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Gall Bladder Meridian (VB)

Gall Bladder Meridian (VB)

The gallbladder performs the function of storing bile. Bile is produced by the liver, passes into the intestines and promotes the absorption of food, the accumulation of bile and its release into the digestive tract.

In practical acupuncture, the gallbladder (VB) meridian points are effectively used for various types of pain. A large number of points located on the head makes it possible to influence headaches, especially when pain is localized in the frontotemporal region. Facial pain, migraine, some inflammatory diseases of the eyes, ear, paranasal sinuses can also be effectively treated with acupuncture of the points of this meridian.

Pain syndromes such as intercostal neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, arthritis, especially of the hip, ankle, and knee joints, can be treated with acupressure of the gallbladder meridian points. Diseases and dysfunctions of the gallbladder and outgoing bile ducts can also be effectively treated through meridian points.

Hypofunction of the gallbladder is in connection with the heart according to the “midnight-noon” rule and often causes some mental disorders, resulting in blurred vision, depression, insomnia, indecisiveness, fatigue, and irascibility. These disorders are accompanied by clumsiness, unsteady gait, dizziness, yellowness of the sclera, etc. Hyperfunction of the meridian is accompanied by bitterness in the mouth, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, heaviness in the head, pain in the lateral abdomen or chest.

The gallbladder meridian belongs to the yang meridian system, paired. The direction of energy in the meridian is centrifugal. The time of maximum activity of the gallbladder meridian is from 23:00 to 1:00, minimum activity is from 13:00 to 15:00.

Signs of redundancy: bitterness in the mouth, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, nausea, swelling of the neck, cheeks and chin, throat diseases, headaches, insomnia, pain and cramps in the thigh and lower leg, hot to the touch foot.

Signs of deficiency: lack of strength and energy, weakness, swelling in the popliteal fossa, in the foot area, swelling in the joints of the lower extremities, yellowness of the sclera, eye diseases, vomiting bile, night sweats, drowsiness, heavy and deep sighs.

According to the classical concept, the gallbladder meridian has internal and external passages (Fig. 20).

Rice. 20. Gall Bladder Meridian

The external passage originates from the outer corner of the eye, passes in front and downward from the tragus of the ear, then rises in front of the auricle, to the temple, goes down again, bending around the ear from the back, reaches the mastoid process, from here from the wan-gu point it goes up to forehead along the scalp, then returns to the occipital region. It descends along the side of the neck and crosses the trapezius muscle, goes to the Da-Zhui point, from here it goes around the front surface of the shoulder joint, reaches the axillary fossa, then in the form of a broken line passes along the side of the chest and torso, then goes along the outer surface of the thigh, shin, runs along the back of the foot and ends at the nail bed of the fourth toe.

The internal passage originates at the tsue-pen point, penetrates inside the chest, goes around the tian-chi point and goes down, crossing the diaphragm, runs along the esophagus and surrounds the stomach, spirals around the liver and branches in the gall bladder.

The gallbladder meridian includes 44 biologically active points. Command points:

– tonic – xia-si VB43;

– sedative – yang-fu VB38;

– accomplice – qiu-xu VB40;

– lo-point – guan-ming VB37, goes to the liver meridian;

– anti-pain – Wai Qiu VB36;

– sympathetic – dan-shu VB19;

- signal - live.

VB1 tong-tzu-liao– 0.5 cm outward from the outer corner of the eye. Indications: headache; eye diseases, lacrimation, decreased visual acuity, signs of optic nerve atrophy, glaucoma; peripheral facial palsy, trigeminal neuralgia.

VB2 ting-hui– anterior and inferior to the tragus of the ear, where the depression is palpated. Indications: noise, ear pain, dizziness, deafness; pain in the teeth, trismus, dislocation of the temporomandibular joint; peripheral facial palsy, trigeminal neuralgia; hemiplegia.

VB3 shang-guan– in the central part of the upper edge of the zygomatic arch. Indications: pain in the temporal region of the head, tinnitus, deafness; tooth pain; peripheral facial palsy, trigeminal neuralgia.

VB4 han-yang– above and posteriorly from the beginning of the scalp of the temple by 1.5 cm, but slightly below the angle of the forehead (and point E8 tou-wei). Indications: pain in the temporal region of the head, migraine, dizziness, tinnitus; pain in the outer corner of the eye; rhinitis; Trigeminal neuralgia, peripheral facial palsy.

VB5 xuan-lu– below the VB4 han-yang point by 1.5 cm and posterior to it by 0.3 cm. Indications: pain in the temporal region of the head, migraine, pain in the outer corner of the eye; toothache, pain in the cheek area; neurasthenia.

VB6 xuan-li– at the horizontal level drawn through the upper edge of the auricle and anterior to the vertical drawn through the front edge of the ear, 1.2 cm. Indications: pain in the temporal region of the head; eye diseases; toothache; swelling of the face.

