Make up

Options for filling a gift box. Cute gift boxes Paper tinsel for packaging

Cutting line:)

An inexpensive and effective way to give a gift a presentable appearance is to put a colored gift box filler(paperfiller). Its production does not require the use of powerful modern equipment. The basis is taken from raw materials with minimal cost - paper.

Conventionally, paperfillers can be divided into 2 types:

  • decorative;
  • protective.

If the former focus on color and texture, the latter are more attractive due to their mechanical strength and ability to hold an object in a stationary state. How would you pack a bottle of vintage wine, a round souvenir ball, or a pair of teas from an antique collection in a rectangular box? Due to the resulting voids, the container has every chance of breaking or falling apart, not to mention the internal contents, the integrity of which will be compromised.

Demand for packaging filler in Lately especially high. It is available in a wide range of colors. Designed for filling small or large containers, beautiful design parties corporate gifts, packing into postal boxes for parcels and other purposes.

What is it for?

By using simple lung material can solve a lot of problems. They:

  • make gifts and souvenirs more presentable;
  • simplify installation, correct the position of things in the right way;
  • protect against possible mechanical damage as a result of squeezing and impacts, which is typical during long-distance transportation and when sending by mail;
  • replace expensive filling methods, for example, cases, satin fabric, foam trays, foam rubber, etc.;
  • decorate the premises;
  • create a spectacular background during photo and video shooting.
  • serve as a base for stuffed animals and other products from the hand made category.

There are no special secrets in using shavings - you need to place them between the walls of the box and the gift or between the individual components of a fragile gift (for example, a decanter, a lid, a wine glass). In addition to preserving the contents, by choosing a harmonious color and cutting, you will achieve an attractive appearance, and also prevent the negative impact of sudden temperature changes, extreme heat, cold.

Main areas of use

Paper paperfiller can be used in conjunction with any gift packaging. It can be:

  • boxes - cardboard, simple and branded with a logo (for example, with the logo of the Russian Post), used for transporting one or more goods;
  • baskets: thin ribbons combined with a wicker texture give the contents more naturalness;
  • dishes;
  • vases;
  • thin transparent bags.

The shavings look beautiful against the background of plastic, crystal, vine, wood.

The most active customers are the owners of antique shops, shops selling expensive souvenirs, and branded alcoholic beverages. Often purchased by managers of transport companies and courier services. The companies professionally pack and deliver the listed goods. Paper tapes guarantee their integrity during transportation.

Other applications:

  • attractive design of shipments from online stores: the vast majority of online purchases are delivered to the addressee by couriers and Russian Post. Sellers are forced to find packaging methods that do not greatly affect the rise in price of the goods, and at the same time serve as reliable protection against possible damage;
  • florist shops and salons;
  • food delivery service - drinks, fruits;
  • service centers for organizing relocations (for packing fragile items);
  • glassware stores;
  • cosmetic, perfume boutiques;
  • photo studios: paper filler will be the basis of one of the scenarios for creating a bright background during studio shooting.

Please note! The chips are made frompaper, and this is natural cellulose andwoodya derivative that does not cause allergic reactions. The substances in the composition do not come into contact with food ingredients. Paperfiller is a great way to aesthetically decorate children's gifts that contain marmalade, gingerbread, cookies, and other “goodies.”

Assortment and selection options

It consists of thin, chaotically mixed strips of paper. Outwardly, it looks very much like a pile of streamers collected after a corporate party.

Cutting is made from several types of paper:

  • offset;
  • color;
  • design;
  • papyrus (silence).

Products are classified according to four key parameters. Important:

  1. Material.
  2. Color.
  3. Cutting width.
  4. The thickness of the paper used.

The price depends on the selected variety and its characteristics.


