
Breasts of pregnant and non-pregnant women. Constant drowsiness and incredible fatigue. Using special creams

From the moment of fertilization, global changes occur in the mother’s body. Some of them we cannot see or feel, others, on the contrary, are noticeable to you and others.

Breasts at the beginning of pregnancy

Breasts during pregnancy just signals us about a new emerging life. Many people experience swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands. Slight breast enlargement can be observed already at early stages pregnancy. On later significant breast enlargement occurs.

But we should not forget about the individuality of each woman.– for some, significant changes will occur (the breasts will greatly increase in size and will be painful), while for others they will remain the same. And this is not a pathology. Moreover, everything depends not only on the characteristics of the woman, but also on the pregnancy itself: for example, in the first pregnancy there will be changes in the breasts, but not in the second.

So, the most important thing we found out is individual character changes to the breasts during pregnancy. Now is the time to understand what exactly could be happening?

Breasts during pregnancy: questions for pregnant women

Pregnant women are often concerned about questions regarding their breasts: their size, discharge, care. How to properly prepare your breasts for feeding? How to maintain elasticity?

Every woman should know everything about her breasts and monitor their condition throughout her life. Therefore, let's start with anatomy.

Anatomy of the female breast

The breast is a paired hormone-dependent organ that is part of the reproductive system and produces milk. A woman’s breasts have a complex structure and consist of:

  • glandular tissue (parenchyma), with ducts of various diameters passing through it;
  • stroma (connective tissue);
  • adipose tissue in which parenchyma and stroma are embedded.

Breast shape and size depends on the ratio of these components. But neither breast size nor shape affects a woman's ability to breastfeed. I know many women with large and small breasts who had no problems with breastfeeding.

Each type of breast tissue does a specific job: parenchyma produces colostrum and then milk, stroma divides the breast into lobes and segments, and also determines the shape of the breast, and adipose tissue plays a protective role and also affects the shape of the breast.

Parenchyma of each breast consists of many alveoli - small tubular glands that can produce milk. 150-200 alveoli are combined into a lobule, and 30-80 lobules are combined into a lobe of the mammary gland.

Each breast consists of 15-20 lobes(sometimes there are additional lobes, usually located in the armpits, which is why some women experience swelling in the armpits during pregnancy).

A milk duct departs from each alveoli, The milk ducts unite into large ones, which flow into the nipple. The lobar ducts expand towards the edge of the nipple and form peculiar cavities - milky sinuses, in which milk accumulates.

The chest is attached to the muscles of the chest using connective tissue cords, called Cooper's ligaments.

Please note that breasts do not have muscle tissue, so they cannot be pumped up using strength exercises.

Next to the chest: under it, above the collarbone and in the armpit, there are 30-40 lymph nodes that perform a protective function against the spread of microbes.

Woman's breasts: nipples

The nipple and areola are covered with delicate skin. Each woman has a different nipple shape and size. The nipple is cone-shaped in women who have not given birth, and cylindrical in women who have given birth. About 4% of women have flat or inverted nipples, but this nipple shape does not interfere with breastfeeding.

In the female breast (in the nipples and areolas) located great amount nerve endings are one of the most sensitive erogenous zones female body. The areolas contain Montgomery glands, which form small elevations around the nipple.

There are holes on the surface of the nipple– milk pores, which are the endings of the milk ducts.

Breasts during pregnancy: hormones and preparation for lactation

Pregnancy is followed by childbirth - the birth of a baby, which means that the breasts must “prepare” for lactation even during pregnancy.

All metamorphoses with the breasts during pregnancy are associated with changes in the levels of sex hormones: 15 hormones and hormone-like substances affect the breasts.

Estrogens affect breast growth and size, as well as the development of ducts and connective tissue.

Progesterone V large quantities produced during pregnancy, responsible for the growth and development of parenchyma: an increase in the number of alveoli, lobules.

Prolactin– a hormone that actively stimulates lactation: leads to the growth of cells that produce milk.

Human chorionic gonadotropin protects breast tissue from breast cancer.

Thyroid hormones affect the secretion of prolactin.

Adrenal hormones enhance the effect of prolactin on breast tissue.

Oxytocin “supplies” milk into the ducts.

What happens to the breasts during pregnancy?

Breast growth and change during pregnancy occurs under complex hormonal influences.

