Useful tips

How to behave on a date with a man: conversations, appearance, boundaries of what is permitted. How to have the perfect first date with a guy

Every girl is waiting for her prince, but many don’t even really know what to do with him on the first date. You can’t rely on the long-outdated stereotype “if he’s the one, he’ll love me for who I am.” You need to prepare carefully, try to make a good impression, and you can shock the guy with your favorite ripped jeans later.

The first date should take place at sunset or in the evening, so that the twilight is illuminated by the light of city lights. Source: Flickr (jmvnoos_in_Paris)

Preparatory stage

Before a date, you need to make sure that your appearance will be perfect. The taste and color of a friend, of course, is not, but everyone notices the grooming. The first thing you need to do is take care of your nails. You shouldn't do an elaborate manicure with a poisonous color - being careful is enough. Be sure to get a pedicure. We always think that nails under shoes don’t matter, but suddenly the date will be unusual: for example, you will sit on a blanket in the park or go to a home cafe where you need to take off your shoes.

Note! Use the most pleasant scent from your collection. Ask a brother or friend to rate it.

You can't radically change your appearance before a date. This primarily applies to hair. Give the man the opportunity to get to know you. Your hair should look like you just left a beauty salon a minute ago. Don't cleanse your face before a date, because even light exposure leaves marks. Arm yourself with the most beautiful and comfortable shoes so that your legs don’t give out at an exciting moment.

  1. They greet you based on their clothes, but they still see you off based on your mind. And even more so in manners, so you need to be polite and calm. Good manners are highly valued everywhere. You need to keep an even posture, look into the eyes, speak correctly and clearly.
  2. During the first date, you need to not only get to know each other, but also just enjoy the communication. You shouldn’t torment a guy with whims and complaints, even if you didn’t like the terms of the date - it’s much more important to appreciate the efforts.
  3. For a man to begin to respect you, do not make hints of intimacy and do not engage in it on the first date. This speaks of frivolity or despair. Men don't like either one or the other. An accessible woman does not intrigue or arouse interest, and in the absence of interest, the gentleman will not continue communication.
  4. Find common ground. People fall in love when they see themselves in someone. There is no need to repeat words one after another, just agree on interests and hobbies.
  5. Shared experiences bring us closer together. Maybe you've been to the same resort or attended the same driving school. Such memories seem to be shared, as if you went through it all together and can trust each other.
  6. Ask more open-ended questions. When the other person can only answer “yes” or “no,” it prevents him from opening up.
  7. Listen to a man with interest, even if he is talking about sports cars.
  8. Never get ahead of yourself. Talking about a second date puts the initiative on your side, and men like to be in control of the situation. The chosen one should think that he decides how to woo the lady and when the time comes to continue the acquaintance.
  9. It can be helpful to end the date as you wish. This will leave the guy guessing. What if you didn't like it? He will definitely want to fix this.
  10. Farewell should be intriguing. Men are usually lost as soon as the date ends. And the woman should relieve the awkwardness with a hug, a handshake or a light kiss on the cheek, and then thank her with a smile and leave.

The best places for a first romantic meeting

The first date should take place at sunset or in the evening, so that the twilight is illuminated by the light of city lights. It is better to choose a place where it will be moderately crowded. Crowding will not give a feeling of privacy, and the lack of people makes the atmosphere too intimate.

Important! The guy may ask you to choose a place for a date. This does not mean that he is lacking initiative or uninterested. Most likely, he wants his chosen one to be comfortable.

If you already know a guy a little, you can go to a cafe to drink coffee and talk. Here he can show himself as a gentleman: help you take off your coat, move a chair, order everything to your taste. This good way test a person's generosity and manners. It’s better for a girl to order something simple in order to pass the “commercialism test.”

You can go to the cinema with a young man who has not proven himself to be a good conversationalist. His reaction to the film will tell you everything you need to know, and the dark atmosphere will tell you whether you feel comfortable being around him.

To have fun, you can go to the zoo. A long walk with ice cream will help make sure a guy is patient and interested, and his attitude towards animals will tell you whether he knows how to care. If you want to have a fun first date with a guy, you need to go bowling. It is better to let a man teach himself and win so that he will have pleasant memories because men love to win.

