
All the most interesting and rare things in the world. The most incredible facts from around the world. About the plant world

They make an attentive observer think about it, be surprised by the diversity of life, or have a good laugh.

But in the bustle of everyday chores, we sometimes do not notice these things. Want to expand your horizons?

We are offering to you interesting facts from life, which will definitely lift your spirits and teach you to look at the world in a new way.

  1. According to statistics, chronic alcoholics live 15 years longer than those people who work without vacation. Rest more, gentlemen, but do not abuse alcohol!
  2. 25% of our compatriots think about sex while stuck in a traffic jam. Oddly enough, only 6% think about work.
  3. Blue-eyed people are less likely to suffer from visual impairment than brown-eyed and gray-eyed people.
  4. Brown-eyed people are more adapted to everyday difficulties.
  5. An interesting life fact: the more often a man makes love, the lower his risk of a heart attack. Consider these instructions for action! This, unfortunately, does not apply to women.
  6. In the morning we are about 1 centimeter higher. During the day, the joints shrink, which makes us a little shorter in the evening.
  7. No person in the world can sneeze with their eyes open. Want to check it out? Please! Just don't do this while driving a car. According to statistics, 2% of all accidents occur because the driver sneezed and lost vigilance for a couple of seconds.
  8. Women speak 13 thousand more words per day than men. All men will agree with this fact, but women may be indignant!
  9. Interestingly, nightmares are more likely to occur in a cold bedroom.
  10. Foul language can temporarily dull the pain. Probably, Russian builders feel this on an intuitive level!
  11. The more often you overeat, the worse your hearing.
  12. Cats' taste buds are not sensitive to sweets. By the way, read in a separate article.
  13. Men's are tougher and thicker than women's. However, there is twice as much hair on a woman's head!
  14. If a woman periodically listens to an audio recording of a child crying, her breasts can increase by 2 centimeters in a week.
  15. There is a small pocket on men's that designers came up with in order to hide a condom there. It's actually designed for a watch. Recommended reading.
  16. The best cleaner for kettles, bathtubs, toilets and ovens is regular Coca-Cola!
  17. Uncolored Coca-Cola is green.
  18. Flavored cigarettes contain urea.
  19. The timbre of the voices of women who work in a male team is significantly lower than that of women who work side by side with other women.
  20. Regular sex relieves headaches. Interestingly, not all women use this fact in their lives. But men can use it as an argument!
  21. Left-handed people find it easier to chew food with the left side of their jaws.
  22. You can stop yawning by touching your tongue with your finger.
  23. When talking to a person we like, our pupils involuntarily dilate.
  24. When there are many, it is a herd. A set of horses is called a herd. A large group - a flock. But when there are a lot of frogs, it’s... an army! At least that's what zoologists call them.
  25. A 4-5 year old child asks about 400 questions a day.
  26. Fear of Friday the 13th is considered a disease and is successfully treated by psychotherapists.
  27. A clear fact of life: the average person eats 35 tons of food in their lifetime.
  28. know how to breathe through the anus.
  29. OK (okay) is the most commonly used word in most languages ​​of the world.
  30. 95% of emails sent are spam.
  31. A champagne cork can jump to a height of up to 12 meters.
  32. Interestingly, throughout the history of the Earth, no two identical snowflakes have existed. However, like people. Even twins have slight differences.
  33. In 2 years, a couple is capable of producing more than a million cubs. For comparison, a domestic cat gives birth to no more than 100 kittens in her entire life.
  34. First President George Washington free time loved to admire the lush hemp bushes that grew in his garden.
  35. Do not microwave grapes or they will explode!
  36. The cow is unable to go down the stairs.
  37. Incredible but true: the most big eyes on Earth belong to the giant (colossal) squid. They are approximately the size of a soccer ball.
  38. Humpback whales scream the loudest of all animals on Earth. The cry of these mammals is louder than the roar of an airplane and can be heard over 500 kilometers in the open ocean.
  39. You won't believe it, but a caterpillar has more than a person.
  40. People in white swimsuits and swimming trunks are more likely to become victims of sharks on beaches.
  41. The nostrils are the organ of smell, but not of breathing. Sharks breathe through gills.
  42. Babies have more bones than adults.
  43. The lighter the beard, the faster it grows.
  44. Interesting fact from life: the most clever woman(according to IQ test results) was... a housewife.
  45. More than 1,000 people die every year from lightning strikes.
  46. Cologne was originally used to treat the plague.
  47. sleep 22 hours a day. Eh!..
  48. The peak of household injuries and heart attacks occurs on Monday.
  49. Every day, 13 new varieties of children's toys appear in the world.
  50. The most common tree in the world is the Siberian larch.
  51. And this is a terrible fact, despite the fact that it is about life. Some sharks eat their brothers and sisters while still in the womb. Truly, survival of the fittest!
  52. Contrary to popular belief, anteaters do not eat ants. Their main food is
  53. At the end of the 19th century, cocaine was used to treat insomnia and colds.
  54. If you chew gum while peeling onions, it is impossible to cry.
  55. Ticks can go 10 years without food.
  56. Until the end of the 19th century in Russia, you could only buy vodka in a 12-liter bucket. People once knew when to stop! By the way, we recommend reading where we have collected a very interesting selection.
  57. There are more colorblind men than women.
  58. This fact of life may surprise you. The fact is that some men are terrified of virgins. Psychologists call this phenomenon parthenophobia.
  59. The hibernation period of snails can last 3 years.
  60. Vinegar can dissolve pearls.
  61. 99% of living things that have ever lived on Earth are now extinct.
  62. Every day on Earth, 3 people undergo gender reassignment surgery.
  63. Well, friends, we hope that you liked the interesting facts from life. Of course, we do not call them either the most important or the most interesting. It’s just that selections like these help keep your brain in good shape and exercise your memory.

