
Stars who died too early. Top legendary musicians who tragically passed away Which singer died early

What would rock stars who died young look like now? This is a series of computer generated portraits depicting what some of rock's most famous and beloved dead stars would look like if they were alive today.

One of the directions of the Phojoe company is creating artificially aged faces in photographs, this helps in finding people who disappeared several or more years ago. The company's technologies have been used for many famous people who died at a young age, among them Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, Keith Moon And Elvis Presley.

Look at these amazing results, all these people seem to have come to life again, it’s incredible!

All photos are clickable!

When Nirvana leader Kurt Cobain shot himself on April 5, 1994. He was 27 years old, had shaggy hair and loved plaid shirts. I wonder if he would have maintained his image if he had lived to middle age?

10 musicians who couldn't conquer America

Beatles legend John Lennon was tragically killed at age 40 while returning from a recording session on December 8, 1980. Those who knew him well believe that if he grew old, he would turn away from music to focus on fatherhood. Old John hasn't changed much, except he's traded his iconic round glasses for contact lenses.

If only the drummer "The Who" Keith Moon didn't take too much alcoholism medication on September 7, 1978 at age 32, the band would stay together and compete with the Rolling Stones for decades. I think he would still remain the same fashionista and hipster to this day.

Blues vocalist Janis Joplin died of a drug overdose on October 4, 1970, when she was 27. Most likely, even if she had lived, the pace and lifestyle of her life would certainly have led to complete collapse in the 70s. She would have fared much better in the '80s alongside troubled peers like Joe Cocker and Tina Turner.

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A drug overdose on September 18, 1970 interrupted the career of the 27-year-old Jimi Hendrix. Had he lived, one imagines that he would have completed his jazz-rock fusion with Miles Davis and remained a pioneer, experimenting with new musical technologies.

If Elvis Presley had not died of a heart attack at the age of 42 on August 16, 1977, his career would have followed the same trajectory as long as his impresario Colonel Parker lived. Perhaps he would have opened the Elvis Grand casino in Las Vegas before winning over the hipster audience with stripped-down albums in his later years.

Singer and drummer Karen Carpenter lived to be 32 years old and died of cardiac arrest on February 4, 1983, caused by the consequences of anorexia.

The death of those who are too early to die is always sad and unfair. The actors and singers who are waiting for you in the continuation of the article were the favorites of millions and the breakers of women's and men's hearts, but fate decreed that they died too early.
Some died in a car accident, others under absolutely ridiculous circumstances, and others were killed by drugs and disease.

Zhanna Friske

July 8, 1974 - June 15, 2015
Two years of struggle with an inoperable brain tumor, support from friends, colleagues and fans, hope for a miracle - everything ended in June 2015, when the singer, young mother and wife Zhanna Friske died without regaining consciousness.

Michael Jackson

August 29, 1958 - June 25, 2009

Just like his life, the death of the King of Pop was shrouded in speculation and intrigue. The investigation into the death of the artist was carried out by the police and the Drug Enforcement Administration. The case lasted two years, and in November 2011, Jackson’s personal physician Conrad Murray was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter: the cardiologist injected the artist with too large a dose of the powerful anesthetic propofol. The doctor was sentenced to 4 years in prison, but was released early in 2013.

Gennady Bachinsky

September 1, 1971 - January 12, 2008

The famous Maximum radio presenter died in a car accident. Gennady Bachinsky, having decided to overtake the truck, began to overtake in the oncoming lane, prohibited by the rules, as a result of which he collided with a minibus in which there were three people who were seriously injured as a result of the collision. Gennady died on the spot from his injuries. He is survived by his wife and two children.

Whitney Houston

August 9, 1963 - February 11, 2012

On the eve of the 54th Grammy ceremony, the singer was found unconscious in her room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills. The cause of death was the use of a cocktail of cocaine, marijuana and a sedative, as a result of which Whitney’s heart gave out and she drowned unconscious in the bathroom.

Roman Trakhtenberg

September 28, 1968 - November 20, 2009

TV presenter and showman Roman Trakhtenberg died at the age of 42 from a heart attack that began while broadcast on Mayak radio. According to the conclusion of forensic experts, the cause could have been a discovered cardiac anomaly. Roman Trachtenberg is survived by his young wife and two sons.

Paul Walker

September 12, 1973 - November 30, 2013

Ironically, actor Paul Walker, racer and star of the Fast and the Furious car franchise, died in a car accident along with his friend Roger Rodas, who lost control of the Porsche.

Mikhail Gorshenev

August 7, 1973 - July 19, 2013

The heart of the leader of the punk band “The King and the Jester” could not stand it: the artist abused alcohol and morphine.

