
How to relieve and treat swelling of the nasal mucosa depending on the disease. Treatment of swelling of the nasal mucosa during pregnancy How to quickly relieve swelling of the nose during pregnancy

According to statistics, every third woman during pregnancy experiences swelling of the nasal cavity.

Difficult nasal breathing, in turn, can lead to irritability, impaired appetite and sleep, as well as tissue hypoxia, which can be dangerous for developing baby. Therefore, if you also have nasal swelling during pregnancy, it is important to understand the cause and take measures to eliminate it.


Typically, swelling of the nasal mucosa during pregnancy is considered a normal reaction to pathogens entering the body. In addition, doctors identify other causes of pathology:

  1. the body’s reaction to allergen substances that have penetrated into it;
  2. development of inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx;
  3. mechanical damage to the nasal cavity;
  4. hormonal changes in the body;
  5. narrow nasal passage;
  6. the appearance of neoplasms on the mucous membrane;
  7. deviated septum, congenital or acquired;
  8. foreign body entering the nasal passages;
  9. alcohol consumption.

The first four reasons are typical for pregnant women.

Know! With adequate treatment, the main symptoms of a cold can disappear after 7 days, but there are situations when complications arise (sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.). Such pathologies require serious treatment.

  • There are cases when severe nasal swelling during pregnancy is in no way associated with a cold. The reason, in this case, is an imbalance of progesterone and estrogen in the body of the expectant mother;

This condition leads to excessive fluid accumulation in the nose area, which causes difficulty breathing. After childbirth, the problem of difficulty breathing disappears on its own.

  • Swelling of the nose associated with allergies occurs when foreign substances enter the mucous membrane. It could be flower pollen food products or chemical substances. In order not to worsen your condition, it is important to start treatment when the first signs of an allergy appear. Read more about allergies during pregnancy >>>;
  • When the mucous membrane is mechanically damaged, it swells. The severity of swelling will depend on the severity of the injury. At the same time, it should be taken into account that in pregnant women, especially in the first 3-4 months, swelling will take much longer to go away, which is associated with an increased level of progesterone in the body.

Symptoms of swelling

If the nose swells during pregnancy, a woman notes other characteristic symptoms:

  1. difficulty breathing or shortness of breath;
  2. increased nasal discharge;
  3. sneezing;
  4. cough and other symptoms of ARVI;
  5. loss of appetite;
  6. lacrimation;
  7. feeling of dry mucous membranes;
  8. burning sensation in the nose;
  9. sleep disturbance;
  10. headache;
  11. weakness and increased fatigue;
  12. snoring or even apnea.

After a visual examination, the doctor will be able to determine the degree of swelling and prescribe treatment that will be safe and effective.

Treatment of swelling

It is known that if swelling is associated with hormonal changes in the body, then after childbirth it disappears on its own. But what to do now, because difficulty breathing can not only ruin your mood, but also interfere with your proper development fetus?

Important! For the entire period of treatment, you should stop using drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect. Their regular use can cause harm to the fetus, as it leads to poor blood circulation in the placenta.

In addition, the drops are addictive, which makes the situation even worse.

How to relieve nasal swelling during pregnancy?

  • Rinse your nasal cavity regularly with any saline solution. To do this, you can buy drugs at the pharmacy such as: Humer, Aquamaris, etc.;
  • Or, prepare the solution yourself. To do this, in 1 liter of warm boiled water, dissolve 1 tablespoon sea ​​salt.

By the way, I recently caught a cold and watched videos on YouTube on how to rinse your nose at home.

  • It turned out that people do everything they can - you can refill Aqualor spray cans with regular saline solution and rinse your nose;

Save money, and the result will be the same as if you had purchased an expensive drug again

  • If difficulty breathing prevents you from sleeping and doing business, you can use a nasal spray (Sanorin, etc.). However, this does not need to be done often. Ointments based on eucalyptus or menthol have a good effect;
  • With allergic rhinitis, it is important to understand what has become the allergen and eliminate further contact with it. In addition, your doctor may recommend taking antihistamines in the form of syrups or drops. One of the drugs allowed during this period is Suprastin.

How to relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa during pregnancy?