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In this collection of interesting and incredible facts, we have collected for you the most interesting, unexpected, educational and funny facts from around the world.

Morocco- the only country in the world where goats, due to a lack of grass, climb trees and graze in whole herds, feasting on the fruits of the argan tree, the nuts of which are used to make a fragrant place.

We can change jobs, spouses, or religions, but until we change inside, we will attract the same people and the same circumstances.

April 11, 1909. About a hundred people cast lots to equally divide the 12 acres of purchased sand dunes. Then it will become Tel Aviv.

This photo shows a rally of Hitler supporters, which took place in 1937.

Hitler supporters rally - 1937

No rally in the history of mankind has brought together such a number of people. After 8 years (in 1945) they will say that they never supported Hitler’s ideas.

Saint Petersburg
The only European capital that has never, at any time in history, been captured by the enemy.

For the cartoon “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” Walt Disney was awarded a special prize in 1937 "Oscar"– one large figurine and seven small ones.

In 1975, Academician Sakharov received the Nobel Peace Prize.
That is, the man who invented the hydrogen bomb received the Peace Prize named after the man who invented dynamite... Peace to the world.

The executioner bird impales mice on the thorns of bushes, thus making provisions for a rainy day.

The English Mastiff is the largest living dog on earth. Antique English breed of Great Dane, the largest Great Dane in Europe and the largest of mastiffs.

The world's smallest private library belongs to Hungarian Jozsef Tari and contains more than 4,500 items.

If a person under the influence of hypnosis is told that a cigarette will touch his hand, the brain will send impulses and burn marks will appear on his hand.

Helicopter flights are banned over Antarctica because short-necked penguins try to look at them and fall over like dominoes.

Box with the blood of poets, 1965-1968.
In 1965, Eleanor Antin (a conceptual artist) began collecting blood samples and within 3 years she had collected samples from 100 poets.
She was inspired to do this by Jean Cocteau with his 1935 film “The Blood of a Poet.”
Among the poets who donated their blood were such personalities as Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Jerome Rothenberg and others. Now this box is in the Tate Gallery (American Foundation). Hence the question. For what?

Monument to a woman's handbag, Italy
The sculpture was first presented in Italy at the exhibition “Thoughts. Space. Dialogue between nature and imagination”, Piedmonte in the province of Cuneo, in 2013. A woman's handbag is a very important wardrobe item. Psychologists say that a handbag can determine the character, hobbies and much more about its owner.

