Useful tips

How to remember a large amount of information. Money and the millionaire mindset. Ways to memorize information and memory training techniques

My greetings to everyone. The vast flow of information forces us to overload our brains to the point of headache. How to quickly remember a large amount of information and is it possible to learn? It turns out it is possible. Let's try to learn to remember a large number of important information, discarding unnecessary information.

How much information can you store?

Scientists have been struggling with this issue for a long time, but cannot come to a consensus. At first it was assumed that this was 10 million bits, but it turned out that this was too small a figure. Scientists have recognized that a reliable figure will be 10 to the 17th power of bits.

A person has to remember not only certain information, but also what accompanies him through life, for example, names, names of animals, facial features of his relatives or loved ones.

Therefore, scientists suggest that the brain is capable of holding up to 10 to the 23rd power of bits. How much do people actually remember? Very little, without using all the capabilities of your brain. Nature has given people a rather complex mechanism called memory, which means we need to use it to the fullest.

Memory types

IN ordinary life Each person differs from another in different amounts of information storage. Personality is characterized by the peculiarity of memorization, which is reflected in his behavior and activities. But all people have different types memorization.

There are only four types:

  • Visual.
  • Auditory.
  • Motor.
  • Mixed.

Visual perception helps preserve images that a person sees with his own eyes. He stores them in his memory for a long time and, if necessary, can reproduce them. Such individuals have a highly developed imagination. According to scientists people Engineers, designers, designers, and artists can work with this type of memory. They continue to “see” the image, even if it is no longer in front of their eyes.

The auditory type is also called sound or auditory. People with this perception remember all kinds of sounds for a long time. It could be music or voice, spoken words. This type of memorization can serve schoolchildren, students, composers, musicians, linguists, and anyone whose profession is related to sounds.

Motor or motor perception helps a person remember movements, their characteristics, that is, rhythm, sequence, amplitude, speed. Athletes have this type. It helps everyone involved in gaming and various work activities.

Mixed type.

  • People with this type do not have just one; they are able to use all types of memory:
  • visual-motor.
  • visual-auditory.


Using different analyzers, a person can remember everything equally well - sounds, movements, images. There are other species that do not have a significant impact on human life. These include olfactory, gustatory, and tactile. They most often come down to satisfying human biological needs.

Defining your own memorization type

To identify your memory type, you need to conduct a certain test using the “Memory Type Determination” technique. Ask your assistant to read a group of words out loud, then write them down from memory. This technique has a special coefficient that will help determine your type of memorization.

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Why is it good to write cheat sheets? They will help you remember information, and in short term

. Experts recommend writing cheat sheets rather than cramming a lesson or lecture. Cheat sheets activate those parts of the brain that are responsible for memorization.

When writing cheat sheets, several types of memory are involved: visual and motor, so the information is easier to remember. Students often use cheat sheets. Even if they were not useful during the exam, the student will still know the material. What is special about cheat sheets? On a small piece of paper you have to briefly write down the most important information

, which is firmly deposited in memory. These can be keywords or entire phrases that form a whole story.

In addition, the scheme for compiling cheat sheets aims a person at sequential reproduction of information. This method is used not only by students, but also by teachers and managers.

Auditory memory To increase memory capacity , experts advise connecting auditory memory

An excellent result is obtained by recording the text on a voice recorder and listening to it sequentially, and you must pronounce the text yourself or record what the teacher says. There was an opinion that a person remembers information well in a dream, but this opinion was rejected by many scientists.

How to enhance visual perception?

This will help visual material Therefore, teachers write down all important data on the board. To better remember the material, you need to look at the bright illustrations.

Learn to read quickly

Reading also gives an excellent boost to memorizing material. The visual analyzer helps the brain capture the necessary information. Note-taking is a powerful weapon for remembering material. Especially when note-taking is done with pens of different colors.

Large volume of material can be remembered by connecting motor memory. We are back to writing cheat sheets again.

If you are learning a dance, then the motor type of memorization will also help here. This technique is used in childhood, as well as in training surgeons, pilots, cooks, dancers, and athletes.

How to quickly learn a foreign language

If you are interested in how to quickly learn English language or any other foreign language, then watch this video. Nikolai Yagodkin talks about the technique of memorizing 100 foreign words in 1 hour.

