Useful tips

Killing cockroaches with boric acid recipe. Boric acid with egg is a remedy for cockroaches and ants. Effect on cockroaches

Getting cockroaches out of your apartment is not an easy task. Although many means have been invented for this, all of them cannot guarantee complete extermination. The reason lies in the rapid adaptation of insects to even the most effective poisons. In addition to insecticides, repellers, traps, herbs, and solutions are used. But the remedy that our grandmothers “patented” against cockroaches still competes with the most popular drugs.

Boric acid and egg - a remedy that is not losing popularity

H 3 BO 3 or what do we know about boric acid?

Boric acid, whose formula is H 3 BO 3, has been known since school chemistry lessons. Refers to substances with weak acidic properties. Represents colorless small crystalline flakes. It has no smell or taste. The powder is poorly and poorly soluble in water. Natural sources of the substance are the mineral sassolin, mineral water and geysers, hot springs. The scope of use of H 3 BO 3 is extensive: from nuclear reactors to disinfectants. Boric acid is actively used against cockroaches. Belongs to hazard class III. In the majority folk recipes it is used as a basis for the preparation of various products or is used in pure form. In the formulation of drugs, borax is also used along with acid.

For reference. These two substances exist as independent substances. Borax, this natural mineral, is mined from lakes in Egypt, Iran, Tibet, etc. There are deposits of boric acid, but they are few. Therefore, its production has been established from deposits of borax mineral salts. To do this, the borax solution is treated with sulfuric acid. Both minerals (boric acid and borax) are soluble in water.

Mechanism of action on insects

Cockroach poison affects them upon contact. The substance penetrates through the outer covering and when used internally. The flaky grains of powder at the edges are much thinner. They are sharp in these places. Having microscopic sizes, the crystals stick to the antennae and paws the moment the cockroach comes into contact with the bait. They cut the cover, forming non-healing wounds.

Penetrating inside the insect body in large quantities, the acid abrades internal organs, cover Moisture evaporates from the body, dehydration occurs and the insect dies. On the other hand, the insecticidal properties of the acid are provided by the boron included in its composition. It causes persistent disturbances in the functioning of all organs, affects their structure, and causes blindness. The insect is disoriented in space and paralysis sets in. This causes slow but inevitable death. The problem is to get the cockroaches to try the product prepared for them, and then it’s a matter of technique.

This is what a killer treat with boric acid looks like

Pros and cons of using boric acid

  • The product is safe for humans: it does not leave burns on the skin and does not corrode it.
  • The powder is freely sold in pharmacy chains.
  • Reasonable price for real quality.
  • Highly effective in combating insects.
  • Boric acid for cockroaches is easy to apply and prepare baits
  • Long duration of action.

Boric acid powder and baits should not be placed in areas accessible to children or pets. Attractive bait balls falling into gastrointestinal tract, can cause an allergic response from the body or even poisoning. All work with acid and baits based on it should be carried out with gloves and a respirator. Options for using boron acid against insects.

Instructions for use

  1. Before using boric acid poison, remove the water, wipe the sinks, turn off the taps, etc. Sprinkle the powder from the package in a thin path around the perimeter of the cabinets, along the baseboards, under the sink, on the floor. Special attention pay attention to the “routes” laid by cockroaches to the water.
  2. Boric acid and eggs are effective against cockroaches. Moreover, the egg plays the role of an additive that arouses interest with its bright color and awakens appetite. Before preparing the poison, you will need 1 hard-boiled egg to treat one room in the apartment. This recipe uses boric acid and the yolk, so it is extracted from a peeled egg. Knead thoroughly with a fork. 40 g of acid powder is added (this is 4 pharmaceutical packages). Sunflower oil, which has an aromatic odor, is also poured into this in such an amount that the resulting product is easily molded. Form balls with boric acid against cockroaches. They should be small, about the size of a bean. Place the pellets in places where the insects “wander”.
  3. If the base is unchanged (boric acid), then you can experiment with additives. Boil 1 potato tuber and 1 egg. Prepare a homogeneous mixture from peeled potatoes and yolk. To do this, grind both components and mix. Add 4 packs of acid there. Mix kefir until you obtain a viscous composition that holds its shape. Roll up the balls with boric acid against cockroaches and spread them out. The recipe with an egg can be simplified by using a raw yolk, mixing it with the same 4 packets of powder. When the composition dries, the same balls are molded from it...
  4. Proven folk remedies also offer a recipe that is accessible in terms of its components. In half a glass of water, dilute half a packet of boric acid, 2 tablespoons of sugar and a teaspoon of honey. Fill small bowls and saucers with the contents, turning them into traps. Place them in places where cockroaches gather, which, due to their natural curiosity, will definitely want to feast on the poisoned bait.
  5. It is useful to know how to prepare boric acid for cockroaches by adding flour to it, which will weaken the smell of boron. It's easy to do. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. The mixture is poured in small portions onto pieces of paper. They should be placed on shelves, under the refrigerator and sink, near baseboards. The disinfestation effect can be enhanced if gel preparations or crayons are used as additional means.

