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Elos rejuvenation device. How effective is Elos facial rejuvenation: indications and reviews. How many ELOS rejuvenation procedures will be required?

Regardless of how you took care of your skin, what creams you purchased to preserve its beauty and youth, there comes a time when the question of its rejuvenation arises. Nowadays medicine offers great amount methods that are used to obtain a lifting effect. One of these procedures is elos facial rejuvenation, reviews of which in Lately getting more and more excited. After all, this method not only has a wonderful effect on the skin, but also has a gentle effect on it, despite the use of light and electrical radiation. Therefore, we will devote our article to this procedure, namely, what elos procedures are, in what situations they should be used, and whether there are contraindications.

The essence of the method

This technology began to be used relatively recently, but in a short period of time it has become quite popular among the female half of the population. Did you know that elos procedures are also used to get rid of unwanted hair? Exactly. Let's figure out what the essence of this method is.

Elos rejuvenation is a simultaneous effect on age spots, wrinkles, vascular formations, acne of high frequency electric current and light. It is this combination that allows you to eliminate skin defects. Thus, with the help of light pulses, a temperature difference is created between the treated area and the surrounding tissues. As a result, light energy is converted into heat, as a result of which the temperature in the altered tissues sharply increases, and at the same time their electrical conductivity improves.

Electric current destroys unnecessary cells, selectively affecting them. At the same time, healthy tissues are practically not affected. Warming also promotes increased formation of elastin and collagen, because they are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

For each patient, individual parameters of the impact impulse are selected depending on the problem and condition; it is an absolutely safe procedure, in addition, running processes are still functioning for a long time. After using this technique, there are no burns or any damage, despite the rather intense effect of current on the skin.


  1. Deep wrinkles on the face.
  2. Folds on the skin.
  3. Expression wrinkles.
  4. Vascular formations (stars), rosacea.
  5. Stretch marks.
  6. Swelling.
  7. Sagging on any part of the body.
  8. Acne, acne, post-acne.
  9. Dark spots.
  10. Freckles.
  11. Scars and cicatrices.


Did you know that there is no need to use anesthesia or painkillers in this situation? So you can not be afraid and confidently carry out elos rejuvenation. The device contains an applicator that has a gentle effect on the skin, thanks to its gentle temperature conditions, as a result of which the flashes are less bright, so only a slight tingling sensation is felt. Painful sensations can only be felt when treating areas on the wings of the nose; in other cases, everything happens painlessly.

The first positive changes will be noticeable after the first procedure. Experts who carry out elos treatment claim that the skin will not be subject to burns, swelling and redness. The latter indicator can only occur when the patient has sunbathed in the sun last days before performing this procedure.

Which is positive in 97% of cases, is carried out in 5-6 procedures. The intervals between them are about one month, or even more. The duration depends on the size of the area being treated, the average duration is about 45 minutes. The number of procedures most often depends on the severity of the problem, so the doctor makes the decision regarding this. The session can be repeated after some time for preventive purposes, but only after consultation with a competent doctor.

The procedure itself

Elos facial rejuvenation, reviews of which are negative if patients and cosmetologists do not comply with certain requirements, is a fairly gentle procedure. Before using it, the desired area of ​​skin is cleansed of cosmetics and perfumes and degreased. Then a conductor gel is applied to the skin. Special protective glasses are put on the eyes, and the skin is freed of unnecessary hairs.

The temperature of the device varies between 5-10 ͦ C. At the same time, you feel warmth and a slight tingling sensation. If the patient experiences discomfort or pain, although this only happens in rare cases, the cosmetologist should choose a more gentle program for him.

What should you not do before the Elos procedure?

Reviews from patients have shown that in some cases redness appears, but, we repeat, this happens when the patient was sunbathing before the session, so you should not visit a solarium or take sunbathing 2 weeks before the elos procedures.

You do not need to make any injections in the treatment area for two weeks.

You should not take a steam bath or visit saunas.

It is imperative to avoid mechanical and chemical irritations several days before and after the elos procedure.

Elos treatments for acne, are they effective?

Today, acne is one of the most common problems among young people, which most often occurs during puberty. The affected areas in most cases are the face, neck, and back. The cause of this disease is the excessive functioning of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which the pores become clogged and become an excellent source for the spread of bacteria. As a result, pimples with black heads (blackheads) appear. This is how acne appears.

Today, there are a huge number of different drugs and remedies that help fight this disease, but one of the most effective ways is elos. Thus, it can eliminate not only the consequences of the disease, but also get rid of some of the causes that caused it.

