Useful tips

Boss's anniversary scenario in the office. Scenario for celebrating the birthday of the CEO of the company. Hottabych - the director's partner - corporate scenario. Happy birthday greetings to the manager, director, boss

Is your boss celebrating his birthday and you want to congratulate him? Put on a funny skit for the manager's birthday, in which three employees participate.

This miniature begins with the words of the presenter:
- Everyone knows how New Year when you meet him, you will see him through. What do they say in our company? If you congratulate the director on his birthday, you will receive the same salary.

Three men - office workers - come onto the stage.

- Well, we bought cognac, we bought a branded fountain pen, we bought a Swiss watch. What else is there?
– I need to write a congratulation, I’ve already prepared a card.
- Yes, I’ve been composing this congratulation for an hour now, and it’s all to no avail! Well, for example:

Director's birthday
Celebrated at the restaurant.
Everyone came as if to a planning meeting.
Even those you didn't invite.

During this skit to congratulate the manager on his birthday, employees sigh and begin to walk around the stage, writing congratulations.

One of them stops:
– You and I have become like family! Why, boss, work on weekends? So what do you think?
- What are you, a fool? He'll strangle us right away!

– Then so... For the sake of respect in our team, don’t skimp on the corporate party!
- Well, you found something to offer! In order not to save money on the corporate event, our salaries will be reduced.

The director's birthday skit continues, and the employees again begin to walk back and forth across the stage, contemplating congratulations to the director.

One of them stops:
– How do you like this option? We wish you happiness in your personal life! Take sick leave more often.
“I think after this he’ll eat us, without any sauce.”
– You won’t please! So come up with it yourself then.

– I would write it like this: Chief! You are an authority for us, but don’t keep us at lunch!

All three are scratching their heads.

- Let's better write something beautiful. This congratulation should be beautiful, like... the boss's secretary.
- Or maybe we’ll tie a bow around the secretary and give it to him?
– I think it’s better to buy another bottle of cognac.

The sketch congratulating the manager on his birthday ends with all three saying:
– Exactly, and this time we’ll congratulate him without a card!

Yana Simonyan
Script for congratulating the manager on his anniversary

Leading: - Our dear Nadezhda Sergeevna, Today we have a solemn occasion for which we have gathered here.

Our birthday boy has an important event in life: birthday! And before we start celebrating, I wanted (A) would be the first today congratulate Happy day to you anniversary!. I would like to wish you great bright happiness, warmth from loved ones and friends, understanding and prosperity. And today they came for you congratulate your team, Your colleagues.

Congratulations from the team

We wish you well, prosperity,

Good luck, inspiration and strength.

And so that every day to come

Brought luck and joy.

More light, more pleasure,

Fragrant flowers, sweet songs,

Warmth, peace of mind,

Comfort in the home and prosperity.

Work is your life, and your success.

You all solve problems with courage,

Lead us, root for everyone,

One for all. You are moving things along.

How can we express our recognition to you?

We have a desire to work with you!

Important, serious

And I am confident in myself.

Sometimes you are strict

But not intentionally.

We wish you easy everyday life and a fun weekend,

The best subordinates, the most affectionate relatives,

So that plans are fulfilled, so that bonuses flow,

May these wishes come true!

We wish you on your birthday

Love, health and luck,

In work - success and good luck,

And all wishes come true

As soon as possible, no less!

Have a great mood

We wish you with all our hearts now!

May everyone be filled with moments

Good luck and happiness! Congratulations!

There's a song playing "Happy birthday". Guests gather in the hall for the ceremony congratulations to the hero of the day. The hero of the day enters the hall, and sits down in a festive chair.

Here's to the end of another year

The years melt like candy in your mouth

We start a round dance on this day

Spending the year with God.

Birthday comes once a year - they say

But you can walk for three days in a row

Once a year it's everyone's birthday

Yes, again, it depends on who.


A year has passed, what a little, there will be new years

Pour- congratulations, have a drink, gentlemen

Everything that was - everything remains, has not gone anywhere

Pour- congratulations, have a drink, gentlemen.

Thank God, they say, we will live

There is something to remember and forget this year

Islands may go under water

But love must be alive.