On a note. If the acid powder acts as a poison on cockroaches, then the egg laying remains intact. Periodically, you need to change the bait balls so that the newly emerged offspring also “taste” the poison.

Cockroaches are insects that are considered a sign of unsanitary conditions. The appearance of uninvited guests in a living space causes shock. They carry pathogenic microbes, spoil food and simply cause unpleasant feeling from only one species.

It is necessary to fight them. The stores sell various preparations: gels, aerosols, pencils, gels, crayons, which will help destroy and drive away the insect. But do not rush to use them, since many of them are contraindicated for use in rooms with pets and children.

Use a simple and popular method of getting rid of cockroaches and ants - boric acid. If you are interested, you can find out here.

Pure boric acid powder white odorless and tasteless. The product is considered an excellent antiseptic. Everyone knows boric alcohol; it is an alcoholic solution of boric acid in 70% ethyl alcohol.

To combat unwanted insects, it is better to use powder. It is used both in pure form and in combination with other ingredients. Powder is the most effective in fighting cockroaches.

The effectiveness of boric acid against insects

For the poison to have an effect on the insect, it must get inside. The substance affects nerve impulses and paralyzes the insect, and after some time it dies.

The lethal dose for a cockroach is 3 mg. One packet of boric acid is enough to destroy a whole swarm of insects.

The main advantages of the drug are:

  1. Almost the only remedy to which cockroaches are not addicted.
  2. Suitable for killing ants.
  3. Safe substance for humans. But despite this, you need to place the product away from children and pets. If ingested, it may cause poisoning.
  4. Boric acid can be freely purchased at a pharmacy at a reasonable cost.
  5. Easy to prepare baits.
  6. Effective against insects.
  7. If the drug gets on the skin, you may experience a slight tingling sensation, but it does not leave any burns. Therefore, to avoid this, be sure to use gloves when preparing bait.

Disadvantages of boric acid:

  1. Duration of exposure. To destroy the entire population of cockroaches and ants in an apartment or house, it should take about two weeks of active use of boric acid.
  2. The product is not effective against insect eggs.
  3. Also, there should be no water when using the product, otherwise the insect will drink, and the acid will stop working if the cockroach drinks water after eating the mixture.
  4. The chemical only works after a large amount of acid enters the pest’s intestines.
  5. Place baits so that children do not eat them. Otherwise, once the drug enters the body, it may cause an allergic reaction or poisoning.

Attention! When controlling pests, be sure to exclude access to the water source. Wipe dry all kitchen utensils, pay attention to washbasins, sinks; water should not drip or even ooze from the taps.

Where to place bait?

The poisonous solution can be used in its pure form, but also as bait. The powder can be scattered where cockroaches or ants live or run through. And these can be baseboards, under cabinets, under sinks or near the toilet, as well as where there is access to water.

It is enough for an insect to run over the powder, and it will remain on its legs and involuntarily enter the cockroach’s body, which will lead to its death. Attracts use folk remedy cheap and practical.

After all, a 10 gram bag is enough to destroy a large number of insects. The powder must be poured in small portions, there should be no piles or hills. Otherwise, the cockroach will bypass the acid and costs, and the labor will be wasted.

Scatter the powder on the floor in a thin layer, like randomly spilled flour or sugar. A large amount of the drug will scare off the insect. Among the obvious disadvantages, it can be noted that using boric acid it is difficult to fight cockroach eggs.

Use of boric acid against insects

The presence of insects in an apartment is a threat to human life. You may notice the appearance of insects in the apartment, especially in the kitchen. They settle in dark, warm places, and crawl throughout the apartment in search of food.

Cockroaches carry pathogens and diseases that are terrible for humans. In an infected apartment, children may become allergic to dust, as well as to the waste products of cockroaches. We will fight radically.

