Make up

What to do, my husband was afraid of losing. Seven golden rules: how to behave so that a man is afraid of losing you. How to attract fish so that he runs after you

How smaller woman we love,
The more she likes us.

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

It’s the same with men - so that they don’t ask questions. If you want to tie a guy to you, then don’t try to do it with a “short leash” - it won’t work, he’ll fall off. A man will be afraid of losing you only when you relax this “leash” or even let go of you, while remaining just as beloved and seductive to him.

Can you imagine, once in the “ancient” Soviet times, if a husband tried to leave the family, his wife would knock on the thresholds of all sorts of authorities:

    I wrote a statement to the police. They'll definitely figure it out!

    I contacted my place of work. It's time to ruin the bastard's career!

    Raised the alarm in various organizations. Let him be subject to public censure!

    I even complained to the house management. Neighbors should be aware too!

What a commotion arose - the guard! The “scoundrel” was exposed, reprimanded, deprived of bonuses and some well-deserved titles, expelled from the Komsomol and even threatened to take away his party card if the husband held a high position.

In general, there was no way to wash away the shame, and my career was going downhill. More often than not, the husband returned to his “social unit.” But it is not clear what the wife was counting on by using such methods. That his love for his wife will return to him? So he began to hate her more than ever!

Surprisingly, even though he hated his wife, such a husband was afraid of losing her. Frightened by public censure and threats from above, he was ready to endure his wife until the end of his days, if only his personal life and career would not take a turn.

Now, thank God, there are no such formidable organizations. But still, some wives try to rein in their husbands with the help of threats: if you leave them, you will lose everything;

Therefore, many men are still in no hurry to tie the knot. More valuable to yourself! Love has passed, we parted and goodbye! No trials or censures - unless “his ex” covers him with gossip.

Therefore, never try to keep a man. Even if for some reason he is afraid for the future “thanks” to you, then you definitely will not return your feelings for him. Or he will spit on his own future, hide from you and start life from scratch.

If you have just started a relationship with a man, then let him tame you a little. Much the same way people get a cat:

    Character. At first, the owner takes a closer look at the cat’s behavior: how affectionate it is or, on the contrary, aggressive. If she's mad, she tears up wallpaper, and she makes a lot of fur, then why is she needed? It’s the same with a man - if he feels that a woman will cause a lot of problems because of her bitchiness, then it’s better to stay away from her.

    Cleanliness. If she goes to the tray, licks her fur, and doesn’t roll around in the dust, then she’s a good animal and should be adopted. A man also evaluates a woman’s appearance. Of course, she shouldn’t go to the litter box, but she must be clean and well-groomed.

    Devotion. Exactly like this - a cat's, without dog's obedience, but with a share of pride and disobedience. But if she climbs into everyone’s arms and constantly runs away from the house, then the owner begins to not notice his pet. And if she is always in the arms of her owner, and only allows strangers to pet her and play a little, then she is truly a favorite.

This is how a girl should be when she starts a relationship with a guy: affectionate and careful, for whom her beloved, even if not “king and god,” but in any case she values ​​him. And it’s good that without fanaticism!

But everyone around her admires her. Of course - such a queen! She graciously lets other guys flirt with her and doesn’t mind flirting with her, but cheating: “What are you talking about, dear! Never! And how could you even think such a thing! And - “purr-murr” into the arms of your beloved! But the devil knows what's going on in that pretty little head?!

In general, jealousy and pride for one’s woman is born without reason or guesswork. It is enough for you to be in first place everywhere:

  • the main irritant among envious women,
  • the queen of the ball at a big celebration,
  • your boy among your boyfriend's friends.

Just don't be an upstart. On the contrary, there shouldn’t be “many” of you. You should be “on topic.” You will be able to outshine all the ladies and cause conflicting feelings in your young man if you follow the advice from the article.

Why contradictory? Well, because he will still be jealous - like an owner. But on the other hand, surrounded by friends who will admire you, your man will rejoice in his soul: “Ha ha, guys! You're straining yourself in vain! This is my woman, not yours!

