Weight loss

How can a guy gain weight quickly and permanently if you are naturally thin? An effective diet for weight gain for men How to quickly gain weight at home for a guy

A fast metabolism is often the cause of low body weight. In this case, you will have to make an effort to gain weight. To get better, you will need to change your diet and do some exercise. Although you can always gain weight by eating unhealthy foods and leading an inactive lifestyle, it is better to take a healthier approach to gain weight. Including nutrient-rich foods in your diet and doing strength training will help you gain muscle mass. Be patient and be prepared that this is not a quick process. However, with effort, you can see results within a few weeks.


Part 1


    Eat at least three times a day. If you have a naturally fast metabolism, eat three times a day, regardless of what's on your plate. This will help you gain weight. Your body burns calories very quickly, so you need to feed it much more often. This means that you should not only eat when you are hungry, but also throughout the day. Make it a goal to eat five times a day if you want to gain weight.

    • Don't wait until your stomach begins to give signals in the form of growling that it wants to eat. If you have five meals throughout the day, you will not feel hungry.
    • Of course, you will have to put in a lot of effort if you switch to a new diet. Pack healthy, high-calorie snacks that you can eat on the go. For example, you can snack on bananas, peanut butter, or cereal bars.
  1. Include high-calorie foods in your diet. You are unlikely to gain weight if you eat small, low-calorie meals; your portions should be large, and the contents of your plate should consist of high-calorie foods. Each meal should consist of a large portion of meat, vegetables and carbohydrates. Eat a lot and you will gain weight very quickly.

    • Your breakfast might consist of three eggs, which you can make into an omelet, two slices of bacon or sausage, a plate of fried potatoes and a glass of orange juice.
    • For lunch, eat turkey with white bread, two bananas and a salad.
    • For dinner, you can treat yourself to steak with baked potatoes and grilled vegetables.
  2. Include nutrient-rich foods in your diet. To gain weight, eat nutrient-rich foods. Although you can easily gain weight if you drink sugary drinks and eat pizza every day, you shouldn't do it. This can negatively affect the body's metabolic processes and increase the volume of fat rather than muscle. When choosing food, pay attention to the following points:

    • Give preference to unprocessed foods. For example, eat “old-fashioned” oatmeal instead of instant cereal. It's better to eat fresh chicken for lunch than processed meats.
    • Try to cook all the dishes yourself. Avoid processed foods, fast food and snacks that contain a lot of salt, sugar and other additives.
  3. Include proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your daily diet. These three components will help you gain weight and be healthy. Include proteins, fats and carbohydrates in every meal to ensure your diet is balanced. Below you can find examples of products in each category:

    • Proteins: eggs, salmon, tuna and other types of fish; roast pork, pork chop and ham; chicken breast and thighs; lean beef cutlets and steaks.
    • Fats: olive oil, safflower oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil; avocado, walnuts, almonds, flax seed.
    • Carbohydrates: fruits and vegetables; beans, lentils, peas; brown rice, whole grain bread and pasta. As well as other whole grain products; honey and fruit juice.
  4. Drink plenty of water. Water plays a significant role in the metabolic processes of our body. This is very important to consider as you are consuming more protein and calories than usual. Drink several glasses of water with each meal to stay hydrated. Since you'll likely be exercising more intensely to increase muscle mass, drink at least ten glasses of water every day.

    • You can also drink unsweetened tea, fruit juice and other healthy drinks.
    • Avoid drinking sports drinks such as Gatorade in excessive quantities as they contain high amounts of sugar.

    Part 2

    Muscle gain
    1. Increase the amount of time you spend doing strength training. Bodybuilders know that weight training helps them gain muscle mass. With proper training - performing strength exercises - the muscles become more pliable, stronger and increase in size. You can do strength training at the gym or at home if you purchase the necessary machines and equipment. Exercise regularly, several times a week.

      • If you don't want to pay for a gym membership, buy a barbell that will help you gain muscle mass.
      • You can also do resistance exercises that don't require you to lift weights. Push-ups are an example of such exercises. You can also hang a pull-up bar in your doorway to tone up your arm and chest muscles.
    2. Concentrate on working all muscle groups. Perhaps you want to tone certain muscles. But strive to work different muscle groups. In other words, you cannot constantly strengthen only your arms, and not pay attention to your chest, back, legs, and stomach. Instead of working all muscle groups at once, alternate exercises so that each muscle group has a chance to rest.

