Fashion 2013

When you get up in the morning, squat to one hundred. What will happen if you do this every day? Why squats are important

Many people know firsthand how painful squats can be. The next day is especially painful, when a novice athlete cannot walk due to muscle pain. Despite this, three volunteers decided to do 100 squats a day for a month. Participants want to know if their body will change in thirty days.

By the time the trial began, each of the young people had their own exercise plan based on their physical fitness.


I was always the smallest and thinnest in the class, I looked like an ever-growing teenager.

Spencer has been working out at the gym six times a week for a long time, so just doing squats will be pretty easy for him. The young man decided to do the exercise with weights to increase the load. After a few days of experimentation, the guy decided that he could squat more and increased the number of approaches. That's what came out of it!


Shannon has always been tormented by the problem of fat legs. The girl thinks that her legs are too full for her unrounded buttocks. The girl wants to pump up her butt to make her body appear more prominent.

When Shannon woke up the next day, she couldn't get out of bed, despite only doing 80 out of 100 squats.

I'll be honest. It was a little more difficult than I thought.

Throughout the experiment, Shannon was unable to do more than 80 squats a day, despite this, the girl is proud that she was able to do 60 squats without a break. The girl did not fulfill the conditions of the competition, but the exercises still benefited her. The buttocks became more elastic and tightened. Now the girl is sure: it is not necessary to exercise two hours a day to see results.


Brenda believes she has the body of a 13-year-old boy and decided to do this experiment to develop her muscles. The girl noticed the first results within a week: she felt that they had become stronger, and her buttocks had tightened up slightly. By the end of the month, Brenda was happy to see significant changes in her body. The girl believes that it is important to do squats regularly and then you will definitely achieve success.

We often come across the opinion on the Internet that, supposedly, squatting without weight every day, at least 100, at least 200 times, is pointless and even harmful, it won’t do any good, but the harm... wow!

To be honest, it’s strange to even come across such a point of view; is it really possible that everyone writing these articles is a crazy-sized athlete who only recognizes squats of 100 kg or more?

What happens if you squat every day?

So, let's figure it out and see what the result will be if you squat every day? We rely on knowledge of human physiology, personal experience and various reviews. We will also be glad if you share your personal experience in comments!

Increased muscle flexibility

It's no secret that with age, the flexibility of the human body only gets worse, which significantly affects the quality of life and activity. Therefore, squats, this banal, simple, universal movement will perfectly help you stretch your “stiff muscles”.

It is no coincidence that squats in one form or another (with a shortened amplitude, with the addition of circular rotation of the arms, etc.) are included in a wide variety of practices: from harmless exercise therapy to shamanic qigong and kundalini.

You can call it "improving the circulation of chi energy throughout the body", "accelerating the chakras" or "accelerating energy flow throughout the body” - the essence will be the same, you will really feel better from such a simple movement.

The essence of “anti-migraine exercises”, “yoga for headaches” or even exercise therapy for osteochondrosis comes down to simple and understandable goals: blood and lymph need to be dispersed, the muscles need to be slightly stretched and stretched, the body tissues should be enriched with oxygen and other useful substances.

So if you don’t want to just squat every day, then convince yourself that you are joining an ancient practice of some kind, because squats are one of the most natural positions of our body, “built-in” into our physiology.

For example, previously a person went to relieve himself in a deep squat position. Nowadays we rarely find ourselves in this position, despite the fact that it is very useful.

Saving joints

Let's look at a little physiology. For every joint in the body, it is necessary to provide “nutrition” to the cartilage and its movement.

What does a joint actually consist of? A joint is a connection of bones, each of which is covered with cartilage. The joint itself is enclosed in an articular capsule (capsule), which is attached to the articulating bones. It ensures the tightness of the joint and protects it from damage due to the fact that its inner membrane, synovial, produces the so-called synovial membrane into the joint cavity. synovial fluid.

It is needed for wetting and nourishing the cartilage, its normal sliding.