Typically used for this:

  1. Antiviral drugs. But they can only be used with the permission of the attending physician;
  2. Protargol - drops that can dry out the nasal mucosa;
  3. To get rid of mucus accumulation in the throat, it is important to drink plenty of warm fluids;
  4. You can put drops into your nose based on essential oils(Pinosol);
  5. Cold inhalations, with a decoction of herbs and soda;
  6. Nose massage.

Traditional medicine against swelling

To speed up the healing process, you can additionally use methods traditional medicine, which are considered effective and, at the same time, safe. Suitable for this:

  • Acupressure in the sinuses and breathing exercises;
  • Using a product made from grated apples and horseradish with added sugar. This medicine is taken three times a day, 2 teaspoons. This remedy can not only improve the condition of the nasal mucosa, but also strengthen the immune system;
  • Instead of saline solutions, chamomile or calendula decoctions are used to rinse the nose. They have anti-inflammatory properties, and therefore help reduce swelling and improve nasal breathing;
  • It is allowed to instill freshly squeezed carrot and onion juice mixed with vegetable oil into the nose.

All of these treatments can be used in conjunction with drug therapy prescribed by a doctor.


It is quite difficult to relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa, which often becomes a companion to pregnancy. First of all, this is due to the fact that now many effective drugs are simply contraindicated for you. Therefore, in order to avoid the need for treatment, doctors recommend prevention, which consists of:

  1. ventilating the room and humidifying the air in it;
  2. avoiding hypothermia or contact with people who have signs of acute respiratory viral infections or other infections;
  3. preventing contact with allergens;
  4. daily walks fresh air and playing sports (read a useful article about this: Walking during pregnancy >>>).

If you have to deal with unpleasant symptoms of nasal swelling, consult a doctor who will determine the cause and prescribe safe treatment.

Every woman's pregnancy has a number of specific features. Swelling is one of them. How to relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa during pregnancy is a question that requires special attention. This sign of the disease can result in bad consequences for both mother and baby. Therefore, the vigilance of expectant mothers should be at the highest level.

A runny nose accompanies most mothers. This is the most common and unpleasant disease. When the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed, congestion, pain, and discharge from the nostrils occur.

To successfully combat the disease, it is necessary to determine the factors that provoke the appearance of congestion. Only after this and taking into account the patient’s condition, a course of treatment is prescribed.

Swelling of the mucous membrane may appear due to a cold or infectious disease. Low immunity is also a reason for this.

The activity of any pathogen in the human body can lead to the following complications:

  • the appearance of mucous or purulent discharge;
  • increased body temperature;
  • sore throat;
  • general weakening of the body.

A dry nasal cavity may indicate an allergy. Symptoms: itchy skin, dry cough, constant sneezing, watery eyes.

The painful condition in pregnant women is not constantly observed. Most often this happens closer to or before childbirth. This brings a lot of inconvenience and constant discomfort. Due to difficulty breathing, sleep is disturbed, appetite disappears, and mood worsens. Such disorders can negatively affect the child, so eliminating all threatening conditions is the key to maintaining health.

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Linear dependence of treatment methods on the causes of rhinitis

Therapy for a painful condition directly depends on the provoking factors:

  1. Presence of allergic diseases. It is possible to alleviate their symptoms with the help of vasoconstrictor drops. The disadvantage of this treatment is the short duration of the effect. But the range of such drugs is impressive. Nazivin and Otrivin are considered effective. Flixonase, based on glucocorticosteroid hormone, acts locally. It has a number of contraindications. Vibrocil acts as an antiallergic and vasoconstrictor at the same time. It can be used at any stage of pregnancy. Intranasal glucocorticoids can relieve swelling. This is the most effective means. Even advanced rhinitis goes away quickly and long time does not bother a pregnant woman. One inhalation provides ease of breathing for the whole day. You can get rid of the signs of an allergic form of runny nose with the help of mast cell membrane stabilizers. They are indicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This group of drugs is represented by Ifiral, Lecrolin, Cromohexal.
  2. Due to respiratory diseases. Vasoconstrictor medications and saline rinses of the nasal cavity will help relieve swelling. Drug treatment not only restores breathing, but also prevents infection from developing. The procedure for administering drops is quick and painless. Prescription for pregnant women is not always safe, so treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. Rinsing with sea salt successfully relieves swelling. This is a pretty good antiseptic. Pharmacy preparations for washing: Aqualor and Aquamaris.