Dear colleagues, on the occasion of the golden anniversary of Nadezhda Sergeevna, I invite everyone to become I invite you all to witness a rare event - the discovery of a personal star named Nadezhda. Before presenting a personalized star, all guests of the holiday need to work hard. Our heroine’s name has 7 letters, which means the source of heat and light are 7 rays. But what kind of rays these are, you will determine.

N. - reliable

A – active,

D – Business

E – natural,

F – Cheerful

D - soulful

A – artistic.

WITH Congratulations to Valentina on her anniversary

Nadezhda Sergeevna!

In your honor we open the Star!

We are proud "Hope",

What an amazing person you are!

He knows a lot about his business,

And he works like a wolf.

(star presentation"

(the team goes to their places)

Leading:- And now Nadezhda Sergeevna, a photo album is presented for you, here “The important life moments of the birthday girl are reflected”

On a bright, quiet winter day,

Warmed by the warmth of the sun,

A little girl was born,

To the delight of mother and father.

They named their daughter. Hope

Their joy was felt everywhere

They were proud of their baby

Their eyes shone with happiness.

(photos as a baby)

This. Nadya in kindergarten,

Here with the neighbor's children,

Here he digs in the sand,

Here she sews handkerchiefs for dolls,

Wow, smart little girl!

Here she is leafing through books,

Hope is good for everyone,

It grows up slowly.

(photos as described)

The years passed.

I didn't know any worries

Our. Hope grew.

Here comes the school

First grade,

We have a student here.

(photos of junior school)

Nadezhda studies approximately

School years fly by

Second, fourth, fifth grade

Time flies quickly,

It's almost the last call

For. Hope will ring.

(photos from school years).

Graduation ball,

Our. Nadezhda beauty,

Many boys already like her,

The path of life is open before her,

Maybe he will become a famous star?

Due to his wonderful nature,

Nadezhda decided to become a teacher.

(photo from student years).

In paradise, from the apple tree,

Having once tasted the secret fruit,

Eve became Adam's wife,

Since then, people have been getting married.

Since then people have been playing weddings

Their love is at the core

And this day is the happiest

It won't happen again.

So we got married. Nadezhda Sergeevna s. Vasily Ivanovich,

The people danced at your wedding.

(photos from the wedding day)

Everything is smooth in a young family,

Setting up a house

We bought a TV

Here they hung the carpet,

Everything is beautiful, everything is alright

The clean room is spacious.

(photos of home life).

Once on Christmas Eve at the very

In the night, God willing. Hope daughter!

Happy young father

He brought her a beautiful bouquet.

From the maternity hospital, my daughter and mother,

The happiest one took it,

Brought them home

They began to live as a large family.

(photos in the maternity hospital).

To my daughter. With.

They gave me a name.

The baby turned out nice

Everything looks like mom

In a year, bye. (daughter's name)

I ate sweet porridge

Her sister was born


WITH. (parents' names) happy

Replenishment in the family,

They began to raise girls

Teach intelligence.

(photos of children).

The kids have grown up

IN kindergarten let's go already.

(photos in kindergarten).

New Year's carnival

I gathered everyone near the Christmas tree.

New Year is a fun holiday,

Very happy kids

Santa Claus brought gifts

Everyone shouts hurray in unison!

(New Year's photos).

And ours. Nadezhda's birthday

She is 60 years old today.

How quickly the years rush by,

But for a reason like this

Don't be upset!

Of course it's not 17

And far from 25,

But, to be honest,

There is no reason to be sad!

Our Nadezhda Sergeevna at work

Here she is held in high esteem

Kindergarten became her home

A string of difficult years

Didn't ruin the portrait.

Let's look down honestly:

What were you like before?

I walked - my ribs rang,

And now - what a body!

The bones are overgrown with meat,

Features are rounded:

You are a woman - a flower, a source and a star,

Mysteriously tender, beautiful and proud.

You are the flame of the hearth and home,

You are the light beyond the earth that never goes out.

And now the meaning of the name "Hope"

Nadezhda most often has a masculine character. She is quite self-possessed, firm, purposeful and not very affectionate. Somewhat prudent and adventurous.

Labor is the element of Hope. If she has a small plot of land, she will provide vegetables for the whole family.

Nadezhda’s children grow up well-mannered, they are restrained in spending, they know the value

What does the name Nadezhda mean - characteristics of the name Nadezhda, interpretation of the name Nadezhda

Borrowed from the Old Church Slavonic language, literally translated - "Everything will be fine".