Elos is used both for the acute stage of the disease and for the chronic stage (scars, scars, stagnant spots).

It is the combination of short-wave pulsed energy and radio frequency pulses that allows the expected effect to be achieved.

Combining radiofrequency on the skin with blue light energy eliminates bacteria and inflammation. The skin is cleaned quickly enough, without damaging the epidermis, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized. In this case, we can say with confidence that the effect will be quite long-lasting.

The course is carried out in 6-8 procedures 2 times a week, depending on the severity of the problem. To achieve additional effect, the doctor prescribes subsequent maintenance procedures.

When elos acne treatment is carried out, slight painful sensations are felt. But you can still be patient, because the result will meet all expectations. After the procedure, a slight burning sensation, redness, and slight swelling may appear in the treated area, which will subside in a few days.

Cuperosis and elos treatment

Cuperosis is a circulatory disorder in the skin, which is manifested by the dilation of small vessels. Another name for the disease is “red mesh”. Cuperosis occurs due to blood stagnation in small skin vessels. The disease looks like a fine red mesh, which is formed by capillaries and blood vessels.

Elos treatment for rosacea is light and radio wave radiation that clearly affects each individual pigment or capillary. Under the influence of light energy, capillaries or vessels are heated to the desired temperature, as a result of which they become invisible. Next, the pigment is destroyed, then the pigmented skin exfoliates.

Advantages of elos procedures in the treatment of rosacea

  1. They get rid of the skin after the first procedure.
  2. Dilate blood vessels.
  3. Eliminate spider veins and produce a rejuvenating effect.
  4. After the session, the patient can lead a normal lifestyle.

Individual parameters are set for each patient. When carrying out elos-treatment of rosacea, a slight tingling sensation is felt. The effect can be noticed after the first procedure; the skin becomes lighter and looks healthier and more well-groomed.

Contraindications to elos procedures

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Skin diseases.
  3. Connective tissue diseases.
  4. Acute infectious diseases.
  5. Endocrine diseases.
  6. Allergy to light.
  7. Heavy tan.

Side effects

  1. Swelling, redness that goes away after some time.
  2. Peeling, bruising, blisters.
  3. Slight pain, tingling during the procedure.
  4. Darkening of the skin in the treatment area.
  5. After removing the vascular network, there will be swelling for several days, which will soon go away.

To eliminate cosmetic and dermatological defects, Elos procedures can be performed from the age of 18, but only on the recommendations of a doctor. And from 35-40 they are contraindicated, since it is at this age that the initial signs of aging are observed. Patients over 40 are prescribed elos procedures along with other rejuvenation means.

Complications after the elos procedure

Bruises and burns appear when the doctor violates the technology of the procedure, and also incorrectly selects the treatment parameters and mishandles the hardware attachments.

If the patient was sunbathed before the procedure, the impact of the equipment can cause significant burns. You are only allowed to go outside in sunny weather, using sunscreen.

The nozzles of the Elos device must be changed immediately after their service life has expired. So, if you use expired elements, the patient may experience serious complications. You should also control the intensity of the degree of impact, so, for example, treatment of the hands requires greater intensity, and eyelids - much less.

For patients who want to remove them, you should know that elos procedures get rid of them, but do not protect against the appearance of new ones. Therefore, to achieve effectiveness, you should find the cause of pigmentation and eliminate it as quickly as possible.

Some unscrupulous cosmetologists save on the conductor gel. Remember that you are paying money for this, and you have the right to insist that there is enough gel on your face, otherwise the consequences may be irreversible.

There have been cases where the skin in the treatment area became looser, but the facial contour remained the same, so this called Elos facial rejuvenation into question. Reviews in this case were negative. But everything is understandable. This occurs when the interval between procedures is less than 3 weeks. After all, frequent implementation of elos-rejuvenation can have the opposite effect, since at least 28 days must pass for the formation of collagen fibers.

Undoubtedly, elos rejuvenation cannot guarantee 100% safety, and this should be taken into account when contacting a cosmetologist. But the majority of positive reviews indicate the effectiveness of the procedure, despite the fact that for several days after elos procedures, the appearance may not be attractive enough. Remember that before contacting a particular clinic, you should collect as many reviews about it as possible.

Every year, as women become wiser, they lose some of their attractiveness. Time inexorably takes away youth and freshness. Cosmetology is designed to help the fair half of humanity regain their beauty. Everything is used - plastic surgery, injection, hardware and even mechanical techniques. One of the types of atraumatic, non-surgical rejuvenation methods is Elos facial rejuvenation.

How does Elos facial rejuvenation work?