How to prepare a chemical based on boric acid? We will prepare bait from eggs and boric acid. This is one of the simplest and most reliable ways to get rid of annoying guests.

Boric acid has a negative effect on insects, and since it has no odor, we supplement the substance with an aromatic ingredient. Thanks to this, cockroaches will be attracted to the poisonous bait.

Boric acid can be used along with modern drugs. The acid must get inside the enemy. Bait is the most effective and tasty morsel that will help lure an insect out of its shelter. We begin to prepare poison for cockroaches and ants. These ingredients will be enough to spread poisoned bait in a small room. If the apartment is large, double the ingredients.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 40 grams – boric acid;
  • 1 PC. – boiled egg;
  • Vegetable oil.

Peel the egg; you will need the yolk. It has an unusual aroma that insects love. Mash the yolk thoroughly, add boric acid powder and a little vegetable oil.

Vegetable oil protects the egg from drying out and evaporation of the smell. You should have a mass that will be easy to form into balls. Form tiny balls from the prepared product, which should be no more than 5 mm in diameter.

It is advisable to place the balls where there is a large concentration of cockroaches, as well as along baseboards, behind cabinets, in the bathroom, near the trash can.

Keep an eye on the bait; after it dries, it will need to be renewed. The approximate frequency of the procedure is every 3 days. Remember also about safety precautions; prepare the bait using rubber gloves.

What additional recipes with boric acid and eggs can be used?

  1. Potato-egg bait. To prepare the product you will need ingredients such as potatoes, an egg and 40 grams of boric acid powder and a spoon of kefir. Mash the potatoes with the yolk until smooth, add boric acid powder. Stir everything well, if the mass is dry, add a little kefir. The mass should mold well. The principle of preparing and laying out the bait is the same as the previous method.
  2. Sugar bait. You will need 1 egg, 4 bags of boric acid powder, 3 tbsp. l. Sahara. Mix all ingredients and form into balls. If the mixture is thick and does not stick together, add a little vegetable oil or water. If the mixture is liquid, add flour or starch.
  3. Meat bait. Cockroaches are omnivores and meat is no exception. You will need any minced meat for cooking, you can use the cheapest one, an egg and 40 grams of boric acid powder. Add the white of one egg and acid to the meat. Knead well. Form into balls.
  4. Bread treat. To prepare this type of bait you will need fresh bread, boric acid in powder form, and a chicken egg. All you need is a crumb, to which add a raw egg and acid. Mix well until smooth.
  5. Salad bait. If there is Olivier salad left after dinner and no one wants to finish it, make a treat for the cockroaches. Crush the salad until smooth, add boric acid. Form small balls. The bait is ready.
  6. If you don’t have time to bother preparing bait, and simply scattered boric acid does not give any effect, prepare an aqueous solution based on boric acid powder.

Mix 40 grams of powder in one liter of water. It does not dissolve in water, but with its help the product will reach the most inaccessible places where cockroaches live. Combine the ingredients and pour the liquid into a container with a spray bottle. Treat pipes, baseboards, and floors well with the compound. In this case, boric acid remains on the surfaces of the pipes and does not crumble. The likelihood of cockroach poisoning increases.

The only difference from professional means They do not dry out for a long time, so you will have to make baits often.

Boric acid is a budget-friendly product that helps get rid of cockroaches without spending much money. Remember that you need to start fighting as soon as you notice at least one insect. And it’s best to prevent the appearance of uninvited guests.

Prevention for quick elimination of cockroaches

Everyone knows that it is better to prevent the appearance of insects in the apartment than to fight them.

Take regular preventive measures to prevent unwanted guests from visiting your home.

  • Place the prepared bait in all the cracks in the floor, behind cabinets and in places where there is a large concentration of insects.
  • Glue up the wallpaper, it is they that often become the home of cockroaches.
  • Cover the ventilation holes with mesh.
  • Wash dirty dishes in a timely manner, thoroughly wipe away moisture from all surfaces.
  • It is good to pack all food in bags, containers, or resealable jars. Remove crumbs and leftover food from tables.
  • Regularly ventilate the room, take out the trash, clean and wash the floors; insects do not like cleanliness and order.

You should start fighting parasites at the first signs of their appearance. Because they multiply quickly. Use folk way with boric acid. The process of preparing bait - poison is very simple, the ingredients are available to everyone.

