
Child's health. Scientific review. Health Sciences Healthy Eating for Children

Protecting and promoting the health of preschool children as a social and pedagogical problem.

Klimentyeva T.A.,

physical education instructor,

State Public Enterprise "Nursery - Garden No. 16 of the city akimat"

Kostanay Department of Education of the Akimat

city ​​of Kostanay"

Preschool age is a special period of child development. Since it is during this period that we teachers and parents lay the foundation for the health of children, the endurance and resistance of their body to the adverse influences of the external environment. One of the aspects of the development of a child’s personality is physical development, which is most directly related to health. During preschool childhood, the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, comprehensive motor training and harmonious physical development are laid. The outstanding teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized that their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, and self-confidence depend on the health and cheerfulness of children.

Currently, the World Health Organization carries out its work under the humane slogan for the entire history of mankind: “In the 21st century, health for every person on the planet!” And the concept of “health” is defined as physical, mental and social well-being. This interpretation raises the role of physical education to a completely new level; it becomes the basis for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for people in general. P.I. Kalyu noted that some authors interpret health as a state, others as a dynamic process, and others bypass the concept. Analyzing all the authors, he comes to the conclusion that currently teachers are inclined to believe that health is a dynamic process. Having analyzed the existing concepts of “health”, we can identify four main models: medical, biomedical, biosocial, value-social.

Along with environmental pollution in the republic, the acceleration of the pace of life of society, the associated increase in negative emotions of children, external instability and economic difficulties associated with financial crises, there is an exhaustion of protective mechanisms, a breakdown of the immune system of preschool children, and an increase in pathologies. The most critical group of the population, in whose depths the foundations of the future health and well-being of the nation of the republic are laid, are preschool children. These factors and pathologies are manifested in the destruction of the upbringing and education of children in families, the high level of illness among parents themselves, and not just children, pedagogical and medical problems, and also contributes to the increase in children with disabilities in health, and make the problem even more urgent.

The health of a preschool child mainly depends on the conditions of society, family life, hygienic culture, the status of healthcare and education, social and pedagogical problems in the republic and the world.

The problem of maintaining and strengthening the health of children upon admission to a preschool institution is identified in 27.5% of children with health problems; with poor posture – 24.5%; Every year the percentage of diseases of the digestive system increases - this accounts for almost half of the children attending preschool institutions; and there is also a tendency towards an increase in circulatory diseases - 42%.

Having analyzed the morbidity of preschool children from 3 to 6 years of age, we can say that a child during preschool childhood is often exposed to various factors (ecology, humans, nature). The percentage of children with acute respiratory diseases, tonsillitis, otitis media is increasing, and this leads to underdevelopment of both the physical qualities and mental and psychological development of the child. Often sick children encounter diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In the Republic there is a large percentage of children with a positive Mantoux test, which leads to lung diseases. That is, preschool children have a weak percentage of immunity.

The causes of deterioration in health are varied, Vfrom just a few of them:

    To climatic conditions : lack of oxygen, long winter accompanied by low air temperatures, short daylight hours in winter, sudden changes in atmospheric pressure and air temperature, lack of bright natural colors,lowcontentiodine in water and much more;

    With social conditions . Intensification of work leads to frequent stress, prolonged physical or intellectual stress. In recent years, we are increasingly faced with situations where, in fear of losing their jobs, mothers have to leave even six-month-old babies with grandmothers and nannies. Which also negatively affects somatic and umchild's social health;

    T technologization of life . Some pregnant women, due to their profession, have to work at a computer. And it is known that even minimal radiation harms the health of the fetus. This also includes frequent, uncontrolled use of a cell phone.

The health of children also depends on their social well-being, that is, the family. The concept of preschool education pays attention to the connection between the family and the preschool institution in the field of health. The family and kindergarten are chronologically connected by a form of continuity, which facilitates the continuity of the upbringing and education of children. However, a preschooler is not a baton that the family passes into the hands of teachers. What is important here is not the principle of parallelism, but the principle of interpenetration of two social institutions... The most important condition for continuity is the establishment of confidential business contact between the family and the preschool institution, during which the educational position of parents and teachers is adjusted.

The implementation of the main provisions related to the protection and promotion of health of preschool children was directed to the search for innovative physical education and health work of teachers, assessment of health and physical development.

Preserving and strengthening the health of pupils, as the main task of a preschool institution, should be based on children’s conscious attitude to health and should become a systemic factor in physical education and health activities, subject to certain pedagogical conditions.