The reason for the growing demand is the characteristics that increase the consumer value of the product. There are several of them:

  1. Low price: when purchasing a large batch of the most expensive filler, the price of the final product will not increase significantly.
  2. Light weight: paper does not weigh down the load, making it easy to transport and climb to high floors.
  3. Environmentally friendly and free of allergens.
  4. Ability for a long time maintain the integrity of fragile goods.
  5. Aesthetics.
  6. Varied assortment.

Paper fillers - a lot of color options

Modern industry produces paper in an unlimited number of colors. You can buy packaging materials from the company in a wide range of colors. Choose what you like best - from classic white and black to creative golden, pink, cream. Available in green, blue (in many existing shades), lemon, cobalt, emerald, etc.

You can make a present bright by mixing several colors belonging to the same or different color lines (blue/blue/turquoise or dark green/lime/yellow or red/blue/orange and other options).

(Take note! The company’s branding is always based on some color. You can use these shades when choosing a filler as part of large-scale branding. This advertising ploy has long been actively used in Europe.)

Some more tips for choosing colors:

Color and texture


Natural shades– white, pastel, made of paper with high density and heterogeneous structure. It is allowed to use papyrus, unbleached corrugated cardboard

If you want to focus on environmental friendliness

Bright thin shavings from corrugated paper(preferred shades – lemon, green, bright scarlet)

For the bright ones creative gifts

Perfume, cosmetics (perfume, soap, including beautiful homemade transparent bars)

Pastel strips of thick elastic paper

For VIP gifts

Blue or pink

On the occasion of the birth of a boy or girl

Density and width - how to choose?

Important parameters that influence the external characteristics of the chips are the width of the cut and the density of the selected base.

Width may vary. Common values:

  • 1.5 mm;
  • 2.5mm;
  • 3 mm.

The final decorative effect is also influenced by the level of corrugation, color, and structure.

Pay attention to the density. It influences specifications. The denser the material, the less volume it will take up with the same weight of chips.

Examples of density of different types of paper:

The choice depends on what effect the buyer needs, and the main task - whether the paper is used purely for decorative purposes or it is important to ensure reliable fastening.

Economy option - offset paper

Economical parcel filler is made from thin offset paper. Holds contents securely. It belongs to processed products, therefore it occupies one of the leading positions in terms of environmental friendliness among analogues of the Economy class. It is light in weight. This is important when sending by Russian Post, where the price directly depends on the gross weight. It can be an adequate alternative to foamed polystyrene if you need to send a bulky parcel.

In the professional field, offset base is called uncoated paper. It is made from pure cellulose or with the addition of a certain amount of wood pulp to increase resistance to deformation when the product is in conditions of high humidity.

Suitable for placing in production or gift containers with gingerbreads, sweets, cookies and other types of confectionery products.

Fillers for mailboxes

The burning question is which filler is more suitable for packing into a postal parcel? For these purposes, the following are most often used:

  • granular foam;
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • paper shavings.

Lightweight foam filling is reliable because when correct location products inside the container ensures high-quality fixation of the contents and eliminates displacement during shocks, falls, and impacts. It also takes on an important barrier function, ensuring the integrity of products under conditions high humidity, at high or low temperatures.

Its only advantage over paper is its much lighter weight. Foam plastic is 10 times lighter than paper. However, given its synthetic origin and the meager range of colors, it will be problematic to create a bright atmosphere of solemnity with its help. Yes, and the appearance of plastic balls is not so festive, but rather predisposed to practical use.

Corrugated cardboard is used where there is a need for more rigid fastening of products. It protects well from destruction as a result of shaking and impacts, therefore it is considered best choice for filling packages with glass, porcelain, ceramic dishes. Dense, well-cushioned corrugation also copes well with heavier goods, for example, with some models of household appliances.

Paper filling for boxes is light, pleasant appearance, high level depreciation, environmental friendliness and very low cost. It is suitable for a wide range of products - from expensive antiques to vulnerable plumbing items, bottles filled with liquids, etc.