The perfect look for a first date

When choosing an outfit for a first date with a man, it is better to opt for the classics. In essence, the image is created from little things, so a plain dress will be enough. It is necessary to complement it with beautiful, discreet, medium-sized accessories. Take either earrings and a chain, or a bracelet and pendant. A girl with a bunch of decorations appears to men as a Christmas tree.

Advice! Go to a meeting in a dress just above the knee. Avoid wearing plaid tights and high shoes. A man needs to be surprised, not shocked.

The outfit should be feminine and elegant, but appropriate for the setting where you intend to go. Guys are usually attracted to girls in romantic dresses. It is important that the clothes feel pleasant to the touch. You need to complement the look with light makeup.

On the first date, you need to be yourself: only sincerity, kindness and respect can win a man’s heart.

Having met the man of her dreams, a woman really wants to make a good impression on her chosen one. When going on a first date, it is important to understand how to behave correctly with a man in order to ensure the further development of the relationship. To do this, you need to adhere to a number of rules that will help you show your best side and arouse a man’s sincere interest in you.

Maximum natural behavior

A woman’s excitement at the first meeting may be appropriate, but this should not affect her behavior, cause excessive constraint or, on the contrary, swagger. To ensure that this meeting does not become the last, you must act confidently and naturally. In any situation, it is better to remain yourself, not to try to immediately demonstrate all your best sides and character traits.

To look natural, you need to try to relax as much as possible, otherwise your excitement will break through and manifest itself in fussy movements, excessive silence or an uncontrollable flow of speech. When preparing for a meeting, you need to tune in to a positive outcome of the date and repeat out loud several times mantras like: “I am the most charming and attractive.”

Before an important event, you can mentally imagine a successful meeting scenario, think about what you will talk about, how you will look. By following the main rules on how to behave on a first date, your chosen one will definitely like you and receive an invitation to the next meeting.

The right clothes

No matter how trivial it may sound, the first impression of a woman is formed by her ability to dress stylishly. Tastelessly selected clothes, shoes and accessories can cause great disappointment in a man and forever kill his desire for further communication. Clothing should be appropriate for the location of the date. For example, to go on a yacht it is not necessary to wear an evening dress and stilettos, and when going to the theater it is better to avoid trendy ripped jeans.

You should go on a date in clothes that make you feel comfortable and comfortable. She should not be too frank in order to provide a man with food for imagination and fantasy. A too deep neckline or a short skirt on the first date will demonstrate the woman’s frivolity and bad taste. Such a meeting can only end in a light affair and will not develop into long-term ones. serious relationship. This does not mean that you need to dress in a formal business suit and wear glasses to look respectable. Clothes can be sexy without clearly demonstrating all feminine charms.

Choosing a scent for a first date

A good, subtle perfume acts on a man’s subconscious like an aphrodisiac. The general impression of a woman is formed not only by her appearance, but also by her smell, timbre of voice, manners and gestures. It is very important to choose a light, unobtrusive scent that can only be felt very close. Not every man likes an overly sweet, cloying smell that can be heard within a radius of several meters; it can cause a headache and a desire to end the meeting quickly.

Do not touch on taboo topics

On a first date, it is very important to choose the right topic of conversation. You shouldn’t immediately burden a man with a million of your problems, health complaints, criticism from your boss, girlfriend or work colleagues. Men are especially irritated by tedious conversations about ex-boyfriends. It’s better not to touch on the topic of your personal life, about how you have no luck in finding a future life partner, and how any relationship ends in complete fiasco.

Even if you have a very strong desire to get married in the very near future, you should not tell this stunning news to a man at the very first meeting. On the first date, you shouldn’t focus on yourself; it’s better to talk about neutral topics that will help you find common interests and learn about each other’s hobbies. A cheerful, casual conversation, lots of laughter and jokes will make you want to spend time together again.

The ability to listen to a man

During the conversation, it is advisable to show your interest in the man’s story. Ask him questions, voice your point of view on the topic of conversation and actively support the ensuing conversation. Every time you ask questions, address him by name, this will help establish an invisible connection with the interlocutor. Laugh at his jokes, be sincerely surprised by his knowledge in any field and rejoice at his achievements.