VB7 qu-bin- at the intersection of the horizontal line passing over the upper edge of the auricle and the vertical line passing through the front edge of the auricle. Indications: pain in the temporal and parietal areas of the head; inflammatory phenomena in the submandibular region and cheek area, trismus; tic and spasm of facial muscles of the mouth; trigeminal neuralgia; neck muscle tension.

VB8 shuai-gu– 1.5 cun above the upper edge of the shell, slightly posterior to the VB7 qu bin point. Indications: pain in the frontal and temporal areas of the head; eye diseases; cough.

VB9 tian-chun– above the upper edge of the auricle by 2 cun and posterior to the VB8 point of shuai-gu by 0.5 cun, on a vertical line drawn through the center of the mastoid process. Indications: headache; gingivitis; convulsions, epileptiform seizures.

VB10 fu-bai– above the center of the mastoid process by 1 cun and below the VB9 tian-chun point by 1 cun. Indications: heaviness in the head, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, deafness; goiter; furunculosis; tonsillitis; neck muscle tension; paralysis of the upper and lower limbs.

VB11 tou-qiao-yin– at the base of the mastoid process, at the level of a horizontal line drawn through the upper edge of the opening of the external auditory canal, below point VB10 fu-bai by 1 cun. Indications: headache in the back of the head and crown, dizziness, pain and noise in the ears, deafness; trigeminal neuralgia; inflammatory diseases in the cervical-submandibular region; limb spasms.

VB12 wan-gu– at the posterior edge of the mastoid process on a horizontal line drawn above the posterior border of hair growth by 1.2 cm. Indications: headache; inflammation in the cheek, neck and back of the head, sore throat; toothache, gingivitis; pharyngitis, tonsillitis; peripheral facial palsy; sleep disturbance.

VB13 ben shen– to the side from the midline of the head (at the level of the VG24 Shen Ting point) 3 cun, on a vertical line rising from the outer corner of the eye. Indications: pain in the parietal region of the head, dizziness; muscle rigidity in the cervical-occipital region; neurasthenia; epileptiform seizures.

VB14 yang-bye– 1 cun above the middle of the eyebrow, perpendicular to the pupil of the straight-looking eye. Indications: headache, dizziness, vomiting; tic and spasm of facial muscles; decreased twilight vision, lacrimation; trigeminal neuralgia, facial nerve paresis; sleep disturbance.

VB15 tou-ling-qi- 0.5 cun above the front border of hair growth, on a vertical line running through the pupil of the straight-looking eye. Indications: headache, dizziness; eye diseases, lacrimation, corneal leukoma; rhinitis, difficulty in nasal breathing, epileptiform seizures.

VB16 mu-chuan– posterior to point VB15 tou-ling-qi by 1.5 cun. Indications: headache, dizziness, swelling of the face and eyelids; conjunctivitis, decreased visual acuity; nasal congestion; epileptiform seizures, sudden loss of consciousness; chills.

VB17 zheng-ying– above the anterior border of hair growth by 3.2 cun (above point VB15 tou-lin-qi by 3 cun) and posterior to point VB16 mu-chuan by 1.5 cun. Indications: pain in the temporal region of the head, dizziness, vomiting; tooth pain; tic and spasm of facial muscles of the mouth; lacrimation, signs of optic nerve atrophy.

VB18 cheng-ling– in the area of ​​the parietal tubercle posterior to the point VB15 tou-ling-qi by 4.5 cun and from the point VB17 zheng-ying by 1.5 cun on the same line with the point VG20 bai-hui. Indications: headache, migraine; nasal congestion, nosebleeds, rhinitis; impaired visual acuity; spasm of facial muscles of the mouth; bronchial asthma; fever; vomit.

VB19 nao-kun– outward from the upper border of the occipital protuberance (and point VG17 nao-hu) by 2 cun and above the lower border of the occipital bone (and point VB20 feng chi) by 1.5 cun. Indications: headache, dizziness; nosebleeds; pain in the neck and back of the head, stiffness of the neck muscles; bronchial asthma.

VB20 feng chi- under the occipital bone, 1 cun above the posterior border of hair growth, in the fossa at the outer edge of the trapezius muscle, where the depression is palpated. Function: point of a wide spectrum of action (branches to the meridians TR, IG, E). Indications: pain in the frontal and temporal areas of the head, in the neck, back, and lower back; eye diseases, pain in the inner corner of the eye, lacrimation; dizziness; nosebleeds, hearing loss; febrile illnesses; hypertension; neurasthenia, emotional imbalance.

VB21 jian-ching– in the middle of the distance from the midline of the back, at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the VII cervical and I thoracic vertebrae (point VG14 da-zhui) to the tubercle of the humerus (point GI15 jian-yu). Indications: headache, cerebrovascular accident; pain in the back and shoulder, limitation of movement of the shoulder joint; poor cold tolerance; mastitis, weakness of labor, collaptoid state after spontaneous abortion, functional uterine bleeding; hyperthyroidism; neurasthenia.