Sex “with a mark of quality” is what can turn your boyfriend’s head. But this sign of quality should be present not only at the very beginning of a relationship, but also in later life. Otherwise, if you lose your qualifications, another madam will take your place, eager for sex.

If you are pretty, and even a panther in bed, then it won’t even occur to a man to change anything. Unfortunately, this is often forgotten by ladies who have finally achieved a marriage proposal from their lover. And away we go:

  • "I'm tired!"
  • "My head hurts!"
  • "You are punished!"
  • "I'm in a bad mood!"

But for now, a man knows what you are capable of in bed, and sometimes he tolerates all these “Tired!” and “Not in the mood!” At first, he still agrees to be a good boy and a personal doctor. But if these whims drag on and begin to irritate, then of course he will look to the left.

This is how the medicine works. When a person is very sick, he takes the highest quality and most effective medicines. Phew, the disease has subsided! It’s already good, and you can “finish off” the disease with some cheap pills. And then - bam: relapse! And again we need to run for quality medicine.

The comparison with pills is not accidental. Quality sex truly heals the soul and body. Even a man who is physically exhausted in bed feels a surge of vigor and Have a good mood all day. Look, you probably saw some runners in the morning? They're all sporty. Exercise is, of course, good, but they would get a real buzz and burst of strength in bed with a girlfriend.

Therefore, if you want a man to be afraid of losing you, drink analgin and do not punish the guy. Yes, and this is “On you, just hurry up!” don't practice either. There is no need for “For Christ’s sake!”, we need what happened before. And if you don’t lose your qualifications, then a man will be scared even at the thought that you will repeat something like that with another guy.

How often women are frightened by all sorts of maniacs. “So he tracks down the victim, sneaks up on her heels in a dark alley, and suddenly his shadow appears on a brick wall with a knife raised in his hand, a woman’s scream is heard and everything falls silent overnight.”

This is a hackneyed plot of a movie thriller. But in life there are also maniacs, and in female form. No, they don’t walk down the alley with a knife, they do worse - with their obsession, they destroy a man’s life piece by piece, believing that he will somehow fall madly in love with her.

Here are the methods used by the “maniac”:

    He runs around with old sorcerers, and then puts all sorts of rubbish in his drinks or steals personal belongings in order to then “conjure” them.

    He calls and writes to his girlfriends, friends and relatives on behalf of some anonymous person, saying nasty things and gossip.

    He waits at home or work and constantly follows him around: sometimes with threats, sometimes with belittlement.

Yes, these love spells and calls do not work! There is no such spell that after all these eccentricities a man would fall in love with a maniac so much that he would be afraid of losing her later. On the contrary - in best case scenario he will ignore her, and in the worst case, he will surround her with a three-story mat and give her a kick in the ass to speed up.

Still from the movie "Scream"

arrow_left Still from the movie "Scream"

Don't make him henpecked

These are the kind of intimidated henpecked people whose wives call them goats. What will he, the “goat,” say in response to this? Nothing - he’s a coward in the face of his wife’s anger. He is an asshole for forgetting to buy bread at the store, for not wiping off the dust on the cupboard, for not adding enough salt to the soup.

By driving a man under his thumb, a woman does not take into account only one thing - thereby she will cease to respect her husband, and, accordingly, to love. And then she herself will become disgusted with living under the same roof with him. So is it worth driving love to the point of insanity, trying to intimidate the man you love?

Finally - an unusual technique

Let's do a thought experiment.

Imagine that you have the superpower to “read” men. Like Sherlock Holmes: you look at a man - and you immediately know everything about him and understand what’s on his mind. You could get any man and have ideal relationship and I would hardly read this article now in search of a solution to my problem.

And who said that this is impossible? Of course, you can’t read other people’s thoughts, but otherwise there is no magic here - only psychology.