Heath Ledger

April 4, 1979 - January 22, 2008

Undoubtedly, Ledger was a fairly popular actor even before The Dark Knight. “10 Things I Hate About You”, “A Knight’s Tale” and other films made it clear that Hit is an extraordinary talent, and the scandalous “Brokeback Mountain” also emphasized his courage and uncompromisingness, fearlessness in front of any forbidden topics. But the young Australian showed his true class by reincarnating as the Joker - an ominous psychopathic killer, whose image has since taken pride of place on numerous Internet demotivators. And soon after the premiere, Ledger was found dead from an overdose of sleeping pills in his New York apartment. The actor was 28 years old.

Murat Nasyrov

December 13, 1969 - January 19, 2007

Singer Murat Nasyrov fell from a 5th floor balcony. The causes of the incident remained unknown. Journalists wrote repeatedly that Nasyrov used drugs, but an autopsy of the body revealed no traces of either drugs or alcohol. According to the official version, it was suicide in a state of depression: this version was confirmed by Murat’s daughter, who witnessed the incident.

Philip Seymour Hoffman

July 23, 1967 - February 2, 2014

Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman struggled with heroin addiction for many years. He suffered from the habit back in his student years, but was able to overcome himself and did not use any drugs for 20 years. In 2012, celebrity circles began to say that Hoffman had returned to addiction again, experiencing a tense relationship with his wife Marianne O’Donnell.

Vladimir Turchinsky

September 28, 1963 - December 16, 2009

The famous athlete and TV presenter died at the age of 47 from a heart attack. About three weeks before his death, Turchinsky went to the naval hospital complaining of chest pain.

Robin Williams

July 21, 1951 - August 11, 2014

For many years, the actor suffered from severe depression. He struggled with other demons as well, as he was addicted to drugs and alcohol back in the late 1970s. A terrible blow for Robin Williams was the death of his close friend, actor John Belushi, in March 1982. Belushi died of an overdose, and Robin himself never touched the drugs after that. It was much more difficult to overcome the passion for alcohol. The period of abstinence lasted as much as 20 years, but several months before his suicide, Williams began drinking again due to depression, presumably caused by developing Parkinson's disease. In August last year, the actor hanged himself.

Sergei Bodrov Jr.

December 27, 1971 - September 20, 2002

There is probably no need to tell you what the “Brother” duology became for the Russian audience. Bodrov became the undisputed idol of youth, the hero of the generation, the symbol of the 90s. Many new interesting roles were expected from the performer of the role of the “people's avenger” Danila Bagrov, who eclipsed all his peers for five years, but he was in a hurry to realize himself as a director. In 2002, Sergei went to the Caucasus to film his second film “Svyaznoy” and died along with the entire film crew in an avalanche in the Karmadon Gorge. Bodrov Jr. was 30 years old.

Amy Winehouse

September 14, 1983 - July 23, 2011

The legendary Amy joined the infamous Club 27 four years ago. The singer, who lived on the edge, died due to alcohol poisoning: the level of alcohol in her blood exceeded the maximum permissible concentration five times.

Vladislav Galkin

December 25, 1971 - February 25, 2010

The star of the “Saboteur” franchise died at the age of 38 from cardiac arrest. The doctors who performed the autopsy made a clear conclusion: Galkin’s body was worn out due to nervous exhaustion and alcohol abuse.

Brittany Murphy

November 10, 1977 - December 20, 2009

The 32-year-old actress suffered cardiac arrest. The cause of the tragedy was a severe form of pneumonia - acute pneumonia, complicated by an overdose of drugs.

Andrei Panin

May 28, 1962 - March 6, 2013

Forensic experts who examined the body of the deceased actor had speculation about Panin’s murder. A criminal case was opened into the death of the artist, which, however, was closed earlier this year for lack of evidence of a crime. The cause of Panin's death still remains a mystery.

Batyrkhan Shukenov

May 18, 1962 - April 28, 2015

The founder and ex-soloist of the group "A" Studio died of a heart attack and was buried in his homeland in Kazakhstan.

They leave having completed the task,
They are recalled by the Higher Worlds,
Unknown to our consciousness,
According to the rules of the space game...

Infamous - one of the phenomena of rock music. In this so-called club includes the most talented musicians who have had a significant influence on more than one generation. They made a huge contribution to music, but not only this is what unites them - they all died at the height of popularity at the age of 27, often under strange and sometimes unclear circumstances.

Although the number 27 is considered fatal for rock musicians, it is nothing more than a myth, not a curse. If we analyze the biographical information of famous musicians over the last 100 years, we can clearly come to the conclusion that they die at the age of 27 no more often than at any other age. Yes, musicians die earlier than “ordinary” people, and many of them actually die before they reach 40 years of age.

There is a simple explanation for this “phenomenon”: the lives of rock musicians are accompanied by alcohol and drugs. To this you can also add a stressful lifestyle: constant travel, tours, emotional overload. Many musicians like to believe that turning to drugs and alcohol is a consequence of overload. But the fact remains that the existence "Club 27" is the result of biased selection of random matches. In fact, there is no “curse 27”.