      • Plan your week so that you have the opportunity to work each muscle group. For example, maybe you decide to work your arms and chest one day, the next day you can focus on your legs and abdominal muscles, and then work on your back muscles.
      • You can work out with a personal trainer. He can help you create an exercise plan that will suit your needs.
    3. Do exercises to build muscle without causing muscle damage. The main factor in the growth of muscle mass is an increase in the number of myofibrils, thread-like structures, in the muscle fiber. To do this, you need to include weight lifting exercises with a sufficient number of repetitions in your workout. You should feel pain and fatigue in your muscles after training, but they should not be so severe that this could indicate that you are injured. Choose the right weight for you when doing the exercises. Do eight to ten repetitions. This will help you determine if you have chosen the right weight. If you can easily do more than 10 reps, add more weight. If you're struggling to do five reps, that's a reason to reduce the weight.

      • Compound exercises should be a big part of your workout routine. Focus on complex, compound exercises that work multiple muscles at once. These exercises include the bench press, dumbbell press, squats, single-legged squats, straight-leg deadlifts, pull-ups and dips.
      • Don't worry if you can only lift light weights at the beginning. The most important thing is not to stand still, but increase the weight with each session. Set yourself the goal of becoming stronger, lifting more, and the results will not keep you waiting.
      • Give yourself the opportunity to rest for about a minute between sets, and do not do more than 12 repetitions at a time.
    4. Drink a protein shake after your workout. According to a study conducted at the University of Birmingham, an energy shake helps improve endurance during exercise. Eat a banana, a handful of dried fruit, or drink an energy shake immediately after your workout.

      Rest. Your muscles need to rest between workouts. Thanks to this, they can become bigger and stronger. Never work the same muscle group two days in a row. Give her a rest. Wait at least 48 hours before returning to working a specific muscle group again.

      • It is also very important to get eight to nine hours of sleep every night. If you only sleep six hours or less, then there is no point in exercising and dieting.

    Part 3

    Find out what to avoid
    1. Avoid monotonous workouts. The body has the ability to quickly adapt, so it is extremely important to change the composition of the exercises. Once a week, change your schedule. You can increase or decrease the number of repetitions, or simply change the order of the exercises.

      Limit cardio exercise. When you do cardio exercises like cycling and swimming, you use energy that could otherwise be used to build muscle mass. Do cardio training no more than once a week. If you enjoy cardio exercise and don't want to give it up, choose exercises that use less energy, such as walking, hiking, or short bike rides on flat terrain.

    2. Get moving instead of being sedentary. There is a way to gain weight quickly: eat whatever you want and move as little as possible. However, following this advice, you can only visually increase your weight, but your body will become weaker, not stronger. However, if you work hard, you can not only gain weight, but also become stronger.

      • Keep in mind that when you start eating five times a day, you will increase not only muscle mass, but also body fat. This is fine! Determine for yourself how many kilograms you want to gain, and add another 3-5 kg ​​to this weight. Once you reach your goal weight, you can reduce your carbohydrate intake, start running and continue exercising, which will help you lose body fat.
    3. Listen to your body. In an effort to gain weight, we often make the mistake of overdoing our workouts. You don't have to feel pain and fatigue all the time. Diet and training should make you stronger and more resilient. If your body tells you that something is wrong, listen to it.

      • Use the services of a personal trainer. A personal trainer will help you create a training schedule, select a set of exercises, choose the intensity and duration of training, and make the necessary adjustments to your diet.
      • Consult your physician before taking any supplements, and seek immediate medical attention if you are injured during exercise.

If we know exactly the goal, in this case, how many kilograms we need to gain, and we also know the methods and means to achieve the result, then the task of how to gain weight for a man at home becomes feasible.
Another important parameter is the actual timing. The time it will take to make your dream come true.

Calculate the required number of calories you need to gain weight -

Let's divide the guide into several points:

  1. Reasons that may interfere.
  2. Tricks for high-calorie nutrition at home
  3. Medicines that quickly help a man gain weight at home
  4. Strength exercises - the impulse to get better
  5. We use the apartment for physical activity
  6. Home exercise equipment
  7. Bottom line.

1. Reasons that may interfere.

First of all, before starting a weight gain program, a man needs to pay attention to his health. There may be a number of diseases that will inhibit weight gain.

List of main ailments:

  • Thyroid diseases
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Heart defects
  • Central nervous system diseases
  • Hepatitis C, liver cirrhosis
  • Diabetes
  • Intervertebral hernia

The list of pathologies can go on for a long time, a simple rule: if something, somewhere hurts, consult the doctor who is responsible for that organ.
Tests can be an effective marker for assessing your health.

Take only three tests:

  1. General blood analysis
  2. Advanced biochemistry
  3. General urine analysis

If not one of the parameters goes beyond the norm, then the question of how to gain weight for a man at home becomes relevant and easily achievable!

2. Tricks for high-calorie nutrition at home

When choosing what to have for breakfast or lunch, as well as dinner, give preference to high-calorie dishes. Let this be a strict rule! No thin soups, useless tea parties, or snacks that kill your appetite.