VB22 yuan-e– in the IV intercostal space, on the midaxillary line, at the same level as the nipple. Indications: intercostal neuralgia, enlarged cervical, subclavian and axillary lymph nodes; neurasthenia, sleep disturbance; pleurisy.

VB23 zhe-jin– in the IV intercostal space, 3 cun below the axilla and 1 cun anterior to the midaxillary line. Function: meridian signal point. Indications: sour belching, hypersalivation, vomiting; bronchial asthma; intercostal neuralgia.

VB24 zhi-yue– in the VII intercostal space (below point F14 qi-men by one rib). Function: gallbladder meridian signal point. Indications: indomitable vomiting, pain in the hypochondrium, sour belching, jaundice, vomiting of bile, cholecystitis, hepatitis, peptic ulcer, intestinal colic, flatulence; psychomotor agitation.

VB25 jing-men– on the lateral surface of the abdomen, at the free end of the XII rib. Function: kidney meridian signal point. Indications: increased intestinal motility, flatulence, diarrhea, vomiting; pain in the lower back, hip joint, shoulder, scapula, intercostal neuralgia; kidney disease; hypertension.

VB26 give-may– located on a horizontal line drawn from the navel, just below the free end of the 11th rib. Indications: menstrual irregularities, endometritis; hernia; unilateral testicular enlargement, cystitis; pain in the lumbar region.

VB27 wushu– below the level of the navel and below the free edge of the XI rib (below point VB26 dai-mai) by 3 cun. Indications: hernia, testicular retraction, orchitis; endometritis, leucorrhoea, pain in the lower abdomen, lower back and back; intestinal colic, constipation, cramping pain in the stomach.

VB28 wei-dao– anterior to the iliac crest, 2 cun below point VB27 wushu. Indications: vomiting, constipation, enterocolitis; pain in the lower back and lower extremities; endometritis, leucorrhoea, pain in the lower abdomen.

VB29 ju-liao– at the top of the thigh, in the cavity below the anterior iliac spine, 3 cun below the VB28 wei-dao point. Indications: lower back pain radiating to the lower abdomen; paralysis and paresis of the lower extremities; endometritis, leucorrhoea, menstrual irregularities; orchitis, epididymitis, nephritis, cystitis.

VB30 Huan-tiao– on the buttock posterior to the hip joint. Indications: lower back pain, pain and contracture of the hip joint, impaired skin sensitivity and paralysis of the lower extremities; itching of various localizations, eczema; polyneuritis.

VB31 feng shi– on the outer surface of the thigh, 7 cun above the lower edge of the kneecap. Indications: paralysis and sensory disorders of the lower extremities, joint pain, arthritis of the knee joint; polyneuritis, sciatica; itchy dermatoses.

VB32 zhong-du– on the outer surface of the thigh, 5 cuns above the lower edge of the patella (lateral end of the popliteal fold). Indications: pain in the knee joint and lower leg, impaired skin sensitivity of the lower limb, limitation of movements in the hip joint; hemiplegia.

VB33 tzu-yang-guan– on the lateral surface of the knee joint, posterior to the lateral epicondyle of the femur, between two tendons, where a depression is palpated. Indications: arthritis of the knee joint with difficulty moving; leg muscle paresis.

VB34 yang-ling-quan– in the depression at the anterior edge of the head of the fibula, 2 cun below the lower edge of the patella. Indications: liver and gallbladder diseases; drives (inflammation of the knee joint), muscle cramps of the lower limb; sciatica, lumbago; belching, habitual constipation; dizziness, atherosclerosis; swelling of the face; parkinsonism, chorea, polyneuritis; hemiplegia.

VB35 yang-jiao– on the anterolateral surface of the lower leg, 7 cun above the center of the lateral malleolus. Function: analgesic point World Cup III Yang-Wei-May. Indications: bronchial asthma; swelling of the face, swelling of the brain, swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat; aching pain in the knee joint, lower leg, foot, sciatica, neuritis of the peroneal nerve; neurasthenia.

VB36 Wai Qiu– on the lateral surface of the lower leg, vertically 7 cun above the center of the lateral malleolus, at the same level, but slightly posterior to the VB35 yang-jiao point. Function: pain point. Indications: pain in the back of the head and neck, chest pain, pain and cramps in the calf muscles, polyneuritis; swelling of the legs.

VB37 guan-ming– on the lateral surface of the lower leg below point VB35 yang-jiao, above the center of the lateral ankle by 5 cun. Function: lo-point to the liver meridian. Indications: eye diseases, myopia, decreased twilight vision, optic nerve atrophy; migraine; pain and anesthesia of the knee joint and lower leg, paresis and disorders of skin sensitivity of the legs; feverish conditions; spinal cord diseases.