And although the age of 27 is not fatal for musicians, one cannot but agree that at this age many of them, on the one hand, have already done the best they could, and on the other, are still quite young, so their death is surrounded by a romantic aura. Death turns them into legend. Almost all members club were geniuses, showed this genius early, and rocketed to the musical Olympus. Success, crowds of fans, the joy of creative achievements. There is a whole life ahead! As bright stars, they are brighter than all the others, and therefore burn out faster, as they are now and today. Live fast and die young, before they have time to say: “No longer the same as yesterday.” Who are the members? "Club 27"?

Robert Johnson. Divine talent as a gift from the devil

A talented guitarist and skilled singer, he is considered one of the most talented bluesmen of all times. His hits "I Believe I'll Dust My Broom" And "Sweet Home Chicago""became a classic of blues performance.

He was born in 1911 in Mississippi, USA. During his short career Johnson He traveled a lot, performing wherever possible. To a large audience Johnson didn't get there. Only 29 songs that he recorded in Dallas and San Antonio in 1936-1937 became famous. The greatest recognition came to him only after death. His songs were performed Muddy Waters, Elmore James, The Rolling Stones And Eric Clapton. Great wave of interest in the works Johnson in the music world took place in the 1960s, when his songs were re-released. Another collection was released in the 1990s and sold millions of copies.

Most of life Robert Jones surrounded by secrets and legends. One of the most famous is about how he achieved such musical mastery. He tried for a long time to learn to play the blues on guitar and had little success, until at one magical crossroads he made a deal with the devil. There are even mentions of this in his songs ( "Me and the devil blues", "Hellhound on my trail", "Crossroad blues").

He died at the age of 27, 1938. The exact cause of death is not known. He was either poisoned, or shot, or stabbed to death jealous husband one of the fans, or lovers. In the official death certificate, in the “Cause” column there is only “No doctor”... It is also not known where the artist is buried. In one of his blues, he asked that his grave be next to the highway so that his "old evil spirit I could get on the bus and leave.”

Jimi Hendrix. Strange London story

Born 1942. His childhood was not easy; he often lived with some relatives, then with others, or even just with acquaintances. And music became his salvation from loneliness. Having dropped out of school, but not finding a decent job, he joined the army, where he continued to play the guitar. Having been injured, he was forced to leave the army, and by that time he already understood that his calling was music. In 1966 Hendrix met Chas Chandler, former band member Animals. He convinced Jimi go to London, where together with Noel Redding And Mitch Mitchell they created a group The Jimi Hendrix Experience. Hendrix made a huge impression on the English musical elite. Group members, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Eric Clapton and others admired the game Jimi. British music critic Melody Maker wrote about Jimi, that “sometimes it even seems like he plays without any hands at all.”

In support of his first album "Are You Experienced?" the group went on tour, which Hendrix simply blew the audience away with his innovative guitar playing, achieving an amazing sound. He won American audiences with his virtuosic performances on Monterey Pop Festival in June 1967, at the end of which he set fire to the instrument.

1970 Jimi Hendrix was found dead in a room at the Samarkand Hotel in London. His death was horrific, he choked on his vomit after overdosing on sleeping pills. There is, perhaps, the most criminality around his death. The girlfriend who was with him at the time of his death argued that he could have been saved, but the doctor did not take the necessary measures. The police report stated that Jimi was alone when he was found in the hotel. At the same time, the musician was fully dressed and had already been “dead for some time.” In 2009, a witness came forward and stated that Hendrix killed on the order of the manager, from whom the musician wanted to leave. The doctor who examined the body agreed with this version. But too much time has passed for there to be any hope of finding out the truth.

He was a real rock star and remains popular to this day. There are 351 entries in the posthumous discography. Time magazine called him the greatest guitarist of all time, the most daring and inventive virtuoso in the history of rock: “ Jimi Hendrik could get more out of the guitar than any other musician. He was the greatest guitarist."

Jim Morrison. See Paris and die

The singer and songwriter was born in 1943. He grew up in a military family who rose to the rank of admiral and also played the piano well. Jim grew up surrounded by strict rules, periodically he rebelled, but still finished school and even received a degree from the University, although by his own admission he did this only because he did not want to join the army or go to work. He read a lot since childhood, and at the University he was interested in poetry. The brilliant guitarist, poet and composer is considered one of the most charismatic frontmen in the history of rock music. He became not just one of the creators, but it is believed that it was thanks to him that the group achieved such fame. Dark lyrics Morrison against the background of psychedelic performances, more reminiscent of shock therapy, they did The Doors the most radical and darkest group of the 1960s. A Morrison known both for his distinctive voice and the originality of his own stage figure, self-destructive lifestyle and poetic creativity. Rolling Stone magazine included him in its list of the 100 Greatest Singers of All Time.

