
Women's calendar for Android phone. The best women's calendar for Android. Selection. Online calculator for calculating your menstrual cycle

More than 100 million women around the world have already chosen Flo!

The Flo Period Tracker Women's Calendar is much more than a "women's period calendar."

The women's cycle calendar will help you track your periods and PMS, calculate the days of ovulation and conception, find out useful information about the development of pregnancy and monitor the development of the baby.

Flo's Period and Pregnancy Calendar is the first menstrual diary app that uses artificial intelligence to detect irregular periods, ovulation and PMS symptoms. Modern technologies based on machine learning, they make it possible to create a female menstruation calendar with the most accurate onset forecast critical days and ovulation.

You can enter data into the women's period calendar in Russian and receive reminders about when the menstrual cycle begins.

Install the women's period calendar in Russian Flo and take advantage of all the advantages of modern developments to feel comfortable at any stage of your cycle.


Women's period and ovulation calendar: track your cycle, get reminders about your period and ovulation
a women's diary will help track your irregular cycle
use an ovulation calendar, calculate the day of ovulation and fertile days, determine the “fertility window”
use the conception calendar for women to calculate the conception of a child (menstruation, ovulation and the calculator will help you find out on which days the probability of getting pregnant is maximum)
use the ovulation calculator for a woman to save test results
a calendar for a woman will allow you to analyze basal body temperature (BBT)
Women's diary: note symptoms to get the most accurate forecasts for irregular periods


The female cycle calendar will help you calculate the day of ovulation
The women's pregnancy calendar will help you plan the day of conception (determine ovulation)
Women's calendar will help you track your pregnancy week by week
read useful tips and current articles about pregnancy, menstruation
keep a personal women's diary (pregnancy calendar) so as not to miss any important dates


A woman's period diary will help you monitor your weight, sleep duration, and amount of water you drink.
note physical activity
Women's menstruation calendar will help you monitor your sex life and mood
Women's menstruation calendar is needed to note PMS symptoms
female ovulation calendar is necessary to mark discharge


The menstruation calendar for women will remind you of the beginning of the cycle and ovulation
Use the cycle calendar to note your weight, sleep, temperature and amount of water you drink
Women's period calendar will remind you to take contraceptives
Women's menstrual diary will remind you to take pills


Save the history of your cycles and analyze their length (to make it easier to calculate the ovulation calendar)
A women's menstruation diary will allow you to view BTT and ovulation graphs
Women's menstruation calendar will help you study changes in cycle length
a women's period diary will help you analyze changes in weight and activity during the day


Women's period calendar in Russian will allow you to learn more about your body
a women's period diary for a woman will allow you to read useful information about health every day
female cycle calendar, menstrual diary will allow you to receive useful advice from professional doctors


Protect your cycle calendar (personal data) with a password or fingerprint scanner
choose a women's diary design

Install the women's calendar and join 70 million girls and women who already trust Flo's women's diary.

Any girl should be able to use a menstrual calendar. Moreover, women should keep this calendar regardless of whether they are sexually active or not. By the regularity of the menstrual cycle, we can tell whether a woman is healthy or not, and not just that her reproductive function is in order. For example, a disruption in the menstrual cycle may indicate a disruption of endocrine function, or a woman’s low weight.

It is simply necessary to keep track of your periods; a period calendar helps with this. This calendar helps to avoid on time unwanted pregnancy, also determine the days of ovulation - the days most favorable for pregnancy. Among gynecologists, there is an opinion that using the same monthly calendar, you can plan the gender of the child. They say that if you conceive a child exactly in the middle of ovulation, then there is a high probability that a boy will be born, but if 1-2 days earlier or later, a girl will be born. Doctors explain this by saying that the motility of sperm that carry the male chromosome is much greater in the middle of ovulation.

Period cycle interval healthy woman, ranges from 28 to 35 days. Most women have 29-30 days. If your critical days are beyond this interval, you better consult a doctor. The menstrual cycle is usually counted from the first day of bleeding of one period to the first day of bleeding of the next. When asked by the doctor when your last critical days were, you should name the first day - the last bleeding.

For expectant mothers, a menstrual calendar will help calculate the day of birth. Duration healthy pregnancy in humans, it is 280 days. You can download the monthly calendar for free. The size of the calendar is 85 x 33 mm (78 kb), in this size, this calendar is very convenient to carry in your wallet, in a place for plastic cards.