Find an interlocutor who is fluent in a foreign language, communicate with him in the chosen language. If possible, communicate with foreigners more often. Good technique, which will help you master a foreign language, is called “Mental Repetition”.

The essence of this technique is to repeat the material after a certain period of time. Create a repetition schedule and stick to it. Long breaks between repetitions will not give a positive result.

  1. After receiving the information, repeat it after 1 hour.
  2. Repeat after 3 hours.
  3. Move the third repetition to another day. You can repeat it at any time.
  4. Gradually increase the number of repetitions, reducing breaks.
  5. Don't take long breaks between repeating material.

Dear friends, try to use your memory to achieve your goals in life. Find the right techniques so that she becomes a real assistant to you.

Do you urgently need to remember the text? How easy is it to learn it? Similar questions arise in people's minds before test work, exams and other important events. Our brain has limitless possibilities, only it should be helped in their development. At the moment, there are a sufficient number of techniques in the world aimed at developing thinking and memory. It is worth noting that absolutely everything mental processes can be improved throughout life. By engaging in self-development, a person can achieve a lot. Such successful people We are used to seeing them on the TV screen, reading about them in magazines and on popular websites on the Internet.

The process that allows us to remember and forget information is called memory. It has its own volume, i.e. a person can only remember a limited amount of information. But by developing memory, its storage can be significantly increased over time.

In order to understand exactly how much information a person can remember, special techniques are used to determine the resource of not only short-term, but also long-term memorization. It is possible to quickly learn a large text by heart by following recommendations that have been tested by many people.

Types of memory:

  • tactile;
  • taste;
  • figurative;
  • visual;
  • auditory;
  • olfactory.

Starting from childhood, a person develops a certain type of memory. For example, if he liked to read books on his own, then in the future it will be quite easy for him to remember information from paper and other media, that is, which he can read on his own. Thus, visual memory will be well developed. Let's consider another option for memory development. If in childhood the child’s parents read books at home, then his auditory memory will be well trained.

How to learn text quickly and easily? In order for a person to quickly memorize a stream of information from any source, he should regularly develop his memory, and cover absolutely all types of it. Classes using various techniques that suggest regularly performing special exercises will help with this issue.

First of all, in order to remember the text, you need to read it and understand what the author wanted to convey to the reader. By understanding what each paragraph is about, it will be much easier to remember it than just a bunch of words. A sure way to memorize is also to visualize what you read, that is, create a small movie in your head using images of a given text. Correctly fulfilling all the conditions of the methods, you can quickly memorize the work.

It has long been proven that it is easier for any person to solve a problem in parts, this also applies to memorizing text. To make it easier to store information in memory, you should divide it into parts.

When studying a text, it is worth organizing around yourself calm environment. It is advisable to turn off the radio, TV and privacy, since if someone is talking on the phone nearby, it is unlikely that you will be able to remember the theorem or poem.

In some cases, from a work that needs to be learned, it is worth writing out some words, you will get something like a cheat sheet, and they, as has long been proven, are useful for studying. Notes allow you to highlight the main information from an essay; visual memory works when writing. Also, when reading a book, remember the font of the text and the pictures on the pages.

If you suddenly feel that you are tired and your brain is not processing the information, take a break, drink coffee, rest, and then begin studying with renewed vigor, having previously remembered the text you have already memorized. Memorizing prose at home is much easier than in another environment, and it takes less time.

There are many methods and exercises for memory training in the world, almost all of them are effective. Let's look at the most popular of them, which have many positive reviews.

  1. During any mathematical calculation, you should put the calculator aside. By counting in your head or on paper and doing it regularly, a person increases your memory capacity significantly.
  2. Start your day by counting from 100 to 1. You need to count in this order and try to increase the speed every day.
  3. Enough effective exercise called "Cities in a Minute". It's easy to do: in just one minute you need to name 60 cities, one city per second. You won’t be able to do this the first time, but by doing this task every day, you can notice positive results within a week.
  4. You can try learning new words. This technique will allow a person not only to train his memory, but also to learn a foreign language. Such exercises should be performed regularly, since just once the picture will not change, just like when training muscles. It is recommended to learn fifteen words a day and increase this barrier with each subsequent week.
  5. The simplest and most well-known exercise is considered to be the usual memorization of a poem. The important thing about this technique is its consistency, that is, you need to learn new poems systematically.