What is needed to produce this liquid? Two things: movement and contraction. If a joint doesn't go through its full range of motion, then the body says, "Okay, so I won't use it." In other words, we don't rotate our knees and hips through their full range, parts of the joint begin to degenerate and stop producing synovial fluid.

Cartilage is a smooth surface that performs vital role in the joint itself. It is thanks to it that the heads of the bones slide smoothly relative to each other and absorb the loads that the joint experiences during movements.

We emphasize very important point : the joints (and the vertebrae) in fact do not have an independent blood supply; they receive the nutrition necessary for normal and painless work from the surrounding tissues by leakage.

So, the cartilage of the joint absorbs synovial fluid only when moving: when you squeeze your fingers, synovial fluid comes out of the cartilage into the joint cavity, when you squeeze it, it is absorbed back into the cartilage, delivering food to it.

If you are overweight excess weight, which puts an overload on the joints, or (low amount of movement in life), which gives insufficient load, due to which the blood supply is disrupted, the cartilage does not receive normal nutrition, the process of dying off old cells is underway, and the generation of new ones is stopped, cartilage " dries out” and pain begins.

So squats, and even every day, especially without weight, are the most The best way both for prevention and treatment of problem joints. We absolutely agree with Bubnovsky in this regard and consider it the best medicine for joint pain.

Development of coordination

The more often you perform a movement, the better you will get at it. But besides this, developing coordination will give you other benefits that are common to the whole body: improved mobility and mobility.

In principle, this happens according to the same principle - to stretch the muscles, ligaments and tendons for better blood supply.

Improving your sex life

Thanks to daily squats, you can improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs and thereby increase your sexual activity!

By squatting every day, I noticed that blood circulation in the pelvic area has improved significantly. This had a positive effect on my family life and on the relationship with my beloved.

In addition, I felt that in general it became much easier for me to move, my legs were no longer so fast and did not get so tired, and climbing stairs or up a mountain became much easier for me.
And in general, I have become more fit, agile, dexterous, and my reaction has improved.

Benefits for the Heart

In our body, in fact, there are two hearts, the first is the heart in the literal sense and the second is the peripheral one, i.e. muscles. Special studies have shown that the activity of skeletal muscles, promoting blood circulation, does not impede, but, on the contrary, greatly facilitates the work of the heart muscle, but provided that physical activity not excessive.

Skeletal muscles are a kind of peripheral “hearts” that help return venous blood to the heart, working as pumps. The fact is that as it moves through the arterial vessels, blood pressure decreases significantly. And in order for the blood to rise through the veins to the heart again, the help of peripheral “hearts” is necessary.

Squats are a great way to maintain normal blood flow. Here is an excerpt from Bubnovsky’s works on the benefits of squats for your heart:

Squats - performing strength exercises for the legs with the involvement of the muscles of the foot, lower leg, thigh, and buttock. They are performed accompanied by a diaphragmatic exhalation “haaa”, that is, an active exhalation with each extension of the legs (that is, when standing up).

This is not a burden on the heart, but a help to it. That is, the “peripheral heart” picks up the arterial wave of blood and delivers it back to the heart while maintaining the required speed and volume of blood flow. Nature has not come up with other mechanisms for maintaining normal blood flow. So weak legs mean a weak heart!

Squats are one of the main exercises that help the heart, and in case of heart disease (coronary artery disease, arrhythmia) - its medicine. Tablets, prescribed at the first signs of heart failure, reduce the so-called physical activity(I have never understood such a recommendation) - they “corrupt” the body, simultaneously promoting muscle atrophy.

As an example, I usually give two squat techniques: without support (arms up) and with a fixed support (Fig. 7, 8).

Contraindications to squats are coxarthrosis of the hip joints (dysplastic or deforming) and deforming gonarthrosis of III-IV degrees (damage to the knee joints).

Weight loss

This is our most painful topic, which we write about constantly: how much you eat is much more important here.

Anything, even the most easy exercise combined with diet will lead to fat loss within a month!