If you were looking for conception calendar, then an overview of the best of them can be found in.

Women's period calendar for 2016

This is what the women's calendar looks like, which you can download for free. Once you download it, all you need to do is print it out and put it in your purse.

The months are made in different colors, so it will be easy to navigate on a small calendar. You can download it for free from the mail cloud (png, 73 kb, 85x38 mm)

Download period calendar for 2017

Each subsequent monthly calendar template is subject to improvement. And this one, for 2017, has become even more convenient than the previous one. Now there are dates on it that you can simply cross out with crosses. And the size is even better. After downloading this monthly calendar in vector PDF, you can print it in any size convenient for you.

Period calendar for 2018

In practice, it was discovered that it is better to celebrate women's days in a regular calendar, but in a small size. We suggest you download this monthly calendar for 2018 in the format

A women's menstrual calendar is necessary for ladies for various purposes, from monitoring the health of the internal genital organs to planning the sex of the child. It is with the help of a calendar that the gynecologist sets the gestational age and date of birth, may suggest hormonal imbalances, etc. But let's talk about everything in order.

About the menstrual cycle and calendar

The online women's period calendar will be useful for both teenagers and older ladies. In general, to all representatives of the fair sex who menstruate. The first menstruation begins in girls aged 11-16 years (usually) and continues throughout the reproductive period of life, until menopause. And this happens, most often, at the age of 45-55, but sometimes at an earlier date.

Menstruation may be absent in young and middle age due to serious illnesses, taking certain medications and the installation of the Mirena intrauterine system (in this case, menstruation may become very scanty or disappear altogether while the device is in the uterus). In addition, there is no menstruation during pregnancy, and for many women during lactation (especially in the first months, when feedings are very frequent and regular). Menstruation disappears in women with low body weight (this is already a pathology). All this is called secondary amenorrhea.

The women's menstrual calendar helps you to determine your menstrual irregularities for free. Many women experience delays in menstruation for various reasons. The cause may be a stressful situation, illness, hormonal imbalance, etc. It is very important not to miss the onset of the delay and if it lasts more than 2 weeks, consult a doctor. If, in addition to this, any pathological signs and ailments are observed, then even earlier.

So, how to use a women's period calendar online? All that is required of you is to correctly select the start date of your menstruation and be sure to correctly register the average duration of the menstrual cycle. Since if menstruation is not regular, then the schedule compiled by the program will not be very reliable (with regard to determining the day of ovulation, dangerous and safe days, etc.). The calendar will calculate your menstrual cycle for as many months as you wish, or rather, specify. The program will use different colors to distinguish the days of the expected onset of menstruation, safe days, as well as days when conception is most likely, including the date of ovulation (it will be highlighted orange). Let's take a closer look at the purposes for which the obtained data can be used.

Ways to use a menstrual calendar

1. Take it with you to a consultation with a gynecologist. This is the first option that comes to mind. Gynecologists are always interested in the dates of the last menstruation, the regularity of bleeding, duration, and level of blood loss. This is where a printed women's period calendar comes in handy.

2. Accelerate the onset of pregnancy. Everything is very simple - you need to not abstain from sexual relations on days marked with orange and green colors. With a high degree of probability, conception will occur. But even if it didn’t work out the first time, it doesn’t matter! There was probably no ovulation in this cycle. This also happens. You can also determine whether ovulation has occurred or not by measuring basal temperature, using ultrasound or special tests.

3. Protect yourself from pregnancy. Let us immediately clarify that this method is considered ineffective, approximately the same as interrupted sexual intercourse. In order to use the calendar method of pregnancy protection, you should be able to accurately calculate ovulation yourself; the online women's period calendar is, of course, an assistant here, but not indispensable. The same ovulation tests and ultrasound will let you know much more accurately dangerous day. The calendar will indicate the range, the period of time when it is better to abstain from sexual relations. It is very good to combine the calendar method with the use of other contraceptives, for example, spermicides.

