
How everything happens in the maternity hospital. Is an ultrasound performed before childbirth in the maternity hospital - Main reasons. During the postpartum period

So, the most important day in the last nine months is approaching - the long-awaited meeting with the baby. On this long and interesting path there were many changes, inspections and analyzes. Sonography is a standard necessity for pregnant girls.

Many people are concerned about the question of whether ultrasound is performed before childbirth in the maternity hospital? Let's figure out what you need to know about this procedure, when and for what purpose an ultrasound is performed.

Ultrasound method or echography is the study of organs using ultrasonic waves. Expectant mothers ask a lot of questions about the dangers. Doctors say:

This technique does not have a teratogenic effect and cannot lead to violations.

According to medical protocol, ultrasound can be performed in 3 situations. On early(to confirm the attachment of the fertilized egg). It is not always welcomed, however, there are a number of indications. Such as:

  • Bloody issues.
  • The need to confirm pregnancy.
  • If there is a history of a diagnosis that prevents normal fertilization.
  • After artificial insemination.

It is important that early studies in this way should be carried out by a specialist who specifically understands early diagnosis. Therefore, the question arises whether there are standards when it is worth carrying out echography. Of course yes.

Let's consider the timing and goals facing the survey:

  1. In the first trimester - in order to exclude anomalies and complex pathologies.
  2. At the onset of 20-21 weeks, the growth of all organs and the correspondence of their sizes to the period are considered. Particular attention is paid to two important systems of the body: the central nervous and cardiovascular.
  3. Genetic doctors also insist on visiting a doctor in the 4th month to make sure there are no gross developmental defects.
  4. Perhaps the most important visit to the gynecologist is at the 32nd week.

What does the final ultrasound show?

It acquires the most important information about both the mother and the baby. The volume and weight of the fetus are determined; if rapid growth occurs, then this is an indication for stimulating contractions.

The presentation is clarified, possibly previously unnoticed delays in formation are excluded, Doppler sonography is performed, and an approximate date of birth is assigned. A detailed assessment of the condition of the placenta, the degree of its maturity, and the readiness of the fetus for birth takes place. Often, at this stage, the method of delivery is decided.

It is important for the control procedure to study the thickness and position of the placenta. The distance from it to the cervix.

Many mothers want to know whether it is possible to detect imminent contractions. Yes, the doctor will be able to detect a drooping head or dilatation. Patients expecting twins or triplets are required to undergo a fourth ultrasound diagnosis, since multiple pregnancy often an indication for cesarean section.

During contractions: is it harmful or not?

It is impossible to answer this question with unequivocal certainty. We can say that ultrasound in the maternity hospital, when labor has begun, is not indicated by the protocol and is not necessary. It can be classified as unscheduled, occurring in the following situations:

  • If at 32 weeks controversial issues were discovered and the woman was put into storage, then an ultrasound in the maternity hospital will most likely be scheduled right at the onset of contractions.
  • In case of abnormal location of the embryo or twins. If there are two fetuses in the womb, then one has a cephalic presentation, and the second has a breech presentation. This is not an axiom, but a common occurrence. And in order to make a decision about a possible caesarean section, an ultrasound examination is indeed performed before childbirth.
  • Excessive activity of the baby. Perhaps this is a consequence of lack of oxygen.
  • To monitor the conformity of the mother's birth canal to the size of the child.

Repeated ultrasounds in the maternity hospital are performed on the same machine and by one specialist, for accuracy. It is not worth resorting to this method “at will” for reinsurance. After all, many results blur the true picture, confusing doctors and leading to wrong decisions.

How to prepare?

If you are going to an appointment for the first time, or for the second time, you need to take measures to more accurately understand the true picture. What should you know?

  1. Bring a clean towel or diaper with you. She sits on the couch and then helps you remove a special gel from your body.
  2. Wear comfortable and loose clothing. To avoid unnecessary actions at the reception.
  3. Take a shower.
  4. If you are going for the first time, you will probably have to fill your bladder, which will help to accurately examine the condition of the uterus and clarify the consequences of successful conception. To do this, drink up to 500 ml in 20-30 minutes clean water without gas. It's good if you time it and arrive at medical institution one hour before your appointment.
  5. The day before, it is better not to include foods that cause fermentation and excessive gas formation in your daily diet. It is useful to eliminate them, if possible two days in advance.
  6. Don't forget to take a photo of the long-awaited miracle as a souvenir. After all, this is the most visual of all the studies ahead of you. By the way, medicine and technology have made such a breakthrough that it is now possible to create a 3-D photo card. If earlier the image consisted of lines and dots, now it is a full-fledged and three-dimensional view. In the final stages, you can even see the features of the future newborn. This, from a medical point of view, is no better, but it allows parents to look at the baby’s appearance.