Kraft paper – guarantees food protection and freshness

The characteristics of derivative materials depend entirely on the base. Kraft paper has properties that allow it to act as a base for cutting. She is characterized by:

  • high strength relative to other varieties (“kraft” translated from German as “strength”);
  • breathability – goods do not deteriorate due to lack of air exchange;
  • natural origin and absence of allergy-causing components;
  • high internal tear resistance;
  • resistance to fracture, punching;
  • tolerance to sudden changes in temperature and humidity.

You don’t have to worry about food spoilage when transporting long distances if they are packed in a box with Kraft tape. Common applications:

  • any gifts - it is only important to choose the right color;
  • packaging for heavy items and its internal contents;
  • laying components thickly coated with oil lubricants;
  • transportation of food products, including bulk foods;
  • postal correspondence: such envelopes look impressive and are not exposed to negative factors.

Quiet tissue paper filler

Thin paper with a beautiful smooth surface. Available in a wide range of colors and designs. Used as a decorative filler for gift box with different content:

  • clothes;
  • shoes;
  • cosmetics;
  • vintage wine, cognac and other types of alcohol;
  • aromatic soap made by the hands of the donor;
  • accessories for interiors - figurines, watches, dishes;
  • leather goods;
  • perfumes, cosmetics, etc.


  • pronounced anti-shock effect;
  • a light weight;
  • a wide range of colors and cutting options.

How to relate weight and volume

When choosing filler for packaging fragile items, focus on the following parameters:

  1. A box weighing 50 grams is a small package 20 cm by 15 cm. Enough to place in a container measuring 20 by 30 cm, 10 cm high.
  2. Cut paperfiller weighing 1 kg on average is suitable for dense packing in a container 30 by 30 cm, 30 cm high.
  3. The shavings are supplied in very durable transparent bags.
  4. As a rule, after unpacking the bag, when the filler expands and takes a free shape, its volume increases by 2 times.

Calculate the quantity correctly

Running parameters:

It is inconvenient to send large quantities in small packaging. When collecting a large wholesale order, the layout is made by 1, possibly 2, 3 or more kg.

Simple counting

The algorithm consists of three steps:

    measure the length/width/height in centimeters;

    multiply the indicators;

    divide the result by 80.

Detailed calculation

Calculation algorithm if you need to fill several boxes (bags or other packaging):

    determine the volume of the container by multiplying its width, height and length (the parameter is taken in meters);

    Determine in approximately the same way the volume that the gift occupies (perhaps it is indicated on the product packaging, or use the same formula and multiply the sizes of the sides);

    subtract the second from the first result;

    the resulting number must be multiplied by the estimated number of boxes;

    multiply the last result by 20.

This is how you get your weight in kilograms.

For example, how to make a filler for a gift box if it is a bottle of sparkling wine. We will give it as a gift in a box 10 by 10 by 35 cm.

We calculate:

    convert the values ​​to meters - we get a volume of 0.1 by 0.1 by 0.35;

    calculate the volume of the package: multiplying the indicated parameters, we get 0.0035 m3;

    bottle capacity – approximately 0.023 m3 (see label);

    subtract one volume from the other - we get 0.0012 m 3;

    we need to fill 100 units - multiply the net volume by this amount, we get 0.12 m 3;

    multiply the total volume by 20, we get 2.4 kg.

Notes: the example demonstrates an approximate calculation method, since the calculation results also depend on the density of the material in the package. And one more thing - if you want to use slightly corrugated or offset filler, then the resulting mass must be multiplied by a factor of 1.8.

Decorative filler is used quite often; most master classes have it, but how to make it is almost never told.

Of course, you can buy it in the store, but why spend money if the filler is easy to make yourself. Find out how to do this from our article.

Why do you need filler?

Decorative shavings are one of the most common materials used by decorators to add volume and shape to gifts. Main types of packaging filler:

  • Sisal;
  • Corrugated shavings;
  • Paper filler;
  • Raffia (fiber from palm leaves);
  • Lurex.