4. Calculation of gestational age and date of birth. The first thing a gynecologist is interested in when a new patient comes to see him is the first day of her last period. It is on the basis of this date that the obstetric gestational age is determined. The Naegele formula is used: three months are subtracted from the first day of the last menstruation and seven days are added. I would like to say that this formula only works in the case of a 28-30 day cycle. Well, knowing the obstetric period, it will not be difficult to calculate the date of birth, taking into account the fact that bearing a child lasts 40 weeks or 10 lunar months (in lunar month 28 days). The women's menstrual calendar will help you remember when your last period began and see the approximate date of conception - this can also be important when calculating the date of birth.

5. Planning the gender of the child. Exists great amount ways to conceive a child of the desired sex, although science is very skeptical about this. There is a version that the sex of the child depends on the time of its conception. So, if a child was conceived exactly on the day the egg left the ovary, then with a high degree of probability a boy will be born, if sexual intercourse took place a little earlier than ovulation, then a girl will be born. The thing is that supposedly sperm, carriers of the Y chromosome (boys), are very mobile and fast, but they die very quickly in the female genital organs, and therefore, if you want a boy, you must create all the conditions for fertilization to occur as as quickly as possible. If you dream of a daughter, then it is advisable, on the contrary, to be sexually active within 2-3 days before ovulation. Female sperm remain viable for several days. The theory is interesting, but again not proven by science. If you decide to experiment, use our free women's period calendar to visualize your ovulation days and gender planning, respectively.

Every woman experiences monthly menstruation before menopause. This cycle is a natural physiological process that is associated with the release of blood from the uterus. As a result of the rupture, there is an exit that was enclosed in it. Menstruation allows a woman to track ovulation and, if necessary, plan to conceive a child.

It is very correct if a woman keeps a monthly calendar. The cycle diary allows her to avoid many troubles and, if necessary, contact a gynecologist in a timely manner.

Keeping a menstruation calendar has a number of positive aspects:

  • The calendar helps control the functioning of the reproductive system. And if even minor deviations occur, the woman promptly consults a doctor with certain complaints.
  • This can be done easily, since the calendar will allow you to accurately identify.
  • You can always avoid unwanted pregnancy, since calculations will allow you to determine the safest days for sexual intercourse.
  • The calendar makes it possible not to use contraceptives. This is especially true, which have a number of unpleasant side effects.
  • Knowing your cycle, you can easily plan your vacation, travel, gym, or visit to the pool.

There are two ways to maintain a calendar.

  • To do this, you can use an ordinary small calendar, in which it is enough to highlight the start and end dates of critical days. If this is carried out over 3-4 months, you can accurately determine your cycle: the time of the next period, its beginning and end.
  • The girls resort to modern method maintaining a calendar. To do this, they use a mobile application that has convenient programs for monitoring Women's Day. Using the keyboard, you simply mark the beginning and end of your period, and special programs independently calculate the days and safe period for sexual contact.

IMPORTANT! These methods will help track the course of the cycle, identify their failure, help analyze their cause, and if in any doubt, contact a gynecologist in a timely manner.

Is it necessary for infertility?

Despite the fact that a woman has been diagnosed with infertility, a women's wellness calendar will help the doctor monitor her health condition. Even with this diagnosis, women ovulate, and you can easily calculate the days that are favorable for conception. Infertility is treatable.

And if a woman has a chance of having a baby, it is important to monitor her menstrual cycle to determine perfect days with a high percentage chance of conceiving a child. This is especially important for patients who have developed infertility due to hormonal disorders.

The advantages of keeping a calendar for women with infertility are as follows:

  • You can determine whether the cycle is normal.
  • Whether the woman had irregular periods or not.
  • What negative feelings did you have during your period?
  • How long did it take for menstruation to begin, if there was a delay?

IMPORTANT! Having studied all the information, the doctor can monitor the patient’s reproductive work and select a set of drugs that will eliminate deviations in the cycle.

Cycle calculation rules

There are several options that will help you calculate the cycle correctly. A woman can choose the one that is most convenient for her.

Calendar method

On the calendar it is necessary to mark the beginning and end of menstruation, as well as the days for how long they lasted. It is imperative to indicate how you felt on a given day. Next, carry out the following calculations:

  • Choose the shortest cycle and subtract 18 from the number of days.
  • Select the longest period of the cycle and subtract 11 from the number of days.
  • The number that was obtained from the calculations is the days of ovulation.

IMPORTANT! This is an approximate calculation because... This method makes it difficult to accurately determine the date of ovulation.