Guardian of the Royal Chair
This was the most coveted and honorable position at the court of monarchs. The duties of this courtier included nothing more than wiping the royal buttocks after fulfilling their natural needs. Oddly enough, the guardians had enormous power at court, and the expression “licking ass” came to mean: “moving up the career ladder.”

Until the twentieth century, the position of “Groom of the King’s Close Stool” was highly valued at the British court. He was a courtier responsible for assisting the monarch in fulfilling his natural needs. Considering the fact that the king’s body was considered almost sacred, only representatives of noble blood could touch it. It is worth noting that lords and counts very willingly became Guardians of the Royal Chair, despite the fact that they literally had to wipe the king’s ass.

Under King George III, his courtier John Stewart, Earl of Bute, performed his duties in the dressing room so well that he rose to the rank of Prime Minister of England.

You've probably heard different incredible facts about the world around us. Some of them made you wonder, others you couldn't believe. And some facts still seem like myths to you. Read 11 facts you didn't know about until today.

Do you know what Chemical substance can make you faint with just its smell? Can the most dangerous killer live like Hollywood star and have tons of fans? Is it true that the most merciless pirate in history was a woman? You will learn about all this from our article.

11 incredible facts about the world around us: let's replenish your knowledge!

Fact 1. The smell of thioacetone is recognized as the stinkiest in the world

This volatile liquid was invented in a chemical laboratory. By the way, immediately after it, a panic evacuation of residents began in the city of Freiburg, who vomited all night from a smell of unknown origin. At the same time, the stench was so severe that people lost consciousness in batches. Needless to say, if in the 70s Oxford researchers just opened a flask with this substance, and massive attacks of vomiting began within a radius of 200 meters.

Fact 2: Roller coaster rides help clear kidney stones

Initially, this dubious fact was brought to the attention of Dr. D. Wortinger. His patients told amazing stories of getting rid of the problem after visiting the attractions. It was then that he decided to start research: he created a 3D model of the kidney and began to calculate the probabilities. It turned out that the more rides a person makes on the slide, the higher the chance of getting rid of the problem, up to 100% cure! At the same time, the chances of success increase if you sit with your back forward.

Fact 3. The Pinocchio effect exists

Numerous studies of people who tell lies have yielded interesting results. So, incredible facts say: when lying intentionally, ours activates neural networks. And they are involved in controlling body temperature. And the latter may rise slightly. Simply put, lying causes the skin around the nose to warm up, which is called the Pinocchio effect.

Fact 4. Pain destroys the brain and leads to dementia.

If you're a rabid anti-painkiller, you should know that patience is not the answer. Not only does pain spoil your mood and undermine your performance, but in its chronic form it can cause serious brain damage. Doctors were able to prove that people who often suffer from pain of various locations (in the knees, back, head, etc.) are 10% more likely to develop dementia.

Fact 5. The fewer teeth, the worse the memory

It turns out that teeth can influence the process of memorizing information. Thus, experiments confirmed that the fewer healthy teeth a respondent has, the weaker his memory. It turns out that when they fall out, not only the gums and dental nerves are destroyed, but also the neural connections in the brain. Most of them are responsible for assimilation and memorization of the facts of the surrounding world.

Fact 6. Strong immunity can save you from snake venom

The most amazing and incredible facts about yet say that not a single person is able to survive after being bitten by a black mamba... If he is not injected with an antidote within 15 minutes after infection. However, Tim Fage proved the impossible: he survived! So, the reason for this “luck” was hidden in the fact that the man himself devoted about 20 years to creating a powerful serum against snake venom. He obtained it through the natural production of antibodies by his immune system. To do this, he injected himself with small doses of snake venom, and then made “vaccinations”, allowing himself to be bitten by over 170 types of poisonous vipers.

Fact 7. Pablo Escabar's hitman became a popular blogger

John Velasquez is the personal hitman of the famous drug lord, who admitted to the brutal murder of over 250 people. However, now he lives in Hollywood, takes pictures with armies of fans and posts videos on YouTube. There he talks about his past and attempts to change. In addition, “Popeye” does not particularly regret the crimes he committed and is happy to share his experience. They are also planning to make a full-length film based on his story.

