Dream interpretation

Stories from real life. How I removed my mother-in-law from my life Mother-in-law is an honest woman

I got married while I was pregnant. My husband didn't know about my situation. I wanted to tell him, but didn’t dare.

The mother-in-law immediately disliked her grandson. She seemed to feel that Senya had nothing to do with their family. She assured my husband that Senya was not his son, but my husband did not listen to his mother’s opinion. She didn’t accept me right away, so there was nothing surprising in her words.

I know I should have told my husband the truth right away. But I was afraid. I have no relatives, no home of my own. The guy, the father of the child, left me before I even found out about the pregnancy. What would we live on? How would I be alone with a child in my arms, in a rented apartment? So I responded favorably to Dmitry, who had long been in love with me.

Sofya Alekseevna, seeing me for the first time, grimaced. She looked me up and down and said contemptuously to Dima, nodding in my direction:

- What, there was no one better?

Her hostility was visible a kilometer away. My husband was on my side, so I wasn’t particularly worried about my mother-in-law’s attitude towards me.

Fathers-in-law are quite wealthy people. The husband works for his father. My husband and I lived in our in-laws’ apartment with our in-laws’ money. But separately from them.

Two years ago I gave birth to my second son, from my husband. And Sofya Alekseevna immediately sensed her own blood. Gifts were given only youngest child, educational activities and entertainment - also only for the youngest. The mother-in-law could take her beloved grandson to live with her for a few days. The eldest son, looking at this division, began to behave disgracefully.

Recently, our whole family visited our in-laws. As usual, all attention was paid to the youngest. The eldest, so that at least someone would look at him, found a lighter on his mother-in-law’s balcony and set fire to the pieces of paper on her dressing table.

We all ran to the source of the smoke. The father-in-law threw a blanket on the table, there was no fire. But there was a huge burn mark left on the dressing table.

My mother-in-law billed my husband and I for the table. By my standards - an astronomical amount of 60 thousand rubles. I left with a scandal - is it my son’s fault that lighters are kept so accessible from children at his mother-in-law’s house? And in general, if I had paid attention to both grandchildren, none of this would have happened.

The husband agreed to pay. I thought he would repay the debt with money. But Sofya Alekseevna suggested replacing the 60 thousand debt with two paternity tests - for both grandchildren. My husband decided to save money - in our city one test costs 9,900.

I thought my husband would understand. He raised his eldest son for almost 7 years, and he became attached to the boy. But no. The husband, in the form of an ultimatum, demanded that someone else's child not be in his house. Well, how can a child whose husband got up at night be a stranger? Whom did you play ball with, who did you worry about when you were sick?

I refused. And what kind of mother can give away one of her children just because dad changed his mind about being a dad? Then the husband packed his things and left, saying that he would go to court with an application for divorce, ordering alimony for the younger son and removing paternity from him for the eldest.

With my husband leaving, I even breathed a little more freely. There are fewer household chores and more time for the children. The surprise was the visit of Sofia Alekseevna. She walked in as if to her own home, opening the door with her key. I immediately began to kick her out, asking, with tears in my eyes:

— Did you achieve what you wanted? Have I been a bad wife to your son? Get out, you have nothing to do here!

In response, she laughed. She told me that I was the one to get out of her apartment.

- But Dima left the apartment to me! - I was indignant.

- Now, if Dima had his own home, he could dispose of it at his own discretion. You won't live in my apartment! You have a week!

She left. And I sit and roar. It's even worse than when I got pregnant the first time. Then I could have an abortion and move on with my life. Or give birth and understand one child - I had work then. And now I need somewhere to hide with two children. I don’t have a job, my husband took the jewelry that I could sell when he left.

I don’t understand these people - how can children be driven out onto the streets because of a small mistake I made in the past? What are they to blame for?

My husband also sang differently, I’m sure - at the suggestion of his mother. Now Dima wants to take my youngest son away from me and his mother will raise my child!

I don't know what to do or what to do. A friend advised to invite Dima to a conversation, during the conversation to loudly shout several times “Dima, don’t!” so that the neighbors would hear and could go as witnesses.