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Healing procedures

Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from soaring their legs and performing similar manipulations. But exposure to heat can also bring some benefits.

Patients should constantly protect themselves from hypothermia, wear warm clothes, and insulate their feet. Sinus therapy occurs by heating with warm salt or sand. Ideal for this procedure blue will do lamp.

Steam inhalation cannot be overestimated. 4 approaches per day will provide significant relief. However, when using this method, you should pay attention to body temperature. In case of deviations from the norm, inhalations are undesirable.

A high pillow will help make your sleep more restful and comfortable. Thanks to this position of the body, the mucous membrane does not swell so much, and the nose can breathe freely.

Physiotherapy can be helpful. It is quite relevant in combination with medications. By combining the two treatment methods, it is possible to reduce downtime and financial costs. In addition, the risk of complications is significantly reduced. The most suitable physiotherapy procedures are: UHF, microwave, inhalations based on mineral water, phonophoresis, the use of therapeutic mud.

  • monitor the air humidity in the room;
  • minimize contact with possible allergens.
  • You can relieve swelling by performing certain exercises:

    • conduct acupressure: first lightly press on the bridge of the nose, then massage the wings of the nose, the cavity between the nose and lips;
    • perform breathing exercises: alternately close the nasal passages and breathe right and left alternately.

    Such manipulations should be carried out a couple of times a day for a short duration.

    The amount of fluid consumed plays a huge role in illness. After all, it leaves the body with mucus, and therefore the balance remains disturbed. It is possible to restore strength and invigorate the body by drinking plenty of fluids. A wide variety of drinks are suitable for this, such as tea, fruit juice, milk, mineral water. Rosehip tincture and fresh berry compote will be beneficial. Thanks to the large amount of vitamin C in their composition, overcoming infection will be an easy task.

    Nasal swelling during pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence. Along with toxicosis and back pain, most women face it. Edema is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It is usually observed in the second trimester, accompanied by difficulty breathing and heavy discharge mucous mass.
    IN best case scenario swelling of the nose leads to nervousness and sleep disturbances, and in the worst case, to tissue hypoxia. The fetus experiences a lack of oxygen, which affects its immediate development. To eliminate the risk of posing a threat to the health of the unborn baby, it is necessary to understand the reasons and take measures to eliminate the problem.

    Causes of nasal swelling in pregnant women

    The reasons why nasal swelling may occur in pregnant women are physiological or pathological. Physiological reasons are due to natural changes in the body during this period. Pathological causes appear due to a malfunction of vital organs.

    Physiological reasons

    Among the physiological causes of nasal swelling it is worth highlighting:

    1. Changes in hormonal levels. Increasing progesterone levels is a prerequisite for pregnancy. This natural process entails the accumulation of sodium in the body, which prevents the removal of excess fluid.
    2. Increased blood volume levels. A woman’s body is subjected to a double load, because the supply of nutrients is necessary not only for her, but also for the child. The pressure on the walls of blood vessels increases, as a result, blood enters the surrounding tissues.
    3. Decreased immunity. During pregnancy female body weakened: all forces are spent on forming and protecting the fetus. If the immune system is weak (in particular, with vitamin deficiency), the risk of catching a virus and getting a cold increases significantly.
    4. Bacterial infection. It develops as a result of disruption of the natural microflora after bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci) enter the body. Swelling of the nose in this case is accompanied by the release of green mucus.

    Treatment in these cases is aimed at eliminating negative symptoms.

    Pathological causes

    Swelling of the nasal mucosa in pregnant women can occur due to the following pathological reasons:

    • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • disorders of the kidneys and liver;
    • the body's reaction to allergens;
    • the presence of a benign neoplasm;
    • pathologies in the structure of the nasal septum;
    • mechanical damage to the pharynx;
    • foreign body in the nasal passage;
    • symptoms of gestosis (late toxicosis);
    • the presence of rhinitis, polyps or adenoids;
    • alcohol abuse;
    • influence of environmental factors.

    Pathological causes of nasal swelling are serious threat for fetal health. They require immediate diagnosis. The goal of treatment is to eliminate the root cause of the problem.