Hello, dear readers. Today we will discuss a universal remedy for all ills, which every self-respecting housewife has in her home. We are talking about borax, or boric acid. This powder is used to clean plumbing fixtures, dishes, stainless steel items, to fertilize plants and eliminate weeds, as a bleach, to eliminate unpleasant odors and for a couple dozen more household needs.
I’ll tell you how boric acid will help against cockroaches: the recipe with an egg is an old method to kill insects, which your great-grandmother used. You will learn how boric acid acts on insects and how to force them to swallow the poison. By following my recommendations, you can prepare effective and inexpensive remedy, which will quickly solve the problem of insects in the house.

What is boric acid and where is it used?

Sodium tetraborate, or boric acid salt, is a mineral that is widely used in medicine, cosmetology and everyday life due to its disinfectant properties. If you set your mind, you can find hundreds of unique ways to use this white powder, but we will only talk about one - the use of borax against domestic insects.

The white powder is packaged in a small paper bag and is freely sold in any pharmacy. If the package is not opened, the drug is stored for a very long time, so you can safely stock up on the mineral for future use - it will always come in handy around the house.

Boric acid against cockroaches has been used for a very long time - the recipe with an egg was popular back in the 20th century. Ask your grandmother, and she will probably tell you that this is how they saved themselves from the mustachioed scourge in those days when imported insecticides were not available to a wide range of consumers, and domestic ones were not yet produced.

Sodium tetraborate is available in two forms - solution and powder, both of which are successfully used against insects. Just be careful and do not confuse the solution with boric alcohol - its smell will scare away the Prussians, and they will not eat the poison.

How does boric acid work on cockroaches?

Although borax does not belong to the class of insecticides, thanks to its special properties it fights against Prussians no worse than specialized means. It affects the body in two ways – contact and intestinal:

When in contact with the chitinous coverings of an insect, borax provokes itching, chemical burns and pain.
When borax enters the digestive tract, it disrupts its functioning and causes severe dehydration, as a result of which the insect dies.

The death of Prussians from the powder occurs 12-36 hours after ingestion of the product. That is, the method will quickly solve the problem with insects, but there is one “but”: the poison will not affect the eggs (ootheca) of cockroaches. Since you don't know when the oothecae were laid and how soon the larvae will hatch, it makes sense to repeat the treatment. Do this 15 and 30 days after the first one, and you can be sure that there is not a single individual left in the apartment.

Recipes with boric acid

The smell of boric acid itself does not attract cockroaches, and they are unlikely to eat it. So we have to get creative and figure out how to get the Stasiks to taste the powder. Various come to the rescue nutritional supplements, which mask the smell of poison and whet the appetite of eternally hungry creatures.
There are many ways to use borax for insects. We will consider only the simplest and most popular ones: first, I will tell you how to poison cockroaches using borax and eggs, and below we will talk about recipes with other components.

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Boric acid with egg

Perhaps the most famous recipe due to the availability of ingredients. For it you will need:

A packet of boric acid (10 g);
sunflower (or other vegetable) oil.

Mash it well with a fork and add boric acid.
After thoroughly mixing, add a little vegetable oil to the mixture. Estimate the quantity by eye - you need just enough oil to turn the crumbly yolk with powder into an elastic mass that holds its shape.
From the resulting mass, roll small balls up to 1 cm in diameter, or simply tear off random cakes if this doesn’t bother your inner perfectionist.
Place balls, pieces or cakes (what did you get there?) in the habitats and movements of cockroaches:
under the refrigerator, stove, washing machine;
on kitchen shelves and cabinets;
near the trash can;
in the mezzanine and other secluded places;
near the bathroom, sink and kitchen sink.

A little trick that will save time and effort when cleaning: place the mixture of borax and egg not directly on the surface, but on prepared substrates - paper liners in silicone muffin tins, square sticker sheets, or just a sheet of paper cut into small pieces are perfect. Using this technique, you will not have to later bite off the borax that has firmly stuck to the shelves with your teeth - just collect the substrate with the poison and throw it away.

Boric acid with potatoes

The recipe with potatoes is almost as famous as the one with eggs. The principle of preparing poison is the same:

Boil the potatoes;
mash it with a fork;
add a little vegetable oil to obtain the desired consistency;
spread the poison in places where insects live and move.

To make the treat even more attractive, you can add a little powdered sugar– the sweet smell will attract cockroaches even faster than the smell of plain potatoes.

