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Kegel exercises during pregnancy. Kegel exercises during pregnancy are the way to an easy birth! Contraindications to exercises

Arnold Kegel developed a whole set of physical exercises, which today are successfully used in various fields of medicine. Regular exercise also brings great benefits during pregnancy.

It is worth using not only to facilitate the process of childbirth, but working out special muscles has a beneficial effect on overall indicators of women's health. Basically, the pelvic muscles are trained, which atrophy and lose their elasticity during pregnancy. Also, such charging will help to avoid not only ruptures, but also speed up the recovery period.

Benefits of Kegel exercises

Many expectant mothers who are already doing special exercises consider such training to be in vain. The main differences between Kegel exercises for pregnant women and various sports areas are the strengthening of intimate muscles. The complex is very simple to perform and consists of alternately tensing and then relaxing the fibers in the perineal area - between the vagina and anus. The muscles of the thighs, buttocks and abdomen are not involved in the process, so there is no fear of increasing the tone of the uterus.

Benefits of Kegel exercises during pregnancy:

  • the muscles of the pelvis and perineum are strengthened, helping to avoid ruptures during childbirth;
  • pain will decrease, the fibers will be elastic and adapt to the natural process;
  • the reproductive system will quickly return to normal after childbirth;
  • prevention of urinary problems, hemorrhoids, which often occur during the postpartum period;
  • Sexual life will also change for the better, the opportunity not only to prolong sexual intercourse, but also to receive new sensations;
  • hormonal levels will improve, the production of hormones will strengthen immune parameters, transformations will affect the appearance, as well as the psycho-emotional state, a pregnant woman will be able to cope with stress more easily, and will be able to control her mood.

Kegel exercises for the first trimester

You can start classes from the first weeks, as soon as conception occurs. To get a feel for which muscles you need to work, you need to try to stop urinating. You will need to perform it regularly - every day, starting with 5 times, gradually increasing their number to 20-30. At first it may not work, the internal muscles are gradually strengthened.

Physical exercises for pregnant women in the first trimester:

  • you need to lie on your back, put a roll of a towel under your head, bend your legs at the knees, place them in one line, focus on your heels, concentrate on the necessary muscles and, as it were, pull them up, hold in tension for about 5 seconds, then relax, count to 10 and repeat again, it’s better to start with 5-8 times as you master the technique, in the future it will be easier to perform a larger number;
  • the genital tract is a tunnel, you need to mentally divide it into compartments at the very entrance and to the end point, the tension starts at the very bottom, lingers for a few seconds, then gradually moves higher, lingers, goes higher again, the tension is fixed, thus you need to move up to the very end, stay here as long as possible, and then also return to the beginning one by one;
  • in this exercise, both the muscles of the vagina and the anus work, tense and hold the internal muscles of the perineum, then quickly relax and tense the muscles of the anus, and so alternately passing the baton from one fiber to another.

You need to train the pelvic muscles after the bladder is completely empty; if there is residual fluid, pain and discomfort may occur.

Exercises in the second and third trimester

If in the early stages the expectant mother has not yet turned to these magical activities, it’s time to think about it in the second trimester. You can start at any time, the main thing is that there are no contraindications - the threat of miscarriage, poor health. A significant advantage of exercises for pregnant women is the ability to perform them not only at home. You can tense and relax muscle fibers not only in a lying position, but also sitting, standing, on all fours.

To the first 3 exercises, 2 more are added; it is recommended to use the entire complex at once from the first weeks. Only after 15 weeks they must be performed sitting or standing so as not to compress the inferior genital vein.