If a man sees a lack of interest in his judgments, he may withdraw and want to leave his interlocutor. A man must see a woman’s desire to get to know him better, appreciate his rich inner world, sharp mind and determination. Men don't fewer women love compliments and admiring glances of the opposite sex. At the end of the meeting, be sure to praise him for a great time and demonstrate your desire to see him again.

Allow a man to take care of you

In our age of emancipated women, we are accustomed to solving any problems independently without the participation of men. Despite this, there is no need to show your independence and feminist positions on the first date. Allow your partner to court you and show gallantry to feel like a real knight. It is very important to let your chosen one know that you need his care and attention and gratefully accept his every noble gesture.

Rules of conduct on a first date

The first romantic meeting with your chosen one is an important exam, which is the only chance for further development of the relationship. A woman’s wrong behavior can only be cut off at the very root by feelings that are beginning to emerge. A woman should be tactful and restrained, not get too deep into the soul and give the man the right to lead the parade.

A girl who allows herself to swear, laugh too loudly, or make vulgar jokes on the first date makes a very bad impression. Be careful with alcohol. At the first meeting, you do not need to drink too strong drinks; it is better to limit yourself to two glasses of wine. Nothing turns a man off more than a drunk, out of control woman.

You shouldn't get too intimate on the first date. A man by nature is a hunter and he quickly loses interest in easy prey. An accidental touch on his hand, an intriguing look and a calm, sexy timbre of his voice will have a much greater effect and will make a man look forward to each new meeting.

Don't make big plans

All of the above tips on how to behave on a first date will help you make a lasting impression on your date. However, this is not a reason to take decisive action to build your happiness. Let the relationship develop calmly in the right direction, don’t rush things and don’t make grandiose plans.

A man will be very surprised by your desire to introduce him to your mother and numerous other relatives on the second date. For a serious relationship, you need to get to know each other better, and for this a certain period of time must pass. Even the best first impression does not guarantee a long and happy life. life together. In order for the relationship not to cool down and develop into something more, both partners need to make every effort.

First date with a man - How to behave so that you are called on a second date?

How to please a man on the first date

— How to please a man on the first date
— What to talk about at a meeting with a guy
— How to behave on a first date with a man?
— What can’t you do at a rendezvous with a young man?
— How to get a second date
- Conclusion

The most important thing here is the first impression, and you can make it with your appearance. Therefore, you need to think through all the subtleties of the image in order to smite your companion on the spot. Clothes should under no circumstances be vulgar: no minis and low necklines in one, and their combination with fishnet tights and high boots will cause nothing but the desire to run away from a guy. Try to look stylish and modest at the same time, because these characteristics are among the most important for men.

It is better to choose muted colors; pastel colors always look advantageous, because a dress or blouse made in them will be incredibly feminine. You should not dress up in a formal office suit, as this can add tension to an already exciting meeting.

The optimal choice is a knee-length dress or even jeans with a shirt. Of course, you should look at the situation, because if you receive an invitation to a decent restaurant or theater, it will be indecent to wear ripped jeans.

Great attention should be paid to makeup, rather its moderation. Naturalness is the trend of recent years. Few people will like tons of corrective products on your face. The same applies to brightness, which is only appropriate at a party or nightclub, and then only with a sense of proportion. Otherwise, you will look quite vulgar, and a walk with a lady whose coloring resembles a prostitute is unlikely to please anyone, so don’t be surprised if a man doesn’t call after the first date.

Another important point is manicure. Peeling nail polish is a taboo not only for a first date; it’s better not to have it at all than to have it in this state. Provocative red is also not an option for a first meeting, since the image of a vamp lady is quite frightening. It's the same story with long sharp claws, which fashion has long forgotten about. When creating your image, adhere to one basic rule - moderation in everything.

What to talk about at a meeting with a guy

Before the long-awaited meeting, try to pull yourself together, otherwise the question about suitable topics will not appear at all, since you may simply be “stuck.” And this is one of the worst options.

Try to communicate as simply as possible, reacting naturally to what is happening: smiling at a joke or being a little embarrassed at a compliment. You need to feel the fine line between warm friendly communication, flirting and cheekiness.

The latter should not be allowed, just as you should not laugh loudly, swear, behave rudely or disdainfully with the staff of the establishments you go to. Such manifestations can be fatal for you, since they are all evidence of serious shortcomings in upbringing.