VB38 yang-fu– above the center of the lateral malleolus by 4 cun and anteriorly by 1 cm. Function: sedative point. Indications: pain in the temple area, corner of the eye, in the supraclavicular fossa; enlarged cervical, supraclavicular, axillary lymph nodes; pain in the chest, hypochondrium; pain in the hip joint, knee joint and anterior side of the ankle joint, calf muscle cramps, polyarthritis; cholecystitis, hepatic colic.

VB39 xuan-zhong– perpendicular to the center of the lateral malleolus by 3 cun. Indications: nosebleeds, sore throat; neck muscle tension; chronic gastroenteritis, loss of appetite; haemorrhoids; pain in the lower back, knee joint, pain syndrome with dislocation of the knee and ankle joints; polyneuritis; acute pulmonary edema; nephritis; atherosclerosis.

VB40 qiu-xu– slightly anterior to the lateral malleolus. Function: point-helper. Indications: eye diseases, corneal leukoma; chills with fever, pain in the chest and hypochondrium, intercostal neuralgia; pain in the lower limb, cramps of the calf muscle; hernia pain, intestinal colic, cholecystitis; excessive fullness with shortness of breath.

VB41 tzu-lin-qi– in the middle of the lateral side of the foot, in the back of the gap between the IV and V metatarsal bones, where the cavity is palpated. Function: dot-key give-may. Indications: pain in the outer corner of the eye, blurred visual acuity, dizziness; respiratory diseases; intercostal neuralgia; mastitis, enlarged cervical, supraclavicular and axillary lymph nodes; pain and limitation of movement in the ankle joint; menstrual irregularities; various manifestations of allergies.

VB42 di-u-hui– on the lateral side of the foot in the front part of the gap between the IV and V metatarsal bones, where the cavity is palpated. Indications: conjunctivitis; swelling and inflammation in the axillary area; vomiting blood; pain, swelling, difficulty moving in the ankle joint; mastitis; shoulder pain; noise in ears.

VB43 xia-si– at the interdigital fold of the IV and V toes. Function: tonic point. Indications: migraine; eye diseases; dizziness, noise and itching in the ears, deafness; pain in the submandibular region and neck; intercostal neuralgia, wandering pain; febrile illnesses, asthenia, nightmares.

VB44 tzu-xiao-yin– outward from the root of the nail of the fourth toe by 0.3 cm. Indications: headache; Pain in the eyes; bronchial asthma; pain and swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat, pain under the tongue, pain in the hypochondrium; nightmares; febrile conditions.

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4. Methods for combining points

In practice, for one disease, several points can be selected, and exposure to one point can give a therapeutic effect for many diseases. Therefore, to obtain the best therapeutic effect, you need, based on the principles outlined above, to know the specific combination of points.

There are several methods for combining points. We will indicate the most frequently used of them.

Method of combining symmetrical points. When treating some diseases, the main symmetrical points are chosen; for example, for gastric diseases - the Zu-San-Li points, for gynecological diseases - the San-Yin-Jiao points; for pain in the frontal part of the head - tou-wei points; for diarrhea - tian shu points.

Method of simultaneous combination of points of the upper and lower extremities used in the treatment of one or two diseases. Thus, in the treatment of tetany, the He-Gu points are combined with the Tai-Chun points; in the treatment of cough and to regulate the function of the stomach and intestines, the He-Gu points are combined with the Zu-San-Li points.

Method of combining front and back side points with deep and superficial irritation. When treating one or several diseases at the same time, to enhance the irradiation of sensation from the limbs to the head or torso, or to expand the zone of sensation, you can select two points on one limb; for example, on the back and front of the arm or leg, a deep injection is made at one point, and a superficial injection is made at another point, or an injection is made at one point, and cauterization is performed at another point. Thus, in the treatment of sciatica and to regulate the activity of internal organs, they combine the Huan Tiao point with the Zu San Li point; for toothache and intercostal neuralgia, they combine the Qu Chi point and He Gu; In addition, the combination of these points is also effective for diseases of the head and face, shoulder area and upper respiratory tract.

Method of combining points on the outside and inside. When treating one or two diseases, select points on two lines. For example, in the treatment of gonitis and diseases of the urinary system, the points of Yang-Ling-Quanyi of Yin-Ling-Quan are combined; in the treatment of menstrual irregularities and colds, the points of Xuan-Zhong and San-Yin-Jiao are combined. The combination of Nei Guan and Wai Guan or Qu Chi and Shao Hai points enhances sensation in the upper limbs and is used in the treatment of pain, paralysis of the upper limbs, as well as diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems.

A method of combining direct and indirect stimulation. In this case, local and distant points are simultaneously selected. For example, when treating nasal diseases, in addition to using the Ying-Xiang or He-Liao points in the nose area, they combine the He-Gu or Qu-Chi points on the hands. When treating eye diseases, in addition to the points in the orbital area of ​​the Qing Ming or Si Bai, you can also use the points on the leg of the Zu Lin Qi; in the treatment of gastric diseases, in addition to points on the upper abdomen, for example, Zhun-Wan, the Zu-San-Li point is also used.