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A man's life passes like a relay race. Achieving the desired goal and running further is the motto of his consciousness. This is what contributed to scientific discoveries and the development of civilization.

Women are usually attracted to those who strive for new heights. In the love sphere, a man also strives to achieve his goal faster and moves on. After the wedding, a woman often notices that her chosen one pays less attention.

How to behave correctly with a man so that he is afraid of losing you: golden rules

In former times, divorces were rare.

The reason was not the desire to save the marriage, but tradition. The number of divorces today shows how easy it is to ruin a relationship. This is caused by a simple misunderstanding of the partner’s psychology. The psychologist's advice will tell you how to behave with your husband so that he is afraid of losing you.

A man has a dynamic mindset, he needs development, striving for goals, competition, and pursuit. The absence of this provokes degradation. A woman, on the contrary, is static, creates comfort, arranges space, and establishes contacts with others. You cannot demand from your partner what is not inherent in nature.

To understand how to behave correctly with a man, reconsider the question.

They lose what they have already received. His wife is nearby, but interest in her is gradually decreasing. A man is afraid of losing if he could not truly achieve; a woman remains an unsolved mystery for him, a mysterious multifaceted personality. If she is one step ahead, the man will really become afraid of losing her.

Important! There is no need to strive to create in a marriage a feeling of fear of losing the family. Healthy Relationships are not built on fear.

There is no need to put restrictions

It is important for men to feel in charge and responsible. At any age, they strive for independence and manifestation of masculinity. If the opportunity is taken away, the stronger sex acts in two ways. Submits, degrades or rebels.

Even reasonable prohibitions repel and provoke people to do the opposite. Remember your boy classmates: how difficult it was for them to maintain school discipline. If the teacher did not motivate, but forbade, the boys were the first to not complete the assignments and fool around. The same thing happens to a man in adulthood.

He follows the rules if he feels the need to. This the only way maintain masculinity.

Example: My husband has had surgery and cannot drink alcohol. If his wife informs him in the form of a ban, he will soon want to drink. The desire to be independent is higher than health. Therefore, it is better to present information in the form of advice. A thought presented in this way will make the spouse think.

“No” to overprotection and control

The man said goodbye to these “friends” adolescence when he fought with his parents for freedom. If a young man can legally marry, then he does not need to be monitored every day.

How to behave:

  • Instead of controlling, be interested in his affairs.
  • Replace hyperprotection with care.
  • Show confidence in him.
  • Give freedom of action.
  • Eliminate directive communication.
  • Say no to jealousy.

Don't become a second mother to your husband. These self-sacrifices will be assessed as an attempt to dominate, a lack of faith in his strength.

Regular and high-quality sex

At the beginning of a relationship, it is easy for partners to maintain regular sexual intercourse. Over time, this turns into a habit, and the desire gradually fades away. Contributes to monotony of behavior, attempts to manipulate sex, refusals.

What to do:

  • Take care of sex education. Look for new options.
  • Develop sensuality, concentrate on sensations. This will help you experience intimacy more deeply.
  • Show real feelings. The guy feels constrained and tries to act in a stereotyped way.
  • Don't ask for gifts for sex. The man will agree, but you will fall in his eyes.
  • Punishment with refusal is a sure way to destroy attraction.
  • “No” must be justified.
  • Listen to your partner’s wishes, express them yourself.

Experiment, learn to just have fun. This is an essential element of a healthy relationship.

Show yourself weak

The role of a man is to care and protect. It protects your beloved from the outside world and provides comfort. This situation gives satisfaction, the guy feels needed.

Women tend to violate the natural order of things and voluntarily take on men's tasks. Your spouse will not appreciate your strength and determination. Remember your natural role, enjoy femininity.

Hide the saw

You feel calm at home. If you have setbacks at work or with finances, you can return home and recuperate. This is what men expect when they decide to start a family. And these are the most reasonable ideas about marriage.

Instead, they often encounter a “saw”. It confidently frays the nerves of both and leads to separation.