    Symptoms and signs

    The following symptoms are typical for nasal swelling during pregnancy:

    • nasal congestion,
    • moist cough,
    • moderate sneezing,
    • feeling of dry mucous membranes,
    • itchy nose,
    • night snoring and apnea (stopping breathing during sleep for more than 10 seconds).

    Difficulty breathing is caused by insufficient air entering the lungs. The level of oxygen supply in the body decreases. The mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract dries out and becomes damaged. All this provokes deterioration general well-being women. Lack of sleep leads to the fact that she is often irritated, becomes depressed, and loses her appetite.

    With rhinitis, joint and muscle pain, impaired sense of smell and nasal voice are observed. When bacterial infection Body temperature may rise.


    To know how to relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa, you need to conduct a diagnosis. At the initial stage, the otolaryngologist collects an anamnesis. The patient talks about unpleasant symptoms that bother her. After this, a manual examination (palpation) is performed. The doctor examines the nasal mucosa, determines the presence/absence of mucus, and also determines the severity of infiltrative changes. More detailed diagnostics include laboratory and instrumental research methods.

    Laboratory research methods

    Diagnosis of the disease in laboratory conditions allows one to assess the level of pathological secretion in the nasal cavity.

    The procedure allows you to identify the nature of the origin of bacteria in the body (blood, urine, feces, sputum are used as biological material)

    Biochemical methods

    Type of research

    Research result

    Bacteriological methods

    Using biochemical analysis of fluid, it is possible to determine not only the degree of functionality of organs, but also the content of certain substances (enzymes and electrolytes) in them.

    Cytological methods

    The cytological diagnostic method involves the study of test material in order to determine the nature of the pathological process in tissues

    Immunological methods

    Assessment of the quality of systemic immunity includes analysis of interferon and infectious status indicators, as well as autoimmunological examination

    Assessment of the quality of local immunity is based on data from sputum analysis, coprogram and determination of the level of secretory immunoglobulin A

    Allergological methods

    The procedure for collecting skin allergy tests makes it possible to identify the degree of tolerance of the body to specific substances and allergens.

    Instrumental research methods

    If we are talking about severe swelling of the nose, the diagnosis of a pregnant woman should be carried out on the basis of instrumental methods. In this case the following applies:

    1. Rhinoscopy.

      Rhinoscopy is a technique for assessing the condition of the patient’s nasal cavity. It allows you to establish the presence of an inflammatory process, as well as its form and nature of course in the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses. Two instruments are used for the procedure: a speculum and a speculum. The mirror has the appearance of a metal funnel, which expands the passage to such an extent that it becomes accessible for inspection. Anterior rhinoscopy involves examining the bottom of the nasal cavity and the anterior part of the turbinate, posterior rhinoscopy - the posterior sections of all three passages, as well as the nasopharynx.

    2. Endoscopy.

      If it is not possible to examine anatomical changes using a conventional mirror, the doctor performs an endoscopy. Endoscopy involves a visual examination of the internal cavity, as well as the paranasal sinuses. During the examination, a light-conducting device with fiber optics is used - an endoscope. The diameter of the endoscope is only 3 millimeters, thanks to which it is possible to examine such hard-to-reach places as shells, vascular sinuses, and septums. A rigid or flexible endoscope can be used for the procedure.

    3. X-ray.

      Fluoroscopy is a diagnostic method that involves x-raying the tissues of the nose. ultraviolet rays. It makes it possible to identify abnormal abnormalities in the development of an organ (tumors, polyps, neoplasms). Fluoroscopy allows you to diagnose the inflammatory process, as well as determine the presence of a foreign body and other injuries to the facial skeleton.

    4. Diaphanoscopy.

      Diaphanoscopy involves examining the nasal sinuses using a diaphanoscope equipped with a xenon or halogen lamp. It creates a strong light flux that illuminates the upper jaw area. The purpose of the procedure is to diagnose pathological proliferation of the mucous membrane (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sphenoiditis). Mainly used when there is pus or serous fluid in the nasal cavity.

    How to treat nasal swelling during pregnancy?

    Treatment of nasal swelling during pregnancy should be under the supervision of a doctor. Today there are many remedies for the common cold, but not all of them are suitable for the expectant mother and her child.