Depending on the preferences of the recipient and the theme of the holiday for which the offering is being prepared, shavings can be used different shapes and colors. It is used not only for decorating gifts; it is also used to create individual compositions.

Interesting! Paper is not always used; you can create shavings, for example, from wood. Wood shavings will be especially appropriate if a surprise is presented or. This is how a flash drive can be presented:

With your own hands

To create paper shavings, you will need: a little free time, a pencil, a ruler, scissors and a lot of multi-colored paper, which you can easily buy in any office department or art salon.

When everything you need is at hand, you can start working. So, you need to use a ruler and pencil to draw on one of the sheets (it’s better to take an A3 sheet so that the stripes are longer) many thin strips, about 0.5 cm wide, and the length will depend on the size of the sheet.

Then simply cut the leaf into ribbons. The resulting ribbons should be slightly crushed. That's all, now put your stripes in a gift box and place a present on top.

To make the filler look more interesting, use zigzag scissors. Also, instead of regular colored paper, you can take special gift paper, since it has a pattern, the ribbons will turn out more interesting.

And recently, it has become fashionable to use newspapers for these purposes; perhaps this option will interest you too.

Idea! It is not necessary to put the gift on top; on the contrary, you can hide it among the decor. Do this: buy a present, preferably a small one, so that it is more difficult to find, ( costume jewelry is suitable, cufflinks, etc.) and a large gift box (you can even have a whole box). Fill the box big amount multi-colored filler and hide a surprise somewhere between it. Decorate the box with a large one and present it to the hero of the occasion. Believe me, he will remember such an offering for a long time!

You can also put many small cases in a box, say 11 pieces. Let there be little surprises at 10 (, kinder, keychain, etc.), and at the eleventh something special (, trips to the sea, etc.).

In this unusual way, you can even propose marriage. Let the girl think that she is looking for another cute souvenir, but in the end she will receive a gorgeous engagement ring.

In general, if you use your imagination a little, you can come up with many more interesting options.

You can make several types of shavings in less than one hour, and this task is quite easy, even a novice needleworker can do it.

Therefore, if you want your gifts to be bright, voluminous and unusual, then be sure to use filler, and you already know how to make it.

Agree, the anticipation of a gift is no less pleasure than the gift itself! Ah, these sweet moments when you try to guess what is hidden inside an elegant box, impatiently untie the satin ribbons, tear off the crispy paper covers!

Masu box

For warming up, I chose masu box - an origami box. You can even roll this up in a taxi on the way to visit: you don’t need any scissors or glue, just a couple of sheets of paper. Moreover, even those whose highest achievement in origami are paper airplanes will master the simple principle of their creation.

Notes and tips:
1. For this box, I chose thick double-sided scrapbooking paper from Leonardo (40 rubles per sheet), but it was a mistake. Firstly, the back of the paper would still end up hidden. Secondly, the paper turned out to be too thick and therefore unsuitable for origami: it did not bend well and cracked at the folds. As a result, we had to roll it from colored paper with a density of 120 g/m2 (10 rubles per A4 sheet), although a thinner one would have worked perfectly.

2. Remember that the base must be smaller than the lid! I decided that if I cut the sheet by three or four millimeters, that would be enough, but in the end, the parts of the box still turned out to be almost the same.
3. You can decorate the box (and at the same time hide extra folds on the lid) using ribbons (a set of five satin ribbons with New Year’s prints cost us about 150 rubles). Tip for perfectionists: to hide the edges, thread them through the slots in the lid (you can easily figure out where to make them) and secure from the inside with a glue stick. Be sure to loosen the tension on the bands a little so that the lid can be bent.

4. For this little experiment, I didn’t really want to buy a package of filler for the boxes, so I just cut the thin craft paper that the bouquet was once packed into into thin strips. It turned out beautiful and environmentally friendly!