Try to get him to talk about his achievements, as this will allow you to sincerely admire him, even if these are rather modest successes. The main thing at this stage is to show your delight, but it must be sincere. Of course, its manifestations must also be reasonable, since the cries of “Wow!” and clapping your hands are unlikely to look sincere. Delight should be in the eyes, and a compliment in words is enough.

You should not touch on topics such as financial situation, position, salary, past relationships or plans for a future together. If this really bothers you, then believe me, you will still have plenty of time to figure it all out.

How to behave on a first date with a man?

Be natural.
Come to your first date in a good mood.

Leave all your troubles, sorrows and problems at home, and even more so, don’t burden your man with them.

Only having good mood, you can enjoy the rendezvous.

Talk about what interests a man and show genuine interest in what he tells you.

You should try to relax and calm down.

It was the lady’s excessive stiffness and nervousness that ruined many potentially wonderful unions.

Don't be capricious.
You will tell your husband, “Not those flowers”, “I don’t like these candies”, “Disgusting restaurant”, and not the guy with whom you have nothing in common yet.

Don't be greedy.
You should not order the most expensive dishes from the menu, trying to check the solvency of your gentleman.

You shouldn’t show your feminist inclinations by offering to pay the bill in half either.

End the date first.
Don’t drag it out until late at night, but don’t run away half an hour after the meeting (with the exception of the gentleman terribly disappointing you and you never want to see him again).

What should you not do at a rendezvous with a young man?

1) Pretend to be someone else.
Firstly, you don’t know what kind of girl the man who invited you on the first date dreams of.

Secondly, even if you somehow guess this, you will not be able to constantly play someone else's role.

The real you will definitely come out, and the deceived gentleman will certainly leave you.

2) Go to bed with him.
All of us, of course, are adult girls and have the right to decide for ourselves exactly when to agree to have first sex. However, few are ready to build a serious relationship with a woman who slept with them on the first date.

3) Be silent or chatter incessantly.
You must have a dialogue: his response is your response, etc.

4) Talk too much about yourself.
Men need to be given information about themselves in doses, especially if you are only on a first date.

6) Criticize men.
They are much more sensitive to criticism than women.

7) Arrange an interrogation.
Your task is to very carefully and veiledly ask leading questions, and not conduct a survey.

8) Arrive on a date casually or too revealingly dressed and with dirty hair.
Dirty and vulgarly dressed ladies cause unpleasant feelings not only among men.

9) Make a date plan in advance and anticipate its results.
Don't overthink anything. Your thoughts may have nothing to do with the real picture.

10) Seize the initiative.
You can tactfully help or suggest a shy man, but don’t make a decision.

How to get a second date

It should also be noted that if your date is right for you, then by remaining yourself you are guaranteed to achieve a successful date.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

Olga Kuznetsova

A psychologist and linguist by training, he currently teaches languages. And looking for his soul mate.

I was once in a relationship with a wonderful man and was happy. And then everything collapsed. Not right away, of course, but more on that some other time. Of course, I was worried. And for quite a long time. And then I decided that it was time to create a new relationship. And about a month ago I registered on a dating site.

There was a time when I listened distantly to the endless unsuccessful attempts of my friends to “find something decent there.” They often complained that their first dates with “amazing men” ended up being their last. Therefore, when starting this stage, I tried to foresee, if not everything, then a lot. And to my surprise, everything went well every time!

1. Be real

Remember the advertisement? A girl comes on a date and accidentally hears a young man waiting for her say to someone on the phone: “No, I haven’t found it yet. After all, I’m looking for the real one!” The girl quickly changes her appearance, becomes “real” and makes a wonderful impression on young man. Who would have thought that everything in life is exactly like this?

From personal experience

Every time I got ready for a meeting, I tried, let’s say, not to get ready. Already on the first date I realized how right I was! I was greeted by a man in a sweater and jeans, slightly immersed in work problems. I would be nice if I came to evening dress or in a sexy blouse with a luxurious neckline!

This is surprising, but what I chose from my entire wardrobe was absolutely consistent with the place, time, my interlocutor, and most importantly -. Which significantly influenced the course of the entire meeting, because it allowed us to immediately be on the same page. After all, we both came in what we feel comfortable walking, sitting, and communicating in. And it was so natural! In general, I recommend it.