Increased breast size during pregnancy

The process of their increase occurs due to the growth of glandular tissue. Note the initial 10-week period in which the fast growth breast due to an increase in the number of alveoli, lobes and ducts.

Changes in the breast continue until childbirth and the beginning of lactation. Each breast can increase in size from 150-200 g to 300-900 g. This change occurs already in the first month of pregnancy (in the first trimester).

If your breasts do not swell during pregnancy, this can be expected after the baby is born.

It also happens that breast size during pregnancy and postpartum period does not change: but this does not interfere with successful breastfeeding. More often, the breasts do not enlarge in multiparous women.

Pain and increased sensitivity of the breast

The appearance of blue stripes (not stretch marks!) - blood vessels caused by increased blood circulation.

The appearance of thick yellowish discharge from the nipple (colostrum)

From the second trimester (for some in the middle of pregnancy, for others only after childbirth), the pregnant woman’s breasts begin to secrete colostrum, which in the future “turns” into milk.

Changes in nipples and areolas

Darkening of the nipples and areolas, an increase in the diameter of the areolas from 35 to 51 mm, the nipple itself - from 10 to 12 mm. The change in color of the nipples is associated with the activity of melanocytes - skin cells that produce pigment. The role of “color” changes during pregnancy is poorly understood. However, there is a version that the dark areola is a visual signal for the newborn.

Swelling of the glands on the surface of the areolas - Montgomery tubercles

Stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy

Breast skin during pregnancy is risk areas for the appearance of stretch marks, which is certainly associated with an increase in its size. Stretch marks on the chest may appear during the period of the most intense increase in volume.

The presence or absence of stretch marks depends on the structure of the connective tissue - the ratio of collagen and elastin, which are “responsible” for the stretchability and elasticity of the skin.

Stretch marks are places where connective tissue breaks. When they appear, they are red in color, and over time they lighten and are practically no different in color from the skin of the breast, but the skin in these ones is thinner.

Breast care during pregnancy

Breasts during pregnancy require care. To maintain your shape, you need to purchase a good and comfortable bust. Remember that it should support, but not squeeze, your breasts. The bust should be made of natural fabrics (microfiber, lycra, elastane, tactel are also suitable) and fit perfectly.

Breasts during pregnancy - all attention to the nipples!

Particular attention should be paid to the nipples. Some women have flat or inverted nipples, but during pregnancy and breastfeeding they are developing.

You can examine your nipples: If the nipple is difficult to stretch, then it has poor stretchability. If the nipple does not extend, but goes deeper, it is inverted. If your nipples are inverted or flat, then from 36 weeks of pregnancy you should do a special massage.

Is it possible to maintain breast shape if you stop breastfeeding?

Nature cannot be deceived - changes occur already during pregnancy: connective tissue grows long before the baby is born.

What if there is no pregnancy?

Breast enlargement and pain can cause mastopathy, mark the onset of the menstrual cycle, be a sign of an inflammatory process. Therefore, if you are not pregnant, then consult a mammologist.

During pregnancy, many women experience unpleasant symptoms. One of them is chest pain. Are experiencing these discomfort about 90% of expectant mothers. Some women find breast soreness very disturbing, while there are others who do not notice any changes. This is an individual condition depending on the sensitivity of the body. Why do breasts change during pregnancy and how to relieve pain?

Causes of pain

Most often, the breasts begin to hurt at the very beginning of pregnancy. Pain is caused by hormonal changes in the body. Start at large quantities progesterone and estrogen are produced. Under the influence of the hCG hormone, the breasts become enlarged and sensitivity increases. Possible tingling and itching. Painful sensations appear from the 5th week of pregnancy and disappear by 12.

Note! The chest hurts the most when early pregnancy when the hormonal background has not yet been established.

Sometimes they can occur at the end of the term just before birth. In this case, the pain is caused by the enlargement of the mammary glands and the body’s preparation for breastfeeding.

Changes in the mammary glands

For some women, changes in the mammary glands are the first sign of an interesting situation. Often occurs at the same time as a delay in menstruation and the appearance of toxicosis. What changes in the breast are considered normal?