To understand how effective Elos rejuvenation is and whether it is worth using it to preserve youth, let’s take a closer look at the method. The opinions of cosmetologists and patients are divided into two camps - some claim that the technique is useless, others sing the praises of Elos-rejuvenation.

Cosmetologists note that the procedure is gentle but effective. It helps to achieve a lifting effect, smooth out wrinkles, whiten age spots and eliminate other cosmetic blemishes.

Elos technology was discovered by accident after. Patients noticed that the procedure, in addition to hair removal, provides anti-inflammatory, whitening and lifting effects in the treated area. Cosmetologists took this fact into account.

The technology involves the use of laser, radio radiation and light energy.

The cells affected by the Elos-rejuvenation apparatus absorb current and light pulses, and then convert them into heat energy. The heat warms up problem areas, after which the intensity of the electric currents increases, guaranteeing a rejuvenating effect or eliminating cosmetic problems.

Indications for the procedure

To smooth out wrinkles, tighten the contours of the face, and eliminate the first signs of aging, the procedure is used from the age of 35. From the age of 18, it is allowed to use Elos technology according to the indications of a dermatologist to combat cosmetic skin imperfections. After 45 years, an Elos rejuvenation session is included in comprehensive care.

Indications for therapy include:

  • age wrinkles;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • “stars” from vessels;
  • dark spots;
  • sagging skin of the arms, neck, décolleté;
  • increased sebum production;
  • enlarged pores;
  • disturbances in skin smoothness;
  • acne, post-acne;
  • scars, scars;
  • cellulite.

According to the recommendations of cosmetologists, patients are required to refrain from sunbathing and visiting a solarium for 14 days before the session. Tanning causes burns. After therapy, if necessary, stay in the sun, sunscreen is applied to the treated areas. Avoid excessive heat exposure (saunas, steam baths). Eliminate exposure to irritating factors on the skin 2-4 days before and 3-4 after the session.

After injection methods of rejuvenation, Elos therapy is allowed to be carried out after 2 weeks.

Elos rejuvenation technology - how the procedure works

The rejuvenation session is carried out in a cosmetology office or clinic, by a qualified cosmetologist who has completed a training course. After the examination, the doctor prepares the area of ​​skin for treatment. The dermis is cleansed, cosmetics, perfumes and impurities are removed. The skin is degreased. Next, the conductor gel is evenly distributed over the skin. Goggles are used to protect the eyes. If necessary, hair removal is performed.

The temperature of the device during the procedure is 5-10 ͦ C, which guarantees the absence of burns and redness of the skin. The operating mode of the device is adjustable; if necessary, the program is selected individually for the patient. Pain or discomfort during the procedure is rare. When working with the Elos-rejuvenation device, cosmetologists use a cooling gel to reduce the risk of subcutaneous burns.

During the procedure, the layers of the epidermis are affected to a depth of 5-6 mm. Rejuvenation takes 40-80 minutes, the course involves 5-10 sessions. The amount is determined by the doctor, assessing the degree of the problem, the condition of the skin and the result that the patient is focusing on. The break between visits to a cosmetologist is 1-1.5 months.

For preventive purposes, at the request of the patient, the procedure is repeated periodically. There may be swelling and redness in the treatment area. The consequences do not require treatment and disappear in 2-3 days.

The result of using Elos therapy

The Elos-rejuvenation device, heating tissue to a depth of 5-6 mm, stimulates regeneration at the cellular level, the production of collagen, elastane, and triggers the mechanism of skin rejuvenation. Lifting the oval of the face is possible due to the restoration of production hyaluronic acid epidermal cells.

Heating of the vessels causes the coagulation of protein inclusions and the “exclusion” of damaged vessels from the blood supply. This ensures the disappearance of spider veins on the skin. Elevated temperatures destroy melanin, the excess of which causes the appearance age spots. The destruction of pigment helps to lighten the skin. The procedure does not prevent the appearance of pigmentation, but only eliminates existing changes.

For convenience, the cosmetologist has at his disposal attachments for the Elos device. The nozzle is selected based on the patient's needs. The procedure is accompanied by a feeling of warmth and tingling. Rejuvenation is achieved by stimulating natural processes, cell regeneration and activating the production of lifting components in the layers of the epidermis. An improvement in skin condition is noted after the first session, but the peak result occurs in the 3-5th session. Further, the lifting effect intensifies.

The result of Elos rejuvenation is more intense in comparison with the photorejuvenation method.

Advantages of the technique

The advantages of the procedure include the absence of pain, which is why the use of anesthetics or anesthesia is not required. Thermal exposure does not cause discomfort. Unpleasant sensations appear when treating delicate areas: the wings of the nose, the area around the lips, eyes.