And, as soon as he leaves, give yourself bruises and write a statement against him. Like, he won’t sue the child, and he can demand money from the mother-in-law so that I can withdraw the application. I'll probably do that.

From the author. The girl who told me about her problems did not evoke a drop of sympathy. I didn’t want to publish this text - I’m disgusted myself. But I felt very sorry for the people who met on this girl’s life path, and I tried to contact Sofia Alekseevna to warn her family about possible problems with the heroine of this story.

Unfortunately, Sofya Alekseevna refused to talk to me. Perhaps she will read this article, recognize her daughter-in-law and save her son from problems.

Lilya met Ravshan on the Internet. He turned out to be good guy- kind, reliable. They lived in different cities, so they corresponded for a long time before they decided to meet for the first time. Ravshan arrived first. Lilya had just graduated from college, and he was almost 25. Almost a year later, the lovers decided to get married. But first, Lila had to take an important step - meeting his parents...

So we sat together like a family...

They were greeted joyfully: pilaf, pies, delicious tea with oregano and the signature “Napoleon” cake of Ravshan’s mother, Sonia Rakhmetovna.

“I shouldn’t have worried,” Lilya mentally reproached herself. - Rovshik’s parent is very nice people».

Everything was so nice and family-like that Lilya finally relaxed, and then...

Lilechka, you are still so young, are you really afraid of being an old maid? - Sonia-opa suddenly asked a question.

Why? - the girl was taken aback.

No, I understand that flaws in appearance...

Mother! - Ravshan could not stand it.

What did I say? - Sonia Rakhmetovna shrugged. - We’re almost family, is it worth pretending?

Mom, stop it! - her son stopped her again.

Well, okay, I’ll keep quiet,” the future mother-in-law pursed her lips offendedly. - We’re not married yet, but my son is already putting me in my place.

After dinner, Ravshan had difficulty convincing his mother that Lilya was still very young and could misunderstand such “attacks.”

“Let him learn to understand correctly,” Sonia-opa said in an edifying tone, thawing out after a conversation with her beloved son, who in the meantime rushed to calm the bride down.

Calm down, dear,” he consoled the crying girl, “Mom is just a little jealous, but over time everything will change when you get to know each other better.” She will see how wonderful you are, and you will definitely become friends.

Time passed, but everything remained the same. Future mother-in-law constantly made comments to Lila, trying to casually highlight every mistake. But in the presence of her son she was quiet and courteous. Lilya decided to endure everything in the hope that after the wedding she would be able to change the situation.

Honeymoon, bitter life...

The wedding ended cheerfully and happy. Even Sonia Rakhmetovna’s heels about her tasteless hairstyle and overly fluffy dress couldn’t spoil Have a good mood newlywed “Nothing,” she thought, “tomorrow we will go to the dacha, and in a week I will decide what to do next.”

Two weeks flew by like a fairytale dream, and now the newlyweds returned to the house of Ravshan’s parents.

Get up, girl,” Lilya heard a gentle voice early in the morning.

Now, mommy,” she muttered sleepily. - Five more minutes...

The girl jumped up as if scalded. Her mother-in-law loomed over her with a mocking grin.

Now you are the mistress of this house, dear. Do everything yourself. The time has come for me to rest - my son brought his daughter-in-law into the house.

There was nothing to cover it with. She is a daughter-in-law. Cleaning the whole house, washing, ironing, and cooking was easy. Although at home she was not so driven from one task to another. Mom was always there, and if something went wrong with her daughter, she helped with advice and deeds. Here, each of her punctures, as if on a silver platter, was demonstrated to everyone with ridicule.

In addition, the girl had to give her mother-in-law massages, because her legs and back hurt all the time, and she had to run to the stove every time she wanted something tasty. Also, Lilya literally looked after Ravshan like a child - this is what her mother-in-law demanded. And the husband gradually got used to such care, taking it for granted.

Once the young people gathered to meet with Ravshan’s friends. Lilya carefully chose her outfit and finally put on elegant trousers and a top embroidered with rhinestones.