Breast changes:

  • Enlargement of the mammary glands. The breasts swell and become 1-2 sizes larger.
  • Soreness and increased sensitivity of the nipples.
  • Changing the shape of the nipples. They may become more prominent and elongated.
  • The color of the nipples becomes dark, even chocolate. The area around the nipple may also darken.
  • A vascular network may appear.
  • The appearance of rudimentary glands. These are small bumps in the nipple area.
  • By the second trimester there may be some colostrum discharge. This is an individual phenomenon; some pregnant women may see discharge immediately before or even after childbirth.
  • The appearance of stretch marks. Unfortunately, stretch marks are a natural phenomenon when the skin is not elastic enough.

All these changes occur on different dates pregnancy, can be individual or combined.

Danger Signals

In addition to acceptable changes in the breasts, it would be useful for every pregnant woman to know the first signs of dangerous diseases of the mammary glands.

Dangerous changes in the mammary glands:

  • Asymmetrical breast enlargement, swelling and depression in places.
  • Painful lumps.
  • Redness of the skin of the breast, accompanied by pain.
  • Bloody, purulent and odorous discharge from the breast during pregnancy . Or colostrum mixed with blood.
  • Incessant pain in the mammary glands.

Note! If a pregnant woman has at least one of the above symptoms, then she urgently needs to be examined by a mammologist.

Early diagnosis of diseases reduces the risk of complications and facilitates treatment.

Breast care

Note! Breasts during pregnancy require special care, which will relieve discomfort and reduce pain.

Effective ways to relieve pain and care for your breasts:

  • Wearing comfortable bra. Sometimes discomfort can be caused by tight underwear. Already at the very beginning of pregnancy, you need to purchase comfortable underwear. Lingerie should be made from natural fabrics, without lace, pits, additional seams or other decorations. In the first and last trimester, it is recommended to sleep in a bra.
  • Regular hygiene procedures. Breast washing should occur several times a day without using detergents. Light rubbing with a towel is recommended.

  • After hygiene procedures, it is necessary to apply moisturizers. It can be special means from stretch marks, baby cream, olive oil or body milk.
  • When colostrum is released, special napkins are placed in the bra.
  • If micro cracks appear on the nipples, then ointments or creams with panthenol, for example Bepanten, will help. It is safe, copes well with irritation and dry skin and should definitely be in the first-aid kit of the expectant mother.
  • Starting from the second trimester, it is useful to harden the breasts; for this you can use dousing with slightly cool water, or contrasting rubbing with a warm and cold towel.

  • Compresses made from a decoction of calendula or chamomile provide good relief from unpleasant sensations. You can mix both herbs.
  • Traditional medicine for sore breasts recommends applying the leaves of ordinary white cabbage. Quite safe and good way. You can put the leaves in your bra overnight.

  • It is useful to take tea from pharmaceutical dill - fennel or nettle.

Pregnancy is a very important period in the life of any woman. At this time, you need to carefully listen to changes in the body and catch the slightest signals of danger. And such companions as toxicosis, chest pain and changes in appearance should not be the cause of a bad mood.

By nature, a woman is given a very sensitive organ - the breast. Whenever hormonal changes occur in the body, breast tenderness may occur. Moreover, such uncomfortable sensations accompany even nulliparous women. Chest pain often accompanies girls during puberty, and later, every time before the onset of menstruation. But what does pain in the mammary glands mean after conception and subsequently at certain stages of pregnancy, what can this sign warn about?

When a woman becomes pregnant for the first time, she begins to be interested in various questions, for example, is chest pain typical for all pregnant women or does it occur only in some? According to statistics, breast tenderness to varying degrees manifests itself in almost 80% of pregnant women. Women may experience both excruciating acute pain and its complete absence. These pain indicators directly depend on the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman, that is, on physical fitness and equipment.

Breast pain after conception

It is well known that the prenatal period is characterized by the preparation of the mammary glands for feeding the child, therefore colostrum begins to be actively produced, resulting in pain.

There are cases when a woman feels discomfort in her chest just a few weeks after conception. This sign can frighten the expectant mother, and she will regard it as an alarming symptom.

Early stages are characterized by a different mechanism for the occurrence of chest pain, based on which the woman experiences certain sensations. They are explained by several factors.