The color of the name is blue.

The energy of the name Nadezhda carries a great charge of patience and readiness for something good. Women with this name have firmness and thoroughness, which are manifested in Nadya’s character with early age. She is quite diligent and patient, although sometimes she is too serious and stubborn. At the same time, she is characterized by optimism and cheerfulness.

She is emotional, but not affectionate, has a sense of self-esteem and even some stubbornness. She is a reliable friend, responsible, and is not afraid of any changes. At the same time, she is a very kind and sympathetic person, smart, insightful and prone to philosophy.

Nadya is gifted with musical talents, loves dancing and adventure, but at times she can be pragmatic and prudent; she prefers business to words. As a rule, Nadezhda is focused on achieving some goal, be it a career or family arrangement. In any case, she will not waste time on trifles, devoting all her efforts to the main thing. If Nadya chooses a career, it is likely that she will not have time left for farming. She is raising wonderful children and is a very loving and caring wife.

Women named Nadezhda make good workers in the field of art, medicine, pedagogy.

Dear N.S., allow me, in honor of your holiday, in honor of anniversary to present a medal

Instructions for the medal:

1. Medals are allocated the best place in the apartment and a special carpet is purchased, where the medal is hung, so that all the neighbors can see the medal.

2. To the recipient of this medal prohibited: get sick, gain weight, lose weight, get angry; It is strictly forbidden to grow old and use the medal to make teeth.

3. The recipient of the medal wears it, as a rule, at home, on the days of family celebrations, on the days of receiving a salary and winning the lottery.

All: WITH Happy anniversary to you!

Congratulatory words from teachers:

1. From An anniversary cannot be missed in life -

They will overtake everyone like a bird.

But the main thing is to carry it through life

Warmth of the soul and a particle of joy.

2. We have gathered in this hall,

Nadezhda Sergeevna regarding your anniversary.

Today he overtook you.

Please accept our congratulations.

3. The road to anniversary,

Sometimes it gets harder

Sometimes it’s easier, but in general -

This is the path of discovery and victory.

4. And it was done. Here he burst with light,

He gave flowers and greetings,

And it became the answer to all questions.

And he brought a covenant on the path forward.

5. Happiness to you! Warmth, kindness, good luck,

Joy, health, beauty,

So that the fire in the hot eyes does not go out,

And the best dreams came true.

6. We all wish you great happiness,

Many, many bright days.

We wish you to smile often,

Don't be upset over trifles,

Don't be nervous and don't get sick,

And, in general, to live and not grow old.

7. May the sun always shine on you,

And the century will last up to a hundred years,

Let never come to your doors

Trouble and grief don't knock.

All: Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!

A gift is given.

There's a song playing "Happy birthday!"

Boss anniversary script

The stage is decorated like a shopping center. At the top there is a sign made of light bulbs that says “Happy Birthday.” There are mannequins in clothes. The presenter appears with a bugle. He tries to blow on it. Nothing works. He spreads his arms, approaches the player, and presses buttons. The sound of a fanfare is heard.

Host: Today we have a special date. We celebrate the anniversary of our leader. In such honor, I propose to stage a performance. I say put on a show.

The mannequins begin to move. Music is playing. It must be prepared in advance. It should be the electronic melody from the song "Cowboy", the movie "The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines".

The presenter sings a song. Text:

The time has come - the anniversary has arrived.
Who doesn't dare meet him?
We congratulate you, it’s hard to be right,
Everyone understands this.

When problems gnaw - you need
Overcome them all within yourself.
Everyone here just needs to work together,
And not to pore over troubles.

We have different things.
Who manages the team?
He knows what is more important, sometimes.
And we remember this very much.

And in the roar of the day, and in the sleepy silence
Anyone will hear your call.
They're always good
And everyone agrees
Who will dare to argue?
Everyone just agrees.

At this time, the mannequins are dancing. The movements should be similar to robots, or like Egyptian dance.

Host: Let's start the anniversary.

After a short break with feasting and dancing, the host appears again, again with a bugle. He looks him over, silently approaches the player and turns it on. The fanfare plays again.

Texts of congratulations can be taken from the Internet. Department heads speak first. Sample texts:

On the upcoming anniversary
We congratulate you.
And health without any fuss
We wish you a happy holiday.