Pillow box

Having warmed up with origami, we decided to make a “pillow box” in which it is very convenient to put candies.

Notes and tips:
1. Before folding the box, crease along the fold lines - push them with a non-writing pen or other thin, but not sharp, object. Without this, it will be almost impossible to bend a sheet of paper along a curve. (In general, we advise you to press through all the places where future folds are made.) And another piece of advice - it’s easier not to print it out, but to draw a diagram of the box yourself. Yes, to draw a line of valves, you will have to use a handy round object, but then it can be used instead of a ruler when creasing, because this cannot be done accurately by hand.

2. The valves on one side can be pierced with a hole punch to insert the ribbon. But I don’t recommend trying to glue them together: it’s almost impossible to press the valves together for the glue to set, and besides, they already stay closed very reliably.
3. For this box, I took pastel paper (16 rubles per sheet). The density of 160 g/m2 was perfect for a small box, and the velvety surface recalled the starry sky and inspired decor.
4. To decorate the box the way we did, choose the constellation you like and paint it white gel pen(it’s better to do this on a box that has not yet been rolled). To glue the stars (again favorite “Leonardo”, RUR 72), dip a cone of toothpicks into the glue, make a dot on the paper and attach the star. I used PVA glue, but keep in mind that it does not hold synthetic materials very tightly. Secondary stars can be made from simple small sparkles (they will cost about half as much as curly ones) - also apply glue to the paper and sprinkle some fairy dust on this place.


The four-petal envelope is a beautiful, simple package that doesn't even require any glue. It rolls up easily and is suitable for gift certificates, CDs, pendants and other small things.

Notes and tips:
1. For this packaging I took paper with a density of about 140 g/m2, but you could have chosen thicker paper.
2. The petals can be decorated with sparkles - just run a cotton swab dipped in glue along the cut and dip the paper in them.

3. If your gift is not completely flat, then you can make “walls” a few millimeters high on the box (as in the photo above).

Paper pyramids

And finally, my favorite – paper pyramids! They look great and, despite their apparent fragility, are quite strong. The pattern for creating them is perhaps the most complex, but nothing needs to be glued or intricately bent. A chocolate candy will fit perfectly in this box. self made, flash drive, jewelry, Christmas tree toy... Anything!

Notes and tips:
1. For the boxes - yay! – the double-sided paper that was purchased for origami was ideal. Pastel also behaved wonderfully.

2. We cut out a snowflake on the red box with a model knife, and so that it would not be visible through it what was hidden inside, we used tracing paper - we cut out a four-pointed star from it according to the size of the box and secured it with a glue stick.
3. It is convenient to make holes for the ribbon tie with a hole punch, but in the absence of one, you can cut it with a paper knife or pierce it with a needle.


In the 21st century, it is impossible not to think about saving resources and ethical treatment of nature. If your inner ecologist protests against packaging as a harmful excess, but you still want to please the recipient with a beautiful box or securely wrap a fragile gift, then you can always find a compromise solution. I already wrote above that the filler for boxes can be made from old parchment. Think, maybe, instead of origami paper, you can take a beautiful magazine sheet, instead of synthetic glitter, decorate the boxes with your own drawings, and satin ribbons replace with twine or cotton lace.
There are a lot of gift design options, it all depends on your imagination and, believe me, even if it seems to you that you don’t have any worthwhile idea, they will appear as soon as you pick up paper and scissors and start creating your first homemade box!

Filler for gift boxes is a unique tool for giving a gift a special status. Filling the free space of the box, it gives the gift an aesthetic appeal. Let's look at what this material can be like, combining practical and decorative functions.

Features of the material

Gift filler is an important design element. Depending on its variety, it can not only decorate a gift, but also fix its shape. Based on what material is taken as a basis, it can protect the item inside the box from shock and mechanical damage until the gift is handed over to the recipient. In this case, the raw materials for filling the voids of the box may differ in density, type of texture, color or even shape.