And simply by cutting calories we will gain weight loss and definition. By adding walking or squats, we will, of course, get some acceleration of progress. But this does not mean that the result was achieved through activity. Mostly the diet worked, movement helped the process a little.

However, a person cannot live by losing weight and exercising alone! If your health and good mood are important to you, then doing squats every day will be a great option for promoting these factors!

More attractive appearance of buttocks, abs and legs

Many people think that squats without weight in any quantity are not able to solve (in their eyes) the most important problem - getting rid of cellulite and pumping up the meter center of the Universe. And this is partly true, but with a few points:

    Not a single exercise will get rid of cellulite.

    It’s really not possible for everyone to pump up their buttocks - it’s all down to banal genetics. But this does not mean that all is lost!

    Yes, if you are a long-time gym goer and are, in principle, actively involved in sports, and even with weights, squats without weight will not have a significant effect on your Madame Siju. But if you are a beginner, then believe me, there will definitely be an effect!

    Firstly, tone will appear in the muscles, and posture, thanks to the squat technique, will improve. By keeping your back straight and your core tight, your belly will look more toned. Excess water will leave the body, which means cellulite will be less noticeable.

    And in any case, it is better to do at least something, a certain minimum, than nothing at all, and this madam is just sitting.

Indeed, literally 1-2 months after stable daily squats (yes, I’m not lazy), I noticed that my legs began to have beautiful muscles, this was especially noticeable when I strained my leg.

Also, after some time, I noticed how my buttocks tightened up, stopped hanging like “sad buns,” and recently my beloved even said about my butt, “it looks like a heart.” This is great! Thanks squats.

Plus, my tummy used to hang a little, but when I started squatting, my stomach instantly became flat. I didn’t eat less; I allow myself both flour and sweets.

I started, as expected, from the new month, from the first day. On the first day, the number of squats is 25 times, but for an unprepared person this is not so stressful. Then every day I added five to ten squats, looked at my endurance, by the middle of the month I could sit down slowly without rest 50-60 times.

Of course, in the first month, on the thirtieth day, it was a little hard to do 250 reps, but I managed to do it in four sets! Now I’ve gotten used to it, it’s easier to squat, of course, but I still feel tired in my muscles.

Of course, I want the best results, but in 5 months of squats, of course, there were times when I messed up and missed them, I think that’s not bad! I have lost five stable kilograms, and this will happen again without diets or exhausting exercise. My butt has tightened up noticeably, my husband really likes it!

The cellulite did not go away at all, but became less noticeable, the thighs also tightened, and the calves became more expressive. If you are not lazy, then the path to a slim body is not so far.

The most important reason

It's all about our psychology. As soon as you start changing one area of ​​your life, others automatically follow. Creating something new and going beyond your comfort zone is already 80 percent of success.

It is very important to do small but necessary changes every day. It’s hard to say how long, because... We found out an important fact:.

You will most likely need several more days to strengthen a new useful ritual, but believe me, it's worth it! It is on this principle, by the way, that all sorts of wish cards, affirmations and other tricks are based. You simply load yourself with the information you need, choose some simple action, and your brain processes it all on its own.

“How can you eat an elephant? A little bit every day.” The same philosophy applies to making changes in your life. When you start small, you don't need any crazy motivation to do it. This is not some kind of “palmistry”, this is ordinary psychology.

Gradual small changes are how nature works. Evolution with incremental improvements. Many people simply cannot immediately start going to the gym three times a week. Problems with motivation invariably begin, there is not enough time for everyday activities and stuff like that.

Thanks to such small, daily efforts, you gently prepare yourself for something bigger - your psyche and your body get used to the very idea that you need to exercise and this does not happen through violence, “you are a weak-willed rag,” but with love and respect for yourself, of your personality and essence.

Not in the literal sense, of course, although this is not excluded. Our regular readers probably already remember this expression. “Eating a frog” means doing something unpleasant. So, do this at the beginning of the day.

It's one thing whether it's a difficult work task or an unpleasant phone call. Get rid of this matter, and it will not hang over you like a heavy burden for the rest of the day.