Charges positive
All plans are available.
Your wonderful team
The friendliest in the world.

Congratulations to the management on their anniversary.
Accounting will say a few words.
Know that we care and cherish you together.
Everyone here is ready to admit this!

Congratulations and we wish you good health,
And finances, so that there is a lot of them!
And we confess to you on this day with love:
May you enjoy this verse very much!

The deputy will say the word
On this glorious anniversary.
In a hundred years it will show
All bosses - who is in charge!

We wish on your birthday,
So that success awaits everywhere.
And we wish, without a doubt,
Become brighter, like a star.

The presenter comes out with a bugle, goes to the player, turns it on. Pretends that it is he who makes the fanfare sounds. Removes the forge.

Host: It was not in vain that we decorated our stage like a shopping center. We want to remind you that sometimes people choose their own destiny. Of course, comparison with a store is too much, but there really is something in common. Now I’ll show you where to get a good mood.

He enters one of the doors and comes out with an armful of inflatable colored balls.

Host: You see? Very simple. You can also look for a creative spirit. We have it somewhere after the chips, yeah...

He enters one of the doors. He comes out right away.

Host: There's a line. In general, in order not to leave with nothing, you can go and gain confidence in the future. Of course, it's not free. I'll explain now.

He enters one of the doors. There is a noise, a roar. The presenter comes out with torn pants, but holds a huge blanket in his hands.

Host: That's about it. Yes, for confidence in the future they will now leave you without pants. But that's not the point. There are things that are not sold in stores. People create them themselves, with their own hands. For example, warmth in relationships, trust, desire to work and simple joy of life. On this day we can once again be convinced: we have already created a lot. Let's thank our leadership for this. And then I propose to move on to the holiday and continue it.

Director's certification.

Game moment at the anniversary of the head of the enterprise.

Characters: Leader, Aunt Valya (cleaning lady, a middle-aged woman with a scandalous character, in a robe, headscarf, with a mop and bucket), T a m a r k a (a nurse, a languid, busty blonde in a short white robe, holding a huge syringe in her hands; the nurse could be a man in disguise), Auntie Manya (the cook, a plump woman in a white robe, speaks joyfully and quickly, holding a plate of pies), D i d i F e d i (electrician, in overalls, with dielectric gloves, head bandaged), Dubkov (watchman, old man in a quilted jacket, felt boots, a hat with earflaps, with a gun), Puzikov (inspector, important person, in a suit and helmet).

Before the start of the performance, a table with a decanter of water and a glass is set up on an improvised stage, documents are laid out on the table - these can be texts for the participants in the skit. There are chairs around the table, one of which is located slightly away from the rest and is intended for the hero of the day.

Leading. Not long ago our company underwent certification. A large, serious commission assessed the professional suitability of each employee. And today we decided to evaluate the professional suitability of our director, and not in production issues, in which he is a real pro, but in simpler issues. Household. The most life-like ones. And for this purpose they created a commission “of the people”, the members of which we are pleased to present to you now.

The host announces the characters, the heroes come out and sit down at the table.

The cleaning lady, Aunt Valya, is an expert with buckets and rags. Germs and dust tremble when she appears.
Aunt Valya (looks at the tables). They've made a mess, they've made a mess! They threw bottles! They walk here, they walk, they walk frequently - they don’t even know. Did you wipe your feet?
Leading. The nurse's name is Tamarka. The star of the local first aid station. Injections are her weakness.
Tamarka (comes out beautifully, sits down).
Leading. Pastry chef 4th category Aunt Manya. The source of all problems with overweight the fair half of the enterprise.
Aunt Manya. Hello my sweeties!
Leading. Electrician Pavlov, simply Uncle Fedya. Once I bit an ungrounded wire with my teeth...
Uncle Fedya. Well, what is our agenda... (shakes his head) agenda, agenda?
Leading. The chief security specialist is watchman Dubkov.
Dubkov. Don `t move! I shoot without warning! Wow company!
Leading. Chairman of the commission - safety commissioner Georgiy Puzikov.
Leading. Dear commission, you can begin certification.
Uncle Fedya. Well, what is our agenda... (shakes his head) agenda, agenda?
Tamarka. I suggest you start vaccination immediately!
Aunt Manya. Wait, my sweetie! Better eat some pie!
Aunt Valya. They sit here, they sit... They don’t know why they are sitting. Invite the person being certified!
Leading. (Name, patronymic of the director)! Please go to the place of the person being certified.