Fact 8. Unemployment and excess weight are to blame for sleep problems

Scientists at the University of Leipzig surveyed over 10 thousand people who complained of insomnia. They were able to find a direct relationship between the respondents’ weight, economic status and their sleep problems. It turned out that obesity and lack of money seriously undermine not only the quality of life, but also the quality of sleep. These incredible facts suggest that all this can be solved if you start working with your body and find some kind of activity.

Fact 9. The most cruel and powerful pirate in history was a woman

She was born in the second half of the 18th century and was popularly known as Lady Zheng. History is silent about how a prostitute became the wife of a famous pirate captain. But she fell into his heart so much that he gave her a good half of his fleet, which she managed to increase to 1800 ships. By the way, they say that the key to her success lay in strict discipline: theft from the common treasury, disobedience and rape of captive women under her leadership was punishable by beheading. On top of everything else, luck has not been canceled!

Fact 10. The most expensive company in the world is the East India Company

If we convert its capital to today's rate, it is 8 times higher than the value of Apple, amounting to more than 7 trillion dollars. The trading society itself was founded in Holland at the beginning of the 17th century. By the way, it was famous for being the first in the world to practice the shareholder type of management with shared responsibility of all co-founders. What were they doing? Trade in tea, precious metals, silk, ceramics and opiates between Europe, China and Indonesia.

Fact 11. The Antarctic authorities have banned the import of dogs into their territory

These animals are the most environmentally friendly mode of transport and the most adapted to such harsh living conditions. But, despite this, their import and cultivation was strictly prohibited in the 90s. It threatened the reproduction of northern seals, which were allegedly greatly weakened by the advent of dogs. The agreement itself is still considered absurd, but despite this, in 2009 it was extended for another 50 years.

Surely the most incredible facts will shock you. After all, it’s not every day that you hear what we’re going to tell you about right now. Of course, there are many more of them than in this article. But it’s impossible to describe everything, but some of them will certainly make your leisure time enjoyable.

So, here are the facts for your attention.

Surely you are well aware that since ancient times there have been legends that there are vampires on earth who want to drink your blood? So today, for suspicious people who believe in this, special kits for hunting vampires are sold. Yes, yes, there is everything you need to protect and counterattack the evil bloodsuckers!

An Englishman named Albert Marcantonio got into the Guinness Book of Records because he managed to grow the world's largest zucchini. Its length was 165 centimeters.

By the way, the most stolen book on the planet is the Guinness Book of Records. This fact will also be included in this book.

It is believed that the best trained dogs in the world are police dogs. They are capable of incredible endurance. We have collected everything in a separate article.

The gecko animal is a champion in camouflage. No one knows how to hide from the eyes of a predator as cleverly as this species.

Madagascar flat-tailed gecko

Did you know that the distance between and is only 4 km? And this is not a joke at all! The distance between the Russian Ratmanov Island and the American Krusenstern Island is really only 4 km. So, on occasion, you can safely show off your knowledge of this incredible fact among your friends. It is also interesting that the Greenwich time difference between these islands is exactly 21 hours!

Surely you haven't heard anything about this amazing plant, as cardiocrinum, which translates as “Heart-shaped lily.” It seems incredible, but this miracle of nature blooms only once in a lifetime. Moreover, the plant spends all its energy on this task, and immediately after flowering it dies.

Scientists have long noticed that a person, in any incomprehensible area, is more inclined to go to the right than to the left. This feature is successfully used by all marketers in the world. When you come to a hypermarket, pay attention to how the stands are arranged.

The world's largest production car is the Ford F650. Its weight is 12 tons, and the cost is relatively low: only 70-80 thousand dollars.

This fact may seem incredible to you, but it is absolutely accurate: more than half of the world's population uses rice as their main food product.

The most expensive tea in the world is considered to be Dahongpao - “Big Red Robe”. This is Chinese rock tea. It can only be bought at auction, and the cost can reach 70 thousand dollars per 100 grams.

is the largest city in the United Arab Emirates. It's no secret that it is one of the richest cities. It is no coincidence that more than a hundred public transport stops there are equipped with air conditioning for comfortable waiting for transport.

By the way, also located in Dubai. Its height is 828 meters.