Borax with honey

Probably only hereditary beekeepers can afford such honey luxury. However, this recipe deserves a place in our ranking due to its attractiveness to insects. The smell of honey literally drives them crazy, so that not a single individual can resist the poisonous treat.
The poison is prepared according to the same principle as those described above - the powder is mixed with honey, and the mixture is left in the right places. Be careful - the honey may spread, making cleanup very difficult, so use liners with indentations (paper liners in silicone muffin tins are ideal).

Other poison recipes with boric acid

In addition to honey, potatoes and eggs, there are also recipes for boric acid with powdered sugar and flour. They are no less effective, but much less convenient to use. The resulting dry mixture is scattered throughout the apartment and later removed. Obviously, it is easier to collect and throw away the ball trays than to wash away the remaining powdered sugar or flour.

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Borax with powdered sugar

Mix powder and boric acid and sprinkle in an even thin layer in the following places:

Along the baseboards and behind them;
on kitchen cabinets and shelves;
under household appliances– refrigerator, stove, washing machine;
around the trash can;
near the plumbing elements - sink, bathtub, sink.

Flour with borax

Everything is the same as when using powdered sugar - mix in equal proportions and sprinkle. However, when using sodium tetraborate in this way, keep this in mind. When boric acid is exposed to sunlight, it quickly loses its insecticidal properties. So by evening, scattered borax with flour will turn into a safe and satisfying treat for the Prussians.

Boric acid solution for cockroaches

Liquid boric acid is used in a similar way to powder - mixed with egg yolk, formed into balls and laid out around the apartment. You can mix the solution with water and place bowls near water sources in the bathroom and kitchen.

Why does boric acid sometimes not work?

The method of killing cockroaches using sodium tetraborate has as many supporters as it does opponents. Moreover, the latter claim that borax is absolutely ineffective against insects. Indeed, it happens that cockroaches eat poisoned bait, several individuals die, but the majority survive. Why is this happening?

This phenomenon is directly related to the availability of clean water in free access. As you probably know, cockroaches drink a lot of liquid. And if they can live for weeks without food, then without water they will die within a few days.
So, if a cockroach, poisoned by boric acid, finds water and drinks a lot, consider that it just had a nice lunch. A large volume of water neutralizes Negative influence borax, and the insect remains unharmed.

For this reason, it is necessary, in parallel with baiting insects with borax, to limit their access to water. To do this, do the following:

Check and repair leaking pipes, dripping taps, etc.;
at night, wash and wipe the dishes dry;
in the same way, before going to bed, you need to thoroughly wipe the bathroom, sink, and sink with a dry cloth.

Be careful - there should not be a drop of water in the entire apartment. Houseplants, condensation on the windows, droplets after a shower, wet dishes - all this can become a source of drink for insects, and then all your efforts will be in vain.

Another point is the exposure of the powder to sunlight. The fact is that under the influence of ultraviolet light, boric acid loses its properties, turning into a neutral powder, and this happens in just a couple of hours. So, if you don’t want to feed cockroaches, make sure that your bait is not exposed to the sun.

Unlike other insects, humans have a strong dislike for cockroaches. Arthropods deserve such dislike for themselves not only because of their repulsive appearance, but also because of their ability to transmit infections. Behind living together for a long time near people, insects have learned to camouflage and adapt unnoticed. It may take some time to detect them in a house or apartment. And to destroy unwanted neighbors, experience is needed.

Due to their high adaptability, arthropods quickly get used to new chemicals. For this reason, they are considered effective in pest control. traditional methods. Boric acid works flawlessly against cockroaches.

Types of boric acid

The remedy can be:

  1. A transparent liquid with a characteristic alcoholic odor.
  2. White powder, with large crystals, oily structure and shiny scales.

Attention! The first option for killing cockroaches will be useless. Its pungent aroma repels insects, so they avoid bait with the addition of boric acid.

The poison, in powder form, does not alarm insects. They can eat it with food or carry it on their paws to their colony. This leads them to death.

Mechanism of action

The accumulation of boron compounds in the body of a cockroach provokes a destructive effect. Once inside, the substance corrodes the insect’s intestines and disrupts it water balance and chitinous cover.

The secret of the poison's action lies in the accumulation system. For the first few days, the cockroach can lead an active lifestyle without showing signs of slowly dying. Changes in its behavior may not be noticeable, but then the individual dies.

When an infected insect dies in the colony, it infects other cockroaches. Larvae that feed on the decay products of older individuals inevitably die.