    To help eliminate swelling:

    1. Rinsing the nose with a solution of sea water (you can use ready-made products or make them yourself).
    2. Physiotherapeutic treatment using ultrasonic inhalation based on products of plant origin.
    3. The use of specific anti-allergy drugs in case of detection of an allergic reaction.
    4. Taking antibacterial agents to fight infection (if local treatment does not work).
    5. Drinking plenty of water to prevent dehydration.

    An effective remedy in the fight against nasal swelling is “Sialor Aqua” - an isotonic solution in a convenient release form. In addition to purified sea water, it contains valuable microelements: magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium and others. The drug is sold in anatomical ampoules, which reduce the likelihood of sinus injuries.

    Irrigation of the nasal cavity with Sialor Aqua will help a pregnant woman maintain the natural microflora of the mucous membrane, clearing it of bacteria and viruses. With the help of this drug you stimulate regenerative processes, reduce the inflammatory process, and also normalize the production internal factors protection of the immune system. All this will ensure proper breathing for a long period of time.


    In order not to think about how to relieve nasal swelling later, you must adhere to the following preventive measures:

    • Keep the apartment clean: ventilate the room every day, use air ionizers.
    • Try to avoid direct contact with household chemicals, aggressive detergents, scented cosmetics and cigarette smoke. If contact does occur, it is necessary to minimize its impact on the nasopharynx.
    • Pay attention to your daily routine. The expectant mother should rest and get enough sleep. Light physical activity (including visiting the pool) will be beneficial. They will disperse the blood and, as a result, relieve swelling in the nose. It is not recommended to reduce the amount of fluid consumed - in conditions of lack of moisture, the body tends to store it.
    • Adjust your diet. Doctors recommend avoiding salty foods, since salt retains fluid and contributes to the formation of swelling. You need to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid coffee and other caffeine-containing products to reduce the risk of dehydration.

    At the first signs of swelling, you should not use drugs that constrict blood vessels. Breathing exercises and acupressure of the nose are encouraged.


    The pregnancy period can be accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms, in particular swelling of the nasal sinuses. This process is caused by both physiological changes and pathological disorders in the body. If your nose swells during pregnancy, there is no need to hesitate and self-medicate. A correct diagnosis minimizes the risk of complications and also promotes a speedy recovery for the expectant mother.

    Nasal swelling causes many problems during pregnancy. This may be sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, Bad mood. Because it's hard to enjoy life when your nose can't breathe. It is important to establish the cause of congestion and eliminate it. Systemic medications can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

    Nasal swelling during pregnancy is a symptom that is often found in expectant mothers. Moreover, this unpleasant phenomenon can manifest itself both in early and late later child's expectations. At risk are first-time mothers and women who decide to experience the joys of motherhood after 30 years.

    This symptom can have different origins. In particular, this sign can equally speak of both natural changes in the body and serious pathologies. What are the causes of swelling of the nasal mucosa and how to get rid of this problem - we will analyze these questions in more detail and try to find answers to them.

    Why is this happening

    There are many reasons for swelling of the nasal mucosa during pregnancy. All the main causes of this symptom are divided into physiological and pathological.

    Physiological reasons are associated with natural changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy. Pathological – various diseases and malfunctions of vital systems and internal organs.

    Physiological reasons

    An increase in the volume of circulating blood is one of the main reasons for swelling of the nasal mucosa in the expectant mother. A pregnant woman's body bears a double burden, because oxygen and nutrients are needed by two organisms at once - mother and baby.

    The resulting swelling of the mucous membrane leads to the appearance of rhinitis. In addition to a runny nose, it is characterized by itching, difficulty breathing, sneezing and other unpleasant phenomena. After the baby is born, the swelling will disappear without a trace.

    In addition to increasing the volume of circulating blood, physiological factors that contribute to the formation of swelling of the nasal sinuses include changes in hormonal levels.

    This phenomenon is natural for all pregnant women.

    Every expectant mother, from the first days of expecting a child, increases the level of progesterone in the blood. This hormone is necessary to prevent uterine contractions. If the hormone is not released in the required quantity, the woman may have a miscarriage. Progesterone promotes potassium retention in the body. An excess of this mineral retains fluid, and for this reason, the pregnant woman experiences swelling of the mucous membrane.