Exercises during pregnancy 2nd and 3rd trimester:

  • stand on your feet, there should be an approximate distance of 20-30 cm between the feet, it is performed with emphasis on the heels, the back is straight, you need to sit down, while keeping your feet on the floor, if you start doing this at a later date, it may not work and you will need the help of a partner – husband, mother, friend’s sister, he should sit on a chair, and the pregnant woman stands with her back to him, leaning her hands on her knees as handrails, the pelvic joints are trained, and the alignment of the birth canal is also stimulated;
  • a very important exercise before the birth process, recommended to all expectant mothers in the 3rd trimester, it is performed not only after the bladder has been emptied, the intestines must also be emptied, pushing is trained, on which the woman’s condition depends, and this will also help the child go through the difficult stage of birth;
  • you need to take a comfortable sitting position, relax the muscles of the perineum as much as possible, hold your breath as you exhale and gently push, as during defecation, while trying to open the vaginal muscles outward, it is important to ensure that the facial muscles are relaxed, you can put your hand on the perineum to feel the work internal fibers.

Apart from the internal muscles, the rest remain unused. As you inhale, you need to relax, and as you exhale, hold your breath and maintain tension.


Having learned to control her body, the expectant mother will endure childbirth and the recovery process much easier; you should not stop exercising even after, they will help to maximize female attractiveness. But before you start exercising, it is important to consult a gynecologist; if there is a threat of miscarriage or other pathologies, training will need to be postponed.

The Kegel complex is a universal way to strengthen and restore the reproductive system, helping the expectant mother prepare for the process of giving birth.

Reading time: 7 minutes. Views 558 Published 10/27/2018

Are you afraid of childbirth? Are you waiting apprehensively for everything to begin? Are you worried about how everything will go and worried about how long it will take to recover physically? These experiences are probably familiar to all pregnant women without exception. But only some people sit and wait in fear for the “X” day, while others try to prepare as much as possible for such an important moment. And we are talking not only about moral preparation and attending classes for pregnant women, but also about physically preparing the body for childbirth. And the ideal remedy for the latter is Kegel exercises. What they are, why, when and how to do them - this is what this article will be devoted to.

Kegel complex: essence and purpose

Imbuilding, intimate gymnastics - the so-called Kegel exercises - are not just a series of special exercises, but an entire training system, which is named after its creator - the American obstetrician-gynecologist A. Kegel. In general, the set of exercises was developed not only for pregnant women, and is intended to activate and strengthen the pelvic muscles.

The muscles being developed are located between the pubic bone and the coccyx, and perform tasks that are significant for the normal functioning of the body:

  • support the pelvic organs;
  • regulate the processes of normal excretion of urine and feces;
  • thanks to the connection with the abdominal and back muscles, they promote correct posture;
  • influence sexual well-being and achievement of pleasure.

These muscles are elastic, flexible and work involuntarily. If they lose their tone and stretch too much, this can lead to a number of problems:

  • involuntary urination and/or defecation;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • constipation;
  • inflammatory processes of the reproductive system;
  • pelvic organ prolapse;
  • decreased sexual sensitivity;
  • pelvic pain;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse.

When the first symptoms of such problems appear, you should not panic, since the pelvic floor muscles are easy to train, and strengthening them eliminates problems.

In addition, intimate gymnastics has a positive effect on the female body:

  • smooth out the primary signs of menopause;
  • increase intimate sensitivity;
  • help you be more likely to achieve orgasm;
  • prevent uterine prolapse;
  • facilitate childbirth;
  • speed up the process of postpartum recovery.

Kegel exercises for pregnant women are of particular importance, so it is worth studying them from this “perspective” in more detail.

Pregnancy and intimate gymnastics

Pregnancy and childbirth are natural states for women. During this period, significant transformations occur in the female body, which require changes in lifestyle and attitude towards one’s health.

An increase in the size of a woman’s internal organs, the growth of the baby, an increase in the volume of amniotic fluid - all this puts considerable stress on the pelvic muscles, which can stretch and stop functioning properly.

This is where Kegel exercises come to the rescue. Training for pregnant women at home will help maintain the muscles in the right tone, and will also have a positive effect on the process of childbirth and postpartum recovery:

  • activate the work of the pelvic muscles;
  • will allow you to understand how to control muscles during childbirth: which ones to use and which ones to “block”;
  • contribute to a faster and less painful birth process;
  • will help avoid birth injuries and ruptures;
  • will speed up the healing and recovery process after childbirth.