A method of combining points close to the central nervous system and distant ones. With this method, points located on the head, neck, back, etc. are combined with distant points. For example, when treating malaria, they combine the Da Zhui point (in the neck and back) with the Jian Shi points (on the forearms) and Jie Xi (on the back of the foot) or combine the Tao Dao point (in the back) with the Le points -que (on the forearms) and zhang-men (in the abdomen), etc. When treating mental illnesses, combine the bai-hui, feng-chi (head area) points with the da-ling and jian-shi points (on the forearms).

Method for simultaneous selection of several symptomatic points. For example, for pain in the lower back, hip, and dyspepsia, you can combine the Huan Tiao point with the Zu San Li point or the Ba Liao point (the name of the symmetrical points Shan Liao, Tsi Liao, Zhong Liao and Xia Liao) with Wai Guan points. For stomach pain and diarrhea, you can combine the Zhong Wan point with Tian Shu points or Huang Shu points with Nei Guan points. For wet dreams and constipation, combine Da-Chang-Shu with Ming-Men or Guan-Yuan points, or Shen-Shu points with San-Jiao points.

A method of combining restorative points and symptomatic treatment. For this purpose, the following points are often used: Gao Huang, Wai Guan, Da Zhu, Ming Men, Qu Chi, Zu San Li, Xuan Zhong, Guan Yuan Shu, etc. To strengthen activity of the gastrointestinal tract and increasing nutrition, the points of gan-shu, dan-shu, pi-shu, san-jiao-shu, da-chang-shu, xiao-chang-shu, etc. are often chosen (for one procedure, choose no more than two or three points).

A method for selecting points located in the area of ​​the affected organ. For example, when treating ear diseases, you can choose points er-men (in the ear area), xuan-li (temporal area), tou-qiao-yin (in the back of the head), etc. For acute enterocolitis and menstrual irregularities, you can select the tian shu (on the second lateral line of the abdomen) and zhong ji (on the midline of the abdomen) points. For lumbosacral radiculitis, you can choose the Zhi Bian and Da Chang Shu points.

Method of two-way cross combination of points. In ancient times, Zhen Ju therapy paid great attention to the following points. If the lesion was located in the upper part of the body, then the injections were made in the lower part of the body; if the lesion was located in the lower part of the body, the injections were made in the upper part of the body. For lesions located in the left half of the body, injections were made on the right; for lesions located in the right half, injections were made on the left. This method has been justified in modern clinics. For example, for toothache on the right, in addition to the Xia-Guan Jia-Che points on the right, you also need to use the He-Gu point on the left. If the right facial nerve is affected, in addition to the points on the right, you can also use the le-que point on the left. For hemiplegia on the left, you can select the points on the left hand, Jian Yu, Qu Chi, and the points on the leg, Yang Ling Quan and Xuan Jin. Thus, when treating zhenjiu of one or another disease, many effective points can be used simultaneously or alternately.

When treating chronic diseases, you can select several groups of points, using them alternately or in combination. For example, when treating hypertension, for one combination you can take the Zu-San-Li and Nei-Guan points, for another - the Qi-Hai-Shu and San-Yin-Jiao points; You can also combine these points alternately. For example, during the first procedure, the left Nei-Guan point and the right Zu-San-Li point are selected, and during the second procedure, vice versa. For pain in the back and shoulder blades, the points in this area are combined simultaneously or used alternately.

First mention.

“Zhen Jiu Jia Yi Jing” (Canon of Fundamentals of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, 282).


One of the “eight centers” is the “bone marrow center.”


“Xuan” (悬) - “to hang, to be suspended”; "zhong" (钟) - "bell". The point is located 3 cun above the ankle. In ancient times, children often hung a bell at this place, which is why the point is compared to a “hanging bell.”

Other names.

  • Jue-gu (绝骨).


3 cun above the lateral malleolus, in the depression between the anterior edge of the fibula and the tendon of the peroneus brevis muscle.


  1. Xuan-chung VB.39 is one of the “eight centers” - “the center of the bone marrow.” Bone marrow is stored in the bones and provides nutrition to the bones. Thus, Xuanzhong VB.39 is an important point in the treatment of various musculoskeletal diseases. Among the indications for the use of the Xuan-zhong point VB.39, this category of diseases includes pain, weakness and sensory disturbances in the lower extremities, pain syndrome with dislocation of the knee and ankle joints, pain in the lower back and back, lameness, beriberi, hemiplegia. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is often recommended to use a combination of the Xuan-zhong point VB.39 with the “center of bones” Da-zhu V.11 and the “center of tendons” Yang-ling-quan VB.34.
  2. According to records in ancient sources, Xuanzhong VB.39 is an effective point for treating digestive diseases. Thus, in the book “Zhen Jiu Jia and Jing” (Canon of the Fundamentals of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, 282), bloating, heat in the stomach and loss of appetite are indicated as indications for using the point. There are no other indications for using the Xuan-chung VB.39 point in this book.
  3. In the book “Tai Ping Sheng Hui Fang” (Collection of Miracle Recipes for Great Calm, 992), Xuan-chung VB.39 is classified as one of the “seven points for treating apoplexy.”