Certain types of material are purely decorative. Some may indicate that the gift belongs to a specific holiday, while other options are more restrained, due to which they can complement an expensive gift, adding solidity to it. In this case, the width of the cut may be different.

To decorate a gift, you can not only buy ready-made ones, but also make them yourself using available materials.

The convenience of the filler is its compatibility with various decorative elements. For example, some varieties look great together with pine cones, others are in harmony with paper hearts, others make an appropriate duet with little Christmas tree toys. Certain types of filler are used to create certain compositions.


Depending on the type of material, gift filling can be made from different raw materials. For example it could be:

  • paper (parchment, corrugated, craft, office);
  • decorative tape;
  • thin spiral rain of short length;
  • foil rain for decorating the Christmas tree;
  • a scattering of pink petals;
  • sisal, mesh or regular sugar bag;
  • translucent organza or decorative napkins;
  • film for packaging flower bouquets;
  • foil, silence, packing tape.

Each type of filler has its own characteristics. For example, thick paper holds the gift well, and therefore the item inside the box will not move spontaneously. Thin – good for lighter and smaller items. Craft wine is unique in that, with all its simplicity, it allows even the simplest gift to be made expensive at a moment’s notice.

Organza is a sheer fabric with glitter that holds its shape well. It doesn't take much to fill the empty space of the box. The colors of this filler are varied; it also differs in the degree of softness.

As for the most common packaging option, paper is in great demand when decorating gifts. It can become a backing and decoration for a gift; it can be used to fill empty spaces to secure the position of the gift. To do this, you can combine colors, choosing shades of a related or contrasting range.

However, when combining different colors, for a more aesthetic appearance, you need to select material of the same width.

What can be replaced?

Those who are not looking simple solutions When decorating gifts, they use wood shavings or sawdust, as well as straw or fibers from palm leaves, as a filler for boxes. Wood shavings certainly look expensive, they are environmentally friendly, and therefore are considered one of best options. However, it is inferior to paper filler in terms of the richness of colors and design range. Hay, on the other hand, is an amateur choice, suitable for a limited type of gift.

An original solution It could also be filling the voids of a gift box with multi-colored or plain confetti made using a figured hole punch. For example, these could be round shaped elements, hearts or even openwork butterflies. To make them wrinkle less, you can make them from thick paper.

Colorful New Year's tinsel can be an excellent alternative to rain filler. If desired, you can choose it in one color, choose elements of different sizes or designs. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to cut the tinsel into small pieces: after giving the gift, it can become a home decoration.

For example, it is quite appropriate if a gift is given to the recipient for Christmas or New Year's celebration.

Small boxes can also serve as an original filler. For example, with their help you can make a special surprise present by putting an expensive present in one box, and funny trinkets or souvenirs (candies) in the rest. As an option, you can use kinder surprises for filling if the one to whom it is given has a sweet tooth.

Different boxes can be used to fill boxes or gift boxes.

How to do it yourself? It’s not difficult to make decorative filling for a gift box yourself. This requires working raw materials and free time . If you need to do this quickly, preference should be given to organza filler. It does not need to be cut into small pieces, but it is enough to place it on the bottom of the box, and then wrap it around the gift itself.

If desired, this design can be decorated with simple decor.

If you want to make a paper filler, prepare the paper itself, a stationery knife, a metal ruler and a pencil for marking the required width.

Despite the fact that the permissible width of magazine chips may vary, do not be lazy by making them too wide. This not only makes the filler look heavier, but also deprives the gift of its high status. You can use kraft or corrugated paper, black and white newspaper, or scrapbooking paper for this. The corrugated filling turns out to be very light, crafted - it will allow you to give the gift a certain position inside the box. To make the paper even, it is cut according to the markings using a stationery knife.

The resulting strips are mixed and pressed together to form a voluminous filler.