Techniques for quickly learning a poem

Don't know how to quickly learn texts by heart? Using some techniques and recommendations, this will become much easier and faster.

After this, be sure to visualize the poem; this is a little more difficult than in the case of prose, but the result will be effective. For example, if the poem talks about a prisoner sitting behind bars (A.S. Pushkin), then you can even draw this picture on paper.

When memorizing a poem, pay attention to the rhymes. You can also try to read the work in roles, create a dialogue, for example, with a close relative or friend.

Have you memorized a poem, but are you afraid to make a mistake when telling it? Write down the first words of each line on paper, this will make the task much easier.

Reading quickly improves memory

Very few people know how to quickly learn a text by heart. First of all, you need to master the technique quick reading, it is precisely this that will help in a short time to isolate the most important information from a large text or from an entire book.

Reading may be different:

  • leisurely - it is classified as reading works of fiction (novels, detective stories, etc.);
  • concentrated - required to study very important information;
  • fast reading - with its help it is easy to highlight the main thing from a large text;
  • fluent – ​​the essence of the information is remembered without details.

Using the speed reading technique, a person can easily highlight the main information in the text and not waste his time on unnecessary water in it.

To master the technique of speed reading, it is recommended to initially read the table of contents of the book, this will help to form a general impression of it. Then read the introduction, chapters, pay attention to the highlighted information in the text, what the author emphasizes.

Train your speed of reading words per minute, each time take a new page from the book for the exercise.

Remember the information we read

Some people do not have a very good memory, and always wonder how to quickly learn texts by heart. To do this, you don’t need to do anything complicated, just follow the recommendations that will help reduce your learning time significantly.

The surest way to remember something easily is through recollection. This is the name given to the memory function, which helps a person remember information learned in the past.

Reading the text again, a few hours after the first time, will strengthen it in memory.

Having understood the information presented in the work, a person can remember the entire text in a fairly short period of time. Also memorize the piece in parts, it’s easier than learning everything at once. Read thoughtfully, understand the words, understand what you are reading about. Proven fact: what you read before bed is remembered better.

What helps memory to be in good condition?

Everything in the human body is interconnected, this also applies to memory. To keep her in order, you need not only to train your thought processes, but also to monitor the state of your brain.

  • Both adults and children should get enough sleep every day. Experts say that people who sleep less than seven hours a night are prone to forgetfulness and inattention. Therefore, be sure to follow your daily routine;
  • Our brain, like the whole body, needs energy to work, we take it from food. Therefore, watch your diet, exclude processed foods and other harmful products. Eat more cereals, vegetables and fruits;
  • don't forget about physical activity and walks in the fresh air, this will help saturate the blood more with oxygen, which has a good effect on the entire body and memory.

The Mysterious Powers of Memory

Our memory, as mentioned earlier, has unlimited capacity. You can remember necessary and unnecessary information different ways. By training your memory every day, you can discover a lot of new and unknown things.

A good memory is a source of pride. In the modern age, we perceive tons of information every day. It’s just that you can’t remember everything. Needless to say, in Lately people are used to putting everything in telephone memos. But still, the most powerful and reliable hard drive that cannot be hacked is our brain. However, to remember information, you need a good memory and following some tricks. However, first things first.

Memory usage

How to remember information faster? It is impossible to find the answer to this question without understanding your abilities given by nature. The thing is that almost all of us have developed several types of memory. But one of them is the strongest. So, here are all its types:

  • visual (visual);
  • auditory (hearing);
  • tactile (kinesthetic);
  • gustatory and olfactory.

The last type of memory is considered the least practical, because taste and smell are least likely to act as leading analyzers. However, everything listed species are combined into one type of memory - figurative. Image, sound, sensation, smell and taste - all this contributes to the creation of a certain picture in our imagination.

There is also verbal-logical memory, motor (motor), emotional, voluntary, involuntary, short-term, long-term and operational. But, naturally, the first one on this list helps memorize.

Figurative method

If we talk about how to memorize information faster, then this method is worth mentioning first. Because it is the most effective.

Memorization is a process of searching for connections. Or their creation in an array of images. If you want to put something in memory, you need to find or create a new visual connection. Information, especially abstract information (ideas, thoughts), cannot be memorized.