The result will not keep you waiting, appearing after the first session. If you adhere to the recommendations, contraindications and indications, the treatment does not cause complications.

Note that 95% of reviews about the therapy are positive. Photos of Elos facial rejuvenation before and after the procedure will help you get acquainted with the results:

Elos rejuvenation - contraindications and consequences

While the procedure is safe, it has a number of contraindications. By following the recommendations, the patient will protect himself and reduce the risk of complications. Contraindications include:

  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • inflammatory or purulent skin diseases;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental disorders;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.
  • bruises;
  • pinpoint burns;
  • swelling;
  • bruises.

The presence of an intense tan stimulates the appearance of burns. Violation of the mechanism of therapy, increased intensity of exposure or inability of the cosmetologist is a direct path to side effects.

The intensity of the pulses varies depending on the treatment area. To treat the hands and chest area, increased intensity is used; for the face, the cosmetologist selects a gentle operating mode.

A sufficient amount of cooling gel reduces the risk of burns. If the recommendations for breaks between sessions are not followed, the effectiveness will decrease. A break of 4-6 weeks guarantees the formation of collagen and elastane fibers, which give a lifting effect.

Price of the Elos rejuvenation procedure

The procedure cannot be called budgetary. The price of Elos facial rejuvenation varies in the range of 3,000-20,000 rubles. The cost difference is explained by the level of the cosmetology salon, the qualifications of the cosmetologist, the quality of the additional products used and the scale of the treatment area.

Cosmetologists offer many methods for maintaining the beauty of facial skin. Each woman chooses the most suitable option. Recently, such a method as Elos facial rejuvenation has been popular, reviews of oncologists and cosmetologists about which are quite contradictory.

What is Elos rejuvenation?

The question of what Elos facial rejuvenation is is asked by many women who have not yet tried this cosmetological method on themselves. The procedure is hardware-based; it is carried out using a device that emits a stream of light and electric current.

The device is capable of selectively affecting problem areas of the skin, provoking destruction of the tissue structure. The peculiarity of the technique is that energy beams penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis. Thanks to their influence, the production of elastin and collagen is triggered, which are very important for the normal condition of facial skin, its elasticity and firmness.
With the Elos method, the positive effect is noticeable after just a few days, but it takes a month to achieve maximum results.

Who is the procedure suitable for? Indications

Cosmetologists recommend rejuvenation using the Elos method for women aged 35-50 years. In this age skin covering can no longer cope with independent regeneration, many problems arise: wrinkles, sagging skin, decreased elasticity, etc. The procedure helps to activate collagen production, normalize blood circulation, and eliminate fat deposits.
In more early age, up to 35 years old, Elos rejuvenation is recommended only in cases where there are pronounced defects on the face, for example, scars, pigmentation, vascular network, acne, and so on. In other cases, young women do not need the procedure, because the epidermis itself is able to renew itself and produce the required amount of collagen.
Indications for rejuvenation are as follows:

  • the skin has become dull and uneven in color;
  • the tone of the dermis decreased, the skin began to sag and become flabby;
  • the upper eyelids hung over the eyes;
  • facial wrinkles and folds appeared;
  • pigmentation appeared;
  • a vascular network has formed;
  • the corners of the mouth drooped;
  • the oval of the face has changed;
  • severe stretch marks appeared.

To identify such problems, you should visit a cosmetologist, he will examine your face and decide whether it is advisable to carry out Elos rejuvenation.

Subtleties of Elos rejuvenation

The procedure for Elos facial rejuvenation is quite simple. Before applying hardware to the skin, little preparation is required. You need to know all the features of the method in order to achieve the most positive effect.

Preparation for the procedure

Before undergoing rejuvenation, a woman requires preliminary preparation. There is nothing complicated about it. The preparatory measures are as follows:

  • refuse any injections 14 days in advance;
  • refrain from visiting a solarium or sunbathing 2-3 weeks before rejuvenation;
  • do not cleanse the skin with peeling, do not make a mask or steam the epidermis for 3 days.
    Immediately before going to the cosmetologist, you should not apply makeup or wear perfume.

How is the procedure done?

The Elos procedure, which helps rejuvenate the skin, is carried out as follows:

  • cleanses the epidermis;
  • apply a gel with a cooling effect;
  • put protective glasses on your eyes;
  • The face is treated with the device.

The device is equipped with a special nozzle, which is necessary to eliminate a specific defect. It also has filters that allow you to slightly reduce the intensity of the flashes.