Rule two: Prepare the menu for tomorrow in advance. May it always be at home:

  • Pizza
  • Dumplings (preferably baked with mayonnaise)
  • Bacon
  • Butter
  • Nuts
  • Pork in any form, better with fried potatoes!
  • The main thing is mayonnaise
  • Don't forget about shawarma!
  • And end every meal with brownies!

Don't forget about cocktails, which require ingredients such as milk, bananas, confiture, olive oil, oatmeal and quail eggs.

3. Medicines that quickly help a man gain weight at home

To effectively reach the scales, more effective methods and means are needed, these are, of course, medications.

List by strength of effectiveness:

  1. Any gainers
  2. Functional food with high calorie content

A separate group of drugs that is taken only under the supervision of a doctor:

    1. Anabolic steroids (Turinabol, Dianabol, Retabolil, etc.)
    2. Peptides
    3. Testosterone boosters

Remember, you can quickly gain weight for a man at home only under the supervision of a specialist, or use products from the first group.

4. Strength exercises – the impulse to get better.

Physical activity is a powerful factor for weight gain. When you load your body with strength exercises, the central nervous system reacts and gives a signal to strengthen the body. What does this mean for us? First of all, this is a set of muscle tissue, which should account for more than 43% of the total weight. Ligaments and bone tissue are also strengthened. Your appetite awakens, your hormonal levels return to normal, and you imperceptibly, and sometimes very noticeably, transform from a “suffocated person” into an athletic handsome man.

5. We use the apartment for physical activity

If you look closely at a house or apartment, you can find many latent sports equipment, and it becomes clear how to gain weight for a man at home.
The main thing for you is basic exercises that involve many muscles.

— Kitchen: do push-ups from the table if you are not immediately ready to do push-ups from the floor.
- Bathroom: deadlift using basins, buckets filled with water.
— Hallway: hook a clothesline to the handle of the front door, or to the corner of the door slightly open, and pull yourself up at least 50 times per set
— Hall: here there is a large space where you can squat and do abdominal exercises.
- Bedroom: Put your feet up on the bed and do a couple of push-ups. Stressful effort will give the best effect at the end of the workout.

6. How to gain weight for a man using exercise equipment at home

Modern sports stores have many exercise equipment designed for home use.
Here are their main representatives:

  • Exercise bike
  • Ellipsoid
  • Treadmill
  • Hyperextension
  • Stepper
  • Rowing machine
  • Swedish wall
  • Bars
  • Dumbbells
  • Barbell
  • Power station (block design) for many muscles

As you can see, you can choose to suit every taste and budget, the main thing is your desire.

7. Summary:

Start by eating according to the weight gain system only on training days, this will make it easier to get used to.
The next step will be daily monitoring of nutrition and rest.
It's actually not difficult. Hold on for 21 days and it will become a habit for you!
If you have any questions, .

I bought a membership to the gym, you lift all sorts of dumbbells and barbells and, it would seem, everything is great, in a week or two you will pump up.

But no result, no treasured biceps the size of Everest? Then run and carry the buckwheat and chicken, sit back and read.

Today's article is about how to eat to gain weight for a skinny man.

There can be quite a lot of problems, and no one will understand it better than you. Let's face it and admit to yourself what is the reason that you still cannot fight back the girl from the next door who is taking your ice cream:

  • I am a sparrow man and one piece of bread lasts me for 3 weeks;
  • I love cookies and sweets, and I skewered your porridge with meat;
  • that I, in the army, or something, in order to comply with the regime, if I want, I won’t eat all day, if I want, I’ll empty the refrigerator at 2 o’clock in the morning.

You eat very little

The first problem is that you don't work as hard in the kitchen as you do in the gym.

Your energy costs are higher than your energy consumption. And this is the biggest mistake for guys with a thin physique.

If you train regularly and correctly, and the mass does not rush, it means that you should eat more.

You're not eating what you need

You need to eat a lot, of course, but this does not mean that you should have a personalized table at the nearest McDonald's. This will only lead to the appearance third chin, which will gracefully flutter in the wind, and at night hug and warm better than any girl.

Of course, the muscles will also grow, but they will be hidden so deep that Indiana Jones himself will not be able to find them.

Over time, you will join the ranks of the army of chubby guys shaking the Internet with the question, . But keep in mind that this ancient magic is not available to everyone, so eating all sorts of nasty things is not the best option.

A diet that won't let you gain weight

Very often I meet people who have tea for breakfast, at lunch they simply look towards cutlets, and in the evening they eat everything that was prepared in case of nuclear war and accumulated in the cellar for decades.

This option will not lead to anything good either. Even if all energy costs for the day are covered in one go. All elements obtained from food simply will not be absorbed and will go to feed the alligators that live in the sewer, if you know what I mean.