This incredible fact will seem unpleasant to music lovers, which includes the author of this article. The fact is that one hour of listening to music on headphones increases the number of ear infections 700 times. Yes, sir, it would be better if I didn’t know this, since I still can’t give up headphones!

Nature never ceases to amaze us with its “tricks”. For example, the heart is in the head. Poor thing!

In 1898-1910. Cough medicine was made from... heroin.

As you know, they are one of the smartest animals in the world. They are also the only representatives of the animal kingdom that can laugh. This is truly an incredible fact.

Buckwheat is rarely respected among young people. However, it is different from many cereals unique properties and availability huge amount useful substances. It’s time to write a separate article about it, but for now we’ll just say that it is buckwheat that can cleanse the stomach of chewing gum. Keep in mind!

It seems incredible, but bamboo can grow up to 3 meters in height in just 24 hours.

It differs in that it has black beaches. And all because of the black gravel and black boulders. There are only a few such beaches on the planet.

The specimen is considered evergreen. This unique tree grows in the USA and has its own name - Hyperion. The height of this giant is 115.61 meters, and its age is 700-800 years. Its exact location is not disclosed so that the flow of tourists does not disturb the existing ecosystem there.

Pablo Escobar

This fact is so incredible that you might think it is not true. However, this is a completely reliable fact. The fact is that one of the most famous drug lords of the 20th century was the Colombian Pablo Escobar. His daughter said that once, when they were hiding from the police, they had to spend the night in the open air. Since she was cold, her dad made a fire.

But there was no firewood anywhere, so he burned about $2 million overnight. Despite the extreme cruelty and many bloody murders on his conscience, he loved his family very much.

He owns the quote: “In this life I can find a replacement for any thing, but I will never find a replacement for my wife and children.” At the time of 1989, his fortune was estimated at $3 billion.

Well, that's where we'll end. Of course, these are not all the most incredible facts. But we hope that you enjoyed reading them.

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Interesting stories, data and traditions are always exciting. On the one hand, the volume of information and its accessibility is growing incredibly today. But on the other hand, choose the right one in this stream interesting fact , it’s very difficult not to drown in a sea of ​​something interesting. In this article we have collected such interesting details about our world, its inhabitants and events.

1. Mysterious Hagfish

An interesting representative lives in the waters of the World Ocean animal world– hagfish. This order of vertebrates is represented by 15 species, greatest number which are common off the western coast of North America.
The hagfish is an ancient animal, it is already more than 300 million years old, and the structure of these creatures has not changed in almost all this time; it is a kind of intermediate link between worms and fish. Hagfishes have no backbone, only a skull, which makes up the entire skeleton. Hagfish are vicious predators. They gnaw out the insides of fish with their powerful tongue with sharp teeth. By the way, there is interesting fact about the fact that hagfish actively use fishing nets - they attack immobilized fish and often leave fishermen without a catch. Therefore, in Northern Europe, fishermen often have to change their fishing grounds to escape the arrogant primitive predators.
The creatures' bodies are covered with a thick layer of mucus and can tie themselves into knots, which is an excellent defense mechanism. The largest animals reach 127 cm, although usually the size of the hagfish does not exceed 45-70 cm. The internal structure of the hagfish is also amazing - it has 4 hearts, one nostril and two brains. There are 2 eyes and light-sensitive elements near the cloaca - the hagfish “feels” light, but does not distinguish the image. Hagfish reproduce by laying eggs. In this case, their fertilization is external, and in some species there may be only one male per hundred females.

2. Swiss hemp

Invented in Switzerland most interesting way combating the illegal distribution of marijuana. Residents of the country were allowed to grow 4 hemp bushes for personal use. Of course it is possible smile Such naivety, but there is a certain logic in the decision. after all, if someone needs hemp, no matter how cruel the prohibitions are, he will still find it. Then let better person just grow a bush so dear to your heart.
But you also need to take into account interesting fact that everyone is entitled to hemp, which means that a family of 4-5 people will already have a whole, and completely legal, clearing of 16-20 bushes.