Although, perhaps, your favorite and most comfortable outfit is just a sexy blouse? Well then, go ahead!

But remember: “take me right now” style war paint and an erotic outfit are more suitable for searching for dubious adventures, rather than for your soulmate.

You may be asking: what about the advice that a woman should be attractive in the first place? Yes that's right. The question is: who do you want to attract?

Your potential husband will most likely be attracted to your femininity and inner beauty, which modern men perfectly noticeable at first sight. And attraction at the level of basic instinct will leave your relationship at this level and, most likely, forever.

2. Smile sincerely

Gioconda's smile will not suit us. Sometimes men fall into a strange stupor from such “female tricks” with a claim to the notorious mystery. A Hollywood smile with all 32 teeth won’t suit us either. Psychologists have long explained why.

The only requirement for your smile is that it must be sincere. You may ask how you can smile at all. to a stranger, and even sincerely? Just think about how sincere you are now! You are sincerely glad that you came to the meeting, and here he is, already waiting for you, and you are really happy to see him, aren’t you?

And I’ll tell you one more secret: there is nothing worse than a polite smile on the first date. Think for yourself, what can she say to your chosen one? Personally, I see something like this interpretation: “Well, it’s very nice, of course, that you came, but I’m so polite, and that’s why I smile at you so politely. I’m sure you already like me, because I’m so polite.”

From personal experience

To successfully use this technique, it is enough to create a special high mood within yourself, which I like to call “quiet delight.” Why quiet? And why delight? On the one hand, you do not gush with uncontrollable emotions, on the other hand, you do not exhaust your interlocutor with disturbing thoughts about your internal troubles. That is, we are looking for a middle ground.

If your delight is quiet, then it can be contained, but it is still there. It inevitably makes itself known from time to time and first of all breaks through in your smile. And your smile is truly joyful and sincere. Because at this moment you are letting your inner sun out.

A sincere smile disarms and puts you at ease in a special way. It creates a space of trust into which your interlocutor finds himself.

Using just this one technique, you will go most of the way towards each other in one date.

3. Keep it simple

Take things lightly. Experience shows that a person who is too fixated on the result has a sharply reduced chance of achieving it. It's inexplicable, but it's a fact. Although, perhaps, it’s all a matter of excessive tension. She doesn't decorate anyone. And our task is to present ourselves in such a way that a person wants to see you again. Or even more than once!

It is also important not to try to show only your best sides. This will allow you to see the different reactions of your potential partner and understand whether he will be able to cope with your small shortcomings in the future.
The surprising thing is that men also react positively to such openness. They also have something they want to hide, they are afraid of spoiling it. Realizing that you allow yourself not to be perfect, they themselves relax a little. And we remember that the main thing is to create an atmosphere of trust and comfort.

From personal experience

Basically, I tried to be the same as in life, to behave as usual, including allowing myself to be imperfect. And this gave us the opportunity to immediately get to a different level of communication than the standard shuffling around with mutual bows.

For example, when I was 15 minutes late, I simply apologized and explained the reason without wringing my hands. And then I was sincerely pleased at the calmness and loyalty of my interlocutor. And she was so happy that he noticed this joy. And she mentally gave herself a plus, seeing how he internally became more dignified from the feeling of his generosity. And then he told me that this happens to him too, and he completely relaxed. By the end of our conversation, we already knew that we were both imperfect. And if you look closely, it is this knowledge that creates a feeling of greater closeness.

Men love girls with whom you can breathe easily, with whom you don’t have to pretend to be anything, watch your every word, gesture, in other words, strain yourself. Don't stress men out on the first date. After all, if they find themselves searching, it means that someone before you has already stressed them out a lot!

4. Don't be afraid to ask

But ask about what is really important or interesting to you. Psychologists say that people love to talk about themselves. And it would be a sin not to take advantage of this! Seeing your genuine interest, the man perks up and becomes calmer.

Plus, while he speaks, you can look into his eyes for a long time, putting into him any feeling you want. Your look can be alluring, thoughtful, mysterious or playful, intriguing, with a sparkle! But the most important thing is that he must be open and friendly. For me personally, the last option was enough.

Also, it is on the first date that will prepare the ground for your future relationship. Don’t be afraid to discuss the purpose of meeting with your interlocutor, ask him what he expects from communication.