Attention! After the procedure, redness and swelling of the skin may be observed for 30 minutes. There is no need to panic, this normal phenomenon which goes away on its own.

The course of therapy is prescribed by a cosmetologist on an individual basis, depending on what problems need to be solved. The standard course is 4-6 sessions. Between them there must be breaks of at least a month.
The facial treatment itself takes approximately 45 minutes. Exact time depends on the amount of work, the severity of the problems to be eliminated. Sometimes sessions last for 2 hours.

Is Elos rejuvenation painful?

Before the first skin procedure, many women are worried because they are afraid of painful sensations. Those who have already undergone Elos rejuvenation say that they feel a burning, tingling sensation, but it is quite tolerable. In any case, it all depends on the woman’s sensitivity to pain.

Note! However, the session is fraught with pain in the teeth. This is observed in women who have implants in the mouth. The presence of prostheses is not considered a direct contraindication to rejuvenation, but it should be taken into account that such a side effect may occur.

How to care for your face after the procedure?

  1. For 3 days do not expose the skin to heat, do not visit the solarium, saunas, baths, or take hot baths;
  2. Refuse active physical activity for 3 days;
  3. For 4-5 days, do not use chemicals on the face and avoid mechanical impact;
  4. Avoid sunbathing and injections on your face for 14 days.
    Cosmetologists also advise using sunscreen when going outside.

What results can be achieved?

After the Elos procedure, it is possible to achieve a complex effect. The effectiveness of the method is as follows:

  • elimination of the vascular network;
  • reducing the intensity of pigmentation;
  • skin tightening;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • evening out facial tone;
  • giving the skin smoothness, elasticity, firmness;
  • relieving swelling of the lower eyelids;
  • normalization of blood circulation in the epidermis;
  • removing acne marks;
  • elimination of scars.

No matter how carefully a woman takes care of herself, one day there comes a time when she cannot do without rejuvenating procedures. The modern beauty industry is able to offer a wide range of techniques to slow down the aging process, tighten the skin and smooth out wrinkles. One of them is ELOS rejuvenation.

Elos is a hardware procedure that involves simultaneous exposure of the skin to electrical and light radiation. This allows you to increase tissue conductivity. Due to this, energy can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and spread there without causing superficial burns.

Heating using an ELOS device triggers the natural processes of skin rejuvenation. It stimulates the production of natural proteins - elastin and collagen in the deep layers of the epidermis. It is their volume that determines how long the skin will remain young, elastic, elastic and taut. Indeed, as the body ages, the production of these important substances decreases. This makes the skin look flabby and the oval of the face deteriorates. The ELOS device helps restore the original rate of protein production and achieve the effect of facial rejuvenation. Elos technology is most often used to treat the entire surface of the face or separately the eyelids, cheeks and nose. But the procedure allows you to get excellent results when affecting the skin in the abdomen, neck, buttocks or décolleté.

Before taking a course of facial and body rejuvenation using ELOS technology, you must not:

  • give injections to the area that is going to be used a couple of weeks before the procedure;
  • sunbathe on the beach or in a solarium 14 days before the session;
  • use steam baths, peeling, polishing 3-4 days before going to the salon.

The ELOS procedure involves influencing the deep layers of the skin, so the effect cannot be immediate. It will be possible to see him only after a month. After 4 days, the skin usually brightens, looks more toned, fresh, and its structure noticeably improves.

If the session was aimed at eliminating any defect, then the timing of the manifestation of the result differs:

  1. At first, the vascular network becomes darker, and after a couple of days a crust appears on it. Its complete disappearance can be expected only after 2 months.
  2. The narrowing occurs immediately after the end of the session.
  3. The pigmentation lightens, completely disappearing after a few weeks.

A typical course consists of 4-6 visits, with a break between them of at least 30-45 days. The duration of each session varies, but on average is no more than 45 minutes. It depends on the area of ​​the surface being treated and the severity of the problems that need to be eliminated. In rare cases, the duration of the ELOS procedure can be prolonged and lasts 2 hours.

Contraindications for the procedure

Indications for facial and body rejuvenation are:

  • fine and deeper wrinkles, as well as facial wrinkles;
  • excessive pigmentation;
  • age-related changes in the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, loss of elasticity;
  • deterioration of the oval of the face;
  • folds on the arms, neck, legs or stomach;
  • acne scars;
  • poor complexion;
  • spider veins;
  • scars;
  • stretch marks;
  • enlarged pores;
  • rosacea;
  • keratosis.