Effects of hormones (hCG, progesterone)After conception, the body begins to actively restructure itself, producing certain hormones in large quantities, which leads to the dilation of blood vessels and, accordingly, to the expansion of the thoracic ducts. In this case, a tingling sensation occurs, and sometimes even a cutting pain. If the girl has a slender figure, then discharge can be observed from the nipples, which is not a pathology. In this case, it is recommended to use special sterile pads, but influencing (pressing, kneading) the mammary glands is strictly prohibited
Active growth of adipose and glandular tissuePain in the chest is accompanied by an aching and sometimes bursting character. Due to the growth of breast tissue, cells skin may not keep up with this process, which will lead to the formation of stretch marks. In some cases, the skin changes and becomes thinner. The resulting chest pain is additionally accompanied by itching and flaking.
Slim body compositionIf a pregnant woman has a slender body, then in the early stages soreness in the breasts will be quite noticeable. Breast size increases during the first trimester. The breasts are held in place by special ligaments, which, as the weight and size of the mammary gland increase, cannot cope with such a load - which is why pain occurs. A nagging but not severe pain is typical.

Experts advise choosing the right underwear to relieve the ligamentous apparatus, and, therefore, avoid pain

Attention! Often a woman’s breasts become so sensitive that they react with pain to every touch. The pain may intensify during sleep with incorrect position bodies. Experiences and stressful situations can also cause pain in the early stages, significantly increasing the pain threshold.

How is chest pain related to conception?

It happens that long before a delay occurs and the test confirms a positive result, a woman feels uncharacteristic soreness in the mammary glands. If pregnancy is not planned, then this symptom is confused with a premenstrual sign. It is distinctive that the pain is bursting in nature, therefore it is not typical for the premenstrual period.

Note! Added to the bursting pain is a change in the density of the mammary gland, which can be noticed upon palpation and hypersensitive nipples.

Women with children already accurately determine the fact of pregnancy long before a missed period is detected or a test is performed. Despite this, it should be understood that this sign is still subjective and pregnancy can only be accurately confirmed after an ultrasound examination.

At what stage of pregnancy can breast pain appear?

Unfortunately, experts cannot provide an exact answer. Since the occurrence of pain depends on several factors:

  1. Age of the pregnant woman.
  2. Presence of vascular diseases.
  3. Endocrine diseases.
  4. Hormonal levels.

The average period for the occurrence of breast pain is five to six weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, more overweight women Chest pain may not appear at all or two weeks later than the above period.

Attention! Breast pain does not accompany a woman throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Already in the twelfth week of the period, the body gets used to the new state and adapts to it, hormonal changes do not occur as actively, so the breasts stop increasing in size. Thus, the pain gradually subsides or disappears completely. After unpleasant sensations in the chest, a period of toxicosis begins.

But a pregnant woman should not relax, as chest pain often returns three to four weeks before giving birth. This is explained by the fact that the body begins to prepare for the lactation period and produces colostrum.

How to reduce pain?

There are several simple tips that help reduce pain in the female breast:

  • choose special underwear when your breasts begin to grow. It should be made of natural fabrics and should not put pressure on the mammary glands, but act as a supporting element. This will reduce the load on the supporting pectoral ligaments. This underwear is perfect for sleep, when the pain may intensify;
  • do not forget about the rules of hygiene. The possibility of discharge from the nipples cannot be ruled out, so you should wash your breasts and dry them daily. soft cloth. For the washing procedure, you can use chamomile decoction;
  • perform health exercises so that there is an increased outflow of lymph;
  • at the twelfth week of the term start taking cold and hot shower. By alternating water at different temperatures, vascular walls are strengthened and muscle tone is improved.

When pregnancy occurs, a global restructuring of the functioning of organs and systems occurs in a woman’s body. They adapt to the fact that in addition to self-sufficiency, they need to take care of another small organism. Consequently, visible changes occur ( taste preferences, emotional behavior, shape of the chest and abdomen) and invisible (fluctuations in hormonal levels, intensity of metabolic processes).

One of the first signs of pregnancy will most often be changes in the mammary glands. What happens to the breasts during pregnancy? Most girls experience an increase in sensitivity and volume of the gland.

Taking into account the individual characteristics of each organism, the gland may remain unchanged until the end of childbirth (this is not a sign of a pathological process).

The changes also depend on the type of birth (primiparas notice changes more often). How do breasts change during pregnancy?