The director walks to the table and sits down.

Aunt Valya. Did you wipe your feet?
Aunt Manya. How, (Name, patronymic of the director), Do you like your job?

The director answers.

Puzikov. The main thing is to wear a helmet!
Tamarka. I suggest you start vaccination immediately!
Dubkov. Wow company!
Aunt Valya. I suggest that the commission members ask questions to the person being certified.
Uncle Fedya. Well, what questions do we have... (shakes his head) questions, questions?
Tamarka. Of course, I would like to start vaccination right away, but first I will ask a question. (Name, patronymic of the director), focus, please. What part of the human body is capable of increasing 10 times its size under strong stimulation? (After a pause.) That's right, the pupil. I suggest you start vaccination!
Dubkov. Wow company!
Puzikov. The main thing is to wear a helmet!
Aunt Manya. Tamara, my sweet one, wait, let me ask a question. (Name, patronymic of the director), I have a cooking question. Small, wrinkled, it is in every bun, that is, in every woman. What is this?

If the director answers “zest,” Aunt Manya continues like this: “Oh, (Name Patronymic name), you can see right away that you are a great specialist in buns!” If the director does not answer or answers incorrectly, Aunt Manya continues like this: “Oh, (Name Patronymic name), this is the highlight! You are a great specialist in buns!”

Puzikov. The main thing is to wear a helmet!
Dubkov. Wow company!
Tamarka. I suggest starting vaccination immediately.
Aunt Manya.
Uncle Fedya. And I have a question... (shakes his head) question, question...
Aunt Valya. They ask here, they ask... They don’t know what they’re asking. Stop torturing people!
Dubkov. It won't be enough! (To the director.) Here, for example, is the following situation. For example, you are standing at a post and, for example, you see an extremely suspicious person sneaking along the fence. Your actions?

The director answers.

Wow! And I always run away!
Puzikov. The main thing is to wear a helmet!
Tamarka. I suggest you start vaccination immediately!
Aunt Manya. Wait, my sweet! Better eat some pie!
Uncle Fedya. And I have a question... (shakes his head) question, question...
Aunt Valya. Let me ask. (Name Patronymic name), a question from the HR department. What ends faster than a vacation?

If the director does not answer, Aunt Valya continues like this: “So vacation pay! Well... for you, maybe they don’t run out right away...” If the director answers “vacation pay,” Aunt Valya continues like this: “Wow! And you're running out! I never would have thought!”

Dubkov. Wow company!
Puzikov. The main thing is to wear a helmet!
Aunt Manya. Comrade citizens, the man is well prepared! Still he knows! Let's already decide whether it is suitable or not suitable for the test... that is, for the place.
Puzikov. The main thing is to wear a helmet!
Aunt Valya. And to wipe his feet. And others too. And the pieces of paper - just in the bucket, past - no, no!
Tamarka. And, of course, so that vaccination is on time.
Uncle Fedya. And then there are no questions... (shakes his head) questions, questions...
Aunt Valya. I am reading, therefore, the conclusion. The certified employee corresponds to the position held. Recommended: certify... (Name, patronymic of the director) in his position for another 20 years. Voted: “for” - 5 people, against and abstaining - no! Hurray, comrades!
Puzikov. And most importantly, it should be in a helmet!

The director is given a protocol signed by everyone.

Minutes of the meeting of the working certification commission... (company name).
Members of the commission: Nurse, name Tamarka, Cleaning lady Aunt Valya, Pastry chef 4th category Aunt Manya, Watchman Dubkov, Electrician Uncle Fedya Pavlov, Safety Commissioner Georgy Puzikov.
Agenda: 1. Certification of the director.
Certified... (first name, patronymic, last name)- director… (company name). Work experience at the enterprise - 30 years, in position - 20 years. The certification commission has read the report... (first name, patronymic, last name). The certified employee was asked questions and received comprehensive answers.
Commission decision: the certified employee corresponds to the position held.
Recommended: certify... (first name, patronymic, last name) in his position for another 20 years.
Voted: “for” - 5 people, against and abstaining - no.
The workforce is supportive. The decision of the certification commission is not subject to appeal.
Signatures of the commission members.