But as soon as the girl left the bedroom, the mother-in-law began to wail, grabbed her daughter-in-law by the hand and led her back into the room.

Do you even know who you look like? We have a decent family, my daughter-in-law won’t appear in public like this. Let’s see what can be changed,” with these words she went to the closet.

In the end, the “caring” woman changed her trousers to a dress, and then demanded that she put on high-heeled shoes.

Yes, to instill a taste - not to play the harmonica, - Sonia Rakhmetovna muttered through clenched teeth. - If I had a daughter, I would teach her how to put herself in order. You, poor thing, probably had no one to tell you.

“My mother has excellent taste,” my daughter-in-law couldn’t stand it. - And she taught me a lot.

“Don’t bite,” her mother-in-law interrupted. - Here I dictate style and morals. Clear?

Everything was clear to Lila long ago...

Tears into the pillow

One evening, sitting at the table, Sonia Rakhmetovna suddenly started talking about her son’s previous brides. There were so many of them, it’s impossible to count! The mother-in-law watched out of the corner of her eye the reaction of her daughter-in-law, who was busy sewing.

And one was, my God, so beautiful, so smart! And the education is higher, no match for today’s girls who strive to get married right after school... I told him: “Son, you can’t find a better match for marriage,” but he ran into nothing... If only I knew where he was, his destiny will find in some remote place...

Lilya never considered herself a beauty, but she knew for sure that she was pretty: dark gray eyes, thick brown hair, a chiseled figure. And she studied well, her teachers loved her - both at school and in college. From the first grade, the girl took part in all theatrical productions, drew talentedly, and sang well. I was going to enter pedagogical school, but fate brought me together with my future husband. The girl remembered all this at night, lying awake and replaying the events of the past day in her memory. “Why is she doing this to me?” - Lilya cried quietly, furtively, so as not to wake her husband.

"We're having a baby!"

The mother-in-law stubbornly continued to look for flaws. Humiliating her daughter-in-law gave her some kind of unhealthy pleasure. Lilya went into another room and silently sobbed there, and then came out to her family, still as calm and restrained. The father-in-law remained silent, and the only attempt to complain to his husband led to a quarrel. The girl would have remained silent this time, but the reason for conversation was too compelling.

You are crazy? - Ravshan was indignant. - My mother is a saint, she could not do or say such a thing. Get all this intrigue out of your head, or we'll have a serious quarrel. She loves you very much. Just make peace with her, become friends.

Ravshan, we will have a child,” the young wife timidly said.

What?! - the husband didn’t believe it. - Is it true?!

There is an exit!

...Another six months passed. Lilya was preparing for the birth of her daughter. And even here the mother-in-law managed to catch her.

A loving daughter-in-law always gives birth to a boy first. Think about it, son.

Mother! - Ravshan exclaimed, as always.

Just kidding, fool,” Sonia-opa laughed.

But the tiny life that arose under Lily's heart short term changed her husband's attitude towards her. Ravshan began to take a closer look at his wife and realized that she had become nervous, twitchy, and was in constant tension. And as if a signal sounded in his head: “We need to do something.”

To Lily’s surprise, Ravshan decided to live separately. The mother, of course, was against it, but the father was silent, grinning through his mustache.

The young people rented a small apartment on the outskirts and began to learn to live independently. While we were studying, we didn’t notice how three months flew by: the newborn baby was named Rinata. Sonia arrived at the maternity hospital, took her granddaughter in her arms and pressed her tightly to her chest: “My dear.”

“So,” she began in her usual mentoring tone, “now you are coming to us.” Lila needs to recover after giving birth. The child needs full care, I won’t let him be taken to this concrete one-room apartment. Ravshan, take your bags. Lilya, give me Rinat. And you, Malik (this is for my husband), support Lilya - she is still weak. Get everything into the car, otherwise the child will catch a cold...

Well, what can you do with your mother-in-law? She finally found her way out...

Interesting fact:
The warmest relationships develop among daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law in Mexico. Here they, strange as it may sound, are true friends, as well as support and support for each other. In Mexico, female solidarity and respect for family ties are clearly expressed. The mother of her son tries in every possible way to help the young family when any everyday problems arise.