In females, the activity of the reproductive system is disrupted, and in males, a sterilizing effect is manifested, therefore the number of pest populations decreases. It turns out that insects have no chance to survive. The main thing is that the pest wants to eat the food sent.

How fast does it work?

More often than other questions, people are interested in how quickly insects die. On average after 4–6 days. You will notice that there are fewer cockroaches in the house within a week.

Interesting! The given method of fighting insects is folk, but there are also biological studies. They are aimed at determining how harmful boric acid is to arthropods. In order for the result to be positive, the insects had to regularly eat the poisoned bait.

If you want to permanently remove arthropods from your home, then the following recommendations will be useful to you:

  1. Treat all areas where cockroaches accumulate and their routes of movement. With a careful approach, this will not be difficult.
  2. It is better to hide the powder in bait. At the same time, the food must have an attractive smell, otherwise insects will ignore it and avoid it.
  3. Keep insects away from the water source and keep the sink and bathtub dry. If the cockroach replenishes its water balance, it will take more time to destroy it.
  4. Adhere to strict sanitary standards; if pests have a choice between poisoned food and clean food, they will choose the second option.
  5. It is noteworthy that some food components can neutralize the effect of boric acid. Before preparing poison, you should familiarize yourself with this information.

When using this method, you should remember that it acts slowly, but has a positive effect.

Precautions for use

An antiseptic upon contact with it causes an allergic reaction. It is important to reduce its concentration indoors. This can be done by adding acid to food products intended to bait cockroaches.

The most famous is the method of rolling food into balls. In this form, the product receives a number of advantages:

  1. Does not cause burns on the skin surface.
  2. Does not irritate mucous membranes.
  3. Is attractive to insects.

It must be prepared in a special container that is not used for food products. When in contact with powder, hands should be protected with gloves.

The best recipes with boric acid

During the period of struggle against harmful insects, man came up with a large number of techniques and baits.


A well-known method is balls from cockroaches and prussians with boric acid and egg or other products.

They are small in size, easy to form, and the ball lasts for a long time without falling apart. It is convenient for cockroaches not only to consume such bait, but also to move it to their colony.

Bait with egg

The eggs help bind the powdery substance together and give it a pleasant taste. To prepare the bait you will need 50 grams of acid and one yolk. Boil the egg hard and separate the yolk. The ingredients should be mashed and mixed thoroughly. Then you can form balls 5 mm in diameter from the resulting mass.

A cockroach repellent with boric acid and egg is used more often than others in pest control.

Yolk and potatoes

This recipe requires a whole egg (yolk), one potato and 250 grams of poison. Here's the step-by-step preparation. After the products are boiled, they are peeled and shelled and finely ground. Then the powder is added and a homogeneous mass, reminiscent of puree, is prepared. Be sure to mix the resulting consistency well.

At the final stage, you can sculpt balls. In this case, there is more poison bait, therefore, it is designed for large quantity individuals.

With flour and powdered sugar

The most spoiled cockroach will not refuse such a treat. For poisoned bait you will need granulated sugar, flour, egg and acid.

  • Boric acid powder – 4 packs (40 grams);
  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

  1. Raw egg yolk mix with sugar.
  2. Add acid.
  3. If the mixture is too thick, add a little water. If you need to thicken it, add a little flour.
  4. Form small balls and place them in the desired place.

Other recipes

After preparing such a treat, do not forget to clean up any leftover food, boric acid, and wash your hands thoroughly.

Why doesn't it always help?

If mass death of cockroaches does not occur, this may be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Not enough time has passed for the expected effect to be achieved.
  2. The ingredients you used along with the acid did not stimulate the cockroaches' appetite.
  3. The components reduced the poisonous effect of the bait.
  4. Insects have access to clean water and other food products.
  5. The pest population is so large that it was not possible to destroy it with one approach.

After a few days, preventive measures should be repeated, having previously analyzed why the bait did not work.

This method of fighting is considered popular for good reason. This means he helped a large number people to drive cockroaches away from their homes forever. If you follow all the recommendations for exterminating insects correctly, then there will definitely be results. You just have to be patient.

To confirm the above, we can cite reviews from those people who successfully solved this problem.