The advantage of these exercises is that they do not require any additional funds, devices, or attendance at special classes.

The basis of all exercises is alternate tension and relaxation of the pelvic muscles. And the degree of their effectiveness depends on the regularity of training, which can be carried out at any time and anywhere.

How to do Kegel exercises

Since few people know and think about the work of the pelvic floor muscles, if there are no obvious symptoms of their dysfunction, it is not always possible to easily feel them and immediately perform the necessary exercises correctly. Therefore, pregnant women are recommended to start training this muscle group in the early stages, if there are no contraindications.

In order to sufficiently prepare them for the onset of labor, gymnastics for an easy birth should become part of a woman’s lifestyle a little earlier than midterm (from about 17 weeks).

Before you start training, you should familiarize yourself with some recommendations that will help you do them correctly and avoid unwanted consequences:

  • when starting any type of training during pregnancy, you should first consult and obtain permission from the gynecologist observing the woman;
  • correctly determine the location of the muscles to be trained. A gynecologist can also help with this. And you can “feel” them yourself with voluntary retention of urination;
  • the work should involve only the muscles that are located between the entrance to the vagina and the anus, without including the muscles of the buttocks and thighs;
  • you need to strive not for maximum tension, but for ease of conscious control over the muscles;
  • training should be progressive: from easy exercises to more complex ones, from 8 exercises in several approaches to 25-30 exercises daily;
  • It is easiest to feel targeted work on the desired muscles in a lying position;
  • Having become familiar with the localization of muscles, it is worth doing exercises in different positions: sitting, standing, on all fours, which will make it easier to choose the appropriate position at the time of childbirth;
  • in the 3rd trimester, in order to avoid excessive pressure on the vena cava, exercises in the supine position should be abandoned;
  • Kegel exercises should not be performed with a full bladder and bowels.

You should not stop training after the birth of your child. Literally a few days after giving birth, a woman can resume exercise to return her muscles to the state they were before childbirth, and even improve it.

Exercises for an easy birth

The Kegel complex includes a lot of different exercises that maximize their “capabilities” when correctly identifying problems. The following series of exercises are recommended for pregnant women in preparation for childbirth:

  1. "Hold". To perform it, you should take the position of the woman in labor on the obstetric table: lying on your back with your legs bent and spread, which are slightly moved towards the buttocks, you need to tense and hold the muscles in the perineum for a few seconds.
  2. "Wave". A woman lying on her back needs to place her legs bent at the knees on a fitball, chair or sofa and alternately strain the muscles of the perineum and then the anus. And relax in the reverse order.
  3. "Elevator". Here it is necessary to contract the vaginal muscles along its entire “length”. First - from bottom to top, then - from top to bottom;
  4. "Goalkeeper" . Here the instructions on how to do the exercise are extremely simple. While in the lotus position, a woman needs to hold her breath and push slightly.
  5. "Shiva" . From a position as in the “Hold” exercise, but keep your arms along your body and do not spread your knees. The woman needs to raise her pelvis and remain in this position for a few seconds. At the moment when the pelvis is at the top, the woman tenses her pelvic floor muscles.

These are not all existing imbuilding exercises for expectant mothers. To build the ideal and most effective workouts for yourself, you should contact a specialist who will correctly assess the woman’s condition, the condition of her pelvic muscles, and recommend suitable gymnastics.

When are Kegel exercises contraindicated?

No matter how useful, simple and effective intimate gymnastics exercises for pregnant women are, there are a number of restrictions and contraindications to their implementation:

  • threat of pregnancy failure;
  • any manifestations of severe toxicosis or gestosis;
  • bloody discharge from the uterine cavity;
  • fever;
  • unpleasant or painful sensations when performing exercises.

Restrictions can be temporary or permanent, concern the complex as a whole or individual exercises. Only a doctor can determine the degree of danger and the possibility of performing classes according to the system in the future.


We are naturally worried and afraid of any processes and conditions that entail changes: external or internal, physical or psychological. But it is impossible to change this, because such is life. You can only prepare and face all the challenges with dignity.