Oksana BAUER

Just half a century ago, it was considered normal to call your mother-in-law mom, move into her house and listen to her advice with your mouth open. Today, young couples are trying to separate, but sometimes even distance is unable to stop the mother-in-law from interfering in their lives. new family. We spoke with Belarusians who had different relationships with their mothers-in-law.

Photo source: oguiadaluz.com

Alexandra: “She managed to brainwash her son very easily!”

My mother-in-law immediately told me that she would divorce us. I don’t know why I didn’t please her, but she kept my husband firmly under her thumb.

We lived at her house in a separate room: her husband and my husband just didn’t bring slippers in her teeth. I didn’t just try to help with the housework, but actually did everything: I cooked for everyone, cleaned my apartment, and my mother-in-law came home from work and “fell” from fatigue in her chair watching the TV.

And this despite the fact that I also worked! I tried my best to make friends with her, to come to an agreement, but she was always unhappy with everything! And the most unpleasant thing is that she very easily managed to brainwash her son.

No matter how much I tried to persuade my husband to rent an apartment or move in with my parents, he was categorically against it. Now I understand that “strongly against” is not about him, he just didn’t want to change anything, he was comfortable there too, and my problems didn’t bother him.

When I gave birth to my child, my husband didn’t even come to the maternity hospital! As does my mother-in-law, of course. Then I went straight from the maternity hospital to my parents. So we lived apart for some time, my husband did not call or look for meetings with the child. A few months later we met to discuss what to do next. What's the point of marriage if we don't even talk on the phone? He invited me to move in with him again. I decided to give him one more chance.

And he, of course, did not live up to this chance. I don’t remember how this quarrel started. But my mother-in-law showed me and my seven-month-old baby the door at 9 pm! I couldn’t stand what I had been accumulating in myself all these few months that I lived with her under the same roof. And she began to pack her things.

My husband didn't say a word! The father-in-law looked sympathetically at everything that was happening, but also did not dare to intervene. I called a taxi and left once and for all.

Now already ex-husband is in no way interested in the life of our child: I don’t even post photos on in social networks. He doesn’t want to know us, so he doesn’t need to. I remarried and gave birth again. My second husband is a wonderful father to both children and we are all very happy!

Tatyana: “Endless advice on how to raise children, how to treat with folk remedies”

It’s good that the mother-in-law lives far away, otherwise she would have “lost” her son. After all, my husband was always on my side, although he suffered from the fact that my mother was offended.

All the whims on my part and on the part of my mother-in-law passed through my husband, because she and I never openly expressed anything to each other.

This is what infuriated me: she always tried to impose her opinion, give advice that we did not ask for, and was offended that we did not listen to her. For example, a mother-in-law asks what clothes her grandson needs to buy. If we refuse, she is offended that her help is not needed.

Then, in order not to offend her, my husband suggests that she give us money so that we can buy it ourselves. She's angry again. Then she will take it without asking, buy something herself and bring it back. Whether you like it or not, you have to wear it so as not to offend your mother.

Or he will come to visit and begin to “put things in order” and point out what would be better to put it where. A endless advice how to raise children, how to treat folk remedies etc.!

Of course, when we needed advice, we asked, but when we don’t, and they offer us so persistently, it’s annoying. And I wanted to refuse as gently as possible, because she has a heart condition. But over the years, my mother-in-law understood everything and began to poke her nose into our lives much less often, and I began to take it easier.

Ekaterina: “I didn’t succeed as a grandmother, I’m like a stranger”

It all started with the wedding itself, when my mother-in-law not only did not give a gift, but did not even congratulate us with words.

But I still tried to please my mother-in-law. I came to the village to help with the housework: milking the cow, weeding the gardens, etc. My husband helped my mother financially build a house. And when we had a disabled child, she didn’t even come, she just called and said:

As God wills: if he survives, he will survive, and if he dies, he will die.

The son was born without an esophagus. Many years of hospitals, sanatoriums, and rehabilitations are behind us. Fortunately, we managed it - the esophagus was made from the tissues surrounding the lungs. It took us a lot of effort and money to achieve this result.