When going to the salon, you need to take into account the contraindications and consequences of Elos rejuvenation. You should not resort to the procedure for the following diseases and pathologies:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hyperthermia;
  • oncology;
  • insulin-dependent diabetes;
  • porphyrin disease;
  • severe diseases of internal organs;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • HIV and AIDS;
  • taking immunosuppressants, tetracycline antibiotics or anticoagulants;
  • epilepsy;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • allergy to UV rays;
  • keloid scars;
  • herpes;
  • wounds, cuts in the treatment area;
  • metal implants in the affected area, auditory and cardiac stimulator;
  • fresh, strong tan.

If you take these contraindications into account, you can avoid most of the negative consequences that the procedure sometimes provokes.

Order of conduct

The description of the procedure states that it is absolutely painless, so anesthesia is not required. First, goggles are worn to protect the eyes and the skin is cleaned. Then a conductor gel is applied. Rejuvenation using Elos technology is performed using a special device. Double filters are used as attachments that muffle flashes. Thanks to this, there is no discomfort.

In operating condition, the device heats up to a temperature of no more than 10 °C, therefore discomfort usually does not occur. More often, a woman may feel warmth and a slight tingling sensation. In most cases, they appear when the vascular network on the wings of the nose is removed. This area is characterized by increased sensitivity.

After the Elos rejuvenation procedure, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • For a month before going outside, you need to apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more.
  • You must not sunbathe for 14 days.
  • For a couple of weeks after, injections into the area treated with the device are prohibited.
  • You can’t do peeling or massage for 3-4 days so as not to irritate the skin.
  • Do not expose the skin to heat for 3 days. It is necessary to exclude visits to saunas, baths, and hot baths. Intense physical activity should be avoided.

At the same time, skin care is no different from usual.

Reviews about the skin rejuvenation procedure using the ELOS technique

“My goal was to get rid of not only wrinkles, but also pigmentation on my cheekbones and forehead. The salon recommended ELOS to me. After the first session I did not see any effect. During the second, the doctor decided to increase the impulses. As a result, the skin was burned. The burns took 3 weeks to heal, but the marks remained. I went to another clinic. There they promised me to fix everything, but the scars are still visible. I really regretted that I gave in to persuasion. Good feedback are misleading."

Alexandra, Nizhny Novgorod.

“I’m 50 and there are already a lot of wrinkles on my face. I try to take care of myself with salon procedures. After reading positive reviews about ELOS, I decided to try it. Having completed a course of 6 sessions, for which I paid more than 60,000 rubles, I still didn’t see any results. The pores narrowed a little, but the wrinkles remained. Even during the first time, a defect appeared that now needs to be removed.”

Marina, Rostov-on-Don.

“Having decided to rejuvenate the skin of my neck and décolleté, I spent a long time choosing a salon. Finally, I found a good specialist and took the ELOS course. After only 3 sessions, I began to receive compliments from friends who said that I looked very rejuvenated. I did it 7 times in total, and I was pleased with the results. The skin is renewed, it seems to glow from within, the complexion has evened out. I even stopped using foundation.”

Oksana Markova, Moscow region.

“I’m 63 and I’ve always taken care of myself. But about a year ago I suddenly lost 15 kg and my skin sagged a lot. I decided to take action and went to the salon. The cosmetologist's reviews of ELOS rejuvenation were very good. She persuaded me to try, which I did not regret. After 5 sessions, the skin was noticeably tightened, became more elastic, folds and wrinkles were almost smoothed out.”

Maria Kiseleva, Moscow.

“It is very important for me to always remain young. Therefore, regular trips to the salon are an integral part of my life. I recently tried a new procedure for myself – ELOS. After completing 4 sessions with breaks a week, I saw the result. The skin has been transformed, refreshed and rejuvenated.”

Tatiana, St. Petersburg.

From this article you will learn:

  • Elos hair removal – what is it,
  • Elos hair removal: reviews from patients and cosmetologists,
  • Elos facial rejuvenation technique – reviews.

Hair removal technique E.L.O.S. has been used abroad for 10 years, gradually gaining popularity. This method appeared in Russia relatively recently. Elos is an improved method of photoepilation using IPL devices, which has a number of unique advantages.

It must be said that one of the main problems of hair removal in general is the difficulty of removing light and gray hair. Both photoepilation and laser hair removal methods do not cope well with such hair. But Elos hair removal perfectly removes hair of any color, and does not cause complications (hypopigmentation) in people with dark skin tones.

Elos hair removal – what is it, how does it work?