Likewise, a woman should not be afraid of childbirth - for her, this is a natural process that can be facilitated by practicing intimate gymnastics: simple, uncomplicated and extremely effective in achieving the goal - an easy and quick birth.

The Its Kmds team wishes all expectant mothers an easy birth, and asks all existing mothers to share comments with the exercises you performed during pregnancy.

Many women have heard about various sets of exercises to maintain the health of a pregnant woman and facilitating childbirth. Among them is the Kegel complex. We’ll talk about why it was developed, how it can help during pregnancy and what exercises it includes in this article.

What are Kegel exercises during pregnancy?

Kegel exercises– a set of exercises developed by the outstanding American obstetrician-gynecologist Arnold Kegel.

The doctor's goal was to make the birth process easier for women and prepare her body for this test. To do this, he created exercises that train the muscles of the female reproductive system, which are responsible for the movement of the fetus along the birth canal.

The technique brought Kegel world fame and became popular not only in the West, but also in our country.

Why do pregnant women need exercise?

During pregnancy, a woman's pelvic floor muscles weaken. The main reason for this is the growth of the uterus, which, as it increases, stretches the tissue around it. And the longer the period, the more the muscles will be stretched, and, consequently, weakened. What's harmful about this?

The fact is that the muscle tissue of the pelvic floor is responsible for pushing the baby through the birth canal. And the stronger they are, the childbirth will be faster and less painful. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to systematically perform a set of Kegel exercises aimed at toning the genital muscles.

Let's list main advantages of the system:

  • maintaining muscle tone;
  • helping your body during childbirth;
  • the ability to control your body;
  • reduction of pain;
  • protection against tissue rupture during childbirth;
  • increasing the chance of giving birth easily and quickly;
  • relieves discomfort and possible pain during pregnancy;
  • increases the speed of recovery after childbirth;
  • promotes the production of sex hormones;
  • health promotion;
  • improves sex life and prolongs;
  • improves mood and improves well-being during pregnancy.

Thus, a set of Kegel exercises helps a woman it is better to endure pregnancy and give birth easily without threat to the child's health. Doctors often prescribe such classes to women who have not yet given birth and to mothers after childbirth. The complex helps those who are preparing for conception to prepare, and women who have given birth - to quickly restore the reproductive system and avoid urinary incontinence.

Cautions and contraindications

And even if pregnancy proceeds well, with the onset, it is necessary stop doing exercises while lying down, as this will lead to compression of the inferior pudendal vein. It is better to perform them while sitting, but the ideal option is to stand.

Before you start studying on your own, it is better consult your doctor- gynecologist. This is due to the fact that the complex has some contraindications, including:

  • diseases causing febrile conditions;
  • gestosis;
  • occurrence .

How to Do Kegel Exercises During Pregnancy

Before you begin the exercises, you must prepare your body. To do this, you need to empty your bladder and bowels. If you have not practiced this set of exercises before pregnancy and are just starting to do it, do not try to do all the exercises in full right away.

The pelvic floor muscles should not be overloaded, so start small. Also, remember that your goal is to learn how to control muscle tissue, not how to squeeze it as hard as possible.

Kegel exercises can be carried out in any position, but it’s better to start from a lying position. And only when all the exercises have been mastered, you can begin to perform them sitting and standing.

Often women experience problems identifying those muscles that need to be strained during classes. There is a simple way to determine them. When urinating, you need to hold back the flow of urine. The muscles that you use for this will be the very material with which you have to work. By the way, the process of stopping urination itself is also an exercise that doctors advise you to do before starting your main activities.

The entire Kegel technique is based on tension and relaxation of the muscle tissue of the pelvic floor. Therefore, when performing, you only need to use muscles between the vagina and anus.

Now let's move on to description of basic exercises.