1) Timely professional development of physical education instructors. One of the most important priority tasks is health-saving technologies, without which the educational process of preschool education cannot proceed. Health-saving pedagogical process - the process of educating and teaching preschool children in the mode of upbringing physical culture, health-preserving and health-enriching; interaction between children and teachers specially organized in time and within the framework determined by the educational system. Health-saving technology is aimed at solving the priority problem of modern preschool education, preserving and enriching the health of children in a preschool institution. The goal of health-saving technologies is to develop a child’s conscious attitude to his health, to accumulate knowledge about it and the ability to protect it, to have knowledge of valeological competence, which allows a preschooler to independently solve the problems of a healthy lifestyle.

2) Creation of conditions and maintenance of a health-preserving environment for preschool children in preschools. The full and comprehensive development of children cannot be achieved without correctly organized motor activity of preschool children at a sufficient level, which has a great impact on health and physical development. The organization of motor activity contributes to the effective organization of the pedagogical process and allows solving a number of problems:

    development of movements and improvement of motor functions;

    achieving the necessary physical fitness;

    prevention of various disorders of the musculoskeletal system;

    education of strong-willed personality traits, activity, independence;

    creating conditions for children’s relaxation, various activities during routine moments, that is, games, entertainment, sports events, health days, etc.

When organizing the educational process, we take into account the age and individual characteristics of children, their interests and abilities. And an important principle in organizing the educational process is the principle of health-improving orientation, which dominates the health of all forms of educational work with children. The most important principle can also be identified as the harmony of three principles; they are, in harmonious combinations, directions in the development of a child: physical, emotional-personal, intellectual.

Many years of research conducted by leading scientists have proven that preschool age is extremely important for the formation of intelligence, personality, social and emotional development of a person.

In turn, the implementation of the social order of society, parents, and elementary schools for the formation of the personality of a preschool child, who has not only a set of knowledge, but also knows how to apply this knowledge in practice, and quickly adapt to the environment, involves updating the content of educational programs. In the program of education and training of children of primary preschool age “Zerek Bala” (from 3 to 5 years), in the program of education and training of children of primary preschool age “Bfrom mektepke baramyz"(from5 before6 years) involves the use of new modern approaches to organizing the pedagogical process focused on the needs and capabilities of the child, aimed at his competence development. And this, in turn, requires a thoughtful, creative teacher who knows not only teaching methods, but also, to a greater extent, methods of designing his activities, predicting the processes of child development, methods of observing and assessing his development.


1. Antonov, Yu. E. Healthy preschooler: social and health technology of the 21st century / Yu. E. Antonov. – M.: Education, 2008. – 198 p.

2. Butuzova, A. S. Medical and pedagogical health work / A. S. Butuzova, P. A. Volkov // Preschool education. – 2003. - No. 4. – 44 s.

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4. Gupp, G. M. Modern technologies of health protection: textbook. allowance / G. M. Gupp - St. Petersburg. 2010. – 185 p.

5. Kamenskaya, V. G. Conceptual foundations of health-saving technologies for the development of children of preschool and primary school age: textbook. village / V. G. Kamenskaya, S. A. Kotova; edited by N. A. Notkina. - St. Petersburg: Book House, 2008. – 224 p.

6. Kochetkova, L. V. Health improvement of children in kindergarten / L. V. Kochetkova. – M.: Education, 2005. – 233 p.


This article presents the results of scientific and practical research on assessing the nutrition of children of preschool and primary school age.


menu layout

organization of school meals

physical development

1. Vorontsov I.M., Tikhvinsky S.B. Anthropometric screening during mass examinations of children: method. rec. – L., 1991. – 29 p.

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3. Martinchik A.N. Physiology of nutrition: textbook. for students institutions prof. education. – M., 2013. – 240 p.

4. Prokhorov A.O. Methods for diagnosing and measuring mental states of the individual. – M., 2004. – 176 p.

5. On approval of methodological recommendations for organizing meals for students and pupils of educational institutions: Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia N 213n, Ministry of Education and Science of Russia N 178 of 03/11/2012 [Electronic resource] // Reference and legal system “Consultant Plus”. Update date: 02/17/2016. Access mode: local.

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7. SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations / approved. Resolution Ch. sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation No. 26 dated May 15, 2015 [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Cap. from the screen.

8. SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of meals for students in general education institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education / approved. Resolution Ch. sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation No. 45 dated July 23, 2008 [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Cap. from the screen.

9. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for feeding children in preschool educational institutions / ed. M.P. Mogilny, V.A. Tutelyana. – M., 2010. 584 p.

10. Tutelyan V.A., Vyalkov A.I., Razumov A.N., Mikhailov V.I., Moskalenko K.A., Odinets A.G., Sbezhneva V.G., Sergeev V.N. The scientific basis of healthy eating. – M., 2010. – 816 p.

11. Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association. Ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects / adopted at the 18th General Assembly of the World Medical Association (WMA; Helsinki, Finland, June 1964; with subsequent amendments. [Electronic resource]. Access mode Caption from the screen.

An indispensable condition for maintaining the health of the nation, one of the most important factors in preventing diseases and increasing the adaptive capabilities of the body is nutrition, especially proper, healthy, rational nutrition. The importance of rational nutrition of the younger generation is great for ensuring the processes of growth and development, physical and neuropsychic development. In addition, it is necessary to keep in mind the fact that the formation of a number of nutrition-dependent diseases occurs in childhood, while being obviously preventable.

But what is the actual situation with the nutrition of children and adolescents? For this purpose, we conducted a number of studies. The object of the study is children of preschool and primary school age. A set of methods was used (hygienic, clinical, sociological), more detailed information about which is presented in the relevant parts of the article. All studies were conducted with the informed consent of children and their parents in accordance with the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki on ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects.

At first glance, it may seem that the problem of nutrition for organized preschoolers (i.e., children attending preschool educational institutions) does not exist - four nutritious meals are provided for them. However, an analysis of the 10-day menus of pupils in one of the kindergartens in our city (children aged from 3 to 7 years) showed a clear discrepancy with existing standards.

The nutrition model is built without taking into account the physiological needs of children. The energy value of dishes in the vast majority of analyzed days is below the recommended value for a given age. Significant deviations from existing norms of consumption of macro- and micronutrients were revealed, which was accompanied by an imbalance in the diet. When compiling the diets, seasonal features were not taken into account - the menus of the two seasons were almost the same, the changes concerned only the volume of products. In addition, significant deviations in indicators characterizing the daily diet were noted, beyond the recommended values ​​(± 5%). For example, the fat content ranged from 37.7 to 130.6 g/day, with the latter value being 2 times higher than the norm. Fourfold fluctuations in the daily content of carbohydrates (149 - 488 g) and ascorbic acid (14 - 71 mg) were noted.

To reduce the possible risk of developing nutrition-related diseases in kindergarten students, it is necessary to change the diet. Therefore, the practical result of this work was the preparation of an approximate menu for 10 days using technological maps.

Difficulties in creating an optimal cyclic menu for organizing children's nutrition of different age groups in children's schools are most often due to ignorance of modern principles of rational nutrition and the inability to rationally use food products recommended for children of different age groups.

As is known, the period of school education is associated with the risk of health problems. The contribution of “school” to health is large - from 12.6% in primary school to 20.5% by the end of school. Nutrition is the most important and controllable health factor; It is believed that nutrition underlies or has a significant role in the formation and characteristics of the course of about 80% of all known pathological conditions. The two postulates above determine the importance of nutrition for school-age children.

As for feeding schoolchildren at home, this, figuratively speaking, lies on the conscience of the parents. (But in this direction, educational work is also necessary, creating conditions for the implementation of the developed principles of the concept of rational nutrition). But children spend a significant part of their time in schools, and the problem of organized meals for schoolchildren is not new and has not been completely resolved, despite a number of measures being taken. The Decree of the Government of the Novosibirsk Region approved the concept and is developing a draft long-term target program “Improving the organization of school meals in the Novosibirsk Region for 2012-2016.” The problem of organizing high-quality and affordable hot meals in educational institutions is one of the most significant for both the state and society as a whole. The period from 7 to 18 years, when a child spends most of his time at school, experiences the most intense somatic growth of the body, accompanied by increased mental and physical stress.

In this regard, in one of the studies, we set a goal to study the impact of organized nutrition on the physical and mental state of schoolchildren. This study was conducted on junior schoolchildren (age 9 - 10 years). Children (40 people) were divided into two groups. The division is based on the characteristics of nutrition during the period at school. Children of the first group received hot breakfast and lunch in an organized manner in the school canteen, while children of the other group ate independently in the buffet.

To identify the contribution of different dietary variations, we carried out;

Based on our own anthropometric studies, assessment of physical development using the screening test according to Vorontsov I.M. .