Tell us about yourself too. And here, talk not about what you expect from the person himself or from the relationship in general: “You must be (hereinafter a list of 48 items), and then I’ll marry you!” Talk about what attracts you to the prospect of continuing communication with him. If it's hard to tell a potential partner about it, tell it to yourself. Let a clear picture form in your head. By the way, this will help you conduct the dialogue in the right direction.

From personal experience

Openness and mutual interest allowed us to talk enthusiastically throughout the meeting. Without forced pauses, awkward silence, without the need to think hard about what else to ask.

And for difficult cases there is one little secret, which I call the “loop-hook”. Let's say you asked a question and received a detailed answer. And you notice that your interlocutor is feverishly searching in the recesses of his own brain for what to ask you now. Help him out! Start talking about yourself, answering the same question you asked him. He will have time to silently admire you (personally, I always say smiling). And there will be time to figure out what to talk about later.

We really love it when others are interested in us, our lives, our thoughts. Bring this joy to your potential partner!

Especially if you see that your questions do not confuse him and do not make him want to hide somewhere. And at the same time, you can find out for yourself everything that seems important to you.

5. Believe in yourself

This rule should become an axiom for you. Self love adequate self-esteem and self-confidence are the main components of your future success. And not just on the first date. These qualities form your inner core of a person who is sustainable in life. And they are the basis of your charisma and attractiveness. If you are the lucky owner of this magnificent combination, feel free to set a date. The date will be successful!

In conclusion, I would like to say: read articles, study trends, ask for advice, look for information. But first of all, listen to yourself! Your heart, your intuition will never let you down.

Be simple, real, sincere, ask, smile, believe in yourself!

A first date is one of the most exciting events in a girl's life. Especially if it's a meeting with the man of your dreams. It's no secret that the beauty of a first date is that it will never happen again. That is why girls prepare so carefully for it, are nervous and dream that everything will go perfectly.

To be on top on this fateful evening and conquer her chosen one, the girl must think through everything to the smallest detail. And this applies not only to clothing and jewelry, but also to manners of communication and etiquette.

The first impression will play a huge role in the development of subsequent relationships. Therefore, before going on a date, you need to have a positive attitude and try to please your chosen one not only externally, although this is very important, but also internally, to be an interesting conversationalist and a confident person.

There is no need to be afraid of everything and try to please your chosen one in everything; as a rule, such behavior has a negative effect. Remember! A man likes to be a conqueror and a hunter.

Relax, imagine all possible options for developing your date. Mentally prepare for the fact that your second meeting may not happen. Try to behave naturally and relaxed. After all, body language and gestures are the most powerful weapon in a woman’s hands. But only its correct use can defeat and forever bind a man captivated by your beauty to you.

Meeting point

What to do if the long-awaited moment has arrived and a man invites you on a first date? Choose if it was not suggested by your partner.

When making a choice, you should first of all think about whether it will be affordable for your chosen one. After all, it may turn out that, having once treated you to a collection of wine, he decides to find a lady of his heart with more modest requests, which he can satisfy without much difficulty and not lose face.

If the place is chosen by a man, and you are invited to a luxury restaurant, first of all you need to take into account the laws of expensive service. In such an environment, when a person becomes part of the system and behaves the same way as everyone else around him - prim and arrogant, it is very difficult to establish relationships and understand what kind of person is sitting next to you.

Uncomfortable atmosphere

If the date takes place in a coffee shop with many small tables, loud music and children's screams, it will simply be impossible to tune in to each other. Therefore, when choosing a place, you should think in advance whether you will have the opportunity to create a shared personal space where no one will interfere.

When the space is organized, it is important for a woman to sit correctly at the table. If this is your first date with a man, the psychologist’s advice can be extremely contradictory. For example, some believe that a woman should sit to the side of a man, at a ninety-degree angle, while others insist that partners should sit opposite each other. Many women deliberately avoid the second option, finding it more intimate and suitable for those who have known each other for a long time and consider a date only a formality.