My mother-in-law turned my husband against me, claiming that it was my fault that such a child was born. Okay, she didn’t accept me, but she didn’t even visit her grandson in hospitals.

Photo source: kalendar2017.ru

Nobody bet on my son, but I lived only for him, I took care of him. He was already reciting poetry at the age of 2! I wanted to prove to everyone that he is the best. I spent years in hospitals, during which time my mother-in-law never even crossed the threshold. My husband worked almost around the clock to pay for surgeries and rehabilitation.

Now my son is already 13 years old, he has become healthy child, and my mother-in-law ceased to exist for me as a person. Over the years, she has not established herself as a grandmother, she is like a stranger. Now she is seriously ill, I forgave, but did not forget anything.

My husband has younger brother, my mother-in-law wrote him everything - the apartment, the house, and didn’t give us a penny the whole time. It’s good that I was lucky with my husband: he worked, worked, worked... And we saved our son!

Therefore, I advise all my friends: if your mother-in-law brings gifts to her grandchildren, take care of her!

Tatyana: “It would be great to take your mother-in-law with you on vacation!”

My situation is unusual: with my mother-in-law a good relationship. Firstly, the mother-in-law lives in another city. Secondly, she is a very simple woman: she doesn’t bother about trifles and doesn’t get into her soul.

I can talk to her for an hour or more. And even if she doesn’t like something, she speaks out very delicately and doesn’t interfere with the family. He can advise something, but only in the form of advice, not a recommendation, not an order. Always helps and meets halfway.

Recently, I had to go with my daughter for procedures, and my son was sick. We called my mother-in-law and said that we would bring our grandson. No problem!

The son stayed there for 2.5 weeks, and the mother-in-law found an approach to him. The only thing is that after the grandmother, the son arrived whiny, so helpless: “I can’t put on a sock!”, “I can’t brush my teeth!”... It’s immediately obvious that the grandmother encouraged this somewhere.

I even think that it would be great to take my mother-in-law with me on vacation, to go on some excursion with my husband, on romantic dinner and a walk under the moonlight. It's easy for me with her. Of course, an important factor is that we live in different cities.

Olga Davletbaeva

How is your relationship with your mothers-in-law (daughters-in-law)?

"Chikibamboni" and Billie Eilish. Do you understand your child's trends?

