
How to relieve stress and tension at home. How to relieve stress and nervous tension: expert advice How to learn to relieve tension and stress

Modern world characterized by a turbulent rhythm of life, in which psychologically stressful situations often arise. This has Negative influence on my nerves and peace of mind person. Information on how to relieve stress at home will help you overcome any troubles.

Stress and psycho-emotional tension

The concept of stress implies a state of strong mental tension that occurs in critical situations. At the same time, a person experiences rapid breathing, causing an influx of oxygen into the blood vessels and leaching of carbon dioxide. For this reason, muscle tissue overstrains (muscle tension) and vasoconstriction occurs. As a result, the brain forces a person to breathe even deeper and more often, which contributes to a further deterioration in well-being.

Therefore, recommendations from psychologists on how to relieve stress for a man or woman begin with advice on switching to slower and calmer breathing. Then the physiological processes in the body are normalized, and mental condition will improve.

The occurrence of muscle tension in people manifests itself in different ways, and the frequency of its occurrence depends on the emotional troubles experienced. The more often stressful situations occur, the more a person feels a deterioration in well-being.

Symptoms indicating severe nervous tension:

  • constant irritability and short temper;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • worsening sleep;
  • diffidence;
  • indifferent attitude towards others.

It will be especially interesting to learn how to relieve stress for women who often have quarrels and conflicts in the family, at work, or problems due to their child’s performance at school.

How to calm your nerves and relieve stress at home

To get rid of negativity, it is not at all necessary to take a vacation or run to the SPA center for treatments. There are several simple and available ways How to quickly relieve stress or nervous tension:

  • conduct a meditation session - find a secluded corner in your home or office, sit down, close your eyes and relax for 5-10 minutes, while breathing deeply and evenly, imagining something beautiful and kind;
  • do your favorite pastime at home (embroidery, knitting, listening to music and sounds of nature);
  • perform a small complex physical exercise(squats, jumping, etc.), which will provide the necessary release;
  • drink coffee with milk and snack on a piece of chocolate - caffeine will help raise the tone of the body, and sweets will have a positive effect on the brain and help get rid of tension;
  • smell a citrus fruit, the aroma of which will raise the level of the “happiness hormone”;
  • drink a cup of green tea - the L-theanine it contains has a relaxing effect and relieves fatigue;
  • at home, taking a bath with aromatic oils will help you get anxious thoughts and problems out of your head.

Means of psychological defense against stressful situations

To reduce negative psychological stress and relieve stress, you need to learn how to independently protect yourself from their influence. To do this, you need to prepare yourself for the negative effects of stress factors and develop principles of protection against them:

  • be able to recognize stress and determine its source (conflict in the family or at work, speaking in public, divorce, etc.);
  • choose the optimal course of action (psychotherapy sessions, medication treatment, etc.);
  • learn to use anti-stress remedies while working on yourself;
  • be able to restore strength to prevent the impact of a negative situation.

Exercises to restore calm

Recommendations from psychologists on how to relieve stress and nervous tension begin with developing the right attitude towards a critical situation. Every person should learn to get rid of negative emotions in time and restore calm on their own.

Basic exercises:

  1. Inner Light. It is performed sitting or standing in a comfortable position. You need to visualize a bright beam of light that slowly moves from your head down, relaxing your whole body. Finish with the words: “I have become a calm and confident person!”
  2. Cargo. It is used before the onset of a traumatic situation (exam, unpleasant conversation, conversation with superiors). It is necessary to visually imagine the internal load that is in the chest and push it out, getting rid of tension and negative emotions.
  3. Puddle. Used to relieve muscle tension and improve mood. You have to imagine that you are standing in a puddle in which you can jump. Then get out, shake off the water and go back in to feel all the fears and tension go away.

Calming herbs and aromatherapy

One of the methods for relieving stress is the use of infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs (valerian, motherwort, chamomile, mint, etc.), as well as creating a favorable atmosphere in the room using aromatherapy. It is recommended to use essential oils of mint, pine, and lavender in the form of sprays, aroma sticks, or add them to aroma lamps.