ABOUT Morrisone they wrote that he sang as if he were being executed in the electric chair. His music was called "the music of loners." And while the group’s fame was rapidly climbing the musical Olympus, personal life Jim's with the same speed rushed into the abyss. Drunkenness, drugs, fights with police, arrests for indecent behavior - all this became less and less controllable. In an attempt to change something, he took a short time out and went to Paris with his girlfriend Pamela. He was going to be in seclusion, according to evidence, this is how his best works were created. However, there he plunged deeper into drugs and depression. 1971 Pamela found Morrison dead in the bathroom of their rented apartment. He died presumably from cardiac arrest. Since French police found no signs of foul play, no autopsy was performed, leading to much speculation about the cause of death. These include drug overdose, suicide, and even murder. There are still rumors surrounding his death. The only witness to his death, Pamela, took the secret to the grave three years later.

Remains one of the most legendary and mysterious stars rock and roll. Texts written for The Doors, inspired an entire generation of dissatisfied youth who found their hopes and disappointments reflected in his words. Morrison opened the world to those who listened and heard him, inspired them to search for something new and abandon the familiar: “In the world there is the understandable and the incomprehensible, and between them - Doors».

Janis Joplin. The fatal fate of the woman of fate

She had powerful, bluesy vocals that scratched your eardrums and evoked a storm of emotions. She was a genius at improvisation, possessing a talent for performing black blues that was rare among white women.

Janice born 1943. Having discovered an interest in music in early childhood, she sang in a church choir, showing great hope of becoming a good singer. In college, she performed on campus at music events where anyone could perform. Her strong, bold singing style surprised and delighted. But her music career only began when she joined the group Big Brother in 1966. Their album " "Cheap Thrills" was a real hit, although it caused disagreements in the team. Joplin left the group, and her second solo album made her a real star. Unfortunately, the album was released after the singer's death.

October 3, 1970 Janice learned that while she was recording an album in Los Angeles, her fiancé Seth Morgan had an orgy in Texas. Janice got drunk, then there was heroin, perhaps in her stupor she did not realize that she was dealing with a more powerful potion. On the morning of 1970, she did not show up at Sunset Sound Studios, where work on the album was underway. Without reaching her by phone, the group's producer Paul Rothschild sent an assistant to the hotel. Having opened the room with a service key, the hotel employee found Janice lying on the floor. Her lips were bloody and her nose was broken. She was clutching money in her fist—$4.50. The death of a 27-year-old star turned the release of an album with a symbolic title "Pearl" into a sensation, propelling it to the top of the American charts.

Despite the sudden death of the singer, the music continues to win fans and inspire followers. Collections of her recordings have been reissued countless times. She was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1995 and received a posthumous Grammy for lifetime achievement in 2005. Many books and non-fiction essays have been written about her life, including Love, Janis, written by her sister Laura Joplin, on which the play of the same name is based.

Brian Jones. The man who died every day

Born 1942. In 1962 he became one of the founders of the group The Rolling Stones, which also included pianist Ian Stewart, singer Mick Jaeger and guitarist Keith Richardson. At the beginning of history The Rolling Stones Jones was a team leader, thanks to his ability to see new horizons, a musician who could easily play various instruments, and also a manager. The Rolling Stones have acquired cult significance, no artist or group can compare with them either in the number of hits, or in the number of “gold” and “platinum” albums, or in the number of concerts played.

Although Brian Considered the guitarist of the group, he also played sitar, organ, mellotron, flute, harmonica and several other instruments such as tambourine, xylophone and marimba. By the mid-1960s Brian acutely felt the alienation in the team. He increasingly turned to alcohol and drugs, which did not improve relations with team members. In May 1967, the musician was arrested for the first time for drug use, and on June 8, 1969, after recording "Let it Bleed", Jones asked from the group. He decided to start a solo career, but did not have time.

1969, a month after leaving The Rolling Stones was found at the bottom of the pool in own home. His death is considered an accident, but there are speculations that he was murdered. and died on the same day, two years apart. Pete Townshend – founder, leader and author of almost all the group’s songs The Who Jones– after death

published the poem "A Normal Day For Brian, A Man Who Died Every Day" in The Times.

Kurt Cobain. There can only be one true messiah Founder and leader of a cult group Nirvana Founder and leader of a cult group born 1967. The talented guitarist became a legend, an idol, the messiah of his time, he was called the “voice of a generation.” Group became the main rock phenomenon of the 1990s. A around the Kurta There was an atmosphere of loneliness. He received the status of the best songwriter of a generation. Only this status, along with the growing popularity of the group, turned out to be too heavy a burden for the talented musician. He began to experience a feeling of painful anxiety about how his music was being received, what awaited him in the future. He started taking heroin. Drugs provided relief from chronic stomach pain. His relationship with Courtney Love was like a whirlwind of nature. Due to drug problems, they had to fight for the right to remain the parents of a daughter born in this marriage. And although in professional life

and his band were at the peak of their popularity, the musician became increasingly depressed.

