New Year crafts

Happy birthday beautiful greeting cards. Collection of beautiful and funny happy birthday pictures

Congratulate your beloved and dear women with a happy birthday by sending a free wish in a beautiful picture. Original cards with verses can be downloaded on our website.

Animated photo of flowers, a bouquet of red roses as a gift to a woman for her birthday! (Give better real)

Poetic wish: I sincerely wish you health, happiness, long years, and let fate give only joy, keeping your home from all sorts of troubles.

Picture with verses, GIF - Happy birthday to a woman 45-50 years old. Let beautiful bouquets make the holiday more beautiful, everything will be warmed with warmth, on a wonderful and happy day! Kind words and gentle looks, vivacity and charm. And the people you love near, their care and attention! Let this moment fill your heart with trepidation and happiness. Life pleasantly surprises and brings only joy!

Flowers and a huge pile of money

Greeting card - roses with animation

Let understanding surround and holiday bring joy, let wishes come true and expect a lot of happiness in life!

Picture with beautiful flowers for a woman's birthday

Poem: Let a bright mosaic form life from warm and sunny days, from kind smiles, friendly faces, attention of relatives and friends! Let there be gifts, surprises, flowers, any dreams become reality!

Verse: From the bottom of our hearts, we wish the sun to play, the birds to sing to you about the love of serenades, and if you praise little, you don’t need to be offended. We wish you success in both love and service, so that you keep respect and friendship in your families. Beauty and health to you for many years. May joy come to you, and adversity pass!

Love you, faith, hope, goodness! Let all that you want come true!

Happy Birthday Picture Woman - Flowers

Bouquet of red roses

Let it delight every moment, good luck, pleasantly surprise. The mood will always be wonderful and loved ones will warm you with love!

Happy birthday to a woman - let the mood be sunny, all events joyful, and happy life!

Let the house be full of happiness, and become without doubt. Have a wonderful, bright, good afternoon, your birthday!

Good luck, happiness, love and attention!

Flowers with a gift

I wish you happiness on your birthday, as big as the entire planet, I wish you live without regret, so that they all love you!

I wish you to live beautifully, carelessly, joyfully, happily, easily, smartly, carefree, pleasantly, fabulously, freely! I wish you bright entertainment and excellent impressions. Love, health and success, fun, cheerfulness and laughter!

This is a great reason to smile this morning, and in the greeting card I wish you good, health, happiness, mood, love, spring, happy days! A lot of money, respect, equal roads of life!

Original wish Happy birthday to a woman 55 years old

May your dreams come true and years not be dominated by you, and your life be beautiful, like these wonderful flowers!

Happy birthday to a woman 30-40 years old

Photo of flowers for a birthday for a woman

What holiday could be better than a birthday? Gifts, congratulations and so much attention! This holiday must be fun and memorable. And also kind and unusually positive.

It has always been customary to give cards to us - our grandparents, fathers and mothers signed beautiful cards and sent them by mail to their relatives and friends or simply handed them along with gifts at the celebration. Everyone was so pleased. These sweetheart words with meaning on paper have been stored for many years. Like a memory. And poems from them were known by heart. Now we don’t give cards, but ... send them!

What to do - the modern age of digital technology. It’s so convenient for us. Moreover, it’s not difficult to download free birthday pictures. Everyone can do it. Just find the one that you like and send it to the birthday person. Our interesting and unusual pictures will appeal to everyone.

Downloading happy birthday pictures from Mir is even more convenient - everything is simple: a comfortable interface, a huge selection of the most beautiful and creative. Here you can find greeting cards and new pictures for your loved ones, mothers and grandmothers, fathers and grandfathers. We did not forget about work colleagues, girlfriends and classmates.

Each birthday - touching words or holiday greetings. You can select picture cards with words or without text. Send a large bouquet of roses or wildflowers from the heart, gifs and funny moving images. We have not only modern and stylish, but even designer ones - they are very special, unlike everyone else - let the birthday person be pleased. Watch and choose, and we will help you with this.

Funny happy birthday pictures are very popular. Or even with a joke, if you know a person well enough. They cheer up and make you smile. Why not choose them? They are suitable for viber and for vatsap.

Let a cool animated little girl or a mimicry hero cheerfully congratulate your birthday boy in the morning. You see, his day will be fun and easy. Especially if he meets his holiday at work. Funny and comic pictures will come in handy! And no work or bad mood will spoil his holiday.

For children, choose cartoon animation and live pictures: a funny cat or a cute dog. They really like balloons, colorful fireworks, and girls - magical and fabulous: fairies and princesses. They will be delighted by the flickering original images.

You see, they will be very pleased. Of course, do not forget about the real gift - and then the children’s birthday will certainly be remembered for a long time. And give your children attention and parental love, spend more time with them - our children now really miss this!

For a beloved girl or woman - always special sincere congratulations. What loves the fair sex the most? Of course the flowers! And this is a universal gift. They will certainly like the flowers in the box or a whole basket of flowers, a huge bouquet of daisies, red roses or chic peonies. Let so far in the form of a picture for his birthday. But what prevents you from miraculously turning a picture into a real gift?

Let your beloved see that you are a real wizard. And you can send a free romantic photo or an animation in the form of a shiny heart, a funny kitten - she will be delighted!

The guy will also be pleased with your attention. Especially since the morning. Send him funny animated pictures to your phone - he’ll surely appreciate the photo with humor: “Someone has his birthday today!” And don't forget to call him in person and say how cool and cool he is. Or on WhatsApp you can upload and throw a kiss or a heart, a bright gif with a reminder of your feelings.

Men in appearance are only so serious and strict, but in fact they really like such care. They will also appreciate humorous photos and gifs. These are also on our site. And only in good quality. In the evening, prepare him a delicious dinner and a cake with candles.

Sometimes in hustle and bustle you can forget about someone's birthday. Silence is not necessary: \u200b\u200banyway, congratulations, albeit belatedly. Better late than never. Happy Birthday pictures and gifs are also very popular. They are no less fashionable and cool.

Send a huge bouquet of flowers to your friend or acquaintance in vatsap or vibe and sign: “I'm sorry, I forgot to wish you a happy birthday” or cheer up a loved one with a funny picture with an apology. He will forgive you of course. And be sure to congratulate: “May the dreams come true!” And if you don’t have time at all, choose a universal picture with wishes in prose or with verses from our gallery and sign the simplest congratulation: “To a good man!”

Birthday is the most favorite holiday. And in order for the birthday people to remember him and get only positive, they need to be surrounded by attention and care, to show how they are dear to us. And you can do this in different ways: give gifts, speak warm words and send postcards, as our grandmothers and mothers have always done.

Birthday cards have long and firmly entered people's lives, because birthday is the main holiday in the private life of every person, only the birthdays of his loved ones can compete with him. In ancient times, people believed that the soul becomes especially vulnerable precisely on the date of birth, so a kind word or, conversely, a curse on that day is most effective, has the power of a magic spell. Anyway, according to one version, it was in this way that a wonderful custom was born to meet friends on their birthday to listen to their good wishes and compliments. And talismans, charms and other items from the arsenal of magical protection, which were given to the hero of the occasion, turned over time into familiar gifts to us. The most obvious gift in this case is a birthday card. Even better if the card is musical .. You can easily find a card that will appeal to you and the addressee of the congratulation. You can also make a beautiful card for your friend or colleague yourself by selecting a picture, adding music and a congratulatory text to it, and then sending it to the birthday person. All cards have the ability to rotate. On the back of the cards are poems for a birthday or greeting text written by you.