  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: pain, weakness and impaired sensitivity in the lower extremities, pain syndrome with dislocation of the knee and ankle joints, pain in the lower back and back, lameness, beriberi, hemiplegia.
  • Diseases of the foot shao-yang channel of the gallbladder: pain in the hypochondrium, pain in the outer surface of the leg, in the knee joint and lower leg, chills.
  • Digestive diseases: bloating, heat in the stomach, loss of appetite.
  • Other illnesses: apoplexy, colds with high and prolonged fever, pain and swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat, tension in the neck and neck muscles, nosebleeds.


  • Feeling of numbness throughout the body: first Jing-gu V.64, then Zhong-feng F.4, Xuan-zhong VB.39.
  • Pain in the lower back and back, chills: Tsi-liao V.32, Xuan-chung VB.39, Cheng-jin V.56.
  • Bloating: Xian-gu E.43, Xuan-chung VB.39.
  • Hemiplegia, apoplexy: Xuan-chung VB.39, Kun-lun V.60, He-gu GI.4, Jian-yu GI.15, Qu-chi GI.11, Shou-san-li GI.10, Tzu- san-li E.36. If a repeated attack occurs after the injection, inject Jian-ching VB.21, Shang-lian GI.9, Wei-chung V.40.
  • Ascites: Shan-wan VC.13, Tzu-san-li E.36, Zhang-men F.13, Yin-gu R.10, Guan-yuan VC.4, Qi-men F.14, Xing-jian F .2, Pi-shu V.20, Xuan-chung VB.39, Cheng-man E.20.
  • Weakness in the legs: Gong-sun RP.4, Tzu-san-li E.36, Xuan-chung VB.39, Shen-mai V.62.
  • Pain above the ankle: cauterization San-yin-jiao RP.6, Xuan-chung VB.39, Kun-lun V.60.
  • Cramps in the foot: Shen-shu V.23, Yang-ling-quan VB.34, Yang-fu VB.38, Xuan-chung VB.39.
  • Numbness in the foot: first Yang-jiao VB.35, Yang-fu VB.38, Xuan-chung VB.39, Xing-jian F.2, then Kun-lun V.60, Xuan-chung VB.39, Qiu- Xu VB.40.
  • Colds with high and prolonged fever: Qu-chi GI.11, Xuan-chung VB.39, Tzu-san-li E.36, Da-zhui VG.14, Yong-quan R.1, He-gu GI.4 (sedation techniques at all points).
  • Nosebleed: Shang-xing VG.23 (cauterization with 27 cones), Xuan-zhong VB.39, Xin-hui VG.22.
  • Lameness: Xuan-chung VB.39, Huan-tiao VB.30.
  • Take-take because of the cold-dampness: first pricking Tzu-san-li E.36 and San-yin-jiao RP.6, then pricking Xuan-chung VB.39.
  • Pain in the joints of the legs: Fei-yang V.58, Xuan-chung VB.39.
  • Hemiplegia: Xuan-chung VB.39, Shen-shu V.23, Huan-tiao VB.30, Feng-shi VB.31, Wei-chung V.40, Tzu-san-li E.36.
  • Torticollis: Xuan-chung VB.39, Tian-zhu V.10, Hou-si IG.3, Feng-chi VB.20.


Perpendicular piercing to a depth of 1-1.5 cun or piercing towards the San-yin-jiao point RP.6 to a depth of 2 cun. Moxibustion: 3-5 cones or 5-10 minutes with moxa cigarette.

Selection of impact points and their combinations

Since in our work with points we will use not traditional needles or other mechanical influences, but Aires health matrices, we will not determine what exactly caused the violation in a particular meridian, redundancy or insufficiency. Health matrices will restore balance in any case.

To restore balance, we will use our own “matrix” sequence of influence. These sequences are marked with a prime.

Known methods.

1. The rule of sequence (or the “mother-son” rule): in case of excess, they act on the tonic point of the meridian next to the damaged one in the energy circulation (“son”), in case of insufficiency, on the tonic point of the meridian preceding the one in the circulation (“mother”). .

1'. We paste the matrices both on the point of the next one and, simultaneously, on the point of the previous meridian.

2. The rule for discharging excess energy into the paired meridian (if the “mother-son” rule did not produce an effect). In this case, they proceed from the idea that redundancy in a given meridian leads to insufficiency of the meridian paired with it (and vice versa). In this case, the “big injection” method is recommended: first sedate the assistant point of the meridian with redundancy, and then tone the lo-point of the paired meridian. If you need to influence a meridian with insufficiency, then you need to tone the assistant point of this meridian and sedate the lo-point of the paired meridian. The combination of these points is presented in table. 13.