So we suggest you move squats to the morning. Get up early, drink a glass of water and do exercises, or better yet, a complex of exercise therapy, fortunately, there are them on the Internet great amount. We like it from this channel, you can choose according to your taste.

After warming up, do your squat quota. We do not recommend starting immediately with 100, 200, etc. Leave beautiful, big numbers for later, when your technique, psyche and body itself are ready for it.

And if you have breakfast with one of these and go to work on foot, then believe me, in a week you will be able to move mountains!

How to do it right

    When performing squats, pay attention to the position of your feet, knees, body and head! But no matter what foot placement you use, your heels should remain pressed to the floor throughout the entire movement, the load being distributed evenly across the entire foot.

    The knees should go in the same direction as the feet. It is a mistake to believe that the knees cannot go beyond the line of the foot; in this case, everything depends on the structure of the person.

    Never allow your back to round.

    If it’s really hard, you can hold on to a chair.

    The chin should be slightly raised, the gaze directed forward and upward. In squats, different squat depths can be used, it all depends on the level of fitness and joint mobility. It’s better to start with a parallel squat.

Squats are one of the most effective strength exercises for gaining muscle mass. muscle mass. In addition, squats are used as a general strengthening and rehabilitation exercise. Such loads are fundamental in almost all fitness complexes. Do you think 100 squats a day without additional load can give you real results? Will your butt become firmer and your legs stronger?

Spencer Althaus, Shanon Rosenberg And Brenda Blanco from BuzzFeed decided to check it out. Each of them did squats for 30 days. 100 squats in one day. It would seem that it’s so difficult?

Way to success

“My legs have always been bigger than my butt. I never thought of doing any special exercises, but this experiment changed the way I feel about my body,” Shanon said in a BuzzFeed video.

The guys' first day was spent in good mood. Brenda decided to do squats 25 times in one set. As a result, she managed 4 such approaches per day with breaks. Spencer decided to do squats with a barbell on his shoulders. The next day the first difficulties arose.

“When I woke up, I couldn’t move,” Rosenberg said about the sensations after the first day. “It’s more difficult than I thought.”

The next morning, Brenda had difficulty walking up the stairs, while the third participant in the experiment, Spencer, did not give up. He works out at the gym 6 times a week, so 100 squats was doable for him from day one of the challenge. The man admitted that he could have done more.

On the sixth day of the test, the guys from BuzzFeed noticed changes in appearance and well-being.

“In a way, it's discipline,” Brenda said.

On the 10th day, Spencer noticed that his muscles became stronger and wider than before. That is why he was even more inspired by what was happening. Althaus also noticed that his butt became firmer. Shannon shared that she does squats in public, otherwise she simply doesn’t have time at other times. However, this does not stop her from continuing the challenge and maintaining her shape.


"My legs look like they're little bodybuilder arms," ​​Brenda shared in the video. - Just look! They are super hard. God, they are so strong! I don't know what to do with such power. No, seriously, this is very cool. Looking in the mirror every day and seeing that this is who you are is priceless.”

By the end of the challenge, Shanon could do 60 squats without taking a break, she was very proud of that.

Spencer admitted that during these 30 days he did not see any noticeable visual changes, but he felt that he had become stronger and more resilient.

The results were pleasant, and most importantly unexpected. Indeed, in addition to the fact that the experiment participants “pumped up” their buttocks, regular physical activity had a positive effect on everyone’s physical condition and endurance. And the main thing is that like this, step by step, starting small, you can accustom yourself and your body to training.

If you have 20 minutes every day, why not spend it on this challenge? I think you won’t regret it, because the result will surprise you. After the first week you will feel a noticeable transformation in your body. Let `s start?

Classic squats with your own weight and minimal weights are a popular exercise for working your hips and buttocks. If you want to improve your lower body shape, but don't want to go to the gym, we offer home workout programs based on simple squats!

Why do 100 squats every day?