    Pathological causes

    The most dangerous are pathological phenomena that result in swelling. They can signal serious problems in the body of a pregnant woman. Such dangerous phenomena include:

    • late gestosis;
    • renal or heart failure;
    • acute rhinitis.

    Late gestosis is one of the forms of manifestation of acute toxicosis in the third trimester of pregnancy. The first to suffer during late gestosis are the limbs, in particular the legs. Swelling of the nasal mucosa occurs when late gestosis has already taken root. Associated symptoms may include periodic cramps in the calves and increased blood pressure. A woman suffers from constant headaches.

    Late gestosis can provoke placental abruption. There is also a danger of gestosis in the occurrence of fetal asphyxia and, as a consequence, premature birth and serious problems with the child's health.

    Kidney or heart failure is also dangerous during pregnancy. One of the manifestations of these diseases is swelling of the nasal mucosa. The main edema in heart failure occurs in the lower extremities. If the face and nose swell, the disease is serious. Heart failure causes liver enlargement. This symptom is characteristic of this disease.

    Kidney failure also causes swelling of the nasal and facial mucosa.

    Protein excreted in the urine may indicate this disease. This is why it is so important to do a general urine test.

    Acute rhinitis also refers to pathological reasons the occurrence of swelling. This disease is dangerous due to the occurrence of chronic sinusitis, which can cause complications in the hearing organs. In addition to congestion, acute rhinitis is characterized by a feeling of fatigue and increased irritability during pregnancy.

    Treatment methods

    If, when swelling of the nasal mucosa appears, all the symptoms do not go away on their own within three days, then this is a reason to consult a doctor (therapist or ENT specialist) who will help relieve the discomfort.

    Treatment of the infectious process includes the following measures:

    • rinsing the nasal passages with a solution of sea salt (ready-made preparations can be used) reduces swelling;
    • drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration (it is better to drink cranberry or lingonberry juice without sugar);
    • use of antibacterial or antiviral drugs strictly as prescribed by the doctor (as a rule, they are rarely prescribed when local treatment does not give the desired effect).

    Sometimes the doctor prescribes physiotherapeutic treatment. This can be ultrasonic inhalations using solutions of medicinal plants, antibacterial or antiviral drugs, or soda solution. We must not forget that during pregnancy, thermal physiotherapeutic treatment is contraindicated; you should not steam your feet or warm yourself in the bathroom.

    To treat allergic rhinitis during pregnancy, it is necessary to eliminate the source of irritation. But this is not always possible: you cannot prevent trees and plants from blooming and cars from producing exhaust gases. All that remains is to deal with the main symptoms. To do this, use nasal rinsing with saline solutions. Antihistamines during pregnancy are used in exceptional cases when the benefits of using the drug outweigh the risk of developing fetal pathology.

    If nasal swelling persists for a long time (exposure to an infectious or allergic agent is excluded), then we can talk about rhinitis in pregnant women.

    This condition does not require any specific measures. Although many pregnant women are trying to figure out how to deal with this problem. As a rule, all symptoms disappear a week after birth. And during pregnancy, you can use sea salt solutions to improve your well-being. If the swelling is so severe that you have problems sleeping, then you can use drops with a vasoconstrictor effect at night.

    Proper nutrition

    Excessive consumption of processed foods, sausages, pickles, and confectionery products contributes not only to weight gain during pregnancy, but also to the formation of swelling of the nasal mucosa. This occurs due to the use of large amounts of sugar or salt when preparing these products.

    Salt and sugar retain fluid in the body, which leads to swelling not only on the legs and arms, but also on the face. Eating healthy food, namely boiled lean meat, fresh fruits and vegetables helps normalize internal metabolic processes. As a result, the fluid is not retained, but is excreted in the urine and sweat, the swelling goes away, and the woman feels much better.

    Breathing exercises

    Breathing exercises will also help relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa during pregnancy. The technique involves the daily use of special breathing exercises.

    First, take a deep breath through your right nostril, covering your left nostril with your finger. Then we do the same with the left nostril, covering the right one. You can also inhale through one nostril and exhale through the other. Daily breathing exercises improve the movement of blood through the small vessels of the nose, preventing the appearance of swelling and drying out of the mucous membrane.