Bottom line

Is an ultrasound performed before childbirth in the maternity hospital? Yes, if necessary. This type of diagnosis is recognized as the safest and most informative method of examining the embryo.

The expectant mother's fear of childbirth is exacerbated by the unknown. What will happen outside the walls of the maternity hospital? What procedures will a pregnant woman have to undergo? In our material today, we will try to open the veil of secrecy, consider all the processes step by step and convince our readers that everything is not as scary as it seems.

The way to the maternity hospital

So, how do pregnant women get to the maternity hospital? Everything is very simple. When you start having contractions or your water breaks, you need to call " ambulance“or come to the maternity hospital in your own family car. The main thing is to try not to drive, although there are precedents for this.

Advantages of ambulance transportation:

  • experienced doctors with you;
  • in case of a traffic jam, the ambulance has the right and opportunity to drive through with the help of a flashing light;
  • The process of registration in the maternity hospital is accelerated.

It is, of course, more comfortable to drive your own car, but if a nervous husband is nearby, this can complicate the situation.

Our mother, the Chocolate Girl, talks about the advantages of personal transport : “It shakes less in your own car, there are no strangers who give you anxiety, your beloved husband is in the car, you can open the window and it doesn’t stink of gasoline and cigarettes, you can listen to music, you can look out the window, if necessary, you can stop the traffic police and it will go ahead with a flashing light, but at the same time you are in your car.”

The choice of transport is yours, but most importantly in the hustle and bustle, don’t forget the things necessary for your stay in the maternity hospital for you and your baby, and passport .

Some women in labor end up in the maternity hospital in advance, lying down for preservation , if any problems or difficulties arise during pregnancy.

It's another matter if you have water broke . A child can stay in a waterless space for no more than 24 hours, but this is the maximum period and it is better not to allow it. In case of any development of events, call or call the emergency room of the maternity hospital, and you will definitely be advised what to do next.

Childbirth is a very individual process, each woman experiences it with certain characteristics. From clinic specialists ISIDA extensive experience in both natural childbirth and caesarean section. Childbirth in the clinic ISIDA- this is a complex that includes: prenatal stay, obstetric care, pain relief, care for mother and baby in the postpartum period, screening and vaccination of the newborn, if necessary - consultations with specialists, nursing and treatment of the baby.

IN ISIDA Constant sanitary and epidemiological control over the condition of premises and equipment is carried out, disposable materials and tools are used. Individual wards provide excellent conditions, close to home, and comprehensive service and excellent food contribute to comfortable stay mothers before and after the birth of the baby.

ISIDA specializes:

  • for the management of physiological labor;

  • caesarean section operations;
  • monitoring of mother and newborn in the postpartum period;
  • provision of medical care in case of complications during pregnancy and the postpartum period;
  • diagnosis of diseases in children;
  • nursing and treatment of children born prematurely.

Address: Kyiv, Ivan Blvd. Lepse, 65

tel.: 0 800 60 80 80

Reception department and doctor's examination

After you arrive at the maternity hospital's emergency department, The reception nurse will begin to process your documents. . The birth history includes passport data, place of residence, date of birth, any allergic reactions, and information about the current condition. Then your blood pressure, weight and abdominal circumference will be measured, and this information will also be included in the documents. The birth history is stored in the maternity hospital, the progress and outcome of the delivery is recorded in it, and upon discharge, the information is transferred to an exchange card, which is given to the mother in labor.

After filling all necessary documents to determine how dilated the cervix is, a doctor will examine you . The doctor will also listen to the baby's heartbeat. Be prepared to answer questions regarding contractions, their duration, regularity and intensity. After examination, the doctor sends the pregnant woman to prenatal department .

Shaving before childbirth

Also in the maternity ward there are necessary hygiene procedures : shaving the crotch And cleansing enema .

Many expectant mothers are afraid of such manipulations and wonder if it is possible to somehow do without such “pleasure”?