Anatomical structure

The breast or mammary gland is a paired glandular organ that, in addition to its aesthetic function, provides the child with milk in his early years.

The gland is formed by 3 main structures. Namely, they distinguish:

  1. The parenchymal part, which is formed from accumulations of alveolar (tubular) glands. Thanks to them, milk production occurs. Two hundred alveoli are united into lobules, and 40–90 lobules are the lobe of the mammary gland. The milk ducts come from the alveoli, they unite and enter the nipple. Between these streams there are milky sinuses. They accumulate and store milk.
  2. The stromal part, which is represented by connective tissue that divides the organ into lobes.
  3. The fat part. It is represented by parenchyma and stroma, the main function of which is protective.

It is the ratio of these structures that will determine what shape and size the iron will be. It should also be remembered that size does not in any way affect the ability of the organ to feed the baby.

How do breasts change during pregnancy?

In first-time girls, the breasts in the early stages of pregnancy weigh up to two hundred grams; during lactation, the weight reaches up to nine hundred grams due to milk. In order to avoid the formation of stretch marks and sagging, it is necessary to begin preparing the anatomical area when the period is still short.

Nagging pain begins to bother you in the early stages, as soon as the body adapts to new conditions. A decrease in pain occurs by the 12th–13th week of pregnancy, which is due to its readiness to produce and secrete milk.

All these changes are caused by fluctuations in the level of basic female hormones. Such as:

  1. Estrogen. The hormone affects the growth of the gland, ducts and stroma.
  2. Progesterone affects the parenchyma, increases the number of alveoli and lobules.
  3. Prolactin. Actively promotes lactation and milk production.
  4. Thyroid hormones promote the secretion of prolactin.
  5. Gonadotropin has a protective function (against organ cancer).
  6. Oxytocin affects the intensity of milk flow through the thoracic ducts.

There are a number of other important hormones that affect the body as a whole and the condition of the mammary jelly.

Why does breast enlargement occur during pregnancy?

Breasts during pregnancy grow not so much due to the glandular component, but due to the appearance and enlargement of connective tissue, lobules, alveoli, because of this its volume increases. Active growth of structures occurs precisely in the first ten weeks and continues (not so actively) until the moment of birth.

With an increase in volume, the appearance of a vascular network can be noted, which will not be a pathology. Growth requires adequate blood supply and nutrition.

General structural changes

It is important to remember that the body is being rebuilt for the growth of a new life, this entails a restructuring of the organs as a whole. The following changes may be:

  1. During pregnancy, from the second trimester, the gland can secrete fluid (colostrum). It has a thick consistency and yellowish color. Colostrum will eventually become milk.
  2. The nipples and areolas may also undergo changes (they may become more dark color or increase in size). Color changes under the influence of skin cells - melanocytes.
  3. Most often, girls are afraid of the appearance of stretch marks (stromal rupture) on the skin. Whether they appear or not will depend on the stromal component, because of the ratio of the proteins elastin and collagen in it. Stretch marks have reddish color, which will then become lighter, forming stripes on the skin.
  4. Breasts become more sensitive in early pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the body is preparing to feed a newborn.

Before giving birth, you should consult a mammologist and, if necessary, have a mammogram of both glands. It is important to exclude pathological processes, since their breasts during pregnancy may increase in the presence of a neoplasm.

The doctor will clearly tell you how to properly care and what to do to avoid milk stagnation.

Preparing your breasts for pregnancy

All girls want well-groomed and beautiful breasts. To ensure that changes in the glands do not come as a shock to you, you should follow several rules:

  • Buy a quality, comfortable bra. It should be wireless and have fairly wide straps. It is important that it does not constrain or squeeze it, as this will impede development and necessary growth.
  • A daily contrast shower contributes well to an abundant flow of blood and the development of lobules. Showering also helps strengthen the nipples and the skin around them. You can use wiping with damp towels.
  • Daily use of creams and oils. The components will help avoid the appearance of unwanted stretch marks.
  • Strengthening the back and abdominal muscles. It will help when the fetus gains several kilograms and you don’t have the question: “why does your back hurt?

Will breasts retain their shape during pregnancy if I stop breastfeeding? No, since the process of changing its shape occurs even before the birth of the child. Milk is an important component for the growth and development of a baby, therefore it is extremely undesirable to refuse natural feeding to a child due to aesthetic preferences.