    Physical exercise

    If the pregnancy proceeds normally, without serious pathologies, and the woman is allowed physical activity, to prevent edema, it is necessary to use optimal physical activity. These may include exercises on a special ball - fitball, and simple gymnastic exercises, and swimming in the pool.

    Such loads optimize metabolic processes and stabilize blood pressure. By using physical exercise There is an even distribution of blood throughout the vessels. As a result, not only the mother’s brain, but also her baby’s brain receives the necessary oxygen.

    Air humidity

    Dry air in a room where a pregnant woman is constantly present can also cause swelling of the nasal mucosa. To prevent this from happening, the room must be ventilated daily. In addition, frequent wet cleaning will help maintain optimal air humidity. To future mom felt comfortable wet cleaning should be done two to three times a week.

    One more in a modern way is an air humidifier. This device controls the degree of humidity and prevents the nasal mucosa from drying out. You can purchase such a device both online and in a specialized store. The humidifier is absolutely safe for a pregnant woman and unborn child.

    Treatment of infections

    Respiratory infections can cause swelling of the nasal mucosa. If they are not cured in time, this phenomenon can become chronic. This is due to harmful microorganisms that multiply in the nasal mucosa during active phase diseases. To prevent this from happening, upper respiratory tract infections must be treated promptly.

    Prevention measures

    To avoid the occurrence of all of the above unpleasant symptoms during pregnancy, it is enough to follow a few simple rules. These include:

    • good air humidification in the rooms where you live.
    • regular ventilation of rooms.
    • avoid contact with allergens (smoke, dust, household chemicals, perfumes).
    • dress appropriately for the weather and avoid exposure to hypothermia.
    • effective exercise stress(classes in the gym for pregnant women, water aerobics or just swimming in the pool).

    There are also certain activities that can be performed at home to improve your well-being during pregnancy and reduce swelling. The following exercises are effective:

    • We move with massage movements along the bridge of the nose, gradually moving to the wings of the nose and the area above upper lip; performed three to four times a day, helps improve drainage function, which will reduce swelling;
    • breathing alternately with one or the other nostril, do two or three times a day for 4-6 minutes;
    • compresses with mustard: pour mustard powder into warm socks and put on overnight;
    • to improve immunity: a composition of grated horseradish and apples, take two spoons a day, you can add a large number of granulated sugar.

    All measures for self-treatment of nasal swelling can be carried out only after prior consultation with a doctor. Because others need to be excluded possible reasons the occurrence of mucosal edema.

    Pregnancy is not a disease, but it can be accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms. These manifestations may be due to physiological changes during pregnancy, or may be a consequence of a pathological process. And only a knowledgeable specialist can deal with this.

    The vast majority of pregnant women face the problem of edema. As a rule, they appear in the second and intensify in the third trimester of pregnancy. Swelling on early stages- an extremely rare occurrence.

    Should I take medication for nasal swelling?

    Use medications to combat swelling of the nasal mucosa during pregnancy should only be done after consulting a doctor.

    Medicines during pregnancy are prescribed only if the expected benefit from their use is significantly higher than the risk.

    Saline solution for nasal swelling

    A pregnant woman needs full nasal breathing. This means that her nasal passages should always be clear of nasal mucus.

    Rinse the nose with saline solution - completely safe method, which will effectively remove accumulated mucus from the nose and significantly facilitate nasal breathing.

    Saline solution can be purchased at any pharmacy. Its correct name is sodium chloride: solution for infusion 0.9%. You can also prepare it yourself at home. To do this, you will need clean water and table, sea or iodized salt.

    To prepare your own saline solution, add one teaspoon of salt to a liter of warm water (about 40 degrees Celsius) and stir thoroughly.

    In addition to rinsing, saline solution can be used as nasal drops to combat nasal swelling. In this case, you should instill 2-3 drops into each nostril 3-4 times a day.

    There is no need to wait until your nose gets stuffy during pregnancy. Procedures using saline solution are an excellent remedy prevention.

    There are a large number of nasal drops and sprays based on sea water, which are an excellent alternative to saline solution. For example, Physiomer, Salin, Aqualor and AquaMaster.

    Remember, if swelling of the nasal mucosa does not go away for several days and prevents you from breathing normally, consult a doctor. He will determine its cause and select a safe and effective treatment.