Many people in critical situations turn to alcohol, but it is better to relieve stress without alcohol in healthier ways. After all, when drinking alcohol, the feeling of dissatisfaction worsens, and a surge in aggression is possible, which can lead to a worsening of the situation.

Medications for stress relief

Medicines can be used only in exceptional cases when all other methods of relieving psychological stress do not work. Doctors recommend taking sedatives on herbs: tincture of valerian, motherwort, etc. severe cases You can use antidepressants, but only under the supervision of a doctor, avoiding addiction.

Development of stress resistance

For prevention purposes and as the best way to relieve stress, psychologists recommend:

  • consciously develop a positive outlook on the world and others;
  • increase confidence in your strength and ability to change any circumstances;
  • understand that changes in life are necessary, guided by the saying “Everything is for the better!”;
  • lead healthy image life and carry out regular exercise;
  • be optimistic and develop a sense of humor;
  • carry out work according to a system of priorities (first - important things, then - minor ones).

Using the advice of psychologists and methods for developing stress resistance will help anyone relax after a stressful situation and successfully cope with negative problems.

How to relieve stress, tension and fatigue? How to truly relax and be filled with energy? How to free yourself from anxious thoughts and negativity?

Very simple! With the help of our body. Any stress is muscle strain. As internal tension accumulates, it provokes so-called muscle tension, which intensifies over time under the influence of subsequent stress.

Muscle tension (“muscle armor”, “muscle block”) is a state of chronic tension various groups muscles responsible for the expression of emotions (including clamps on internal organs). Almost every person has such clamps. All this is the result of unexpressed emotions and childhood traumas that we may not even remember. The more muscle tension, the faster a person gets tired, the more negativity he has, the poorer and more monotonous his emotional life.

Don’t be negative, otherwise all the negativity will appear on your face, and it will cause wrinkles.
Shahrukh Khan

How to remove the clamps (loosen up) on your own, without undergoing special therapy? So, TOP 10 methods, increasing in degree of effectiveness.

10th place: Pay attention and breathe

Right now, pay attention to your body. Where do you find unnecessary overexertion? Surely, your shoulders are raised more than necessary, your jaw and facial muscles may be tense... Make a circular movement with your shoulders and head; Stretch your hands, make a throwing motion with your hands 2 times.

Then take 5 deep, slow breaths, and relax more and more with each exhalation. This exercise also relieves stress and excessive anxiety (for example, before a public speaking).

9th place: Crying

We all know that we cry, as a rule, after experiencing stress. In this way, our body relieves muscle tension that we received as a result of this stress. Isolate yourself from everyone and cry. It's not difficult, just try it. And you will feel how your body will say “thank you” to you, and pleasant fatigue and relaxation will come.

8th place: Crazy Hand

This exercise comes to us from the Lee Strasberg Institute's Hollywood School of Acting. It helped liberate such stars as Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie.

It is best done in solitude. Imagine that your left hand has gone wild and crazy. It's impossible to hold her! She twitches chaotically, convulses, etc. And now - the right hand. Then – legs, pelvis and whole body!.. After 5 minutes, stand up straight and restore your breathing.

7th place: Pillow

Take your pillow. Imagine that this is your worst enemy, whom you hate with all your heart. And start hitting her with all your might! Yell and swear! 😉 This is one of the most effective therapeutic exercises in body-oriented psychotherapy.

6th place: Bathhouse

The pores of the skin expand, the heat penetrates the muscles and internal organs and removes almost all the tension. This is why it feels so good after a bath; I don’t want to think about problems at all, much less argue with someone. Any stress is muscle tension. When they are not there, there is no stress either.

IN healthy body- healthy mind.
Folk wisdom

5th place: Scream

Arthur Yanov, one of the most famous psychotherapists in America, discovered the “Primal Therapy” method using a loud cry in 1968. At one time, this therapy helped Steve Jobs and John Lennon, who then released the song Mother, gain confidence and peace of mind. Scream therapy is one of the most powerful ways get rid of negative emotions and psychological traumas from childhood. Shout out! From the heart! Loud, furious, hysterical... you name it! This instantly relieves stress and tension.

You can also scream with pleasure and delight on the rides! This is also liberating!))