Here's a simple example. Word sleeve, which translates from English as “sleeve,” you can try to get into your head a whole hour, repeating it ad nauseam. But why, if you can really remember it in 5 seconds? It's simple! It’s enough to imagine the sleeve of a jacket filled to the top with plums. Strange? May be. But now you won’t even have to remember what the word means sleeve. And all thanks to the creation of a connection between him and the image.

This method is even used in teaching. Just remember math lessons at school. Yes, any person who completed it 10, 20 and 30 years ago, when asked what a bisector is, will answer - it is a ray dividing one angle into two. And why? Because a bisector is a rat that runs around the corners and divides the corner in half. All teachers used this simple rhyme to make life easier for students.


This method is similar to the previous one. How to remember information faster? Make up associations! These are groups of images that encode information. They always have a base and superimposed elements.

There is no need to even look for associations, since they surround us. The phone numbers contain birthdays that need to be remembered. In memorable dates - house numbers, addresses of friends. And, of course, words are the main assistant of each of us.

How to quickly remember the spectral types of stars? They are designated by letters, and not in alphabetical order - O, B, A, F, G, K, M. If you think a little, you can come up with a funny association by writing a word for each letter and combining them into a meaningful sentence: “One Blonde American Chewed Dates Like Carrots”. And using this scheme, you can remember almost everything - from dates to formulas.

In the process of learning

Most often, schoolchildren and students are interested in the answer to the question of how to memorize information faster. Those who need to learn something, and preferably quickly. The above methods are worth using, but they will be auxiliary in this case.

The most important thing is to establish a certain mode. The best time to absorb information is from 8:00 to 11:00 and from 20:00 to 23:00. However, it all depends on what time a person goes to bed and gets up. After analyzing your activity, it is not so difficult to find best time for myself.

Having chosen the time, you need to turn off the Internet and all electronic gadgets, provide yourself with silence or a non-distracting background music, and then concentrate, removing out of sight everything that may seem more interesting than studying. For many people this is the problem. But you can concentrate if you break the material you are learning into several parts and learn little by little.

For example, a student needs to prepare 40 tickets for an exam that will take place in 5 days. This means he will need to do 10 pieces every day. Five in the morning, the same in the evening, and during the day you can rest. On the fifth day, repeat everything. This will help. The main thing is to set a goal and follow a clear plan.


How to quickly remember “big” information? The question posed in this way worries all students on the eve of an exam or test. The volume of information (and not the most interesting) is large, but there is no time. What to do? The answer is simple. We need to get carried away.

Everyone has noticed how unnoticed time flies during walks, travel, and entertainment! And then we remember everything in amazing detail. All because it was interesting. When preparing for tomorrow's exam, you need to be passionate about the subject. “Why do I need him!”, “I’ll forget everything in a day!”, “There’s nothing more boring in the world!” - all these excuses are familiar to students. But you need to learn, so you have to convince yourself that the subject and information are of unprecedented interest. You need to try to find something catchy or maybe useful in it. Or convince yourself that today there is nothing to do except study of this subject, not available. And be sure to find motivation. You can promise yourself to have a celebration after successfully passing the exam. In anticipation, information is actually remembered better.

A thorough approach

There are people who are not interested in how to quickly remember a large amount of information. It is important for them that certain data is stored on their internal “hard drive” for a long time.

To do this, you need to use a combined technique of quick and detailed reading. So, first, a detailed familiarization with the material. Some people read 2-3 pages to understand what they are dealing with. Others snatch the text from different parts books (notes or other source of information). However, this is an individual question. The point of superficial reading is not to memorize the text, but to become familiar with it.

But then comes the time for a detailed method. It involves a slow, thoughtful reading of all available information and its parallel analysis. You can highlight complex words or interesting phrases, re-read what you couldn’t understand the first time.

At the same time, it is advisable to take notes and even sketches. And also talk to yourself. Thinking out loud is very useful because it uses auditory, verbal and visual memory. In addition, attentiveness is more activated, because reading aloud is impossible without concentration.

Useful tricks

How to learn to quickly remember information? You need to learn one simple rule. You need to scream! It has been proven that information fits into the brain faster if a person shouts it out.

Emotions help too. Especially the expression. Gestures, phrases, facial expressions - and everything that can express it. You can even act out a scene in front of a mirror.