Name E.L.O.S. is an abbreviation for the term “electro-optical synergy.” Unlike photo- and laser hair removal techniques, which use only light pulses, Elos combines two types of effects at once: high-frequency light pulses + radio frequency effects (Fig. 2). This combination allows you to achieve excellent hair removal effect for any skin type and hair color.

Differences between Elos and laser and photoepilation –
The light beam used in Elos is different from the light beam of a laser. Lasers use monochromatic light of one strictly defined wavelength. And Elos uses a light beam, which simultaneously consists of light waves different lengths from 580 to 980 nm.

Why Elos removes blonde hair better than other methods -

It is the combination of light pulses and radiofrequency exposure that gives an excellent effect on blonde hair Oh. This is because the effectiveness of the light pulses depends solely on the concentration of melanin pigment in the hair. The more melanin in the hair, the darker the hair will be, and the more it will be heated by light pulses.

Blonde hair contains little melanin, which means it will not heat up enough to destroy the hair follicles. But here radiofrequency exposure comes to the rescue, the energy of which helps to warm up the hair follicles, regardless of the percentage of melanin in the hair shaft. This is exactly what allows you to achieve good results when epilating light/gray hair with Elos.

Elos deep bikini hair removal: reviews

Region deep bikini– one of the most sensitive areas. This becomes especially clear after waxing or sugar hair removal procedures. Elos is virtually painless even in this area, and all patients feel are “quick, light pinches.”

Typically, dark hair grows in the bikini area, in which the effectiveness of Elos and laser hair removal is not much different. However, the sensations after these procedures are very different... After all, lasers have a light intensity that is approximately 60% higher than Elos, which means skin trauma from light and the frequency of burns are much more common (website).

Frequently asked questions from patients about ELOS –

1. Does Elos hurt?

The Elos procedure is practically painless when compared with other types of hair removal. Elos hair removal - patient reviews only speak of a barely perceptible tingling sensation on the skin. In addition, before the procedure, an anesthetic lotion is applied to the skin for 20-30 minutes, which makes the hair removal process even more comfortable. Since the tip of the pen is cooled to 5 degrees, you will not feel any heat during flashes of light, which, for example, is strongly felt during laser hair removal.

2. Is it possible to achieve complete hair removal in 1 procedure?

Hair grows in cycles. On the surface we see only about 80% of possible hair. There are many more hair follicles under the skin, but they are all at different stages of the growth cycle.

The following stages of hair follicle development are distinguished:

  • anagen (stage active growth hair),
  • catagen (degradation stage),
  • telogen (resting stage).

The most vulnerable and susceptible to heat damage are the follicles that are in the anagen stage. Elos hair removal in 1 visit leads to a decrease in the amount of hair, but only due to those follicles that were at the stage of active growth at the time of hair removal. Because Since hair follicles are in different stages of development within the skin, several treatments (about 3-4) are usually necessary to ensure the best results.

3. How often should Elos hair removal procedures be performed?

The first 3 procedures must be carried out once every two months. Since all follicles are at different stages of growth, the procedure affects those follicles that are going through the stage of active hair growth. After the third procedure, as a rule, all follicles are synchronized (at the resting stage).

After 2-5 months from the last procedure, dormant follicles may begin to grow synchronously, which will be the ideal time for the fourth and final procedure. Thus, usually only 4 treatments are required to achieve the desired result. But sometimes more procedures may be required (but not more than seven), which depends on individual characteristics hair and skin of every person.

4. Do I need to shave before the Elos hair removal procedure?

It all depends on the clinic where elos hair removal is performed. Reviews confirm that sometimes the cosmetologist performing the procedure asks to shave 1 day before the procedure, because... unnecessarily Thick hair on the surface reduce the effect (they absorb light and can burn).

However, in some cases, patients are advised not to shave their hair in advance so that the cosmetologist can assess their general condition and see the effect of past procedures. In this case, shaving will be done immediately before the procedure.

5. When does hair fall out after the procedure?

Mostly, patients notice the appearance of bald areas of treated skin 3-4 weeks after the procedure. Dark hair tends to fall out faster than light hair.

6. What should be observed after the procedure?

  • Avoid direct sunlight on treated areas (especially important for dark skin types). If the treated areas of the skin are exposed to the sun, then be sure to use sunscreen (this is important to do during periods of increased solar activity, i.e. spring/summer).
  • For several days after the procedure, avoid any irritants on the treated area (cosmetics, rubbing, massage).
  • Avoid heat exposure to the treated area for 2-3 days.