How does a saw woman behave:

  • always dissatisfied;
  • categorically demands;
  • repeats claims;
  • talks about her husband's failures;
  • doesn't thank you.

This behavior destroys strong feelings and charm, makes the character ponderous and quarrelsome.

Mentally give your husband three certificates of trust:

  1. The right to make a mistake.
  2. The right to make the final decision.
  3. Freedom of action.

Stay beautiful!

When meeting a girl, a guy sees her well-groomed, in elegant clothes, with makeup and hairstyle. He thinks that his beloved wakes up in the morning fresh and blooming.

  1. Wear clean, nice home clothes.
  2. Wear light daytime makeup.
  3. Hair should always be clean.
  4. Keep an eye on your manicure.
  5. Use perfume even at home.

The rules can be followed even with small children. This does not require financial costs, but will help your husband like you.

Remember that there are things that a spouse should never see:

  1. Depilation process, eyebrow correction.
  2. Feminine hygiene products.
  3. Hair in the shower drain.

Emphasize beauty.

Do not deny yourself new underwear, jewelry, and cosmetics. Men are happy to give gifts. This helps them feel strong and masculine.

He fell in love with you because you seemed like a fairy, gentle and weightless. Let living together not dispel these ideas.

Develop in yourself what makes him dependent on you

Be limited family matters and as children it was possible several centuries ago. Now living like this is just boring. Maternity leave provokes depression and makes a woman nervous and irritable. To prevent this from happening, develop yourself. Guys admire girls who are endowed with talents and do what they love.

The subtle facets of a personality can surprise you for many years, if you don’t try to give all of yourself away at first. family life.

Is there something he especially likes? Perhaps he's excited about the flexibility? Do yoga or stretching. Don't say that you are doing this for his sake. Enjoy your own development.

What to do in case of a quarrel, how to behave?

Conflict – normal phenomenon . How to behave correctly in order to solve it and not spoil the relationship?

Set three hard nos:

  1. Don't try to insult, emphasize weak sides partner, past failures, or in any other way to touch a nerve.
  2. Quarrel in private, without witnesses.
  3. Find a compromise before bed.

. If you feel overwhelmed, wait 15 minutes. Focus on your mind, not your feelings. Be clear about the result you are trying to achieve. Convey to your partner exactly the essence of your complaints and wishes.

Men prefer to solve a specific problem rather than talk about abstract situations. Tell him what doesn't suit you and he will make efforts to resolve the conflict.

“Blackmail by leaving”: a very bad way to make a husband afraid of losing his wife

Any person can be manipulated. A whole science in psychology studies ways to persuade others to agree with your opinion. Although it's fun, should it be used in a family?

Women who lack wisdom tend to show their husbands that he may lose her, hoping to renew his interest. The manipulation truly demonstrates a woman's desire to leave. In addition, her husband will consider her unreliable, eccentric, and will expect a trick.

How to behave with a man in bed before and after a quarrel

The quarrel becomes a thing of the past as soon as a way out is found. Do not remember grievances or suspicions.

In bed, avoid the following topics:

  • unsaid claims;
  • doubts about honesty;
  • new discontent.

If after a quarrel the desire for intimacy has not yet arisen, say directly that you are worried about what happened and are not in the right mood.

Don't let conflicts affect your intimate relationships.


Your beloved is an independent person, an individual. Give him the opportunity to remain like this. Develop yourself, live life to the fullest. Remember: no one can become part of another. Let go of the desire to make your loved one your property.

In all relationships, coolness comes over time, or one of the partners begins to disdain the other. This mainly applies to men; as soon as he wins a girl, he calms down almost immediately. It seems to him that she will not go anywhere. For a guy to appreciate a woman, you need to act in a certain way. Tell him pleasant words, ask for help in case of difficulties and show with all his appearance that he is a hero. But do not overdo it and give him freedom for personal matters.