And yet, you can’t sit still. If you learn something while making circles around the room, you will be able to activate your brain and, accordingly, your ability to remember information.

By the way, if there is an opportunity to change the situation, you need to take advantage of it. And it is advisable to exchange the room for nature. Fresh air and the absence of four concrete walls will contribute to more active memorization.

Active repetition

This is another good way to quickly remember information and transfer it from temporary memory to long-term memory.

At the very beginning it was about images and connections. With their help you can really remember information faster. But! If a person does not use these connections, they will simply collapse over time. This is the reason why we forget what we previously remembered. And the weaker and more indistinct the connection was, the faster it will collapse.

That's why you need to use this method. Repeat connections, update visual images and make them more vivid. And here is the conclusion: memorization is not constant cramming and viewing external sources, but regular retrieval from memory of images that have ever been created. And it’s better to spend a little time coming up with them, and then remember the information for the rest of your life, than to memorize it for hours and forget it in a day.

Developing a Habit

There are people for whom quickly remembering the necessary information is a piece of cake. And all because they constantly follow the above-mentioned recommendations (and some others that they come up with themselves). These people train their memory and improve the ability given by nature. And for them the question of how to quickly remember information before an exam or what they saw briefly is not relevant. And this is the main secret.

You need to develop the habit of remembering or learning something every day. Moreover, using the above methods. They are effective, tested by many. In addition, they contribute to the development of thinking and verbal-logical memory.

Bad memory? Are you forgetting something important? Need to learn something new quickly? Read how to easily remember large amounts of information and become smarter!

This article will help you quickly prepare for exams, easily improve your skills at work, learn new languages, or easily master any new direction. At the same time, your brain will remember large amounts of information better and faster, and your memory will automatically strengthen!

1. We remember information visually!
2. Why is it worth talking about the video separately?
3. Connect hearing and sensations!
4. Sleep and sleep learning!
5. How to correctly remember large amounts of information?
6. Connecting new information with past experience!
6. How to learn to remember a large amount of information at once?
7. Exercise to improve memory!
8. Program for synchronizing the hemispheres of the brain!

We remember information visually!

Scientists have found that despite the differences in the representational system (as you know, there are auditory, visual and kinesthetic learners, you can determine your type), the brain of any person perceives basic information visually.

Moreover, vision greatly influences all other senses and often distorts the information received by them.

An experiment was carried out...

Wine lovers and connoisseurs were asked to recognize what was in their glass. And in a glass they served white wine, to which red food coloring was added.

Not a single participant in the experiment said that the wine was white, since it was red in color!!

How can you use this knowledge to remember large amounts of information?

The brain does not perceive any text as a stream, but only as a picture. When we read a word or phrase, we use our imagination to grasp the meaning. In other words, we translate literal text into visual text.

But this significantly reduces the speed and quality of memorization!

But if we immediately see a picture before our eyes, then its meaning becomes clear without “translation” and is remembered much better!

Therefore, every new thought of a memorized text should be associated with a visual image. These can be explanatory pictures, graphs, tables, diagrams, etc.

Why is it worth talking about the video separately?

Visual information is perceived especially well in motion. A static image is much less effective than a dynamic video. Therefore, if you memorize new information, include thematic videos in the learning process!

Connect your hearing and sensations!

Even if you are a kinesthetic or auditory learner, hearing and sensations will still be additional sources for you to absorb information. But even bright visual people clearly shouldn’t discount them.

The more channels of perception we use during memorization, the better the information is absorbed, and the longer it stays in our RAM.

Therefore, when memorizing the text, do not be lazy to read it out loud. Also use visual aids that you can remember by touch.

Sleep and learning in your sleep!

Sleep itself, especially before an exam or other important event when you need to “cash in” the knowledge you have learned, already plays an important role. Several hundred students were tested on this subject. Those students who slept peacefully the night before the exam showed significantly better results. best result than those who were engaged in night cramming.

Therefore, if you get a good night's sleep, you will have a much greater chance of remembering what you have learned!

Also worth noting is the phenomenon of sleep learning.

Scientists have found that human brain remembers information well in the first 60 minutes after falling asleep. Therefore, when memorizing information out loud, you can turn on the recorder and record it, and then play it back when you fall asleep.