Based on the analysis of medical records, assessment and distribution of children into health groups in accordance with the generally accepted approach.

In addition, the color-drawing test by A.O. was used to diagnose mental states. Prokhorova, G.N. Gening. The test has high correlates with reference methods for diagnosing mental states (Luscher test, Lutoshkin technique), is accessible and easy to use.

The color-drawing test revealed a positive mental state in the majority of schoolchildren, however, there were minor differences in the presence of signs of fatigue and exhaustion - in the first group in 1 child, and in the second - in 3.

As for health and its components, the analysis of the results showed more significant, statistically significant (non-parametric test, chi-square, P = or less than 0.05), differences between groups (table).

Characteristics of physical development of schoolchildren's health

Indicator under study


Health, distribution by health groups. Share of children, %

Group 1 - healthy children.

Group 2 - children with reduced resistance and functional impairments.

Group 3 - children with chronic diseases in the compensation stage.

Physical development, distribution by physical development groups.

Share of children, %

Group 1 - without pronounced anthropometric deviations.

Group 2 - with minor anthropometric deviations, “risk” group, “borderline” group.

Group 3 - children with severe anthropometric disorders.

In both samples, the proportion of children of health groups I and II prevailed - 84% (in the first group of subjects) and 63% (in the second). It is necessary to note the small number of healthy children in the first group and the absence of them in the second. The main difference between the groups was the proportion of children with chronic diseases, 16% and 37%, respectively. The distribution of schoolchildren in terms of physical development was also unequal. The proportion of children without pronounced deviations in anthropometric signs in the second group was almost two times less compared to the first group (63% and 37%), respectively, there were more children classified as “borderline” (26% and 42%, respectively) and the group with pronounced deviations of anthropometric characteristics (11% and 21%, respectively).

Thus, schoolchildren who receive organized hot meals during the school day have better health, develop harmoniously and experience more positive emotions. For a more accurate assessment of health, an additional in-depth examination of schoolchildren of the second group is necessary with the involvement of specialized specialists and dispensary monitoring by a school pediatrician.

The results of the conducted research serve as one of the “building blocks” in the large pyramid of knowledge on the issue of “Nutrition and Health” and indicate the need to continue work to substantiate and implement theoretical and practical recommendations for rational, adequate nutrition.

Bibliographic link

Semenova V.N., Galuzo N.A., Lutkovskaya N.A., Zyryanova E.L., Kolchenko N.V. ABOUT CHILDREN'S NUTRITION // Rational nutrition, food additives and biostimulants. – 2016. – No. 3. – P. 58-60;
URL: (access date: 01/31/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences" 1

The article analyzes the characteristics of the neuro-mental health of preschool children. A natural hygiene experiment assessing visual thinking and anxiety levels revealed the influence of intra-environmental factors on the mental health of three- and six-year-old children in children's educational institutions. The “objectless drawing” technique revealed a predominance of children with a low level of mastery of colors, lines and shapes, as well as an increase in anxiety and the frequency of neurotic reactions in three-year-old children in the observation group. The integral use of techniques allows for the diagnosis and prevention of changes in mental health at the stage of preschool education. The search for new promising technologies for protecting and strengthening the mental health of preschool children is urgent. Achieving positive changes in the mental health of children is possible only on the basis of close integration of medical workers, representatives of preventive medicine with psychological and pedagogical services.


Semenova N.V. 1 Shcherba E.V. 1

1 Omsk state medical academy


In article the analysis of features of psychological health of children of preschool age is carried out. Natural hygienic experiment according to visual thinking and level of uneasiness taped influence of intra environmental factors on mental health of children of three and six years in child care educational institutions. The technique of “pointless drawing” found prevalence of children with low level of development of color, lines and forms, and also augmentation of uneasiness and frequency of neurotic reactions in children of three years of group of observation. Integrated application of techniques allow to carry out diagnostics and prophylaxis of changes in mental health at a stage of preschool education. Search of new perspective technologies of protection and strengthening of mental health of children of preschool age is actual. Achievement of positive shifts in mental health of children is possible only on the basis of close integration of medical workers, representatives of a prokfilaktic link of medicine with pedagogical service.


Bibliographic link

Semenova N.V., Shcherba E.V. FEATURES OF CHILDREN'S NERVO-MENTAL HEALTH IN CHILDREN'S EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS // Scientific review. Medical Sciences. – 2014. – No. 2. – P. 129-130;
URL: (access date: 01/31/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

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