Of course, no one will kick you out of the emergency room if you don’t have shaved crotch , and they won’t force you to do the procedures either. However, to avoid unpleasant questions, disputes and negativity from the medical staff, we advise find out in advance , whether you need to get rid of hair from the doctor who will deliver you.

Each hospital may have its own rules and should also be taken into account individual preferences your obstetrician-gynecologist. Some people can give birth with natural hair without any problems, while others consider the presence of pubic hair to be a factor that can interfere with labor and postpartum rehabilitation.

Our mother- Nest tells : « I’m not a fan of shaving, everything hurts terribly afterwards, and I’m not very familiar with waxing either, so I don’t dare try this innovation before giving birth. Before giving birth with my older children, I did a very short intimate haircut with a trimmer without an attachment - the plus is that there is no irritation and there is no pricking afterwards, and it’s done quickly.”

In fact, doctors have no consensus on this matter: some are confused aesthetic side of the issue , someone insists that pubic hair breeding ground for bacteria , and also if an episiotomy is performed during childbirth, it is better to apply sutures to skin without hair. Also, do not forget that after childbirth, a woman secretes lochia, which, in combination with hair and sutures, also constitute an excellent antihygienic triumvirate. But at the same time, other experts insist that while shaving the perineum microscopic cracks form through which infection can enter the body.

Our mother Elena_Chernenko tells : “Of course, a short haircut is much better there than lush vegetation, and in those maternity hospitals where I gave birth, this is exactly how they oriented me at the stage of prenatal observation. So there is no need to shave everything bald there. Regarding the enema, if the mother herself wants an enema because, for example, she hasn’t had a bowel movement for a day, then they will do it. Strictly upon request, they are not forced.”

If the question of “delete or leave” is not worth it for you, you just need to decide on a method how you will do it. If excess hair was removed before pregnancy with a razor - stay true to your principles and boldly begin the task. Considering the size of your belly, it may not be as easy as it seems at first glance, but we are sure you can do it.

If you regularly do waxing at home or in the salon, you can safely stick to your usual procedures, enjoying smooth skin for 2-3 weeks. The main thing is that you feel comfortable in both cases, which we sincerely wish for you.

Enema before childbirth

Now let's move on to the question of enema . Fortunately times have changed and many maternity hospitals no longer insist on the fact that an enema is a mandatory element of childbirth.

Those who are proponents of cleansing the intestines before childbirth say that an enema will help the mother in labor avoid the moment when feces come out during pushing, staining everything around her. Another pro factor is that the absence of feces in the rectum will help the baby move more freely during childbirth. However, if you consider that nature provides natural loosening of the intestines before childbirth , then this fact can be disputed. To avoid problems in the maternity hospital, it is better, as with the question of an enema, check in advance , how it is customary in this institution to resolve this issue and what advice your attending physician will give on this matter.

Our Obolonka mother tells : “Both times they didn’t shave me and didn’t offer me an enema. The second time, however, I asked myself: maybe we can do it? They asked when was the last time you had a bowel movement, if it was on the same day, then you don’t have to do it.
Episio both times, but I shaved myself at home.”

In some maternity hospitals, they don’t mind if a woman in labor gives herself an enema at home, on her own, and besides, it is not necessary to pour liters of water into herself “the old fashioned way.” There are special medical enemas that are also approved for use in the maternity hospital.

Our mother KaterionOK15 tells : “I chewed people 2 years ago at the 2nd canopy booth. There they gave everyone enemas, but not Primus. The list of speeches on the curtains had a medical enema, I bathed it.”

So, fortunately, we live in the twenty-first century, and even in maternity hospitals there are no longer any unambiguous strict rules . The expectant mother can choose how she will feel comfortable getting to the maternity hospital - in an ambulance or in her own car. It will not be a problem to consult a doctor and find out whether it is necessary during childbirth. shaving the crotch . If the doctor melts during this hygienic procedure, the woman in labor can decide for herself whether how exactly will she do the depilation? : using a traditional razor, trimmer or wax.

Question with enema It has also ceased to be a traditional “horror story” for pregnant women: in some maternity hospitals, enemas are not given at all, in others it is allowed to cleanse the intestines in the traditional way at home or use special medications.

We are all different, and everyone has the right to their own decisions. The main thing for the expectant mother is the understanding that there is no reason to be afraid of any procedures before childbirth.

We wish that the delivery process goes well, the baby is born healthy, and the mother feels good!