3. The birth of M&M's

Forrest Mars Sr. got the idea for his famous candies during the Spanish Civil War. He saw how soldiers ate chocolate dragees, and due to the hardened chocolate shell, the candies did not melt and did not smear their fingers.
Actually M&M's began to be produced in 1941. The candies immediately became very popular, so much so that they were even included in the food rations of American soldiers on the fronts of World War II.

4. Long-legged spider crab

One of the most The largest arthropod on Earth is the Japanese spider crab. Its cephalothorax is up to 37 cm long, but if you measure the crab along with its legs, you will get all 4 meters! This representative animal world feeds on animal remains and shellfish and can live up to 100 years. I usually use it for scientific, food and decorative purposes; it is often placed in large aquariums.

5. Rain Trader

At the beginning of the twentieth century Charles Hatfield called a rainmaker. He traded sewing machines, and in his free time he studied materials on chemistry, physics, and meteorology. His goal was to learn how to make rain using chemicals.
By 1902, Hatfield had a potent secret mixture of 23 ingredients, which had to be evaporated over fire from large zinc pans. The first few experiments were unsuccessful, but after being brought into the business younger brother Paul, Hatfield begins to make money by betting on precipitation to a certain point.
Hatfield's fame quickly spreads throughout the country. The most interesting story takes place in Sag Diego. A contract was awarded to the city in 1915 to fill the Morena Reservoir for $10,000. As a result, multi-day downpours, terrible flooding, casualties and destruction begin, and the authorities incur losses of $3.5 million. After such a large-scale event, legal proceedings followed, opinions about the connection between Hetfield's activities and the rainfall were divided. But the process served as good advertising and the popularity of the “rainmaker” only grew. So successful events in the entire history of Hetfield's activities there are about 500.
During his lifetime, by the way, Charles did not reveal his secret, telling it only to Paul, with whom she died.

6. The terrible companion of Santa Claus

In Germany, Austria and Hungary, there is a strange belief in their Alpine regions. According to local residents, there is a creepy creature in Santa Claus's retinue - Krampus. His specialty is punishing especially spoiled children, and his name comes from “claw” (claw).
The first mentions of Krampus date back to the 19th century, but now its popularity is declining. But some areas of Austria and Bavaria celebrate “Krampustag” (Krampus Day) on December 5th. At the same time, people wear scary costumes and scare passersby. According to legends Krampus kidnaps children who especially “distinguished themselves” last year, takes them in a sack to his castle, and then throws them into the sea.

7. The Japanese have figured out how to “revive” a toy

Japanese designers have come up with a special PINOKY device with microcontrollers and photosensors, which looks like a bracelet and is worn on a limb. soft toy. Next, you can transmit commands to the device from the remote control and the limb will move. In addition, PINOKY will be able to remember all the movements that a person made with a limb and reproduce them when given a signal.

8. Birmingham Rollers pigeons do somersaults in the air

In Birmingham, England, the Birmingham Rollers pigeon breed was bred, which became especially popular among fanciers due to the unusual abilities of the birds. These pigeons can somersault in the air. Scientists cannot explain this interesting fact - birds have no special reasons for tumbling, and pigeon experts say that birds simply like it.

9. Happy coincidences

Barbara Soper gave birth to her first daughter on 08/08/08, and exactly on time. Literally a year later, the housewife gave birth to a son, then the doctors had to intervene, the boy was born ahead of schedule(September 20), but also at an amazing moment - 09.09.09. and a year later, 36-year-old Barbara gave birth to another girl. This time the doctor also had to intervene. Theoretically, the girl was supposed to be born on November 4, but due to the risk of complications, the birth was accelerated and the baby was born on October 10, 2010.
The sopers say that they did not plan such a unique event at all. event, everything happened by chance, although the chance of coincidence is only 1 in 50 million!

10. Sex trainers in the USA

In the USA there is a unique profession - a sex coach. He, like any other coach, must improve the theoretical, technical and moral-volitional level of training of his players. Now this profession is very popular, and the services of such trainers are in incredible demand. Topics covered include dating, kissing, foreplay, ejaculation and much more. In addition, the training program includes joint trips to sex shops and watching porn films. Intimacy with the coach is not included in the program, which means that the students will have to figure it out in practice on their own.
For those who are engaged in self-education, here are some