On March 4, 1994, he attempted suicide, but was rescued in time by an ambulance. On March 18, Courtney called the police, reporting that her husband had locked himself in with a gun and was threatening to kill himself. After this incident, Courtney convinced her husband to go to a clinic to get rid of drug addiction. However, he spent only a few days in the hospital. 1994 in the extension of a country house Kurt

took a fatal dose of heroin and shot himself in the head, leaving an impressive farewell letter in which he addressed his fans, his wife and daughter. Despite the suicide message, there is speculation that it was not suicide but murder, and Courtney Love was among the suspects. Even after his death, he continues to intrigue and inspire his fans. All albums released posthumously reached the top of the charts. It is noteworthy that Cobain

holds the record for musicians who earned more after death than during life.

Born 1983. She burst into the music world at the age of 16, when she signed her first contract as a jazz singer. Later, her main style became a mix of jazz, R&B, pop and soul music. She was amazingly talented: vocals, called “the voice of the decade,” talent as a composer and poet, and... charisma that bewitched and immersed in silent delight.

For all the gifts given by nature, Amy paid the highest price. By the time of the release of her debut album, the singer had already gained a reputation as an unbalanced person. who was more interested in partying and drinking. She often showed up to performances too drunk to work through the concert. At the same time, she began a difficult relationship with Blake Fielder-Civil, who got her hooked on hard drugs. In public, their quarrels often turned into brawls. Their relationship revolved around drugs, alcohol, beatings and self-destruction. In April 2007 Amy announced her engagement to Blake and said that it was her relationship with her future husband that inspired most of her hits from "Back to Black", for which the singer received 5 Grammys, 3 of them for the single "Rehab", in which she talks about her reluctance to undergo rehab...

After marrying Blake in May 2007, Amy returned to her previous destructive life. For the opening of a 17-day US tour Onehouse appeared insane, the audience was disappointed and began to leave the concert. The singer sobbed and cursed. Such inappropriate behavior made her a favorite character of the yellow press.

In August 2007, she found herself in a coma after an overdose, and later admitted that this happened after mixing heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, ketamine, whiskey and vodka. A planned North American tour has been postponed indefinitely. In May 2008, she was once again arrested for drug use. After publicly admitting to his drug addiction Amy Having been denied a US visa, she was unable to attend the 2008 Grammy Awards. Instead, her performance in London was broadcast via satellite. It is noteworthy that that evening she received 5 Grammys.

Being at the pinnacle of success in professional life, Amy Winehouse was going downhill in the personal. Even more shocking, even more drugs, even more alcohol. Her marriage to Blake ended in divorce, and her health deteriorated. From a buxom beauty she turned into a skeleton. She was either arrested or sent to the hospital. In 2011, the fantastically talented singer died of alcohol poisoning. Mother Amy called her life a fatal car accident.

"Club 27" - live fast and die young

Is there really a predisposition for self-destruction among young rock stars? Perhaps they could have been saved somehow? The last companions of these unfortunates were almost always drugs and alcohol. “No one is responsible for your addiction, but everyone is responsible for their own rehabilitation.” Now one can only wonder how much more they could have done, how they could have used their amazing talent, if they had lived longer.

Other performers, members "Club 27":

- American ragtime musician. He died of “multiple sclerosis,” although, most likely, the cause of death was neurosyphilis.
Dates of life: March 13, 1881 – March 26, 1908.

Jesse Belvin- American R&B singer, pianist, songwriter. Died in a car accident.
Dates of life: December 15, 1932 – February 6, 1960.

Rudy Lewis- American rhythm and blues vocalist, member of the group The Drifters. Died from an overdose.
Dates of life: August 23, 1936 – May 20, 1964.

Dicky Pride- British rock and roll singer. Died from an overdose of sleeping pills.
Dates of life: October 21, 1941 – March 26, 1969.

Elaine Wilson- American vocalist, guitarist, songwriter, leader of the blues band Canned Heat. Died from an overdose of barbiturates. Due to two previous suicide attempts, his death is considered a suicide, although there is no definitive evidence.
Dates of life: July 04, 1943 – September 03, 1970.

Arlester Christian- frontman, vocalist and bassist of the American band Dyke & the Blazers.
Dates of life: June 13, 1943 – March 13, 1971.

Linda Jones- American sauce singer. She died due to complications of diabetes.
Dates of life: December 14, 1944 – March 14, 1972.

Leslie Harvey- Guitarist for several Scottish bands, the most famous of which was Stone the Crows. Died at his own concert from a stroke electric shock by touching an ungrounded microphone with wet hands.
Dates of life: September 13, 1944 – May 3, 1972.