4th place: Dance

Get yourself an MP3 – an album of your favorite music. Find 10 minutes of time for yourself and “have a blast” in a way that you will never allow yourself to do at a disco (when “everyone is watching”). But if at a disco you allow yourself everything, then this is also great liberation and therapy!

3rd place: Sex with your loved one

In one of his experiments with flies, Academician I.P. Pavlov tore off the “male’s” head during mating. And what do you think happened?.. Nothing! The male continued to mate as if nothing had happened and completed the “work” he had begun. Another interesting fact: In 50% of cases, sexual intercourse in praying mantises begins with the female tearing off the male’s head. So, remember the main thing - you don’t need your head during sex!

2nd place: Massage

There are 4 types of touch in massage:

  • stroking,
  • pressing,
  • tapping,
  • pinching.

Your massage partner should try to get a feel for what type of touch your body wants at different times. And then the massage will turn into an exciting journey and real creativity. And, of course, it will be a powerful therapy for removing clamps.

1st place: Sports!

Yoga, dancing and almost any sport removes tensions and liberates. Running, for example, also removes tension on the internal organs. The liver, spleen, lungs begin to “prick”?.. But more effort, a little more running and... the pain goes away and a second wind opens. Surely, you have heard more than once that “stabbing” while running begins where there are problems. This “problem” is often internal tension, overstrain of one or another organ. Running, like many other sports, removes such pressures.

Unwind! And be happy!!!

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be healthy and energetic, in great shape and in a great mood,
sign up for the program ""!

Having mastered the techniques of how to relieve stress, we can confidently say that a person has the opportunity to master a traumatic situation. Actually, this state is a protection given to us by generous nature back in the days of Adam and Eve. Without it, perhaps there would be no one to move civilization forward. Homo sapiens simply would not have survived without this peculiar adaptation of the nervous system to the threats of the surrounding world.

How do we feel at this time?

Imagine, a primitive man is sitting in ambush, waiting for a mammoth, and instead he suddenly sees a saber-toothed tiger. Immediately, a huge surge of adrenaline alerts all the body’s systems: the legs run faster, the arms throw the spear stronger, the eyes become sharper, the lungs breathe deeper, the heart pumps blood more actively. Everything is ready for either a fight or a run to the nearest cave. If you remained alive, then serious physical activity lowered the level of the hormone and returned it to its original position. nervous system.

Now, instead of a saber-toothed tiger, there is a stern boss, generous with criticism, instead of a mammoth, there is the planet Nibiru flying towards us, only the body has remained the same. And to run (or do push-ups, or wave a spear) after scolding the authorities, or after parent meeting Not everyone succeeds with their beloved child. There is nowhere to put adrenaline, there is nothing to reduce its quantity, there is nowhere to implement the protection intended by nature. So you feel either fog in your eyes, or a rapid heartbeat, or feel hot or cold.

If you experience this condition several times, you can look for a personal doctor, because sooner or later health problems will definitely begin. Well, let’s say that a man’s friends will advise him on how to quickly relieve stress (and even take part in the company), but how to relieve stress for a woman is often a problem. Meanwhile, there are many scientifically based, simple and in clear ways how to relieve stress and tension, relieve the nervous system.

Combat Strategies

Most often, a person is brought into this state not by events of national importance or the exchange rate of the ruble to the dollar, but by relationships with loved ones and acquaintances. Quarrels, showdowns, unpleasant events, grievances - all this fills life with negative experiences and takes away strength.

Unfortunately, many people, instead of sitting down and analyzing the reasons for what happened and ways to cope with stress, begin to repeatedly grind the traumatic situation, losing their last strength.