It is believed that in order to grow muscles, it is necessary to perform strength exercises with heavy equipment. But to most lovers healthy image Life doesn't need bulky muscles. Their goal is a toned, slender body with a minimal layer of fat. For such athletes, we recommend doing 100 squats a day. Beginners should perform the exercise with their own body weight.

Let's consider the positive effect of such training:

  • Fat Burning. At first glance, it seems that 100 repetitions per day is not enough for weight loss. In fact, after 50–60 squats, the athlete experiences the same load as a twenty-minute jog at an easy pace, while burning 120–150 kcal.
  • Getting rid of cellulite. Flabby buttocks and thighs are one of the main women's problems. A set of squats performed every day improves blood supply to the subcutaneous layer, which helps cope with cellulite.
  • Correction of the shape of the hips and buttocks. Of course, you won’t be able to build muscle in your lower body. But through regular exercise, the athlete increases blood circulation, which helps maintain toned legs and buttocks.
  • Posture correction. The technique of classic squats involves maintaining a flat back with a slight arch in the lower back. Thanks to this, the muscles and tissues around the spine are strengthened. As a result, the stoop disappears and a beautiful gait appears.
  • Increased stamina. During daily training, not only muscles are strengthened, but also ligaments and tendons. This allows for more productive cardio training, which improves weight loss results.

All positive points noticeable only with regular exercise. You can't skip workouts. Even if you feel tired or sore in your muscles, you still need to do 100 squats. This is how the athlete maintains muscle tone and maintains metabolic processes on high level and forms the habit of daily physical activity.

Training with your own body weight does not increase strength characteristics, but many girls have noticed that after 15-17 days of regular squats they feel better and can do large quantity repetitions. In this case, it is recommended to add weights to your training plan. Light dumbbells from 2 to 5 kg or a special weight belt are suitable for this.

What kind of squats should I do?

Beginning athletes are faced with the problem of selecting exercises from a variety of squat options. We recommend starting with the classic ones - feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, pelvis lowered to a right angle at the knees or slightly lower. This technique allows you to use the quadriceps and buttocks - muscle groups responsible for the formation of beautiful legs.

To fully work out the lower body, you should combine different types squats. For example, girls very often have the problem of sagging inner thighs. An effective exercise in this case it will be - the feet stand very wide, the toes are turned outward, the pelvis is lowered to a right angle at the knees. The element allows you to work the adductor muscles of the thigh.

There are also squats for the buttocks -. Briefly about the technique: the athlete takes a wide step back and places his toe on the floor; the foot of the abducted limb should be behind the line of the supporting leg; From this position, smooth squats are performed. The element specifically loads the gluteal muscles. To enhance the effect, we recommend using light dumbbells or weights.

Squat technique and mistakes

Beginners believe that exercises without power equipment are undemanding in terms of quality of execution. This is wrong. If you do not pay attention to mistakes, you can negate the benefits of the element and harm the body.

Let's look at the technique of classic squats:

  1. Let's get straight.
  2. We spread our feet shoulder-width apart, with our toes slightly turned to the sides.
  3. Inhale and smoothly lower the pelvis to a right angle at the knee joints.
  4. At the same time, bend your arms and bring your palms together at chest level.
  5. Exhale and rise to the starting position.

At first glance, the technique is simple. But you should take into account the nuances that affect the effectiveness of the exercise:

  • Keep your head straight. When the chin drops, an involuntary rounding of the upper back occurs.
  • We don’t “throw” our body down, we sit down smoothly. Excluding the negative phase of the squat reduces its overall effectiveness.
  • Don't lean forward too much. The basis of the movement should be abduction of the pelvic region back and bending of the legs.
  • Keep the center of gravity in the middle of the feet. When you shift onto your toes, the dangerous load on your knees increases.

When performing squats, maintain a bend in your lower back. Back position is very important. If you “round” the spine, the effect of stretching the gluteal muscles is lost, and the load shifts to the front of the thigh. Watch your back position throughout the entire approach.