Ron McKernan- American musician, keyboardist for the Grateful Dead. Died of liver cirrhosis caused by alcoholism.
Dates of life: September 8, 1945 – March 8, 1973.

David Alexander- American musician, bassist of the proto-punk band The Stooges. After being hospitalized due to pancreatitis caused by alcoholism, he died of pulmonary edema.
Dates of life: June 3, 1947 – February 10, 1975.

Peter Ham– Welsh vocalist, songwriter, guitarist, member of the band Badfinger. Finding himself in a financial and creative crisis, he hanged himself in the garage of his own home three days before his 28th birthday.
Dates of life: April 27, 1947 – April 24, 1975.

– bass guitarist, member of the British rock band Uriah Heep. Died from a heroin overdose.
Dates of life: May 15, 1948 – December 8, 1975.

Helmut Kollen– German bass guitarist, member of the band Triumvirat. Died from exhaust fumes in a garage. Presumably an accident.
Dates of life: March 02, 1950 – May 03, 1977.

Chris Bell- American singer, songwriter, guitarist, leader of the band Big Star. Died instantly after losing control of his sports car and crashing into a wooden pole.
Dates of life: January 12, 1951 – December 27, 1978.

Jacob Miller- Jamaican reggae musician, member of the group Inner Circle. Died in a car accident.
Dates of life: May 4, 1952 – March 23, 1980.

D. Boone(Dennis Dale Boone) is an American vocalist, songwriter and guitarist for the punk rock trio Minutemen. He was driving without a seat belt and broke his neck when he was thrown from a minivan into a ditch.
Dates of life: April 1, 1958 – December 22, 1985.

Pete da Freitas– musician, producer, drummer of the British band Echo & the Bunnymen. Crash on a motorcycle.
Dates of life: August 2, 1961 – June 14, 1989.

(“Plague”) – Russian rock musician, guitarist, member of the group “Alisa”. He jumped out of his apartment window while under the influence of drugs.
Dates of life: November 13, 1965 – April 12, 1993.

- American singer, vocalist of the punk band The Gits. Beaten and strangled during an attack on the street.
Dates of life: August 25, 1965 – July 7, 1993.

– American bass guitarist, member of the alternative rock band Hole. Opiate overdose.
Dates of life: May 26, 1967 – June 16, 1994.

Eduard "Redt" Starkov- Russian rock musician, poet, leader and vocalist of the St. Petersburg underground groups “Khimera” and “Deputy Baltika”. Hanged himself. The exact reasons have not been established.
Dates of life: July 8, 1969 – February 23, 1997.

Patrick Hawkins, better known as Fat Pat, is an American rapper and member of the group Screwed Up Click. Gunned down.
Dates of life: December 4, 1970 – February 3, 1998.

Raymond Rogers, known professionally as Freaky Tah, is a Jamaican rapper and member of the hip-hop group Lost Boyz.
Dates of life: May 14, 1971 – March 28, 1999.

Jeremy Ward– sound engineer for The Mars Volta and De Facto, guitarist and artist. Heroin overdose.
Dates of life: May 5, 1976 – May 25, 2003.

Alexander Korzhov– vocalist and guitarist of the Ukrainian rock band “Manuscript”. Hanged himself.

Over the past half century, music has changed significantly. This happened thanks to talented musicians who completely devoted themselves to what they loved. These people were able to as soon as possible become major world stars and pioneers of new musical genres. Their concerts were attended by millions of spectators around the world. But not everyone ended up living a long, rich life. We present to your attention a list that includes deceased musicians who passed away at a young age.

Photo: topclub.ua

The list opens with one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century named Jim Morrison. In just a few years, this man managed to make The Doors a real world sensation. The concerts had incredible energy. And the main credit for the success belongs to Morrison. He was not only a vocalist, but also a composer of music. Thanks to the created image, he was able to attract attention from listeners from different parts of the world. Jim Morrison promoted a destructive lifestyle, using drugs, alcohol and nicotine in inhumane quantities, which led to his death at the age of 27. It happened on July 3, 1971 in Paris. The cause of the death of the legendary musician was cardiac arrest.

We recommend all fans of The Doors to check out the wonderful biopic of Oliver Stone, released in 1991. From it you will learn a lot of new interesting information.

Photo: vesti22.tv

This name is familiar to every resident of our country. It was Viktor Robertovich Tsoi who once and for all changed the face of Russian rock music. It only took him a few years. At a young age, Victor became interested in Western and Soviet music, which ultimately led to the formation of the legendary Kino group. The band played in the popular post-punk genre of the 80s. Viktor Tsoi was not only the main vocalist, he also personally wrote the lyrics and played the guitar.

The musician died on August 15, 1990 as a result of a car accident. His car crashed into an Ikarus bus driving along the highway. Tsoi died on the spot, but left an incredible legacy in the form of songs that can be heard on the streets of cities today.