How to remember large amounts of information correctly?

The final result also greatly depends on how you organize your training.

Many people use the cramming method and “languish” over knowledge until they “learn it.” However, this approach is not effective.

It is much easier and simpler to remember a large amount of information if:

  • take breaks between studying each new block of information;
  • explore new blocks mixed together;
  • make a brief summary of what you have learned;
  • repeat what you have learned in an hour, then after 3 hours, and then the next day.

What does it mean to learn new blocks mixed together?

When learning new information, you can proceed sequentially. First learn one, then the second, which follows from the first, then the third, closely related to the second. It would seem that this approach should be correct. But no.

When a person switches his attention to a new aspect that is not related to the previous one, he perceives information much better. So, let's say, if you are learning English, spend 15 minutes memorizing new words, then rest for 5 minutes and start listening to English speech for 15 minutes, then take a break again and start reading. Another break, then translation of the text. And after an hour, repeat the words you learned. The result will surprise you!

It’s worth saying a few words about the outline...

There is no need to write everything down there and turn your notes into a cheat sheet. It is enough to write down one word of each new thought, and the word should reflect this very thought. With this approach, you only need to look at a written word to remember everything associated with it.

Connecting new information with past experiences!

This is another important aspect! New knowledge should occupy its own section in your memory, then it will be easy for you to “pull out” it when needed.

Let's look at an example...

Many people have trouble remembering new names or numbers. To eliminate this problem, when memorizing, try to associate this information with some image that is already in your head.

For example, a new employee’s name is Ivan. Do you remember that that was the name of the Russian hero? folk tales. All! This name will be firmly imprinted in your memory! Or, let’s say, you were recommended to contact Marya Ivanovna on some issue. In order not to forget this same Marya Ivanovna (after all, you haven’t even seen her yet), you just need to remember that that was the name of your first teacher... In general, the point is clear.

The same goes for numbers!

There is no need to look for some kind of logic in your reasoning when you are trying, for example, to remember the password for a new bank card. The thought may come to this: 18 is youth, 70 is old. Now you will remember the password 1870 for the rest of your life!

All you need to do is choose your association!

What if, for example, you are learning something new or mastering a new ability?

All you need to do is analyze what aspects and details you already know.

Let's say you want to open a slate manufacturing business, and before that you were supplying food products.

What could be in common?

Not as little as you might think. For any business, you will need to draw up a business plan, purchase the necessary equipment, determine the target audience, think through an advertising campaign, and resolve issues with employees. And you already know all this!! All you have to do is focus on the differences and delve into the process of making this very slate.

Agree, it seems much easier than mastering a completely new and unfamiliar type of activity.

How to learn to remember a large amount of information at once?

Remember at school there was such a form as retelling? But it’s no coincidence!

When we retell the information we have received to someone, we immediately remember it, and for a very long time. Therefore, if you have “free ears,” use them to benefit the cause. At the same time, it is better to retell it while looking at the notes, then even a large amount of information will settle down in your memory entirely.

But if there are no free ears at hand, a mirror will come to the rescue.

At the same time, try to explain everything to your reflection as clearly as possible - using facial expressions and gestures.

The more bodily movements you use during the retelling process, the better the information will be absorbed. And at “hour X” itself (an exam or other similar event), you can remember your grimaces and gestures, while the accompanying information that you tried to explain to your reflection will emerge in your memory by itself.

Also, as mentioned above, for clarity, it is worth including images in the outline.

Exercise to improve memory!

This simple exercise gives an incredible effect!

It helps expand the brain's working memory and easily allows you to remember large amounts of information.

Some schoolchildren who previously had difficulty remembering lessons, after regularly performing this exercise, increased their academic performance many times over, became smarter and got rid of problems with their studies.

After just a few weeks of classes, adults noted that they stopped forgetting about important things, began to easily remember large amounts of information, and could more easily endure information loads and stress!

Just 5 minutes a day will help you quickly remember large amounts of information!

This exercise synchronizes the activity of both hemispheres of the brain, which allows you to remember more, faster and better!

What do we have to do?

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. With your right hand you need to grab the left earlobe, and with your left hand - the right earlobe.

3. While inhaling, perform a squat in this position of the arms.

4. As you exhale, stand in the same position with your arms.

You can do several approaches so that the total time of squats is 5 minutes, or perform squats all at once. This time per day will be quite enough.