Power supply to the body

Before dealing with stress, you need to find the resources that the body will use. Here are some sources of strength that can give you a second wind:
  • You need to communicate with positively minded people, this will help strengthen your nervous system and cope with anxiety. It would be better if they were combined general idea: playing sports, growing cacti, helping the homeless, mastering the Esperanto language, etc. d. The overall energy visibly nourishes and gives a feeling of a strong shoulder.
  • When thinking about how to overcome stress, you should not waste energy on something that is impossible to change in principle. It is impossible to change your partner into family life, work colleagues, your relatives, and, therefore, you should not waste energy on remaking them. You can break up or change jobs, or you can accept them as they are and focus your energy on finding a compromise.
  • How to cope with stress? We need to find sources of power in the Universe around us: in water, no matter whether it is a sea or a river, in a forest or in a park, in our garden plot. Music, books, paintings, looking at the starry sky, communicating with animals, and doing what you love have the same properties.
  • You need to remember in what situations you managed to prove yourself as a strong person, achieve success on your own, and solve problems. This will give you strength and help remove anxiety, because a strong person cannot have it.
  • How to avoid stress? Make less assumptions about various tragic consequences of everyday situations. “What if I get fired?”, “What if my child gets involved with a bad company?”, “What if I get an incurable disease?”, etc.

    The French writer Alain Bombard said this very well when describing the victims of shipwrecks: “They were not killed by thirst and hunger, not by the scorching sun and hungry sharks; they were killed ahead of time by the fear that all this could happen to them.”

These simple tips will help you become a little stronger in order to understand how to deal with stress and where to look for resources for this.

Means of psychological defense against stressful situations

There is a point of view expressed by esoteric authorities that we, and no one else, are responsible for everything that happens in our lives. In fact, a person often imagines himself as a kind of puppet, controlled by anyone, but not himself.

Here are some tips that you can use to understand how to help yourself with stress, remove unnecessary anxiety, and strengthen your nervous system:

  • Try to react to unpleasant situations with a smile on your face, even if cats are scratching your soul. We play the game “I’m good” with ourselves. Her only rule is to respond to any stressful situation with a smile within 2 (3, 7, 12, 24) hours, no matter where it happens - at work, at home, in a store, on a trolleybus, etc. Try it and you will always win.
  • How to overcome stress? Another game - when irritation sets in, you need to imagine yourself as the hero of a book, movie, or a person from your social circle with a kind and open character. The technique was proposed and tested by the famous Russian psychologist Vladimir Levi. Even Carlson or Pinocchio would be suitable as a replacement; for a day you can imagine yourself as a child, happy and serene. It is very effective for getting out of stress, and at the same time it can relieve the nervous system.
  • How to cope with stress? Change the scope of the problem. To do this, you can imagine yourself climbing up hot-air balloon. Here you can see the whole city under it, now it has become a point, now the sea has become equal to a puddle, but now the stratosphere is approaching, and the whole Earth is in full view. Well, what do you think of your problem from this height?
  • Change your point of view on the problem, try to find in it positive points, although at first glance this seems impossible. For example, when thinking about how to survive stress after a divorce, a woman does not immediately understand that new opportunities have now opened up for her to change her social circle, start new relationships, devote more time to herself and her children, etc. This will help you get back to normal faster and get rid of anxiety. In general, “there would be no happiness, but misfortune would help.”
  • How to cope with stress? Play “giveaway” with yourself, bring the situation to the point of absurdity in your imagination. Now pretend to make the saddest grimace you can in front of the mirror. Soon it will become funny for you to look at your lean face, and then the “light at the end of the tunnel” will definitely appear.
Don’t forget that thought has power, and if you keep the image of a traumatic situation in your mind constantly, and don’t let your nervous system out of a state of anxiety, then new problems will be attracted to such bait, like midges to a fire. You should not confirm the proverb with your own experience: “Trouble does not come alone.”

Exercises to restore calm

In order to master techniques on how to quickly relieve stress, it is enough to do 1-2 of the most simple exercises from those given below. These tips were suggested by French psychotherapist Eric Pigani.