First exercise:

  • Lie down on a mat with flat pillows under your shoulder blades and head. If there are no pillows, you can replace them with terry towels folded several times.
  • Bend your legs at the knees and spread them apart. This is the position a woman’s body takes during childbirth.
  • Relax, breathe deeply and evenly.
  • Start squeezing the muscles of the perineum. The state of tension should last 10 seconds.
  • Relax your muscles. Let them rest.
  • Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

The load will gradually need to be increased and the number of approaches increased from 8 to 30 times. This applies to all exercises that will be described below.

Second exercise:

  • Lie down on the floor, having first laid out a mat. It is tedious to place your feet on a chair or bed. If you have a fitball, use it.
  • Make sure the position is comfortable and stable for you. Relax.
  • Now begin to quickly tense and relax your intimate muscles. You need to start by squeezing the vagina, gradually moving to the anus.
  • Movements should not be sudden, they should resemble a wave.

Third exercise:

  • Sit on the mat. Either cross your legs, as in the lotus position, or spread them out and bend them.
  • This exercise is aimed at teaching a woman to push. Therefore, having taken the necessary position, stop breathing and try to push very carefully. In this case, the vaginal muscles should be exposed outwards.
  • When inhaling, the muscle must be contracted.

To achieve the greatest control over the process, you need to place your palm on the perineum. Muscle tension can be easily felt with your fingers.

Fourth exercise:

The vagina is like a tube consisting of several rings tightly adjacent to each other. To perform this exercise, you will need to gradually strain these same rings, first moving up, then down.

  • Sit on the mat. For convenience, you can put a flat pillow or towel. Spread your legs slightly and bend them slightly. You can move your arms back a little and lean on them.
  • Squeeze the lower segment of the vagina, holding this position for 2-3 seconds. Then, without relaxing, move on to the next segments. Gradually you will use the muscles of the entire vagina.
  • Now you need to relax the muscles, but not immediately, but gradually, as you tensed them. You need to act according to the same scheme, just follow it down, not up.

While doing the exercises, stick to the following recommendations:

  • try to take the most comfortable position for yourself;
  • breathe evenly and deeply;
  • strain only those muscles that are required, otherwise you will not only not achieve
  • desired result, but you can also harm yourself and the child;
  • do not overwork, take breaks as often as possible;
  • a set of exercises must be performed daily;
  • always monitor your feelings when performing tasks, make sure that
  • use the right muscles;
  • If discomfort occurs, stop doing the exercises and consult a gynecologist.

Video of a set of Kegel exercises for pregnant women

In the video presented, you can find out why you need to do the exercises and what contraindications exist. Get advice on how to spot the muscles you need to train. Look, how to perform a set of exercises correctly.

You can talk a lot about the benefits and possible harms of Kegel exercises, but nothing can replace personal experience. And many women, before experiencing the complex themselves, consult with those who have experienced it themselves. Therefore, dear mothers and those who are going to become them, do not be shy, tell us about your experience or ask a question.

Many people have probably heard more than once about such useful exercises for pregnant women as Kegel exercises. They were developed by Arnold Kegel, an obstetrician-gynecologist from America, but now we won’t talk about history; in this article we will pay attention only to the rules and features of exercises that were developed specifically for expectant mothers and aimed at preparing for childbirth. Thanks to training, you can effectively activate the muscles that facilitate and promote the baby’s movement through the birth canal and relax and block those muscles that impede this process.

Every pregnant woman simply needs these classes. The thing is that during pregnancy the pelvic floor muscles weaken. This is due to the fact that significant changes are taking place internally. Such changes include the growth of the uterus, due to which muscle tissue is stretched and muscle elasticity is significantly reduced. This is very noticeable during and after childbirth. And if before this these muscles were not very strong, then their condition will be even more depressing. Do not despair, such problems worry millions of women and solutions have been invented. By using constant training, you can not only ensure an easy birth, but also improve your intimate life.

How to make childbirth easier

It’s all about alternating muscle relaxation and tension. This is what causes them to pump up. You just need to start by contracting the muscles many times. You should immediately draw your attention to the fact that only the muscles inside the perineum, between the anus, and the vagina should participate in this process.

But the muscles of the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks do not need to be used.