Monthly training plan for girls

The 30-day squat program is designed to provide a comprehensive lower body workout. The plan includes 3 exercises that allow you to effectively train the muscles of your thighs and buttocks. Due to the fact that the complex simultaneously engages large muscles, calorie consumption increases, and this has a positive effect on weight loss.

Squat Chart:

Day Classic squats Plie Curtsy Total
1 14 15 15 44
2 16 16 16 48
3 18 17 17 52
4 20 18 18 56
5 22 19 19 60
6 24 20 20 64
7 26 21 21 68
8 28 22 22 72
9 30 23 23 76
10 32 24 24 80
11 34 25 25 84
12 36 26 26 88
13 38 27 27 92
14 40 28 28 96
15 42 29 29 100
16 44 30 30 104
17 46 31 31 108
18 48 32 32 112
19 50 33 33 116
20 52 34 34 120
21 54 35 35 124
22 56 36 36 128
23 58 37 37 132
24 60 38 38 136
25 62 39 39 140
26 64 40 40 144
27 66 41 41 148
28 68 42 42 152
29 70 43 43 156
30 72 44 44 160

Rest between exercises is 45–60 seconds. Try to keep your breaks short. Do your workout at an average pace.

Make sure that the lowering of the body is equal in time to the rising. The plan is suitable for those who find the “100 reps per day” scheme difficult.

Program “200 squats”

It is difficult for beginner athletes to train without recovery breaks. Under this regime they experience constant fatigue and muscle pain. Lethargy appears from daily physical activity, often observed Bad mood and decreased motivation.

The listed symptoms indicate the development of overtraining. This condition causes progress in sports to stop.

To avoid the adverse consequences of daily training, it is necessary to structure the program in such a way that a “window” appears between classes - at least 24 hours. During this period, the body will restore damaged muscle fibers and burn subcutaneous fat.

Below is a plan that is designed for 3 workouts per week. In a month, the athlete will be able to perform 200 squats per session.

Week #1

Week #2

Week #3

Week #4

Pauses between approaches are 50–60 seconds. By the fourth week, breaks should be gradually reduced to a minimum. The main exercise is classic squats with your own weight.

Men's training plan

One of the goals that men set for themselves when playing sports is to improve their strength. This can be achieved without the use of heavy barbells and dumbbells. We offer a program designed to increase leg endurance and strength.

The squat scheme is designed for a month, but classes are not daily. You need to rest for two days between workouts. This period is used for muscle recovery.