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How can you not behave? When two people for a long time

together, the feelings gradually weaken, and the man may begin to perceive the woman as his already conquered property. At the same time, the lady’s behavior is the opposite; over time, she begins to care more about her partner, surrounding him with love and attention.

But most often it happens that the more ideal a woman wants to be, which tires a man more and therefore, instead of meeting his beloved, he goes to see friends. For a man to be afraid of losing his lady, she must act in a certain way.

  • To ensure everything goes perfectly, you cannot do the following:
  • Talk directly about what she is going to do to make her partner appreciate her more.
  • Call often, especially if he is with friends.

Flirting with other men. This may make him angry and he will lose interest in the woman.

To make a guy afraid of losing his beloved, you need to act in a certain way. You should listen to the advice of psychologists.

  • How can you make a man understand that he may lose his beloved:
  • Be independent. You need to constantly be at some distance from him. Be able to provide for yourself, communicate with friends, go to the cinema. There is no need to arrange to view his messages and calls. If he wants to change, the woman will not know. A man is afraid of losing a wise, independent girl who can easily support any conversation.
  • Become a friend. You need to become for him not just a beloved woman, but a friend and psychologist. Surely he suffers from the lack of understanding of others, it is necessary to listen and support him with advice. Let women's intuition tell you how to get him to talk. We need to understand the issues that are important to him.
  • Stay weak. You need to forget about heavy bags, rearranging furniture, self-repair. No one doubts that a woman can do anything. But if there is a guy nearby, then you need to give him the opportunity to help the lady. The psychology of men is that he wants to be the main one in the relationship. We must talk about how wonderful, polite and responsive he is.

How to behave with a man in bed?

The intimate side in life is quite important and in order for a man to be afraid of losing a woman, he must remember the following:

  1. 1. You need to take care of your husband. Pleasure during intimacy should be mutual. Not only a man should try to please a woman. And a woman should try too.
  2. 2. Show initiative. This is very attractive to young people, since most of the initiative comes from them. If the girl has never taken it upon herself before, you need to try to arrange for the guy romantic dinner or a relaxing massage.
  3. 3. Diversify your sex life. At the beginning of a relationship, sex is always at its best, but over time, feelings dull. To bring newness to a relationship, you need to buy beautiful lingerie and show everything you are capable of.
  4. 4. Forget about embarrassment. In bed you need to be as open as possible and enjoy yourself. Try to never let your hands lie idle: you need to hug your partner, you can even scratch them a little.
  5. 5. Pay attention to each other after sex is over. Lie down hugging for a while, kiss, or give your partner a massage.

Features of the zodiac signs

A horoscope will help you understand the intricacies of the character of your beloved man:

  1. 1. Aries. We must do everything possible and impossible so that life does not turn into a routine. When communicating with Aries, you must adhere to the following rules: you cannot make him wait; you need to speak directly about your desires; do not speak disparagingly about his favorite things; You can’t restrict his freedom and meddle in his affairs.
  2. 2. Taurus. He is the most patient sign of the zodiac, but if his thicket of patience is full, then nothing will stop him. To retain him, you need to give him a feeling of confidence in the future and create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere. When communicating with Taurus, you need to learn how to cook well and get along with relatives; no need to be wasteful; you should not impose your interests; no need to provoke jealousy.
  3. 3. Gemini. A man of this zodiac sign appreciates a woman’s intelligence and ability to be a good conversationalist. But the squabbles and scandals - shortest way lose it. Representatives of this sign may change their minds about breaking up if they begin to see changes in the woman. When communicating with them, you need to adhere to the rules: create a cozy atmosphere at home and do not criticize the man; give him freedom and his own space; Every day it’s worth expanding your horizons; accept what he will have a large number of friends and acquaintances.
  4. 4. Cancer. Warmth and tenderness in relationships are important to him. Parting with a woman is always quite difficult for him and is perceived as the end of the world. But in most cases, Cancers return to their previous relationships, realizing that they understood him best there. When communicating with Cancers, you need to adhere to the following rules: create comfort and convenience at home; talk about your feelings more often; treat his favorite things carefully; pamper him with little surprises.
  5. 5. Leo This zodiac sign is quite straightforward and if something doesn’t suit him, he will say it right away. You shouldn’t scold him for his commitment to a beautiful life and be a bore. React calmly to his flirting with other girls, but do not remain silent when he goes beyond all boundaries. One must always look beautiful so that he has a reason to be proud.
  6. 6. Virgo. They value conscientiousness and decency in a woman. If something goes wrong, the man will break up with the lady without regrets. You need to please your partner with an elegant and neat appearance; do not speak disrespectfully about him in front of strangers; do not impose your tastes on a man; never flirt with other guys.
  7. 7. Libra. We must not allow a man to stop considering a woman mysterious and charming. When communicating with him, you need to follow the following rules: you need to take care of yourself, a woman needs to be sweet and charming; You shouldn’t burden him with household responsibilities and forbid him to look at other girls.
  8. 8. Scorpio. This is the leader in relationships and is used to dominating. Men of this sign do not make hasty decisions. And even having dared to break up the relationship, they may not let the woman go for a long time. It is worth trying to prove yourself as a passionate and liberated lover. There is no need to deceive him and challenge his dominance in the family, do not try to hurt his pride and do not give reasons for jealousy.
  9. 9. Sagittarius. They love bright and intelligent women. You need to try to accept all his oddities and let him do his own thing. After breaking up, friendship with them is possible; you should not hope for restoration of relations. When communicating with him, you need to adhere to the following rules: share his interests and hobbies; be simple and direct; listen to the man’s point of view and treat it with understanding.
  10. 10. Capricorn. These men are born to serve a purpose. Even when love is gone, they do not give consent for a long time to break off the relationship, because they do not like to destroy the existing order of things. When communicating with Capricorn, you don’t need to whine, but speak clearly about your problems. We must be economical and responsible and contribute to his career advancement.
  11. 11. Aquarius. You shouldn’t try to make him like everyone else; men of this zodiac sign have a different way of looking at things. There is no need to limit his freedom. You cannot criticize his friends, you need to be peaceful and delicate.
  12. 12. Pisces. Men of this sign can fall in love not with a specific woman, but with a certain image of her. Pisces are very flexible and suggestible, which is their drawback. Men of this sign often date 2 women. The end result depends on which lady takes power into her own hands. When communicating with Pisces, the following rules apply: you cannot show anger towards a man; you have to come to terms with the fact that decisions and everyday life will always depend on the woman.

For a man to appreciate a woman and be afraid of losing her, you need to be special, not like everyone else.

There is an opinion that everyday life kills love and, if not love itself, then it certainly cools the reverent and sensitive attitude of a man that he demonstrated during courtship and the honeymoon.

Standards of Morality modern society consumption inexorably state: in marriage, love is not born, but dies. Let's talk about how to behave with your husband so that he is afraid of losing you. Advice from a psychologist at all stages of development of marital relationships.

It is very important to talk about your feelings to the one you love because you never know when you might lose them or when they will lose you.
One Tree Hill

Before marriage

If you want to master driving, then before you get behind the wheel and turn on the ignition, you should go through a certain period of training. This statement can be applied to any type of activity, but for some reason it is often not taken into account by those who are going to create - divorce statistics are freely available.

It is necessary to prepare for family life before it begins, during the period of courtship and choosing a future spouse. It is vitally necessary to carefully observe, find out, and do not hesitate to ask questions to a person who claims to be a future husband and father.