2′. We paste the matrices on the auxiliary point of the meridian with redundancy and on the lo-point of the paired meridian. At the same time, we glue the matrices onto the auxiliary point of this meridian and onto the lo-point of the paired meridian.

3. Method of influencing the points of the same meridian on the opposite side of the body (used only for signs of redundancy). It is based on the idea that excess of a meridian is accompanied by a relative deficiency of the same meridian on the opposite side.

3′. We glue the matrices directly onto this meridian and onto the same iridian of the opposite side of the body.

4. Relative insufficiency also occurs in the meridian opposing the hourly circulation of energy (see Table 2). For example, the maximum energy flow in the lung meridian occurs at 3-5 o'clock, at which time the opposing bladder meridian is in relative insufficiency; during these hours the impact on lo- The point of the bladder (opposing meridian) allows you to remove excess energy from the lung meridian.

5. Use of group lo- points for obesity syndrome: if all three are “interested” yin- meridian or all three yang- meridian of the arm or leg, affect their group lo- paragraph; in this case, it is possible to use them crosswise or according to the “top - bottom” rule. These impact options are presented in table. 14.

5'. We glue all the indicated meridians.

6. Impact on the miraculous meridians is used for chronic diseases and intractable severe pain syndrome.

6′. We glue the painful points of the wonderful meridians.

Table 13. Using a helper point and lo- point of the paired meridian in case of obesity syndrome

Meridian Helper point (sedate) Lo-point of the paired meridian (toning)
Lungs P9 tai yuan GI6 pian-li
Colon GI4 haegu P7 le-que
Stomach E42 chun-yang RP4 gun-sun
RP3 tie-by E40 feng-long
Hearts C7 shen-men IG7 zhi-zheng
Small intestine IG4 wan-gu C5 tun-li
Bladder V64 jing-gu R4 (6) da-jung
Kidney R3 (5) tai-si V58 fei-yang
Pericardium MC7 da-lin TR5 Wai-guan
Three heaters TR4 yang- chi MS6 nei-guan
Gallbladder VB40 qiu-xu F5 li-go
Liver F3 tai chun VB37 guan-ming

Regulation of imbalance in meridians by gluing matrices:

  • 1) using the “mother-son” rule;
  • 2) impact on lo- meridian point;
  • 3) impact on the starting points of the meridians;
  • 4) in cases when all meridians yin or yang have excess or lack of energy, it is necessary to influence a group of meridians: a) stimulate all meridians yang or yin, if they have a lack of energy; b) stimulate the general lo- anterior-median meridian point (VC1 Hui-yin) to normalize energy yin- meridians, or general lo- post-middle meridian point (VG1 chang-qiang) to normalize energy yang- meridians; c) stimulate the command points of the miraculous yin- meridians to normalize energy in constant mn-meridians or miraculous command points yang- meridians to normalize energy in constant yang- meridians; d) if energy normalization (and pulse normalization) has not occurred, additional influence on the starting points of the main meridians is effective.

Table 14. Options for using group lo- points

Meridian group
(in excess)
1st connection 2nd connection 3rd connection
Ian- hand meridians GI, IG, TR TR8 san-yang-lo sedate TR8 san-yang-lo opposite side toning Tone yang-lo- itemVB39 xuan-zhong Tone yin- hand meridians P, MC, C, group lo- point MC5 Chien-shi
Yin- hand meridians P, MC, C MS5 Jian-shi sedate MS5 jian shi opposite side toning Tonify the mn-meri-dians of the legs R, RP, E, group lo- itemRP6 san yin jiao Tone yang- hand meridians GI, IG, TR, group lo- point TR8 san yang lo
Ian- leg meridians V, VB, E VB39 xuan-zhong sedate VB39 Xuan-zhong opposite side toning Tone yang- hand meridians, group lo- point TR8san-yang-lo Tone yin- leg meridians R, RP, E, group lo- itemRP6 san yin jiao
Yin- leg meridians R, RP, F RP6 san-yin-jiao sedate RP6 san-yin-jiao opposite side toning Tone yin- meri dians hands P, MC, C, group lo- point MC5 Chien-shi Tone yang- leg meridians V, VB, E, group lo- itemVB39 xuan-zhong

For general treatment of fever, use the following points: VB20 feng chi, VB34 yang- Ling Quan, V11 Da Zhu, V12 Feng Men, GI4 He Gu, VC19 Tzu Gong, E36 Zu San Li (sedate one or more of these points).

It is especially important to relieve pain, which, being a signal of a pathological condition, can itself become a source of further disorders (for example, cause cardiogenic, traumatic shock); Chronic pain syndrome impairs a person’s ability to work. Pain syndromes can be treated by influencing signal and pain points, as well as the starting and ending points of the meridian. In this case, it is necessary to follow the rule: in case of acute pain, first act on points distant from the source or on points on the opposite side, and then include local points. I.e. we apply crystal applicators or stick on holographic matrices.