Besides this wildly slows down metabolism and reduces your chances of somehow becoming Hercules to nothing.

What, how and when to eat correctly?

In order to type better, you need to understand do you even eat enough?. First you need to calculate the BZHU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) necessary for your diet. It's not that hard to do, you just need to know your weight.

How much do you weigh?

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For 1 kg of your own weight you need collect:

  • 2 g protein;
  • 0.7 g fat;
  • 4 g carbohydrates.

This will be your starting plan.

If you still can’t gain BJU with this amount, then gradually increase them, give priority to carbohydrates.

Based on these numbers it will be necessary pick up products, with which you will collect this amount.

It would be optimal to do 3-4 doses.

Breakfast This is a must, this is the most basic meal of the day.

After a night's sleep, our energy reserves in the body are depleted; they definitely need to be replenished. It should be mainly carbohydrates, as well as protein, for example, some kind of porridge and eggs. Tea sandwiches won't give you the figure of your dreams.

During the day You also need to eat mostly carbohydrates, but there should also be enough protein. This is again porridge and, for example, meat.

In the evening you need to give the benefits to protein. Don't forget about vegetables, they are incredibly healthy. There are, of course, few calories in them, but if you cut them into a salad and season with vegetable oil, you can get a couple hundred calories without straining at all.

In the evening, protein should predominate in the diet. Meat, fish, eggs. Carbohydrates will also not be superfluous, but there is no point in focusing on them.

Have you heard about the rule " Don't eat after six"? He is followed by girls from the group " 40 kg" A little-known fact: subscribers of this public have a phobia of the fan being turned on.

You can eat 1-2 hours before bedtime. But what can you eat? These should be protein foods that are digested fairly quickly. The same cottage cheese, for example. The protein from it will saturate our body for a long time during sleep, isn’t this a miracle?

Example of a diet for a skinny guy

The calorie content of your diet will depend on your initial parameters. If you weigh no more than a sack of potatoes, start with diet No. 1, if you are a more well-fed guy, then diet No. 2 is at your service, but if you are already far from thin, and also tall, but want to gain more more muscle mass - start the diet in point No. 3.

1850 kcal

For example, consider the initial diet for a guy weighing 60 kg, its number of BZHU per day will be approximately the following:

  • proteins - 120 g;
  • fats - 42 g;
  • carbohydrates - 240 gr.

We will divide this into 4 steps:

  1. Breakfast, first appointment. It consists of 70 g of oatmeal, 3 eggs and 20 g of honey. This serving contains approximately 28 g protein, 21 g fat, 59 g carbohydrates, for a total of 540 calories.
  2. The second meal will be considered a snack after a hearty breakfast. That's just 2 bananas, which is about 3.5g protein, 1g fat, 50g carbs and 230 calories.
  3. The next two meals will be the same, they will be lunch and dinner. They look like this: 70 g of buckwheat, 120 g of chicken fillet, salad of cucumber, tomato, cabbage and lettuce, dressed with vegetable oil. That's approximately 39 grams of protein, 10 grams of fat, 49 grams of carbohydrates and 430 calories per serving.
  4. The final dose will be before bedtime. Throw in 100 grams of cottage cheese, 1 banana, watch cartoons, brush your teeth and go to bed. And from this intake we will get approximately 20 g of protein, 2.5 g of fat and 30 g of carbohydrates.

What do we have in the end? We managed to eat in a day 129 g protein, 45 g fat, 236 g carbohydrates, and will pull it all on 1850 calories.

I repeat once again, this is the one minimum which you should absorb daily to start growing, weighing 60 kg or less. If this doesn’t make you grow, then add more. Please note that the mass of cereals is indicated in dry form; after cooking, the mass will become larger.

2800 kcal

The next example is a 2800 calorie diet for an incredible machine weighing as much as 75 kg, which with one glance breaks the bones of the jocks who occupy its simulator.

BZHU of such a diet:

Proteins – 180 g

Fats – 105 g

Carbohydrates – 296 g

And again we divide this diet into 4 doses:

  1. The first meal will consist of 100 g of excellent oatmeal, 50 g of delicious bread with no less tasty 30 g of peanut butter, you can add 30 g of raisins to the porridge, and add three snow-white eggs for the protein. In total, we have 44 g of protein, 38.4 g of fat, 113 g of carbohydrates and 970 g of calories.
  2. We organize the second meal with 50 g of excellent rice, 50 g of the same delicious bread (you can even have a different taste, not the same as in the morning, because you are a free person and can do whatever you want), you also need to make a vegetable salad with love (cucumber , tomato, cabbage, lettuce) with a total weight of 150 g and add 5 g of olive oil there. Don't forget about 100 g of chicken so that your muscles are powerful, like Hercules. Well, throw in 100 g of halva, just to be sure. And so you got another 44.8 g of protein, 38 g of fat, 125.7 g of carbohydrates, which, by the way, is 1018 calories.
  3. In the third dose, you will definitely need 50 g of buckwheat, you can’t live without it. You will also need to catch 200 g of fish, or buy it at the store. And again a salad of vegetables (cucumber, tomato, cabbage, lettuce) with a total weight of 150 g and 5 g of olive oil. And also add 50 g of cheese. Thus, you will easily and naturally get 53.5 g of protein, 23.8 g of fat, 34.4 g of carbohydrates and 561 calories.
  4. In the fourth session, so that your muscles can conquer all your classmates, and maybe even your class teacher, you will need 200 g of cottage cheese, and so that you only have good dreams, add 1 orange to it. And this is neither more nor less than 37.8 g of protein, 4.4 g of fat, 22.8 g of carbohydrates and 278 calories.

3700 kcal

And now it's time for heavy artillery. Now you will see a diet of 3700 kcal. If you are an animal weighing 90-95 kg, then this diet is just for you.

I would like to note that this diet will give you:

  • 232 g protein;
  • 143 g fat;
  • 379 g carbohydrates.

This diet will already include 5 techniques:

  1. For breakfast you will find 100 g of freshly prepared oatmeal with 30 g of amazing raisins and 30 g of luxurious walnuts. You will also need 50 g of cheese and 15 g of golden honey, and don’t forget that you have eggs! You should swallow 4 pieces for breakfast. And so, with a slight movement of your jaws, you get 56.2 g of protein, 62.2 g of fat, 95 g of carbohydrates and 1157 calories.
  2. Your next meal will consist of 100 g of incredibly tasty bread, coated with 50 grams of peanut butter and 1 aromatic banana. Do not cover the bread with banana. That's another 22.9 grams of protein, 25.3 grams of fat, 85.7 grams of carbohydrates and 665.1 calories.
  3. For lunch you get 100 g of the finest rice, 200 g of chicken breast, vegetable salad (cucumber, tomato, cabbage, lettuce) with a total weight of 150 g and 5 g of olive oil. And don’t forget about halva, it will need to be crushed into 100 g. You may not believe me, but this is 66.7 g of protein, 38.3 g of fat, 137 g of carbohydrates and 1158 calories.
  4. And now dinner. This is 50 g of everyone’s favorite buckwheat, be sure to have a salad of vegetables (cucumber, tomato, cabbage, lettuce) with a total weight of 150 g and don’t forget to throw 5 g of olive oil in there, and also be sure to organize 250 g of fish, without it the whole mass gain plan will go to waste down the drain. And this is another 48.8 g of protein, 11.3 g of fat, 34.4 g of carbohydrates and 426 calories for our muscle-building piggy bank.
  5. And the last meal will consist of 200 g of low-fat, tasty cottage cheese that shines in the sun and 2 pieces of kiwi. It might seem like a small thing, but that's another 38 g of protein, 5.2 g of fat, 27.2 g of carbohydrates and 302 calories.

You can select your menu dishes depending on your preferences; fortunately, the calorie content and nutritional value are always indicated on the food packages. It’s a good idea to install a calorie counting app on your smartphone - this way you’ll always know how much you’ve already eaten and how much is left.

What else will help you gain muscle mass?

If for some reason you cannot eat that much, for example, you you ate so much that you can't breathe, then you can use sports nutrition. It makes our life much easier.

It’s quick to prepare, quick to digest, takes up minimal space—a dream, in a word.

If this option suits you, then read articles about and for skinny guys, I prepared them especially for you.

And of course, don’t forget to exercise, because in order to gain quality, you must give your muscles a load, so they will grow. If you don't you can't bring yourself to go to the gym because of laziness or lack of confidence, read my article about

The common standard of beauty for all men is a strong and beautiful body. A beautiful body and thinness - are these concepts compatible? The answer suggests itself. A beautiful body requires muscle mass, to achieve this you need to start somewhere.

Where to start

You should give up many bad habits - alcohol, cigarettes and tune in to the long process of improving your body.

Medical examination

To begin with, the most correct decision would be to go to the doctors. It is necessary to determine whether increased physical activity will harm your health. The state of the body at the moment is also important. Therefore it is necessary:

  1. Blood test results
  2. Ultrasound of internal organs

It is necessary to visit a cardiologist, surgeon, urologist, dentist, vascular surgeon, nutritionist, neurologist and ophthalmologist. But the very first doctor should be a local therapist.

Sport equipment

You will need:

  • Dumbbells;
  • Jump rope;
  • Horizontal bar.

Basic set of exercises


You need to perform push-ups 5-6 times in 5-6 approaches. Increase the number of push-ups per approach gradually. Raising the body from the floor is done while exhaling, lowering – while inhaling.