Chef's birthday script

How to please your boss on his birthday? Don't get noticed? No, it’s better to hold a solemn holiday in honor of his birthday, and spend it fun and exciting. But just don’t overdo it, because after all, this is your boss!
To make the holiday memorable, and most importantly, your boss will like it, you need to carefully prepare for it. Think in advance about what and how to give to your boss, what words of congratulations to say to him, so as not to lose your salary, and so on. We offer you small recommendations, namely a small script for the boss’s birthday, which you can supplement or slightly adjust to suit your boss, and most importantly, with the help of this script you can find an idea for holding a holiday in honor of your favorite boss.

And what needs to be done after you have gathered with the whole team and discussed what.
Well, firstly, find and prepare the venue for the holiday, that is, decorate the room where the celebration will take place. Don't overdo it at this stage. Let everything be in moderation.
You can, for example, place a happy birthday banner or posters somewhere. A banner can be made from photographs of subordinates. If there are not many subordinates, then you can use photographs of one subordinate for each letter. But the point is that the photographs should not be anyhow, but special. Go to a photo studio and take pictures from different angles with a photo of the boss in your hands, or you can take a photo with the whole team together, holding a banner “happy birthday, beloved boss,” etc.
Well, you decide for yourself with the menu, because everyone has their own tastes. Just be sure to find out about your boss’s tastes and preferences, and don’t go wrong with the menu at this stage!
Now the celebration itself.
These are, of course, all kinds of congratulations and gifts. Decide in what order you will congratulate your boss, and how you will give a gift (from everyone) or gifts.
Also think about various competitions and games (if there are any, of course).
You can sing an adaptation of this song for your boss (namely the boss!) (to the tune of 100 days before the order):
You are the best boss for us
Great success awaits us with you
You are our ruler
The best master!
And when is your birthday
Our team will gather
To congratulate you
And celebrate your birthday to everyone!

Our boss is the best
Our boss couldn't be cooler!
We are waiting for a salary increase,
Happy birthday!
Our boss is the best
There is no cooler boss in the world
Happy birthday!
We all wish you happiness!

And why do we need to submit a report?
Well, why should we worry?
Because today we are walking,
Let's celebrate your birthday!
Well, tomorrow we're on the road again
It will be difficult, so be it.
After all, you need to work
Now let's get together:

Our boss is the best
Our boss couldn't be cooler!
We are waiting for a salary increase,
Happy birthday!
Our boss is the best
There is no cooler boss in the world
Happy birthday!
We all wish you happiness!

Our boss is the best
Our boss couldn't be cooler!
We are waiting for a salary increase,
Happy birthday!
Our boss is the best
There is no cooler boss in the world
Happy birthday!
We all wish you happiness!

Also act out a mini-scene:
The whole team can act out the skit. Place chairs like at work stations and have several people sit on them. They will take folders or sheets of paper in their hands and will diligently pretend that they are working.
Two men in respectable suits (representatives of the inspection company) come in. They look around. They nod their heads and write something down in their notebooks. One of the workers approaches them.
One of the inspectors:
- Good good. How many people do you employ?
- Together with the boss 25.
Another of the inspectors:
- And without a boss?
- And no one works for us without a boss!
And after a few, it’s time for the cake. Turn off the lights and bring out the cake with candles. There should be candles not according to the number of years the boss is, but according to the amount of time he works at this enterprise in his position. To go with the cake, you can tell your boss this poem (modified excerpt from Pushkin’s fairy tale about Tsar Saltan):

Hello, you are our wonderful boss!
Why is it as quiet as a stormy day?
Why aren't you happy about anything?
And why not happy?
Al melancholy eats you up,
Are our team boring?
Are we really no good to you?
If not, then what?
Tell us what the trouble is!
Why are you, our boss, dissatisfied?
We tried so hard for you,
We painted and dressed up
We prepared a big cake
And they baked it with soul,
Your subordinates
In general, we tried our best!
So, our boss, smile
And have fun on your birthday!
Don't count the years
For us you are always young!

And you can end the holiday with a group photo (look at the condition of the employees) and dancing. Oh yes. And don't forget to give your boss this one