Let's talk about such a phenomenon as the “Caucasian mother-in-law.” It’s no secret that, according to the “highlanders,” the main role/goal/purpose of a woman is the birth and upbringing of offspring. No careers/hobbies for you, no need to engage in stupidity, you still have to give birth to children! From childhood she is taught that love for children will be her main happiness and joy throughout her life. Caucasian men are not best husbands, to put it mildly. In the first year of marriage, the couple certainly tries to conceive a child, or rather an heir, because a girl is not a particularly valuable offspring, raise/feed her, and then give her to another family, it is still unknown what kind of dowry it will be, even worse if she disgraces and discredits her honor family, so it's continuous headache and hemorrhoids. After giving birth, the mother-in-law helps with the child, who, of course, is extremely dissatisfied with everything that the daughter-in-law does, even with the way she breastfeeds. The husband most often explains very clearly that “mom” is always right, and she should shut her mouth and be glad that she had such an honor to give birth to children for their family, in best case scenario he simply ignores all conflicts and lives happily ever after. The young mother is worried, nervous, now the only one who can really give her tenderness or love is the child. She's shaking over him like never before. The boy is kissed in all imaginable and inconceivable places, he is groomed and cherished, carried in his arms, because this is a guarantee that his son will grow up and repay the same. The whole world is now in this child, he is like the main treasure for a woman! The boy grows up, most often treats his mother quite respectfully, and may even show tender feelings. Here it is, happiness! For years, everyone wiped their feet on her, beat her, shouted, called her stupid, but her son loves her, she didn’t make a mistake with her upbringing! The time comes for the boy to bring his bride home. And here the fun begins. First, jealousy appears - my son is too good for this sideways/skinny/dark-eyed, etc. She chooses the quietest one for her son, so that she loves children and is happy to give birth to successors for them. God/Allah forbid the daughter-in-law dares to say a word or look the wrong way, the old predator is ready to tear her to pieces - I raised such a son, and what are you like??? You don't deserve my son, bitch! You should pray to God that someone like him looked at you! She really thinks so, even if her son beats/drinks/humiliates her. The young wife is to blame for everything, she has little wisdom/was poorly brought up/no patience/stupid, etc. I want to tell you 2 stories about my 2 aunts, they are sisters and were raised in the same family, by the same mother and father. The family is more than patriarchal, they also have 2 brothers, whom the grandmother adored and still adores, with whose wives she has been waging war for more than 35 years. One aunt's name is Ainura, she is 56, she is married for the second time, she has a son and a daughter (33 and 26 years old). She once said a brilliant phrase to her future daughter-in-law: “my son is not ideal, if he does something unworthy, let me know, I didn’t raise him to ruin anyone’s life.” And the son did not spoil it, a normal family, they live separately, without children for now, for their own pleasure, they see their mother on holidays, everyone is glad and happy. The second aunt's name is Aigul, she is 50, one son is 19 years old. She forced him to get married, nags his daughter-in-law from morning to evening because she is this/that, doesn’t know how to cook, doesn’t sweep the floors properly and talks to her husband. And the son drinks, comes home in the trash, yells at his mother, beats his wife, and the aunt laments, “See how you brought this man down??? If I had a normal wife, I wouldn’t drink, you’re such rubbish! And you can’t look after the child! O Allah, why did you punish us like this??? Doesn’t my son deserve a worthy wife???” And she, the wife, and the child cry for days. But the son hangs out and does not deny himself anything. Women, when you give birth to boys, do you think about how you raise them? You understand that you are giving birth to a new person, and not a son for YOURSELF and not for your old age, and not even so that he will “get” grandchildren for you! Don’t be selfish, your desires will lead you into a deep hole from which it will be impossible to get out.

I am a vegetarian, and my husband eats meat, but cooks it himself. My mother-in-law was indignant at this fact for a very long time, several times she defiantly came to visit with meat and cooked it herself, saying that I was an armless egoist. Then it dawned on her: I probably just don’t know how to cook meat, but I’m making up everything about vegetarianism so as not to embarrass myself. She called and said that she would come to visit and teach me how to cook a dish that few people know how to cook. And after this I will become a chef, any meat dish I won't care. And she arrived. She opened the package and stuck a rabbit carcass in my face. With a fur paw. Like, a real rabbit, not some kind of cat. Yes, I realized that Lavrenty is real - I’ve been living with Lavrenty for five years now, my favorite, smart as a dog. Rabbit, of course.

Mother-in-law is an honest woman

My mother-in-law is a very honest woman: right on her wedding day she showed what to expect from her. At first she insisted on a stupid “bride price”, although we had not planned anything like that. When I left the apartment, my mother-in-law looked over my shoulder and asked loudly: “Where is the bride anyway?!” This was a reaction to my dress - very beautiful summer dress sea ​​green, knee-revealing. Without a veil, of course. At the registry office, my mother shed tears, and my mother-in-law hissed at her: there was no point in shedding tears, she should be the one crying, the only man she loved was taken away from her. And she immediately howled. In full voice. Like at a funeral.

At the restaurant, the host announced the newlyweds' first dance. The mother-in-law jumped up with a mouth full of salad and grabbed the groom's hand. She finished chewing and announced that he should dance the first dance with his mother. I've never felt so stupid before. So when she asked the photographer to take a family photo and kindly asked me to get out of the frame, I really did. At all. She just left. I took a bottle of cognac from the table, called a friend and we drank it in the park next to the restaurant. The groom found me there and brought my mother-in-law - I thought I needed her apology. But she said: “What did I do?”