You can check how relaxed your muscles are or how tense they are. When you go to the toilet while urinating, you need to stop the flow of urine. If it didn’t work out, it means there is something to work on. It must be done together with others, which are described below.

In general, the point is to properly relax and tense the pelvic muscles. At first, it is better to do the exercises while lying down, and then switching to a sitting or standing mode.

Types and features


You need to lie on your back and take the birthing position. To do this, you need to lower your arms along your body, and bend your legs at the knees and spread them apart. You need to place a thin pillow under your back and head and relax. After this, you need to tense the muscles in the perineum, as if trying to stop the process of urination and hold the muscles in this state for five to ten seconds. After this, you should relax, rest a little and repeat everything again. You need to start with eight approaches, bringing the amount of exercises that are carried out at a time to twenty to thirty.

Such original Kegel exercises for pregnant women with your imagination require concentration. You need to imagine as if your vagina is an ordinary elevator. In principle, this is how it is. After all, the tunnel consists of rings stuck to each other and together forming a vaginal tube. Ride this elevator up, pausing for a couple of seconds at each floor ring. You need to strain the lowest ring, this will be the first floor. You should increase the pressure without letting go and at the same time rise to the second floor. Then squeeze even harder and go up to the third floor. So, until you reach the last floor. You should stay longer at this place. Also go down floor by floor, pausing at each level until you completely relax.

Its essence is that you need to tense and relax your intimate muscles, but only in a specific order. First it should be the vaginal muscles, and then the anal muscles. Making a kind of wave. And relax the muscles in the opposite direction, that is, from back to front.

We protrude the pelvic floor

You should take any of the birth positions in a sitting position and relax the pelvic muscles as much as possible. After which you need to hold your breath and push smoothly and gently, as in the case of defecation. At the same time, try to protrude the vaginal muscles outward.

You need to put your hand to your crotch in order to feel how effective your efforts are. After this, you should inhale, contract the muscles and, after a short break, do the same again. This exercise is very important in the process of the fetus coming out; it can teach you how to push correctly, while helping the baby come out. The training only needs to be done with an already empty bladder.

Training the Achilles tendons

You need to stand up straight and slightly spread your legs to the sides to make it as comfortable as possible. There should be a distance of approximately two feet between your legs. After this you will need to squat down. At the same time, observe specific conditions: do not lift your heels off the floor, keep your back straight, transfer all your weight to your heels when landing.

At this time, it will be good if your husband supports you. For example, you can use the following comfortable position for this case: he should sit on a chair, and you, turning your back to him, stand between his legs and should hold on to your husband’s bent knees. As if holding the handrails and at the same time leaning your back into it so as not to bend. You can also stand against the wall, while sliding straight down along it. In this case, you need to provide yourself with some kind of support for your hands on both sides.

I need to sit down. If your feet turn inward in this case or you cannot sit down at all without lifting your heels off the floor, then we can conclude that your Achilles tendons are poorly stretched or excessively short. So, train. First, you can place your feet in the starting position as wide as possible, or before carrying out such training, put on shoes with small heels, until such time as this is no longer necessary.

It is best done in order to align the birth canal and train the joints when using the squatting birth position. To achieve the maximum effect and prepare for childbirth as comprehensively as possible, you need to do them all in a variety of birth positions. On all fours, sitting, lying down, squatting.

The main condition for successful training is its regularity. In this case, you will definitely feel the results after a couple of weeks of daily exercise. You will notice that if you comply with this condition, then very soon your muscles at the reflex level, without even conscious control, will perform these exercises themselves.

You need to start training from the very early stages of pregnancy, while doing twenty to thirty repetitions every day. There is no need to be afraid of failures and failures, which are inevitable at first. Although there is no need to be too zealous. If you started doing all of them at once with weak pelvic muscles, then the effort, load and regularity of the exercises should be gradually increased.

You need to remember that your goal is to learn to feel the pelvic muscles and control their work. In this case, it is impossible to create a large power voltage.