A miracle happened. The baby was born. Your first, albeit very brief, acquaintance took place. Unfortunately, in most of our maternity hospitals, children are currently separated from their mother almost immediately. And their first home for several days becomes the children's ward, where babies communicate more often with doctors than with their mother, whose visitation time is strictly limited to feeding hours.

Doctors and nurses are the first people you meet

It is the doctors and nurses in the maternity hospital who are the first to take on all the concerns of maintaining the health and caring for their little patients. This part of babies’ lives remains hidden from the eyes of parents, even in maternity hospitals, where babies and their mothers stay together. Many of us have a very vague idea of ​​what happens to babies after their formal presentation to their mother. But most people are probably concerned about this issue. Let's try to lift the veil on this “secret life.”

Thermal care

The first thing a baby who has just been born needs is warmth. Compared to maternal comfort warmth the world The maternity ward is quite cool. Therefore, the task of doctors is to prevent heat loss: babies in the maternity hospital immediately after birth are wiped dry with a diaper and placed on a table with a special lamp, where the baby’s temperature is constantly monitored.

But first, at the mother’s feet, immediately after birth, and sometimes at the moment when the head is just born, the baby’s mucus and amniotic fluid are carefully removed from the nose and mouth to make it easier for him to take his first breath. Immediately after birth, the midwife clamps and cuts the umbilical cord. From this moment your baby begins an “independent” life. Then special drops (most often a solution of albucid) are instilled into the child's eyes to prevent eye infections, in particular blenorrhea, which develops if the mother has gonorrhea. This preventive procedure is performed on absolutely all children, since the woman does not always know about the disease. Girls' genitals are also treated. In addition, the child’s cord blood type and Rh factor are immediately determined.

First examination in the maternity hospital

The first examination of the child occurs immediately after his birth. The doctor assesses the general condition of the child, his breathing, heartbeat, skin color, determines visible defects, including assessing the condition of the hip joints (and makes the first preliminary diagnosis of the potential risk of occurrence) and collarbones, the pathology of which is most common. The doctor pays special attention to the baby’s cry. Just by his intonation you can tell a lot about the general condition of the child.

Subsequently, a doctor and nurse examine the baby every morning while he is in the hospital. The baby is weighed at the same time every day, and before discharge, a control weighing is usually carried out - before and after feeding, to find out whether the baby is eating enough. In addition, the nurse in the maternity hospital regularly treats the umbilical wound with hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate.

First ever report card

If you think that it is too early to get grades for your baby, then you are mistaken. The baby will receive its first assessment immediately after birth using the so-called Apgar scale, which allows you to quickly assess the initial state of the child’s health. This scale was developed in 1952 by American anesthesiologist Dr. Virginia Apgar for junior medical staff, who could quickly determine which child needed more attention. The baby is scored on this scale at the end of the first minute after birth and then at the end of the fifth minute. They comprehensively assess the state of muscle tone, reaction to irritation, skin color, breathing rate and heartbeat.

A little later, thanks to the resourcefulness of pediatrician Joseph Butterfield, the name “APGAR” became a kind of abbreviation for English-speaking specialists:

  • Appearance- appearance(color skin);
  • Pulse (Heart Rate) - the child’s pulse (heart rate);
  • Grimace (Response to Stimulation) - a grimace that occurs in response to irritation;
  • Activity (Muscle Tone) - activity of movements, muscle tone;
  • Respiration - breathing movements.

Until recently, assessing the condition of a newborn child in a maternity hospital using the Apgar scale was a guide for further actions for medical staff. Currently, the role of this scale has changed somewhat, especially for children in need of emergency resuscitation. The doctor immediately after birth assesses the child’s condition (and often even before birth) and performs resuscitation, if necessary - at the end of the first minute of life, it is too late to do this by modern standards. So in this case, the Apgar score does not evaluate the actual condition of the baby, but rather the effectiveness of resuscitation measures. And this assessment continues for the next twenty minutes of the child’s life. Subsequently, it is entered into the newborn’s chart.

After the first medical examination, the midwife cleans the umbilical cord, cleanses the baby's skin with oil and wraps the baby in swaddling clothes. Now the new little person can take a break from the new impressions that have fallen on him before his first feeding.

Life in the maternity hospital: it was the third day...