7. Are there any alternatives to Elos for blonde hair?

There is an Epilight hair removal system that is effective on light hair. This system is a regular IPL device for photoepilation (that is, it works using light pulses), which can additionally use a nozzle for radiofrequency exposure. Taken together, this is Elos. The alexandrite type of laser is also effective on light hair.

Elos hair removal: contraindications and consequences

Consequences and side effects –
some patients note redness of the treated area of ​​skin, which goes away within a few hours. You can return to your ordinary life immediately after the procedure, without any consequences.

Elos hair removal: contraindications

  • various skin diseases (for example, psoriasis, vitiligo),
  • you are undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy,
  • taking photosensitizing drugs,
  • after using peels containing glycolic acid (only possible after 3 months) or phenol (waiting time 1 year).

Elos hair removal: price

Elos hair removal is one of the newest hair removal technologies, and therefore low prices for this procedure cannot be expected..

  • upper lip – from 1750 to 2400 rubles,
  • armpits – from 2200 to 3500 rubles,
  • classic bikini – from 3500 to 5000 rubles,
  • deep bikini – from 5,000 to 7,000 rubles,
  • drumsticks – from 6700 to 7700 rubles,
  • complete legs - from 12,000 to 16,000 rubles.

Comparison of Elos and Laser Efficiency –

The principle of laser operation is that the laser light beam heats the hair, and as a result, the destruction of the hair follicles and the blood vessels that feed it occurs (Fig. 11, 12). Heating of the hair occurs because the hair contains the pigment melanin. The more melanin, the faster and more effectively the hair heats up and the hair follicles are destroyed.

IN dark hair contains a lot of melanin, light ones contain little. Therefore, it is quite difficult to achieve a good result on light hair (when there is practically no melanin in it). Old laser technologies did not cope well with this task: Diode and Ruby types of lasers are completely ineffective on blonde hair.

Some tricks before laser hair removal for blonde hair
if Elos is expensive or inaccessible for you, then there is a way that can increase efficiency laser hair removal blonde hair Hair can be dyed. Natural dyes, such as Melanin, are best suited for this. This dye is made from natural compounds found in squid ink. It increases melanin in the hair and helps improve the effect of laser epilators on it.

Elos facial rejuvenation: reviews

Elos technology can be used not only for hair removal. It is also a breakthrough in cosmetology. The unique combination of radio frequencies and light used in ELOS can also be used to treat a wide range of skin conditions and facial rejuvenation procedures.

Elos is doing great –

  • pigment spots on the face, redness,
  • brown and pink vasculitis,
  • spider veins,
  • freckles,
  • sagging skin, stretch marks,
  • increased skin pore size,
  • uneven skin tones caused by sunlight.

Elos facial rejuvenation - patient reviews called this method the slogan “beauty without pain”, because the procedure is painless, and you can immediately appear in public - without redness or other side effects on the face. This became possible due to the fact that Elos devices use a combination of two energy sources (light and radio frequencies) in their effect on the skin.

These energy sources reinforce each other, and therefore, to achieve excellent results, there is no point in using high powers of these acting forces - unlike technologies that use either light or radio frequencies separately. Accordingly, this affects the frequency and strength of side effects.

But Elos rejuvenation is safe not only due to the combination of light forces and radio frequencies. Elos devices have very fine tuning for each patient: after each pulse, the device measures energy absorption by the skin, and depending on the indicators, the supplied energy can automatically decrease or increase.

Elos facial rejuvenation: before and after photos

Treatment of age spots and vascular spots with Elos -

The head applicator of the Elos device emits a filtered spectrum of light rays of 580-980 nm. The pigments melanin and hemoglobin absorb this spectrum well, providing an excellent target for selective electro-optical thermolysis of age spots and vascular lesions. In other words, pigment and vascular spots simply evaporate (Fig. 13, 14).

How this happens in the example of vascular disorders –
light is absorbed by hemoglobin, which heats the capillaries (vessels) and thereby reduces their resistance. Further, due to the reduced resistance, radio frequency waves further heat the pathogenic capillaries. As a result, their thermal destruction (thermolysis) occurs without overheating of adjacent tissues.

Elos to stimulate collagen synthesis and skin lifting(Fig. 16, 17) –
Elos technology (hybrid exposure to light and radio frequencies) is used in such a well-known facial skin rejuvenation procedure known as “FotoFacial-RF”. This procedure has a deep effect on the skin, stimulating the production of the skin's own collagen.

Elos facial rejuvenation: reviews from oncologists

If you have healthy skin, without benign or malignant tumors (and there are no other contraindications), then you can safely do Elos. There is no evidence in the available professional literature that Elos may be unsafe for healthy skin. If you have skin cancer, this method cannot be used.