Choosing an activity

What to do on a romantic evening, because conversations can quickly get boring, and sitting in silence is not very good good idea for those who want to continue the relationship? Find out in advance about what the person is interested in. Try to write down what he enjoys in his free time. And then, if there is an awkward pause, you can always fill it with conversations about your favorite movie or book. Discuss possible options for your next dates, suggest something unusual. For example, a picnic in the forest or kayaking. Listen to the wishes of your chosen one. Perhaps, without realizing it, he will give you an idea.

Girl behavior

So, are you on your first date to get him to like you? It is very important to behave naturally and openly. If you really want this relationship, and you didn't go on a date out of boredom, give up the hypocrisy and the desire to embellish your life. After all, sooner or later a man will find out the truth, and you will have a reputation as a fib or even a liar.

While working on yourself, do not forget to look at the behavior of your gentleman. Pushy, arrogant, or vulgar behavior suggests that his intentions towards you are not serious and he is only motivated by the desire to spend a night with you without commitment. In this case, the decision is up to you. If you want to conquer an insolent person, surprise him. If you don’t want to become one of his numerous list of mistresses, run, don’t pick up the phone and don’t make a second date, don’t be afraid to refuse.

Greeted by clothes

Choosing an outfit for a first date, and not making him run away in horror or ashamed of his passion? Every girl asked herself this question at least once in her life.

You need to start preparing for the event in advance. It is especially important a few days before romantic evening go to bed as early as possible to get rid of dark circles under the eyes. If the meeting is scheduled for the evening, start getting ready in the morning, take a bath, refresh your manicure and pedicure, think about your hair and makeup. You shouldn’t experiment with your appearance a couple of hours before the date; it’s better to do it in advance. Prepare your clothes and carefully consider accessories for them.

If you are going on a first date with a man, advice from a psychologist on choosing the right clothes will come in handy. Moreover, for this it is not necessary to make an appointment with a specialist; it will be enough to open any thematic magazine or communicate with a free Internet consultant.

When choosing a festive outfit, you should think, first of all, about where the event will take place - in a cafe, restaurant, theater, museum, square, forest or stadium.

Don't dress up too much for a trip to the forest or park. Otherwise, the meeting can turn into real torment, because you will not be thinking about the beauty of nature and your chosen one, but about how not to break your heel, and how to quietly straighten your skirt that has slipped to one side.

Hairstyle, like clothing, should match the image and location. Don't make your hairstyle too complicated or pour too much hairspray on your head. Try to look natural but well-groomed.

Being well-groomed and natural is what every man considers sexy. A woman, trying to impress on a first date, sometimes acts on the principle of “all the best at once,” so she often comes dressed in vulgar makeup, which only scares off a potential gentleman.

Arrive on time or be late?

Punctuality is a quality that is not inherent in every woman. When going to a romantic meeting, psychologists advise taking your time and being a little late. This should be done so as not to arrive first and thereby not embarrass the young man who kept you waiting. However, if you decide to be a little late, remember: you shouldn’t be more than ten minutes late. Otherwise, the gentleman may simply not wait for you. If a man comes in or picks you up at home, being late is out of the question.

What questions should you ask a man on the first date? Those that he can easily answer. For example:

If it turns out that your marital status does not bother you, and you do not aspire to a serious relationship, but only want entertainment, the advice of a professional will come in handy. How to behave if your first date is with married man? Psychologist's advice:

  • Do not demand a divorce from your chosen one and do not interfere in his family affairs. Listen carefully to everything he tells you about his wife, without expressing your opinion.
  • Do not advertise your relationship with a married man, do not force him to take photos together or attend social events with you.
  • Don't be too pushy; let the young man choose the date and time of your next meeting.
  • Don't ask for gifts or money. Otherwise, your chosen one will lose confidence in you.
  • Do not forget that your chosen one is not free. You should not make serious plans for him, dreaming that one day you will take the place of his wife.

The most common mistakes on a first date with a man

If the evening is coming to an end and the date for the next meeting has not been set, this may mean that the man considers further acquaintance with you pointless.

Why did this happen? There may be several options:

Even though there won't be a sequel, keep your cool, say goodbye and thank you for the great time you had. Do everything to ensure that your meeting ends on a pleasant note.

When you are going on a first date with a man, the advice of a psychologist can be very useful, but you should not blindly believe books and specialists. Act as your heart tells you. Try to make a good impression on your partner so that he, without hesitation, invites you not only on a second, but also on a third date.