Toxicity to humans

One more important point When disinfecting a premises from pests, the harm that a person himself may receive is considered. In this case, boric acid can be considered the least dangerous. But you shouldn’t give up on preventive measures:

  1. You should prepare the bait not with bare hands, but with gloves. It is through the skin that toxic substances gain access to the human body.
  2. Children under three years of age are prohibited from touching boric acid.
  3. Care should be taken to ensure that pets do not eat poisoned food. If this happens, the pets are not at risk of death, but an undesirable allergic reaction will occur.
  4. If acid gets into food, a person may experience headaches, nausea, and vomiting.

Boric acid is used when urgent treatment of a room is necessary.

Boric acid is used because it has an insecticidal effect. In order to understand why a simple antiseptic is so terrible for cockroaches, it is necessary to understand what effect boric acid has against cockroaches.

It contains a white, odorless powder. In medicine it is used as an antiseptic and is used for washing wounds. This product can be easily purchased in pharmacies (available without a prescription), mostly in 10 gram sachets. The drug has side effects, therefore its use is prohibited for pregnant women and girls.

Boric acid exerts its detrimental effect on cockroaches only after direct contact of the insect with the substance. Since cockroaches are very tenacious, boric acid pellets should go directly into the nursery. In this case, the powder must be scattered in all corners and places where insects were found. In order to attract cockroaches, boric acid poison must have good taste.

The effect of the substance extends not only to cockroaches, but also to. Boron balls, upon contact with an insect, simply begin to dissolve its shell. And when ingested, this poison dehydrates the cockroach, which leads to its death. If he managed to survive, he would never return to the apartment in which he suffered such suffering.

Bait recipes

Recipe with added oil

Boric acid will have a good effect against cockroaches when combined with vegetable oil. To do this you need to boil an egg. Now you need to take the acid (40 grams) and mix it thoroughly with the yolk. To add flavor, pour vegetable oil over the mixture. And roll the balls up to one centimeter in size.

Recipe with sugar

To prepare the poison, pour 40 grams of boric acid into the raw yolk. You should also add a couple of tablespoons of sugar there. The entire consistency is mixed. To make the mass homogeneous, add flour (to thicken), or vice versa, a little water (to liquefy).

Potato recipe

To prepare this recipe, you need to boil 1 egg and 1 potato. Next, the ingredients are mixed into a puree. And add 1 tbsp. l. boric acid. Now you need to roll cockroach balls from this mass.

Recipe with egg

The boric acid and egg recipe is the most common and easy to use. The preparation of this product consists of mixing one raw yolk with 50 grams of boric acid. The mass should be mixed and rolled into balls. Boric acid and egg are very attractive treats for cockroaches.

How is acid treatment performed?


It's time to figure out how to properly remove cockroaches from your apartment using boric acid.

All actions must be carried out depending on the number of insects and their species characteristics. It is also necessary to take into account the human factor, because if children live in the apartment, boric acid must be used in their absence.

Using baits

Cockroach poison will have a better effect if you spread it in all places where insects accumulate. First of all, you need to tackle the kitchen. This place is the “dining room” for insects. The poisonous solution must be applied around the trash can, so you will block the cockroaches' access to food. In this case, it is necessary to carry out high-quality cleaning and put all food in the refrigerator.

The balls should be placed in all corners of the apartment. And you can sprinkle powder around the perimeter of the rooms. It is advisable to place the poisonous solution on the shelves where food was previously stored. Accordingly, the products must be removed to another place.

Efficiency and disadvantages

It is beneficial to use boric acid. Its price does not exceed 40 rubles. And insects die from it within 3 days. All recipes can be easily prepared at home. Among the disadvantages, mention should be made of the toxicity of this product. Getting the powder into the human body can lead to negative and serious consequences. Therefore, we advise you to treat this method of pest control with caution.

How to prevent re-infection?

After completely removing the cockroaches, the owner of the apartment should not completely relax, since the insects could simply move to the neighbors for a while. In order to protect yourself and your family from being re-captured by unnecessary “guests”, preventive actions should be taken.

First, it is necessary to process the places where communications are laid. These may include water risers, sockets and ventilation. For these actions, it is advisable to use a set of measures, using powder and balls. In addition, you need to monitor the apartment and periodically stain the areas behind the sofa and other furniture.

You must always ensure the cleanliness of the kitchen and kitchen equipment. All food particles should be thrown away immediately and not left on the table, etc.

Also, cockroaches are very fond of apartments in which the wallpaper is glued with home-made glue - made from flour, the so-called paste. Therefore, use purchased specialized adhesives for these purposes.