It is a combination of three exercises. They follow one after another without rest. Develops endurance and burns fat. 5 - 10 repetitions in 2-4 sets. Rest between sets 60 seconds.

  1. Squat. When the hands touch the floor, a push-up position is assumed.
  2. One push-up. Then the “squat” position is assumed.
  3. Performed from a squat jump up, with clapping hands above your head.

Classic lunges

Muscles involved:

  • Femoral
  • Knees
  • Gluteal

In the “Standing” position, hands are on your hips. A step is taken forward, while squatting, and then returning to the starting position back. Start the movement ten times with your right foot, then 10 times with your left. Keep your back straight. To make it more difficult, dumbbells are used.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

This exercise works the muscles very well:

  • Backs
  • Press
  • Shoulder joint


Muscles working:

  1. Backs
  2. Press

10 squats are done. The number of approaches is 4-5. Weights are used - dumbbells.

Jump rope

Excellent cardiovascular training, builds endurance and uses all muscles.

The number of jumps is 10-15. Number of approaches 2-3

In order to gain muscle mass, it is necessary to build a diet. Must always be present

  1. Breakfast- porridge and fruit.
  2. Dinner– meat with side dish and soup.
  3. Dinner- meat dishes and salad.
  4. Snack- yogurt or chocolate.

The building material of our body is protein, which is also a source of energy. When absorbed by the body, they break down into amino acids and are invaluable aids in building muscle mass. Protein-rich foods include:

  • Nuts
  • Marine fish species
  • Rabbit meat
  • Buckwheat
  • Various types of cheese
  1. Simple- fruits, sweets and milk.
  2. Complex- cereals, corn, potatoes and animal cells.

When there are not enough carbohydrates, nutrients are taken from muscle tissue. What is unacceptable when building muscle mass.

As for fats, you can consume them without health problems:

  1. Seeds,
  2. Vegetable oils,
  3. Eggs,
  4. Fatty fish.

An example of a daily diet would be this menu:


  • Milk pearl barley porridge – 200 grams;
  • Milk – 200 ml;
  • Fried egg from 1 egg and whites from 2 eggs;
  • Bread toast;
  • Oil - 1 tsp;


  • Pear -1;
  • Nuts - 300 grams;
  • Marshmallow or marmalade - 100 grams;


  • Barley porridge – 100 grams;
  • Goulash – 200 grams;
  • Vegetable salad - 150 grams;
  • Rye bread - 1 piece.


  • Pearl barley porridge - 150 grams;
  • Beef goulash - 200 grams;
  • Vegetable salad - 150 grams;


  • Half a chicken breast;
  • Canned vegetables - 100 grams;
  • Rice – 180 grams;


  • Ryazhenka – 400 ml.

Caloric content of the diet

A man's weight gain, with appropriate nutrition, occurs due to a gradual increase in calories. It is generally accepted that to gain weight you need 40 calories per kg of weight.

When solving a simple arithmetic problem: 70x40 = 2800, where 70 is the man’s current weight, 2800 is the number of calories needed. But in order for body weight to grow, an increase in calories is necessary. This issue needs to be discussed with specialists so as not to harm your health. You can calculate the number of calories consumed per day yourself by reading the information from the labels of each product.

  1. Recipe 1- 270 ml. milk is mixed with 100 g. cottage cheese and a spoonful of raspberry jam. After thorough mixing, drink.
  2. Recipe 2- to 350 ml. Add 1.5 bananas, 1 raw egg, and a spoonful of sugar to milk. Shakes it thoroughly and drinks it.

There are special protein powders that are mixed with milk to create a protein shake. These cocktails should be consumed 1 hour before the start of training.

Weight gain drugs

It is important to remember that medications used for weight gain may have side effects. An increased content of vitamins in the body is no less dangerous than their deficiency.

Gainers contain large amounts of pure protein and carbohydrates to give you the energy to train. Recommended for use before and after training. During non-training days, half a serving will suffice.

Hormonal pills

Hormonal drugs are pills that contain the male hormone testosterone, for example:

  • Andriol;
  • Glutamic acid;
  • Peritol;

The drugs are dispensed according to a doctor's prescription.

Naturopathic drugs

Available in the form of tablets or granules. They help to increase well.

These are drugs that contain a large amount of vitamins and other biological active substances. Their production is established in China.

The most famous pills are Ginseng Kianpi Pill. One such bottle contains 60 granules, the use of which helps increase body weight by 2 - 7 kg.

Brewer's yeast

They are a safe and harmless drug that has a beneficial effect on the body. The drug helps increase body weight thanks to B vitamins and a high content of beneficial microelements. It has a pronounced cosmetic effect - skin and hair improve. No doctor's prescription needed.