Mother-in-law is the keeper of family secrets

My husband and I dated briefly before our wedding—only six months. My mother-in-law, having learned about the wedding, threw a scandal at me. She screamed that I wanted to go “from rags to riches” at her expense, came in large numbers from the village and became pregnant by a Muscovite in order to squeeze out the apartment. And I “came in large numbers” from St. Petersburg and was not pregnant at all. And in the next 10 years of our life together I never got pregnant because we wanted to live together. Naturally, my mother-in-law told everyone that I was a “barren flower” and her poor son was doomed to remain childless. She was upset that he was not smart enough to have a mistress who would give birth to him.


Then my husband and I decided to become parents, a girl was born - naturally my copy. And literally a few months later it turned out that I was pregnant again and - oh, horror! - twins. The pregnancy was not easy - I have a very small child in my arms, and my mother-in-law walks around and says: “What do you think? You don’t feel sorry for my boy, you give birth like a barn cat, and he has to feed all of you parasites!” In general, her husband forbade her to approach me until the birth. Boys were born who were unusually similar to their father. When we celebrated their first birthday, my mother-in-law took me to the kitchen and whispered that I now had to wash her feet and drink water. Because she still brought my daughter a gift too and even kissed her, even though she was disgusted. And she won’t tell my husband yet that her daughter is not his. If I behave, yeah.

Mother-in-law prophetess

In my family, everyone is prone to gaining excess weight, I have never been a reed either. After marriage, I began to gain weight and somehow unnoticed I gained a lot. Well, I decided that I needed to lose weight, but correctly - I started counting calories and going to the gym. A year later I lost weight, but now it seemed that this was not enough - I wanted a beautiful, sculpted body. It is clear that it is more convenient to sculpt muscles with the help of special sports nutrition. At that moment, my mother-in-law lost her mind. She started making scandals for me and my husband. She said that I would turn into a man and that I couldn’t give birth, because I had already poisoned my body and could only give birth to a disabled person.

I became pregnant, and an ultrasound told me that the baby most likely had Down syndrome. All the signs are there, and the chance that this is a mistake is very small. My mother-in-law had a holiday. She ran to all her relatives, friends and neighbors and told them this news, adding: “Well, I told you so!” She demanded that I agree to an artificial birth. My husband and I stopped all communication with her, of course. The child was born absolutely healthy. It’s just that he weighed almost five kilograms for me and my relatives. The ultrasound doctor made a mistake and mistook the folds for characteristic feature syndrome. But the child only has one grandmother, of course. My mom.

Mother-in-law dog trainer

When I became pregnant, my mother-in-law immediately started telling me what not to do. You can’t raise your hands, you can’t take a bath, you can’t do this, you can’t do that. And most importantly, he says, do not kick a dog under any circumstances, otherwise the child will be born without legs. Better hit him with a slipper. I have an old Japanese Chin, it weighs 2.5 kilograms. We usually left him with my mother-in-law if we had to leave. I cried for three days, imagining her kicking him.

Mother-in-law is an expert in judicial practice

I have a daughter from my first marriage. The second mother-in-law was very happy about this. Not because I fell in love with my daughter, and not because I have long wanted grandchildren, but because it is very convenient: I can give birth and immediately go to work, I don’t need a nanny, my daughter will do as a babysitter. And you can study at school and externally, what are the problems? But I didn’t give birth to anyone, and, in principle, things didn’t work out with my second husband. They filed for divorce. My mother-in-law came and said that my apartment, bought before this marriage, should be divided in half with my husband. Because I - suddenly! — I wasn’t a virgin when I got married. Why did the boy suffer morally and now needs compensation? Any court will side with him, so it’s better for me to give everything in an amicable way, yes, yes.

Mother-in-law healer

A couple of years ago I got pneumonia. My mother-in-law came to the hospital with some kind of little bag and asked where their microwave was. I said. I thought she brought me homemade broth. But the mother-in-law did not return. Then an angry nurse came into the room and asked who this aunt had come to see. It turned out that my mother-in-law had brought a bag of horse manure and planned to warm it up and put it on my chest. Absolutely reliable means. Although cow's would be better, of course, but where can you find it in Moscow? In general, I tried to sign out with a signature - it was so embarrassing. They didn't let me go, of course. The doctor on his rounds read Filatov with feeling: “Try the hare droppings, they are vigorous, they will penetrate...”