On the third day, children undergo a general blood test. In addition, now in our country all children are screened for the most common diseases, namely hypothyroidism and phenylketonuria. These are severe hereditary diseases. Hypothyroidism occurs in one in five thousand babies and is characterized by decreased thyroid function, which leads to mental retardation child. Phenylketonuria is less common, affecting approximately one in fifteen thousand newborns. The disease leads to cerebral disorders. If these diseases are diagnosed and treated in early age, serious consequences can be avoided. Phenylketonuria, for example, can be treated with a special diet, in which the child develops absolutely normally.

Children suffering from chronic intrauterine hypoxia (lack of oxygen) are given intramuscular injection of the drug Vikasol, which improves blood clotting and reduces the risk of hemorrhage.

First vaccination

In the maternity hospital, your child will be vaccinated against tuberculosis for the first time in his life - BCG. Usually vaccination is carried out on the third day after birth, in the morning, in a room specially designated for this. And already at home, the local pediatrician will check the vaccination reaction in 4-6 weeks. True, there are some contraindications for this vaccination.

It is usually not done if the child weighs less than 2000 g or suffered from intrauterine malnutrition, infections, purulent-septic diseases, severe lesions of the central nervous system. A contraindication to BCG vaccination is also the presence of HIV infection in the mother.

A serious disadvantage of this vaccination is various complications that occur, although in rare cases. The use of the new BCG-M vaccine reduces this risk by half.

Five minutes to the graduate!

The usual practice in modern maternity hospitals is discharge on the 5th day, although doctors and WHO are now increasingly recommending early discharge, which reduces the risk of hospital-acquired infections. In addition, mother and baby need to be in a comfortable environment, at home, with their family, as soon as possible. Such a discharge is possible already on the second or third day - naturally, if there are no problems with the health of the mother and child.

Have a nice journey, baby!

First of all, a couple of months before giving birth, you need to collect things that will be useful to you in the maternity hospital. Put everything in plastic bags. Bags, as a rule, are not welcome in medical institutions. It is worth noting that each maternity hospital has its own list of necessary things. Some require you to bring the minimum - things for the newborn and hygiene products for you, while others ask you to take much more with you to the birth. And in order not to carry extra cargo with you, it is better to check in advance with the medical institution where you are planning what exactly to take with you. Separately fold and place on top of the bag things for the newborn that will be put on him immediately after birth - a diaper, socks, a vest, a cap.

Day "X"

On day “X”, when contractions begin or your water breaks, when going to the maternity hospital, do not forget to take your exchange card and passport with you. In order not to change into clothes for a long time, you can immediately take off the excess at home and go to the hospital in a robe. After the doctor on duty examines you and sends you to the maternity ward, do not rush to put all your things out of the bags. Here you will stay just a few hours until the baby is born. Then you will be taken to the postpartum ward. So, only bring out things for the baby and things you will need during labor and delivery.

As a rule, in maternity hospitals, the medical staff themselves offer women in labor equipment that helps them endure contractions more easily - a fitball, a small mat that can be laid on the floor, a low chair for a duck. If you haven't been offered one, ask the nurse. Walk more, this will make it easier for the baby to go down the birth canal. In advance, download the special program “Contraction Calculator” to your mobile phone and note the frequency of contractions in it. Using such a program is much easier than writing down the time in a notepad. This will help the obstetrician monitor the intensity of labor.

Be prepared for the fact that the medical staff will not be constantly with you, especially at the first stage, when the dilatation of the cervix is ​​small. The obstetrician will periodically visit you to check on you, and nurses and aides will occasionally check in to make sure that the birth process is going as expected. And most of the time before pushing you will be with your contractions. If you are afraid to be alone in the room, take your partner to the birth - your husband, mother or girlfriend.

During contractions, a woman experiences terrible pain, many panic, expectant mothers scream at the top of their lungs, call for help, demand. There is no need to panic and rush around the room. Save your strength, you will need it later.

It is also very important to establish contact with the obstetrician delivering your baby. There is no need to be afraid to tell him about your feelings and experiences. An experienced doctor will always reassure and dispel all your doubts, and tell you how to facilitate and speed up the birth process. Don't hesitate to tell your obstetrician if you have a really bad urge to go to the toilet. If the dilation is already large or full, this is a sure sign that the baby is about to come out.

In some maternity hospitals, expectant mothers are offered a choice of positions for childbirth - sitting in a special chair, lying on their back or side, sitting on a special chair, standing. If you feel that in a certain position you feel the pushing more strongly, consult your doctor about whether you can take this position. But don't insist if the doctor doesn't allow it. Listen to what health professionals tell you and follow their recommendations without question.