For health

A woman who keeps daily records of her health can easily determine the days of ovulation.

To do this, you need to watch for the following signs:

  • . During the period of ovulation, they have a thicker consistency, are plentiful and have a yellowish tint. Outwardly, they resemble the white of a chicken egg.
  • May be observed.
  • Libido increases. This is especially pronounced in women who do not have a regular life. sex life.
  • and they start to hurt.
  • Taste preferences change. There is a desire to eat sweet or salty foods. Often there is a disgust for perfume.
  • Stomach upset or flatulence may occur.

Basal temperature

Over the course of a month, a woman’s basal level may change. But you can calculate a more accurate ovulation date after regular measurements for 3-6 months. To do this, immediately after waking up in the morning, you need to measure the temperature in the vagina, rectum or mouth.

IMPORTANT! Sleep should be at least 6 hours long.

Measurements are taken from 6 to 8 am. You must hold the thermometer for at least 5 minutes.

Using the data obtained, a graph is made. Where the X axis represents the day and the Y axis represents the temperature. And if the normal temperature is 36.3 - 36.8 degrees, then the day before ovulation it decreases.

Then there is a sharp increase within 37 - 37.5 degrees. This period is the moment of ovulation. Then the temperature decreases and remains within normal limits until menstruation.

A few days before the critical days, it decreases again.

Taking into account all these nuances, using a chart you can easily calculate the day of ovulation.

Application of the test

Ovulation is possible, which are sold in pharmacies. It is necessary to conduct a morning urine test. They do this daily. The test can determine the level of LH hormones. They are always in the urine. But the day before ovulation their balance changes. This will be indicated by a second, barely noticeable line on the test.


An ultrasound will accurately determine the day of ovulation. To do this, you need to conduct 3-4 studies. The first is carried out 5-8 days from the start of menstruation.

The monitor will show the progress of the egg into the uterus. At the second ultrasound session we will see how far she has progressed. The doctor counts the days of ovulation according to indications. Two more surveys are carried out to confirm the calculations.

Is a calendar needed for conception?

Every woman dreams of becoming a mother. To accurately plan your pregnancy, a calendar will help, with which you can accurately calculate the most favorable days for conception.

A woman needs to mark the day her period starts and the day it ends every month. In this way, you can easily see a delay in menstruation. If no changes occur within a week, you can schedule an ultrasound to confirm pregnancy.

Calculating ovulation to conceive a pregnancy will allow you not only to accurately plan your pregnancy, but also to calculate the child’s birthday. The simplest is the Naegele method. To do this, you need to subtract 3 months from the first day of your last period and add 7 days. The resulting number will indicate the expected date of birth.

IMPORTANT! This formula is suitable for women with a regular cycle lasting 28 days.

If the cycle is smaller or larger, it is necessary to add or subtract the difference between the number of days of the 28-day cycle and the woman’s cycle.

Women of childbearing age are advised to keep a menstrual calendar. It will help track your cycle, determine the exact day of ovulation, and identify pathological changes. Knowing exactly the start and end dates of menstruation, you can easily avoid pregnancy or, if desired, determine the most ideal time for conception.

Women's Calendar for Windows is a convenient women's application that allows you to control your menstrual cycle, fertile days, ovulation and days of conception. Creates graphs analyzing the duration of your cycle, symptoms and mood during your critical days.

The program is a calendar, each day of which you can fill in with various data: sex today, beginning/end of menstruation, symptoms (acne, sensitive breasts, lower back pain, etc.), mood (about 40 emoticons to convey mood), other (weight, temperature, medications). All this data will help predict your well-being and mood for the next cycle, and at your doctor’s appointment you will not forget these nuances.

When you fill out the calendar, the utility will automatically calculate fertile days and ovulation, and also control the number of days of delay. Pregnancy mode will turn off the cycle count and will count the number of days until delivery. You can make your calendar more beautiful by changing skins, calendar and chart icons to suit your taste. The notification menu will always warn you about the start of your period or other data that you connect.

It’s very easy to download the Women’s Calendar for free on your computer or smartphone. By creating your account and securing it with a password, you can access your calendar from other devices. Cloud backup can restore data if it is lost. The program has a report function that can be sent by e-mail to the doctor.