Photo: 4words.ru

Thrash metal band Metallica is well known even to people who have little interest in foreign rock music. Their songs are heard on the radio, in films and TV series, the musicians travel all over the world every year, invariably attracting stadiums of thousands to capacity. Metallica's influence on modern music is difficult to overestimate. And one of the key members of the band, undoubtedly, was bass guitarist Cliff Burton.

He was distinguished by an atypical manner of playing, as well as incredible virtuosity. In 2011, Rolling Stone magazine recognized Cliff as one of the greatest bass players of all time. However, the musician did not live that long. Cliff Burton died on September 27, 1986. This happened while traveling on a bus from one city to another. It was on that fateful night that the driver lost control, causing Cliff to fall half out of the window and be crushed to death by the same bus. The rest of the group were fortunately not injured.

Photo: highschool.com

Despite the fact that many years have passed since the death of Bob Marley, he remains to this day the greatest musician who performed reggae music. Thanks to Marley's talent, this direction became known far beyond the borders of his homeland - Jamaica. As a result, he quickly managed to conquer the listeners of America, where the musician moved. He released great amount tracks that became classics of the genre many years ago.

Bob Marley died on May 11, 1981 due to a malignant tumor on his finger that appeared after one of his football games. The musician had the opportunity to undergo an operation that would help avoid death. However, Bob refused: in his opinion, the human body should remain “whole.” This was the philosophy of life of the Rastafarians of that time, to which Bob Marley belonged.

Photo: bnrp.ru

First on the list is the most famous musician of the last 25 years, who managed to literally change the face of the American underground rock scene. By the end of the 80s, thrash and heavy metal, popular in those years, began to lose ground, changing their sound and trying to keep up with the times. Hardcore and punk also survived far from better times in its history. The audience wanted to hear something new and unusual. It was during this period that the young musician Kurt Cobain assembled the group Nirvana and began performing music in the grunge genre. In fact, it was he who was one of the founders of this musical movement, which was distinguished by the somewhat careless sound and appearance of the musicians.

Over the course of several years, Cobain brought grunge from basements to large arenas, thanks to which millions of fans around the world learned about the group. However, being at the peak of his fame, Kurt Cobain, for reasons unknown to anyone, shot himself at home. It happened on April 5, 1994.

Each of the above musicians made a tremendous contribution to the development of music. Several generations of listeners have grown up listening to their songs. But unfortunately, we will never hear new compositions performed by them.

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Each of the musicians left an invaluable contribution to the development of the music industry. Their work continues to live even after the death of the performers.

I made a selection of world-famous musicians and singers who tragically left this world.

Chester Bennington

Lead singer of Linkin Park He was 41 years old.

The singer's body was found yesterday, July 20, around 9 a.m. at the private residence of Paolo Verdes in Los Angeles. The rock idol reportedly hanged himself. The singer is survived by six children from two wives.

The singer struggled with alcohol for many years. He previously stated that he wanted to commit suicide because he was severely beaten as a child. He also had a serious and long-standing drug problem.

The vocalist was very close to this year's Audioslave and Soundgarden lead singer Chris Cornell.

Kurt Cobain

The body of the Nirvana band leader was found on April 8 in his own home, with a gun and a suicide note lying nearby. According to the official version, Kurt Cobain caused himself an injury incompatible with life.

In one of the interviews, Kurt Cobain's wife, Courtney Love, claims that her husband had suicidal tendencies and an unstable psyche.

There are still many rumors surrounding Cobain's death.

Jimi Hendrix

Jimi Hendrix (real name James Marshall Hendrix) is a legendary musician who was called a rock classic during his lifetime. His phenomenal guitar playing, as well as his constant search for new sound formats, have made him one of the most bright stars of its time.

On September 18, 1970, he was found dead in a room at the Samarkand Hotel in London. According to his then-girlfriend Monica Charlotte Daneman, who was with the musician at the time of his death, Jimmy died by choking on vomit caused by taking nine sleeping pills. Seeing how her friend was dying, the girl still did not dare to call an ambulance, since various drugs were scattered throughout the room at that moment.

Jim Morrison

Rumors about the circumstances of the death of poet and The Doors singer Jim Morrison have been circulating around the world for many years - ever since the day he was found dead in a Paris hotel room. It must be said that Morrison himself created all the conditions for the emergence of such speculation.

There were rumors that Morrison died of an overdose. for a long time. However, there was no testimony about this.

The official version goes like this: the night before his death, Jim Morrison watched a film in one of the Paris cinemas, returned home, listened to music, felt ill and died of heart failure in the bathroom of his home. He was 27 years old.

Janis Joplin

On October 4, 1970, police discovered the body of Janis Joplin, lead singer of the Kozmic Blues Band, in a Hollywood hotel, lifeless, with $4 clutched in her fist. The cause of death was a heroin overdose... She was only 27 years old. She died at the very height of her career, having mistakenly taken very strong, purified heroin.