The task of the expectant mother is to give birth healthy baby. And this largely depends on the woman’s mood for childbirth and her behavior in the maternity hospital. Don't think about the pain, think about meeting your baby soon. And then you will not be afraid of any difficulties.

Ultrasound examination of the fetus is prescribed to all pregnant women in accordance with the generally accepted schedule. Ultrasound during pregnancy is performed at 10–12 weeks, 22–23 weeks, 31–32 weeks. This routine of routine examinations allows for timely detection of fetal pathologies and the development of intrauterine defects.

Unscheduled ultrasound examinations are prescribed when the following symptoms appear:

  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • constant pain in the lower abdomen;
  • abnormal attachment of the placenta;
  • risks of miscarriage or termination of pregnancy;
  • discrepancy between the size of the child and the timing of pregnancy.
If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then ultrasound is performed 3 times - one for each trimester. This frequency of examination gives the doctor the opportunity to promptly identify abnormalities and take the necessary measures.

Routine examination before childbirth

If there are no abnormalities in the course of pregnancy, the third planned ultrasound is performed in the period from 32 to 34 weeks. This last examination is designed to assess the physical condition of the fetus and the quality of functioning of the placenta. These important indicators significantly affect the process of delivery, and may indicate the need for a cesarean section. Examination at these stages of pregnancy makes it possible to identify pathological conditions such as placental insufficiency and delayed development of the baby.

Data on the position of the placenta is information that is necessary for the obstetrician, both for conducting a natural birth and for performing a cesarean section. However, data on the distance of the lower part of the placenta to the cervix is ​​more important. This parameter may indicate the possible development of bleeding during labor and even before childbirth. Placental insufficiency is determined by the thickness of the placenta; any deviation of this parameter from the generally accepted normal value indicates pathology. Infection or inflammation of the placenta is indicated by its increased thickness. The state of the internal structure of the placenta is determined by the degree of its maturity; at 34 weeks of pregnancy this indicator should correspond to the second degree.

Additional parameters determined at the last ultrasound:

  • the level of maturity of the lungs, their structure, and the risks of pathologies are determined;
  • clarify the location of the baby in the uterus;
  • assess the anatomical parameters of the fetus;
  • diagnostics of respiratory and motor activity baby;
  • The exact date of birth of the child is established.

During the last ultrasound examination before birth, the doctor assesses the readiness of the placenta for delivery and also checks the position of the fetus in the uterus. In addition, the final ultrasound makes it possible to find out the exact date of birth

Third ultrasound – the beginning of preparations for the birth of a child

The third planned ultrasound examination can be called the beginning of preparation for the upcoming exciting event - the birth of the long-awaited baby. At this point, it is recommended to choose a maternity hospital and an obstetrician who will monitor the birth process. You need to collect the necessary package of documents; you must have your passport and exchange card on hand. You also need to prepare a bag with things for the baby and for the expectant mother.

A normal pregnancy eliminates the need to go to the maternity hospital in advance. At home, the expectant mother feels much more comfortable and calm, and she can go to the hospital with the onset of contractions. However, if various pathological conditions develop during pregnancy in a woman or child, it is necessary to go to the maternity hospital in advance. This way, doctors will be able to monitor all processes and provide timely assistance in an emergency. You should not refuse doctors' recommendations.

When choosing a clinic for childbirth, pay special attention to the quality of medical equipment, the availability of adult and pediatric intensive care, and the level of qualifications of the medical staff. Even if these are unnecessary precautions, any unforeseen situation can happen in life.

Is ultrasound examination recommended for all pregnant women before childbirth?

Depending on the course of pregnancy, a woman may go to the maternity hospital with the onset of contractions, or, on the recommendation of a doctor, go to bed in advance to avoid possible complications. The first situation develops according to the standard plan, the medical staff delivers the baby and congratulates the young mother on the birth of her baby. But when a pregnant woman is sent for prenatal care, the situation develops differently.

At the third planned ultrasound, the specialist assesses the degree of maturity of the placenta and its condition, determines the main parameters and characteristics of the fetus, eliminates the risks of pathologies, establishes the location of the child in the uterus, and also determines the presence of entanglements and the number amniotic fluid. But there is still more than a month until the planned date of birth and all indicators may change. In this regard, women admitted for preservation are sent for additional ultrasound before childbirth.