  • Workout 1- “squats” in a shoulder stand (3x50). The exercise is designed to prepare the beginner's muscles for stress. Lie on your back on the floor. Pull your knees sharply towards your chest, then immediately push your legs vertically into a “birch tree” pose. Support your back with your hands. Inhale and lower your knees to your forehead. As you exhale, straighten your legs. Move evenly, without sudden jolts.
  • Workout 2- exercise “folding knife” (3x40). Stand half a meter from the chair (object height 50–60 cm). Without bending your legs, bend over and place your palms on the seat. A right angle should form between the hips and the body. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Partially transfer your body weight to your arms. As you inhale, squat down to the end, as you exhale, rise up. When moving, do not lift your palms from the chair.
  • Workout 3- squats with support (3x30). The exercise is similar to a jackknife, but due to the high support, the body weight remains almost entirely on the legs. Choose a stable piece of furniture 100–110 cm high. Stand facing it and place your hands on the surface. As you inhale, squat down deeply, and as you exhale, rise up. Avoid transferring the center of gravity to your toes or heels, push off with the entire surface of your feet.
  • Workout 4- partial squats (2x50). Stand tall, cross your forearms, and press your palms toward your opposite delts. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your back straight, inhale and lower yourself until your knees form a right angle. Exhaling, slowly rise up. When moving, avoid “rounding” the spine. Don't lower your chin, look ahead.
  • Workout 5- full squats (2x30). Straighten your chest, spread your feet shoulder-width apart. Turn your toes slightly to the sides. With a deep breath, lower yourself all the way down into the squat. At the same time, straighten your arms in front of you. Exhaling, slowly rise to a vertical position. To understand the technique correctly, imagine sitting on a chair. That is, you don’t need to lean forward too much, just move your pelvis back and bend your legs.
  • Workout 6- narrow squats (2x30). This exercise allows you to shift the focus to working your quadriceps. Standing straight, bring your heels together. Spread your socks slightly apart. Stretch your arms forward. Inhale and slowly lower yourself into a deep squat. Exhaling, straighten your legs and return to the starting position. When doing this, make sure your back doesn’t “round.”
  • Workout 7- squats at different heights (2x20). The exercise allows you to individually load your legs with high quality. Stand half a meter from the ball (football, volleyball, basketball). Raise one leg and press your heel into the apparatus. Extend your arms in front of you. As you inhale, gently squat down, slightly rolling the ball forward, and as you exhale, rise up. Do 20 reps, then switch sides.
  • Workout 8- partial squats on one leg (2x20). Stand up straight, stretch your arms forward. Raise one leg in front of you so that its heel is 50–60 cm from the floor. Keeping your limb suspended, inhale and squat down on your supporting leg to a right angle at the knee. Exhale and rise up. After 20 repetitions, switch sides.
  • Workout 9- squats on one leg with emphasis on the ball (2x20). Place a ball next to your right foot. Extend your left arm and lift your left leg in front of you 50–60 cm from the floor. Lower your right arm freely along your body. Inhale and squat down completely. At the bottom point, press your palm against the ball. Exhale, push off the apparatus and rise up. Do 20 reps and switch sides.
  • Workout 10- squats on one leg (2x50). If you have faithfully completed the previous 9 lessons, then you should not have any problems with this exercise. Stand up and lift one leg in front of you. Stretch your arms forward. As you inhale, squat down completely, and as you exhale, rise up. When moving, try not to bend the raised limb. Do 50 reps and switch sides.

Do all exercises at a slow pace. Rest between sets - depending on how you feel.

The training plan should be carried out in a strictly defined order. This is necessary to gradually lead the athlete to the tenth, most difficult strength training. If you change the order of exercises, the effect of the program will decrease.

About the benefits of complex training

Women who play sports want to lose weight and gain a slim figure. Men strive to become stronger, more resilient and more muscular.

Whatever goal the athlete pursues, he can achieve a positive effect only if he trains comprehensively. This means that in one session you need to perform from 5 to 8 exercises, preferably for different muscle groups.

This fact is explained by the fact that when several large muscles are involved, energy expenditure increases and the release of growth hormones increases. This helps women get rid of what they hate faster subcutaneous fat, for men - to increase strength and build muscle. Therefore, effective training programs include not single elements, but sets of exercises.

I decided to challenge myself and do a little research on what would happen if I did 100 squats every day (without additional weight) for 2 weeks. Here are the conclusions she drew and what came of it:

It felt more like cardio than anything else.

It's not surprising, because after doing 100 repetitions of any movement, you feel like you're doing cardio: you start sweating, out of breath and cursing everything around you. As a fan of strength training, this seemed to me much more an aerobic exercise than a strength exercise. After 50 repetitions, I was breathing as if I had taken a brisk jog around the block, but after the 100th repetition, the sweat was already pouring off me like a waterfall.

A post shared by Gina Florio (@gmflorio) on Oct 24, 2017 at 6:14pm PDT

I didn't notice any significant changes for my buttocks

This can be seen with the naked eye in the before/after photo. Many trainers say that to get bigger buttocks you need to do weight exercises, and this is true - ordinary squats had little effect on the shape and size of my muscles.

The lower body has become more resilient

By the end of the second week, I noticed that my endurance runs and HIIT workouts were easier and my legs could go further. The daily squats made them more fit and the last few box jumps were much easier than usual. To be honest, this was one of the most pleasant bonuses.

It didn't affect my strength training at all.

In addition to squats, I followed the same strength program. A hundred squats were my warm-up before each workout, but they did not bring me strength or any special consequences for the workout. While doing daily squats has its benefits, developing strength is clearly not one of them.