Folding the paper


Straighten and arrange Depending on what the edge is, the stripes will differ. For example, they can be wavy or zigzag.

In order to make a filler for a box with a gift from a regular sugar bag or mesh, you need to disassemble it into separate threads. This will take some time, but the packaging shavings themselves are quite elastic, and therefore they can be used to fill the space of a box with a fragile gift.

Like the paper filler, it is also crumpled when all the loose threads are connected.

How to decorate?

If you want to further decorate the interior of the gift box, you can combine the fillings with each other. In addition, it can be complemented with various decorative elements. For example, black and white newspaper looks great with pine cones or scarlet hearts. The second type of decor can be stamped on a figured hole punch, using thin double-sided coated cardboard to create hearts.

You can beautifully decorate the empty space inside a gift box by stamping shaped elements. This type of filler is good for the interior decoration of small gift packages. Another type of filling can be supplemented with beautiful decorative flowers and flower buds made of foamiran.

Sometimes a few figured foamiran leaves are enough to supplement the filler.

If the gift is filled with small boxes or bags for tiny surprises, they can be decorated with narrow ribbons in silver or gold. In addition, each box or bag can be decorated with a beautiful clasp.

If this is a gift for a girl, you can use hair bands or small hairpins with different designs as a clasp.

By the way, if this is a small gift wrapping for some symbolic gift for a girl, hair ties can be an excellent substitute for filler. Having handicraft skills, you can use them to create decorative designs in the form of roses, bows, flower buds or balls. You can pack a gift for a boy in a different way: in this case, kinder surprises and small souvenirs are placed on the bottom and in the free space.

In conclusion, we invite you to watch a video from which you will learn as many as 20 options for making beautiful fillings for gifts.

Gift packaging can be made spectacular not only on the outside, but also on the inside. To do this, you can use various fillers that are placed in the box along with the gift. Sometimes the filler can play not only a decorative, but also a practical role, protecting a fragile item from damage, which is especially important if the gift is to be sent by post or shaken for a long time in a car. When packing a gift, a situation often arises in which, despite the appropriate size of the box, there is a lot of empty space around the gift. Or maybe you just don’t want the gift recipient to immediately guess by the size of the box what’s inside (for example, a ring). In this case, the empty spaces in the box must be filled with something beautiful and fitting into the overall concept of the gift. 1. Wood wool An environmentally friendly product that is natural and laconic, natural and dynamic, soft and functional. For designers, decorators, florists, craftsmen! 2. Paper shavings The most common filling for gifts! The reasons for this popularity: availability (chips are sold in gift wrapping departments); ease of use (no packaging skills required for use); ability to choose color (paper shavings are available in a wide variety of colors). 3. Quiet papyrus paper An excellent option for decorating books, clothes, and CDs. Quiet paper is a thin decorative paper for decorating gifts. It can be used to line bottles of cosmetics or wrap a shirt. When opening a gift there is a very pleasant rustling noise. 4. Sweets A filling for those with a sweet tooth, which will not only fill the empty space in your box, but will also serve as a pleasant bonus for the gift. The main thing is to unobtrusively find out which candies the recipient likes the most. Inexpensive and original way raffia is suitable - a straw used for decoration. Of course, synthetic raffia is mainly used for decorative purposes, but it looks quite naturalistic and will perfectly complement some thematically appropriate gift, for example, handmade soap or a set of natural cosmetics. 7. Sisal A natural fiber made from the leaves of the agave sisal plant. It feels rough and hard to the touch, but looks very soft and delicate. Used to decorate bouquets, decorative compositions, collages, indoor plants. Used as a floral frame. Thanks to easy dyeing technology, it has a variety of colors and shades. 8. Rose petals Using dry rose petals, you can elegantly pack a gift - this will increase the feeling of joy from the gift you presented, packaged in dry rose petals, and will bring an unforgettable moment of romance and positive emotions.