In what cases can an unscheduled examination be recommended? One of the reasons for an additional ultrasound procedure is the abnormal position of the child. Sometimes this becomes the reason for prescribing a caesarean section. To make the final choice of the method of delivery, ultrasound diagnostics is prescribed before childbirth.

Another common reason for an unscheduled ultrasound in the last stages of pregnancy is insufficient or excessive activity of the baby. Such symptoms indicate a lack of oxygen or amniotic fluid. These pathologies are fraught with serious complications and require solutions as soon as possible.

Increased fetal activity before birth is not always a good indicator. It may indicate some hypoxia or lack of amniotic fluid, so the doctor may prescribe an additional examination to exclude pathologies

Additional research is often done to determine how the anatomical dimensions of the child and the birth canal of the mother correspond to each other. Repeated ultrasound scans before birth are performed to monitor the dynamic condition of the fetus and to determine further medical tactics. If the situation develops unfavorably, the question of artificial stimulation of labor is raised or a caesarean section is recommended.

Additional prenatal examinations

Many expectant mothers mistakenly believe that the last visit to the antenatal clinic is not of great importance. The last visit to the gynecologist is as important as the first. By the last visit to the doctor, it is necessary to re-pass a series of laboratory tests of urine and blood, as well as all procedures recommended by the gynecologist at this stage of pregnancy.

Laboratory urine test

Particular attention is paid to the results of urine analysis. High level protein accompanied by high blood pressure indicates the development of late toxicosis in a pregnant woman. With the help of urine tests, disturbances in the functioning of the placenta can be identified; impaired placental metabolism affects the condition of the child, and in case of delay in labor, it can cause irreversible consequences. Such test results may be a reason for early artificial delivery.

Ketone bodies and excess sugar found in urine indicate the possible development of diabetes mellitus in a baby, the cause of the pathology is usually improper carbohydrate metabolism. The level of leukocytes in the urine is higher than normal and elevated temperature the body of a pregnant woman indicates the existence of an infection in the body.

Laboratory blood test

In case of suspicion infectious diseases A blood test is required. Some infections require surgery. Thus, the detection of genital herpes in a pregnant woman entails the appointment of a cesarean section. Throughout pregnancy, a general blood test is taken three times. But to draw up an exchange card for registration in the maternity hospital, fresh results of laboratory blood tests are needed, so you should not neglect the doctor’s directions, especially if the pregnancy did not go smoothly.

Doppler scan

If abnormalities are detected during an ultrasound, a pregnant woman may be prescribed an additional diagnostic procedure in the form of Doppler testing. With the help of this study, the cardiovascular system of the fetus is assessed, placental circulation, vascular pulsation in the placenta and umbilical cord are assessed. Doppler scanning allows you to obtain accurate information about the child’s well-being. In case of doubtful results, cardiotocography may be performed. Based on the data from this procedure, the level of uterine tone and motor activity of the baby is determined.

The results of all studies are entered into the exchange card; no papers are handed over to you personally. Make a photocopy of all research protocols yourself and store them along with extracts from other medical clinics where you may have received consultations during pregnancy. These are as important documents as a passport and insurance policy, and obstetricians at the maternity hospital may need them to get an overall picture of your condition.

Ultrasound with Doppler allows you to assess the quality of blood flow between mother and fetus - in the placenta and umbilical cord

Sanitation of the birth canal

The purpose of sanitation of the birth canal is made based on the results of laboratory tests on last weeks pregnancy. During a natural birth, any existing infection in the pregnant woman's genitals can spread to the baby's exposed mucosa. The likelihood of infection of the baby as it passes through the birth canal can be significantly reduced with the help of this procedure. In addition, sanitation of the birth canal reduces the risk of a woman developing microtears and cracks during childbirth.

The procedure is carried out using special vaginal suppositories, washing with herbal decoctions with anti-inflammatory effects. Typically, it is recommended to begin sanitation at 37 weeks, so that by the expected date of birth the mucous membranes of the genital tract will be completely disinfected. Self-prescription of such procedures is not acceptable. Self-medication can cause various conditions that adversely affect the health of the baby and woman.

Regardless of the stage of pregnancy, recommendations for maintaining a healthy lifestyle remain the same. Healthy eating, moderate physical exercise, stay on fresh air, regular water procedures are the basis of a pregnant woman’s life. Be attentive to your well-being, do not ignore the signals given by your body.