As Arthur Cooper later wrote (Newsweek, 1973), Joplin's death could seem like a cruel joke of fate, because it happened at a time when the singer's previously chaotic life began to improve: she was getting married (to Seth Morgan), and had not used heroin for five months. .

Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse died at the same age of 27. The cause of the singer's death was alcohol poisoning, since the amount of alcohol in her blood was almost lethal. It was five times higher than the permissible limit for drivers.

For several years, the singer was treated for alcoholism and drug addiction and, shortly before her death, completed a course in a rehabilitation clinic.

A coroner's inquest concluded that Winehouse's death was an accident.

Keith Emerson

Keith Emerson committed suicide at the age of 72. Police say the musician shot himself in the head. Emerson was found in his home in Santa Monica, California (USA).

This tragic news was first reported by representatives of the group Emerson, Lake & Palmer, with whom the musician previously worked. His former bandmate Carl Palmer noted that “Keith was a gentle soul whose love of music and passion for playing keyboards would remain unsurpassed for many years to come.”

Note that in 2009, doctors diagnosed the musician with focal dystonia, which manifests itself in muscle spasms and involuntary movements.

Keith Emerson is considered one of the most outstanding keyboardists in the history of rock music.

Murat Nasyrov

Nobody wants to believe that the death of a musician is just an accident. Nasyrov's common-law wife claims that he fell out of the window when he started to adjust the outdoor antenna of the TV. However, the police officers who arrived at the scene immediately after the singer’s body was discovered by passers-by refuse to accept this point of view. It was suicide, they say. Moreover, it was committed, the law enforcement officers assumed, while intoxicated - alcohol, and perhaps drugs.

Whitney Houston

Legendary pop singer Whitney Houston has died at the age of 48. Whitney Houston died on February 11 in a room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles. The singer was found by hotel staff unconscious in the bathtub. Arriving at the scene, doctors tried to help Whitney, performed artificial respiration, but were forced to declare the artist’s death.

The Los Angeles County Coroner's Office, which conducted an investigation into the circumstances of the artist's death, released a statement according to which the singer died as a result of drowning. However, “atherosclerotic heart disease and cocaine use” also took their toll.

All versions of Houston's violent death were found unfounded. According to coroner's spokesman Craig Harvey, the examination showed that the 48-year-old performer was a chronic cocaine addict. And this despite the fact that Whitney herself stated that she was done with drugs a long time ago. Marijuana, a sedative, muscle relaxant and anti-allergenic drug, was also found in the singer’s blood.

Ian Curtis

Ian Curtis left at the height of Joy Division's fame, in May 1980, the day before the band were due to embark on their first American tour. The single with the great and main song of Joy Division “Love Will Tear Us Apart” was released after his death, as was the group’s best album “Closer”.

The main reason why Ian Curtis took his own life was most likely debilitating and increasing physical pain. Ian Curtis sometimes had epileptic seizures right on stage. His suicide note read: “Now I want to die. I can’t bear to suffer anymore.”

Having passed away at the age of 23, Ian Curtis instantly became an object of worship in the countercultural environment, including in our country. Speaking about the fateful year for popular music in 1980 (then John Lennon, Vladimir Vysotsky, Joe Dassin, and John Bonham from Led Zeppelin died), it was considered especially chic to say something like: “I was shocked much more than the murder of Lennon by the death of Curtis.” .

Freddie Mercury

For five years, Freddie Mercury lived with the idea that he had HIV. Last months he worked very energetically, a month before his death, releasing the single The Show Must Go On. Determined to help other people with HIV, Freddie donated funds to various AIDS charities. The day before his death, Mercury's will was announced - the whole world learned that he had AIDS. On November 24, 1991, at seven in the evening, the leader of Queen died.

Andrey Kuzmenko

On the morning of February 2, 2015, Andrei Kuzmenko, the lead singer of the Skryabin group, was returning from a concert that took place in Krivoy Rog. On the Kirovograd-Zaporozhye highway at 86 km (near the village of Lozovatka), a Toyota Sequoia, driven by Andrey, collided with a milk tanker.

Law enforcement officials are establishing the cause of the accident, as well as the speed at which both vehicles were traveling. They unofficially add that the artist exceeded it and lost control on a slippery road.

Michael Jackson

On the morning of June 25, 2009, Michael lost consciousness while in the house he was renting in Holmby Hills, west of Los Angeles. Jackson's personal physician, cardiologist Conrad Murray, later reported through his lawyer that he went to the second floor and found Jackson in bed, no longer breathing but with a weak pulse in the femoral artery. Murray began administering cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Later, he decided to call 911, but the specialists who arrived were unable to revive the singer.

Marina Serotyuk

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