The main mistakes that a woman makes at the courtship stage, and which cool or completely negate the interest and respect for her on the part of a man:

  • The woman takes on the leading role in the relationship, looks after the man, tries excessively to please him, to demonstrate her economic talents; she makes dates, pays bills, gives gifts to a man, in a word, leads him in the dance.
  • He furiously turns a blind eye to all the man's shortcomings, to his disrespectful attitude, bad habits, ridicule - all so that the man does not leave, even if he has not yet thought of leaving.
  • A woman in love mistakenly believes that a man will change after the wedding and the strength of her love will contribute to this.
The above illusions are cultivated in the female consciousness by cinema and completely disappear in the first years life together. Under the pressure of everyday difficulties, problems associated with giving birth and raising children, the first intoxication passes, and the woman finds herself face to face with a man who is of little interest to her, who does not respect her and generally has a huge set of negative properties and habits that were invisible before marriage and not subject to change by the power of her love.

  • Approach the choice of your future husband with a clear head. Ask people whose opinions you trust to evaluate your future chosen one, point out his positive and negative sides.
  • Carefully observe a man's behavior towards other women who are significant to him.: mothers, sisters, ex-wife. Do not flatter yourself if he is rude, irritated, insults other women - over time, this fate will not escape you.
  • Give the man the opportunity to look after you for a long time. There can be no question of any respect for a woman in marriage if a man got her without effort. The higher your activity and interest during dating, the faster a man will lose interest in you.
  • Test a man: you must be completely sure before marriage that the level of moral development, life principles and upbringing of a man will allow him to become a good father and a caring, faithful husband. A man who wants to “live for himself” and “get everything from life,” because “he deserves it,” is simply obliged to resign before it’s too late.


Majority modern people suffer from one form or another of neurosis. Thus, a lover strives for complete undivided selfish possession of another person, wants to dissolve in the object of his passion without a trace, without thinking at all about how this will affect his wife. In this case, there can be no talk of love; on the contrary, they talk about unhealthy dependence.

Neurotic women are jealous and subject to emotional storms, they strive to control every step of a man, follow him with their tail, forgetting about their own lives. All of the above actions on the part of a woman are a surefire way for her husband not only to grow cold and stop respecting her, but to even go on the side in order to get rid of unbearable oppression and control.

Despite the closeness of the spouses, distance must be maintained in family life.

Some tips for maintaining your attractiveness in marriage:
  • Don't become complacent after the wedding. This concerns appearance and grooming of a woman.
  • And again about the benefits of distance: a man should not be present when applying makeup, hair styling, depilation, not to mention more intimate hygiene procedures.
  • Don't become a caring mother for your husband. Take it as an axiom: if a wife raises her husband as a son, she is preparing him for another wife.
  • Do not visit your husband's men's company. Have your own social circle, personal interests, personal time.

Cheap manipulation

On the Internet you can find mind-blowing recommendations for regaining the attention and respect of a “cold husband.” They are associated with trips to fortune tellers, techniques for inciting jealousy and, in essence, are cheap manipulations over the will of another person.

- a flawed, neurotic personality who achieves his goals with flattery, helpfulness, the desire to cause jealousy, vigilant control, power suppression, in a word, anything but patience and respect for the feelings of another person.

It is much more honest, although more difficult, to talk about everything honestly and, if necessary, distance yourself for a while.

One piece of advice that we believe is very dangerous on the Internet applies to wives whose husbands have taken a woman on the side. “Good people” advise such ladies to lure their husband home at any cost, using the methods of their rival, namely: to increase their helpfulness towards the man in everyday life and in bed.

The result of such a strategy is often sad and even tragic: a man lives comfortably in two families, has children on the side, and at the same time, the level of tension and expectations of his legal wife constantly increases. The result is an inevitable breakdown and, in some cases, a psychiatric hospital with a diagnosis of schizophrenia.

Is it possible to forgive betrayal?
- You can, but why? When they love, they take care of it, they are afraid of losing it.
Once they cheat, it means they don’t love you anymore - if they aren’t afraid of losing.
Then why forgive and stay with the person who abandoned you?
Rinat Valiullin. Every silence has its own hysteria

In a situation, no matter how painful and painful it may be, you should stop marital communication and move away. A man must understand that such actions will not take place without consequences. Only in this case can a woman count on respect and correction of the current situation.