  1. Relax the muscles of your forehead (by frowning and raising your eyebrows), your jaw (by pressing your tongue on your incisors until the upper and lower teeth are separated), and your facial muscles (by pursing your lips and smiling).
  2. How to get out of stress? Standing with your arms down, you need to slowly inhale as deeply as possible and clench your fists. Then hold your breath for 5 seconds and exhale while relaxing your arms. Repeat 8 times. Exercise helps strengthen the nervous system.
  3. How to overcome stress? Let's call on our voice to help, standing with our eyes closed, we will sing the sound “A-a-a-a” as we exhale in the most natural way. Next comes the turn of singing the syllables “ma-me-mi-mo-mu-me-mu” with a single exhalation. Repeat 10 times.
  4. This exercise is great for helping you get out of a state of anxiety and achieve mental balance. You need to sit comfortably with a straight back, put your hands on your stomach. Then inhale and feel that your stomach inflates as you inhale. balloon. Exhale through the mouth, the stomach is drawn in with slight tension. All attention is paid to breathing, this relaxes the nervous system, and anxiety goes away along with the exhaled air.
  5. If you don't know how to get rid of stress, you need to massage your scalp with all 10 fingers, starting from the forehead and moving to the back of the head. Breathing should be deep. Self-massage takes two minutes, this is enough to strengthen the nervous system during anxiety and stress.
  6. How to calm down after stress? You need to master Japanese breathing “through a straw”; it helps normalize your heart rate and cope with anxiety. You need to inhale, concentrating your attention alternately on different parts body and exhale through the mouth, imagining that the exhalation is through a straw.
  7. A simple technique will help you cope with anxiety. You need to sit in front of the sink, open the tap slightly, and place your palm under a thin stream of water for 2 minutes. The water should fall into the center of the palm; worries will flow away along with the water.
  8. How to deal with stress if you're out of breath? You need to sit down with your hands on your hips and lean forward, your hands hanging freely down. Breathing slowly, with your eyes closed, you need to focus on how your throat closes and opens when you breathe. Exercise helps build self-confidence before an important test.
  9. How to overcome stress that brings anxiety? You need to put your hands on the diaphragm, connecting the middle fingers of both hands, and take a slow breath through your nose. The inhalation should be so deep that the fingers move away from each other. Exhaling through your mouth will return your arms to their original position. The level of oxygen in the blood increases, which puts the nervous system into a state of relaxation within a minute.
  10. How to get rid of stress on the verge of a nervous breakdown? Lie down with your eyes closed and place a small terry towel, wetted hot water, and place your hands on your hips. Don’t think about anything other than breathing, hear yourself breathing... Continue until the towel cools down.
  11. How to get out of stress when worried? You need to massage your ears, both ears at the same time, squeeze and stretch the earlobes, rub them with your palms in a circular motion. Exercise helps restore and strengthen calm and cope with anxiety.
It is not at all necessary to perform all the exercises at the same time; one or two are enough, those that work most effectively. Knowing how to beat stress simple techniques, how to get rid of stress without medications and the help of a doctor, you can strengthen your self-confidence and maintain your health!

The extremely high pace of life in modern cities, disrupted biorhythms and disrupted values ​​shifted towards materialism lead to dissatisfaction with one’s life, stress, and, over time, chronic fatigue syndrome. The consequence of this is a decrease in immunity, deterioration general well-being, development as a result of which the life situation only gets worse. The circle is closed. In order to relieve stress and get out of depression, you must first admit to yourself that you are captured by the blues, and then try to understand the reasons for this.

Consider 7 universal methods how to quickly relieve stress. They are ranked according to efficiency. So:

7. Take care of yourself! It’s not for nothing that they say that in order to lift even the most hopeless problems, it’s enough to go to the hairdresser. Or at least just wash your hair. The effect of spa treatments, solarium, massage, and the whole personal care complex, in principle, will enhance the effect.

6. Entertainment. Depending on your preferences, this could be a nightclub, exploring Spanish, shopping, training personal growth, scrapbooking courses or something else. The main thing is to keep yourself busy with what interests you. An additional bonus: you can discover new talents, acquire useful skills, and make interesting contacts.

5. through sports? Nothing could be easier! In the process of playing sports, endorphins are released into the blood - hormones of joy. The main thing is to choose what you like: aerobics, swimming, equestrianism or Latin American dancing?

4. Another reliable way is sex. The mechanism is essentially similar to sports.

3. Do you know how to relieve stress with the help of other people? In no case in the vest of friends and girlfriends all night long. Helping other people is the secret of anti-stress therapy! Assess your situation objectively. And then compare it with those who are clearly worse off than you. And...go help them: to an animal shelter, a boarding school for orphans, a nursing home or a hospice. Finally, sign up to volunteer for something environmental program and go gardening hometown filled with pride that you are now socially useful person, not a bunch of passive biomass!