Daily regime

Based on the above article, we will formulate the main provisions that will be your guide to adhering to the regime, both in everyday life and in nutrition and training.

How do you know if the training was successful?

  1. Psychological joy from the fact that you were able to complete the task!
  2. A feeling of muscle “joy” in the form of pain. There is no need to be afraid of this muscle condition. Once you get involved in training, and believe me, in 2-3 weeks you will hear how your muscles will ask you for more load.


  1. Water consumption. The more active our lifestyle, the more we need to replenish water loss. You need to drink constantly throughout the day in even small portions.
  2. Diet. Gradually increase your calorie intake.

Should you eat before and after training?

  1. Before training, we need to give a certain amount of energy to our body so that there is something to spend - then the training will go well. In this case, we are talking about carbohydrates.
  2. After training, you must close the so-called protein-carbohydrate “window”. Within 2 hours after training, give the body nutrients so that the body goes into repair and tissue building mode as quickly as possible.


You need to sleep at least 7-8 hours. During sleep, the body recovers and muscle mass is formed.

While girls are looking for suitable low-carb diets for themselves and trying to lose extra pounds in the gym, men, on the contrary, want to gain weight. They are mainly interested in muscle growth.

In this article, we will talk about nutrition that will help men achieve an ideal body along with training. We will also look at a sample menu for each day.

What to eat to gain muscle mass

Let's start this section with a table, based on which it should roughly become clear what you need to eat during the day to get the desired result.

So, it’s better to start your day with liquid. If you don’t want to drink water, you can replace it with homemade compote or a glass of freshly squeezed juice. You need to have breakfast at least half an hour after this.

Important! After a heavy meal, it is forbidden to go to the gym. If the two-hour interval is not observed, then you should not expect a good result.

It is best to start the day with liquid - a glass of freshly squeezed juice, compote or just water. Have breakfast in half an hour.

Vitamins play an important role in building muscle mass. It is recommended to consume approximately 500 grams of fresh fruits and vegetables per day. Citrus fruits, carrots, apples, berries and dried fruits are especially useful for men.

At the same time, you will have to give up confectionery products, as they provoke a sharp increase in blood sugar. As a result, glucose is transformed into fat.


Proteins are simply necessary after sleep and workouts, when the body has expended a huge amount of energy. If we talk about the daily norm, it is approximately 2 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight. For example, a man weighing 60 kilograms needs to eat 140 grams of protein per day.

What foods contain protein? They are as follows:

  • Dairy products: kefir, yogurt, milk, cottage cheese;
  • Seeds and nuts;
  • All legumes: peas, lentils, mung beans, chickpeas, beans;
  • Spinach, asparagus, broccoli;
  • Lean meats: chicken, turkey, veal.

The method of preparing food is also important. Meat and vegetables should not be fried. They can be baked, boiled, stewed, steamed.

Slow and fast carbohydrates

In the morning, it is better to resort to eating fast carbohydrates. They can also be eaten after an intense workout in the gym, since at these moments the body experiences an urgent need for additional energy. The rest of the time you need to eat slow carbohydrates, and at night any kind of carbohydrates is prohibited. The daily norm should be no more than 500 grams.

The following products are suitable for weight gain for men:

  • Durum wheat pasta;
  • Various porridges (oatmeal, millet, rice, buckwheat);
  • Bread – bran, rye;
  • Muesli;
  • Beets, carrots, potatoes.

Important! There is no need to get too carried away with potatoes, because they contain a huge amount of starch. The best way to prepare it is baking.


Fats are divided into saturated, that is, unhealthy (butter, mayonnaise) and unsaturated. The latter include various types of oils: sesame, flaxseed, olive, vegetable.

Attention! From 16 to 28 years old, 160 g of fat is needed per day, at 29-40 years old - 95-150 g, after 40 years - 70 g.

The importance of protein and where to get it from

Now let's talk about the importance of protein, which everyone talks about at every step who wants to gain muscle mass. It is a building material for muscles. You can’t do without it if a man attends intense training. The greater the muscle mass, the greater the need for protein a person experiences.

Plant cells are found in lentils and peas; soybeans can also help in this matter; animals are ready to provide milk and cottage cheese. These products should be present in your daily menu.

As a rule, there is a tendency that beginners in sports abuse powder cocktails in the early stages. Employees of fitness clubs only strive to offer them, and for a lot of money. However, it is important to understand that such drinks do not belong to the list of strict requirements for gaining muscle mass. A cocktail will only be effective when you know that after training there will be no time to eat properly. Example of nutrition for weight gain for men

How to eat to gain weight at home

Often, the thinness of women and men is associated with a special body structure. They also boast a fast metabolism, but bad habits and health problems are not excluded. Let’s not focus on the last two points right away.

