually decreases, and your time spent awake and walking outside increases.

How does the schedule change for infant in different months, the table shows.

Disorders of the daily routine in infants

If the regime is violated once, it is not at all scary. It’s worse when such violations occur constantly.

The most common violation of a baby's daily routine is when the baby begins to confuse day and night: during the day he sleeps more, and at night he wakes up and stays awake for a long time.
To get your routine back on track, try not to let your child sleep too long during the day. Daytime sleep can also be adjusted by walking and sleeping outside.

During the daytime, the room should be light so that the child understands that it is daytime. And at night it’s the other way around: if the baby wakes up, try to feed and rock him to sleep in the dark or in the dim light of a night light and in silence.

Another common problem for parents is waking up their baby too early. To “help” your baby sleep longer in the morning, try putting him to bed a little later in the evening.

Newborn's daily routine: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Children's doctor Komarovsky emphasizes that a newborn child is physically unable to strictly obey the regime required by the parents. To prevent the family’s everyday life from turning into chaos, it is necessary to organize the care of a small child in such a way that it is convenient for everyone, and first of all for the parents themselves.

When drawing up a daily routine for a newborn in the first month, the main thing should not be thoughtless adherence to norms and rules, but health and good mood baby and parents – advises Komarovsky.

Newborn's daily routine - video

In this video you will learn: how to build a daily routine for a newborn up to 1 month; how to deal with the most common problems with irregular routine in infants and why it is important to follow special “rituals” with your child during the day. You will also learn what the daily routine of a newborn baby at 2-3 months may look like; how many hours should a child sleep and eat at a given age and what should be used as a guide when creating a daily routine for a baby under one year old.

A properly designed daily routine will help the baby grow and develop in calm atmosphere and harmony. You can find the right routine for your newborn through trial and error.

Don’t be afraid to adjust your plan and don’t worry if you can’t always do everything exactly on schedule. Form a daily routine gradually, based on the individual needs of the baby and the lifestyle of your family.

Do you create a daily routine for your child? At what age did you start teaching your baby a routine and what problems did you encounter? Share your opinion in the comments.