Yoga for the brain (practice) also has a beneficial effect on memory, as it provides additional blood flow to the brain.

Program for synchronizing the hemispheres of the brain!

To improve memory and memorize large amounts of information, it is also good to use a special audio program that synchronizes the activity of the brain hemispheres and increases its “throughput” ability to receive information. In addition, the program contributes to the self-development of the individual as a whole. It is advisable to listen to it daily during the daytime hours.

Program for synchronizing the brain hemispheres

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Representative system is a concept of neurolinguistic programming, meaning the primary way a person receives information from the outside world (

Ekaterina Dodonova

Business coach, blogger, memory development and speed reading instructor. Founder of the educational project iq230

1. Understand

Very often, people simply try to memorize unfamiliar words and phrases without even understanding their meaning. Perhaps this will be enough for several days, say, to pass an exam. Unless, of course, the lecturer asks you to explain what you mean by ablation and what are the signs of those same chromosomal aberrations from the first ticket.

The brain perfectly remembers words connected associatively. He discards incomprehensible letter combinations like garbage, not wanting to waste time on them.

For this reason, most people have difficulty learning. A strange-sounding word does not bring to mind pictures that are familiar and understandable to the heart.

Therefore, for better memorization, you must first parse and understand all new terms. Try to feel the word and connect it in your imagination with familiar concepts.

2. Come up with an association

Having imagination is one of the most powerful tools for remembering information. significantly facilitate the process of memorizing important reports, presentations, texts, including those in foreign languages, due to artificial associations.

Let's take the word "Monday". What frames are running on your internal screen? It could be the morning, terrible traffic jams, a thought pulsating in your head, a day on the calendar, a diary page from childhood, or a buzzing office anthill. What do you see?

To make associative connections strong and durable, you can use the five-finger rule. Each finger has its own association, filled with one or another content.

Fingers Association
Big "Raisin". Original, absurd, absurd
Pointing "Emotions". Use only positivity
Average “About my beloved self.” Feel free to associate the object of memorization with yourself
Nameless "Feel". Connect your senses: vision, hearing, smell, taste, tactile sensations
Little finger "In move". Make your subject move. The brain remembers information faster over time

Thus, the necessary information will be imprinted in your memory at all levels of senses at once, which will allow you to use it for a long time.

3. Trick the magic number 7 ± 2

The famous American psychologist George Miller found that short-term human memory cannot remember and repeat more than 7 ± 2 elements. The mode of constant information overload reduces this number to 5 ± 2.

Nevertheless, there is a simple way to deceive the laws of short-term memory: using the method of stories, which involves logical linking of disparate memorization objects into one chain. You may end up with something funny, incredible and completely impossible. real life story. The main thing is that with its help you can remember more than 15 elements at a time.

According to the director's plan, in the next scene you should swim in a pool filled to the brim with semolina porridge. Yes, just imagine this madness in bright colors. Feel with your skin how the semolina sticks to your skin. How hard it is to swim in this warm liquid, although the porridge is not too thick. The smell of milk in the air butter and childhood.

4. Repeat correctly

Our brain can be programmed - this is scientific fact. It requires awareness and daily work in the chosen direction. Therefore, if you have firmly decided that it is extremely important for you to learn English in six months, then your brain is already tuned in to intensive memorization. But in addition to regular training, regular repetition of the material covered is also important.

Use specific time intervals for best memorization: repeat the material immediately after training, then after 15–20 minutes, after 6–8 hours (preferably before bed) and the last time after a week.

5. Tune in

Perhaps there is nothing worse when a person thinks about himself in negative terms: “I will never cope with this,” “It is impossible for me to remember this,” “I will not be able to learn such a complex report.” Use only positive statements, programming your brain for work and results.

Tune in correctly, tell yourself: “I remember!”, “I have a good memory. I’ll remember,” “I’ll remember and easily retell it in my own words in two hours.” Set yourself up. The resource state of the brain is your area of ​​responsibility.

Knowing the five secrets of memory, you can easily learn to memorize truly complex and versatile materials. In addition, there are many interesting and natural ways for humans to train memory and consolidate the necessary objects of memorization, which Ekaterina Dodonova also talks about in detail in her book.

Happy reading and have a great memory!