  • Muscles are strengthened
  • Learning to control muscles correctly
  • Learning to use all resources as efficiently as possible during labor
  • Helps avoid pain
  • Helps avoid tissue tearing
  • Helps to give birth easily and quickly
  • With the help of these exercises, you can avoid many pain and discomfort when carrying a baby.
  • Using these exercises you can quickly restore the body in the period after childbirth.
  • Can improve your fitness and physical health
  • Establishes urinary control
  • Improved quality of sexual life
  • Women's health improves
  • A woman's sexual activity is prolonged
  • The production of sex hormones in women is activated
  • Improves appearance, mood, well-being

Contraindications and precautions

The greatest advantage of these exercises is their effectiveness. This method is free and available to any woman, at any time convenient for her and almost anywhere. Many of the above tasks can be done while you are driving home or even standing in line. But we must also take into account that such activities are not acceptable for every woman. Therefore, before you start performing them, you should definitely consult with your gynecologist. If there is a threat of miscarriage or other complications, you need to avoid such activities, but do not despair, after giving birth you can start doing them.

But if there are no contraindications, then everything is real. Already from the sixteenth to eighteenth week you need to abandon the lying position. You should perform Kegel exercises only while sitting, or even better in a standing position, so that the inferior genital vein is not pressed. Also: if you feel pain during exercise or any discomfort, you should stop training and consult your doctor.

Be happy!

The mother begins to take care of the health of the unborn child long before his birth. She adheres to a proper diet, visits doctors and regulates physical activity. There is an opinion that any activity other than simple walking is contraindicated for pregnant women. However, it is not. Correct loads will have only a beneficial effect on the body of the expectant mother and fetus. This is especially true for the pelvic floor muscles, which help to train Kegel exercises for pregnant women.

Kegel exercises are complex, the purpose of which is to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and perineum. They were developed by obstetrician-gynecologist A. Kegel. They can be performed by a woman at any age, and their benefits have been proven by many years of practice.

The muscles of the perineum and pelvic floor are practically not involved in everyday life. And for a woman they are very important, since during pregnancy and childbirth they are placed under great stress.

Kegel exercises for pregnant women have a positive effect not only on the general condition and mood of the woman, but also provide the following positive effects:

  • Helps prepare muscles for labor.
  • Reduce the risk of ruptures during childbirth.
  • Helps reduce pain during pregnancy.
  • Normalizes the process of urination.
  • Normalizes the synthesis of sex hormones.
  • Promotes rapid muscle recovery in the postpartum period.

The advantages of this complex are that it can be done anywhere and anytime. You need to go to the gym for this, and you don’t need any special equipment.

If we can easily see and touch the abdominal or thigh muscles, then with the muscles of the pelvis and perineum, which Kegel gymnastics helps strengthen during pregnancy, not everything is so obvious.

The easiest way to understand what these muscles are and where they are located is to try to feel them. Place your finger into the vaginal opening and squeeze it with your muscles in this position. At the same time, do not strain the muscles of the abs, buttocks and inner surface of the legs. Another way to feel the muscles of the perineum is to try to stop urinating in the process.

The main task of this complex is to restore tone and elasticity to the muscles of the pelvic area by performing various contractions.

Do not exercise with a full bladder.

You need to do gymnastics regularly - this is the main key to success. You need to do the exercises every day. Don't be discouraged if at first you can't keep your muscles tense as much as you need. A little training - and you will succeed.

Features of performing exercises at different stages of pregnancy

You can perform Kegel exercises for women during pregnancy from the first trimester. In the early stages, the belly is small in size, and the expectant mother does not feel discomfort when lying on her back, so the whole complex can be done. It is recommended to start with short workouts lasting a few minutes and increase their duration over time. If you master the correct technique, you will be able to perform exercises anywhere, completely unnoticed by others.

In the second and third trimesters, the tummy increases in size and puts pressure on the internal organs. Lying on your back increases this pressure. Therefore, to prevent negative consequences, kegel exercises for pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimester are best performed in a sitting position.