2. Change your environment. Take a week off and go on a trip. But it’s better if it’s not grilling on the beach, but a sea cruise, a mountain hike or an excursion tour at worst. In a word, The best way - leisure. A change of environment will bring you many new emotions, give you food for thought and dispel problems.

1. Attention! In first place on our hit parade “How to relieve stress” is the most effective method, operating flawlessly in 100% of cases. You just need... Fall in love! Nothing inspires a person more than being in love. A lover can not only solve some problems, but even move mountains and get a star from the sky and everything to boot!

But before we relieve stress, or rather begin to fight it, let's look at some more basic mistakes that many of us make in difficult situations.

  • Alcohol. It will certainly help you forget about your problems for a while, but tomorrow they will return, along with a hangover and a feeling of shame! Although. In fairness, we note that occasionally small doses of alcohol in the right company help you look at the world from a different angle and solve all problems using completely different approaches.
  • Food. Don't eat yours Bad mood, otherwise you risk further aggravating the situation, complicating it with a problem excess weight. Although you can treat yourself to ice cream with chocolate as an exception, but only once!
  • Passive. No matter how bad, sad and lonely you feel, don’t sit at home staring out the window or, even worse, at the TV or computer screen. This won't help you at all.
  • And the worst thing you can do in a stressful situation is feel sorry for yourself. Nietzsche also spoke about the destructive power of pity; do not allow yourself to get bogged down in this swamp.

Remember that stress is just your subjective reaction to the world, but life is still wonderful!

“Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel,” said Finnish writer and journalist Martti Larni. And what kind of life would we choose?

Each of us experiences various small troubles throughout the day that make us nervous. Fortunately, the big ones that make us nervous don’t happen very often. However, the inability to calm down and daily stay in an excited state will end sooner or later.

Anger, resentment, dissatisfaction, indignation, indignation and other similar feelings drive us to such an extent that we immediately want to break something, kick something, or even kick someone. And not everyone manages to resist such temptation.

And even if you later have to regret what you did, the tension has subsided, the person has calmed down. The previous feelings that forced him to explode are replaced by remorse, regret, and tears. Some people in stressful situations grab a cigarette, a glass, or “eat up” the stress by emptying the refrigerator.

Is it possible to calm down in another way without causing damage to your health? Psychologists believe that it is possible and suggest using several recommendations.

1. Treat nervous tension or stress consciously

To do this, you need to learn more about the mechanism of stress.

The word “stress” itself entered our everyday life relatively recently. By this we usually mean increased psychological stress in response to exposure unfavorable factors. It’s unlikely that any of us have thought about what happens in our body at the moments when, for some reason, we start to feel strong.

Briefly, it can be described as follows: in response to a stress factor - a stressor, a small gland called the pituitary gland, which is located at the base, activates the hormonal system. The thyroid gland releases increased amounts of a hormone called thyroxine - and we become irritable and nervous. The adrenal glands produce adrenaline, an anxiety hormone, which rapidly increases metabolism, activates the cardiovascular system, and increases the heartbeat. They also secrete the hormone norepinephrine, which prepares the brain and body to respond to stimuli and adapts the body to stress.

Thus, at a moment of strong nervous tension, a command is received from the body to tone the whole body, and this is ensured by the hormonal system. Increased by hormones physical activity, muscles tense, because in case of danger, which is signaled by stress, a person must either attack or run away.

That is why he cannot calm down quickly. The body first needs to “work off” stress hormones. Words from others like “Calm down immediately!” cause him even more indignation.

2. Physical activity will help you use and “work off” stress hormones.

At physical activity physical discharge occurs: stress hormones that have managed to be developed in response to a stress factor are “burned” and at the same time, happiness hormones - endorphins - are produced. That's why, when you're feeling stressed, it's worth doing some intense physical exercise. If time permits, you should go to the gym (they say that strength exercises will be most effective in this case), the swimming pool, for a jog, or a walk. And even wash the windows or clean the apartment.