In case of chronic pain syndrome, it is first necessary to increase the body's defenses, for which general action points are recommended that normalize the state of the central nervous system. The main ones are: P7 Le Que, GI4 He Gu, GI11 Qu Chi, E36 Zu San Li, RP6 San Yin Jiao, R6 Zhao Hai, MS6 Nei Guan, TR5 Wai Guan, VG4 ming-men, VG14 da-zhui.

Treatment of pain syndromes is a complex task, so first of all it is necessary to establish the main diagnosis, the symptom of which is pain, for example, headache due to influenza, increased intraocular pressure (glaucoma), intracranial pressure, etc., since in each specific case a different combination is affected points.

Rules for using miraculous meridians: 1) influence on miraculous meridians is used only after unsuccessful or insufficiently effective (but correct!) treatment by selecting points on permanent meridians; you should never start treatment with the use of miraculous meridians; 2) when turning on the miraculous meridian through a key point, they additionally influence only the points related to the affected main meridians, but no other points can be used, otherwise the treatment will be ineffective; 3) you should never use both command points of a pair of meridians first, and then the symptomatic ones; must be used in the sequence: key point - symptomatic points - connecting point; 4) in case of intractable pain syndrome, they act on the key point (tone) of the wonderful meridian of the opposite side of the body; the connecting point is sedated; You can sedate the pain point of the miraculous meridian.

When choosing a combination of points, i.e. to compile a recipe, ancient recommendations are mainly used, based on the theory of meridians and the flow of energy; these provisions continue to be the scheme of Zhen-Jiu therapy. If necessary, mainly for symptomatic treatment, the prescription includes extra-meridian points, as well as points of the auricle; They also determine the type of reflexology - acupuncture, moxibustion, acupressure, etc.

1. The combination of local and distant points of a damaged meridian or two meridians (damaged and adjacent) is most often used and very effective, for example, in the treatment of chronic rhinitis, you can combine the effect on the local point GI20 ying-xiang and distant (on the arm) GI4 he-gu of this same meridian, you can also include the VG24 Shen Ting point.

2. Combine the points of the upper and lower extremities, i.e. points of two meridians.

3. For acute pain in the upper part of the body, you need to take points in the lower part of the body, for pain in the lower part, take points at the top (the “top-bottom” rule). Cross combination of points is used widely and with great success; for example, they combine the points of the leg on the sore side and the points of the hand on the opposite side.

4. Symmetrical point technique, i.e. tone the point on the meridian of the opposite side, symmetrical to the point closest to the center of the Projection of the pain syndrome. In other words, if there is pain on one side, you need to tone the points of the same meridian on the opposite side.

5. Combine points on the front and back surfaces of the body: signal points and sympathetic points of the bladder meridian; their compatibility is shown in table. 15. In general, pain syndromes that appear on the back side of the body, such as lumbago, are effectively treated by influencing signal points, and symptoms that appear in the chest and abdomen are treated with sympathetic points of the bladder meridian or points of the posteromedian meridian.

Table 15. Combination of sympathetic and signal points

Meridian Sympathetic points Signal points
Lungs V13 fei shu P1 zhong fu
Colon V25 da-chang-shu E25 tian-shu
Stomach V21 wei-shu VC12 chung-wan
Spleen - pancreas V20 pi-shu F13 zhan-men
Hearts V15 hsin shu VC14 Juqu
Small intestine V27 xiao-chang-shu VC4 guan-yuan
Bladder V28 pan-guang-shu VC3 zhong-ji
Kidney V23 shen shu VB25 jing-men
Pericardium V14 jue-yin-shu VC17 tan-chung
Three heaters V22 san-jiao-shu VC5 shi-men
Gallbladder V19 dan-shu VB24 zhi-yue
Liver V18 gan-shu F14 qi-men

6. A combination of symmetrical points (on the same meridians of opposite sides) is recommended, taking into account their special indications in a certain area: for example, point E8 (1) tou-wei on both sides - for pain in the frontal region.

7. To treat the leading pain symptom (for example, lower back pain), points are selected according to the indications of this symptom.

8. In the presence of several diseases, combine points on the front and back surfaces of one limb to expand the area of ​​influence. For example, in the treatment of sciatica and simultaneous disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, the points of two yang- meridians VB30 Huan-Tiao and E36 Zu-San-Li (symptomatic treatment). You can combine points on the outer and inner surfaces of the limb (i.e. points yin- And yang- meridians); for example, to treat menstrual irregularities and pain in the leg joints, you can use the VB39 Xuan-Zhong and RP6 San-Yin-Jiao points.

9. In case of severe pain, sedative points of different meridians are combined and assisting points are used.

10. When choosing points and drawing up a recipe, it is very important to take into account the functions of connecting points (stabilizing lo-