It is recommended to start doing exercises while sitting from the 18th week of pregnancy. Near the complex there are certain contraindications.

These include diseases that cause febrile conditions, severe toxicosis, gestosis, and the appearance of uterine bleeding. Be sure to consult your doctor first. He will determine whether it is possible for you to do Kegel exercises during pregnancy specifically in your case.

A set of Kegel exercises for pregnant women

Let's figure out how to do Kegel exercises for pregnant women. The complex includes several simple steps described below.

Exercise 1. Hold You need to put a small pillow under your head. Place your feet on the floor and move them slightly towards your buttocks. Spread your knees to the sides. Thus, you will take the position that a woman in labor takes on the obstetric chair. Tighten the muscles of the perineum and try to hold them in this position for ten seconds. Then relax and let your muscles rest. Perform ten repetitions. With each further workout, increase the number of repetitions,

gradually bringing them to thirty.

This exercise requires the presence of a fitball. It is a little more complex than the previous one, but it is also more effective. Starting position - lying on the floor. Bend your legs slightly at the knees, place them on a fitball (you can just do it on the sofa if there is no ball). Tighten the muscles of the perineum first, then the muscles of the anus, and alternately relax them in the reverse order. The result is a so-called “wave”. You need to do the exercise quickly, but at first you can do it at a calm pace, gradually increasing the speed. Do 10-15 reps.

Exercise 3. Elevator

Our vagina is a kind of tube. To perform this exercise, you need to imagine that an elevator is moving along this pipe, stopping at each floor. Tighten your vaginal muscles from bottom to top, and then vice versa. It may be difficult for you at first, but over time you will master the exercise and be able to easily perform it both quickly and at a calm pace. Number of repetitions - ten, with slight delays on the “floors”. Over time, increase both the number of stops and the delay period for them.

Exercise 4. Goalkeeper

For this exercise, you need to assume the lotus position, then relax. While holding your breath, try to push a little. Then, as you exhale, relax. This exercise helps prepare the muscles for labor.

Exercise 5. Stretching the Achilles tendons

You need to stand up, put your feet shoulder-width apart, and point your toes slightly apart. Keeping your back straight, try to squat down without your feet leaving the floor. If you have good stretching, the exercise will be easy. If muscle elasticity is insufficient, minor difficulties may occur, but regular exercise will soon help you achieve results.

Exercise 6. Shiva

Starting position - lying on your back. Place your feet on the floor and move them slightly towards you. Place your hands along your body, lift your pelvis and stay in this position for a while. During the delay, you need to tense the pelvic floor muscles several times. Then relax and lower your pelvis to the floor. It is recommended to repeat the exercise ten times.

Exercise 7. Madonna

You need to sit on the mat, bend your legs under you, and lower your buttocks onto your heels. Take your palms back and lean on the floor. Now you need to raise your hips, tensing your abdominal muscles. Squeeze your perineal muscles for a few seconds. Then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise fifteen times.

To ensure maximum results from Kegel exercises during pregnancy, follow these guidelines:

  • Try to take a position that is as comfortable as possible for you.
  • During the exercises you need to breathe deeply and measuredly, do not hold your breath.
  • You need to strain only those muscles that are necessary; if you help them with others, you will reduce the effectiveness of the exercises.
  • Pregnant women should not be overworked, so take breaks sometimes.
  • While doing the exercises, monitor your well-being and make sure that exactly the necessary muscles are tensed.
  • If any discomfort occurs, stop doing the exercises and consult a gynecologist.

For exercises to be effective, it is important to perform them regularly, every day. You will notice the first results after 2-3 weeks. Over time, the muscles will be able to perform the exercises reflexively, and conscious control on your part will not be required. At first, you may not be able to tense your muscles with full force. But don't give up. Increase the load gradually and continue exercising.

Kegel exercises have proven their effectiveness over many years of practice, and experts almost always approve of their implementation. But it is important for expectant mothers to follow all the rules and take into account contraindications.

We invite you to watch a video with Kegel exercises for pregnant women.

Kegel exercises for pregnant women on video