To relieve nervous and muscle tension, you can do several gymnastic exercises:

Reaching for the stars

Let's stand straight, place our feet shoulder-width apart. Taking a slow, deep breath, we stretch our arms up and stretch as if we want to reach the ceiling. As you exhale, lower your arms;

Stretch your shoulders

We take the same starting position as in the first exercise, only we put our hands on our shoulders. At the moment of inhalation, we raise our elbows as high as possible and throw our heads back. As you exhale, we return to the starting position;

We clasp our legs

We sit on a chair, pressing our legs towards ourselves. The toes are on the edge of the chair, the chin is between the knees. We wrap our arms around our legs and press them to our chest as tightly as possible. After 10 seconds, sharply loosen your grip;

These exercises need to be repeated several times. They relax the muscles of the shoulders, back, and neck.

A great way to relieve stress is sex. During intimacy, endorphins are released - hormones that affect the nervous system healing effect and promote emotional relief.

Physical activity not only allows you to calm down, but also develops resistance to stress. Nordic walking with poles, swimming, cycling, etc. are methods available to everyone for the prevention of neuroses and stress.

But what to do if you need to relax quickly?

3. Do breathing exercises

Breathing exercises will help restore emotional balance.

Slow inhalations and exhalations

We slowly inhale air for 4 seconds, hold our breath for 5-6 seconds and exhale slowly over the next 4 seconds. Repeat this exercise up to 10 times;

Breathe with your belly

We take a sitting position, slightly raise our chin and take a deep, slow breath, first filling the stomach with air, and then the chest. We hold the air for a few seconds and make a slow exit, first releasing the air from the chest, and then drawing in the stomach. Repeat 10–15 times;

Inhale and exhale alternately through the left and right nostrils

We take any relaxed position and close our eyes. Close the left nostril and inhale through the right, holding your breath. Then close the right one and exhale through the left one. Then we do the exercise in reverse. We repeat it several times.

4. Resort to aromatherapy

You can “escape stress” with the help of some essential oils. They are sold in pharmacies and can be kept just in case in your desk, purse and at home. If necessary, apply a few drops of anti-stress oil to your temples or wrists.

Relieves nervous and muscle tension, restore energy and improve mood oil of orange, lavender, mint, lemon balm, cedar, bergamot.

To create a peaceful atmosphere in the apartment, a ceramic aroma lamp is useful, in the side hole of which a candle-tablet is inserted. You need to pour 5 - 10 ml of water into the upper part of the lamp, where you should add a few drops of your favorite anti-stress essential oil(per 10 sq. m of room - 4 drops of oil).

5. Use folk remedies

A herbal infusion of thyme will help strengthen your nerves. Place a tablespoon of thyme in a jar, pour in 0.5 liters of boiling water, cover tightly with a lid and leave for 40 minutes. Divide the resulting infusion into three servings and take them throughout the day.

6. Practice meditation

People underestimate the importance of relaxing the mind and body. Some people think that this is not serious, while others think that this activity is exclusively for those who do yoga. And yet, its benefit for mental health confirmed by numerous scientific studies.

Let’s try to calm our nerves with the simplest meditation: we’ll just sit in a comfortable way, close our eyes and focus our attention on one thing for 10 minutes, for example, counting, on a candle flame, trying not to be distracted by any other thoughts. Over time, giving your nerves a short break in this way and calming your mind will become increasingly easier.

7. “Feed” your nerves correctly

During times of nervous tension, the body especially needs nutrients, and especially protein, vitamins E, A, C and B vitamins. For example, during severe stress, the body's need for vitamin C increases 75 times!

If they are deficient, stress resistance is significantly reduced, because they are necessary for the normal functioning of the pituitary gland. Thus, the ability to overcome nervous tension largely depends on how complete our nutrition is.

8. Develop the correct perception of any situation

Situations when it is impossible not to worry and not be nervous do not happen very often. Usually we do this over trifles, not worth attention. We remember: “It doesn’t matter what happens around me. What matters is how I feel about it” - and let’s try to approach troubles philosophically.