Before planning a new menu and developing a training system, you must immediately stop smoking and drinking alcohol. But it is important to go to the doctor so that the specialist can assure you that there are no contraindications to changing your lifestyle.

Rules for creating a new diet:

  • More high-calorie foods, but in accordance with the basics of proper nutrition. It is important not just to increase the amount of food, but the number of calories consumed;
  • If the reason is a fast metabolism, choose those foods that will help slow it down;
  • More activity and sports. Food should go into the muscles, not into the fat layer;
  • The diet should increase to three to four thousand calories, and five to eight servings should be eaten per day. The body will cope with this amount faster, and nothing will go into fat;
  • Less fat. 40% of the diet should be protein;
  • Don’t forget that men’s bodies work faster than women’s, so food is digested more quickly. In this case, traditional diets for weight gain will simply be inappropriate;
  • You should not limit yourself to certain types of foods - microelements must come from different sources, you cannot eat only carbohydrates, proteins and vegetables;
  • If necessary, the diet can be diluted with protein shakes.

Important! Pathological thinness occurs in thin-boned people; they often always look miniature, but with proper nutrition and a well-developed training system, you can build muscle mass.

A person must not forget about three important things:

  • Exercises involving lifting heavy weights should be done in the gym;
  • Compliance with basic nutrition;
  • Give your muscles proper rest.

Some athletes are afraid of growing body fat, not muscle. In this regard, they begin to combine training in the gym with cutting, that is, a carbohydrate-free diet. This approach cannot be called correct, because the body is under severe stress, so serious health problems may arise. It is believed that the emphasis is first on the muscles, and then you can go on a diet.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the rules of nutrition and training that are necessary for ecomorph men. This prefix is ​​used due to physique and low level of strength, high stature and thinness. There are narrow bones and a minimal layer of fat here.

Such young people cope well with endurance exercises. If we are talking about bodybuilding, then attention should be paid to split training. Ectomorphs are practically unable to gain fat, so their salvation lies mostly in proper nutrition.

Meals for weight gain for men at home - weekly menu

The diet consists of three main meals and three snacks. Approximate calorie content is 3000 kilocalories. Don't forget to stay hydrated.


  1. - oatmeal with water or milk, tea/coffee, banana
  2. - stewed potatoes with vegetables in a slow cooker
  3. - a handful of nuts, cottage cheese
  4. - rice with vegetables
  5. - vegetable smoothie, toast with cheese
  6. - fruit salad and a glass of yogurt

IN tornik

  1. - millet porridge with honey and milk, a handful of nuts, grapefruit or orange
  2. - pasta with eggplant
  3. - a glass of kefir and whole grain toast
  4. - cottage cheese with kiwi and nuts
  5. - baked vegetables with tofu
  6. - a glass of yogurt and toast with peanut butter

Prepare Roasted Vegetables


  1. - oatmeal with banana, apple and a handful of nuts
  2. - pilaf with vegetables, tea
  3. - vegetable omelette with black bread, apple
  4. - smoothie with fruits and milk
  5. - fresh vegetable salad, buckwheat cutlets
  6. - cottage cheese with jam and yogurt


  1. - rice noodles with vegetables, a handful of nuts and an apple
  2. - vegetable soup, stew
  3. - a glass of kefir and a slice of whole grain bread
  4. - fruit salad with yogurt
  5. - baked potatoes with cheese
  6. - cheesecakes, tea


  1. - bread with cheese, fresh herb salad, tea or coffee
  2. - cottage cheese and banana
  3. - buckwheat pancakes with mushrooms, juice
  4. - vegetable smoothie
  5. - vegetable cutlets and boiled rice
  6. - yogurt with berries


  1. - oatmeal with banana and nuts, tea or coffee
  2. - oven-baked vegetables
  3. - a glass of kefir with whole grain bread
  4. - cottage cheese with honey and fruits
  5. - couscous with vegetables
  6. - fruit salad

Don't forget about healthy and nutritious couscous


  1. - vegetable omelette, toast with cheese, tea or coffee
  2. - cream of mushroom soup
  3. - cottage cheese with yogurt and banana
  4. - rice with vegetables
  5. - fruit smoothie
  6. - fresh vegetable salad with sour cream

Important! 70% of food should be consumed before four o'clock in the afternoon.


As you can see, men find it easy to gain muscle mass. With a properly planned diet, 600 kilocalories should be allocated to proteins, 900 to fats and 1500 to carbohydrates.

If you want to gain lean muscle mass, then you need to keep the consumption of foods that provoke blood glucose levels under strict control. The diet will have to be radically revised; chocolate and flour products should disappear from it.

Here it is necessary to increase the amount of vegetable fats, but reduce the number of animals. We suggest you learn more about nutrition for gaining muscle mass from this video: